Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR in On30

Started by Larry C, January 05, 2025, 02:58:29 PM

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Larry C

The outside of the back wall is finished. Even though this will be the only time it'll be seen, since it'll be up against the backdrop, it did give me the opportunity to experiment with the coloring to get the look I wanted. This is the reddish chalk color which was applied then worked in the 2x10's with clear alcohol. While the wood was still wet grey was applied next then worked into the wood with a large soft bristle brush. This process gave me the faded, used look I was going for.

Next will be to color more wood and clad the front and the ends before any trim pieces go on. Also my Sierra West detail parts are set to arrive tomorrow so there will be lots to do.




These are the two ends with 2x10's grained and colored the same as the back. I just noticed I need to fix the right hand wall peak; oops. The windows will be the last thing done so I can lay the walls perfectly flat to work on the interiors. The windows will be the same color as the roof trim boards.

And the inside built the same way as the back wall. I purposely didn't put in windows in the center of the walls to maximize the interior wall space.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

Larry C

The front wall. When I do the windows the door will be scratch built. You'll notice I did add a few half boards as well as some splits and pieces missing from the boards to add some interest on this and the ends. Also need to add nail holes the the outside walls; which I'll probably do next.


After a few touchups on the exterior walls then the interiors will be detailed BEFORE they get glued together just to make life easier. Will just have to do some careful planning as far as where things start and stop.


Now this thread is all caught up to where I'm currently at with this build; I guess I'd better get busy. I copied all of this yesterday as soon as I read the RRL announcement; easier to copy & paste than writing this all over again. As always thanks for following along.

Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR



I too am glad you are continuing your build here as I'm glad I'll be able to follow this adventure till the end.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.



Wow, this build is looking fantastic. I love how you finished the walls, interior and exterior. Nothing beats the look of board by board on a model.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford

Larry C

Ron thanks and glad you'll continue following along.

Tom thank you. After I built Sierra West's Wood Cutter Shack, a few years back,
I not only learned a lot but was hooked on the "board by board" approach to scratch
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Howdy Larry,

It's good to hear the hammers are at work here on Pratt's Hollow. How is the removable roof going?

Have fun,

Larry C

Thanks Mike, sorry I missed your post. The roof is all planned out;
now I just need to get the other stuff done first.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Larry glad your sharing the adventure here.

Looks great so far.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

Larry C

Thanks Jerry and yes I wanted to keep this thread going which keeps me going.


Now the I've caught up on my thread, it's time to move forward with the build:


Years ago I built this little jig using a pieces of actual 1x3's with the mill edges glued
and nailed together with finishing nails. Even though I don't use it often it's good for this:


This way I'm able to get the workbench square with the back wall. The bench was scratched using 6x6's for the frame and legs along with 2x10's for the top. All the wood was grained, colored with tan chalks and A&I. the Top received further graining and the front edge was "gouged" out a little with my
knife. The front received an another piece of 2x10 and the drawer fronts are 1x6's with cut down track nails for the drawer pulls.


Now I'm starting to visualize the interior back wall. The floor cabinet was scratched using 2x10's and 100# paper for the back. The cabinet was a little fidly to build since the boards were glued standing on their edges. The details are SW primed then painted with various colored chalks and clear alcohol.
The wall shelf is made from 3x12's then glued to the studs. The batteries are from Brett spray painted flat black with most place on the shelf and a couple elsewhere.

That's what I've done on the back wall for now. I have an air compressor to go under the battery shelf and a Locker with a ht, coat, and a pair of boots which will go on the floor. I'm also going to attempt making some fan belts from very thin strips of Tyvek which will hang on rods over the bench; signs and posters will also be added. Still lots to do on the back wall before doing the sides; the front wall, since it won't really be seen, will have very little in the way of inside details. Thanks for stopping by and look forward to your comments/suggestion.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


What is the material sheets on the walls? I'm guessing roofing paper?

Nice work !

PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Larry C

Philip thanks. The black is material from Hobby Lobby, it's black "scrap booking" paper
which has texture on both sides; it's about $.25/ per sheet. It's quite convincing with a
little white chalk brushed in with a soft brush.

Curt thank you; your comments are appreciated.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Howdy Larry,

The building fixture works great.  Congrats on the back wall cans, buckets, and stuff.  It's a nice collection of colors too.

Have fun,


Larry, nice job on the bench and details.
Keep up the good work.

Larry C

Mike thanks, much appreciated.

Rick thank you; it's slow going but it's fun.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

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