Excellent work Bernd, thanks for sharing, excellent work.
I have been using corrugated and standing seam metal, asphalt shingle and cedar shingle and shake roofing material on most of the kits I build. In the real world, tar paper roofs are not used for any substantial structures that are expected to last more than a few months. Using a color coating material is great, as a coating over the steel, galvanized steel, or aluminum helps the roof to last longer.
I have been using corrugated and standing seam metal, asphalt shingle and cedar shingle and shake roofing material on most of the kits I build. In the real world, tar paper roofs are not used for any substantial structures that are expected to last more than a few months. Using a color coating material is great, as a coating over the steel, galvanized steel, or aluminum helps the roof to last longer.