The Shay Wood Miter

Started by NEMMRRC, December 23, 2020, 04:19:45 PM

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For years I've heard legendary tales of the famous Shay Wood Miter. I was beginning to think these were only tall tales told by curmudgeonly old train codgers. Alas, I found one on eBay after watching for one for many moons!!

Here it is gang, The Shay Wood Miter

Now that I have my hands on one, I need to get slicing some strip wood. After all the secret of the Shay Wood Miter is that it slices the strip wood rather than chop it. That folks, makes for a straight cut and not a slanted one that a chopper yields.

More in a bit.



Here I go!

First test with a 1/8" square piece of strip wood.

I marked the spot I wanted the cut to go.

I sliced through the mark.

And this is what I got.

Oh Oh!

It did not slice all the way through.

I have to fix that ! I mean, I came all this way and I have to go all the way!

More in a bit.



And here is why it did not slice all the way through.

Part of the hardware binds against itself and leaves the cutting edge of the single edge razor blade just shy of completing the mission.

I tried to fiddle with the blade and the hardware to no avail. So I cheated !

I folded a business card in half and placed it on the cutting surface. This causes the wood stock to rise up to meet the blade. Aha!


Notice the cut edge is straight. Much better than a chopper.

Now I need to start using it and hopefully finish the 2021 Challenge before 2021 is over.




Interesting.  You found a unicorn!   ;D

Maybe putting down a few strips of painters tape, one on top of the other, would work to raise the wood up.  Then you wouldn't have to futz (technical term) with putting folded business card under the wood.   ;)
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Quote from: ReadingBob on December 23, 2020, 05:27:12 PM
Interesting.  You found a unicorn!   ;D

Maybe putting down a few strips of painters tape, one on top of the other, would work to raise the wood up.  Then you wouldn't have to futz (technical term) with putting folded business card under the wood.   ;)
Clever idea.

So far I am enjoying this gadget. Although, anything too far beyond 1/8" won't fit under the blade. That is one advantage of the chopper.



Neat tool.
Now, fess up. Did you pay more than $16.95 for it?
Working on my second million. I gave up on the first.


Quote from: BandOGuy on December 23, 2020, 05:35:46 PM
Neat tool.
Now, fess up. Did you pay more than $16.95 for it?
I did.

Who knows when there will be another one come up for sale.


Opa George

Very nice!  I have a weak spot for a lot of the old gadgets. Sometimes they're better than newer tools, sometimes not so much.  But the workmanship and pride of ownership matter, too.

Great find. Congrats!
--Opa George


Quote from: Opa George on December 23, 2020, 06:19:01 PM
Very nice!  I have a weak spot for a lot of the old gadgets. Sometimes they're better than newer tools, sometimes not so much.  But the workmanship and pride of ownership matter, too.

Great find. Congrats!
--Opa George

I wonder how old this one is.

I managed to end up with a Dremel table saw that belonged to my buddy that got me turned on to craftsman kits. I need to get it out and start using it.



I was just today reading the write up in the Gazette about this tool. May 1976 Page 9. Looks like it may have been a new release then. $21.95

I stumbled on it while searching for something else. What a weird coincidence.

Very cool find Jaime.
Steve Custer



Cool tool, now I want one.  I don't use my chopper for anything over 1/16 of an inch if the edge needs to be square.  It's a good thing we were not bidding against each other.  ;)   Steve I'm going to pull the Gazette issue out and take a look.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


I picked this up at the Big E several years ago. It's a little different but someone is still making them. I don't recall who it was. It does make a perfectly straight cut.

Merry Christmas,


I have the one Joe shows, that I got somewhere this year online.  Mine doesn't really cut that straight, for which I was quite disappointed.  I need to look it over and see if something is loose.



Very cool tool. Like John, I want one also. I use the razor saw for anything 1/16" and over.

Tom   ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Quote from: SteveCuster on December 23, 2020, 07:51:33 PM
I was just today reading the write up in the Gazette about this tool. May 1976 Page 9. Looks like it may have been a new release then. $21.95

I stumbled on it while searching for something else. What a weird coincidence.

Very cool find Jaime.
That was indeed rather cosmic.

I didn't too bad if the original price was $21.95 adjusting for inflation and COVID shenanigans  ;D

I may have to go find that Gazette issue and read up on all the hidden features of this gem.


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