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Messages - BandOGuy

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Tuesday, July 23
July 23, 2024, 08:39:50 AM
Calendar says it's Tuesday, so it must be Round Robin night. A railroad distraction from the mundane and news.
I'm puzzled by, among other things, how do you take a vacation when you're retired? And why does it take so long to recover from a weeks rest? And why didn't all the things on my To Do or Honey Do list not get accomplished while I wasn't paying attention to them?
Need more coffee to figure all of this out.
Good luck with the surgery tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Jim.
Back from taking a car in for inspection. Hope the fact we caught every red light and a train crossing on the way to the dealership is not indicative of what the day is to be like. Will stop and see the vampire on the way to get the car back this afternoon.
Can't take too much excitement today after vacationing last week.
Whatever you do today, do it with passion!
Checking in late. Parasailing off South Jersey cxld due to fog so we'll try again Friday. We did get a monsoon last night as a bonus.
Coffee on the porch, quiet rules.
Great breeze off the ocean.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Enjoy, all.
Quote from: deemery on July 12, 2024, 09:15:09 AMJeff, do they do Shoo-Fly Pie?  Very much NOT on my diabetic diet, but still delicious!

Our heat wave continues, and I've been seeing/hearing reports on the storm damage in VT and northern NH.  I'm glad my friend did the Appalachian Trail last year. 

Yesterday I did some work on the shelf part of the layout, and in particular continued one wall on the bay window building to continue it a bit farther towards the backdrop.  Today I'll start painting that.  And I'll do more work laying out the cobblestone streets.

Can testify to the Vermont storm damage.
The street end of my brother-in-laws driveway was washed away by the hurricane that devastated VT last year. Wednesday nights strom took out the repaired section, culvert, gravel fill and all.
Kit Building / Re: Instructions for Bar Mills Kits
July 10, 2024, 08:02:46 AM
I haven't checked these kits, but there a lot of inx tor orphan kits at
Must be the heat causing everyone to abandon us today.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Sunday July 7, 2024
July 07, 2024, 11:45:43 AM
Played hooky from the modular teardown this morning. Need a wind down day and attention to my own basement. Crowds yesterday were good which helps make the effort worthwhile, but the age interference is also a factor.
Have a happy everyone. 
"A republic, ma'am, if you can keep it". My favorite community theater role, even as a minor character. (Joseph Hewes of North Carolina). Off to a family picnic today. With all those crazy Italians present, there's an opportunity for early fireworks.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Monday, July 1, 2024
July 01, 2024, 09:39:11 AM
Fall arrived last night in the Philly metro area. Hope this is not a prediction of our upcoming week long visit "down shore".
Models on, guys!
A day off from trains displays today. Reading Company Technical and Historical Society has been presenting our annual setup at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania this week. Crowds seem thinner than past years, but who counts? Up early to help our son and grandson depart for Columbus, OH and the start of a new chapter in our son's life. Family birthday party later on with the Italian side of the clan. Lots of noise coming up with this celebration. Love it!
Stay cool and dry.
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on June 19, 2024, 12:38:50 PMMorning...some branches to get picked up today from the storm last night. No water in the basement but the north and south fields away from the house have some standing water. Daughter who lives 1/4 mile north of us had a tree that fell into the side of their home and punched a hole into their injuries. At least it did not fall onto the garage where they keep the's photos of what I call the boat...son-in-law stopped by after buying gas this week...

Is this the forerunner of the 300 letter series Chryslers? You could build a full G scale layout in the trunk.
Gorgeous ride!! :-* :-*
Quick trip to the vampire this AM. Fasting blood draw. With that in mind, why is the lab waiting area right across the hospital lobby from the fast serve food area? I've never smelled bacon that well scented in my life!
Back in the 90's today with NO rain forecast until next week. At least the basement is cool.
Up and at 'em early this AM. Won't bore you with the details why I'm checking in so late.
For those still working, enjoy your Saturday. For the rest of us, enjoy whatever day today is on your calendars.
A quick drop-by as we're headed into "The City of Brotherly Love" for an eye doctor appointment. Will be playing Nurse Jane when we get back.
Stay cool and dry ya'll.
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