A relatively balmy 23 degrees here right now. Forecast high is 40 today and then 50s for the next 3 days. And then the next cold front rolls thru.
Real work continues to take too much of my time.
Yesterday I started cutting the 3/4" plywood circle (70", 85" diameter) for the helix support base. I am cutting through two sheets of 3/4" plywood with a jigsaw, and it is slow going. I have another 36" to cut. Hopefully I can get that done and installed this evening.
Hope you guys have a great day.
A relatively balmy 23 degrees here right now. Forecast high is 40 today and then 50s for the next 3 days. And then the next cold front rolls thru.
Real work continues to take too much of my time.
Yesterday I started cutting the 3/4" plywood circle (70", 85" diameter) for the helix support base. I am cutting through two sheets of 3/4" plywood with a jigsaw, and it is slow going. I have another 36" to cut. Hopefully I can get that done and installed this evening.
Hope you guys have a great day.