Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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I'm glad to see the ole' Geezer's Lounge start up on MF, thanks to all the guys who have moved over here.

I used to keep track of all the goings on at RRLine, but mostly the posts in the Geezer's Lounge. I am especially glad to see Rick continue his travels and adventures with Star, thanks Rick!

A big welcome to all the new members and I look forward to looking in on all your build posts.  :)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Morning all,

A new Geezer's Lounge! Nice to have one here so we Geezers can continue our daily "What's Happenings" stuff.

Today I'm spending the day with Pam. Taking a break from modeling after the past few days. First my homeowners ins. cancelled me, then my doctor's billing department messed me up and then RR Lines derailed. What a week!

Okay, since I live in Fl. my insurance company decided to lower their risk of payout from hurricane damage. I never ever, filed a claim - cancelled all the same. So, I spent two days finding new homeowners ins. What a pain in the ass.

My Urologist billing department classified me as working full time. I've been retired since 1998. When the bill came, Medicare refused to pay saying I had primary ins. from the Police Dept. I had to get Medicare and United Health Care on a conference call to get it all straightened out. Just for the fun of it, I'm sending a bill for my time to the Doctor's Office.

Anyway, I hope to get back to modeling later today if not tomorrow.

For those that were following my photos on Cliff Powers over on RR Lines, you can see them all here.

Have a safe and happy day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning folks,

Curt, thanks for opening, the coffee and breakfast.  Wow, that's a lot of 1:1 stuff.  Glad you will make it to the bench later.

Tom, glad you made the trip back.

What's doing with the rest of the gang?

It's a chilly 39F out but headed to 63F.  No rain.

Yesterday, piddled around upstairs. Maybe I'll finish most of the Nowlin's work today.  I'm recreating the Buffalo Canyon Mining Company build thread, so some may see the builds again.

Have fun,

Larry C

Moring Gents,

Curt thanks for the coffee and breakfast. Good luck with the patch work
and enjoy the bench.

Tom O have fun at the Ops session. Even though I didn't know Bill he sounds
like he was a really nice person.

Greg thank you for having us and I was happy to see "Geezers" start up here.

Tom sounds like one heck of a week; I'm sure you're glad it's over. Enjoy your day
with Pam.

Mike have fun at the bench. I know what you mean about moving your build thread
over here. Luckily mine didn't take that long but I would have been hard pressed if it
had been my Caz Railroad; there was almost 90 pages.

Even though we now have a new home, it's great still seeing all the familiar faces and having our morning chat. Thanks to everyone here for the warm welcome and allowing us to "keep on keeping".

What's your plans for the day.

It's a sunny cold 10 with a high of 18 in New York. Have a couple of 1:1's to take care of then hopefully
some bench time working on the back wall interior of the Tractor Repair Shop.

Have a wonderful day!! Keep warm, stay safe, and be well.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee & breakfast.

TomO glad you here with us.

Morning Greg.

Good thing you were paying attention Tom.  Must have been a PITA day!!

Mike looking forward to your new build!!  ;D

Larry it's really nice that we all got to come over here.
I don't think the RR Line will ever come back from the ashes!!

Weather in South Jersey P. sunny/37.  Later on 37.
Somehow I got a cold and now I feel like crap.
Maybe some Eagle Rare and honey will help!!  :)

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

Dave Buchholz

As a new member moving over from the recently demised RRL forum, unlike them, I'm hoping there will actually be some Cheerios Served in the Breakfast lounge, upon rare occasion.

 I'm glad to see so many familiar names and profile logos showing up. I haven't even looked out the window yet this morning  to gauge the weather. It's Winter. I'll deal with it.

Since there are so many "Dave"'s on forum that got here well before I did, Ill simply stick to my traditional RRL signoff as the:

"Fifth Dave on the right"
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Good morning from a bright sunny  8) state of Michigan where we've run the weather gamut the last 24 hours, 40s and heavy rain to start the day, sure was ugly when I ran to the store, on the way home the temp began falling thru the 30s on the dash indicator and shortly after I returned home, it turned to freezing rain, then sleet and then huge heavy snow.  Eventually it broke, after dark and cleared off to severe clear but COLD, 190 when I last checked.  All that schmutz falling from the sky left a quarter inch of crusty, crunchy cover on everything.  When you walk it Sounds like someone spilled a box of rice cripsies(sic).  With the sun and some salt it's breaking up. 

Worked on the layout and making steady if slow progress.  Two steps forward and 3 back it seems at times...I put in some jumper wires to ease a couple electrical issues.  Ballast and scenery stuff seem to work into some clever design work and render it less than hoped.

Another air disaster and more wild speculative blather on the tv.  I've found the OFF switch to be quite helpful.

Have a great Saturday everyone.



Good morning everyone.

Anza-Borrego weather: 37 now and 77 later and all day sun.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and pastry.
Hope doing all those 1:1's goes well.

Dave, nice to see you here in the lounge.

Jerry, hope you feel better soon.

Larry, hope you make good progress at the bench.

ACLTom, insurance companies suck and good for you billing the doctors office.

Mike, hope you get the time to finish Nowlin's.

Greg, thank you very much.
I hope I get to hear from you here in the lounge daily.

TomO, I'm very happy that you decided to start posting in the Geezers lounge.

Karl, I've got to get used to your new user name.

Ron, any news from Canada?

Airing down and driving off road went well yesterday.
Ride was improved a little but going through deep sand was not an issue.
Stopped along the way and saw some morteros and pictographs.
Todays plan is to hike a slot canyon here in the park.

This picture was from last night while I was sitting next to a campfire I made.
The brightest object is the moon, the small looking star just above the moon is Saturn and the brighter object further up is Venus.

Have a great day everyone.


I uploaded a picture to my gallery.
Copied the link and inserted it to my post above.
Hit post and the picture doesn't show.
Went back to the gallery and see my photos say unapproved.
How do I get them approved?  >:(  :-\


Just tried linking the photo from Flicker, but that didn't work either.
Can someone please help?


Morning fellow crew members and to you guys coming over from the RR-L. Hi ""Fifth Dave on the right".

I'd like to relate to a little story about Bill Andersen. When I joined the Railroad Line back in the early 2000's I was modeling in On30, O, HO, HOn3, HOn30 and had just decided at that point on leaving live steam. I figured I was not going to get anything done in HO or its narrow-gauge portions with all these other interests in model railroading, plus at that time I was working on building the roof over the layout room, aka HOUSE. Since I have quite a stock of HO kits, rolling stock and other related material to both the of the narrow gauges, I decided to leave the On30 modeling side of the hobby. At that point I was just finishing up on two On30 Critters. Bill liked them because he modeled in On30. So I gave him both of my On30 critters which at that point needed a few extra items added and a good paint job.

Here's an original picture of the first one almost complete.

One of the Critters on his layout before he dressed it up.

Below are some pictures of one that he finished.

And a close up. Bill had reversed the roof with the radiators toward the back. I told him the the exhaust heat is going to go through the radiator and overheat the engines.

And the best was when we had a tribute build for Bill. I did a pair of HOn30's. Anybody that finished their projects before Tax Day in April received decals.

Here's to you Geezer. Keep them engines warm in the roundhouse up there.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Good morning everyone,

Thanks for the coffee and Breakfast Curt.  Hope the 1:1 stuff goes well and get to get back to the bench.

TomO, Bill "Geezer" Anderson touched a lot of us in many ways, I had the honour of meeting him twice and he is more humble in person that he was on the forum, if you can see that.  As you can see, you don't have to model in On30 to post here and I really like seeing your weathering and layout pictures.

ACLTom, enjoy your day with Pam.

Greg, thanks for dropping in, you are welcome here anytime.

Mike, looking forward to seeing your layout thread here.

Larry, have fun at the bench.

Jerry, I have mixed fillings about RRL coming back.  I'm thinking that if it does come back I'll be established here and stay here.  I also wonder how much of the previous RRL membership will go back.  Everyone here has been so welcoming and accommodating here that it feels like home already.  Hope you feel better soon.

Dave, welcome to the lounge and we will keep the Cheerios request in mind for the future.

Karl, about the only thing I watch on TV is sports.  At least your layout progress is slow but sure even with all the setbacks.

Rick, I too have tried to use the gallery but without success.  I just post pictures by using the "Click or drag files here to attach them." that is below the text box that shows up when you click the "reply" button.  I have noticed that if you click on the "Quick Reply" button, you can not attach attachments..  I just need to get used to only 6 attachments being allowed per post.  Sounds like the new purchases are working out for you, driving on the sand sounds like fun.  Enjoy your hike today.

Bernd, that is a fitting tribute to Bill.

Well the warm weather from yesterday was short lived as it is presently -18c (0f) and sunny here.  It's a great day to stay inside.  Yesterday I finished laying the cork roadbed and updated my build blog to celebrate the event.  It is finally looking like things are getting done.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.



Ron, thanks, using the Reply button is the key.
I was using the Quick Reply.


Quote from: Rick on February 01, 2025, 11:12:02 AMRon, thanks, using the Reply button is the key.
I was using the Quick Reply.

You're very welcome.

Great picture by the way.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

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