Southern New England Railway

Started by CVSNE, January 15, 2015, 02:15:28 PM

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your buildings are looking great.Fantastic work on those...and your scene along the white river looks very nice...



Quote from: Twist67 on April 10, 2015, 03:05:19 AM

your buildings are looking great.Fantastic work on those...and your scene along the white river looks very nice...


thanks Chris!
I need to post some updated photos - actually got a few of those "in progress" things finished!
Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


 Beautiful looking New England layout.
Very nice modeling !
I love fall color trees too.
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on May 08, 2015, 05:11:10 PM
Beautiful looking New England layout.
Very nice modeling !
I love fall color trees too.

Thanks Tom!

Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Back from the Collinsville, Conn. RPM meet.
Pierre Oliver (Elgin Car Shops) built this Funaro kit of a Central Vermont milk car for me - (long story short, I bought the thing at Naperville last October and found I couldn't fit it in the bag to take on the flight home. So it was easier to give it to Pierre and have him carry it home and build it!)
Coupled to another CV milkcar I scratchbuilt years ago:
Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Stayed inside as much as possible over the holiday weekend - it was just too rainy and muggy to spend much time outdoors (well, I did play some golf....)
Anyway, finally put the finishing touches on the hay barn on my Griffiths Farm area - still need to blend the foundation into the ground and add some additional pieces of farm equipment/junk/old trucks etc...
I also finally "dug" a hole and planted the wire oak tree!
Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Got several RS-3s painted and decaled for my Southern New England Ry., including this one -
Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Managed to get some time on the layout this weekend. Decided to focus on getting the BEST Trains store planted in place between the track and fascia in Williams Creek. This proved a little more involved than I had originally planned since some of the layout framework got in the way. Nothing a jigsaw couldn't handle! I also found I had to cut out some of the road since it had a significant "hump" that would interfere with blending the parking area in front of the store into the road.
Once I had the benchwork framing out of the way, I cut a rectangular section of scenery out of the layout making sure it was large enough for the store and the landforms immediately around the structure. Then I cut a piece of Gatorboard as a sub-base for the structure, and positioned the brick foundation in position.

I used hot glue to attach florists foam to the sub base. Once that was done, I carved the foam to shape, blended it into the surrounding area with Sculptamold. Added sifted dirt for the ground cover around the structure and some ground up leaves for the areas behind the store that will be covered with trees.

Next step is to measure and cut the porch support posts.
Note there's a fair amount of space between the store and the road. My plan is to include a gas pump and sign in front of the store. I remember many of these old country stores would have one (maybe two) pumps in front.

Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA



The layout is beautiful. I love the Fall scenery, something we don't get here in the deep South.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Looks great Marty. I'm looking forward to the feature.




The latest photographs look great - the scenes are wonderful. I especially like the static grass in pasture near the barn.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


The first project of 2016 on the SNE is to finish up the mill stream -
As you can tell, up to this point the river surface is nothing more than flat black paint, and the embankments are simply covered with sifted dirt. Actually the water level is going to be increased in this section of the river since it's up stream of the falls, which will be located just out of this frame to the left.

The project will involve adding an old wooden mill building and the associated dam, falls, and mill pond. I also want to "dress up" the water surface.

As anyone who's built a water-powered mill knows, it's a little bit of a chicken/egg dilemma. You want to get the scene finished and then plant the completed building in place, but you also need the building - at least the basic footprint - so you know how to arrange the waterways.

So, here's the shell of the basic building (not shown in place on the layout)

Marty McGuirk
Manassas, VA


Wow, that's a good sized building, looks great.


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