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Topics - Raymo

Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Saturday Feb. 15 2025
February 15, 2025, 09:13:52 AM
Morning All! 9 AM and here I am opening. Everyone must have chocolate hangovers. Another storm is about to hit the northeast tonight like last weekend, although this one is supposed to end in rain. Where the rain/snow line is going to end up I don't know. I'm just going to try and get some stuff finished today while its quiet.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Superbowl Sunday February 9th
February 09, 2025, 08:18:59 AM
Morning. Not interested in the big game but it is today in New Orleans. Woke up to about 6" of the fluffy white stuff here on the banks of the mighty mucky Merrimack river. I know what I'll be doing for a few hours. Enjoy your day.. Raymo 
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Saturday January 6,2024
January 06, 2024, 08:17:15 AM
Morning all, I'll open up. I need to get my hair cut this morning, and then get ready for the big storm coming later today. Can't wait for the snow flake by snow flake coverage by the local weather weenies..
Tag, I'm it, I'll open this morning. Good morning. That's all I've got.. Raymo
So this will be my build challenge this winter. Kleiber was a west coast truck manufacturer that lasted into the late 1930's. This kit was originally produced by SS LtD in or about the mid 70's, then Walker Models, and now Wiseman. I'm thinking the trailer and cab dark green, truck chassis red, and hood black. So let's go!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Question for the forum?
December 18, 2021, 08:22:00 AM
I'm needing help deciding what I should build for the Build Challenge. Would you like to see another Jordan build? Or something in metal like a Wheel Works kit or Wiseman models or GHQ. Another Sylvan build or a solid resin kit like Magnuson or Stoney Mountain Classic Castings. Let me know what you would like to see built, Raymo
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Wednesday the 3rd of November
November 03, 2021, 07:51:38 AM
Morning. Just one Dr's appointment for today, hopefully I can get something done today.
Morning and a belated Happy Birthday tp Reading Bob! Tried to do some painting yesterday with mixed results.  I use TruColor that should dry glossy, but dried dead flat like Floquil. Some of the vehicles even started to blush (autobody shop term) where the paint turned white. It had to be the humidity in the air from the rain we we're having even though it was in the low 50's. TruColor sells a "retarder" that slows the drying time that helped with some pieces, but I ended giving up.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Tuesday the 26th
October 26, 2021, 08:20:26 AM
Morning all.  I found out last night that Tom Davis, the owner of the Station Inn in Cresson Pa. died. I last stayed there at the Altoona EXPO in 2018 and he had just got out of the hospital then.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Question ?
October 19, 2021, 09:23:22 AM
Awhile back someone posted an archived link to Jimmy's old forum on the Baggage Car board page. Unfortunately since the last time the the forum was worked on, the Baggage Car page only goes back to the beginning of this year. Looking for it in the search doesn't help either. Does any one remember the link? Thanks..
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Saturday, September 25th
September 25, 2021, 07:39:15 AM
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Friday August 6,2021
August 06, 2021, 06:43:42 AM
Morning all, Doing pretty good considering what I went through a week ago. My biggest problem is because of the medications and what that does to your eating habits and resulting discharge. On top of that I still have the catheter in till Tuesday so hopefully as the weekend rolls by I'll be feeling much better. Pain level is low so that's helpful but the stupid follow-up calls 6 calls from 3 individuals from the same office, but get some rest 😕
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday August 1, 2021
August 01, 2021, 07:10:08 AM
Morning. I talked to the Dr. yesterday and he said I was one of the worst he's done a fusion on. 6 hours in surgery laying on my stomach. My breast bone feels like I got hit with a baseball bat, that's more pain. Hopefully it will get better in the next couple days.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Monday July 26,2021
July 26, 2021, 06:57:42 AM
Morning. Pre-op today and then being fitted for a bone stimulator. Lots of last minute things to do this week
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Monday June 28,2021
June 28, 2021, 06:58:16 AM
Morning. Day 1 of my 2 day work week. Doctors appointments and an early long weekend awaits.
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / Sunday-Fathers Day 2021
June 20, 2021, 08:09:26 AM
Morning.Happy Father's day to you Fathers out there. Enjoy your day!
Baggage Car - Daily Chat / June 19th 2021
June 19, 2021, 06:49:41 AM
Morning all. This week after suffering with major back pain most of the past year, I've scheduled to have a spinal fusion the end of July. I'll be down for a few weeks with a lot of restrictions but I hope that it will give me some better quality of life. I'm already planning on using some of my down time posting some of my vehicle clinics to the forum and finishing some of the projects on the bench. As for now, I'm trying to get people in place to help care for my mother while I'm healing.
Morning all. Another cool morning here at camp, don't think I've ever run the heat this late into June. Enjoy your day..
We'll it's that time of the year again where April 15th is here. We had some excellent builds again and I applaud everyone who helped with putting build threads on the forum. If you haven't finished yet, continue on and finish at your pace. Hopefully we'll inspire other modelers to add to forum as we move on. Once again, Thank you! Raymo
Morning all. Another Saturday is upon us working fools, for you retirees it's just another day..
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