Saturday, February 8, 2025

Started by Zephyrus52246, February 08, 2025, 08:13:17 AM

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Morning all,

I'm on a 6 day weekend.  Off Tuesday due to doctor appointment which ended up being moved to Monday.  

A bit confused as we have two morning greeting threads.  This one and "Geezers".  I'm old, but not a geezer (I hear you snickering), but looking in that thread, it was named after "Geezer".  Should we just use that one?

Anyway, today is cleanup day.  Had some drywall repairs done and there are tiny bits of dried mud from where they tracked in and out.  Plus I need to clean off the workbench and get back to working on the FSM kit.  

We might be just over freezing later today and get a "wintry mix" this morning. 



Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

Jim Donovan

Good Morning;

You know Jeff, that is a good question. I will let the guys that check in here and there decide. I'm sure it will work out.  Those that check in today;, what are your thoughts?

In other matters, let's talk politics, or rather let's not. We have a really sharp group of people here and the Forum is as busy as it ever. I am sure we all have strong opinions on the going's on in the 1:1 world. To keep our Forum from getting tainted with world issues let's just leave them at the door when entering the Forum. I too have been guilty to sliding a political view. From what I have seen of other Forums when allowed the forum fails. We have worked to hard to make this one fun again, so let's keep it that way. Thanks for your understanding. FYI nothing big going on , just nipping stuff n the bud.

Back to modeling and the fun gauge worlds

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Dave Buchholz

We were expecting snow overnight on the North Coast. It never happened and I'm ok with these weatherman being wrong.

Got some  "color on color" wiring sorted out  last night and soldered them in to a 25 pin " D connector" Exciting stuff. ;)
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario

Dave Buchholz

On the topic issue, I would prefer the geezer thread to be separated by day, rather than one long continuous post. Nobody cares that there there were no Cheerios for breakfast last week.

 ( Or the week before that. HEY I SEE A TREND HERE!)
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Morning all,

For what it's worth I'm with Dave on separating the thread by day rather than one long thread.

Game night tonight. A trip to the grocery store upcoming shortly. Maybe a little workbench time this afternoon. Been sorely behind on that front.

Have a great one!
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.


Good morning, all.  Sunny here in the lower Merrimack Valley, but this evening they forecast the largest snowstorm so far this winter. Of course, that's only 8 inches  And the coldest temperature so far was -5F. Anyway, I'm looking over the forum before going to a college counseling event at the kid's school.  After that, I picked a smallish old, stalled project off my workbench to finish.

Regarding morning lounge topics, the new one was what I usually checked on RR-Line.  But I'll see what Geezer's content looks like here.  IIRC Geezer was the username of a since-passed modeler on RR-Line, don't know if this lounge is related.


I was just over to the "Geezer" lounge. On the RR-L the On30 guys seemed to hang out there. The regular day by day morning lounge seemed like the other "gaugers" hung out with some occasional cross talk.

I won't mind a day-by-day lounge, but not two separate ones. I get a bit confused, somewhat easy at my age, about which one to post in and where I posted one I'd like to follow up on.

That's my $5.00 (inflated along with the egg prices)

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds



Still in pajamas here as I've been sketching track planning ideas (finally). I assembled a basic module yesterday and hope to paint it today and install tomorrow. Off to get in a quick 20m on my bike, so I can spend the weekend doing train stuff with no guilt.

I'm for daily threads as we've done here for years.

I'm absolutely for NO POLITICS...I'll be out of here in a second if it creeps in. 

have a good and productive day all.



I have little opinion on the daily posts, habitually I check both.  The RR-L lounge was a daily brief and the Geezer stop was more the have a cup and chat, rolled along for 100 pages or so then renewed by one of the mods, Rick.  A daily in stead of running on would suit me,it's just MUCH easier to miss a couple days and roll back 2-3 pages in the "old way" to catch up rather than searching for day to day posts.  Maybe compromise on a monthly Geezer?  MNDTM*

Cold, grey and windy in mid MI, snowing hard a tier of counties N of me.  Not supposed to here, best report is the look out the window.  Nope, no snow.  ???

Company coming later, out for dinner then a b'day deal for the obstinate daughter and geek squad.  The Doll has a sore back, bending over backwards for too many egos being massaged. 

Often I keep the Elkhart IN railcam running in the upper corner. The morning Lake Shore Ltd on the old 20th Century Limited route is running ~8 hours late due to "an unauthorized vehicle coming in contact wwith train equipment east of Syracuse" Posted 10:31 pm, Resumption wasn't posted until 5:40am.  Sure be a blast to be trying to make a connection somewhere. 

Slow progress is continuing on the layout.  Emphasis on slow.

Enuf for me.  :-X

*Makes No Difference to Me.....I hate abbreviations, not in my vocabulary :o 


PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

I tried posting this earlier today but I must have done something wrong because it vanished.

I prefer the Geezer's Lounge and yes the name is a carry over from RR-L in honor of a deceased modeler. I prefer the Geezer's Lounge because people get more talkative about what they have done and what they are planning to do. I know it's not for everyone, but modeling scale doesn't matter as I do HO.

The idea to separate days is a good idea and I would like that.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Good morning everyone,

Well it's been a little over a month since us refugees have come over from the RR Line forum and already we are under attack.  :o

For what it is worth the "Geezer's lounge was named after a RR Line forum member Bill Anderson (Geezer was his handle) who happened to model in On30 was was a bedrock to the On30 community.  The lounge was continued in his honour ever since he passed away.  The reason it is in the O Narrow Gauge section is that most of the people that post there model On30 but everyone is welcome to participate.  On the RR Line forum we were on volume 35 before it closed down.

I also noticed that everyone complaining about it below don't seem to get what we are about.  I look forward to checking in every morning to see what everyone is up to.  Separating the lounger into separate day post will not be an option as most of the regular posters there prefer it the way it is.

I was under the impression that this forum was all inclusive, which is the main reason a lot of us came here from the RR Line Forum.

That's all I have to say on this matter and I'm getting off my soapbox now.

Have a great day everyone and happy modeling.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Mornin,' All!

24, feels like 17 and the white gifts from above are arriving as scheduled. Looks like most of the mess will be south of here, but we're still in for our share....

As I'm in HO and HOn30, I prefer the daily thread in what was, for we Forums folk, the "Crew Lounge."  Good way to catch up, learn, comment and so on, without having to find the On30 threads and wonder how far back we needed to go to get the "current" news.  That's me, and YMMV....

Make it a great day, All, and stay safe!

in Michigan


I'm a former member of the defunct RRL forums. I was thrilled to find such a welcoming functional Model Railroading forum without the cliques found elsewhere. At RRL forums I went from the Daily morning lounge to the Geezers lounge. The name has already been explained in today's postings here. So was the reasoning as the Geezers lounge was originally where the O narrow guys could converse. Bill (geezers) though encouraged all modelers to stop by and say hello. It how me, a HO modeler got there. When Geezers transplanted to The Modelers Forum the tradition of 100 pages of posts before starting a new Geezers Lounge continued. Maybe for those who question the new lounge go read the opening pages

I think as the expanded daily activity has shown, Geezers is a hit.

I'll be over there at the modeling bench with my diet Dr Pepper and a bunch of 12" dowels drilling holes for tree branches. I am interested to see where this discussion goes



Quote from: Dave Buchholz on February 08, 2025, 11:28:31 AMThere is no attack. There is no complaint.


No issues here, was kind of supervised, that all. No harm, no foul.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

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