Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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PRR Modeler

Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision


Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


TomO said: "We are heading to one of the best Fish shops in the Midwest. The St Paul's Fish Company is exquisite at the Milwaukee location in the 3rd Ward in Milwaukee's Public Market. We are going to the Mequon location north of the city and a suburb of it, just a mile maybe from Lake Michigan. We hope the food is just as delectable as the Public Market location. "

My brother the chef once told me never order fish in a restaurant on Monday.... :o YMMV

TomO-Pt 2 "KARL, did the model just glaze over after the clear coat was applied? If so, try another coat of a matte clear 1st before stripping it to start over. You can always strip it down..." 

Never got to the gloss coat point, It took a bath in the IPA strip and I'll try next to refinish beginning with a primer, Vallejo Grey, then go from there....Just a side project, I've been using the chassis bare nekkid running the CMX track cleaner around as it's weighty.  :-[ 

Monday eve, local panic-meisters have the week planned out with lots of cold and nasties starting late Tues thru Thurs and then wash and repeat for the next week or more.  This years Phil must have been conflicted.:o

A jug of uncle Tan's S. GA 'shine open on the counter...


Good evening! The bar is stocked and I'm having a diet A&W RootBeer. I had a Spotted Cow at lunch.

Lunch at 2:30 was super exceptional. Damn it was good. For appetizers Terry had 2 Oyster Rockerfeller and I had Shark bites! (swordfish on a skewer)

Terry had her lobster roll at only $22.50 and maybe 10% smaller than the one she had at the sister location in November. I took a bite and it was delicious. My shrimp po boy was supremely good. Better than anything I've had in New Orleans or on the Gulf of Mexico.

We brought home 3 New England style Lobster Boils and 1 snow crab boil for the daughter, her hubby and their good friends. We have not heard from them yet!

Interesting KARL about the Monday fish comment. Makes sense though...

I have the fireplace roaring. The goodies for making s'mores is on the counter. The popcorn  basket is ready to be used. Enjoy

Stacked some firewood next to the fireplace from the pile on the porch. It's about a 20' walk and 2 loads are more than enough.

On the way home we stopped at Hiawatha and I picked up a few things. A quick last minute unplanned outing. 100 miles exactly door to door but Terry wanted out of the house. It was a beautiful day
and we had a great meal. Well worth it to both of us



Good morning lounge dwellers. Not a good sign when I post following my own post 7.5 hours later.
Where is everyone?

Coffee is on, Ashpit blended with Maxwell House. Sodas are chilled. English muffins are next to the toaster.

So Central Wisconsin is chilled at a real feel of -2f degrees. Actual temperatures later may hit 20 later

Enjoy the day

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Thanks for opening and breakfast Tom. Try to stay warm up there. Brrrr...

Heading into the 80's again today with the  chance of getting to 90F later in the week.

Nothing much planned for the day except some time at the bench.

Yesterday MOH researched the showing of a Led Zeppelin show at the IMAX and got me a ticket for tomorrow at 4 pm. ;D I think she will go with me and while I see the show she'll shop and then we will have supper afterwards. She's a country and disco fan so has no interest in seeing the show. Yes I married her although I knew she had the mental illness of liking disco. ;)

Well I have been blabbering enough.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Larry C

Morning Morning,

Tom O thanks for the coffee and breakfast; keep warm.

Curt enjoy the show and I can remember when disco was a thing.

What's your plans for the day?

It's 20 with a high of 31 in New York. Since September we've been dealing with
loggers, semi's, excavators and their associated noises. The neighbors across the
street are having a new "modular house" put up. Yesterday in the process of parking 3
huge pieces of house, the guy operating a remote controlled crawler managed to take out
my mailbox. Obviously I went flying out the door to see what he was doing while noticing the end of my driveway had copious amounts of snow across it. He did plow the
end of my driveway when finished and one of the bosses said they'd reset my mailbox when the house was on it's foundation.
Knowing the reputation of the company, let's just say I'm not holding my breathe. Can't wait to
see what happens when they bring in a 20 wheeled crane to set the 3 pieces of house on the foundation.
So today, if they show up, I may be keeping a close eye on these guys for obvious reasons.

Have a wonderful day! Keep warm, be well, and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Clouds and temp in the mid teens, WINTER WEATHER ALERT/PANIC SKY IS FALLING! dominates the area weather guesses, 3" to 6" or what ever you might or might not get.  It's coming in waves for a week or more.  The barn rat from PA is off in Key West or somewhere laughing.  :o

Taking the Doll to a doc appt then, no plans.  Be well all.



Morning all,

Thanks for breakfast Tom, much appreciate the smell of coffee.

Curt, sounds like Kathy married you in spite of your Led Zeppelin. I hate shopping but that is better than hard rock. Each to his/her own I guess.

We have bowling at noon and then late lunch, early dinner with bowling friends later.

Sounds like our friends up north are still in a deep freeze.

Have a safe and happy day everyone.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Gregory P. DeMayo
General Construction Superintendent Emeritus
St. Louis & Denver Railroad
Longwood, FL


Good morning everyone.

Whitewater, CA weather: 43 now and 59 later but wind gusts up to 40 mph will make it feel colder.  ???

TomO, thanks for the coffee and muffin.
Glad you enjoyed your day out with Terry yesterday.

ACLTom, good luck bowling today.

Karl, hope The Dolls doctor visit is all good news.
Interesting picture you posted yesterday.

Larry, definitely keep an eye on what's going on across the street.

Curt, hope you make good progress at the bench.

Ron, if you have the time I definitely do the road trip to Orlando.
Great group of guys and excellent layouts to see.

Dave, good morning.

Kyle, how's the RR construction going?

Mike, hope there's more bench time available today.


Greg, good morning.

Jerry, what's new?
Hope you got something good at the doctors to make you feel better.

Good morning to everyone else out there looking in.

Went to bed very early and slept much later than usual.
I guess I needed the extra sleep.
Got all the shopping done yesterday and a haircut too.
There's a trailhead about 1/2 mile from where I'm parked and think Star and I will do that hike later.
Just wish this wind would stop but I don't think it will.

I picture from camp at Mountain Center.

Have a great day everyone.


Good morning!

Well the weather is ugly again. Snowing a wet snowman type substance today. About 4" already..enough!!~

Thanks for the coffee Tom! I smell birthday waffles cooking, gotta go!



Good morning TomO, Curt, Larry, ACLTom, Karl, Greg, Rick, Philip and the rest of the crew that drops on later.

Thanks for the coffee and muffins TomO.

Curt, ACLTom, I see road trips in my future. ;D  I'm be in Jacksonville for the next 8 months so will definitely be planning trips to see you guys.

Larry, hope your mailbox gets replanted.

Karl, hope the weather people are wrong and that you less of the white stuff than expected.

Greg, have a great day.

Rick, I will definitely take the rime to make road trips to see Curt and Tom.  Enjoy your hike today with Star.

Philip, hope the white stuff stops soon.

Current temperate is -5c (23f) and the white stuff is falling, should only be dusting. I didn't make it to the layout last night, we shall see what tonight brings.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.


Good morning folks,

TomO, thanks for opening, the coffee and breakfast.  That is cold, stay warm.

Curt, wishing you a good time at the show.

Larry, yikes, and the big equipment.  Glad they only hit the mailbox instead of your house!

Karl, good luck to your other half at the doc's.

TomACL, good luck on the lanes.

Gregory, back at you  ;D

Rick, hope Star and you have a terrific hike.

Philip, Happy Birthday!  :) It's a bummer about the snow.

Ron, hope you make it to the layout.

How are the rest of the gang?

It's chilly and wet at 45F headed to 52F.  Yuk!

Hopefully, I will start assembling the box car body today.  I need to decide on what bits to put on the doors.

Have fun,

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