Saturday, January 25, 2025

Started by ACL1504, January 25, 2025, 09:18:58 AM

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Morning all,

No time for breakfast, I'll leave it up to others.

I'm spending the day with Pam so no bench time, if at all, until late this afternoon.

Have a safe and healthy day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Jim Donovan

Up in Detroit, cold is the word of the day. Off to breakfast and wedding this afternoon. Have a great day. 

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning all,

It's currently 51 degrees here in Sunny (for a change) Central Florida.  Fortunately, the warming trend is starting, and we should be back in the 70's by Monday.

Maybe some workbench time this afternoon.  Game night, with friends, tonight.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Morning all,

In the 20s, headed to over 32 degrees later.  Our deep freeze week plus is over.  It will be too sloppy to get the car washed, though. 

Getting back to the FSM kit, I've figured out what to do on the roofs. 




Try to upgrade my computer, but the new SSD is not behaving, so it goes back to amazon.


Good morning.

Twelve degrees to start the day, forecast high in the mid-20's.  So, no big warming trend here, at least not yet. 

I've had the metal parts to the caboose I'm rebuilding soaking in lacquer thinner for a couple days now.  Some of the paint has soaked loose, much (most?) has not.  No idea what the prior builder used for paint, but it is durable, to say the least.  I read somewhere that this hobby takes the patience of a saint...

I hope everyone has a safe and rewarding day!

Mr. Critter

Bonjour!  The weather outside is frightful, but tequila's so delightful; there's only one place to go:  Mexico, Mexico, Mexico!

Meanwhile, back at the farm...

I've just ordered a bunch of stuff related to the old, partial Thomas Yorke Rubbles Depot kit I've had sitting unbuilt since 1990. Mr. Yorke was kind enough to pour me a full set of hydrocal castings for $35 at that time, long after the kit had gone out of production, but he wasn't able to include doors, windows, instructions, or anything else.  So it languished.

But now, we have the internet.

I managed to score an original kit, new in box, on eBay just before Xmas.  It was supposedly complete, but was missing one of the instruction sheets.  Another eBay seller had one on offer later on, at twice the price, and they included a picture of the missing sheet in their listing.  Best I could mange was a screen grab, but at least now I have the full set of papers.

Finding the correct door and window castings was leaving me scratching my head until I did some weird autistic googling and landed on San Juan Details' site.  Turns out they took over Grandt Line, and they've published dimensions of their door & window castings, in thousandths of a inch.  Out came the original kit, out came my dial caliper, a half-hour or so of peering at my iPad while trying not to break very delicate muntins, and bang!  Nothing was out by more than five thou'. Correct doors and windows for my partial kit are on the way from Colorado.  I ordered extras, because I can break anything made by man.

And then, having a bee in my bonnet for this silly little building, I ordered a brand new one from the guy who took over Yorke's line- along with his prefab roof trusses for the partial kit, a glazing set, some metal roofing, and a freight dock he makes for it.  I'll now be in a position to build three of these charismatic little piles, in different configurations.  The freight dock will be used as a terasse for one of them, which I plan to repurpose as a waterfront oyster bar, a building left over from the age of steam finding new life.  Because I happen to like stone buildings, waterfronts, modern plumbing, and arsters.

Now I've just got to figure out how to make HO scale Heineken patio umbrellas.  Please send pemoline.

PRR Modeler

Good Afternoon,

I started out with a walk this morning and after a few minor chores I spent a couple of hours in the train room. I now think I see a nap in my future.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Back from Springfield!  It's my sense attendance is down, but I think that was more families than modelers.  Several of the booths I stopped by seemed to be busy.  It was good to talk to my favorite vendors, but there weren't a lot of new things to buy.  It seems they were all busy just keeping existing kits in stock.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

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