Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Vietnam Seabee

Good morning one and all...I won't give you a weather report for Central Florida.

We had plans to fly to Chicago for the weekend but canceled do to respiratory illness at the son's house. Thank goodness Southwest is our carrier of choice. So easy to change/cancel without a penalty.

A little 1:1 house work this morning then some 1;48 sawmill work after lunch



Good morning!

Same ole same ole here. Rainey and damp.

Have a great day!

Jim Donovan

Good Morning;

I'd love another cup of coffee. Did my stock trading for the day, had a plus day, trick is to be happy with small and call it a day.

I have the never ending lines of doctors on deck for today but for the most part just check up and good news and I am better than OK with that!

Love the photos and conversion, have a great day folks.

Holland & Odessa Railroad


Morning everyone

Mike thanks for the breakfast & coffee.

Sure is crowded in here this morning or I'm just late getting here.
I have a few things to do first thing then I'm free for the day.

So I'll get back to see what everyone is doing later.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

kyle creel

Mornin' lads-hope everybody passed the night comfortably.  Breakfast was terrific,thanx Mike, and thanx for the comment on the RR.  I think I'll 'putter around' outside today; maybe clean off the patio.  It's gonna be 78 and sunny here in DFW, might as well use it....for Gods' sake it's FEBRURARY in Texas. Gotta love it; we'll be back down in the mid to upper 50's with some showers next week though.  Ya'll have a great day.

G&D Ry.


Good morning crew,

Coffee is on, as well as the hot water for those who prefer tea and there is plenty of soft drinks in the fridge.  For breakfast we have eggs, anyway you like them, bacon sausage links, ham and home fries.

Rick, yes I did make it home safely yesterday, the drive was better than expected.

TomO, looking forward to seeing the pictures of the weeping willows.

Karl, have fun "tunneling"

Terry, sorry your trip got cancelled, hope they get better soon.

Philip, hope you had a great day yesterday.

Jim, thanks for dropping in, glad to hear that all the Dr's appointments went well.

Jerry, any modeling lately?

Kyle, hope you enjoyed your day outside yesterday.

It's a little warmer here as it is presently -7c (19f) and overcast.  Usually I have Friday's off but I get to work today as I have a couple of Zoom meetings plus I'm being reassigned to a different project.  At least I'm working from home today.

Managed some bench time last night, I got the bridge painted and started cutting the ties for the switches, hopefully I can get the rest cut today and I can glue them in place.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Ron. Good luck getting to the layout today.

Actually slept in to 7:15 this morning which is rare for me. Yesterday went well with the drywaller's. They showed up on time and did a great job. You can't tell by feel their patches from the rest of the wall. This was how the entire job went:
Re-pipe 4 Dec
Permit Approval 23 Jan
Inspection Completed 30 Jan
Drywall 6 Feb
Paint 7-8 Feb

So, today and tomorrow will be me painting. The walls today and the ceilings tomorrow. The drywall guys recommend waiting 2 days for them. I also need to re-caulk 4 tiles on MOH's tub.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Morning everyone

Ron thanks for the coffee & breakfast.
Sorry you have work on your day off.

I have a Dr. appointment this am with my GP.  Go over my blood work.
He will probably tell me the same thing as last time I have to much blood in my alcohol system!!  ;D
And get something for my cold.

I'll be back to see what everyone is doing.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Morning all,

Thanks for the breakfast Ron.

I spelt in late as well. Long day yesterday.

Pam and I visited my sick cousin yesterday in Port St. Lucie. The drive was about 2.5 hours one way down I-95. To our surprise his sister Nancy and his daughter Suzy were also there. Great to see them also. It had been about 15 yrs. since I saw Nancy and Suzy.

Rusty looked much better than I thought but he has lost almost 25 lbs. from the Chemo and lack of appetite. We had lunch at Shuckers and sat on the outside deck and listened to the ocean breakers as we ate. Wonderful day in all considering. Rusty had about four bits and took the rest home.

I'm not going anywhere today and plan on working on the flat iron most of the day.

Have a great day ya'll.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning from Wisconsin where the ice from yesterday is mainly gone. What a mess that was.  No precipitation is expected here today but the old stomping grounds up in North Central Wisconsin will be getting some heavy snow. The daughter and family are heading to Wausau around noon for the 2.5 hour trip for a hockey tournament the grandson is in. We had briefly thought about going but I prefer dry roads instead of the 6-8" of predicted snow. They already have team food reservations at one of the daughters growing up best restaurants up there. The Wausau Mine Company had great pizza and pasta while we lived up there. I know they are in a new building but you used to walk into a replica of a coal mine. It was neat but the pizza was great.

Home in Verona the temperature is 14f degrees heading into the high 30's and dry.

After lunch I will head to a friend's to help on his layout. Installing a few blue point switch machines and then continue the scenery shell on the 3rd deck. We are working top down on mechanicals and scenery. This is an interesting layout. GN in the Pacific Northwest 1965. 3 decks and no helix. Instead his central peninsula will do the climbing. The mainline is at least 850' with a goal of beta operating sessions in September. His track work is flawless. He's super organized to the point of obsessive but it works for him and he's a great guy. 1 of 2 guys who drive to the op sessions around the state.

Went to the musical Shuck last night. Marginally ok but with some funny lines. Maybe a 6 on the 10 scale. Dinner ended up at home before the theater. Neither of us felt like a restaurant experience last night. The decision was early enough to inform the place we were going with no issue to cancel the reservations. We had a great chicken pot pie.

Nothing exciting enough on the trees yet so no pictures but next week as I start finishing the groups of 7 I am working on.

Some grocery shopping this morning. Gas in So. Central Wisconsin has risen mostly to $2.99 per gallon but going out last night there were a few places at $3.05. Our gas and oil in Wisconsin mainly comes down from Canada. I've read the oil is sent to Indiana and Chicago area refineries and transformed there! That was a media story last week and since it was on TV I take the info with a grain of salt. Eggs on sale the other day at $4.19 per dozen are on sale this week for $4.99.

Enjoy the day


Good morning everyone.

Santa Rosa Mountains National Forest weather: 44 now and 51 later with lots of wind.

Ron, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Hope the work reassignment allows for more modeling time and you get to do what you've planned on the layout.

Jerry, have the doctor prescribe you a couple of bottles of Eagle Rare.  ;)  ;D

Curt, great news that the plumbing project is finally coming to an end.

Kyle, keep enjoying the nice weather.

Jim, good luck with todays trading and hope all the news from the MD.'s was good.

Philip, congratulations on the successful headlight print.

Terry, hope everyone at your son's house is feeling better and hope you made good progress on the kit.

Karl, Boring  ;D  ;D  ;D
Hope the drilling went well.

TomO, looking forward to your tree photos.

Larry, ACLTom, Mike, Greg and everyone else looking in, hope you're all well and what's new?

After hitting the gym yesterday I drove up into the Santa Rosa Mountains.
Much cooler weather wise here.
It's a beautiful area.
Star and I will take a walk further upon the mountain to scout the next campsite we're driving to tomorrow.

A view from yesterdays walk here in the mountains.

Have a great day everyone.


Looks like a bunch of us were simultaneously typing.

ACLTom, glad you had a nice visit with your cousin.

Karl, looks like you're in a good mood.  ;D

TomO, stay safe with the s$%# that's coming.
Sounds like a very nice layout you're helping with.


Good mood?  ;D Sure until I fumbled a morning content rich morning post  :-X

Posted from iPhone...gone into space,  :o


Good morning,

Thanks for the coffee Ron! I'd bet you heat bill is a doozy with all that cold ?
Eggs at Kroger were $4.19 per dozen for brown eggs. The next covey hole are priced over 7 dollars for cage free.
My wife's favorite Big Lots is closing. They are reorganizing after bankruptcy.

Stay warm and safe today and don't glue your fingers together!


Larry C

Good Morning,

It's a very windy and bitter cold day sitting at 25 with a high of 26
in New York. Early errands this am since we have company coming tomorrow.
Not sure about today, waiting for the word my new lappy shows up some time

Big Lots are closing around here as well so hopefully they come back in the

Have a great day!! Keep warm, be safe, and stay healthy.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR

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