The Atlantic and Southern Build, Part 1

Started by ACL1504, December 21, 2013, 09:23:16 AM

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Never would have thought to use the PVC for this.


Okay, a little fast forward here and you can see the ovalix is progressing as expected. I don't dare say anything else or Gman will get me!

It will take three loops on the ovalix to get to the mid level and six more to get to the top level. For those in Archeensaw, that would be a toal of nine (9) loops.

Now for a little side trip! The track had to swing into position for the ovalix so I didn't have the room for the 3" PVC piece for the support. I used a small piece of the plywood and extended it out from the track. I glued and screwed the piece in place. This was only necessary on the bottom level.

Thanks for following along.

Tom ;D

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Quote from: ak-milw on June 07, 2014, 06:41:54 PM
Never would have thought to use the PVC for this.


I appreciate you checking in. I thought is was some type of composite wood until I saw the label. The PVC is solid, hard, glues well and holds the drywall screws. I just got lucky, that's all! I din't think of it either. 8) 8)

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



I want you to think about something before you get to far with the PVC - it expands and contracts with temperature much more than wood. If your room is temperature controlled not a problem but I would not use it where you see temperature changes. When one material is expanding more than the material next to it you can get twisting. I just wanted to make sure you took this into consideration. The helix looks great.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Quote from: S&S RR on June 07, 2014, 06:49:43 PM

I want you to think about something before you get to far with the PVC - it expands and contracts with temperature much more than wood. If your room is temperature controlled not a problem but I would not use it where you see temperature changes. When one material is expanding more than the material next to it you can get twisting. I just wanted to make sure you took this into consideration. The helix looks great.


Thank you for your concern, information and comments, much appreciated. My room is climate controlled so hopefully it won't be an issue but time will tell. For me humidity is more of an issue! Even with the climate controlled room I still notice little changes due to humidity! Maybe I'll just shut it down for a few days, let it cook and see what happens before I go any further. Nail biting go here! :-\ :-\

Tom ;D

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



The PVC will do real well with differences in humidity but the wood will not.  Since all your risers are PVC I think you will be okay. If you had a wood riser between two PVC risers I think you would get into trouble.

Sorry, I have all this physics stuff implanted in my head from Engineering school and I just looked at your pictures and said two very different materials means expansion and contraction problems.

I used the PVC trim on my cabin last summer and it's great because it doesn't need paint and holds up to the elements - but I was amazed at the 1 inch gaps in my trim when it got real cold last winter. The gaps are gone now that it's nice and warm again.

Good luck with the build I will be watching.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Ok, I see!!  After a short break for a quickie and realizin' that a couple of extensions were
needed, L'il Tommy is back to normal - goin' round and round in circles!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I can think it, but I ain't gonna admit out loud how good the ovalhicks looks!!!  8) 8) 8) 8)


Quote from: gnatshop on June 07, 2014, 07:36:07 PM
Ok, I see!!  After a short break for a quickie and realizin' that a couple of extensions were
needed, L'il Tommy is back to normal - goin' round and round in circles!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I can think it, but I ain't gonna admit out loud how good the ovalhicks looks!!!  8) 8) 8) 8)

"Thank you very much!". (Ed Sullivan). Our prayers have been answered.

Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Quote from: BandOGuy on June 07, 2014, 07:53:09 PM
"Thank you very much!". (Ed Sullivan). Our prayers have been answered. 
Boy, you ain't been prayin' for much, have you?  ;D ;D ;D
Here's the normal reaction to my posts:


We've done it again!!!!  :-[ :-[ :-[
Glad L'il Tommy is used to common low class street folk's shenanigans and don't get too
pizzed at us interruptin' his thread!
He's a good man that understands real life low-class humor (or attempts at it!).  ;D ;D ;D ;D



Looking great. I can't wait to see the departure tracks to each level. Progress is being made, my friend and it is looking good. I need to get back working on my track to the steel mill area. Been too busy working on another structure. Once the station is complete, it''s back to the track. more pictures please. Love your progress. Keep up the good work.

Frank / Erieman



It has been awhile since we have had an update - any issues with the PVC?
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


He ain't talkin' - he's been feelin' shitty (my words, not his)!  ;D ;D ;D
But, we can be patient - he'll be back with a vengience!   8) 8) 8) 8) 8)



Sorry your feeling under the weather - didn't get the memo. Hope your feeling better real soon!
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Quote from: gnatshop on June 07, 2014, 10:18:22 PM
We've done it again!!!!  :-[ :-[ :-[
Glad L'il Tommy is used to common low class street folk's shenanigans and don't get too
pizzed at us interruptin' his thread!
He's a good man that understands real life low-class humor (or attempts at it!).  ;D ;D ;D ;D


You are always welcome here!

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

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