Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19

Started by S&S RR, July 27, 2019, 08:44:50 PM

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Here is a view from the top.  The bracing will all be boxed in and painted the dark green facia color when it is finished.

I use oak moldings to construct the frame that holds the four layers together.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Once I get the three layers in place I cutout square pockets in the foam board for the touch toggle switches. This holds them in place. The markup layout diagram that I use for this has squares printed on it the size of the touch toggle switches - so a few minutes with a #11 and you have a control panel board.  I drill holes big enough for the connectors in the plywood for the wires to pass through. Holes are then drilled through the benchwork to route the wiring to the little drawer that holds all the control boards. I changed the sizing between the markup sheet that I used for the holes and the one I used for the touch toggles so I have a few holes that are not aligned properly but the wires don't care.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Here is a picture of the control panel drawer with the boards and labels - just before I put it in place.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Here is the control drawer in place and the wires starting to get pulled.  ;)  I have a few connections to make and more tortoise machines to install. 

Tomorrow maybe some power up pictures. ;)
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dennis Bourey

Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


Really like those Touch Toggle switches , so neat and tidy , as is your wiring.
I love photo's, don't we all.


Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 01, 2020, 10:10:57 PM
Very nice job Sir John. I'm watching...Dennis


Thank you for the complement and for following along.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Quote from: Janbouli on April 02, 2020, 07:11:27 AM
Really like those Touch Toggle switches , so neat and tidy , as is your wiring.

Thank you Jan.  The worst part is mounting the tortoise machines under the layout - but I think it's going to be worth it.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


I powered up panel number 7, today.  We have 19 working switches. I have 11 of the 19 tortoise machines installed, so tomorrow will be tortoise machine installation day.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

Dennis Bourey

Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


Hey John:

Looks great have fun with the switch machines.



Dennis and Karl

Thank you for stopping by the thread and the words of encouragement.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Today, I completed the control panel - except for painting - and continued hooking up tortoise machines. I have 8 more machines to install and wire and then it will be on to the control panel and servo motors that will control the North End of the yard.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


I'm going to try Bob Parishes tip of holding the tortoise machines in place with hot glue until you get the screws etc in place (see todays baggage car).   I sure can use another had putting in the tortoise machines.  I will report back this evening on how it goes.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Quote from: S&S RR on April 04, 2020, 11:38:45 AM
I'm going to try Bob Parishes tip of holding the tortoise machines in place with hot glue until you get the screws etc in place (see todays baggage car).   I sure can use another had putting in the tortoise machines.  I will report back this evening on how it goes.

So after 30 + years in the hobby, today I used a technique that is one of those why didn't I think of that moments.
Bob Parish a couple days ago posted a "how he does it" for tortoise machine installation under the layout.  I read through it and mentally check off each step until I got to the - I stick them in position with hot glue until I can get the screws in them, step.  Now I have tried a lot of ways to hold them in place over the years but never hot glue. So I tried it - it works great. I just installed a couple tortoise machines that were way back underneath - Bob I tried it on the two that I was dreading and had them in in just a couple minutes. I love the forum - THANK YOU BOB     I will repost Bob technique here so it is easy for everyone to find.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

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