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Messages - Jim Donovan

leMy excuse? slept till 7 and enjoyed two cups of coffee. Watched a little news as well, what do the Chinese say; 'may you live in interesting times'? Well check that box.

Will be doing some honey do's later and some layout work I have been putting off till I felt the mood hit me. Doctor appointments and Deb having knee surgery will fill up this week starting tomorrow with her surgery Thursday. Hope everyone ha a great day.

Good afternoon folks;

Sorry I have been off-line for a week. We were at Myrtle Beach for a week with a couple of the kids, their families and grandkids. All in all a great time, three of us had birthdays (the excuse for getting together) which included me. It's the last year I can say I am a 'young' senior (69). Today I am working on getting the work bench set up for another project, no sure what yet just know the bench needs to be sorted out. Hope everyone has a great day.


Good Morning Jeff and everyone that follows. It is raining up in Toledo today. Last day of babysitting, tomorrow off to SC for a week. Today I hope to visit the local hobby shop. They sometimes have interesting train items and a great paint selection so hope to load up.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Thursday, July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024, 09:02:47 AM
Good Morning World. 

We are up in Ohio this week babysitting grandkids and enjoying the weather. Rained yesterday but tempitures dropped to 70's, love it. I plan to do some computer work today and enjoy being a grandpa. Hope everyone has a great day.


I'm following as well.

Well done Tom;

I like the shadow box idea for the lighting, makes the building more realistic. I'm going to try that on next structure I make. the building looks fantastic and I always pick up ideas from your build threads, thanks

Kit Building / Re: Syzdek Mfg by Downtown Deco
July 09, 2024, 07:49:15 PM
Looking good Jeff;

I have built a couple of their kits and have a couple more to go. You are 100% right in the look is unique and wall details really come out.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Thursday July 4th, 2024
July 04, 2024, 08:25:48 AM
IMG_4787.jpegFor those in the States, Happy 4th of July. We will be having family over for hot dogs and hamburgers along with swimming in the neighbour's pool. Not much on the modeling front to share at this time. Hope everyone has a great day.

Good Morning Everyone;

Jeff I am afraid I know how you feel, as I am sure many members do. Today I see the Pulmonary Doc to go over the tests I took before my Europe trip. 

In the meantime I will continue working on developing plans for a working model of a Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge, sounds a lot more fun. I've already tested 3D printing a true to scale portion of the girder truss construction used on the bridge and found I can indeed produce the fine scale needed for the printed parts.

Hope everyone has a great day and keep those photos coming!IMG_4786.png
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Monday, July 1, 2024
July 01, 2024, 08:29:10 AM
Good Morning Jeff and all that follow. We are back from Europe and getting back to normal. Trip turned out to be a little more then I bargained for, apparently I need to get into better shape. Anyhow good to be home and getting back to enjoying the hobby.

Photo is coming out of Victoria Station back to Gatwick Airport.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Friday June 28,2024
June 28, 2024, 09:25:49 AM
Greetings from London. Took the train from Gatwick to Victoria Station. Really fun. Now at a pub for fish and chips then some rubber necking. Tomorrow we fly home. 

Have a great day. 

IMG_1545.jpegYour turn Greg! We stopped at Belfast today, nice weather for a change and saw a lot of the coast, great day.

Greetings from somewhere north of Scotland. We saw Iceland for last four days and now the ship s heading to Ireland. Iceland is a Very interesting country, nice people but one visit is going to be enough, weather tough, wet, cold, windy. I can see why the people living there are hardy, the country requires it for survival.

I have been able to get some CAD work done on my drawbridge project but for most part just enjoying the cruise. Have a great day.

Good Morning;

My stock broker account is down this morning so no need to worry about the market today. Looks like rain this afternoon making working on a model a great idea. Hope everyone has a great day.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday, June 9, 2024
June 09, 2024, 10:24:59 AM
Off to a Broadway show this morning and working on layout tonight, does not get much better than that! Hope to do some design work on the scratch bridge I am working on, we will see. Have a great day folks.

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