Buffalo Canyon Railroad Locos and Cars

Started by friscomike, February 04, 2025, 10:01:05 AM

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Howdy folks,

I just found an old HO scale coupler height gauge and discovered the caboose height needs to be adjusted. I checked all my engines, and they have couplers at HO height, so HO height it is. I can easily shim the coupler pocket but wonder if anyone has sage coupler advice for an ON30 newby? I use #5's currently.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

I've been working in small increments with too much 1:1 stuff in the way. Grab irons are painted and waiting for installation. I am still on the fence about putting roof walks on the caboose, thus grabs on the cupola roof and ladders on the ends. Decisions. Still need to adjust the coupler height, too.

Here is a shot of my messy workbench with all the pieces ready to assemble.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

The caboose build is almost complete. Still need to install cupola shades on each side, plus block gaps around windows so you can't see through. After that, weathering will be on tap.

Need to finish the design of a logo and get it printed in white.

Here are a couple of shots.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

Decided to add a chain between the end railings, sun shades over the cupola windows, roof walks, and a brake cylinder. I'll post a few photos later.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

It took me a little longer than expected to add an air assist and powered air purifier to the laser, but I succeeded. A quick design of roof walk supports followed. I didn't get the settings adjusted perfectly but cut them out well enough for the model. These things are tiny, scale 2" X 18" so I cut them from 1/16" plywood. When I decide on the best way to attach them to the walk and roof, I'll post a photo. Until then...

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

The roof walks are ready for paint. I need to make the ladder platforms, but it won't take long. 

Here are a few photos of progress.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

The caboose work is moving along slowly. I ran out of the 6" square NBW's for the ends and just received a fresh supply from Tichy. They are in the paint booth drying. I thought the roof was completed after I painted the roof walks, but the edges of the roof covering (masking tape) started coming up along the edges. I did not wrap it around the edges but cut it off even with the edges. 

Here are a few photos of the problems. Those up-close photos show all the blemishes.

Almost finished and I sure hope the roof repair goes well.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

I used the old style masking tape and it was quite old. I looked good when I first applied and painted it.

The repair worked: first I tried the hair dryer and I thought it was going to work fine. After lunch I discovered it did not universally restick the roof, so...I used a toothpick to lift the edges and used a small bottle to apply good ole' canopy glue. That worked.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

I'm calling the construction of the caboose done...mostly. The chain fell off one end and a brake wheel is crooked, but otherwise, it is on the weathering. Here are a couple of photos of the final pre-weathering caboose.

Have fun,


Howdy folks,

I finished weathering the caboose today. It takes a lot of courage to weather a freshly painted caboose! In keeping with the background story of purchasing cast-off equipment from the C&S and other narrow gauge roads, I weathered the caboose heavily.

I may lightly dust the caboose lower edges, trucks, and truss rods with the ground color once I decide on its color.

When I get them, I'll add a brake wheel, numbers, and logos.

Have fun and thanks for watching.



Howdy folks,

While I finish the details of Nolin's Gas Station, I think I'll start working on the first Buffalo Canyon Mining Company boxcar. The boxcar is from a kit by On30IMA. I love the IMA kits because they are realistic and provide lots of opportunities for customizing and detailing.

Here are the vendor's photos of the car and the parts layout.

Parts Layout

I plan to use Tichy Heavy Archbar trucks, 19½" wheels, 3' wheelbase.

The colors planned are box car red or a similar color.

Well, that's the start.

Have fun,

Jim Donovan

Really nice work, they look great, thanks for sharing.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Mike, the caboose looks excellent.
Good color choices inside and out and nice job of weathering too.

Have fun with the boxcar kit.


Howdy folks,

Thank you, Jim and Rick.  I appreciate your comments. 

Have fun,

kyle creel

One hell-uv-a job Mike. Seriously, the caboose is stunning.  I'll take 2................

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