Thursday January 9, 2025

Started by jerryrbeach, January 09, 2025, 07:37:37 AM

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Good morning.  Door is open, coffee is fresh.  Tracklayers blend today.  Blueberry pancakes with thick cut bacon and maple syrup. Turkey bacon and a pot pf oatmeal for those eating healthy. Tea, hot chocolate, diet Pepsi and Dr. Pepper at the end of the line. 

Another bitter windy cold day in my little corner of upstate NY.  Snowed overnight but hard to tell how much with it being so windy.

I managed to make some progress on a couple freight car builds yesterday, more of the same planned for today.

I hope everyone has a safe, warm, and rewarding day! 

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Jerry.

Started out with a walk with a feel like temp of 33F but with a brutal wind that cut through my clothing. I only made it to 0.5 mile vs the 2.5 I normally do. I was freezing. :o I guess I'm a wimp. :-[

Today will mainly be chores and possibly some errands.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Quick stop to say hello, it's 30 here in the mid-western central lower peninsula of MICH with the reported guess that we might see some sunlight today after a grand 1% of possible yesterday with light snow. The wife and I may make a break for it today for a few hours.

I removed most of the rolling stock from the railroad yesterday with plans for a deep clean and some trains running a bit.  3 cars were sent to the RIP track, 2 quick fixes and the other needs a coupler box cover to be ready to go back.  Need to fill the CMX and set the Centerline pair on the track and get at it.  I did check the DCC (NCE) and no problems presented themselves. 

Fine sounding breakfast, Jerry.  A bit of Diet Coke should perfect the tri-fecta of liquids.

Sure some scary  :o  sights from Cali yesterday and this morning, being on the coast it should be front page fore weeks and not disappear like the real folks in NCarolina.

Be well, KarlS

Good morning to all who pass thru today.


Mornin' all,

14 degrees here this morning.  4-10" of snow forecast for tomorrow. I went out this morning and stocked up in case I get trapped in the house for multiple days.  The road that comes up to my subdivision is VERY steep with a very sharp switchback so there is no getting in/out until the road gets plowed or the snow/ice melts.

Yesterday a used Athearn Gen1 gas turbine (slab side) was delivered from Ebay so I tested the decoder/sound and everything worked great.

Hope y'all have a great day!



Good morning from a decent feeling 9f degrees in So Central Wisconsin, no wind again means a lot!  No walk until later in the afternoon as I'm off to help on a layout build! 9 to 2 is the build time with a time out for lunch. My 2 drivers both have appointments today so I'm driving myself!!!

Thanks for the diet Dr pepper and a couple strips of the bacon. I'll be good with that as it will also help me drive by the McDonald's sausage, egg McMuffin as I pass 3 of them heading north!

Enjoy the day

Larry C

Morning. It's a snowy, windy, and cold day @ 16 with maybe low 20's this afternoon in Central N.Y. Looks like another 3-6 coming our way today. Some bench time this am then the Mrs has a Chiropractor visit this afternoon followed by dinner from Subway.

Have a great day! Keep warm and be well; careful on the roads if that's an issue in your area.

Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Morning all,

Curt already covered the weather here in Central Florida.  Unlike Curt, I skipped my morning walk and stayed warm under the blankets for an extra hour or so.

Working on getting our flights straightened out for our trip to Europe in June.  We're departing from Orlando and arriving in Amsterdam on the way over and leaving from Basel to return to Orlando.  There's a bit of confusion with the seating, etc. but I'm sure Viking will get it squared away if I bug them enough.

Since it's cold outside I'll settle in for a workbench session later on today.

Have a great one! 
Bob Butts

There's a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.



We had fun last night waiting for a battery service to replace my daughter's car battery. Why does it have to be in the middle of downtown at 22:30 on the sketchiest street?

What fun!


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Still quite windy here in SE NH, temps are warmer and wind should die down early tomorrow.  Yesterday after PT I didn't feel like doing any modeling.  Today I'll figure out what to do with the top of the tower on the Lamson main mill.  There's the kit approach, which is prototypical for that structure, but looks kinda boring to me :-) 

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to


Morning everyone

Jerry thanks for the coffee & breakfast.

Weather in South Jersey cold/windy with a RF of 17.
But the sun is out.

Not sure what the day will bring.
Hopefully some time at the bench.

Everyone have a wonderful day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Morning all! Still quite cold and snowy here in Northern Ohio. The sun is making an appearance, though.

Saw this Gondola last week. What I want to know is: If this were a model on your layout, would you load it with Skittles?


Late morning all,

I thought it was cold here at 37 until I read everyone else's temps. I guess I'll stay in Fl. and not move to any place that has the white stuff.

I had two cups of hot chocolate this morning.

I was planning on working on the Winter Challenge but Pam has errands she wants me to help her with. I will get to the bench but not sure I'll get to update the thread.

Have a great day, stay safe and healthy ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning everyone.
I already had breakfast at the forum.
Stopped by to see who was here.
I post a daily photo of my travels on the other forum and wonder if that's OK here?
An example would be this photo from a hike I did yesterday in LV, NV.

OK, I see I can't upload a photo directly here.
Or is that only because I'm new here?
Also, will I have to answer the verification questions forever?


Good morning (still) all. My bit of the lower Merrimack Valley had bright sun for a while, now it's Cloudy Bright and attempting a snow squall.  With this wind and our four month drought, we're very lucky to not have fires of our own.  Heard there was one WSW of me yesterday, doesn't show today so I guess the FDs got it out.  After lunch I'm not turning the computer on again till there's model RR progress to report.

Rick, I have been able to upload photos using both the bar at the bottom of the regular Post window, and the little icon right of center on the top bar of both the regular and quick Post windows.

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