Wednesday Feb 12, 1925

Started by Jim Donovan, February 12, 2025, 07:05:36 AM

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Jim Donovan

Good Morning Folks;

Coffee is on, donuts ready. Planning some bench time and who knows what. Have a great day.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL

PRR Modeler

Good Morning,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Jim.

Have chores today and later going to a movie then supper out with MOH.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Morning all,

Have a safe and happy day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Morning All,

Well, my lunch just cancelled with a migraine...considering playing hooky  ;D. I cut and painted the missing piece (backdrop) from my recently installed module (benchwork only), so I'll most certainly get it mounted today and maybe get serious about the track plan...I started sketching already and have a large desk covered with notes and inspirational photos of scenes I want to integrate.

I'm running out of hurdles to progress  ;D



Morning all.

Fourteen degrees here, looks like we got about 5 inches of snow during the night and it's supposed to continue all day.   :P   I may have to try to fire up the snow blower.  

Did some work yesterday on the kit, probably more today as I'm not going anywhere.  

Thanks to everyone who commented about the Proto Throttle yesterday.  There are no operations on the layout yet, so I don't think I'll need one.  



Good morning everyone.

Jim, thanks for the second cup.

Mid 50's and windy here in Desert Hot Springs.

Moving a little further west today towards San Bernardino.

Did a nice hike yesterday and this is a short video of Star doing one of her favorite things while hiking.

Have a great day everyone.



Jim thanks for the coffee & donuts.

We have about 5" of the white stuff this morning.
Very gray outside/34.
Hopefully with rain coming later it will all melt.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


It was sunny and about 15 when I took the dogs out.  Now it's clouded over and 23, on its way to 29.  Snow starting tonight, 3-4", then some rain over top.  I like snow, but not rain afterwards.  It'll freeze and turn the mix into heavy crust.  They're predicting a real storm over the weekend 12-16" last time I checked.  

Yesterday I cut new side pieces for the Ambroid car and glued them together.  Today I'll check the results, and paint them.   That will put the project back on track, but I'm still waiting for the stuff I ordered from LaBelle to arrive.

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


210 here this morning.  Grey and quiet this morning. 

Awaiting a delivery this afternoon.  5" to 8" of new snow to start around 1 pm and last overnight, pause for a day or so then do it all again over the weekend. 

Heading to work on the layout. 

Be well all.


Larry C

Morning. Jim thanks for the coffee and doughnuts; can't go wrong with that.
Looks like everyone's going to have a productive day ahead.

@ 8:30 it was a whole 5 degrees; supposedly maybe 33 later. Hope to make it to the bench
sometime today. Have a great one.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Mornin,' All!

Plus 10, feels like plus 1 and may be headed to 25 under the re-knitting grey blanket here in the northern mitten.  Lots of WW panicky statements about what's supposed to be arriving this afternoon and evening, into tomorrow morning... 3-6 inches of white gifts from above!  Tonight's Op Session has just been cancelled by the owner, which will save some of us from fifty-mile drives each way to run trains, so that's probably a good call. His driveway is a cultural experience even in mid-summer, so that plays into the decision, too. And the long-range reconnaissance flakes are drifting around here and there already, so who knows?

Off to the lab for a blood test.  Make it a great day, All, and stay safe!

in Michigan


Good Morning!

The snow is melting and rain coming in. Come on spring!

Have a great Wednesday!


Good afternoon, from 20 miles S of Dave and a little warmer.  Our forecast is most recently 2" of slush ending mid-morning Thursday.  I'm just about done with computers for the day.

Mr. Critter

Bonsoir.  We're expecting several cubic kilometres of snow over the next 24 hours, here.  Where's my damned flamethrower?

In yesterday's mail came yet another HO building kit, namely Wild West Scale Model Builders' Pitkin House, along with a set each of their old wooden chairs and railroad station benches.  I ordered it because it looks like an old saltbox house, and has the short eaves typical of my ancestors' thriftiness.  My first exposure to a modern laser-cut wooden kit, and I'm technically impressed.  My plans for the house are to model it as a chi-chi French restaurant in a small town in Québec's Mauricie region, which is where I'm from, and where I spend my summer weekends and vacations.  There are quite a few nice old small-town wooden piles in that area that have been re-purposed as dining and drinking establishments, not to mention what looks like an old CN-pattern section house right by the tracks that I know's been a permanent family dwelling since I was a kid.

I plan to paint the thing crimson, with white trim, and make signage for "La Maison Rouge - Cuisine Provençale."  Diorama ideas:  By the tracks.  Parking lot that holds maybe six vehicles, a tiny deck for summer al fresco dining that I'll need to imagineer and scratchbuild.  Some added ventilation and fume-evacuation details for the tiny kitchen in the back will be de rigueur. Verisimilitude.

Now I really need to hie myself to a local hobby shop and buy fresh glue, brushes, and assorted craft paints. Because I've now got a gluing jig, 90° clamps, angle plates, and whatnot to actually start building models again.

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