Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Larry C

Jerry yes it's nice seeing all the familiar faces here; notice I didn't say "old" I was
trying to be nice.Hope you feel better soon. The Rare Eagle sounds good.

Dave welcome; nice you decided to join us.

Rick nice to hear the Van improvements are working out and enjoy your hike with Star.
Good to hear you were able to get the photo issue sorted out. I didn't bother setting up
a photo album; I just use the "insert image " button.

Bernd that was some slick Critter work you did! Nice you were able to give them to Geezer and looks like
he did justice by them. Very nice tribute to Bill.

Ron the temps dropped here last night after rain all day which turned over to the "white crap" overnight.
Thankfully it was just an inch or two.Keep warm up there.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Quote from: Rick on February 01, 2025, 10:10:22 AM.....Greg, thank you very much.
I hope I get to hear from you here in the lounge daily.....

Hey Rick, I will look in everyday, in order to see what the others are up too and especially what you and Star are doing. I hate to type and am not proficient so I will only post occasionally. I will be here to keep up with all the shenanigans and breakfasts.  :)
Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Test to check the Click or Drag image function  :o Outlook-cmcbucvk.jpeg

Shazam!It worked.  Too easy...could be trouble... ;D

Vietnam Seabee

'Shazam'... haven't heard that in awhile...Ooh Rah



Quote from: KentuckySouthern on February 01, 2025, 03:21:21 PMTest to check the Click or Drag image function  :o Outlook-cmcbucvk.jpeg

Shazam!It worked.  Too easy...could be trouble... ;D


PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Today for breakfast is coffee, cereal including Cherrios (sp), OJ, milk, and soda.

Started out the day with a walk at 62F with slight humidity. Yesterday I never made it to the train room. I ended up outside doing stucco, moving wall mounted hose carriers closer to the new faucets, pulled weeds etc... It was a beautiful day in the low 60's with a slight breeze so I caught up with all the defered stuff during all our previous cold weather. Afterwards I was done for the day.

Today after animal chores I plan on heading to the train room.

Karl nice deer photo but what's that white stuff? ;D

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Morning Curt and others,

Thanks for breakfast and the soda Curt. Perfect temp. for walking this morning.

I didn't make it to the train shed yesterday as I was doing everything else.

I learned also yesterday my cousin has stage 3 liver cancer.  He is under going treatment but they gave him a year and that was back in Oct. '24. Pam and I are driving down to Jensen Beach, Fl. for a visit on Thursday.

Hopefully today I can get back to the flat iron build.

Have a great day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Larry C

Good Morning,

Curt thanks for the breakfast and Cheerios; have had those in years.
Enjoy your build.

Tom sorry to hear about your cousin; my thoughts are with you and your family.
Hope you make it to the bench.

What's happening in your world.

It currently "damn cold" with a high of 28 in New York; actually @ 0800 it's 0
out on the back porch...brrrr. Not much going on here other than maybe an hour
or two at the bench.

Have a wonderful day!!! Keep warm, stay safe and be well.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

PRR Modeler

Quote from: ACL1504 on February 02, 2025, 07:24:45 AMMorning Curt and others,

Thanks for breakfast and the soda Curt. Perfect temp. for walking this morning.

I didn't make it to the train shed yesterday as I was doing everything else.

I learned also yesterday my cousin has stage 3 liver cancer.  He is under going treatment but they gave him a year and that was back in Oct. '24. Pam and I are driving down to Jensen Beach, Fl. for a visit on Thursday.

Hopefully today I can get back to the flat iron build.

Have a great day everyone.


Very sorry to hear about your Cousin Tom.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning everyone.

Borrego Springs weather: Sunny, with a high near 80.

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Glad you got a lot of that 1:1 done so you can resume model building.

Larry, enjoy your hour or two at the bench.

ACLTom, very sorry to read about your cousins health issue.

Karl, posting pictures here does seem to be pretty easy once you know the trick.

Terry, good morning.

Philip, your critter looks amazing.

Ron, any layout progress?

Bernd, those are some great looking critters.

Jerry, hope you're feeling better.

TomO, thanks again for starting your weathering thread.

Hope everyone else looking in is doing well.

Hiked 5 miles and 600+ ft. of climbing yesterday.
Star couldn't join me because dogs aren't allowed on the trails here at the park.
Probably good she didn't come because there were a couple of spots where I don't think she could have made it.

I see there's one limitation to using the Reply option.
I can't go back to the previous page to see what others wrote yesterday.
Guess I'll have to use the Quick Reply to do all my typing, copy it all, click out of Quick reply and go to Reply and paste my text then add a photo.
A little more work but it's a first world problem.

I have some photos to edit from yesterday then I'll do some research on another off road trail to do today.

A short video from hiking The Slot yesterday at it's narrowest point.

And a photo where it got a little wider.

Have a great day everyone.


Good morning folks,

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.  Good luck with the chores and have some fun in the train room.

Tom, safe travel to see your cousin.

Larry, that is cold, brrr.  Have fun at the bench.

Rick, the slot was an interesting hike.  

It's a bright morning at 36F headed to 67F.  The rest of the week is forecast for the 70s.

Today I plan to begin adding scenery to Nowlin's Gas and finish painting a couple of figures.

Have fun,


Good Morning Curt, Tom, Larry, Rick, Mike and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and Cheerios Curt, now that is something I haven't had for ages.  Have fun in the train room.

Tom, truly sorry to here about your cousin.  Hope you make it to the train room.

Larry, stay warm, sounds like a good day to stay indoors.

Rick, That looks like one narrow trail.

Mike, have fun working on Nowlin's.

We are in deep freeze mode here as it is presently -21c (-6f) here in the frozen north.  Would be a great day to stay indoors if it wasn't for the errands I need to run today.  I did manage some bench time yesterday as I started removing the 3000+ pins :o I used to hold down the cork while the glue dried.  I also worked on the girder bridge by adding the steel required to finish the deck.  Next up is painting the bridge a rusty brown colour, added decals and weathering.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


:o 240 and 14mph wind, feels like 100 with what so far looks like an inch to 1 1/2" of new wet stuff...Curt, it's so grey and ugly the ground hog won't even be out looking for his shadow here today.  It appears that the bench or layout will get some attention today. 

We watched 20+ reruns of the Dancing Diabetics and others with a movie tossed in now and then last night.  The Tall Men Clark Gable, Jane Russell and Robert Ryan.  Guess they'd all needed a payday, sure wasn't a tale to remember.  I had to just look it up to get Gable's name i'd forgot already.  Another of the countless variations of the group fighting the odds and each other to drive some cattle from Texas to Montana.  Pure formulaic Western.

Enjoy the off roading today, Rick. 

I figured the photo post thing out, to some extent.  Now I need to get a grip on sizing...

Enough for here, maybe some Cheerios here this morning.  The Doll seems to think I like them.  She keeps bringing them home.   :-\ 

Later all



Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee.

Tom sorry to hear about your cousin.

Larry you better stay inside today!

Great picture Rick but sure is narrow.

Mike looking forward to your next steps at Nowlins.

Ron that is way to cold for me.  Looking forward to the update.

Karl I watched the same movie but she sure was a pretty woman!!

Weather in South Jersey cloudy/31.  Later 37.
My cold is still with me.  Don't feel like doing anything.
But we have a few errands to run this morning so I better get going.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Good morning crew!

Sorry about your Cousin Tom. Remain hopeful! My Cousin has lung cancer and is doing well considering. He did some alternate chemo where he didn't lose hair. 

Hope you get better Jerry.

Have a great day!


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