What building is this?

Started by Erieman, May 23, 2017, 10:40:16 PM

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Good evening everyone,

This is the beginning of two models. A clue: I have already made them. Wait a minute, this is too easy, especially for those that have either been to my layout or followed my thread. S-o-o, the answer is Yakima Apples I, Yakima Apples will follow.
I have learned that on many scratch built structures, you have to be concerned about warping, hence the note on the inside of the base "interior braces". The base is the most important part in maintaining squareness in all three planes. The cardstock base is 5 ply and the stone walls for the building are from New England Brownstone. They are glued with Elmers yellow glue and hot glue to the base and each other. All the walls have been rough cut. Final cuts and window openings and back bracing will follow. I scrounged thru my window and door box and have found most, but not all. The balance of the doors and windows have been ordered.

So this is the beginning of Yakima Apples I. Follow along and enjoy. And when this is done, I will start on Yakima Apples II

Frank / Erieman


Wow- you made it back to the workbench.  Looking forward to watching the build.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


   Nice thread.  Let's see how fast someone gets this.  I'm all eye's.  Thanx Thom...


Glad to see you posting another build thread.  I will definitely be following along.



Looks like the start of another one of your masters.

I'll  be in the crowd looking over somebody's shoulder.

Tom ;D
"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL



Quote from: jimmillho on May 24, 2017, 11:15:40 AM
Make it three Watchers.

They don't call me FOUR eyes for nutin!


Thanks to all that stopped by. Yes, I am back at it, but not without issues. Still lots of house projects. Several plants to be moved. Had 20 tons of gravel moved in the back yard and it looks like I need another 20 tons. To make things worse, I seem to have a couple of my teeth causing some problems. Had a root canal yesterday and going back in tomorrow for another root canal. A side effect has been some swelling on my chin. NO More PLEASE !!!

Back to the model. As  I mentioned in my prior post, i have added internal bracing using the same 5 ply cardstock. It is hot glued in place to insure that the base does not experience any warping. The base sits on a glass table and sits very flat. That's a good thing! With that done and working, it is time to move on. I have cut the window and door openings to two walls. Many more walls to go. I did not have all the doors you see, so I have had to purchase more which I expect in a couple of weeks. Then I can finish painting the walls. Then assemble all the walls, but I am getting ahead of myself. Too keep my hand from cramping, I will be adding bracing to the cut walls. There are several walls to cut, assemble before I start any painting. More soon.

Frank / Erieman                         


Hi Frank:

Looking great so far. I'm following along.



I've not thought about internal bracing like this.  Looks like it would help especially in a taller building.  Neat.



Quote from: postalkarl on May 25, 2017, 07:46:49 AM
Hi Frank:

Looking great so far. I'm following along.



Thanks for Stopping by. This is building one of two. Both are scratch built, which I enjoy building. My documentation is not the greatest, so the original model is on the table adjacent to the build serving as a reference. More soon.

Frank / Erieman 


Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on May 25, 2017, 08:25:44 AM
I've not thought about internal bracing like this.  Looks like it would help especially in a taller building.  Neat.



Thanks for stopping by. I think any wooden structure should be braced depending on size. The original Yakima Apples was braced and I have had no warping. Another structure that is on the layout is Ironia Station, and almost upon completion, the building started to warp. the solution at the time was hot glue. Not the best, but only idea that I could come up with. I am expecting a crack sound sometime in the future. East end Market has a slightly different approach. I built an inner box beam and then put all the exterior sides to the box. That has worked out the best. Another advantage of this technique is the ability to take the model off the layout at some time in the future, like when we downsize. I don't think that any plastic building needs bracing due to the inherent structural characteristics of the material.

Frank / Erieman


Good Evening All,

Yesterday was not a very productive one. I had another day in the dentist chair. Not fun. With all of that ( hopefully) over with, I was able to get quite a bit of the building done today. all the walls have been cut and braced. I had a bit of a hard time finding a new bottle of the acrylic paint. Got lucky at Hobby Lobby. So now I am going to put on the first layer of paint. According to my notes, there is seven layers of paint on the walls. WHEW. I'll let you know. In the meantime, here is a photo of the exterior walls. Enjoy.

Frank / Erieman


Good Evening,

Well, the first paint coat of many has been applied. I used a thin coating of water based acrylic paint, then wiped it dry so it appears somewhat transparent. You can see the wood grain. Several coats of A&I, white pigment, nail holes and damaged boards will be done in the coming days. The corners posts have also been painted. I use a white wash that will be stained with A&I medium tomorrow. SO, in a couple of days I will be able to install the doors and windows. I try to have each wall complete as much as possible before final assembly. The concrete base has been painted with A&I and will absorb into the plaster over the next couple of days. The I will use a couple of chalks to apply different colors to the rocks. More soon.

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