Debra’s Fashions of Distinction - Scratch Build Using 3D and Laser

Started by Jim Donovan, November 16, 2023, 10:27:01 PM

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I'll have to try your brick coloring technique,  looks great.  Wonderful building so far.


Jim Donovan

Thanks Graig and thank you for the laser material idea as well as the tank cleaning technique for the 3D printer. My starter printer did not have that feature and I have forgot about it with the Saturn 2, using it will be a big help. I usually get failed prints when I am either getting too cute with the amount of supports used or try to go too fast. However, there always seems to be enough time to do it right the second time.
Quote from: Keep It Rusty on November 22, 2023, 01:48:53 AMMore fantastic stuff here, Jim. Excited to see this project unfurl. You've got some fantastic results already.

Going forward, give 3mm MDF a shot. It cuts like a dream compared to plywood, offers the same tensile strength (for our purposes), and is often cheaper to buy.

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Quote from: GPdemayo on November 22, 2023, 07:52:01 AMAmazing Jim, you're scoring points with Deb..... 8)

I remember the wonderful build of Kathy's layout many years ago on the forum, does anyone know what happened to her?

Thanks Greg;

I am keeping her in the dark on this one, hope to surprise her when on the layout. Kathy is still doing amazing work but I think she might be a little burned out on train modeling. The show she was a judge on was great, I hope they bring it back.

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Quote from: swisstrain on November 21, 2023, 06:29:56 PMHi Jim - thanks for starting this post. Very interested to learn more about your journey with these new technologies.

You sure are up for a challenge with this building!

I will follow along.
Thanks, glad you are following along!
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on November 28, 2023, 01:58:16 PMI'll have to try your brick coloring technique,  looks great.  Wonderful building so far.

Hi Jeff;

Glad you like it and let me know how it goes for you.


Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Quote from: ACL1504 on November 17, 2023, 10:09:12 AMJim,

Very nice work here. Very nicely done on the station build.


Hi Tom

Thanks and glad you are tagging along.
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Time to update progress and describe methods. I hope is to have each floor (3 and a basement) completely detailed, inside as well as out. In order to allow them to be seen I am making the individual floors so they nest into the one below which will allow them to be seperated to see inside. I still need to figure out the lighting but have some ideas.

I am using the Cameo 3 print/ cutter more on this project then on anything I have ever done. A Cameo 3 is a Cricut type machine most often used for making vinyl cut outs and fabric patterns. I am putting it to good use to make colorful interior details including tile flooring, wallpaper, signs, pictures and even mirrors. What fashion store does not have a bunch of full size mirrors? I designed a pattern based on the hallway windows and using cardstock created the backing and picture frame. Then I had the Cameo cut silver mylar with tape backing. So here are the parts and how it comes together:

More in a minute
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

For Christmas Deb bought me a new MacPro 16 laptop using the latest M3 chip along with a 45 inch OLED LG monitor. The combination is absolutely amazing. I have been using a 12 year old Mac Desktop machine up until now. This computer/ monitor combination is really speeding up development:

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Using Tinkercad, Silhouette Design and Light-burn (all design programs) I created the files to make the floor wall trim, ceiling roof trim, wall pictures, floor, doors, windows and signs. This photo of the inner hallway wall shows all of these when put together. I only need to complete the double doors for this wall to be complete:

Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

At this point I need to finish up a few windows the doors and the ceiling. I am trying to publish full size photos so you can see both the details and the warts. It always amazes me that views that look good to the eye the camera finds the goofs. Oh well, it is the best I am able to do. So here is were everything stands:

I placed the office in back left and there is a changing room next to it for ladies only. The back section of floor is the shipping department. The upper floors will be storage and production.
Holland & Odessa Railroad

Jim Donovan

Holland & Odessa Railroad



I am impressed with your creativity as well as the planning required to make everything fit together so well.  I'm impressed with this build and cannot wait to see your further progress.


"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." A. Lincoln

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