Saturday the 12th of June

Started by Raymo, June 12, 2021, 07:00:03 AM

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Morning all. Another cool morning here at camp, don't think I've ever run the heat this late into June. Enjoy your day..


Good morning Dan, and everyone arriving later.

Dry start to the day with rain forecast for later.  I better hustle outside and get my day started.

Everyone have a great day!


Morning all,

Nothing new from down here.

Have a great day ya'll.

Tom  ;D

Dan Raymond builds -

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Morning all.

Slept late.  Managed to mow when there was some cloud cover and breeze yesterday.  Today more cleaning is on the agenda. 



Well, the cool weather at the end of this week was payback for the hot spell at the beginning of the week...  I am not complaining about the cool weather!    And we got a little bit of rain last night, but we need A Lot more. 

I did some more painting on flextrack ties, today I'll paint the rails.  That'll be 8+ pieces of track ready to lay in the staging yard.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Sunny and getting warm up at the Islands. Supposed to hit 81 today.

Going to get some kayaking in today with the wife. Back home tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have to fiber optic cable buried so I can mow the other half of the front yard.

Have a great day.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds

Keep It Rusty

Morning all.

Another hot day here, but looking to find a little time to sneak off to the basement later. Got a few projects on the go, but still looking over at the tribute and it's staring back at me with neglected eyes. Soon, tribute, soon.

My first little laser project was very successful. A HO garage. Just like the printer, this has changed the hobby all over again for me. Being able to produce scratch builds that have the precision of a kit has been a long time coming!

Bernd, our fiber optic has just been laid here, too. We should be switching over July 1st — can't wait!


Morning everyone

A cloudy day here in South Jersey only 70.
No beach today!

So maybe some time at the bench.

Everyone have a great day!! :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

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