Seabiscuits Boatworks COMING SOON in HO Scale!

Started by Rail and Tie, December 13, 2016, 03:41:33 AM

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Rail and Tie

Hi Folks,

It has been a while since I starting something new... er not quite new. I have a lot of stuff in the works, but have been getting a lot of pressure to release Seabiscuits in HO. It will be a fairly detailed adventure and I thought I might share a bit of the development and detailing we intend to provide.

Hope you enjoy it. Also this should be therapy for me to get this done!!



Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies

Rail and Tie

The N Scale version of Seabiscuits Boatworks started out in 2013 as a design out of my head with no real prototype in mind, but typical of something you might see for a small boat builder. A number of customers turned this into a restaurant with a large patio / bar.

The N scale version was designed out of Resin Board for the most part and has a lot of parts to assemble. Overall I think the kit came out well and was well received by the N Scale community for a number of years since its release in 2013.

In 2014 I took on a aerospace day job on the west coast that has consumed my life for the past 3 years. Joanna (my wife and laser slave) has pretty much been running the laser cutting business since then and doing a great job I think anyways...  Anyways,  I finally got a chance to come up for air and I always wanted to do a larger more detailed version (including some 3D printed parts) so I finally got a chance to focus and do some redesign and "git er dun!!"


Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies



That's a great looking structure. I'm sure it'll do well in HO.



I have this one in N-scale , still have to build it, it should look good in H0, might have to get that too.
I love photo's, don't we all.


Hi Darryl:

Kit looks great. Beautiful job on it.  Also was looking at your paint rack. I've never heard of Cacde Color. Lots of neat colors. where do you get it?




I really like the look of the kit. Great job.

Tom ;D

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Rail and Tie

Quote from: postalkarl on December 13, 2016, 07:49:25 AM
Hi Darryl:

Kit looks great. Beautiful job on it.  Also was looking at your paint rack. I've never heard of Cacde Color. Lots of neat colors. where do you get it?


Hi Karl,

Actually the label says "GAME COLOR" in about the worst font to read possible.  These are a line of paints produced by Vallejo that are for the fantasy figure painters. The colors in that line are a bit more vibrant than some of their other lines like "Model Color" and "Train Color". I have been moving towards Vallejo and others like MIG for much of my model railroad models as I really like the quality of the paints. They have soo many colors too.

Most hobby shops and online guys carry these. Hobbylinc has a pretty good selection.
Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies

Rail and Tie

Well, the walls scaled to HO fairly well. With some adjustments for material changes and thickness, everything dry fits well.
Some of the walls are wider than the wall so the need to be butt glued. I will adjust the position for cutting so that the battens will line up better at the glue joints.

Walls are painted a mid green with two lighter green highlights dry brushed on. Hit the walls with steel wool before and between coats to de-fuzz.

I painted the window frames white and laid them over the opening centered to allow for scribing where to remove the battens. A bit tedious, but worth the effect after gluing the frame in place flush with the wall.

I added more detail to the interior walls which provide much more interest and braces the walls as a bonus. the office section on the left is painted and laminated to the basswood wall. You can see I had to make some adjustments for the supports and the lower beam was to add more interest and make use of the visible bracing to add some realism to the interior of the structure that might be seen when modeling with the doors open.

Whitewashed the supports by a "moist" Drybrushing of the raised bits. Then a coat of Ink/Alcohol to age the wood. After that, I went back and cut some groove lines part way into the basswood to represent plywood that was added to support the rot as this part of the building apparently got wet quite a bit from disrepair (actually just playing with some weathering techniques)...

Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies

Rail and Tie

Carrying on...

Further staining and wet effects to look like bad or windows left open. Makes sense as the nasty chemicals used when painting and finishing boats needed ventilation!!   The rot in the bottom of the plywood walls was "Slimy Grime" by Vallejo. Really liking their washes which wick into the basswood very well. Takes some practice, but I will be working this effect more and more in my future building and weathering.

An inner window frame, glazing and some drawings pinned to the wall and some scribed boards complete the interior office wall.

One thing I also did to represent some water erosion/rot at the bottom of the siding is to use a small wire brush and run in the direction of the grain to provided a bit of grain definition in the bottom of the wall in a few areas. This removes some of the paint to allow for the next step in weathering.

Next I used a light grey alcohol wash to darken up the rot and show it as still wet.

Last step was use some Vallejo "Streaking Grime" to wick and lightly brush it up from the base of the wall. It added several dimension of color and texture to the less than perfect walls.  The wall colors could have been a bit more faded, but I am happy with the overall effect. I will lighten everything with some chalks when the building is completed.

Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies


Hi Darryl:

Got you message on the paint. Thanks much.



John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dave K.

Really like your wall treatment...more techniques for us to try.  Thanks! 👍🏻

Rail and Tie

Thanks Dave, I am always wanting to try something new.

Thanks everyone for looking in, will keep the momentum moving. Unlike Speedy Von Karl, it took me several days to get to this point of getting the walls done. I am sure Karl would have gotten this far during breakfast on the first day of building the kit...

I managed to finish up the walls in much the same fashion as shown above. It takes (at least for me) a lot of focus in figuring out which battens need to be trimmed away for the window frames. as you can see in the upstairs windows I trimmed one too many between windows 4 and 5 from the left side. I will touch that up later.

I 3D engraved the stonework for the boat overhaul bay.  I found some fuel and oil stain effects from Vallejo that do a nice job of some fuel leaks and oil spills on the stonework below the aft end of the boat area that will sit in the bay.

Some signage for the side of the building where the outsides stores will reside.  As a note, I remembered to use a corresponding color felt pen along the cut edge of paper signs to darken the edge to get rid of the white line of the cut paper edge.

Detailing the office walls with some details such as book shelves and filing cabinets. These mini-kits will be included as part of the building kit. Hopefully the posters above the door do not offend. It was my wife that reminded me to put some in as she and I used to work at the same aviation hangar together and the establishment was predominately male employees. Typical shop artwork!

Darryl Jacobs
Inter-Action Hobbies


Hi Darryl,

This is cool. I like your wall weathering techniques...
Bobby - THE Goat!


Really nice work! Thank you for posting your build and sharing your techniques. I need to get some of that Vallejo weathering effects paint.
Bob C.

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