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Messages - Vietnam Seabee

Kit Building / Re: Syzdek Mfg by Downtown Deco
July 19, 2024, 09:57:45 AM
Jeff...looking better snd better with each of your postings

Kit Building / Re: Syzdek Mfg by Downtown Deco
July 17, 2024, 09:20:16 AM
Great save, Jeff

Selling Kit... / Re: Clearing off my to-do shelf
July 11, 2024, 01:18:40 PM
Today's offering is the South River Scale Models Stone Roundhouse

915.00 plus 18.00 shipping

I understand that it's generally available to everyone but I get my prescriptions from the VA and couldn't be happier(with my entire VA experience). I can even get drugs not prescribed by my VA doctor
Okay then...I'm anxious to follow your progress on this one...let the games begin
Kit Building / Re: ITLA Modular Industry
June 30, 2024, 07:25:39 AM
What a great finish...well done...looks just like an Albert Kahn building
I'm across the state (Michigan) from John and we had the big storm this power here (Whitehall)
Tommy...if only you had a Brick Roundhouse to start ;-))

I'm getting closer to putting my negotiating hat on

Kit Building / Re: Syzdek Mfg by Downtown Deco
June 22, 2024, 01:20:39 PM
I'm following along on this one. Have never done a Hydrocal/resin kit so I 'm anxious to follow slong.

I had to take a seat in the second row cuz Reading took cuts in the admission line...he better watch out at intermission tho.


Selling Kit... / Re: Clearing off my to-do shelf
June 19, 2024, 04:33:48 PM
Today I'm offering another SRSM kit.
H.W. Meyers/Bennington Potters

Asking price is 315.00 U.S. shipping included

Kit Building / Re: FOS Gorman Sign Company build
June 19, 2024, 11:43:26 AM
Bob... thanks for your narrative on the concrete's not only helpful to what works but what doesn't work as well
A great build...well done
Scratchbuilding / Re: “Out of Reach”
June 18, 2024, 06:42:02 PM

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Heat Dome Tuesday
June 18, 2024, 06:07:22 PM
Dave...wait till January/February and you be begging for a heat dome and I'll be down here cutting my grass wearing tee shirt and shorts
Tom...have a great day with Pam....wife time is as/more important than modeling time...56 years has taught me that
There is so much to take in here....simply amazing. Rot and deterioration is a favorite theme for me and there's not only an abundance of it here but it's done realistically
Well done, matt
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