Friday - Dec 27 2024

Started by Onewolf, December 27, 2024, 07:14:09 AM

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Good morning,

I am continuing to work on the center platform infrastructure.  Yesterday I built steps to get up/down from the center platform.  And I installed 1/4 Luan sheathing along the stud wall as you enter the layout room. It helps stabilize the stud walls. Eventually I will install the lower sections, caulk them, and then paint them the room wall color.

Going to work on the helix support columns today.

Hope y'all have a great day.





Morning all, 

Nice progress, Doug. You're skills are astonishing!

Welcome to the forum, Mr. Critter! Glad you found us and hoped on board. Drinks will be served in the lounge car this evening. The last time I was in Montreal I got to see Guy LeFleur play his final game as a Hab. Yeah, that's how long it's been.

Sitting at gate 5 at the Sanford airport waiting to board are flight to Allentown, PA. I already miss my workbench.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL



Coffee in hand and a muffin on the way.


Good morning. 

High teens here to start the day.  I had three bluebirds checking out one of my bird houses this morning.  I do not recall ever seeing bluebirds here in upstate NY during December before.

The plan is to continue working on a couple freight cars today.  Like all good plans, it is subject to interruption and change...

I hope everyone has a warm, safe, and productive day! 


Morning all,

Bob you and Eileen have a safe trip and enjoy the family time.

Welcome to the two new members Arrasss (Richard) and Mr. Critter. We are always happy to have new members join us.

Not sure what I'll be doing today. Modeling for sure later but not sure about anything else.

Have a great day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Jim Donovan

Good Morning to our new members as well as everyone else. Bob, enjoy Allentown, better you than me ::). Doug, amazing workmanship. Today, coffee, some bench work and pack for our trip tomorrow. Taking a new years cruise. I'm taking the book 'Confronting the Presidents' by Bill O'Reilly to read, looking forward to it. Enjoy the day folks.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning all. Still cleaning the bench up. I received an eBay purchase yesterday that arrived in 3 pieces instead of 1. Just another project to handle.  :( Raymo


Nice early winter day.  The snow has thinned out on the yard and driveway.  It's supposed to get up to 37 today.  Rain starting Sunday, though.  (Ugh, I'd rather have snow.)  Yesterday I did some window glazing and also finished the smoke stack for Lamson. 

Doug, think about adding a handrail to those stairs, particularly if you expect visitors.  My wife has mobility problems, and handrails make a huge difference for her even going up 3 stairs.  (I added a handrail to the stairs down to the garage, and she silently thanks me every time she goes to her car.)

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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