Extension to the PRR Bellevue Sub Branchline

Started by PRR Modeler, January 27, 2017, 04:30:44 PM

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Nice work Curt. :) 8)

Stay cool and run steam........ 8) 8)

PRR Modeler

Thanks for the pointers. I will definitely take a look at wood crossings.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

PRR Modeler

Today I glued down the crane rails and started putting down "asphalt ". I also now have a working concept of the container yard office layout.

Since I have weights on the crane rails while the glue dries I don't have a picture today. I will post one tomorrow.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

PRR Modeler

Today I finished painting the asphalt in the track area. After that I put in fencing around the office area, built the office, lighted the office and put some cars in the parking lot. (not in the photo)

Today I also ordered almost $100 in detail parts for the project (of course with authorization from higher authority--the wife!).

I want to figure out some way to be able to slide the crane down the rails. Give me a couple of days and I will figure it out.

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Your project for the addition really looks nice Curt. Great job. :) 8)

Stay cool and run steam........ 8) 8)

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

PRR Modeler

Today I pretty much finished the office area. I still need to add details and I'm going to put in a larger office. Also I put in some ground cover and fixed the ballast on the main I messed up (on purpose) when I was attaching the wood framing.

Tomorrow I hope to lightly (emphasis on lightly) ballast the yard leads.

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

PRR Modeler

This is the sign I made for the office area.

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

PRR Modeler

Today I didn't have much time so all I did was ballast in between the rails on the 3 yard leads. More ballasting tomorrow of the approach track and 3 T/O's.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 26, 2017, 10:29:32 PM
Today I pretty much finished the office area. I still need to add details and I'm going to put in a larger office. Also I put in some ground cover and fixed the ballast on the main I messed up (on purpose) when I was attaching the wood framing.

Tomorrow I hope to lightly (emphasis on lightly) ballast the yard leads.

The office area looks great Curt. :) 8)

Stay cool and run steam................ 8) 8)

PRR Modeler

Today I finished the approach tracks ballasting. Tomorrow I need to experiment with the bottom of the crane so that I can slide it down the crane rails.

I still have a section of the addition that I have no clue what to do with it.

I will post a picture of it tomorrow.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 28, 2017, 03:05:53 PM
Today I finished the approach tracks ballasting. Tomorrow I need to experiment with the bottom of the crane so that I can slide it down the crane rails.

I still have a section of the addition that I have no clue what to do with it.

I will post a picture of it tomorrow.


Looking forward to the photo update.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

PRR Modeler

Today I painted crates, steps, and a bigger yard office (still needs assembly). I also worked on the beam crane and made another small ramp that goes on the opposite end of the platform from the trailer removal end to give some flexibility if I bring a Merchandise Service boxcar there so crates can be loaded on delivery trucks by forklift.

Tomorrow morning I'm driving up to see a friend that made me a Pennsy dwarf signal on a pole (from a reference photo). Jon is the one that built and helped install the Pennsy signal bridges and stand alone signals for Bill (6 miles west of Altoona layout tour). He does excellent work.

The dimensions of the area that I am scratching my head about is right side 40" and the bottom is 12". Any ideas will be welcomed. Honestly right now I am thinking about putting in a small hill.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


The ballasting looks good Curt. I would put in a small hill with fir trees of various sizes on top of that hill. That will give the addition some depth as one looks into the addition from any viewing point.

Stay cool and run steam............ 8) 8)


I would put a warehouse district.
Add a another switch coming back toward camera ( Outermost track) and you can have street running to service warehouse

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