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Messages - Erieman

Selling Kit... / Re: Clearing off my to-do shelf
May 09, 2024, 06:59:37 PM
Thats a nice shelf of collectable kits. I am sure that they are many others on the forum that similar stashes of kits. I'm glad that I have built all my kits and many scratchbuilt structures over the years. No more room on the layout. I wish you luck in selling them. 

Frank aka Erieman
Scratchbuilding / Re: Building Frank's bar
February 26, 2024, 03:39:56 PM

Thank you for following my article on Elwell's Bar. You did a fine job. Lots of angular shapes to cut and glue which made it an interesting challenge. Thank you for following along. Glad you enjoyed the build.

Frank / Erieman  
Dioramas / Re: Bleat - a 009 exhibition layout
February 08, 2024, 12:11:08 PM
Beautiful Work. How large are these modules? Looks like fun. I recent found an engine in the back of one of my storage drawers that I could possibly build a small module. You ask, what is the size of the engine. It is an HOe 0-6-0. And it is small at 2 1/2" long. The engine was made by Roco. I cannot tell you when I bought it or even why I bought it. Might just build something for it ( in my spare time) .

Frank / Erieman
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Monday 22 January
January 22, 2024, 01:59:25 PM
Good Evening Mike,

Hope you had a wonderful birthday like some train time, birthday cake, etc... Some how birthdays just keep creeping up, but remember it is only a number. 

I'm in the train room installing led lighting in buildings. Some installs are easy and others are not.

All the best,

Frank aka Erieman
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday, January 9, 2024
January 10, 2024, 11:49:39 AM
This is the most recent video that Toy Man Television uploaded. Dale was our guest speaker at our regional convention last year. The convention was held in Flagstaff, Arizona. Dale was not able to come down to Phoenix, but asked that i put together some more recent video of my layout. As you will see in the attachment, Dale starts and ends the video with some snipets from the former video he did of my layout. 

Frank / erieman 
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday, January 9, 2024
January 10, 2024, 11:38:13 AM
Quote from: Vietnam Seabee on January 09, 2024, 01:59:49 PMFrank...if I remember correctly you have a website/link to your layout?
What I don't remember is what the link is....
Help me out here
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday, January 9, 2024
January 09, 2024, 01:19:03 PM
Good morning All. This is the second day of "Frost on the pumpkin" here in Arizona. Night time lows have been just below 32 degrees downtown and a bit lower where we live. During this period we have to put frost blankets on the more sensitive plants to prevent them from dying from the frost. We put foam cups on the tops of several cactus to prevent frost damage. Yes, these cactus have spikes. Some of the trees are also prone to frost, especially if they are new citrus trees. 

I know, we are pussies out here in Arizona. Well I lived back where it snowed and was cold and i'll keep what i have here in Arizona. Yes, i know it also gets hot in the summer. Oh well, poop happens!

The good news is that i can work on th layout more because it is so cold outside. 

As many of you know or have seen my layout, i have a rather large city area at one end of the layout. Many of the buildings are quite tall, with several ranging from 6 to 12 stories. I am adding fire escapes to many of them. A bit tedious, but will look good in the final view. I'll post some pics soon.

Have a wonderful day.

Frank / Erieman 
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday, December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023, 03:15:06 PM
Good afternoon All,

Each year Christmas seems to get bigger family wise. The Grandchildren continue to grow and now we are hearing that  
a great grandchild is on the way. We might have to get a bigger table for everyone to sit around. Everyone is doing well otherwise. Our weather had finally turned acceptable. No high temps, just plenty of sunshine. My wife gave me a early Christmas gift that I could buy some more train stuff!!! Actually i am in need of fire escapes, roof top water tanks, roof vents, etc. 

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have over 50 structures in my cityscape area. All are plastic and many are heavily kitbashed. They are two to 15 stories high and form a wall along the northside of the layout. All if not most will also have led lighting, interior details etc.... I'll try to take some pics for my next post. Many need to be removable for access to tracks on three levels. For those not familiar with my layout, that sounds a bit crazy. I'll take some close up pics so everyone can visualize this area better. You can also see the layout diagram of my layout in the 2019 Great Model Railroads issue.

I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and may Santa bring you all lots of train stuff.

Frank / Erieman 
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Saturday, Dec 23, 2023
December 23, 2023, 12:45:12 PM
Good Morning or Good Afternoon, depending on your time zone. We had a great rain day over the past 24 hours. Rain is something sorely needed out here in the desert. I have been here for over 45 years and have never experienced a summer so dry as this past one. The UV rays were strong enough to effect some of the desert vegetation.
We are celebrating Christmas this evening with the family. Plently of cooking, presents to be unwrapped and some final yard work and wiring to be completed. Had to replace a manifold of water solenoids that had been leaking ever so slightly. The dry summer also effected our water usuage and water bills. Your don't want to know what they were, trust me. The price we pay for a green lawn.
We wish everyone a joyous and healthly holiday. I hope to post some pics in the coming days. Working on installing led lighting in many of my city buildings. Something like 60 structures. Five are done!

Best wishes to one and all.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday 12/15/2023
December 15, 2023, 12:13:45 PM
What is with the clock? It seems to be way off. Are we on  GMT?

Frank/ Erieman
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday 12/15/2023
December 15, 2023, 12:09:55 PM
Good Morning All,

Another sunny day here in Arizona. Going to be in the 70's. Put up all the outside decorations the last couple of days so it is now time to get back to the railroad. Adding LED lighting to all the city structures. I purchased a couple of LED spools. This is the way to go on large city building of which I have many (50 plus). Adding frosted acrylic as windows to difuse the LED's. Probably should have done this before I assembled the buildings, but LED's did not exist back then. Adding acrylic glass windows is also a challenge, expecially on the narrow buildings. Oh well, that is what this hobby is all about. Three buildings are done and ready for installation, many more to go. Will post some pics on my layout thread soon.

Frank / Erieman
Layout Tours / Re: Cypress Creek Railroad
December 15, 2023, 11:58:04 AM
Good Morning Steve,

Congratulations on you layout progress. I think your decision to add structures was the right thing to do. You have done  marvelous job on your structures. Adiding detail later will only enhance what you have done. Just superb work.
I'll be following.

Frank aka Erieman
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday, December 3, 2023
December 03, 2023, 02:06:21 PM
Good Morning All,

Glad to hear that Tom is feeling better. The holiday time is not the time to feel under the weather. I have had a lot of house projects recently. We are are having the house painted and I had to replace some fascia, fix spots on our retaining walls and remove and replace a wooden shade screen area on the west side of the house before the painter started. Same color as before but it is amazing to see the fading the sun does to the paint. 
Had a barbeque last night with family and relatives from Houston. In the train room today, hopefully for the entire day to work on lighting a few buildings. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Frank / Erieman   
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Friday - December 1, 2023
December 01, 2023, 01:04:47 PM
Good Morning and Good Afternoon, depending on the time zone you reside it. Been busy with non railroad projects recently. We had the main house and train building aka the guest house repainted. Same color, just a refresh. 

Currently working on painting, adding windows, shades, etc. to many the city buildings on the city scape of the layout. Adding lighting to the structures. They range from two to twelve story structures. Buildings are from a variety of manufacturers including City Classics, etc...  Most have been primed before hand but several have not. (Forgot how to add photos so any assistance would be greatly appreciated). There are somewhere about 30 buildings that need all or part finishing. All will have LED lighting and many with interior detail. This is going to take a while!!!

Have a great day.

Frank aka Erieman
Layout Tours / Re: Shadowlands and Tellynott
November 14, 2023, 09:08:26 PM

Now that the forum is back, I can't wait to see your progress on your layout. I have see some photos in the Narrow Gauge Mag, but now your updates can be more frequent. It looks like a wonderful project. Looking forward to your next post.

Frank / Erieman 
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