Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19

Started by S&S RR, July 27, 2019, 08:44:50 PM

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Dennis Bourey

Now that's what I'm talking about. (Perfection) Beautiful job.......Dennis
Dennis Bourey

Lake's Region RR
(Happy Modeling)


What an eye-catcher , both the barn and the roundhouse .
I love photo's, don't we all.


Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 26, 2020, 09:08:27 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about. (Perfection) Beautiful job.......Dennis

Thank you my friend. I can't wait to get it operational with the scenery completed around it.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Quote from: Janbouli on September 27, 2020, 05:27:17 AM
What an eye-catcher , both the barn and the roundhouse .


Thank you for following along and the kind words.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Looks like the barn is making great progress.

Thanks for the photo of the roundhouse a real beauty can't wait to see than with scenery.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Quote from: Jerry on September 27, 2020, 09:42:49 AM
Looks like the barn is making great progress.

Thanks for the photo of the roundhouse a real beauty can't wait to see than with scenery.



Thank you for following along - I have been working on the Roundhouse every once and awhile while the glue was drying on the other builds. At some point I will take a few days/weeks and concentrate on getting the turntable running and the scenery including the landforms that will finish that area of the layout off. Right now the Whispering Falls and G. Wilikers builds are working out great moving from one to the other as different parts dry.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Update: Today, I got the two sheds completed to the point where their ready for the roof cards for the from of the Whispering Falls barn. I also cut and stained all the wood for the barn addition in the back of the barn.

On the G. Wilikers build I painted the trim panels for the main building. Next up, is the roof detail and final trim on the main building. I have collect pictures of the G. Wilikers kit built by about a half a dozen builders over the years.  I was looking through the pictures this evening and no two builds did the trim the same way on the main building. A couple of them left off the stairs going to the second level. I'm going do do the cornice trim the way George does it in the instructions. I did add a trim piece to the roof and will be painting the rain gutters and getting them ready for installation, tomorrow. I should have enough progress to warrant some new progress pictures, tomorrow.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Hey John:

Looks just beautiful so far. Keep the pics flowing.



Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 28, 2020, 09:35:58 AM
Looks great John. Are you leaving the rock wall grey?


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  The part of the foundation wall that you see that is grey is a poured concrete wall. I will be doing some weathering on it to give it that older concrete look - a lot of it will be covered with the landforms that surround the barn. I have some touchup work on the stone portion of the wall.  I went after some air bubbles after I painted it.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Quote from: postalkarl on September 28, 2020, 02:13:09 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful so far. Keep the pics flowing.



Thank you my friend. The pictures will continue to flow.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Update:  Today, I started adding the roof details to the main building of G. Wilikers.

Also, added the floor to the addition portion of the barn for the Whispering Falls build. The main roof beams where also added to the barn in preparation for the rafters.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Update:  I wired the loft of the barn and installed 6 more LED lights, today.  The wiring junction is in the lower level under the barn addition.  You can also see how I ran the wires behind the big beams - out of sight once the roof goes on. I also discovered an issue with the second window on this side of the barn. The wall for the addition goes right through it.  I know Dario removed it for the demo build because it doesn't show in the pictures. It was on the template so I put it in.  No big deal. I popped off the siding in this area and will cover it one I put the siding on the addition.  One other change that I made was to use one big beam that gave be the correct height for the trusses that will be installed on top of the beams. The instruction call for a shim on top of a 6x8 beam. The bottom of the beam is the only portion that is visible in the final model.

The hole where the window was removed. Also a hole for the LED wires to get to the lower level of the barn addition.

Picture of the pilot model - the window is gone.

The lamps are in and the wires are glued.  I use lots of glue to hold the wires and stress relieve them so nothing comes loose down the road.

John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad


Update: Today, I decided to take a step backwards on the Whispering Falls build.  I was about to glue the floor down on the addition portion of the barn and took one last look at all those wiring connections in a place where I can't get at them if something goes wrong. So I decided to extend the wires down through the baseboard of the model to a junction box below the layout where I can get at it in the future. I had a wire come off on my Locomotive Works and it was easy to fix because of the drawer where I installed for all the connections for that build. So there will be some soldiering but I'm making the change. ;)  There are 22 LED's inside the barn.
John Siekirk
Superior & Seattle Railroad

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

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