Swakhammers Welding By FSM

Started by postalkarl, June 12, 2016, 06:09:02 PM

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Hi All:

Will be starting Swakhammer's Welding shortly. I need an opinion on which stone wall coloring you like the best.

1) Larger Top wall. Base coat is Rust-Oleum gray primer. A Few stones painted with Floquil earth. Dark A&I wash. Dry-Brushed on the left with white and light gray on the right.

2) Smaller bottom wall. Base coat is Sherwin-Williams copy of Floquil Concrete. Its a very very close match. Dark A&I Wash. Dry-Brushed on the left with white and Light gray on the right.

Let me know which you like the best.


I think #2 looks better. I think the darker shade give it a more complex and natural look.  The wall itself may contribute also.  #1 seems to have more wide stone spacing and crevices.  The A&I seems a little too concentrated in places because of this.
I think #2 looks better.  The darker shades give more depth and a more complex and natural look.  Also, it looks to me that casting #1 has wider crevices and stone spacing.  The A&I provides a little more outlining and less blending than on casting #2.  Nonetheless, I wish mine looked as good as these.


I would have to agree on the second one.


I really like the second one also.   I have this kit sitting on my bench, the box weighs a ton!  I think I may start this come the winter.... I will be watching your build with great interest- any tips you share are greatly appreciated!!!!

Bob C.


Hi  Bob:

Thanks. Left or right side. I like the left with the whit dry-brushing.




This is one of my favorite FSM kits.  I'm looking forward to watching the build.  I like the lower "darker" casting better. You asked.  The light dry brushing really makes things pop.   If you want to try a new technique, I have been having good luck with using chalks and pigments to dry brush the color on after the base paint (including the light grey dry brushing at the end). If you want take a look at how they have been turning out take a look at the builds on my S&S RR thread.  And give me a call if you have questions.  The thing I like most about the chalks and pigments is the texture. It looks like stone and dirt. I have also been adding some green for moss and really like the results. The real cool thing about working with the chalks and pigments,  is that if you don't like it,  just take a brush or rag with alcohol and whip it off and try again.  Just my 2 cents if you want to try it - what you are doing looks great.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Hi John:

Thanks for the post. Sent you an E-Mail.




Quote from: postalkarl on June 12, 2016, 07:08:09 PM
Hi  Bob:

Thanks. Left or right side. I like the left with the whit dry-brushing.


Count me in for this option.


Hi Karl,

I totally agree with everyone else that number 2 looks far better than your first one.

I use the Rembrandt pastels and alcohol on wood, except for my recent reconstruction project, but have never used them on stone work.
Steve Drees


Hi Karl-

     On the bottom casting, I like the right side better.... however, I am not sure if the the white color on the left side is looking harsher because of the photograph, or it looks more subdued in real life... 

Bob C.


Quote from: sdrees on June 12, 2016, 09:53:35 PM
Hi Karl,

I totally agree with everyone else that number 2 looks far better than your first one.

I use the Rembrandt pastels and alcohol on wood, except for my recent reconstruction project, but have never used them on stone work.

In past, I,ve paint several stone wall with Rembrandt pastel and Alcohol (see my wrisley paper project), and be very satisfied by the finbal result.

Eric Québec city


I like the lower left. The dry brushing really achieves it's intended effect of simulating light...I like it very "greyed out", but that version does a good job of suggesting a variety of colors without looking patchwork.

Can't wait to watch the build.



Hio Everyone:

Can't believe the great response from this. Just talked With George Sellios and he also likes the bottom one with the white dry-brushing. He likes it the way it is. But I'm going to check with John S. on the pastell thing.

Also if any one has a copy of Dec. 1990 MR. Would love to get a copy of the color add. Let me know if anyone can get it to me. OK. Scanned in copy would be great.

Thanks for everyones help.




The bottom left looks better. However, had you started with lighter colors bottom right probably would have won for me.



Hi vilius:

Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.


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