Was able to enjoy catching up on your build tonight Tom, really enjoyable watching you work and seeing your methods. Not sure I would have the patience to make stringers though!
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Show posts MenuQuote from: TomO/Tloc on January 16, 2025, 08:28:56 AMGood morning from the wilds of So. Central Wisconsin where the miserable chilly weather might become a day for shorts. It is +16f degrees heading to 35. The cool temperatures return on Saturday.Tom;
We needs food and drinks! The coffee is the ever faithful Ashpit blend. Teas, milk, juices and sodas are in the cooler. You'll have to make your own hot chocolate. The food today is an English Muffin with grilled ham or bacon, a hard fried egg and cheeses of choice.
Today is a day of rest from looking for a new vehicle. I have been searching since New Years to beat the rush of tariffs. We started out with cars but Terry and I both came to the realization that a compact SUV would be best for us. This week we've tested 9 vehicles and nothing has tripped the trigger. Today I will be in the train room
Have a great day
Quote from: westtexjohn on January 10, 2025, 11:09:59 AMI just read where the Rail Road Line Forum has been funded to run through the end of this year . Also some constructive changes are in the works. Good news for some old RRLF members.John welcome to the Forum and sorry you ran into issues in navigating through the site. We intentionally tried to keep it using the KISS principle but working with new systems can be frustrating. Hope you stay and get to know us better. Bernd did a great job describing the avatar issue but if you run into other bottlenecks just reach out to me here at the Forum or e mail me directly at cirrusmisty@gmail.com and I will see what I can do to help.
While I am glad the Modelers Forum exists, I find it hard to use. I have spent over 3 hours just trying to attach my avatar. I finally just gave up.
Take care....John
Quote from: Larry C on January 08, 2025, 10:09:56 AMMorning Gents from a windy and cold New York; it's 16 with a high of 20 here. Had some early errands and maybe some modeling time shortly. This afternoon the driveway needs to cleaned out yet again. Greg thanks for opening and breakfast.Hi Larry;
Not sure how things work here so I thought I'd ask. I have my layout thread started but since most of my structures are scratch built, should I do the builds in that section then show the final pics in my layout thread? Thanks in advance.
Tom nice weathering and Doug nice photo. Have a great day. Keep warm and be well.
Quote from: Philip on January 08, 2025, 10:32:59 AMGood morning Crew! Learning to crawl here.Ah another 3D print guy. What kind do you have Phillip and how long you been into it?
An On30 bash that started as an HO 2-6-0 BM Prairie. Nose was an old Alco C415 hood. Printing a few items here and there. Trying to close in on proportions.
Thanks for the grub!