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Topics - Keep It Rusty

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Thursday 06 June 2024
June 06, 2024, 03:08:46 AM
Setting up a trampoline for the kids today.

Working on the next kit in my KEEP IT SIMPLE line up before I turn to my next big one for the rest of the year.

Oh, and I suppose I should also do some work...

New member signed up, too. Welcome to s.e.charles!
Another limited edition for sale.
Excellent waterfront kit.
Asking $299, which was the price I paid when it released.
Both kits, highly sought after and long gone limited editions.
Excellent condition of two excellent kits.
$750.00 USD for both.

Selling Kit... / South River Collection
May 22, 2024, 11:09:33 AM
Hey guys, selling the following SRMW kits (see attached photo).


$300 a piece (unless otherwise stated)
International postage will be approximately $27-30 per kit to US mainland address. Maybe cheaper.

Entire collection for $2000.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Floquil Color Samples
May 13, 2024, 08:47:16 AM
Hey everybody --

I am working with a well-known paint supplier to bring back some of our long-lost favorite paint colors from Floquil.

We are looking to recreate the following colors in acrylic and I need some paint chips/samples on some white paper. A well exposed/white-balanced photograph of them all would be all that is needed...

Roof Brown
Grimy Black
Depot Buff
Box Car Red
Coach Green

If any of you have these colors on your shelves still and can do this, maybe we can resurrect these colors in harmless acrylic form!

Thanks in advance.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday 21 April 2024
April 21, 2024, 05:22:14 AM
Morning all.

What's everyone's agenda for this sunny Sunday? (At least that's the weather here)
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Saturday 20 April 2024
April 20, 2024, 04:47:45 AM
Another weekend is here and with it comes a new kit from us. Have a great weekend everyone.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Saturday 16 March 2024
March 16, 2024, 03:05:37 AM
The weekend is here! What do you all have planned?
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Friday 15 March 2024
March 15, 2024, 06:14:37 AM
Morning all.

The weekend is here.

I am working towards the release of two of my smaller, "affordable but never compromising" kits -- which will be available to order next week from my website (found below, if interested). These are a single piece 3D-print, which only needs the walls painting and the roof adding. Simple yet effective! Both of these dioramas took just two-three evenings to complete. The structure itself was a single evening.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Friday 01 March 2024
March 01, 2024, 04:11:47 AM
Can't quite believe it is March already...

I am working on two small kits for my "Keep It Simple" lineup. They should be available fairly soon.

I hope you all have a good day/weekend.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Wednesday 07 February 2024
February 07, 2024, 05:35:07 AM
To combat spam user signups (we've had a few recently), I have switched to admin approval when registering. Until we reach significant signup traffic, this will be the most effective way of moderating who's in or who's out.

Anyway, between my day job and some other recent business, I continue to make way on my upcoming kit offerings. I'm very excited to share them all soon.

I hope you all have a good day.
Happy New Year everyone!

May this year be the best yet for you all.

Modeling, health, happiness, and beyond!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / This is the end…
December 31, 2023, 01:51:57 AM
... of 2023!

I hope you have all had a great year and will have a prosperous 2024.

Being in the UK and most of you in the US, I'll be in New Year before you so I'll be here waiting for you all. So here's to it everyone.

Happy New Year!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Wednesday 27 December 2023
December 27, 2023, 07:24:26 AM
I hope you all had a great Christmas! Are you as stuffed as a bird?

Hobby-wise, my wife bought me some new paints and for myself, I have invested in some new 3D printers! Lots to do.

The New Year is just around the corner. The shelf of shame cries louder.

The Yard / Changing the time
December 12, 2023, 09:16:21 AM
If you're looking to change the time/clock on the forum from its default EST setting, users can do this individually to suit their location.

To do this:

  • Click your Username in the very top left.
  • Click "Look and Layout"
  • Choose the appropriate setting from the "Time Zone" drop-down list.
  • Be sure to click "Change Profile" at the bottom of the page.

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday 10 December 2023
December 10, 2023, 05:32:45 AM
Fixed a thread of Jerry's that was missing some posts/pages due to problematic image attachments. If any of you happen to find old threads that seem to be missing posts/pages please drop me a PM. I can fix them for you.

For today though, family day!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Monday 27 November 2023
November 27, 2023, 02:35:58 AM
Morning all.

I announced our upcoming line of smaller kits yesterday, our "Keep it Simple" range. Coming in 2024.

These will be perfect for beginners or that small space on your layout you just don't know quite what to do with.
They will be inexpensive ($20-30, depending on the design) but they will never compromise on the quality you've come to expect from the Keep it Rusty brand.

We plan on launching with around five unique designs. I'll be keeping the forum updated when we launch!

Have a great day everyone.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Thanksgiving 2023
November 23, 2023, 04:35:28 AM
Morning all.

Car trouble yesterday so a fat portion of the day was eaten up by that.

Today is all kit design though.

Happy Holiday everyone!
The Yard / How to add photos/albums
November 21, 2023, 08:32:49 AM
Adding photos to the forum is something I want to try and streamline. If you just want to add a couple of photos, attachments are easy to use -- simply utilize the click or drag-and-drop option at the bottom of any reply. Utilizing the forum's gallery, however, is slightly more difficult.

So why use the gallery I hear you cry? Well, it's a nicer way to keep organized for when you want to showcase a diorama or ongoing project. You can create an album, give it a description, etc. It is also easily discoverable to other members. With that in mind, it is a better tool to use for your images so let me explain the process:

1. Click the Gallery button in the menu above. Click "Add Picture":


2. On this new page, click "MyGallery" button in the top row:

3. On this new page, click "Add Category"

4. The Category is really another name for your album. Let's give it a name and you can also add things like a description, thumbnail image etc.  Once ready, click the "Add Category" button.

5. You'll then have an empty album ready to fill with images. Here, simply click on the appropriate button. "Add a Picture" or "Bulk Add Pictures":

6. You can add up to 5 images at a time. Click Choose file for each photo. Then click "Bulk Add Pictures" or "Add Picture" when ready. Please note: this can sometimes take time to upload. Click the add button only once. It may appear nothing is happening if you have large files but it is uploading.

7. When the process is complete, you'll be presented with a screen like this:

8. Rinse and repeat, adding your photos to the same category until your album is ready. When it is, click on each photo you wish to add to your forum post.

9. With each image page you will find a box below it labeled "BB Code". Click the small blue icon to the right of it. This will copy the code. Then, simply head to your forum post and right-click and "Paste".

10. Done!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Monday 20 November 2023
November 20, 2023, 03:03:07 AM
Morning all.

Didn't get a lick of modelling in over the weekend. I did clean the gutters though. And some repair jobs around the house. It was one of those weekends.

Today though, I'm designing a water tower in 3D. I've decided to print them for the new kit, as opposed to the modeler having to build them. The support will still need to be constructed from stripwood though. (edit: water tank is now done. Onto another design!)

In forum news, I have found a way to regenerate some missing thumbnails for attachments. If, on your travels, you noticed some older posts were not showing a preview for an attachment at the end of the post... they should now (unless there is a deeper issue for that particular attachment)

Hope you all have a good day.
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