Ogden & Cache Valley, Part II

Started by Onewolf, August 16, 2024, 10:37:32 AM

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Jim Donovan

Some amazing work going one here. Wow.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Wow, some nice, neat bench work. I'm impressed.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


I rip all my benchwork (1x4s with 1x2s for L girder) from 3/4 in plywood on the table saw as most dimensional lumber is to "curvy".  I do use dimensional 2x4 and 1x2 lumber carefully picked from the pile.   You're moving much more quickly than I would be.  Good work.



Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on January 18, 2025, 10:30:11 AMI rip all my benchwork (1x4s with 1x2s for L girder) from 3/4 in plywood on the table saw as most dimensional lumber is to "curvy".  I do use dimensional 2x4 and 1x2 lumber carefully picked from the pile.   You're moving much more quickly than I would be.  Good work.


I have over 450 linear feet of benchwork to build. I did a quick calculation of the cost/time to create 1x4 and 1x3 lumber for the benchwork using sanded plywood and it was prohibitively expensive in $ and time.

I did spend some time yesterday ripping my sketchy 1x3s so they are actually a consistent 2.5" wide. I did about 10 of them and it didn't take long at all.


Working on the upper level benchwork and screen walls that support the outside edge this weekend.

Here you can see the blocking I had to add where the screen walls run parallel to the floor trusses but don't align with the truss.  2x4 over 2 of the trusses and 2x4 between the trusses as a mount point.



From inside the center platform



I finished building/installing the screen wall components that support the outer edge of the upper level 1x3 benchwork.  The next step is to install the 1/4" Luan plywood to the outside of the screen walls to create the "room within a room" for the center platform.








I installed the 1/4" Luan plywood to the upper level screen walls. I will use a hand sander to give them a very light sanding to knock off any sawing residue, caulk the seams/screw holes, and then paint them the room wall color.

The center platform 'room' is effectively 20ft x 17ft.

The next step will be to start on the middle level benchwork. I will fabricate 2x2 angle iron into 24" support beams for use around the center platform stud walls and I will make small 5" shelf track supports and use 16" Closetmaid like shelf brackets to support the benchwork around the outside walls.



Looking up into the center platform


The inside of the screen walls will have 1/8" masonite installed and then have the backdrop applied to the masonite.



Eventually I will build a backdrop across the top of the upper return loop (and helix) which will screen the view from the center platform.


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