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Messages - ReadingBob

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Friday - July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024, 10:08:43 AM
Morning all,

Let's try this again.  I opened the club house yesterday, but nobody showed up.  I took a shower.  Maybe the breakfast buffet wasn't good enough to entice anyone to come in.

More decaling work today.  That and a movie or two.  I already did my walk.

Have a great one!
Neat picture Rollin!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Thursday - July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024, 09:48:00 AM
Morning all,

Lunch today with former co-workers.  The percentage of retired to those still working for the company is tilting heavily in favor of the retired guys.  We'll show pity towards those still working.  ;)

I was applying more decals yesterday.  There are two sets of shelves, each containing four shelves.  These are 3D printed and have bottles, cans, etc. on them.  Adding labels to the cans proved to be a little tricky.  I'll resume later.  Thankfully there are plenty of extra decals else I'd be in trouble.

Have a great one!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Re: Tuesday, July 23
July 23, 2024, 09:44:39 AM
Morning all,

We'll behave in your absence, Jeff.  We promise.  ;) Have a good trip!  Enjoy the air show.

Got my walk in first thing this morning.  The rest of the day is mine to do with as I please.  Screw the to-do list.  Tomorrow is 'no walk Wednesday'.  I have to do the yard work tomorrow so that'll suffice for working up a sweat.

Have a great one!
Morning all,

Jim, best of luck to Mrs. Jim.

I was out the door before 6:30 a.m. for my morning walk.  Still only doing 2.5 miles but it's better than nothing.

After lunch I may clean out the gutters in the front of the house.  I won't be getting on a ladder.  I have an attachment that allows me to pressure wash them while standing on the ground.  It's unwieldly and I'll get soaked but it works.  Then some workbench time.

Have a great one!
Morning all,

Not much on tap today.  Probably workbench time.

Have a great one!
That is terrific! Wonderful work. You truly are a master.
Morning all,

Nice picture Eric!

Not much going on here today.  Maybe I'll get up the gumption to paint some more details this afternoon. ;)

Stack of tie plates next to the tracks.  George Sellios demonstrates a cheap, easy way to replicate this on one of the earlier Allen Keller videos of the FS&M

Have a great one!
Quote from: nycjeff on July 19, 2024, 10:00:21 AMHello Bob, you're doing some very "fine" detail work here and I mean fine in several of it's definitions. Putting decals on those small castings is Z scale work. Great job as always.

Hi Jeff!  Yeah, applying decals is something I rarely do and some of these, heck most of these, are really tiny.  :o
Quote from: deemery on July 18, 2024, 04:45:45 PMI think decaling beakers and bottles would induce PTSD.  It would certainly produce lots of Language


Hi Dave!  Yes, I can only do so much at a time and then I need to take a break from it.  I saved the best (worst?) for last.  There are two sets of shelves, each with four shelfs that have various bottles, cans, etc. printed on them.  Those need to be painted and, gulp, decaled.  I'll start on them this afternoon.
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on July 18, 2024, 01:24:33 PMWow, that table with the beakers and stuff (and the tiny labels) looks great.  So do the chairs. 


Thanks Jeff!  Inter-Action Hobbies puts out some interesting stuff.  I'm having fun with this one.
Quote from: ACL1504 on July 18, 2024, 11:18:53 AMBob,

Very nice work. Man, that is a lot of tiny parts and pieces.


Thanks Tom!  There are still a few to go.  I'm getting closer to being able to start on the mobile home but not quite there yet.
Morning all,

Great picture Tom.  I just so happen to be wearing that shirt today.  ;) I miss Jim.  He was one of a kind.

Yep, it's a great day to be retired from the IT world! ;D I don't know if my company was affected or not.  I'm sure I'll hear about it if they were.  Best part is it doesn't matter to me!

I did my walk early this morning.  I'm only up to 2.5 miles.  I'd love to get up to 5.  I have until next June to get into better shape.  I don't want to be the old guy slowing up the excursions on our trip next year.  :o

Have a great one!
I assembled the picnic table (in the foreground) and then went to work on the folding lawn chairs.  I painted the parts before removing them from the carrier sheet.

Each chair is made up of five pieces.  The seat/back, two sets of legs and two arm rests.  They took a little time, and a lot of patience, to assemble but they look pretty good when they're finished.

That's all for now.  I still have some details to finish before I can move on to the mobile home portion of the build but I'm slowly getting there.  Thanks for following along! 

This 3D printed tabletop has a number of beakers, jars, cans, etc. on top.  Painting it was rather interesting.  Even 
more interesting was adding decals to the bottles and cans!  :o

After cutting out the decals, as close to the edge of each as possible given the entire sheet is simply one big decal, I dipped them in warm water and waited for them to release from the backing paper.  Then I used a fine point tweezers to grab them and apply them.

Not pictured is the 10X Optivisor I was wearing so I could see what the heck I was doing!

I used a little Micro Set, applied with a paint brush, on the decals once they were in position.

After all that was done, I added the legs and front and back of the table.  I'm pretty happy with how it came out.  Sorry, but my old camera doesn't appear to have setting to get good close up pictures.  This was the best I could do.

More in a moment... ;D
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