Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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kyle creel

Mornin'; er, uh, good afternoon;
Tom O.
and Larry C.
Thanx for breakfast and coffee Ron, Hope ya'll have great day.

I stayed up till 4:30AM watching the tube. Don't know why, I just did.  Retirement is great. I guess I'm just one of those people that just can't stand the thought of ever going back to work; I'm 71, been retired for 6 years come May, and don't go anywhere and don't do anything I don't want or need to.  I sound obstinant, don't I.??????????????? I'm really not, I just don't have the 'desire' to get up and 'accomplish anything' unless I have to or need to.  Chores around the house, grocery shopping, take care of the car, errands for Patrice and Gage, and trips to the 'hobby places' and working on the RR not withstanding.  I guess that makes me a 'lazy old coot; well I worked hard for it, and besides everybody told me that retirement is a second childhood, only no adults around to ruin it.  I hope ya'll enjoy every minute on this good earth, 'cause we only get one chance to do so.............Ya'll take 'er easy, smile and have ya on the flip side.............

G&D Ry.     



Philip that deserves a "like" button



Morning all,

Breakfast is ready. Today I have waffles, pancakes and or a fruit bowl. Drinks on the end. Hot coffee, for those that like it on the side table. I like the smell otherwise I wouldn't offer it.  8)

I worked most of yesterday in the train shed and on the flat iron build. A short update was added to the thread.

Great picture Philip,

Today, I'll be doing the same. The day is mine, yea!

Have a safe and happy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning everyone.

It's going to be cloudy but temps in the 60's today.

ACLTom, thanks for the coffee and pancakes.
I enjoyed seeing your update.

Philip, cool picture.

Kyle, I appreciate every day I have and experience as much as I can.

Larry, I'm surprised you switched from an iMac to a PC.
I couldn't do it.

Karl, strange your post would vaporize like that.
Hope today is better.

How's everyone else doing?

I'm up much too early and will go back to bed in a little while.
Socked in by gray clouds all morning yesterday.
Finally around 1PM the sun started to peek through and Star and I took a walk further up the mountain.
Didn't make it up to the next campsite because we started late but still did 5 miles and almost 700' of elevation gain.
Today's plan was to drive up to the next campsite but saw a large group head up there in their jeeps.
They didn't come back down so they must of set up camp.
I don't want to drive up there and see there's no where's left for me.
So instead I'll go back down the mountain and do a hike that's nearby and find a place to stay down there.

A picture from yesterday's walk.

Have a great day everyone.


220 and heavy overcast in MICH this morning, going to be a chilly day.  Heavy snow about 1 tier of counties N of us and icy schmutz down by the state line.  Snow may or may not cross our path.

Managed a little layout time yesterday.  Maybe a little more today but we have a visit coming this afternoon from the "geek squad" crew for a delayed b'day thing.  ::) I started a paint project on a loco and ended up washing it off before the paint set up.  Tried to thin down some metallic blue craft paint, it looked ok in the mix cup and a test shot on the backdrop of the paint "booth" but didn't workout.  It laid down thick and runny.  Not a good look.  Not a must have project so, changing horses mid stream.  I'm not allowed to use rattle cans in the house due to olifactory wayoversensitivity (sic)  :o  So, until spring, painting is restricted to Tamiya or Vallejo and craft paints.  btw I see Micro Mart is selling "Railroad Paint" in this weeks e-mail adv.

That's my plan.  I'll post this and get the felines fed.  :-X


PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Tom. Enjoy your day in the train room.

Started out the day with a walk at 62F and foggy. On my walk inside my subdivision there were 6 police cars, and a woman with a baby talking to several officers in front of her. Very unusual since we're a pretty quiet subdivision. As I walked by on the opposite sidewalk I was given a stare by one of the officers but I waved and walked on. By the time I got back they were gone.

Yesterday we painted walls and I replaced the 4 front tiles on MOH's tub. They were removed for pipe access. That took about 4 hours and I was done after that. :-*

Today we have ceiling painting, wall touch up and I need to do more work on the tub tile. Then at 5 pm we are meeting a family friend to celebrate his daughter's 21st birthday.

Philip great picture.

Rick that's a bummer about the campsite. enjoy your hike today and pretty scenery.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Larry C

Morning Gents,

Philip nice photo!!

Tom thanks for the coffee and waffles. Enjoy your day of modeling.

Rick thanks for another beautiful photo. Have a safe hike with Star.
The Windows laptop is for a design app that I use and is only for that OS;
my main computer is still my Mac.

Karl nice you can do other things until it's "rattle can weather."

Curt sounds like a busy day and I assume the bench will elude you today.
Interesting how you paint a room; I always start with the ceiling first then
the walls, but that's just me.

What's the rest of the gang up to?

It's a cloudy 26 with a high of thirty here with some flurries in the air. Figured
I'd check in here while Windows updates on the new 'puter as it arrived late yesterday.
Company this afternoon with our Daughter and her gay male friend; pizza's on tap for
dinner. Probably no bench time today either.

Have a great day!! Be well and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Good morning from Wisconsin. 24f degrees now mid 30's later. No snow on the ground here but maybe 1" coming overnight.

Enjoy your day

Dave Buchholz

Just finished maple and brown sugar flavored oatmeal. I ran out of Cheerios!

Overcast but no overnight snow on the North Coast.

Keep 'em on the rails boys.

Fifth Dave on the right.
New home of the North Coast Railroad, along the shores of Lake Ontario


Good morning folks,

TomACL, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.  Flat iron is progressing nicely.

Rick, hope you find a good place to camp.  Enjoy the hike.

Karl, good luck with the loco painting. There must be a solution to the olfactory issues. Enjoy the pahtaa.

Curt, good luck with the tile work.

Larry, wishing you a great time with your family and friends.

TomO, hope you have a great day.

Dave, thanks for dropping in.

What's up with the rest of the crew?

It's a misty 65F headed to 73F. I started the day at a quarterly Mason's leadership team meeting. We had a terrific breakfast at the Redneck Gourmet in downtown Newnan.  I plan to take the final photos of Nowlin's Gas today and continue work on the boxcar.

I just read this morning's main forum daily chat and there seems to be confusion over two daily chat groups.  Most indicated they would prefer for Geezers to combine with the main group.  Thoughts?

Have fun,


Good Morning, Run run run today!

Have a good one!


Looks like our lounge here is already under attack.  :-\  :(
Can't believe that people who never contributed to the Geezer Lounge on RR-Line are complaining that we have one long continuous instead thread instead of starting a new one daily.
I'd love to know why that bothers them.


Quote from: Rick on February 08, 2025, 10:46:25 AMLooks like our lounge here is already under attack.  :-\  :(
Can't believe that people who never contributed to the Geezer Lounge on RR-Line are complaining that we have one long continuous instead thread instead of starting a new one daily.
I'd love to know why that bothers them.

Probably can't find the beginning of the new string in the ball of yarn.  :o   ;)

Been on the computer all morning after breakfast explaining on the MRH forum that you need a mechanically good engine for DCC to work flawlessly. DCC will not fix mechanical issues with the engine.

To many projects on the burner. Don't know which one to tackle first.

Maybe another cup of Cherry Amaretto mixed with Columbian will do the trick.

Have a great day.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds


Good morning ACLTom, Rick, Karl, Curt, Larry, TomO, Mike, Philip and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Tom, thanks for the coffee and breakfast, haven't had waffles in a long time.  Going to have to check out the progress on the Flatiron Building.

Rick, Enjoy your hike with Star today. As for the complaining about Geezer's, that are just looking for something to complain about.

Karl, I used to have that problem with using rattle cans on my spray booth so I upgraded my fan to a higher capacity and problem solved.

Curt, sounds like you are near the end of the plumbing adventure, have fun celebrating your friend's daughters 21st birthday.

Larry, I used to like you man, thought of you as a friend, but now I'm not so sure.  Converting from a MAC to a PC, how could you. :o ;D  Like Rick, you are going to have to pry my Mac from my dead cold hands and even then I don't think I would give it up.  Only advice I will give you for the PC is to turn automatic updates off.

TomO, Dave, enjoy your day today.

Mike, I prefer to keep the tradition going, we have a great group here with all the banter back and fourth and everyone checking up on each other here.  They will get used to us.

Currently -8c (18f)here in southern Ontario and the 10 day forecast sat it should be around the same temperatures for the next week, if you can believe it.  I managed some bench time last night as I worked on the bridge.  Hope to get it finished tonight and then I can figure out what I need for the trestle part of the bridge.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

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