The Pennsy - Soon to be a Fallen Flag!

Started by ACL1504, September 26, 2019, 01:09:23 PM

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Lately, I've had several conversations with Bill and Kris Cutler about their wonderful layout. Today, they informed me of their decision to remove the layout and use the room for another purpose. Their health isn't an issue, for those wondering.

Many factors were considered in their decision, none of which matter at this time, it's their decision. A decision, I might add, didn't come lightly or on a whim. It has been a long process, one I know they have been considering and struggling with for quite some time.

Both Reading Bob and I have built structures for the Pennsy and the roster includes a brass loco I painted.

I love Bill and Kris and have offered my support and help in the layout removal.

For those of you who may be new to the forum you can see it all here.

Tom  ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

PRR Modeler

I am very sorry to hear this. It is an amazing layout. I have seen it twice in person and was thrilled to see it both times.

Tom, please let Bill know I can help him also if he so desires.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


It's sad to hear of the demise of a well-constructed model railroad.  Hope the 'deconstruction' goes well, and parts of the layout go to other people where they'll be appreciated.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


God told me to tell you............... Don't do it ! ! ! !

Huge loss.

Thanx for the up date.

see ya
Did you ever notice how many towns are named after their water towers ! ?


 :'(  :'(  :'(

I really enjoyed the (far too infrequent) visits I had with Bill and Kris to see the Pennsy in action and I'm very thankful I had the opportunity to contribute to the layout in my own small way.  Sorry to hear that it's joining the ranks of the Fallen Flags. 
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Dang!  I've only seen pictures of the layout, which is very impressive.  Sorry to hear that another great layout is joining the Fallen Flag Fraternity.


Being the majority of houses with layouts are occupied by people in the "Boomer" generation, we'll see this sad thing more often in the next couple years.  I've personally been involved with two tear downs and last weekend visited a rather well known layout in West Jersey where the owner/operator is ailing and the future is not very promising.

My two referenced experiences were different. One from an unexpected passing and the other where the owner could oversee.  I couldn't tell you which was harder to deal with.


Although I have only seen the layout a couple of times,  I can say it was a work of Art and will be missed.



I am always saddened to read about the demise of a layout.  But, I would like to offer a little different point of view. 

Two or three years ago I went to a "yard sale" held by the family of a gentleman that had passed to dispose of his model railroad layout and unbuilt kits.  They were running a little late in getting the structures removed and priced, about half of them were still on the layout.  I was looking at the contrast between how beautiful the layout was and what it looked like after being stripped of structures.  I was feeling really bummed out. 

Then I recalled the conversation I had with Bill the last time I saw him, a couple years earlier.  Bill was 89 at the time and told me he didn't get out much any more, riding in a car was painful for him.  He said he was spending at least a couple hours a day working on the layout and that he still loved it after so many years.  Remembering that triggered me to think about how much pleasure he had derived from his modeling, building and sharing his layout with his friends.  A layout is just a "thing", some wood and plaster, track and wire.  I now find it impossible to look at a layout that is being dismantled without understanding the sense of accomplishment and pride it supplied its builder.  I can only guess at how much more rewarding his life was because of his hobby and his layout.

Am I sorry that Bill and Kris have decided to tear down the layout?  Of course.  I have only seen the layout and read about it on this forum.  Still, it is obvious that both were involved and it was a labor of love.  The layout may come down, but the time shared, the sense of accomplishment, the friendships, are all more important than some wood and plaster.


Kris and I want to than everyone for the kind words about the layout. This was one of the hardest decisions we have made in a long time. We plan to give back the structures that were built and donated by Tom and Bob Butt's. We plan to display those structures that are not taken back, they are works of art. Kris is donating her trees to Tom's layout so she can always see them in a beautiful setting.
We have a lot of other types scenery, structure's, rolling stock and engines that we will be selling, so if your local stop by and see if you need anything.
We will be following all you efforts on the forum, so good luck to everyone!!

Bill & Kris
Bill Cutler


Sorry to hear this, but glad that it's pieces will live on for others to enjoy.


Bill and Kris,

I'm so glad I got to visit your beautiful layout and I'm grateful for this forum to curate so many photos and experiences. Hope to see you soon.



hey Guys:

so sorry to hear about this. It is A beautifully done RR. Will be sorry to see it go.



This is sad news. I was hoping to get down to Florida and see it.  We will have the pictures. Bill and Kris - fantastic layout all the great memories of building it will always be yours.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

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