Happy Thanksgiving Thursday

Started by MAP, November 25, 2021, 06:40:00 AM

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Good morning!  Hope everybody gets to spend time with their loved ones today.  We're doing lasagna for the meal, and I'm making the meatballs & sausage, so I got up a bit early to start prepping.  Modeling.....maybe later.


Good morning Mark and everyone else. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I'll be going to my friend Jim's (whiskeyriver's) house for some turkey.  We might even spend a minute or two discussing the world of model railroading. ;D

Pic from a visit to Dick Elwell's layout. 



Morning, all.

Happy Turkey Day!  Wish I were going to Mark's house for lasagna.  Here I've got a hopefully only four hour shift this morning at work.


Jim Donovan


Picture came from another forum, but I think he would not mind, as thought is the same; Happy Thanksgiving Folks. We are off to brother's home to enjoy family.

Jim D
Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning all,

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Hope your day is full of friends and family.

Have a wonderful day my friends.

Tom  ;D

T. Wilson layout -

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford



Rainy, cold and cloudy day; just a normal day in November!

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Happy Turkey Day everyone! Off to Bugtussle (Maine) to my sister's for dinner. I'd rather spend the day home at the bench.. :-\


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Opa George

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  We're very fortunate to be able to share Thanksgivng dinner with family here in our home and fondly remember those missing this year.

--Opa George
George Nagle
Twin Mountain Barge & Navigation Co.
Harrisburg, PA


Happy Day, all you Turkeys!  Wife and I have a small bird plus the usual fixings. 

I'll work a bit more on my SketchUp model, I can't spend too much time fighting with that program, certainly not when I have to cook Thanksgiving.  (Very frustrating!)

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Happy Thanksgiving to all, whether you are chowing down here in the states, or to our northern (Canadian) brothers and sisters, and especially our international friends. Whenever and however you celebrate, the important thing is to rejoice and show thanks for the blessings we have.


Good morning! Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm watching the Thanksgiving Parade with my Grandkids.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Morning all and Happy Thanksgiving to those in the states,

It's just the wife, Junior and I but my better half will cook up a feast for the three of us.  It's her favorite holiday.  After the feast we'll settle in to watch our first X-Mas movie of the season.  Die Hard.   ;D  Hey, it's a tradition around our house.  ;)

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.

Bruce Oberleitner

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