Geezer's Lounge (Rev 1) - Volume 1

Started by elwoodblues, January 30, 2025, 08:56:43 PM

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Morning everyone

TomO thanks for the coffee & breakfast.

Curt have a good time at the show.

Larry make sure the cars are out of harms way!!!

Karl hope the wife is okay.

ACLTom good luck bowling today.

Morning Greg.

Rick have a nice day with Star today.

Philip Happy Birthday.

Ron that's a long time away from again!!

Mike looking forward to the boxcar build.

Weather in South Jersey is cloudy/33.
The "Weather Weenies" are predicting 4 to 6 of the white stuff!!
My cold is a little better after getting meds.
But energy to do anything.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Rick, I hear you about 'extra sleep'.  When we got back from Dallas last night, I felt like it was the first day in Europe after an overnight flight.  I went to bed about 8:30 PM and slept pretty much through until 7:30 this morning (a couple pee breaks, of course...)  I'm still tired, should sleep OK tonight, too.  

Modeling the Northeast in the 1890s - because the little voices told me to

PRR Modeler

Quote from: ACL1504 on February 11, 2025, 09:02:42 AMMorning all,

Thanks for breakfast Tom, much appreciate the smell of coffee.

Curt, sounds like Kathy married you in spite of your Led Zeppelin. I hate shopping but that is better than hard rock. Each to his/her own I guess.

We have bowling at noon and then late lunch, early dinner with bowling friends later.

Sounds like our friends up north are still in a deep freeze.

Have a safe and happy day everyone.


Tom I guess that's why there are so many genres of music.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

kyle creel

Afternoon fellas; Thought I'd pop in and see what's up.  Hope everybody's having a good day.
This is for Rick006.JPG
This is the bridge portion of the Section Plate.  More on the G&D Ry. topic, thanx for asking...........

G&D Ry.


Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was the big 67 today. The better half wrecked my diet today. Oh well....

kyle creel

To quote Curly..."HAPPY BOITDAY NYUK, NYUK, NYUK".....
G&D Ry.

PRR Modeler

Good Morning All,

Today for breakfast I have assorted cereals, milk, OJ, and of course coffee and soda.

Started out the day with a walk at 66F, clear and under a full moon.

Yesterday I started cutting out the corrugated roofing and have a bunch more to cut. It looks like it's from NESL but I could be wrong about that.

Today I have chores then later going to the LZ movie and going out to dinner with MOH. Probably no train room today.

Philip belated Happy Birthday.

Tom is there going to be a SBG this Saturday?

I hope everyone has a good day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Freelanced PRR Bellevue Subdivision

Larry C

Good Morning,

Philip HAPPY BIRTHDAY; even though it's belated. You can always
go back on your diet today.

Curt thanks for the coffee and breakfast. Enjoy the movie
and dinner; your build will still be there tomorrow.

What's the rest of you up to?

It's a sunny but cold 10 with a high somewhere in the 20's. Have to make a
trip to the Post Office since my mail never got picked up yesterday; maybe
I missed the mail person. I have a couple of odd-ball 1:1's to do today
then maybe some time at the bench.

Have an enjoyable day ahead!!! Be well, keep warm, and stay safe.
Owner & CEO of the
Pratt's Hollow Short Line RR


Good morning everyone.

Desert Hot Springs weather: A chance of rain, mainly after 10am. Partly sunny, with a high near 59.
Very windy here.
Gusts up to 40 mph.  :o

Curt, thanks for the coffee and breakfast.
Enjoy the show and dinner.

Larry, hope they did a good plowing the roads that you'll be on today.

Philip, any of that chocolate cake left?

Kyle, that bridge for the sector plate should do the job.

Dave, unfortunately had the opposite experience last night.
Didn't sleep nearly long enough and there will be a nap later.  :)

Jerry, glad the cold is a little better and it's much better today.

Mike, how's the boxcar coming together?

Ron, still don't understand why I didn't see your pictures yesterday but later on I could.

Greg, good morning.

ACLTom, how was bowling?

Karl, have the weather guessers been right?

TomO, engine testing done?

Terry, you out there?

Hope everyone else looking in is doing well.

Star and I hiked 7.4 miles and 751' of elevation gain on the Mission Creek Preserve Trail.
Dogs are permitted on the trail but must be on a leash.
I didn't bring Star's leash and when we were near the trailhead I saw a ranger driving by.
Didn't need any problems with him so we walked the 1/2 mile back to the van for the leash and started over.
Beautiful area with some nice views.
Leaving here today and I'll head a little further west to do more hiking.

Star doing a Star thing while hiking.

Have a great day everyone.


Morning everyone

Curt thanks for the coffee.
Have a nice time at the show.

Larry looks like you have a full schedule today.

Rick I saw the video Star looks like she enjoys that water.

Weather here in South Jersey cloudy/34.
Last we got around 5" of the white stuff.
Bur rain expected later today so hopefully it will melt a lot of it.
I'll clean the car off but I'm to ld to shovel the sand it's that real wet type.
The medicine is working but the report from the swab was I have Sars/Covid 2.
So I'll just take it easy until it goes away.

Everyone have a great day!!  :)

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln


Morning all,

Thanks for breakfast Curt. Coffee smells good but my Diet Pepsi tastes better. Enjoy the movie and dinner with Kathy.

Bowling was very good yesterday. Seems like my stroke is coming back after the 7 week layoff. Yesterday I bowled a 614 series for an average of 204. Our friends cancelled dinner so Pam and I had a good time by ourselves.

Rick, will you be headed back south this year?

I'm going to take a break from the flat iron build and do nothing today. I will do a little train shed clean up.

I was in the hobby shop the other day and found a cache of paint brushes. I got all of them for .99 each. I guess they were estate pieces. The three black handled ones are used and the rest are new, unused.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe and warm.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
Thomas Jefferson

Tom Langford


Good morning Crew from my section of Wisconsin. The predicted snow has started. Looking for 6-8" of the WGFA which will be 1-3" more today than received in total for the season. Since we have no snow cover there is plenty of room available for accumulation. 3 possible operating sessions were cancelled last night via email after supper even though I hadn't signed up for any I am on the list.

A few interesting things yesterday occurred. While my health seems to be better the strength has not returned and the weight that I gained since August is not coming off. The Endocrinologist wants to adjust the meds weaning me off a couple. I'm all for it and the weaning off part started this morning. I cut daily morning 2 pills in half.

Next up to answer Rick's question about testing engines. I got through 8 diesels yesterday testing before I start weathering them. A hard lesson learned a few years ago when I did no testing. One of the eight tested had issues. The front ditch lights do not work for one of my best clients. A EBay purchase sent direct to me by the seller and received Monday. Now I'm in the middle and not thrilled about it. The owner is being kind to the seller, where I would return it, he wants me to fix it. I'll decide today but I'm leaning to no. Heck I don't even want to remove the body from the frame. If I go under there, this is a DCC equipped no sound diesel. The owner will want sound added, new ditch lights, a speaker, etc...

Finally, I took the grandson to hockey practice last night. Got home to both the SIL and daughter sitting at the table with Terry. Even though they started to build a new house and have not listed the place yet they are in, they have an offer! They are a good 6-8 months from being able to move in IF everything goes 100% and we know that doesn't happen. They gave me a check for the work I had done for the daughter's studio and will accept the offer. They can move here starting in April and have the entire lower level of our house. It will restrict my spray booth times but I can handle that.

Oh well


Good morning!

Thank for the coffee! Thanks for the birthday wishes. Spent the day at home taking it easy. Plenty of cake left over........
Not sure what the day brings but the print venture was a disaster yesterday. Still dialing it in today.
I started the wood deck on the juke joint and finished up the Critter. Photo later maybe. Waiting on a call from vision world, hopefully our new glasses will show up.

Covid.... oh Jerry that sucks! Take it easy.

Have a great day crew!


good morning Curt, Larry, Rick, Jerry, ACLTom, TomO, Philip and the rest of the crew that drops in later.

Thanks for the coffee and breakfast Curt, enjoy the movie and dinner later today.

Larry, hope you make it to the bench.

Rick, not sure what is up with the picture thing.  Glad to see Star enjoy the water, Gracie avoids it like the plague.

Jerry, hopefully the rain will get rid of the white stuff.  Take care of yourself and get better soon.

ACLTom, Glad you had a great day bowling and it like a great find at the hobby store.

TomO, sounds like there are big changes happening in your neck of the woods.

Philip, belated happy birthday.

Someone left the door open last night as I woke up to -21c (-6f), it is currently -15c (5f) and sunny but that is going to change as it is supposed to snow tonight, the weather people are calling for 15-20cm (6-8") overnight.  Have to get my passport renewed as it is set to expire in early May and a need a valid passport for at least 2 yeas to get my work visa renewed.  Paid to expedite it so should have it in my mitts Friday afternoon. ;D  Work will be paying the additional cost to get it sooner.  Not sure what tonight will bring but I hope to start laying the ties for the staging yard.

Have a great day everyone.
Ron Newby
General Manager
Clearwater Valley Railroad Co.

kyle creel

Mornin' everybody; Thanx for the coffee and breakfast Curt. Rain and mid 40's today in DFW. Nice video Rick, and thanx for the comment onthe sector plate. A big ol' Texas sized wish for "all of ya'll to all" have a great day.

G&D Ry.

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