MAJOR Announcement from the MA&G

Started by maandg, January 28, 2018, 01:51:25 AM

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Hello, everyone! This is going to come as a shock to some of you, but, after much soul-searching, I have decided to dismantle the MA&G. Simply put, I have completely lost interest in it. I can count on two hands the number of times I have even opened the door in the past three years. Basically I'm paying to heat and cool an unoccupied building. The layout has proven one thing to me for certain; I have absolutely no interest in operations. I actually feel like I should be ashamed to make that statement. Even though the layout was designed from its inception to support prototype operations, I have never once felt compelled to pursue it. I approach the hobby from the standpoint of a builder, artist and craftsman. The layout building is simply a blank canvas upon which I like to create. And once the creation is complete, the level of pleasure it brings diminishes greatly.

It will be a daunting and emotional task to say good-bye to the MA&G. It's been a good friend and big part of my life for many, many years. Even though it makes the most sense to keep what I have and simply expand with an addition, the theme/setting/locale of the layout has become uninteresting to me. It would also greatly hinder my current vision, which I'll share in a second. The other issue is that I have accumulated over 100 un-built craftsman kits...primarily FSM, FOS scale, Bar Mills, Sierra West and SRMW. Of these, probably 40% are waterfront-based (and not in a New Orleans sort of way). Because so many of them were big buck limited edition kits that are no longer available, I hate to waste my investment on anything that would be, in my mind, a compromise of what I really want to do. It would be akin to painting the Mona Lisa on roofing felt.

To that end, I have decided to double the width of the train building by extending it forward another 14 feet. This will create an overall footprint of 28x32 feet! Unfortunately, this will usher in the complete dismantling of the MA&G sometime this fall. However, based on the excitement I feel when describing these changes to others, I know I'm making the right decision. In my spare time I have been working on a new track plan for the enlarged space. It will address my "Givens and Druthers" list in the following ways...

36 inch minimum mainline radius
No Masonite backdrops (too many expansion/contraction issues)
Minimum 4-foot aisles with most being greater than 5'
A lounge area with couch and end tables
Single deck of scenery with a lower staging area
Contemporary track lighting replacing florescent tubes
Flowing curved fascia replacing previous angular look
Minimal "flat surface" benchwork...possible spline construction.
Mountainous terrain with tall trestles, tunnels and rock work
Focus on Mining and Rail-Marine industries
A big city area inspired by Vic Smith's City Edge layout
Focus on mainline running versus switching
Possible change from Digitrax to Prodigy

I have also been researching a new locale for the railroad. I'm leaning toward the Kentucky - southern Ohio part of the country. The working name of the layout would be the Cumberland and Ohio Valley. However, unlike the MA&G, it would not be a fictional railroad. The name would simply serve to give the layout a sense of geographic location. There would be no "C&OV" equipment or rolling stock. Instead, the layout would feature Class 1 railroads indigenous to the area. Fortunately, I have lots of motive power for two of those roads (L&N and Southern). But it would also allow me to explore new horizons with the B&O, C&O and N&W. I could still run MA&G freight cars on the layout as there could be an interchange connection in Chattanooga, TN.

The new project would also address a growing interest of mine...modeling the Royal American Shows carnival. I have begun work on a 4x16-foot working diorama which will represent an accurate recreation of the RAS in the 1960's. This peninsular display will include two spur tracks and become a part of the new layout. I've spent the last several months researching the RAS and collecting kits. Benchwork has been built for the first 8-foot section (due to space limitations in our store room, it will be built in two halves), and I have temporarily laid out the structures based on a prototype site drawing dated 1966. It will be extremely accurate and include 33 rides/attractions (most will be motorized), 7 shows, 9 concession stands, 20+ game booths ("joints") and, most likely, in excess of 1000 figures! I'm really, REALLY excited about it!

I plan on commemorating and celebrating the life of the MA&G with a possible hour-long DVD project and a final Open House with silent auction for select structures and perhaps even complete scenes. I'm also making inquiries with the actual NOUPT to see if they might have interest in making my model a permanent display in the waiting area. At one time, they expressed such an interest for their Train Days event. Lots to think, dream and get excited about. I'll keep everyone posted!


I think the one constant for everyone in this hobby is their desire to create something unique.  You are certainly not alone in your decision to move forward with a new concept.  Recently, several well known modelers have torn down their old layouts to start anew.  I would hope that you will follow through with plans for a DVD so that those of us that have watched the MA&G come to life, will have more than just memories to look back on.  I, for one, will be excited to see where your new journey takes you.



Wow, this caught me off guard. However, I understand the feeling of losing interest in a layout. The removal of an old existing layout regardless of the theme is daunting and emotional to say the least as you stated.

When Pam and I visited the MA&G I had a whole new appreciation for modeling a specific location or area. You may remember after our visit I made this comment to you, "Cliff, I'm gong home and remove my entire existing layout and plagiarize your concept. My new layout will represent the North Florida, South Georgia scenery." I'm confident I've captured the area and I'm very pleased with the result.

It has taken me three years but I'm 90% finished with the second/middle level and starting the third. Your past work has inspired me to new heights of pushing the limits beyond what I thought was possible.

I support your effort to create something new. I've experienced the excitement of rebuilding a new layout with new and exciting ideas.

Congratulations my friend and we all look forward to your new Cumberland and Ohio Valley.

Tom ;D

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


         I've enjoyed viewing photos & videos of your incredible layout over the years.  You have a very good talent for sure, so I'm excited for you and can't wait to see the new version as you go through the building process.

Don't worry, you're not the first to change gears while on the highway of life, and you won't be the last.  Good luck with your new designs and can't wait to see the tribute video.  Thanx Thom... P.S.  While typing this I was thinking about how Tom would take the news since he always talks to me about your layout and I now see he just posted his thoughts.

You impacted a lot of people with your craft and now you'll be doing it again...

Dave K.

Can I have it? 🤣

Folks, take a look at the videos on the website...really nicely done and a beautiful tour of a great layout. Really evokes the time and place.


I'm sad that I'll never get to visit this beautiful layout before it becomes a fallen flag  :(  but I'm also excited that we'll be able to see what rises from the dust.  :)   I'm certainly looking forward to your next adventure. 
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Like Bob, I'm sorry to not have been able to see your layout up close. From what Tom has chatted about over the last few years, it was definitely a must see. I remember Tom coming back from his visit with you and the enthusiasm he was feeling to recreate something special.

Good luck with your new endeavor and I'm sure all of us with enjoy the journey with you.  ;D
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Wow - this is big news. And like some others have said, I wish I would have had the chance to see the MA&G.  Best of luck with your new project - based on the pictures I have seen of the MA&G I know it's going to be great.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



I would love a DVD of the MA&G before you take it down.  I hope you are able to do this.  Looking forward to the new layout.  I am sure it will be even better.




 Your drive to build the MA&G was in part to researching that prototype area and it shows in the way it was documented on the RR website, as you built your empire. The Garden RR was planned and completed too. See that your showing photos again and talking about the circus cars, besides the coal region area, another log is now on the fire. Will punch another ticket and watch the dismantle and expansion in 2018.  Good Luck Cliff !
Tom Boyd in NE Minnesota


Sad to hear the MA&G will be a fallen flag, but looking forward to your new endeavor.



Quote from: maandg on January 28, 2018, 01:51:25 AM
Hello, everyone! This is going to come as a shock to some of you, but, after much soul-searching, I have decided to dismantle the MA&G. Simply put, I have completely lost interest in it. I can count on two hands the number of times I have even opened the door in the past three years. Basically I'm paying to heat and cool an unoccupied building. The layout has proven one thing to me for certain; I have absolutely no interest in operations. I actually feel like I should be ashamed to make that statement. Even though the layout was designed from its inception to support prototype operations, I have never once felt compelled to pursue it. I approach the hobby from the standpoint of a builder, artist and craftsman. The layout building is simply a blank canvas upon which I like to create. And once the creation is complete, the level of pleasure it brings diminishes greatly.

It will be a daunting and emotional task to say good-bye to the MA&G. It's been a good friend and big part of my life for many, many years. Even though it makes the most sense to keep what I have and simply expand with an addition, the theme/setting/locale of the layout has become uninteresting to me. It would also greatly hinder my current vision, which I'll share in a second. The other issue is that I have accumulated over 100 un-built craftsman kits...primarily FSM, FOS scale, Bar Mills, Sierra West and SRMW. Of these, probably 40% are waterfront-based (and not in a New Orleans sort of way). Because so many of them were big buck limited edition kits that are no longer available, I hate to waste my investment on anything that would be, in my mind, a compromise of what I really want to do. It would be akin to painting the Mona Lisa on roofing felt.

To that end, I have decided to double the width of the train building by extending it forward another 14 feet. This will create an overall footprint of 28x32 feet! Unfortunately, this will usher in the complete dismantling of the MA&G sometime this fall. However, based on the excitement I feel when describing these changes to others, I know I'm making the right decision. In my spare time I have been working on a new track plan for the enlarged space. It will address my "Givens and Druthers" list in the following ways...

36 inch minimum mainline radius
No Masonite backdrops (too many expansion/contraction issues)
Minimum 4-foot aisles with most being greater than 5'
A lounge area with couch and end tables
Single deck of scenery with a lower staging area
Contemporary track lighting replacing florescent tubes
Flowing curved fascia replacing previous angular look
Minimal "flat surface" benchwork...possible spline construction.
Mountainous terrain with tall trestles, tunnels and rock work
Focus on Mining and Rail-Marine industries
A big city area inspired by Vic Smith's City Edge layout
Focus on mainline running versus switching
Possible change from Digitrax to Prodigy

I have also been researching a new locale for the railroad. I'm leaning toward the Kentucky - southern Ohio part of the country. The working name of the layout would be the Cumberland and Ohio Valley. However, unlike the MA&G, it would not be a fictional railroad. The name would simply serve to give the layout a sense of geographic location. There would be no "C&OV" equipment or rolling stock. Instead, the layout would feature Class 1 railroads indigenous to the area. Fortunately, I have lots of motive power for two of those roads (L&N and Southern). But it would also allow me to explore new horizons with the B&O, C&O and N&W. I could still run MA&G freight cars on the layout as there could be an interchange connection in Chattanooga, TN.

The new project would also address a growing interest of mine...modeling the Royal American Shows carnival. I have begun work on a 4x16-foot working diorama which will represent an accurate recreation of the RAS in the 1960's. This peninsular display will include two spur tracks and become a part of the new layout. I've spent the last several months researching the RAS and collecting kits. Benchwork has been built for the first 8-foot section (due to space limitations in our store room, it will be built in two halves), and I have temporarily laid out the structures based on a prototype site drawing dated 1966. It will be extremely accurate and include 33 rides/attractions (most will be motorized), 7 shows, 9 concession stands, 20+ game booths ("joints") and, most likely, in excess of 1000 figures! I'm really, REALLY excited about it!

I plan on commemorating and celebrating the life of the MA&G with a possible hour-long DVD project and a final Open House with silent auction for select structures and perhaps even complete scenes. I'm also making inquiries with the actual NOUPT to see if they might have interest in making my model a permanent display in the waiting area. At one time, they expressed such an interest for their Train Days event. Lots to think, dream and get excited about. I'll keep everyone posted!


Is there any update to your plans?
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad



The Magnolia route has been sold to a local doctor who is also Cliff's friend. Pam and I visited the MA&G the last weekend prior to the layout being taken down.

Here is a site for the old MA&G as well as the new Cumberland and Ohio Valley.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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