The Modeler's Forum

The Roundhouse => Layout Tours => Topic started by: S&S RR on July 27, 2019, 08:44:50 PM

Title: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2019, 08:44:50 PM
Welcome to Volume 3 of the Superior & Seattle Railroad Build Thread. Volume 2 was getting close to the 200 page limit so I decided to start volume 3.

Link to volume 4:;topicseen#new (;topicseen#new)

Link to volume 2: (

Link to volume 1: (


Volume 3

Vol. 3  Page 1 -  Control Panel Construction for the Phase IV expansion.
Vol. 3  Page 2 -  Superior Yard Benchwork, track work and control panel construction.
Vol. 3  Page 15 - FSM Fox Run Milling build start continues until page 60
Vol. 3  Page 16 - FSM Swakhammer's Welding build start Continues until page 50
Vol. 3  Page 31 - Avram's Bakery build arrives on the S&S RR from Bob Butts
Vol. 3  Page 48 - Eagles's Nest Yard Control Panel build
Vol. 3  Page 50 - 2020 Build Challenge FSM 145 Coal Tower make it to the layout
Vol. 3  Page 52 - Brick Roundhouse build start (15 stalls in two buildings)
Vol. 3  Page 59 - Fox Run Milling makes it to the layout
Vol. 3  Page 61 - FSM G. Wiliker's build start
Vol. 3  Page 68 - Wayne Olson's boat builds
Vol. 3  Page 82 - Dan Raymond's vehicle builds arrive on the S&S RR
Vol. 3  Page 85 - Scale Rail Miniatures Whispering Falls Build Start
Vol. 3  Page 87 - Brick Roundhouse Final Workbench Pictures and the move to the layout
Vol. 3  Page 89 - Brick Roundhouse Installation on layout start
Vol. 3  Page 90 - Whispering Falls site plan start
Vol. 3  Page 94 - Layout plan drawing update
Vol. 3  Page 99 - G. Wiliker's build continues
Vol. 3  Page 100 - Whispering Falls build becomes Beach Farms and continues
Vol. 3  Page 103 - LED lighting for the Beach Farms Barn.
Vol. 3  Page 105 - The interior of the Beach Farms Barn.
Vol. 3  Page 137 - Beach Farms Out buildings
Vol. 3  Page 140 - Beach Farms Scenery
Vol. 3  Page 151 - Beach Farms diorama installation on the layout.
Vol. 3  Page 165 - Beach Farms finished pictures.
Vol. 3  Page 168 - Brownsville Depot build continued.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 09:27:52 AM
As we start Volume 3 of this build thread I'm working on the electronics for the Phase IV expansion of the layout. There will be a total of four control panels for this large yard. I'm using the Barrett Hill Touch control switches to control the turnouts.

I'm also working on an update to my track plan and will be posting it along with an update to my layout at a glance page with all the new information about the layout.  This will be a project for the time I spend at the S&S RR Northern Headquarters. I just don't seem to take the time to do it when I can be working on the layout.

I'm also getting the workshop in order and will soon be starting a new build.  The beautiful yellow box for FSM's Fox Run Milling is on the workbench. I have six FSM kits, for The Eagles Nest Yard, and the SWRM Brick Roundhouse for the Superior Yard, next up on my build list.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on July 28, 2019, 02:14:23 PM

You have been very busy as well my friend. I love the yard and control panel. Fantastic job sir. Looking forward to more.

Well done.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 03:56:24 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on July 28, 2019, 02:14:23 PM

You have been very busy as well my friend. I love the yard and control panel. Fantastic job sir. Looking forward to more.

Well done.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the kind words and the inspiration.  Your build thread has been a constant source of inspiration over the years.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 04:14:36 PM
The first control panel in Phase IV is powered. The track that it controls is the West Superior Yard which is visible above the panel in the picture. The moldings are all put in with screws, just in-case there are changes.  ;)   And also to remove them for staining and finishing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 04:16:15 PM
If you study the schematic you can see how the power districts are setup. There is a switch on the lefts side of the panel to turn each power district on and off.  The third column of switches is for controlling the power for the upper level in this area.  The future Phase V expansion.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 28, 2019, 05:18:43 PM
John, how long on average is a power district?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on July 28, 2019, 06:02:54 PM
Love it John....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on July 28, 2019, 06:07:12 PM
Nice looking panel John.  You will love the Barrett-Hill switches.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 06:35:34 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 28, 2019, 05:18:43 PM
John, how long on average is a power district?



I broke up the layout into power districts based more on function than a particular length of track.  But to answer your question I picked an average power district in the yard and it was 40 feet of track.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 06:36:20 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on July 28, 2019, 06:02:54 PM
Love it John....Dennis

Thank you Dennis.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 06:37:42 PM
Quote from: sdrees on July 28, 2019, 06:07:12 PM
Nice looking panel John.  You will love the Barrett-Hill switches.

Thank you Steve.  So far I really like the way the Barrett-Hill switches are working and the ease of installation.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 07:33:54 PM
Here is a picture of the work area around the control panel.  All of the connection boards are mounted in the top of the cabinet, so I found another use for the cushions from my gazebo chairs. A laying down job - doesn't get any better than that.  I'll post a couple pictures of the connection boards while you can still see them. The wires and label tags will hide them before all the wiring is done.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 07:42:27 PM
This is the junctions for the touch switches.  The wires you see are attached to the touch switches under the control panel surface.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 07:44:26 PM
As you can see I label the incoming and out going wires and the connection point. All the labels come in handy when trouble shooting is required.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 07:47:45 PM
This is the connection board for the track power.  Only one power district is connected right now, number 105 which is the mainline for the helix. The last time you saw this it was on my workbench.  This is also mounted in the top of the cabinets so all I have to do is reach up to make the connections.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 07:50:28 PM
Here is a zoomed out picture showing both connection boards.  Each of the control panels will have their own junction board for the touch switches.  All of the 12 volt power supplies will be plugged into this power strip.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 07:53:21 PM
Finally, for tonight, I cut the holes and started construction for two more control panels. I took a picture of the one in the hall way- it will control the turnouts in the South Yard - the second one is right beside the control panel that is finished and will control the North Yard turnouts (picture next time).

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 28, 2019, 08:14:50 PM
John, thanks for the 'average' - that gives me a good sense of how I might split my layout into Power Districts of a comparable size/complexity.  (probably 4, in my case :-) :-) )

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 09:38:04 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 28, 2019, 08:14:50 PM
John, thanks for the 'average' - that gives me a good sense of how I might split my layout into Power Districts of a comparable size/complexity.  (probably 4, in my case :-) :-) )



I would say that the most important rule is any hidden areas need to be on their own power district.
Like inside Mountains and tunnels.  That is where the shorts will occur, manly because you can't see that pair of rail cutters you laid on the track when you were working in there,  and being able to isolate these areas can save hours trying to find a short. The other area is locomotive storage areas. I like to be able to shut off the sound to all the locomotives in a roundhouse with one switch.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 29, 2019, 09:01:27 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on July 28, 2019, 09:38:04 PM
... The other area is locomotive storage areas. I like to be able to shut off the sound to all the locomotives in a roundhouse with one switch.

That's a good point!  The big yard would be on its own block, but I'll add a separate block for the roundhouse.  (I'm years away from tackling the big yard/engine terminal...)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Lynnb on July 30, 2019, 03:38:12 PM
Nice work on the wiring, I'm wondering if you have a separate schematic with all those numbered terminals. Personally I haven't touched my layout since building a couple large tressels, been trying to dedicate time to building structures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 30, 2019, 04:01:04 PM
Hey John:

Looks great. glad you know what you are doing. I'd be totally lost if I had to do that.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 30, 2019, 04:27:33 PM
Quote from: Lynnb on July 30, 2019, 03:38:12 PM
Nice work on the wiring, I'm wondering if you have a separate schematic with all those numbered terminals. Personally I haven't touched my layout since building a couple large tressels, been trying to dedicate time to building structures.


Thank you for the kind words.  Yes- I do have multiple layers of schematics.  It is just layers in the CAD drawings. I print what I want on the hardcopy to work with.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 30, 2019, 04:29:36 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 30, 2019, 04:01:04 PM
Hey John:

Looks great. glad you know what you are doing. I'd be totally lost if I had to do that.



Thank you - we need to get you started with wiring by lighting up those beautiful structures of yours.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2019, 04:09:39 PM
Update:  I took an unscheduled trip up to the Northern Headquarters of the S&S RR to check for storm damage. After two days of moving trees everything is cleaned up.  I did spend a couple hours on my design work last night and found a turnout on the track pictures that wasn't on my schematic for the next control panel.  Perfect time to find it. :-[  I will be printing a new copy of the schematic before assembling the next control panel.  Tomorrow, I will be cleaning up the tree that feel in my yard while I was gone, before I can get to work on the railroad.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 01, 2019, 03:47:21 PM
It's a great day for working in the gazebo! I'm putting the control panel touch screens together for two more control panels. Really enjoying the beautiful weather. Sunny 70's and low humidity - it just doesn't get any better. It sounds like we are going to have this same weather the next few days so layout work will be limited to the projects that I can do outside. I have plenty of them - keep this weather going.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 02, 2019, 08:19:57 AM
Wow John,  You did a Beautiful Job. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on August 02, 2019, 09:12:14 AM
Looks great, John.  How are you going to attach it so it can be removable in case of repair?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 02, 2019, 09:29:32 AM
Quote from: DennisBourey on August 02, 2019, 08:19:57 AM
Wow John,  You did a Beautiful Job. Dennis


Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 02, 2019, 09:33:42 AM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on August 02, 2019, 09:12:14 AM
Looks great, John.  How are you going to attach it so it can be removable in case of repair?



Thank you for the kind words.  The foam boards are held in the control panel with moldings which are attached with screws. The wiring is all accessible from the back of the panel.  I could actually replace most of the touch control switches from the back.  Some of them are behind bracing which would require removal of the panel from the front. See picture below.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 02, 2019, 10:35:38 PM
Tonight, we have power to the second of four control panels for the Superior Yard. Tomorrow, I will trim this control panel out and start on number three.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dave K. on August 03, 2019, 07:25:52 AM
Woo-hoo! Like a Christmas tree!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 03, 2019, 09:47:15 AM
Hey John:

Great looking control panels.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2019, 12:27:03 PM
Quote from: Dave K. on August 03, 2019, 07:25:52 AM
Woo-hoo! Like a Christmas tree!


I hope it's done in time for Christmas. ;) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 03, 2019, 01:11:02 PM
Really nice job John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 03, 2019, 03:14:53 PM
Very nice, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2019, 04:41:10 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 03, 2019, 09:47:15 AM
Hey John:

Great looking control panels.



Thank you - I'm excited to run some trains and use them. I have a lot of wires to connect to make that happen.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2019, 04:42:15 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 03, 2019, 01:11:02 PM
Really nice job John.


Thank you for following along, and the kind words. I'm making a little progress every day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on August 03, 2019, 06:59:38 PM
Been following along.  Beautiful work on the control panels!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2019, 07:29:18 PM
Quote from: MAP on August 03, 2019, 06:59:38 PM
Been following along.  Beautiful work on the control panels!


Thank you for following along and the kind words. Wiring is not a fast process, at least not for me. I have a ways to go yet on this but I'm happy with the results so far.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2019, 10:21:40 PM
Update: It looks like I'm going to add a fifth control panel to the Superior Yard.  I original was going to have the controls for the reversing loop, the helix and the roundhouse mounted right on the wall next to the roundhouse. After thinking about operations it would be nice to be able to control these turnouts from three locations: the main control panel at the Eagles Nest Yard, the control panel for the Superior Yard, and right near the roundhouse.  So I'm going to try a Barrett Hill device that allows three different touch switches to control a single turnout.  If you throw the turnout with any one of the three touch switches the lights sync to indicate the direction that the turnout is thrown.  Stay tuned I will let you know how it works.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 04, 2019, 08:49:05 AM
John I would have been lost on the second wire.  Your work is so neat and clean amazing job.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 04, 2019, 04:26:16 PM
Quote from: Jerry on August 04, 2019, 08:49:05 AM
John I would have been lost on the second wire.  Your work is so neat and clean amazing job.



Thank you for the kind words. The CEO keeps asking when I'm going to be ready to clean the basement and get rid of all the saw dust. ;) 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 05, 2019, 09:25:15 PM
Update: Today, I spent the day installing tortoise machines and wiring them to the control panel.  Not a lot to take pictures of, but one of those jobs that has to be done to get the railroad working.  I think installing tortoise machines and drop wires for the track power is going to consume most of my train time this week.  I'm at the point with this new expansion that I want to push to get everything running.  Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2019, 07:47:08 AM
I cut the oak plywood facia boards for the Superior Yard, yesterday.  The plywood and molds are ready for staining.  Also, 15 of the 52 Tortoise Machines are install and tested.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 07, 2019, 11:30:16 AM

Hey, those control panels look fantastic. Great job on them my friend. You are moving along faster than me.

Looks great.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2019, 09:28:51 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 07, 2019, 11:30:16 AM

Hey, those control panels look fantastic. Great job on them my friend. You are moving along faster than me.

Looks great.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, I'm moving along at my pace - it's what us retired guys do.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 08, 2019, 12:07:53 AM
No cup holders?  I thought all you Detroit auto designers included cup holders!   :) ;) :D ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2019, 07:07:09 AM
Quote from: deemery on August 08, 2019, 12:07:53 AM
No cup holders?  I thought all you Detroit auto designers included cup holders!   :) ;) :D ;D



The bar is just on the other side of the room. Away from all that expensive electronics.  ;) ;D  Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2019, 08:24:11 PM
Update:  Today, I decided to stain all of the moldings and plywood facia  pieces.  It was a beautiful day here so I spent most of the day in the garage rather than in the basement.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 10, 2019, 06:31:33 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 07, 2019, 09:28:51 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 07, 2019, 11:30:16 AM

Hey, those control panels look fantastic. Great job on them my friend. You are moving along faster than me.

Looks great.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, I'm moving along at my pace - it's what us retired guys do.

Every day is Saturday except on Sunday.  8)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2019, 09:23:25 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 10, 2019, 06:31:33 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 07, 2019, 09:28:51 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 07, 2019, 11:30:16 AM

Hey, those control panels look fantastic. Great job on them my friend. You are moving along faster than me.

Looks great.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, I'm moving along at my pace - it's what us retired guys do.

Every day is Saturday except on Sunday.  8)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2019, 08:10:53 PM
Update:  Today, I finished the plywood facias and moldings - two coats of Satin Polyurethane. They will be spending the night in the garage drying. I brought one board in to do a color check and I think we did a good job of matching the cabinets. I also, installed another group of tortoise machines number 20 of 53 required for the Superior Yard. I have one more to complete everything in the North Yard. I will try to remember to take a picture of the wiring and under the benchwork before I start adding the facia boards.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 06:01:15 PM
Here are a few pictures of the under the benchwork stuff - before I close up the benchwork with the facia boards. After the facia boards go on the natural light will be gone so it will be all flashlight work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 06:03:01 PM
The Barrett Hill Direct Base boards. all wired up for the North Yard Control Panel.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 06:05:00 PM
The tree empty spots are for the three way controls for the turntable area. That control panel is on my workbench waiting for the frame to dry.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 06:05:52 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 06:06:16 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 06:10:01 PM
Finally, here is a picture of the North Yard Control Panel.  I'm about to take the molding off so I can stain and finish them. I have one change - I'm going to replace the .093 thickness Lexon with .06 thickness.  The toggles work but I'm having to work at it under certain light conditions.  Workbench tests have shown that this will fix the issue.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 11, 2019, 07:23:01 PM
John, Very impressive. Touch the light toggle and boom it turns the switch to that track. Love it..Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 08:28:47 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on August 11, 2019, 07:23:01 PM
John, Very impressive. Touch the light toggle and boom it turns the switch to that track. Love it..Dennis


Thank you for following along.  Yes - some technology really is cool.  I think I'm going to like this control system.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 11, 2019, 08:39:25 PM
Very nice job John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 11, 2019, 08:43:26 PM
John, Are they the double light toggle switches? Red & green or Green & green????

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 08:45:33 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 11, 2019, 08:39:25 PM
Very nice job John.


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2019, 08:47:07 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on August 11, 2019, 08:43:26 PM
John, Are they the double light toggle switches? Red & green or Green & green? ???



They are all double light toggle switches Red and Green - LED indicates turnout setting on the control panel. It makes it very easy to select your route.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 11, 2019, 08:50:21 PM
John, Thank you sir...  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 12, 2019, 01:14:00 PM
Hey John:

everything is looking just great. Love the cabinetry.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 12, 2019, 03:28:44 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 12, 2019, 01:14:00 PM
Hey John:

everything is looking just great. Love the cabinetry.



Thank you for stopping by. I'm staining the parts for the control panels today. Also, started adding the facia boards and the moldings. I had to order more wire :o .
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 12, 2019, 08:59:42 PM
Here is a progress picture of the facia and molding installation.  I keep moving back and forth between cabinets and wiring.   ;) 

The facia will have a number things mounted to it: outlets for the throttles, throttle holsters, car card racks, and maybe even a cup holder to keep Dave happy.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 12, 2019, 09:06:24 PM
If you look in the hallway you can see the drawers have been removed and the cupboard doors  are open so I can install the tortoise machines for the South Superior Yard. I received my wire order late this afternoon so I can wire them as soon as I install them.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on August 13, 2019, 05:18:20 AM
John, This is an amazing watching construction in a museum. Very impressive.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 13, 2019, 08:23:17 AM
True story:  I worked for the US research lab of the huge German conglomerate Siemens (think 'GE, only richer').  We had this poster taped to one of our computers.  Some Germans came over to visit our lab, one looked at this and asked his escort to explain it.  "But that is not right!  We do not say that!" 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 05:01:02 PM
Quote from: cuse on August 13, 2019, 05:18:20 AM
John, This is an amazing watching construction in a museum. Very impressive.


Thank you for stopping by an the kind words I have been playing electrician all day. More lights and powered turnouts to show for my efforts.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 05:05:10 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 13, 2019, 08:23:17 AM
True story:  I worked for the US research lab of the huge German conglomerate Siemens (think 'GE, only richer').  We had this poster taped to one of our computers.  Some Germans came over to visit our lab, one looked at this and asked his escort to explain it.  "But that is not right!  We do not say that!" 


Great sign. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 05:17:21 PM
Test post from my iPad with a picture.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 05:22:11 PM
I spoke to soon - just tried a post and got the error?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 05:22:36 PM
Now it works again - computers???
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 07:39:37 PM
Today, I finished the third control panel for the Superior Yard. I also tested the multi-input devices by Barrett Hill. The multi-input devices allow three different touch toggle switches to control one turnout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 07:43:41 PM
In this picture you can see the new control panel for the reversing loop and Superior by pass, along with the future roundhouse and turntable. For ease of operations I want to be able to control these turnouts from three locations. The first is here at the control center for the Superior Yard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 07:46:07 PM
The second location will be a control panel on the facia below the turntable and roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 07:48:27 PM
The third will be on the facia near the control panel for the Eagles Nest Yard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 07:50:37 PM
Controlling the turnouts from three different locations is made possible by the little device shown in the top right hand corner of this picture.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 07:57:58 PM
Each of the three devices in the picture will control one of the turnouts.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 08:00:31 PM

Here is a picture when I toggled the middle touch switch - all three switches indicate that the turnout is in the red location.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 08:03:40 PM
There will be 20 feet separating the first to control panels and 60 feet between this Superior Yard control panel and the Eagles Nest Yard control panel.  I will update this topic once I have the other two control panels installed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2019, 08:43:24 PM
Finally for tonight, I have the parts on the workbench for the fourth control panel for the South Superior Yard. Twelve more tortoise machines to connect for your model railroading pleasure. ;) 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on August 13, 2019, 09:26:05 PM

Love how you stained the panels to match the oak cabinets!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 14, 2019, 07:51:38 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on August 13, 2019, 09:26:05 PM

Love how you stained the panels to match the oak cabinets!


Thank you for the kind words and for stopping by the thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 14, 2019, 10:37:13 AM
John, Very impressive , Since my accident, You and many modelers, here is Just a little sample (Tom, Karl, Steve,Jim,Reading Bob, George and Curt, And many more)are the reason so many people are staying with the hobby and joining each and every day!!!!!!!! Me for one and I'm sure theirs lots more? I almost gave it up because of life changing status in the last year........Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2019, 07:37:57 AM

Thanks for stopping by the thread and following along with my modeling journey.  I hope you decide to stick with your modeling and that it helps you recover from that horrible accident that you and your wife are recovering from.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 16, 2019, 07:51:48 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 17, 2019, 05:44:43 PM
Update: Today, I installed tortoise machine number 30 of 58 for the layout expansion.  I also reassembled the three control panels that I have finished, after staining, and got a long ways towards finishing the fourth and fifty control panels.  I will try to post some pictures, tomorrow. I mentioned that I ordered some .06 Lexon plexiglass for the control panels to replace the .093 material about a week ago.  This was the way to go. The touch controls work much better and it is much easier to work with.  I cut it with tin snips with no problems. Don't try this with the cheaper Lexon "like" plexiglass materials. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 17, 2019, 06:48:48 PM

All looks great. Especially love the photo with all the ore cars.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 18, 2019, 12:54:26 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 17, 2019, 06:48:48 PM

All looks great. Especially love the photo with all the ore cars.



Thank you for the kind words and stopping by this build thread. As soon as I get this expansion operational (this winter), I plan on getting all the rolling stock out that I've acquired over the years, running things up, and taking inventory. It's going to be fun to fill up a few of the tracks in Superior Yard with rolling stock.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 18, 2019, 08:22:15 PM
Update: Today, I pulled the wires for the DCC system - two 40 foot J-12 wires got me into the new area. I'm trying to get away with one more booster for the radio control system. There will be a plug in location every twelve feet along the facia. Also made the pieces for the fifth control panel and cut and installed more moldings. Tomorrow, I will get back at the tortoise machine installations and start the drops for the track power. Sorry, no pictures today, I was on a roll and didn't take time to get the camera out.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 19, 2019, 07:30:38 PM
Tonight, we have a real progress photograph, I didn't even clean up the tools. Today,  I installed the 12 tortoise machines under the South Superior Yard, and started wiring them to the control panel.  To the right you can see the three completed control panels.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on August 19, 2019, 07:45:51 PM
Not only is your modeling great , your benchwork looks like a professional furniture maker made it , museum quality.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 19, 2019, 08:54:59 PM
Beautiful John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jimmillho on August 19, 2019, 10:02:04 PM
Awesome John.  Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 19, 2019, 11:02:22 PM
Holy sh*t Batman can we ever get through this maze??

John you lost me after the first wire.  Your wiring expertise is amazing!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 20, 2019, 07:23:31 AM
Great job John.......Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 07:46:46 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on August 19, 2019, 07:45:51 PM
Not only is your modeling great , your benchwork looks like a professional furniture maker made it , museum quality.


Thank you for the kind words - I'm trying to make the railroad blend into the living space in this room.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 07:47:07 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 19, 2019, 08:54:59 PM
Beautiful John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 07:47:37 AM
Quote from: jimmillho on August 19, 2019, 10:02:04 PM
Awesome John.  Keep up the good work.


Thank you Jim.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 07:51:12 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 19, 2019, 11:02:22 PM
Holy sh*t Batman can we ever get through this maze??

John you lost me after the first wire.  Your wiring expertise is amazing!!



I hope the control panels make it simple to operate.  I do have some hours into them. :o  I plan on having a group over this fall/winter for a test run.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 07:52:14 AM
Quote from: DennisBourey on August 20, 2019, 07:23:31 AM
Great job John.......Dennis

Thank you Dennis.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 09:47:47 PM
Update: Well, today I finished the fourth control panel.  I decided to take another picture from the same angle as the one from yesterday.  The facia is on the front and the moldings are about 70 percent. I have all of the tortoise machines installed and running in the South Superior Yard,  the North Superior Yard, and the East Superior Yard.  I'm at 44 of the 54 turnouts for the complete Superior Yard. Ten more to go in the West Superior Yard. ;D  I will then start the drop wires and getting power to the tracks. It's getting closer. ::)  So I've had a yellow box sitting on my workbench for 3 weeks now.  Maybe another week and we can open it up and get started.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 09:51:06 PM
I think I will add a molding around the hole in the wall until I can build the structure that is planned for there.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Blazeman on August 21, 2019, 07:58:05 AM
I don't know what words to use to convey how impressed I am.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 21, 2019, 08:21:19 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 09:51:06 PM
I think I will add a molding around the hole in the wall until I can build the structure that is planned for there.

Or design and (color) print a building flat over the opening... 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 21, 2019, 03:28:22 PM
hey John:

what can I say but just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 21, 2019, 08:34:01 PM
Quote from: Blazeman on August 21, 2019, 07:58:05 AM
I don't know what words to use to convey how impressed I am.

Thank you for following along and your kind comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 21, 2019, 08:37:58 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 21, 2019, 08:21:19 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 20, 2019, 09:51:06 PM
I think I will add a molding around the hole in the wall until I can build the structure that is planned for there.

Or design and (color) print a building flat over the opening... 



I will come up with something  - I have some ideas floating around.  On the hallway side of the wall there will be only one level. On the other side there will be a second level.  I'm thinking about an over the tracks tower but haven't come up with a background yet. For now I need to hide the ugly hole.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 21, 2019, 08:38:53 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 21, 2019, 03:28:22 PM
hey John:

what can I say but just beautiful.


Thank you, buddy.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on August 22, 2019, 06:16:12 AM
Really really BIG work! Looks like a museum. Great work...sorry i won't be joining you at the NNGC. Have a great time.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 22, 2019, 08:07:16 AM
Quote from: cuse on August 22, 2019, 06:16:12 AM
Really really BIG work! Looks like a museum. Great work...sorry i won't be joining you at the NNGC. Have a great time.


Thank you for the kind words. The upper level in this area will be dual gauge.  The mines that I will be modeling were serviced by both standard and Narrow gauge lines. We are a few years away from that expansion. ;)

Sorry we will not be able to go look at some great layouts together, this year.  CA is long trip - I have my oldest daughter out there so we are making it a dual purpose trip. As always, I will take some pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 23, 2019, 08:43:58 PM
Operations on the S&S RR have been halted while we move my daughter and her family.  We had a big surprise when we unloaded the first trailer load at the new house. There was a brand new Thomas the Tank layout table in my trailer for my Grandson's new bedroom. I asked him to help me unload the last few things out of the trailer so he could find it. Great fun!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on August 24, 2019, 09:00:47 AM

It is so cool to see a little one's eyes light up with joy.  He'll always cherish these train memories with grandpa.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 27, 2019, 10:13:03 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on August 24, 2019, 09:00:47 AM

It is so cool to see a little one's eyes light up with joy.  He'll always cherish these train memories with grandpa.


I couldn't agree more.  Absolutely, the best part of the hobby.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2019, 09:10:56 PM
Update:  I got some more wiring done and started adding the NCE throttle control lines.  I will have both wireless and hard wire capability in the new section - same as the rest of the layout. I will be adding drop lines from each section of track and adding the main bus lines over the next few weeks as time permits.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 04, 2019, 10:36:49 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 04, 2019, 10:38:56 AM
I updated the layout diagram for the Superior & Seattle Railroad to the latest track plan. 
The picture above gives an overall view of the layout. Each of the numbers in the blue boxes is a track power block. 
The different colors represent DCC power districts.
The turnouts are also numbered - the small red numbers.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 04, 2019, 10:45:18 AM
I will post some blowups of different sections of the layout diagram in the coming days,  for reference. I'm also working on a layout at a glance page.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 04, 2019, 01:08:27 PM
John, That is incredible workmanship. Very impressed by your work..........Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 04, 2019, 10:43:18 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on September 04, 2019, 01:08:27 PM
John, That is incredible workmanship. Very impressed by your work..........Dennis


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 05, 2019, 07:38:48 PM
The next three pictures are the blow-up pictures of the layout diagram.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 05, 2019, 07:44:02 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 05, 2019, 07:45:28 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 10, 2019, 01:07:28 AM
I am back from the Narrow Gauge Convention - the team in Sacramento did a nice job. I had a good time, met some new model railroading friends, saw some great layouts, and attended a number of new clinics.  I came back ready to go back to work on the S&S RR. After I recover from spending a whole day in airports and airplanes I will be getting right at it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 12, 2019, 01:22:02 PM
Update: I'm back at the wiring for the new phase of the layout. I have about 8 tortoise machines to install then it will be on to the drops and track wiring. I'm excited about getting  back into the structure building, I hope to get the lid off that yellow box that has been sitting on my workbench for the past month, this weekend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2019, 07:50:25 PM
Today, I finished the fifth control panel for the Phase IV expansion of the S&S RR.  This is a duplicate panel that is directly below the turntable and roundhouse.  The three turnouts that control access to the turnout, routing to the reversing loop or entrance into the Superior yard will be controlled from three places. The main control panel for Superior Yard, this local control panel, and a yet to be installed panel next to the main control panel for the Eagles Nest Yard.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2019, 07:51:02 PM
Here is a picture of the sister control panel next to the main control panel for the Superior Yard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2019, 07:54:26 PM
Notice the air hose for the air nailer on top of the benchwork.  As I complete the drops for the track power in an area, the facia and moldings are going on. ;D ;D  Getting close to building structures again.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 15, 2019, 10:00:45 AM
Update:  I spent most of the day, yesterday, running wires and checking voltages.  Getting ready to hook the drop wires to the main bus wires.  I'm in the final push to get this section of the layout running. ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 15, 2019, 01:23:52 PM
Very professional looking control panels.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 15, 2019, 09:53:08 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 15, 2019, 01:23:52 PM
Very professional looking control panels.


Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on September 16, 2019, 08:41:26 AM

Kudos for your awesome controls and beautiful oak cabinets and trim.  Wiring is my least favorite part of the hobby, better you than me planning and wiring these panels.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2019, 03:18:38 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on September 16, 2019, 08:41:26 AM

Kudos for your awesome controls and beautiful oak cabinets and trim.  Wiring is my least favorite part of the hobby, better you than me planning and wiring these panels.


Thank you for the kind words.  Wiring is not my favorite part of the hobby, either.  Especially when I spend hours finding a short.  Yesterday, I had a short that I thought was in the new section that I'm wiring - but it turned out to be a passenger car on the old part of the layout. :-[
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on September 16, 2019, 03:34:53 PM

It all looks just fantastic. The control yard panels are wonderful. Great stuff my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2019, 07:17:59 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on September 16, 2019, 03:34:53 PM

It all looks just fantastic. The control yard panels are wonderful. Great stuff my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2019, 07:23:23 PM
Today, was a very special day on the Superior & Seattle Railroad.  Wayne Olson returned to help me work on the layout after almost 5 months.  He is recovering from a broken hip and femur from a fall from a ladder.  I left everything in place where he was working on painting some rock work last may.  I think he got a kick out of it all being there waiting for him.  Anyway, good to have you back Wayne.  I solved a shorting problem that I was having yesterday and made some more progress on the wiring.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 17, 2019, 07:47:06 AM
Hey John:

Everything you do to the layout is just fantastic. I love the pictures. Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he is feeling better.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2019, 08:55:34 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 17, 2019, 07:47:06 AM
Hey John:

Everything you do to the layout is just fantastic. I love the pictures. Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he is feeling better.



Thank you my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 19, 2019, 01:23:28 PM
I found a great place to mount the frog juicer control panels under the layout.  The cabinets under the main control panels are sink base cabinets with "pop off" panels on the front.  So I'm mounting the juicer panels so they can be seen for maintenance or trouble shooting by "popping off"  the cabinet panels.  I have two mounted so far.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 19, 2019, 01:25:33 PM
The area up under the control panels is sure getting full of wires.  I will take a picture when everything is in and hooked up.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on September 20, 2019, 06:31:27 AM

Not only is the oak cabinetry beautiful, the pop off panels is a great idea that anyone can use on their layout.  Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on September 20, 2019, 12:42:14 PM
Very Very cool. The pop-off panels are just another level of clever. Seriously museum-grade top to bottom!

I will be in St. Louis-no matter what! ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 20, 2019, 03:51:48 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on September 20, 2019, 06:31:27 AM

Not only is the oak cabinetry beautiful, the pop off panels is a great idea that anyone can use on their layout.  Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 20, 2019, 08:33:42 PM
Quote from: cuse on September 20, 2019, 12:42:14 PM
Very Very cool. The pop-off panels are just another level of clever. Seriously museum-grade top to bottom!

I will be in St. Louis-no matter what! ;)



Thank you for the kind words. I hope to see you in St. Louis.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 24, 2019, 07:50:36 PM
I managed to get some testing done today.  I took my worst running locomotive and tested it through the turnouts using the frog juicer circuits.  I bought two - six frog boards to start with - to do a test before making the financial commitment to buy enough boards for the entire expansion.  Well the testing went great - I ran the locomotive as slow as it would go and it went through the turnouts without hesitation. I should mention again that the turnouts on this section of the layout are all Peco electro frog.  Based on what I saw today Tammy Valley got an order for six more hex boards which will give me enough for this expansion.  I got a feeling that I will be replacing some turnouts on my layout with the same setup.  I have a few places where I'm not happy with the running performance through turnouts.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2019, 09:24:58 AM
Update:  The frog juicer boards arrived along with all the other supplies I needed to finish the wiring of the layout expansion. So, that's what I will be doing during my layout build time the next few weeks. I decided to wait to start some structure builds until I get this expansion complete - I want to get all the rolling stock and locomotives out of storage this winter.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 28, 2019, 01:19:15 PM
Hey John:

very nicely done. WOW you can even take a nap.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2019, 07:17:02 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 28, 2019, 01:19:15 PM
Hey John:

very nicely done. WOW you can even take a nap.



Thank you for the compliments. I finished up the connections to the main control panel today, so my nap spot will need to be moved.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2019, 08:31:39 PM
Today, I installed and powered up the 6 new Frog Juicier boards bringing the total up to 8.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2019, 08:34:45 PM
I also finished pulling and powering all the wires for the power blocks. Here is a couple pictures of the wiring connections under the main control panel.  Now - I need to complete all of the drops from the tracks and make the connections with suitcase connectors. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this project.   ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2019, 08:36:23 PM

It's hard to take an overall picture under the control panel with my iPhone so I took two and I think you can see where they go together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2019, 08:37:49 PM
The extra power blocks are for the upper level - Phase V.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on September 29, 2019, 07:01:43 PM
Wow!  All of the boards looks like you can operate a Space Shuttle!  Amazing work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on September 30, 2019, 07:47:52 AM

Even with all the numbered terminal strips I have no idea how you keep from going crazy trying to keep everything straight.  What an undertaking.  All I can say is, better you than me, brother. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 30, 2019, 08:17:47 AM
Quote from: MAP on September 29, 2019, 07:01:43 PM
Wow!  All of the boards looks like you can operate a Space Shuttle!  Amazing work.


Thank you for stopping by the thread and the kind words.  Like the Space Shuttle it's one circuit at a time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 30, 2019, 08:21:41 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on September 30, 2019, 07:47:52 AM

Even with all the numbered terminal strips I have no idea how you keep from going crazy trying to keep everything straight.  What an undertaking.  All I can say is, better you than me, brother.


Thank you for following along - I'm fine with the wiring until one circuit starts talking to the other or I get a short, then it drives me crazy figuring out what went wrong. I'm at the point with this project that I want to get it done and move on to structure building. I have spent a lot of time pulling and connecting wires this summer.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jimmillho on September 30, 2019, 11:53:50 AM
I think that you have done a fine job of wiring.  I know it looks complicated, but you have labeled everything to make it easier to follow..

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 30, 2019, 09:20:21 PM
Quote from: jimmillho on September 30, 2019, 11:53:50 AM
I think that you have done a fine job of wiring.  I know it looks complicated, but you have labeled everything to make it easier to follow..



Thank you for the complement, it looks complicated because there are so many circuits but each circuit is pretty simple. You have to label everything or one day you're going to reach into the cabinet to adjust a tortoise machine and have a half dozen loose wires to trace to get everything working again.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on October 01, 2019, 06:10:53 AM
When "civilians" peek in and see my layout, they say "oh, how neat" or "that's cute". When someone unexpectedly sees John's, they back out slowly as if they stumbled into a bomb factory or a secret CIA/NASA satellite tracking station ;D

Amazing stuff!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 01, 2019, 04:34:57 PM
Quote from: cuse on October 01, 2019, 06:10:53 AM
When "civilians" peek in and see my layout, they say "oh, how neat" or "that's cute". When someone unexpectedly sees John's, they back out slowly as if they stumbled into a bomb factory or a secret CIA/NASA satellite tracking station ;D

Amazing stuff!


Thanks John. Today, I'm playing Houston we have a problem :o . Some how my frog juicer is juicing more than the frog - I spent the last hour with a continuity detector trying to figure out how that is happening. Stay tuned for further updates.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 02, 2019, 04:09:25 PM
Update: Well I think I have solved my frog juicer problem.  I was powering the frog juicers off the main leads for my power districts.  I switched to powering them off the leads for each power block. The problem was the power was feeding back and jumping my block power switches.  If you go back a few pages you can find a diagram that shows the power districts - for phase IV I have two - districts G and I.  The power blocks are labeled 105 - 125 for Phase IV and have a I or G as the last character. I will know for sure that I have solved the problem when I have all of the frog juicers wired up and operational. I need to get into the frog juicer circuits deeper before I start with frog juicers for the first three phases of the layout.  The joys of wiring.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2019, 01:09:03 PM
Update:  I'm adding the power drops and then hooking up each of the power blocks with suitcase connectors.  The first three went great. Then on the forth I have a short before I started adding drops - so I'm tracing wires and inspecting track. This is where wiring takes a lot of time. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 04, 2019, 07:37:39 PM
Hey John:

Looks beautiful as always.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2019, 07:50:38 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on October 04, 2019, 07:37:39 PM
Hey John:

Looks beautiful as always.



Thank you - about 2 PM this afternoon I was ready to tear the whole thing out looking for a short.  It turns out that the short was not in the new section of the layout but in a passenger car sitting in the Eagles Nest Yard.  I found it by working backwards to the main control panel and then shutting off switches until I isolated the power block, in this case a single siding. This is the second passenger car with the old (25 years plus) lighting systems that I have had short out the layout. At some point I will tear it apart and figure out what went wrong.  For now, they have all been removed from the layout.  I wired up two more power blocks this afternoon after wasting about 4 hours trying to figure out what was happening with the short. If I didn't have the layout broken up in to switchable power blocks It would have been days before I found this problem.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 06, 2019, 07:21:54 PM
Update: Today, I reached the half way point on wiring all of the track power blocks. I have gone through over a hundred suitcase connectors and just had to order some more drop wire. I'm going to take a little break  and go do some fishing.  I hope to come back all ready to finish up the wiring project and get this section of the layout working.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 09, 2019, 09:23:22 PM
Update: I just returned from a fishing trip and will be back working on the layout in the morning.  I spent a few hours in the evenings editing photographs from Frank Bakers videos from our 2016 photo shoot of George Sellios' F&SM railroad.  I will be posting these new photographs in the F&SM section of the forum. I'm really enjoying reliving our photo shoot and being inspired once again by the F&SM.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 10, 2019, 07:48:04 AM
Hey John:

Glad you found the problem.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 10, 2019, 03:54:24 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on October 10, 2019, 07:48:04 AM
Hey John:

Glad you found the problem.



Thank you for stopping by - a few more grey hairs but another wiring problem solved.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 12, 2019, 01:34:27 PM
Update: The wiring of the North Yard is now complete. ;D  I'm working on the drops for the South Yard - once the South Yard is complete it will be time for testing. I'm looking forward to completing all this wiring and getting back to structure building and scenery.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 13, 2019, 09:27:02 PM
Update: Today, was a big day on the S&S RR.  The wiring of the expansion is done!  I now start the testing phase - which will probably result in a drop or two having to be added but we can run trains in the new section. I ran a locomotive through the reversing wye before calling it quits for the day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on October 13, 2019, 09:57:13 PM
Well done Sir!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 16, 2019, 10:49:51 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on October 13, 2019, 09:57:13 PM
Well done Sir!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2019, 06:06:49 PM
The Phase IV expansion - Superior Yard - got a good workout from one of our younger Engineers, yesterday.  Seeing my Grandson work the trains through the different track routings made taking the summer to build it, worth the time it took. We have a couple places that need a little work to get power to the locomotives, but we didn't have any derailments. Great test. A three year old routed the trains through the yards with the touch screen control panels.  And we learned how to read the words horn, and bell, so we knew which buttons to push.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: madharry on October 18, 2019, 06:10:01 PM
Love it waiting for my grandson Jack to grow up to be able to control DCC..............lovely John. He is only two next month.............
Mike ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: FandSM Engineer on October 18, 2019, 06:11:09 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on October 18, 2019, 06:06:49 PM
The Phase IV expansion - Superior Yard - got a good workout from one of our younger Engineers, yesterday.  Seeing my Grandson work the trains through the different track routings made taking the summer to build it, worth the time it took. We have a couple places that need a little work to get power to the locomotives, but we didn't have any derailments. Great test. A three year old routed the trains through the yards with the touch screen control panels.  And we learned how to read the words horn, and bell, so we knew which buttons to push.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 18, 2019, 06:25:00 PM
That's great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: FandSM Engineer on October 18, 2019, 08:21:02 PM
Quote from: madharry on October 18, 2019, 06:10:01 PM
Love it waiting for my grandson Jack to grow up to be able to control DCC..............lovely John. He is only two next month.............
Mike ;)


The Grandkids enjoying the layout is a lot of fun for me.  His sister is 1 and already likes to watch the trains. If your grandson is 2 he will be able to use "the remote" in about another year. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: pbltrains on October 19, 2019, 01:44:47 AM

Great to see you getting your grandson interested in the layout.  Hopefully he will continue to enjoy running grandpa's trains.

Seth P.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2019, 09:48:11 AM
Quote from: pbltrains on October 19, 2019, 01:44:47 AM

Great to see you getting your grandson interested in the layout.  Hopefully he will continue to enjoy running grandpa's trains.

Seth P.


Thank you for stopping by the thread. The kids sure enjoy the trains now - I too hope it lasts.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on October 19, 2019, 09:58:43 AM
John that's a fine looking engineer you have there!

Hope he keeps wanting to play with trains.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2019, 12:50:36 PM
Quote from: Jerry on October 19, 2019, 09:58:43 AM
John that's a fine looking engineer you have there!

Hope he keeps wanting to play with trains.



Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on October 19, 2019, 03:41:14 PM

Great picture with a "Little John" at the throttle.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2019, 09:12:45 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on October 19, 2019, 03:41:14 PM

Great picture with a "Little John" at the throttle.

Tom  ;D


Thank you,  I sure enjoy running trains with him.  He sure has the interest, now. We will see when he gets older.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2019, 09:12:28 AM
Update: I'm working on cleaning my work area, so I can start building structures again. I have some track work and wiring issues to clean up and the layout expansion will be complete. ;D I'm sure there will be a few turnouts to add and a few track moves as the new area gets a good testing. I  will spend a few months running trains and testing the new area before I paint and weather the track and add some scenery.  I have about 8 structures planned for this area.  The first will be a large brick roundhouse. Then, water towers, signal towers, a maintenance area, and a few locomotive storage sheds.

So the goal for this week is to get the lid off one of those wonderful yellow boxes. Fox Run is the next build on my list. It will share the same base board with the Foundry build I did for the winter challenge last year. First, I must find my workshop.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 20, 2019, 12:36:12 PM
We cant wait John. I'm trying to get everything I need to build the roundhouse and Engine repair shop. I'm buying all the little things I need so I'm not struggling at the last minute......Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 20, 2019, 07:59:39 PM

Really looking forward to the upcoming Fox Run build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 21, 2019, 07:54:08 AM
Quote from: DennisBourey on October 20, 2019, 12:36:12 PM
We cant wait John. I'm trying to get everything I need to build the roundhouse and Engine repair shop. I'm buying all the little things I need so I'm not struggling at the last minute......Dennis


I'm looking forward to your builds, too. I spent some time yesterday, getting my workshop organized. My plan is to have three builds going at the same time so I can keep moving as the glue or paint is drying. It's just the way I like to build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 21, 2019, 07:58:22 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 20, 2019, 07:59:39 PM

Really looking forward to the upcoming Fox Run build.


Thank you for stopping by the thread.  I'm going to get started as soon as the workshop is organized. I have some track work projects to fill in the time I'm waiting for the glue and paint to dry for the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:08:08 PM
Today, the covers came off  two yellow boxes the next two builds on the S&S RR. Fox Run will be the first followed by Swakhammer's Welding.  My SOP is to have three builds going at the same time but for now I will have these two plus the cleanup work on the Phase IV expansion. I also have some track changes that I want to make in the Eagles Nest Yard and in the Town of Sellios. So track work will serve as my third build for the next few weeks. I will be posting update pictures as these builds progress.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:11:20 PM
I found a welding simulator circuit board in the Swanhammer's box that I bought years ago and stored away so I would find it when I started this build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:22:15 PM
I took some pictures of the site for these builds that will hang over my workbench as I proceed and thought I would post them here for reference.  The Fox Run build shares a baseboard and coal facility with the Foundry.  Swakhammer's will go to the right of the Fox Run Mill.  There will be a number industrial buildings along this siding in the back of Eagles Nest Yard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:23:51 PM
I have a couple building sites to the left of the foundry and I'm looking for just the right structures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:24:19 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:24:42 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2019, 09:25:56 PM
Okay, so I got my finger in the way on this last one. It's a build thread. :-[ :o  Just pretend it's smoke from one of those big steam locomotives making the run from the Superior Yard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 25, 2019, 09:35:39 PM
Very nicely done John. love the location...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 26, 2019, 11:40:55 AM
I love the backdrop and trees.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jimmillho on October 26, 2019, 12:15:42 PM
Great location for some more of those "Yellow Box's"

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on October 26, 2019, 02:13:54 PM
Looking forward to these, John.

Fox has always been a favourite of mine.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 26, 2019, 03:14:58 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on October 25, 2019, 09:35:39 PM
Very nicely done John. love the location...Dennis


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I really like having the scenery and backdrop done before I locate the buildings and foreground scenery. Most of my layout will be done this way.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 26, 2019, 03:16:22 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 26, 2019, 11:40:55 AM
I love the backdrop and trees.


Thank you, as I said in my post response to Dennis I really like having the scenery in place for the background before I build and place the structures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 26, 2019, 03:18:08 PM
Quote from: jimmillho on October 26, 2019, 12:15:42 PM
Great location for some more of those "Yellow Box's"



Thank you, I have about 8 of them planned for this area. That's a lot of gluing. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 26, 2019, 03:27:12 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on October 26, 2019, 02:13:54 PM
Looking forward to these, John.

Fox has always been a favourite of mine.

Cheers, Mark.


Thanks for stopping by the thread - Fox Run and Swakhammer's are my two favorites and they will be side by side in this location. I'm in the process of looking at pictures and the site and deciding what, if anything, I want to do to change to the original structures for my site. This is the part that takes me the longest and probably the part I enjoy the most. I would like to do some elevation change but haven't come up with the right thing, yet. The site is bound by track on both sides so it doesn't lend itself to large elevation changes.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on October 27, 2019, 01:27:14 PM
John good to see you back in the buildings again.

Beautiful back drop and your planning of what's to go there sounds like a winner.
Looking forward to this area of development!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 27, 2019, 06:30:38 PM
Quote from: Jerry on October 27, 2019, 01:27:14 PM
John good to see you back in the buildings again.

Beautiful back drop and your planning of what's to go there sounds like a winner.
Looking forward to this area of development!



Thanks for stopping by and the kind words - I'm looking forward to building structures again.  All this wiring has made me crosseyed.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2019, 09:30:07 AM
Update: This weekend, the track work in the expansion got a good workout from Wayne Olson and I. We found three areas that I wanted to change before moving on to ballasting and detailing the track. Yesterday, I made those changes. I'm also working on two turnouts that are not getting proper power distribution. I will be doing some testing today to see if I can find out what is causing the problem.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2019, 09:41:12 AM
You will notice in the picture above that my logbook is open. I keep notes on how everything is wired, attached, etc. so I can remember what I did for future changes and or problem solving. This book has saved me so many times.  Oh, I should mention that I also take pictures and have a log book on my iPad with copies of the pages from the paper logbook. I have tried many times to go completely electronic but I always come back to the paper and pen logbooks for the complicated areas. The hookups for the upper level (Phase V) of this area are already in place and labeled on the control panels and in the books. It will be a number of years before they get used and I will not remember what I did without the books.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on October 28, 2019, 05:10:11 PM

You've been busy. One of my least favorite things to do is trouble shoot a wounded area. However, one the other end, a great satisfaction occurs when the problem is fixed/solved.

Nice job my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 28, 2019, 06:20:27 PM

A log book, why didn't I think of that?  Of course, then I'd have to remember where I put the book...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2019, 06:54:56 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on October 28, 2019, 05:10:11 PM

You've been busy. One of my least favorite things to do is trouble shoot a wounded area. However, one the other end, a great satisfaction occurs when the problem is fixed/solved.

Nice job my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thanks for stopping by and the words of encouragement - I hate trouble shooting electronics but it just got to the done. I have one turnout out of over 50 in this section that is giving me more gray hair. I have perfect voltage before and after the turnout and the frog juicer is working just fine but the locomotives are stalling because the voltage is dropping down to a little over 6 volts in the turnout. There has to be a problem with one of the jumpers on the underside of the turnout so I have to either use jumpers or pull the turnout. It is the most difficult one to change out right in the wall between the North and South yards. ::)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2019, 07:02:15 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 28, 2019, 06:20:27 PM

A log book, why didn't I think of that?  Of course, then I'd have to remember where I put the book...


I take pictures of each page of the logbook for my iPad, so everything is backed up in the cloud. Not that I have ever lost the log book. ;) :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[  Actually, the log book that I'm using now is volume 15.  I carried a log book with me to work on design work in hotel rooms and during boring corporate meetings back when I was working. The log books are the same as the ones we used for applying for patents so I never got any questions about taking notes in the log books.  Many of the sections of the layout started as design sketches in my log books.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2019, 07:08:04 PM
If you look at the picture above you will see a roll of orange duck tape. We used the tape to mark any trouble areas. As you can see, in the picture, all of the tape has been removed except for that one stubborn turnout (it's the turnout on the left just as the track goes through the wall).  It's time for another round of testing, as soon as I get it fixed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:07:41 PM
Update:  We have workbench activity on the S&S RR. My new workbench is all setup for the Swakhammer's build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:12:19 PM
First Step: Test fit the big castings. I will have some time invested in fitting the castings together and adding all the window castings.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:12:43 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:13:01 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:13:17 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:13:34 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:15:04 PM
And on my rolling workbench I have the Fox Run build started.  Step one the main walls.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 02:17:32 PM
You will notice from the background of the pictures that I have spent some time getting my workspaces organized.  I have things setup so I will have have three main build areas and two smaller workbenches for subassemblies and small projects that come up. I'm sure I will be making a few changes as we go but so far I really like the new workspace.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 01, 2019, 07:26:03 PM
I really like the look of the stone work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 07:29:15 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 01, 2019, 07:26:03 PM
I really like the look of the stone work.


I agree, George did a great job with these stone walls. I will be coloring them with a variation of brown similar to what I did for the Foundry build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 07:35:07 PM
I did a test sample with the coloring technique I plan to use for the wood siding on Swakhammer's.  This is stained with Hunterline Yellow Cream and then a wash of A&I to make the grain and nail heads pop. I used one coat of stain on the top third of the sample, two coats in the middle, and three coats on the bottom. This building is going to be located in a yard with lots of steam locomotives running around it. The plan is to use different numbers of coats of the stain in different areas of the walls to help give it that weathered look.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2019, 07:44:14 PM
I also started gluing the bracing for the clapboard walls on the Fox Run Milling build. The rest of the day was spent preparing the detail castings for both builds.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 02, 2019, 08:53:37 AM
John really like the coloring and the way the weathering is showing up.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 02, 2019, 09:15:44 AM
Quote from: Jerry on November 02, 2019, 08:53:37 AM
John really like the coloring and the way the weathering is showing up.



Thank you - I will probably add a little chalk for texture on the model but this is the way I plan to go on this one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 02, 2019, 01:59:48 PM
Looking good, John.

That cream colour is nice.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: engine909 on November 02, 2019, 02:15:17 PM
Yellow cream is very nice. I just used it on the John Allen Engine House O scale kit from Mt. Albert.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 02, 2019, 04:37:36 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 02, 2019, 01:59:48 PM
Looking good, John.

That cream colour is nice.

Cheers, Mark.


Thanks for stopping by the thread.  I have a dark brown picked out for the windows and doors that I think will look good with this yellow/cream.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 02, 2019, 04:40:45 PM
Quote from: engine909 on November 02, 2019, 02:15:17 PM
Yellow cream is very nice. I just used it on the John Allen Engine House O scale kit from Mt. Albert.

I bet that really looks good. I'm really liking the way the Hunter Stains work so far.  Up until my big purchase of their products at the Narrow Gauge Convention I had only tried the driftwood and cement colors.  As with everything I do the stain is the base color the A&I brings out the details and then I usually hit it with some chalks as a finishing touch.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 02, 2019, 09:40:47 PM
Update: The wall bracing and corner moldings were added to the Fox Run wall sections today. I also prepared the detail castings for Swakhammer's - I have a few more to do in the morning and they will be ready for the paint booth.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 03, 2019, 09:35:38 PM
The castings for Swakhammer's are ready for the paint booth. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 04, 2019, 09:15:25 AM
That's a lot of castings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on November 04, 2019, 11:21:53 AM
The FSM NBW castings always looked too large to me.  On my Jacobs Coal, I used Tichy castings instead. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 04, 2019, 11:33:52 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 04, 2019, 09:15:25 AM
That's a lot of castings.

It sure is.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 04, 2019, 11:47:32 AM
Quote from: deemery on November 04, 2019, 11:21:53 AM
The FSM NBW castings always looked too large to me.  On my Jacobs Coal, I used Tichy castings instead. 



This kit comes with both the Tichy plastic windows and the metal casting for the stone part of the building. If you look at the metal widows I have done a little file work which takes care of any issues.  The big problem George had with the metal windows is keeping them in shape during the shipping process. Some of these kits have a lot of shipping miles on them before they get built. I spend some time doing the straightening before I paint them.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 04, 2019, 04:23:01 PM
Castings are in the paint booth - round one.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: engine909 on November 05, 2019, 03:24:14 PM
John, Always a pleasure following along. I also complimented the yellow with dark brown on the Engine house. Looks very nice together. The brown I used was FolkArt Painted Barnwood Effect, thinned a bit, than wiped on and off.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: FandSM Engineer on November 05, 2019, 04:28:28 PM
Quote from: engine909 on November 05, 2019, 03:24:14 PM
John, Always a pleasure following along. I also complimented the yellow with dark brown on the Engine house. Looks very nice together. The brown I used was FolkArt Painted Barnwood Effect, thinned a bit, than wiped on and off.


I'm using a ultra flat camo-brown shaker can for the window and door castings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 05, 2019, 09:55:13 PM
Quote from: FandSM Engineer on November 05, 2019, 04:28:28 PM
Quote from: engine909 on November 05, 2019, 03:24:14 PM
John, Always a pleasure following along. I also complimented the yellow with dark brown on the Engine house. Looks very nice together. The brown I used was FolkArt Painted Barnwood Effect, thinned a bit, than wiped on and off.


I'm using a ultra flat camo-brown shaker can for the window and door castings.

Sorry for any confusion on the login.  I created another login for the F&SM posts and sometimes I forget which one I'm using when I post on my build thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 07, 2019, 12:50:36 PM
Update: Lots of activity in the paint booth today. I may just get the castings for the next couple of builds prepped and do all the detail casting at once. So far, I got as far as cleaning off my detail bench. ;)  Next up, for the paint booth, is the wall castings for Shakhammer's.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2019, 09:42:16 PM
I spent most of the day today painting the detail castings for Swakhammer's.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2019, 09:42:33 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2019, 09:46:38 PM
I also made considerable progress on the Fox Run build.  The main walls have been completed and are ready for assembly.  I used driftwood stain from Hunterline for the walls. I wanted this structure to have the weathered after the war time frame coloring, but I did not pop the siding off to make it look completely run down.  This is the working part of the layout is the revenue producing area so I'm interested in a series of builds that are not as run down as the prototypes for these kits.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2019, 09:47:52 PM
In this picture the walls have the window and door castings added and are ready for assembly.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2019, 09:51:36 PM
I also got the castings out for the coaling tower and G. Wilikers which will be the next two kits that I plan to build. I like painting the castings in big batches so I can clear off the detailing bench for doing the final detailing on each build. I store the castings in the plastic trays that you seen in the picture above.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 09, 2019, 11:41:46 AM

I really like the look of your Fox Run walls.  They look neglected, but also show a building that is still generating sufficient income to survive if not prosper.  Nice job getting the door and window castings to reflect the state of the clapboards.  I'll be following along on this group of builds. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2019, 12:41:18 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 09, 2019, 11:41:46 AM

I really like the look of your Fox Run walls.  They look neglected, but also show a building that is still generating sufficient income to survive if not prosper.  Nice job getting the door and window castings to reflect the state of the clapboards.  I'll be following along on this group of builds.


Thank you for following along and your comments.  As I said above, the look you describe is what I'm after and comments coming from a man that knows when it's time to paint the barn are greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 09, 2019, 04:29:39 PM
John I love your weathering a used building just in deed of a paint job.

Not falling down with boards missing and the roof leaking I'm sorry guys but business just were not kept that way if they were in business.

Question is that a paper towel under ythe parts that you stained??

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2019, 09:07:00 PM
Quote from: Jerry on November 09, 2019, 04:29:39 PM
John I love your weathering a used building just in deed of a paint job.

Not falling down with boards missing and the roof leaking I'm sorry guys but business just were not kept that way if they were in business.

Question is that a paper towel under ythe parts that you stained??



Thank you for following along and the kind words.  Yes - that is a paper towel under the wood that I'm staining. If I'm getting too much stain from the brush I will put some on the paper towel - I like the streaked look. Each board weathers just a little differently and different areas of the building get more sun than others.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2019, 09:35:53 PM
Update:  I updated the links to volume 1 and 2 of this build thread to tie everything together. The links to the older volumes will always be on page 1 of each volume along with the index.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 08:40:18 AM
Blacking out the back of the wall sections of Fox Run - last step before the assembly process.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 08:41:34 AM
I started the next section of the building while I was waiting for the paint to dry on the main building.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 10, 2019, 03:01:23 PM
Great progress, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 08:53:22 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 10, 2019, 03:01:23 PM
Great progress, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 08:58:26 PM
Update:  We have activity on three workbenches, tonight.  On the Fox Run build I'm assembling the walls for the rest of the building sections. on one workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 08:59:17 PM
Gluing the wall sections together for the main building on the second workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 08:59:39 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 09:00:27 PM
And on my detailing workbench I'm painting the castings for Swakhammer's.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2019, 09:01:14 PM
I also added the galley glass to the window castings for Swakhammer's.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 11, 2019, 01:20:18 PM
Hey John:

Looks great so far. Wow look at all that window glass. My favorite job.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2019, 01:32:54 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 11, 2019, 01:20:18 PM
Hey John:

Looks great so far. Wow look at all that window glass. My favorite job.



Thank you - the glass is always one of those okay let's get it done, jobs.  I try the acetate sheet and then on the next build I go back to the gallery glass.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on November 11, 2019, 04:24:32 PM

You've been busy, busy my friend. The least favorite part of any build for me is the Canopy glue in the windows and doors.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2019, 06:01:22 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on November 11, 2019, 04:24:32 PM

You've been busy, busy my friend. The least favorite part of any build for me is the Canopy glue in the windows and doors.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for stopping by the thread - yes I have been on a roll the last few days.  I actually bought some Canopy glue that I'm going to try for my next set of windows. I have always used the gallery glass glue - I assume it's about the same.  I like the way the windows look when lit with LED's much better with the glue, than with the plastic sheet that comes with most kits.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2019, 06:03:29 PM
Today, the walls went together for the building A assembly of Fox Run.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2019, 06:05:38 PM
I will be assembling each of the buildings as subassemblies and then putting everything together on the baseboard.  This build shares the baseboard with the foundry so I will be moving it from the layout back to the workbench for this process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 12, 2019, 09:22:54 AM
If you look closely at the picture above you will see a glue bottle tipped up to get the last little bit of glue out.  How does a modeler run out of glue in the middle of a snow storm? :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[  I just ordered a gallon from Amazon - they say it will be here tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2019, 08:11:10 AM
The walls for the additions to Fox Run are braced and stained.


The contrast between the light and dark areas of walls is enhanced by the fact that the walls are still wet when I took the picture.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2019, 08:13:44 AM
The walls for the A building, and tower, from George's instructions are assembled and ready for a roof.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 13, 2019, 08:44:58 AM

Looking good, and that's an understatement.  I'm enjoying watching you build this.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 13, 2019, 12:31:01 PM
A fine looking build so far John.  As always I'll be following along great adventure that it is!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2019, 01:27:51 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 13, 2019, 08:44:58 AM

Looking good, and that's an understatement.  I'm enjoying watching you build this.

I'm glad to have you along on this journey and thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2019, 01:28:22 PM
Quote from: Jerry on November 13, 2019, 12:31:01 PM
A fine looking build so far John.  As always I'll be following along great adventure that it is!



Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 16, 2019, 05:00:13 PM
Update: I'm back working on the railroad this afternoon after a hunting and fishing trip up to the Northern Hqrts. of the S&S RR.  I came back with lots of "what ifs" to try on my current and future builds.  No shooter bucks this year but I had a great time with family and friends that I only get to see once or twice a year. So it's back to working on the railroad and it's another Saturday, as our good friend Tom says.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on November 17, 2019, 09:51:56 AM
Nice progress on the build John!  Nothing like a little fishing & hunting break to get those juices flowing for some more railroading!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2019, 02:58:30 PM
Quote from: MAP on November 17, 2019, 09:51:56 AM
Nice progress on the build John!  Nothing like a little fishing & hunting break to get those juices flowing for some more railroading!


Thank you, and yes the fishing and hunting breaks do generate a lot of ideas. And I always come back eager to get back at the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2019, 09:01:26 PM
I got some bench time in this afternoon.  Started adding the window and door castings, black interior paint, and signs to the smaller structures for Fox Run. Here is a picture with the Flour Sign added to the wall.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 18, 2019, 08:59:14 AM
Neat sign.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on November 18, 2019, 03:30:29 PM

Very nice weathering on the main A building.

Tom ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on November 18, 2019, 05:06:51 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jimmillho on November 18, 2019, 07:38:38 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on November 18, 2019, 05:06:51 PM

Ditto, Ditto.   or is it Ditto Also.  Either way that is a great weathering job John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:25:24 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 18, 2019, 08:59:14 AM
Neat sign.

Thank you Curt - it is the sign that comes with the kit with appropriate weathering.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:27:11 PM
Tom, Eric, and Jim

Thank you for the kind words. Now, to start putting this thing together and see what we get.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:40:13 PM
I completed the walls sections for the Fox Run build today and started putting the subassemblies together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:41:05 PM
Yes, I make sure it is clamped absolutely square until the glue dries.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:41:57 PM
The first two walls of the shed going together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:44:57 PM
I also got started on the Swankhammer stone walls.  First, step, after the primer, is to fill the mortar joints with the mortar gray pigment.  I use alcohol to get the pigment where I want it and don't worry about getting some on the faces of the stones.  After it dries I get it off the faces with an eraser - and any that remains is covered by the next steps of the process.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:46:49 PM
I started adding the coloring to the stone faces on this small casting near the end of the day. It all comes together with the big fluffy brush at the end of the process.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 19, 2019, 09:17:24 AM
Very nice looking stone work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 19, 2019, 09:38:49 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 19, 2019, 09:17:24 AM
Very nice looking stone work.

Thank you Curt. I'm trying to document each step of the process for future reference.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 19, 2019, 10:18:31 AM
Hey John:

the walls look just great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 19, 2019, 08:15:16 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 19, 2019, 10:18:31 AM
Hey John:

the walls look just great.



Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 19, 2019, 08:58:24 PM

Lots of subassemblies for the Fox Run build on the workbench, today. Next step will be glueing them all together on the baseboard. I will be doing all of the detail work on the workbench on the baseboard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on November 19, 2019, 09:14:04 PM
the color on the stone walls came out very nice John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 20, 2019, 05:41:52 AM
Hey John:

Can't wait to see this all come together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 20, 2019, 07:47:56 AM
Quote from: sdrees on November 19, 2019, 09:14:04 PM
the color on the stone walls came out very nice John.


Thank you for the kind words. Now, we will see how it looks with the yellow I have picked for the clapboard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: CVSNE on November 20, 2019, 09:45:17 AM

Wasn't sure about the coloration of the stonework at first,  but consider me sold!

Looks great.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 20, 2019, 11:23:13 AM
Quote from: CVSNE on November 20, 2019, 09:45:17 AM

Wasn't sure about the coloration of the stonework at first,  but consider me sold!

Looks great.



Thank you for following along. This stonework coloring technique starts out looking pretty patchwork then you blend everything together at the end.  I will take pictures just before I glue them together and then again when I do the finish work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 21, 2019, 08:37:07 AM
Nice work on the stones John.  Great coloring choices.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2019, 09:50:31 AM
Quote from: Jerry on November 21, 2019, 08:37:07 AM
Nice work on the stones John.  Great coloring choices.



Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2019, 01:48:56 PM
It's time to move the base board for the Fox Run build from the layout to the workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2019, 01:51:00 PM
First step, make sure it is level on the workbench. Chimneys are supposed to start out straight up and down.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2019, 01:52:05 PM
I also moved the baseboard for the Swakhammer's build to a workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on November 21, 2019, 02:07:45 PM

Level is a good thing. Looks like you are on the level with this one.  8) 8)

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2019, 03:37:49 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on November 21, 2019, 02:07:45 PM

Level is a good thing. Looks like you are on the level with this one.  8) 8)

Tom  ;D

Yep, you have to start with a good foundation. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 21, 2019, 10:10:28 PM
I particularly like the tribute to Christchurch 4 shots back!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 22, 2019, 12:22:43 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful so far. Built Sewels for my friends layout. Cant wait till we can get started putting scenery and buildings on it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 01:27:11 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 21, 2019, 10:10:28 PM
I particularly like the tribute to Christchurch 4 shots back!

Cheers, Mark.

;) ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 01:28:46 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 22, 2019, 12:22:43 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful so far. Built Sewels for my friends layout. Cant wait till we can get started putting scenery and buildings on it.



Thank you for the kind words.  Your friends layout is going to be great - I will be watching your progress.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 06:17:55 PM
This morning, I added the roof cards to the Fox Run buildings.  This means I got out my Jan Bags from under the workbench.  This is probably the best tip I have found reading build threads on the forum.  Jan (aka Janbouli) a few years ago, here on the forum, showed how he used sandbags or bean bags to hold down roof cards while the glue dries.  It works great - it's one of those why didn't I think of that kind of ideas.  Anyway, I glue the roof card down and then use a mirror to make sure it is seated all the way around, and to make sure there is no glue getting out onto the surface of the wall. You can shift the weight of the sand around in the bag until the card fits just right. Thanks again Jan - I know I have posted about this before but I always think of Jan at this point of a build.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 06:19:13 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 06:20:33 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 06:21:56 PM
On the Swakhammer's build I started adding the nail heads and bracing to the clapboard wall sections.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2019, 06:26:58 PM
I also added the window and door castings to the stone walls for Swakhammer's. I thought I would show the backside of the last wall that I did to show how much glue I add around the metal castings. I first set the door with just a little glue. Then once it is set I go back and add a generous bead all the way around the castings to make sure they don't go anywhere after there on the layout.

The plan is to glue these wall sections together in the morning.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on November 23, 2019, 03:21:31 AM
('re very welcome John, you and many others here have given me so many great ideas , inspiring photo's , and much more .
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2019, 01:33:27 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on November 23, 2019, 03:21:31 AM
('re very welcome John, you and many others here have given me so many great ideas , inspiring photo's , and much more .


Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2019, 06:44:53 PM
The dormers are going on the Fox Run main building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2019, 06:46:24 PM
LED's mounted under the main Fox Run building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2019, 06:49:10 PM
First, test fit.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2019, 06:52:17 PM
Stone walls for Swakhammer's starting to go together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2019, 06:52:49 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 24, 2019, 08:17:38 AM
It all looks great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2019, 09:34:53 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 24, 2019, 08:17:38 AM
It all looks great John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 24, 2019, 12:58:24 PM
Looking good, John.

I really like the yellow for the doors.  It works very well with your stone colour.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2019, 03:39:12 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 24, 2019, 12:58:24 PM
Looking good, John.

I really like the yellow for the doors.  It works very well with your stone colour.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along, I went with a very dirty yellow. After all, this is a welding shop located in the middle of a railroad yard.  By the way, the name is going to be Grandpa John's Welding, after my dad, who was a welder by trade.  His father, also named John worked in the rail yards in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He got a job fixing cars when his job as a furniture maker was slow. At one time Grand Rapids, MI was world famous for their fine furniture. It could be that working with wood is in my blood.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2019, 05:06:07 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2019, 08:28:56 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2019, 08:31:34 PM

The stone wall sections are ready to be placed on the baseboard. For now they are just sitting there waiting for the rest of the reinforcements and then the roof cards.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2019, 08:36:27 PM
The stone wall detail is setting on a piece of strip wood so the wet glue from the reinforcements will not glue it in a position that I don't want it. That is why you see some air under the right side of the structure.  I'm using up some big basswood strip wood for the reinforcements.

Correction: The little end casting is on upside down. Fixed it when I added the roof card. I must have been tired when I put this together. :-[
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on November 26, 2019, 06:00:49 AM
Coming along really nicely John!  Thanks for all of the progress pics.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 26, 2019, 08:32:37 AM
Quote from: MAP on November 26, 2019, 06:00:49 AM
Coming along really nicely John!  Thanks for all of the progress pics.


Thank you for following along - starting to make some progress, it's modeling season.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 26, 2019, 05:21:13 PM
Hey John:

The walls are truly looking beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 27, 2019, 11:57:11 AM
Always a pleasure to see a new post John.

Beautiful coloring on the stonework.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 27, 2019, 09:35:36 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 26, 2019, 05:21:13 PM
Hey John:

The walls are truly looking beautiful.



Thank you for your very kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 27, 2019, 09:36:42 PM
Quote from: Jerry on November 27, 2019, 11:57:11 AM
Always a pleasure to see a new post John.

Beautiful coloring on the stonework.



Thank you for following along and the kind words.  New work leading to new posts coming soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:08:49 PM
I made some more progress on the structure builds, today.  On the Fox Run build the roofing materials started going on.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:09:10 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:09:32 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:12:01 PM
On the Swakhammer build the main clapboard buildings got a coat of flat black paint on the interior and started to go together.  I'm gluing them together, before doing the outside staining.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:13:47 PM

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:14:15 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2019, 10:15:08 PM
The roof card was also glued down on the stone section of the Swakhammer build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 29, 2019, 08:25:30 AM

Coming along nicely.  Still following along...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jim Donovan on November 29, 2019, 10:20:52 AM
Thanks for sharing John, looks great and learning as usual.

Jim D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 29, 2019, 09:23:09 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 29, 2019, 08:25:30 AM

Coming along nicely.  Still following along...


Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2019, 01:16:17 PM
Quote from: Jim Donovan on November 29, 2019, 10:20:52 AM
Thanks for sharing John, looks great and learning as usual.

Jim D


Great to have you along for the ride.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on November 30, 2019, 01:36:36 PM
I just ordered one of those T-Track table tops and T-Track pieces.  (I didn't get the Rockler stand, I'm sure I can find one a lot cheaper :-) )

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2019, 01:44:14 PM
Quote from: deemery on November 30, 2019, 01:36:36 PM
I just ordered one of those T-Track table tops and T-Track pieces.  (I didn't get the Rockler stand, I'm sure I can find one a lot cheaper :-) )



You will enjoy it - mine is in use all the time.  I put mine on top of the workbench and never bought the stand.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2019, 01:55:24 PM
Progress Update: More roofing materials and roof cards on the Fox Run build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2019, 01:58:16 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2019, 02:04:07 PM
Added the roof card to the stone portion of the Swakhammer build.  Also, more assembly of the wood portions of the main building.


For Jaime, if you go back a few pictures you will notice that the little end casting was in upside down.  A little work with a razor blade and the glue bottle and all was well. I didn't see it until I was putting on the roof card.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2019, 02:06:45 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2019, 09:05:52 PM
Today, more roofing materials on the Fox Run build. And lots of interior bracing on the dormers and smaller structures for the Swakhammer build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 04, 2019, 09:24:20 AM
Nice looking roofing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on December 04, 2019, 10:03:08 AM

I agree with Curt, great looking shingles.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 04, 2019, 10:35:00 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!!! Structure is coming along beautifully.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 04, 2019, 02:52:47 PM
Great coloring on the shingles John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2019, 10:46:18 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 04, 2019, 09:24:20 AM
Nice looking roofing.


Thank you, I will be using the weather chalks once the structures are in place - but I agree that these new shingles from Wild West Models really look good right out to the package.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2019, 10:47:08 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 04, 2019, 10:35:00 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!!! Structure is coming along beautifully.



Thank you - I hope to string a few days in a row on these builds this week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2019, 10:48:39 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on December 04, 2019, 10:03:08 AM

I agree with Curt, great looking shingles.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, I just put in an order for the shingles for the next half a dozen builds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2019, 10:49:20 PM
Quote from: Jerry on December 04, 2019, 02:52:47 PM
Great coloring on the shingles John.



Thank you for the kind words and as always for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2019, 10:51:29 PM
Update: I spent most of the day adding shingles to the many structures that make up the Fox Run build and getting all of the clapboard structures glued together and ready for the staining process on the Swakhammer build. I will take some more progress pictures when I get these steps completed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:14:58 PM
Update: I colored the clapboard walls of the main build for Swakhammer's today.  I wanted that chalky paint look. My time frame is 1949 so I wanted the building to look like it was time for a new coat of paint - neglected during the war - look. I used a three step process. 1) stained the wall with Hunters Creamy Yellow stain. 2) A&I to get the coal dust look and pop the railheads. Finally, 3) added yellow chalk for more color - slightly more orange to the yellow to get to the color that matched my doors on the stone part of the building. Here are a few pictures from the end of the day followed by some process pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:17:12 PM

I need to get rid of some of the chalk that built up next to the moldings.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:20:02 PM
Step one: Hunterline Creamy Yellow stain.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:23:32 PM
Step 2: A&I wash.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:31:36 PM
Step 3: was the Rembrandts 202.5 yellow chalk.


I painted this on as a wash by adding Alcohol.


Here is a zoomed in picture of the clapboard wall.  The nail heads are visible but much more subtle. They are more visible to my eye and the paint color is more chalky.  The magic of an iPhone picture.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:36:22 PM
Here is a picture of the Fox Run build at the end of the day, today.  Followed by a couple of progress pictures as the main building subassemblies came together.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:36:45 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:37:02 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 05, 2019, 09:47:38 PM
Big day for the LBP construction crew of the S&S RR today!

Looking good, John.

I'll hold my tongue on the yellow until all is done.  I know I did one myself in gloss yellow with a hit of Dullcote when done.  At the time it looked so bright (much more so than yours) but when finished it quickly became one of my favourite colour schemes.  (please excuse my Queen's English spelling - two in a row there!)

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2019, 09:55:59 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 05, 2019, 09:47:38 PM
Big day for the LBP construction crew of the S&S RR today!

Looking good, John.

I'll hold my tongue on the yellow until all is done.  I know I did one myself in gloss yellow with a hit of Dullcote when done.  At the time it looked so bright (much more so than yours) but when finished it quickly became one of my favourite colour schemes.  (please excuse my Queen's English spelling - two in a row there!)

Cheers, Mark.

Hi Mark

Thank you for following along, yes I spent a few hours in the workshop today.

The yellow looks much brighter in the photograph with the iPhone than in real life to the eye. I don't like how the new iPhones brighten all the colors. I will take some good pictures with my SLR when this build is done. The nice thing about this process is I can always hit it with another coat of A&I if I still think it's to bright when I get the windows and trim on it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 05, 2019, 11:00:56 PM
Looking good John.  I like the yellow its different but in the end I think it will blend out very nicely.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 06, 2019, 03:40:46 PM
Quote from: Jerry on December 05, 2019, 11:00:56 PM
Looking good John.  I like the yellow its different but in the end I think it will blend out very nicely.



Thank you for your comments and for following along.  I took a look at the photographs and the walls this morning and decided to tone them down a little with a light wash of A&I. This wash is 25% of the strength of the wash I normally use.  It did take the edge off the yellow.  I will post pictures tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 06, 2019, 08:45:53 PM

Here are a couple of pictures after the A&I.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jimmillho on December 06, 2019, 09:35:53 PM
I love you wiring  John

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 07, 2019, 07:41:43 AM
Quote from: jimmillho on December 06, 2019, 09:35:53 PM
I love you wiring  John



Thank you for the kind words and for stopping by the thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 08, 2019, 12:12:36 PM
Perfect don't change a thing.  Your eye for coloring is amazing!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 08, 2019, 03:11:55 PM
Quote from: Jerry on December 08, 2019, 12:12:36 PM
Perfect don't change a thing.  Your eye for coloring is amazing!



Thank you for following along and the kind words. I really struggle with coloring - I keep buying color wheels and reading books and it still takes a few trials for me to get something I like the looks of. There are some very good eyes on this forum and I really like getting input.  Sometimes they post it and sometimes I get an email - especial if they think it looks like s**t. I'm learning and appreciate the input.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 08, 2019, 03:34:36 PM
I took a few pictures, yesterday, of the Eagles Nest area of the layout where my current build project will be planted.  I'm making a few track work changes in preparation for the builds and wanted to have some pictures on the iPad to use for sketching. Since they were here I thought I would post a few - it is a build thread.  This is the view from the Eagles Nest.  The hole you see in the foreground is for the pit on the Foundry and Fox Run Builds. The next two builds along this line will be Swakhammer's and G. Wilikers FSM kits. There will be 3 or 4 more builds in the area near the Roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 08, 2019, 03:40:37 PM
I also, cleared and area for the Station and Freight depot in the front of this area. This will also require a few track routing changes.



I never know what I will find when I cut into this benchwork.  The writing you see on the plywood is from my previous layout. You can also see the junction between the old and new benchwork made during one of the expansions a few years ago.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 08, 2019, 04:03:04 PM
Hey John:

Wow!!! Everything looks just great. Who's roundhouse is that. It's very cool.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 08, 2019, 07:59:32 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 08, 2019, 04:03:04 PM
Hey John:

Wow!!! Everything looks just great. Who's roundhouse is that. It's very cool.


Hi Karl

The Stone Roundhouse is from one of Bob VanGelder's Stone Roundhouse castings that George Sellios gave me. If you want to read all the details of the build I chronicled the build in Volume 1 of this build thread. It starts on page 7 and goes for a long time - that was a big build. The locomotive works started with the same seed castings. (

I plan to start a similar build of Bob's Brick Roundhouse next year that will reside in Superior Yard - the new section of my layout. The new one will be bigger than what I did for the Stone Roundhouse.  I'm looking forward to that build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2019, 01:13:23 PM
Progress picture of the Swakhammer's build. Window and door castings are in the main building. Next up roof supports and roof cards.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2019, 01:14:28 PM
Progress picture of the Fox Run build.  Roof is on the main building. Next up roof rafters. Lots of them.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2019, 01:14:48 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 10, 2019, 02:42:09 PM
Looks great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on December 10, 2019, 02:52:18 PM

Oh yea, Mikey likes it a lot! Gold Stars AAA++.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2019, 03:39:41 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 10, 2019, 02:42:09 PM
Looks great John.


Thank you for the positive comments. Making progress.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2019, 03:40:19 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on December 10, 2019, 02:52:18 PM

Oh yea, Mikey likes it a lot! Gold Stars AAA++.

Tom  ;D


Thank you to you and Mikey, too. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2019, 03:45:48 PM
A topic for discussion: Foundations - most kit manufactures don't provide for buildings setting on foundations. Clapboard just doesn't go all the way to the ground.  :-[  I just spent an hour looking at pictures and coming up with a plan that will hid the fact that these two builds do not have foundations under them.  George did cover 80% of the clapboard at the base with loading docks, etc. for the main buildings and I'm going to add a foundation to the out buildings. What do you do on your builds?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 10, 2019, 04:08:35 PM
If I'm scratchbuilding, I explicitly consider a foundation.  Usually, but not always, I'll add one and make sure if there's wood siding, the siding overhangs.  (I didn't do that on my most recent big wood structure, the 'mill valley' warehouse.)  I also have added foundations to kits (most notably in my latest 'Bisgeier Tool' build where I added a brick foundation under the board-and-batten ell.)

Whether or not I do a foundation, I'll weather the base of the building to add mud splashes, mildew, etc.  That helps tie the building into the ground.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 10, 2019, 04:29:28 PM

I add a foundation to my builds in a couple different ways.  Most of the time I cut a solid foundation from either 1/8" Masonite or 1/4" paneling scraps.  I have also used 1/8" or larger strip wood, mitering the corners if I am going to paint the foundation to look like concrete.  Most of the time I use either embossed plastic sheets of stone or bricks to cover the foundation.  Other times I will use printed paper stone or the Micromark self adhesive stone to cover the foundation. 

IMO buildings that lack a foundation are difficult to place realistically on a layout.  There is either a gap under the structure where it meets the ground, or the lower clapboards end up being buried in the dirt. 

I plan the what I will use for the foundation prior to starting the build and adjust the measurements for any loading docks, porches, steps, etc., accordingly.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 10, 2019, 10:50:42 PM
Hi John.

I've been considering your topic for discussion all day.  Firstly

QuoteClapboard just doesn't go all the way to the ground.

This should be true but it really isn't.  I have seen multiple examples of timber going all the way to the ground - especially in old houses and especially on hills.  I was once at my friends old house (on the flat) and went out the back door from the wash house and had to step up to the concrete patio outside.  You opened the door inwards and there was 6" of concrete!  Surely it will rot you say - yes.

Often timber structures are built on piles - the same as a deck - and in such cases timber often goes all the way to the ground - almost - and inch (which would be almost invisible in Ho scale) is all that is required to let airflow (and vermin) under your building.  Below is a nice example taken from my inspirational walks around Lyttelton.  Yes - it is corrugated iron, but it is still fraught with the same problems and I'm sure similar examples in timber could be found.  Behind the iron there is no doubt untreaded timber framework, below the exterior ground level.  Inside that timber framework is no doubt dozy and the unpleasant smell of rot is in the air.

Baring this in mind I sometimes put foundations on my structures (always pre-planned and usually from Wills plasticard brick or block, sometimes my own plaster castings of concrete formers) and sometimes don't.  As mentioned, the timber frame of the structure typically sits flush with the floor/ foundation and the cladding sits proud of this by 2"ish.  Putting a foundation proud of the cladding will look wrong (although I'm sure there will be examples out there).

We do love to age our structures and pry off clapboards - here is a perfect candidate for some rot from the bottom up!

An interesting topic, John.  I'd suggest starting a thread on it but it would invariably turn into a nail hole debate.  I'm surprised it hasn't already!  Woops! I shouldn't have said that should I...

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 11, 2019, 12:25:18 AM
Considering your yellow paint considerations this photo is rather apt in another way!  Just look at that yellow glow - in the prototype!  And the clash with that green!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2019, 08:57:46 AM
Dave, Jerry and Mark

Great discussion on the foundations issue. I always add them on my scratch builds, I know there are prototypes without them, but in this part of the country you will end up with water running in the building from snow melt, if you don't have them.  Most of them are 12 to 18 inches high. My rule of thumb for the S&S RR is going to be if you can hide the fact that their not there (with a loading dock, bush, or other natural looking view block) then I will not add them to the kits. If  you can see foundation area of the structure I'm going to add them, if at all possible. I need to do a little project and look ahead at my build schedule and see where that will be needed and what has to be done to add them.  I do like the looks of the paper material sold by Micro Mart for foundations.  I also bought some extra Monster Model Works stone and brick walls that I plan on using for foundations.  I sure wish that someone would take over making the laser cut walls from Monster Model Works.

Mark that is sure one colorful scene in the picture you posted.  ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 12, 2019, 09:23:12 PM
I started assembling the building pieces for Swakhammers - it took a pretty goofy setup to get a tight glue joint between the two clapboard sections of the main building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 14, 2019, 08:54:06 PM
Update: Today, I added more subassemblies and roof cards to the Swakhammer build. Also, made considerable progress on my track rerouting in the Eagles Nest Yard to make room for a Brownsville Depot build in my future. I'll take some pictures of the site when I get a little further along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 15, 2019, 09:51:16 AM
Very nice John
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Oldguy on December 15, 2019, 11:59:25 AM
Just getting caught up. What % alcohol did you use for the chalk painting?  I've tried it, but all my alcohol evaporated before I could do anything.
Foundations.  I'm with you on them, but with a caveat.  As long as the ground slopes away, it should be good.  On my Monster Model Works build, I didn't catch the lack of a foundation to the office section, until it was too late.

On the other hand, I found that if the main floor is raised, just by adding a block or stone overlay will give you a foundation.
Here are two examples of wood siding being placed directly on the ground.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 15, 2019, 01:40:35 PM
I'm not sure if those post foundations were widely used in cold climates.  Certainly that floor would be very cold in the winter!!  Kiss your pipes good-bye!  ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 15, 2019, 09:35:40 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 15, 2019, 09:51:16 AM
Very nice John

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 15, 2019, 09:42:10 PM
Quote from: Oldguy on December 15, 2019, 11:59:25 AM
Just getting caught up. What % alcohol did you use for the chalk painting?  I've tried it, but all my alcohol evaporated before I could do anything.
Foundations.  I'm with you on them, but with a caveat.  As long as the ground slopes away, it should be good.  On my Monster Model Works build, I didn't catch the lack of a foundation to the office section, until it was too late.

On the other hand, I found that if the main floor is raised, just by adding a block or stone overlay will give you a foundation.
Here are two examples of wood siding being placed directly on the ground.

Hi Bob

Thank you for following the build thread. I use 90% alcohol that I buy from my local drug store.  I just add a squirt or two to the chalk as it gets dried out and keep on painting.

I think the foundation issue is a local building code issue. Where I live a building would only last a few years with out a foundation because of the snow melt. As the snow melts the water would seep into the building. In the South you could probably get away with wood on the ground - except I would be worried about termites.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 15, 2019, 09:44:35 PM
Quote from: deemery on December 15, 2019, 01:40:35 PM
I'm not sure if those post foundations were widely used in cold climates.  Certainly that floor would be very cold in the winter!!  Kiss your pipes good-bye!  ;)



All good points.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jbvb on December 16, 2019, 06:48:52 PM
Many houses and commercial structures' foundations only extend 6-8" above the ground for at least part of the building - makes access much easier.  If it's that close, you can't see what the foundation is made of without getting down on your knees, unless the owner has just mowed the lawn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 17, 2019, 07:27:34 AM
Quote from: jbvb on December 16, 2019, 06:48:52 PM
Many houses and commercial structures' foundations only extend 6-8" above the ground for at least part of the building - makes access much easier.  If it's that close, you can't see what the foundation is made of without getting down on your knees, unless the owner has just mowed the lawn.


Thank you for your comments on foundations.  I'm coming to the conclusion that foundation type and specifications really depends on the area you are modeling. The old rule of you can find a prototype for anything really seems to apply here.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 18, 2019, 01:58:30 PM
Here are a few pictures of the track work changes that I'm making.  I also brought the Fox Run and Swakhammer builds back to the layout for a test fit before I glue the main buildings down on the baseboards.

The outline for the Brownsville depot has been added with a sharpe.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 18, 2019, 02:01:32 PM
A few more pictures for reference.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 18, 2019, 02:15:23 PM
Hey John:

All I can say is WOW!!!! great job on all the kits and putting them in place on the RR. Keep the great photos coming. Like the way you are setting up Sewel's and Dakota Maid Flour.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on December 18, 2019, 03:24:02 PM

Wow, indeed. It all looks fantastic.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 18, 2019, 03:26:44 PM
Nice work John there going to add a lot to the area.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jimmillho on December 18, 2019, 07:23:48 PM
Looks great John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 18, 2019, 09:06:38 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 18, 2019, 02:15:23 PM
Hey John:

All I can say is WOW!!!! great job on all the kits and putting them in place on the RR. Keep the great photos coming. Like the way you are setting up Sewel's and Dakota Maid Flour.



Thank you for the kind words. This area is starting to take shape.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 18, 2019, 09:07:16 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on December 18, 2019, 03:24:02 PM

Wow, indeed. It all looks fantastic.

Tom  ;D


Thank you my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 18, 2019, 09:29:26 PM
Awesome John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2019, 08:02:28 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 18, 2019, 09:29:26 PM
Awesome John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 22, 2019, 07:46:50 PM
The crew at the Superior & Seattle Railroad would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

I will be getting the camera out for my annual - what's new pictures - in late January, after the main line changes that I'm making.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 30, 2019, 10:45:03 PM
I got back to the layout for a little while this afternoon. I'm developing a way to add the tortoise machines from the top of the layout benchwork rather than from the bottom like most traditional installations. I took some pictures this evening of the process that I'm using and will try to get them posted, tomorrow. It's good to be back working on the railroad.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 31, 2019, 07:52:25 AM
Hey John:

Like I said I really love what you are doing with your RR. Looks just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 31, 2019, 09:13:36 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 31, 2019, 07:52:25 AM
Hey John:

Like I said I really love what you are doing with your RR. Looks just beautiful.



Thank you for the kind words and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:11:18 PM
Happy New Year! I started to post a few pictures of the new track work that is going in the town of Sellios before my holiday/take care of mom break.  I'm basically raising the mainline 3/4 of a inch to give me more options with elevation changes in this area.  To make tortoise switch machines easier to install I'm cutting a hole through all the layers of benchwork in this area and attaching the tortoise machine to the top 3/4 inch thick board.  The sections are put in with screws so I could remove the section and replace the switch machine if needed, later on. Here are a few pictures that show what I'm doing.

First the turnout location is established and a section of the benchwork is cut out.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:12:52 PM
I cut a clearance hole underneath the 3/4 inch mainline benchwork.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:14:03 PM
I'm cutting through a lot of layers of history. The benchwork from my first layout extends through this area.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:15:42 PM
The tortoise machine is then attached. Wires added. and then screwed in place.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:17:23 PM

A cut is made through the cork roadbed at the joint line.  Once everything is in place I make sure everything is smooth using the belt grinder.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:25:12 PM
Here are a few overview progress photographs of the area I'm changing.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:26:16 PM
The ramp back down on the other side of town.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:27:37 PM
There is going to be a river flowing through this area and I pulled out the information from Brett on his new kit to make sure I had enough room if I decided to plant it here.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:28:46 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:31:02 PM
And finally, for tonights progress report.  The rafter ends are going on the structures for Swakhammer's and Fox Run. Hundreds of rafter ends. ::)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:33:49 PM
As we start out the new year on the S&S RR, I have three structure builds going and the mainline benchwork changes project. The Swakhammer build and the Fox Run build, and the third structure build is my challenge build for 2020 the FSM coal tower number 145.  Here is a link to the build thread.;topicseen#new (;topicseen#new)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2020, 08:37:10 PM
The plan is to start the brick roundhouse for the Superior Yard when I have completed the Fox Run and Swakhammer builds. It's going to be a busy winter.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bruce Oberleitner on January 02, 2020, 12:03:06 AM
Looking Good John. 

I sure wish I lived closer so I could come see your layout in person.  It looks awesome!

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 02, 2020, 08:25:27 AM
Looks great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 02, 2020, 08:30:56 AM
Quote from: Bruce Oberleitner on January 02, 2020, 12:03:06 AM
Looking Good John. 

I sure wish I lived closer so I could come see your layout in person.  It looks awesome!

;D ;D ;D


Thank you for following the thread and if you are ever in this part of the country I would love to have you visit the S&S RR.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 02, 2020, 08:31:15 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 02, 2020, 08:25:27 AM
Looks great John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 08:36:45 AM
Update: Slow progress the last couple weeks, when I can get in the train room I have been adding rafter ends to the Swakhammer and Fox Run builds. I'm hoping to get more time for the layout later next week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:23:31 PM
The shipping and receiving department on the S&S RR just informed me that we have a very special delivery from Mr. Bob Butts.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:32:54 PM
I took pictures as I unboxed the build, so we could see how the packaging did for protecting the precious cargo. Bob shipped the package through UPS. The great news is it arrived without damage! The following pictures show how Bob packaged it.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:33:30 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:34:48 PM
Bob made a 1/2 thick foam core board box that was basically a box inside a box with bubble wrap in-between.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:35:16 PM
The inside box.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:36:01 PM

First look!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:36:33 PM
Removing the sides from the inner box.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:36:53 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 12:37:52 PM

Thank you so much for contributing your talents to the S&S RR.  I will try to post some pictures of the build on the layout latter in the day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bruce Oberleitner on January 04, 2020, 12:51:19 PM
That is just beautiful!  What a cool looking model.

::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Rail and Tie on January 04, 2020, 12:56:30 PM
Jeez!. I thought you got a giant finger shipped to you LOL!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on January 04, 2020, 01:01:34 PM
You are such a lucky guy to receive this fantastic structure.  Now Bob Butts owns real estate on the Superior & Seattle Railroad.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 04, 2020, 01:47:59 PM
Great day, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 04, 2020, 04:09:00 PM
Glad to see the structure made it undamaged!  Good job packing, Bob B!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 04:21:54 PM
Quote from: Bruce Oberleitner on January 04, 2020, 12:51:19 PM
That is just beautiful!  What a cool looking model.

::) ::) ::)


It sure is! Thank you for following the S&S RR build thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 04:23:21 PM
Quote from: Rail and Tie on January 04, 2020, 12:56:30 PM
Jeez!. I thought you got a giant finger shipped to you LOL!


Who ever posed for that hand shot was no modeler. It would take hours in photo shop to make my hands look like that.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 04:25:23 PM
Quote from: sdrees on January 04, 2020, 01:01:34 PM
You are such a lucky guy to receive this fantastic structure.  Now Bob Butts owns real estate on the Superior & Seattle Railroad.

I sure am a lucky guy and yes - Bob now owns a city block of the town of Sellios on the S&S RR. I placed the build in the approximate location and took some pictures.  I will get them posted soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 04:25:54 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 04, 2020, 01:47:59 PM
Great day, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Yes it is.  Thank you for stopping by.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 04:27:14 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 04, 2020, 04:09:00 PM
Glad to see the structure made it undamaged!  Good job packing, Bob B!!


Bob did do an excellent job of packing.  And an even better job of building the kit.  Thanks again Bob.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 04:36:12 PM
Here is a quick overview shot of the location where "Bob's" Avram's build will be located. There will be a number of structures behind it in the pink foam area.  The exact structures and elevation change is in the planning stage, but I know that a modified version of Baxter's Lumber Supply will be located between Avram's and Vogel's Machine shop up on the hill. This will be the East end of the town of Sellios a sister town to VanGelder on the South side of the river. If you slide over on the picture you can see the location I have picked for the C.C. Crow church that I built for the challenge a couple years ago. It will be right next to the river.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 04, 2020, 05:05:37 PM
Hey John:

Looks really great keep the photo coming.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 04, 2020, 05:51:26 PM
Beautiful modeling from Bob.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 05:51:46 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 04, 2020, 05:05:37 PM
Hey John:

Looks really great keep the photo coming.



Thank you, I took some detail pictures that I will get posted as soon as possible. The glue is drying on the two small repairs that I needed to make - one lamp post down, and one brace on the sign let loose. The model traveled remarkably well. Bob sent along some details that I will add as soon as I get the final placement determined.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on January 04, 2020, 05:52:12 PM

I'm very happy to see it survived the trip!   :D  :D  :D  I'm honored to now have a build on John's layout.  I'm lucky to have several friends who have wonderful layouts so the stuff I build can be enjoyed by someone rather than stashed away on a shelf in my garage.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments!  I really appreciate them! 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 05:52:46 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 04, 2020, 05:51:26 PM
Beautiful modeling from Bob.

It sure is Curt. I'm very excited to add it to the RR.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 05:54:59 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on January 04, 2020, 05:52:12 PM

I'm very happy to see it survived the trip!   :D :D :D  I'm honored to now have a build on John's layout.  I'm lucky to have several friends who have wonderful layouts so the stuff I build can be enjoyed by someone rather than stashed away on a shelf in my garage.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments!  I really appreciate them!

Thank you Bob!

One question - I found a pipe loose in the box - you can see it in the picture on the front corner - laying in the street.  Any idea where it came from? I will have some close up pictures later where you can see it better.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on January 04, 2020, 05:58:05 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 05:54:59 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on January 04, 2020, 05:52:12 PM

I'm very happy to see it survived the trip!   :D :D :D  I'm honored to now have a build on John's layout.  I'm lucky to have several friends who have wonderful layouts so the stuff I build can be enjoyed by someone rather than stashed away on a shelf in my garage.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments!  I really appreciate them!

Thank you Bob!

One question - I found a pipe loose in the box - you can see it in the picture on the front corner - laying in the street.  Any idea where it came from? I will have some close up pictures later where you can see it better.

Yes.  That's one of the two pipes that come out of the building an drop down into the, no longer use, water tank in the rear of the building.  Per the instructions I only spot glued them onto the wall of the building.  In hindsight I should have drilled a hole in the wall for each and glued them in the hole. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on January 04, 2020, 06:00:07 PM
Here you go.  I found a picture of the pipes in place.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2020, 06:34:55 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on January 04, 2020, 06:00:07 PM
Here you go.  I found a picture of the pipes in place.


That's it.  I found one, so I have one MIA pipe.  I kept all the packaging so I will look for it. Easy to replace if I can't find it. Thank you.

Update: I went through the packaging and found the second pipe so all parts are accounted for.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 05, 2020, 02:43:19 PM
Here are a couple more photographs that I took of my test fit of the Avram's build.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 06, 2020, 12:18:46 PM
The picture above is the corner of Butts and Main, in the town of Sellios, on the S&S RR. I fixed the three shipping damage issues just after I took the pictures.  Bob sure did an amazing job on this build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on January 06, 2020, 01:02:41 PM
Believe it or not there's an Eileen Butts Street in Ormond Beach, FL.  That's my wife's name.   ;D  We need to go over there someday and take a picture of her standing next to one of the street signs.

I'm certainly glad the damage was minimal.  It must have gotten tossed around a bit to shake some of those things loose.   :o
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on January 06, 2020, 01:40:07 PM

It looks fantastic on the S&S RR.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 06, 2020, 01:49:20 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on January 06, 2020, 01:02:41 PM
Believe it or not there's an Eileen Butts Street in Ormond Beach, FL.  That's my wife's name.   ;D  We need to go over there someday and take a picture of her standing next to one of the street signs.

I'm certainly glad the damage was minimal.  It must have gotten tossed around a bit to shake some of those things loose.   :o


I hope you and your wife make it up here so I can take your picture at the corner of Butts and Main.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 06, 2020, 01:50:22 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on January 06, 2020, 01:40:07 PM

It looks fantastic on the S&S RR.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, as you know Bob does great work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 08, 2020, 01:17:13 PM
I finished gluing on the rafter ends for the main building of the Swakhammer build. Final inspection, trimming, and touch up staining and I will be read to start adding the roofing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 08, 2020, 01:17:33 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 08, 2020, 01:18:46 PM
Next up, rafter ends and cupolas on the Stone portion of the Swakhammer building.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 08, 2020, 02:24:00 PM
Hey John:

Both kits look just great. Love the colors. you glue your roofs down before adding the shingles. I do my shingles while the roofs are flat on the work bench. I find it much easier that way.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 08, 2020, 05:09:18 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 08, 2020, 02:24:00 PM
Hey John:

Both kits look just great. Love the colors. you glue your roofs down before adding the shingles. I do my shingles while the roofs are flat on the work bench. I find it much easier that way.



Thank you for the kind words. I just dry brushed the dark brown windows on the Swakhammer build with some titanium white and I think they look a lot better. I'll post some pictures.

As for shingles going on after the roof card is glued down or flat on the table - I have done it both ways.  I guess I like adding them better after the roof card is glued on because that's the way I have been doing it the last few years.  I can't think of any good reasons for one way or the other. I guess I like dealing with the seam lines on the roof like you would do it on the prototype.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 09, 2020, 08:12:37 PM
Today, I got the rafter ends on the Stone Building of Swakhammers.  Next up is the roofing materials.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 09, 2020, 08:15:22 PM
I love the way it came out John.........Dennis
P.S I hope mom's doing better?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 09, 2020, 08:28:03 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on January 09, 2020, 08:15:22 PM
I love the way it came out John.........Dennis
P.S I hope mom's doing better?


Thank you for the kind words.  Mom is doing better, thank you for asking.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on January 10, 2020, 10:02:58 AM
Looking good John.

Hope your Mom is feeling better.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bruce Oberleitner on January 10, 2020, 11:45:28 AM
Hi John,
Nice looking build on the Swakhammers kit.  Like everyone else, I like the colors you chosen to use on the structure.

8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 10, 2020, 02:33:40 PM
Quote from: Jerry on January 10, 2020, 10:02:58 AM
Looking good John.

Hope your Mom is feeling better.



Thank you for the kind words and thinking about my mom.  She is doing better - she is 87 in March so we need to keep a close eye on her.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 10, 2020, 02:35:11 PM
Quote from: Bruce Oberleitner on January 10, 2020, 11:45:28 AM
Hi John,
Nice looking build on the Swakhammers kit.  Like everyone else, I like the colors you chosen to use on the structure.

8) 8) 8)


Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I just took a break from adding roofing materials to check the forum. I was thinking about George Sellios and wondering if there was an update.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 10, 2020, 08:08:28 PM
The roofing has started on the Swakhammer's build.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 10, 2020, 08:10:53 PM
You can see the difference the dry brushing with titanium white chalk made for the window and door castings.  The lighting is not good for the iPhone photographs - better pictures when I'm finished with the roofing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 11, 2020, 08:21:17 AM
Hey John:

The roof is looking just great. We all have our own methods.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 11, 2020, 11:15:46 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 11, 2020, 08:21:17 AM
Hey John:

The roof is looking just great. We all have our own methods.


Thank you for the complements - yes we all trend towards what works for us. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 11, 2020, 07:59:19 PM
Today, I applied the metal roofing to the Stone portion of the Swakhammer's build. I'm letting it dry overnight and then I will start the coloring process.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 11, 2020, 08:02:23 PM
Another little project, today - I made strip wood test samples for each of the Hunterline Stains in my stash.  I wanted a quick way to make color choices. I will just add new sample sticks as I add colors to my collection.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 11, 2020, 08:07:41 PM
The white roof on the pictures above really messed up my iPhone picture settings - the walls are no where near as dark as they appear in the pictures.  It will be interesting to see what the phone camera does once the roof is colored.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 12, 2020, 12:23:45 PM
John, stick a piece of white cardboard somewhere in the picture (next to the building, etc) next time.  Then you can use most photo correction software to set the "white balance" on that piece of card.

The problem is that cameras want by default to set the median color to 18% grey, if I remember my photo correction theory correctly.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2020, 09:03:10 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 12, 2020, 12:23:45 PM
John, stick a piece of white cardboard somewhere in the picture (next to the building, etc) next time.  Then you can use most photo correction software to set the "white balance" on that piece of card.

The problem is that cameras want by default to set the median color to 18% grey, if I remember my photo correction theory correctly.



Thank you for the tip.  Every once in a while the iPhones really find a way to mess up the exposer and they always tend to make colors brighter than reality. I usually post process my pictures to tone them down when I'm taking pictures of models.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 13, 2020, 08:13:02 AM
Hey John:

It's coming along nicely. Can't wait to see the colors on this roof.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 10:47:55 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 13, 2020, 08:13:02 AM
Hey John:

It's coming along nicely. Can't wait to see the colors on this roof.


Thank you Karl.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 10:48:36 AM
Here is a little better picture of the stone part of the structure with the white metal roofing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 10:50:16 AM
I also got a good start on the shingles on the other part of the main structure.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 10:50:42 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 10:51:10 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 10:52:50 AM
I also got started on the LED lighting.  I'm installing an arc welding simulator in the stone building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on January 13, 2020, 11:17:06 AM
Very nice John.  The last picture the stonework is beautiful.
And the shingles aren't to shabby either!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 13, 2020, 12:39:20 PM
I -really miss- the Paper Creek line.  I wish that had continued after the original owner/creator got sick.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 05:15:36 PM
Quote from: Jerry on January 13, 2020, 11:17:06 AM
Very nice John.  The last picture the stonework is beautiful.
And the shingles aren't to shabby either!!



Thank you, I think it will all look better after the dry brushing and detailing, but I'm happy with it at this point.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2020, 05:19:41 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 13, 2020, 12:39:20 PM
I -really miss- the Paper Creek line.  I wish that had continued after the original owner/creator got sick.


Yes - another thing I wish I would have bought more of when I could.  I'm getting close to the end of my supply.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 14, 2020, 07:28:06 AM
Here is a photograph of the work that is going on in the future site of the town of Sellios.  I'm raising the mainline through town by 3/4 of inch. I'm also creating some negative elevation change by cutting through the benchwork from my original layout. The river bed has been lowered by 1 1/2 inches. A water tight base board will be attached underneath to form the riverbed.  I will be able to have elevation changes throughout the town of 6 1/2 inches.  I think it's going to make things a lot more interesting. Each of the 3/4 inch plywood building site bases that you see is removable, so it can go to the workbench for construction. The elevation can be adjusted by shims resting on the original layout benchwork you see along the bank of the riverbed. As the design progresses, I will post some of the pictures I have marked up on my iPad.  I think I enjoy the design aspect of this as much as the build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on January 14, 2020, 07:38:41 AM

The town of Sellios will be interesting with the elevation changes. The raised roadbed is a great idea and change. Great stuff here my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 14, 2020, 01:29:20 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on January 14, 2020, 07:38:41 AM

The town of Sellios will be interesting with the elevation changes. The raised roadbed is a great idea and change. Great stuff here my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I'm really enjoying the design process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on January 14, 2020, 04:29:42 PM
Really coming along nicely John!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 15, 2020, 07:32:58 AM
Quote from: MAP on January 14, 2020, 04:29:42 PM
Really coming along nicely John!


Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I hope to make some more progress, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 08:32:43 AM
It's good to see the pictures back in this thread! I will try to post some updates later today.  It looks like Jimmy still has the gallery turned off so I will try posting directly and see if I can get good results. Stay tuned. Jimmy good luck in finding out what has been causing our data base problems.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 08:52:27 AM
Yesterday, I completed the roofing process on the main structures for Swakhammers.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 08:54:23 AM
The post above is using my MacBook Pro - you have to click on the picture to see any detail. This is the reason I have always used the gallery to post my pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 16, 2020, 03:40:27 PM
Nice roof John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 04:38:03 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 16, 2020, 03:40:27 PM
Nice roof John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 07:55:53 PM
I have also been working on the mainline in the town of Sellios, getting ready to plant the wonderful Avram's build from Bob Butts.  Here are a few progress pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 07:57:20 PM
The hole has been cut for the baseboard that Bob used.  Now I need to do some shimming to get the track at the correct level to match my new track level.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 07:58:41 PM
The plant location for Avram's.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2020, 08:00:03 PM
An overall view of the space that will become the town of Sellios.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on January 17, 2020, 09:14:17 AM
John the pictures are great.

Nice job on that roof.

And the town of Sellios is shaping up nicely.

Looking forward to new developments in the town.  As always beautiful work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 17, 2020, 12:55:06 PM
Quote from: Jerry on January 17, 2020, 09:14:17 AM
John the pictures are great.

Nice job on that roof.

And the town of Sellios is shaping up nicely.

Looking forward to new developments in the town.  As always beautiful work.



Thank you for the kind words and for following along. My plan is to complete the structures and scenery for the Eagles Nest Yard, and then start working on more of the structures for Sellios. I do plan on a Brick Roundhouse build for the Superior Yard after I complete what is on my workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 17, 2020, 12:56:19 PM
For the past couple of days I have been taking progress pictures but I'm hold off posting until I get the green light from Jimmy on the forum repairs.  How is it going Jimmy?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 19, 2020, 09:18:16 AM
Update: It looks like Jimmy turned the gallery back on but I'm still having issues.  I can add pictures to the gallery but when I try to display them I only get about 1/3 of the page.  The blowup of the picture and the BB code that I cut and paste into my threads for the pictures is not showing up. More help please, Jimmy!

My 2 cents on the database error is that it seemed to go away for me on my iPad and iPhone with the latest upgrade to the operating system. I have never had a problem with my MacBook Pro.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 20, 2020, 09:01:58 PM
The Gallery is back - Thank you Jimmy!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 20, 2020, 09:04:24 PM
The picture above is a progress picture on the Swankhammer's build that I had loaded in the Gallery.  I will update the thread and get caught up in the next few days. Thank you Jimmy for all the hard work you do keeping the forum going. I will sleep better knowing we have the gallery back. ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:11:24 PM
Update:  It's been a week or so since I have actually updated this thread. First, the track work changes for the town of Sellios and planting the Avram's Bakery build that Bob Butts built for the S&S RR.

It all got started like this - a true build thread progress picture.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:15:13 PM
The changes accomplished four things, raised the mainline track level 3/4 of inch. widened the river and lowered the river level 1 and 1/2 inches, changed the path of the river, and planted the Bob Butts Avram's Bakery build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:17:40 PM
Establishing the level for the Avram's build is easy. I just remove the baseboard in that area and shim it to the 2x4 frame to establish the correct level for the siding track.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:18:29 PM
Add a few holes for the LED wires.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:22:56 PM
Levels corrected, just need to screw everything down and add the cork roadbed and track.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:25:27 PM
Each of the builds that will make up the town of Sellios will be added in the same way. I can now add negative elevation or go up from the mainline as required.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:32:25 PM
This change in the mainline also allows me to put the tortoise machines in from the top as I mentioned earlier in this thread.  Here is another installation - so much easier than climbing underneath the layout to install them from underneath. I just cover the hole with a piece of cardboard and add the sand and ballast.  A picture shows me where to find the screws if I need to replace the turnout or the tortoise machine in the future.  In most cases I could get at the tortoise machine from underneath, if necessary.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:37:02 PM
I also made some progress with the Swakhammer's (now Grandpa John after my dad) Welding build.  Here is were I'm at today.  I need to go back and see if I need to add some progress pictures. The main structure has been added to the baseboard and I'm ready to start adding all those wonderful details.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 03:43:06 PM
Here is a picture of the LED installation just before I added the structures to the baseboard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 04:53:57 PM
A couple different angles of the main structures. These are my markup photos before I start the detailing work.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 21, 2020, 06:28:22 PM
I find that an 'oscillating saw' (this is the one I have: ) is proving to be a great tool for working on the layout.  Today I used mine to cut a hole in the splines to drop in a coal pit.   They work well in close quarters and cut through just about everything (including screws/nails) pretty effortlessly. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2020, 07:34:38 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 21, 2020, 06:28:22 PM
I find that an 'oscillating saw' (this is the one I have: ( ) is proving to be a great tool for working on the layout.  Today I used mine to cut a hole in the splines to drop in a coal pit.   They work well in close quarters and cut through just about everything (including screws/nails) pretty effortlessly. 



That is a good idea. It is actually one tool I don't own.  Especially for making modifications like I'm doing now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 21, 2020, 09:01:05 PM
John, What is the size of your layout and the main line height? Thanks Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: FandSM Engineer on January 21, 2020, 09:29:55 PM
Quote from: DennisBourey on January 21, 2020, 09:01:05 PM
John, What is the size of your layout and the main line height? Thanks Dennis


My layout started in a room that was 20 feet by 20 feet (Phase I), then came phase II  and III another 20 feet by 40 feet. Then this summer I added another 20 by 20 feet (Phase IV - the Superior Yard). So I guess that makes 1600 square feet but my workshop is part of that space. The basement is a little over 2600 square feet but I will not have another expansion until what I have started is complete.  As for the height, it's a mountain layout so there is a lot of elevation change - the lowest mainline is at 46 inches and the highest mainline is at 57 inches off the floor.  There is a Narrow Gauge Branchline at a maximum of 64 inches off the floor.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 21, 2020, 10:32:42 PM
WOW!!!!! Thank you sir........Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2020, 10:38:30 AM
Quote from: DennisBourey on January 21, 2020, 10:32:42 PM
WOW!!!!! Thank you sir........Dennis


I have a lot of structure builds and scenery work ahead of me to get this done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 22, 2020, 03:30:44 PM
John, It's a great looking layout and I hope to do a build with you as soon as I can get this thing building. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2020, 07:12:39 AM
Quote from: DennisBourey on January 22, 2020, 03:30:44 PM
John, It's a great looking layout and I hope to do a build with you as soon as I can get this thing building. Dennis


I'm looking forward to seeing your layout start to come together. Remember that it's a long journey and you need to enjoy all the steps.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2020, 11:19:38 AM
Here is a panorama view of the site for the town of Sellios and the sister town of VanGelder (south side of the river).
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2020, 11:22:34 AM
Test of large picture setting

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2020, 11:27:27 AM
The three pictures above are posted with my iPad using the small, medium, and large picture settings in photos. I will be using the large so you can see some detail when you click on the picture to blow it up. I think the gallery is a much better way to post pictures - if you want to take the small amount of time it takes to load the pictures in the gallery.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2020, 08:42:04 PM
Update on the Swakhammer build: Starting to add the detail castings to the main structure.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2020, 08:43:35 PM
Update on the Fox Run Build: The baseboard has been moved back to my workbench in preparation for the detailing process.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2020, 09:11:48 PM
A few more details where added to the Swakhammer build, today.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2020, 09:12:05 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 25, 2020, 04:47:37 AM
Hey John:

Your build is looking just beautiful. Keep the pic coming.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 25, 2020, 07:16:56 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 25, 2020, 04:47:37 AM
Hey John:

Your build is looking just beautiful. Keep the pic coming.



Thank you for following along and the complements. It's all about the details, many more to come.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 25, 2020, 07:24:11 AM
That L shaped galvanized pipe looks perfect!  How did you do that?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 25, 2020, 02:53:58 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 25, 2020, 07:24:11 AM
That L shaped galvanized pipe looks perfect!  How did you do that?



The galvanized piping and roof vents are all castings that were supplied with the kit.  I primed them with grey primer and then added two different shades of grey chalk - first coat is put on with alcohol to get a good coating. Then dry chalk is added over the top - two slightly different shades. I will be adding some rust highlights so they don't look like the building was just built.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 25, 2020, 07:11:27 PM
I spent most of my time today working on the mainline track changes, but I did add a few more details to the Swakhammer build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2020, 07:12:21 PM
After working on my F&SM track side pictures thread I turned my Swakhammer's build around to add all the details to the back side. I originally was thinking about only adding the details to the front, visible to the viewer, side of the buildings. The only builds that can get away with that, now with cameras mounted in rolling stock, is the structures that are right up against the backdrop with no track work in-between. It is all about the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 26, 2020, 08:43:41 PM
Beautiful build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2020, 09:02:49 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 26, 2020, 08:43:41 PM
Beautiful build.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2020, 07:55:12 PM
Update:  The back side details are going on the Swakhammer's build.  It needs to look good when the camera goes by on the mainline behind it. ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2020, 07:56:03 PM
The track work is going in for the town of Sellios.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2020, 08:17:52 PM
While I'm working on track work improvements I also have a mainline shift and sidings going in for the Locomotive Works and Brownsville Depot (a build that's getting close to the top of my list), in the Eagles Nest Yard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2020, 08:21:01 PM
I will be using servo motors to control the turnouts in this area.  The holes in the facia that you see are for the motors, a wire runs from the servo motor to the turnout.  I will take some pictures tomorrow. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2020, 08:23:36 PM
The track laying crew is limited by the number of weights I have available. I put down as much track as I have weights for and then go back to structure building. I really like going back and forth between projects. 

The phone call from George Sellios really put a spring in my step, this morning. See;topicseen#new

for the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 27, 2020, 09:34:21 PM
My God I can't believe this layout. Thanks my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 28, 2020, 04:06:06 AM
Swakhammers looks awesome, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 28, 2020, 09:07:34 AM
Quote from: DennisBourey on January 27, 2020, 09:34:21 PM
My God I can't believe this layout. Thanks my friend.


Thank you for following along and the kind words. I have a lot of work to do before it will start getting that finished look.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 28, 2020, 09:12:17 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 28, 2020, 04:06:06 AM
Swakhammers looks awesome, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the complement. It's getting there with the detailing - a lot of detailing work to go.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 28, 2020, 05:56:33 PM
Hey John:

the model and the RR look just great. Like how you did the roof details on the kit.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on January 28, 2020, 06:35:17 PM
Dang, John,

I gotta find a way to do a road trip over to your neck of the woods. Love the work you're doing. Maybe a weekend getaway that includes a visit to the Henry Ford Museum or Greenfield Village or something. Thx for sharing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 28, 2020, 07:18:33 PM
Quote from: vinceg on January 28, 2020, 06:35:17 PM
Dang, John,

I gotta find a way to do a road trip over to your neck of the woods. Love the work you're doing. Maybe a weekend getaway that includes a visit to the Henry Ford Museum or Greenfield Village or something. Thx for sharing.


Thank you for the kind words and I would love to have you visit.  The Henry Ford and Greenfield Village have a lot of railroad history displays.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 31, 2020, 05:00:00 PM
Update: I decided to concentrate on my track work changes for the next few days to try and get everything running again. I may have some visitors in February and want to have the layout in a unable state. It just means that the structure builds will be on the back burner for a while. I will still add a piece here and there to have a sit down job. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 01, 2020, 05:58:41 PM
Update: I made a lot of progress on the track work, today. I expanded the work to change the way the sidings will work in the waterfront area of the layout.  There's always a better idea. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:22:07 PM
Today, I got the last section of track glued down for the Town of Sellios track work changes.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:26:46 PM
Here is a picture from a little farther out - I get to use all the tools on this job. ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:31:47 PM
In addition to the track work I'm adding all the electronics in this area.  The computer boards are going in little drawers in the facia. The turnout controls will also be located in the facia.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:33:04 PM
The electronics drawers - will be held in with four screws.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:33:54 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:36:03 PM
You will also notice that I added a top rail that will help protect the layout and also serve as a guardrail if anything ends up off the track.  This rail will be painted the dark green color that I used for the facia.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2020, 08:39:11 PM
A process picture of the track changes around the Locomotive Works.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 03, 2020, 08:08:09 PM
Update:  Today, I added about 6 sections of track and then started adding the tortoise machines that will control all of the turnouts in the new track and in the Eagles Nest Yard area.  This is going to be a big job - there are a lot of turnouts. :o
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on February 04, 2020, 12:22:35 AM
Great update John.

Just a lot to take in your coming along just fine.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on February 04, 2020, 06:14:50 AM
John - I cannot help but comment.  Yellow is probably my favorite color.  You have made it blend into your scenes remarkably well.  We don't get fall colors down here in the swamp so my appreciation of what you have done is doubled.  Keep it going!  Did the GN ever have a yellow caboose? 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2020, 08:52:37 AM
Quote from: Jerry on February 04, 2020, 12:22:35 AM
Great update John.

Just a lot to take in your coming along just fine.



Thank you for following along and the nice comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2020, 05:21:22 PM
Quote from: Judge on February 04, 2020, 06:14:50 AM
John - I cannot help but comment.  Yellow is probably my favorite color.  You have made it blend into your scenes remarkably well.  We don't get fall colors down here in the swamp so my appreciation of what you have done is doubled.  Keep it going!  Did the GN ever have a yellow caboose?


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I just love the fall time and especially the aspens in the mountains. In Michigan we have both the aspens and the maples and oaks to give us lots of different colors. 

As for a yellow caboose we have one on the Superior and Seattle RR. We have equipment from all the railroads that serviced the Pacific Northwest all the way to the Lake Superior country of Michigan. It turns out that the Canadian Pacific RR had a yellow caboose.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 07, 2020, 07:56:19 PM
Update:  I have spent most of the past couple of days working on the track work changes.  I walk by my workbenches and add a detail once in a while so I thought I would post and update picture of the Swakhammer build (aka Grandpa John's Welding).

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 08, 2020, 08:51:34 AM
Very nice John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on February 08, 2020, 12:07:27 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on February 07, 2020, 07:56:19 PM
Update:  I have spent most of the past couple of days working on the track work changes.  I walk by my workbenches and add a detail once in a while so I thought I would post and update picture of the Swakhammer build (aka Grandpa John's Welding).


Oh yea, that's what I'm talkin' about! Vintage FSM. Great job, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 08, 2020, 12:50:40 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 08, 2020, 08:51:34 AM
Very nice John.


Thank you, this is a great kit.  I have little detail assemblies under construction all over my work bench, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 08, 2020, 12:54:00 PM
Quote from: vinceg on February 08, 2020, 12:07:27 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on February 07, 2020, 07:56:19 PM
Update:  I have spent most of the past couple of days working on the track work changes.  I walk by my workbenches and add a detail once in a while so I thought I would post and update picture of the Swakhammer build (aka Grandpa John's Welding).


Oh yea, that's what I'm talkin' about! Vintage FSM. Great job, John.


It sure is Vintage FSM - thank you for the kind words.  I haven't even put a dent in the detail castings yet. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2020, 02:42:20 PM
Update: I have spent most of the last couple of days working on track work modifications. I will post pictures when I get it completed.  I'm still working on the structures but a few minutes at a time. I will sit at my workbench long enough to glue a few pieces together and then head back to the track work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on February 10, 2020, 07:00:12 AM
Great progress John! 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 10, 2020, 09:00:42 PM
Quote from: MAP on February 10, 2020, 07:00:12 AM
Great progress John!


Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on February 13, 2020, 04:54:36 PM
Great work John

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 13, 2020, 07:24:49 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on February 13, 2020, 04:54:36 PM
Great work John



Thank you for stopping by and the kind words. I have't updated in a few days - I have been making a bunch of main line track changes that I need to do for the new and improved - evolved - design. I want to get all the track back in operation before the Grandkids next visit. I plan to take some picture and mark them up with some design notes when I'm finished. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on February 13, 2020, 11:05:28 PM
Multitasking as usual, John!

Nice progress all round.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 14, 2020, 08:49:57 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on February 13, 2020, 11:05:28 PM
Multitasking as usual, John!

Nice progress all round.

Cheers, Mark.

Hi Mark

Yes, Multitasking - it's just how I work. Thank you for stopping by the thread and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 15, 2020, 12:08:55 PM
I took some pictures of the track work changes. I hope to get them posted tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 15, 2020, 09:19:38 PM
Here is a picture of the future site of the town of Sellios after the track changes. The cornerstone of the town - Bob Butts Avrams build is in position. The town will grow around it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: pbltrains on February 16, 2020, 01:57:02 AM
Nice work as always John.  I enjoy reading your updates.

Seth P.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on February 16, 2020, 06:12:33 AM
Can't wait to see the town taking form.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 16, 2020, 08:07:38 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!! that gonna be a beautiful scene when its done. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on February 16, 2020, 10:38:27 AM
What a great looking start to the town.  Can't wait to see what you do with this area.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2020, 08:21:40 PM
Quote from: pbltrains on February 16, 2020, 01:57:02 AM
Nice work as always John.  I enjoy reading your updates.

Seth P.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I sure enjoyed visiting your wonderful layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2020, 08:25:19 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on February 16, 2020, 06:12:33 AM
Can't wait to see the town taking form.


Thank you for stopping by the thread.  This will be the next big area that I will be working on after the Eagles Nest Yard is complete.  I'm doing a lot of design work on my iPad to get ready. It will take a lot of structure builds to complete this town. The area on the South side of the river will be called VanGelder and on the North Side is Sellios.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2020, 09:57:21 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 16, 2020, 08:07:38 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!! that gonna be a beautiful scene when its done. Can't wait to see what you do with it.



This is a big area - there will be a lot of structure builds in my future to complete it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2020, 09:58:39 PM
Quote from: Jerry on February 16, 2020, 10:38:27 AM
What a great looking start to the town.  Can't wait to see what you do with this area.



Thank you for following along and stay tuned - as always I will post progress pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 17, 2020, 09:55:52 AM
I took some pictures for a future project and thought I would share them.  This is the Isaac's Mountain area of the layout.  The background mountains are in and I just rerouted the mainline through the area.  I'm working on some design sketches for the area when I'm traveling and a clay mockup of the area is planned to confirm the design. This will be a waterfront scene with the town "think Franklin" on the mountain side.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 17, 2020, 09:56:57 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 17, 2020, 10:05:35 AM
Imagine a light house on the point, a shipyard, and structures with a switchback road up the mountainside. The highest level plateau has a narrow gauge line running through it. You can see a trestle that is installed on the far right of the first picture. It will be a couple years before we see construction in this area.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on February 17, 2020, 06:11:12 PM
Wow, John, cheez. Shades of John Allen. Looks great. Phenomenal.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bruce Oberleitner on February 17, 2020, 06:59:30 PM
Quote from: vinceg on February 17, 2020, 06:11:12 PM
Wow, John, cheez. Shades of John Allen. Looks great. Phenomenal.

Can't agree more.  Amazing stuff John.  I can't wait to see what you come up with as I am sure it will be spectacular.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on February 17, 2020, 08:23:50 PM
this will be an amazing scene when you get the buildings placed.  Nice going
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 18, 2020, 08:23:26 AM
Quote from: vinceg on February 17, 2020, 06:11:12 PM
Wow, John, cheez. Shades of John Allen. Looks great. Phenomenal.


Wow - thank you for the kind words. It was reading the book on John Allen's life that got me into the hobby so many years ago - so there has to be an influence.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 18, 2020, 08:27:36 AM
Quote from: Bruce Oberleitner on February 17, 2020, 06:59:30 PM
Quote from: vinceg on February 17, 2020, 06:11:12 PM
Wow, John, cheez. Shades of John Allen. Looks great. Phenomenal.

Can't agree more.  Amazing stuff John.  I can't wait to see what you come up with as I am sure it will be spectacular.


Thank you, I never know how it is going to come out but I have a plan. There is a lot of work/ "fun" before we will see how it turns out. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 18, 2020, 08:36:21 AM
Quote from: sdrees on February 17, 2020, 08:23:50 PM
this will be an amazing scene when you get the buildings placed.  Nice going


Thank you, stay tuned and we will see how it turns out.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 21, 2020, 06:52:14 PM
Update: Today, I spent some quality time running trains with the Grandkids. It was fun to watch my 18 month old Granddaughter get so excited about watching the trains.  Each of my Grandkids have a mountain named after them and always expect to see something new on their mountain when they visit.  Another fun way to share the hobby.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 23, 2020, 08:40:30 PM
A little more progress on the Swakhammer build, today.  Added the crane and started building the platforms.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on February 23, 2020, 10:39:41 PM


Great looking structure, and the final detailing such as the crane is really making it special.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 24, 2020, 06:24:48 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on February 23, 2020, 10:39:41 PM


Great looking structure, and the final detailing such as the crane is really making it special.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.  This build is getting done a few minutes at a time right now but progress is being made.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Oldguy on February 25, 2020, 09:28:32 AM
Holy cow!  And I'm frettin' over making a ditch.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on February 25, 2020, 12:07:26 PM

The Swakhammer build is looking fantastic. Very well done, really great.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 26, 2020, 07:36:45 AM
Quote from: Oldguy on February 25, 2020, 09:28:32 AM
Holy cow!  And I'm frettin' over making a ditch.


Thank you for following along. It's all about the details and ditches are important.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 26, 2020, 07:40:38 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on February 25, 2020, 12:07:26 PM

The Swakhammer build is looking fantastic. Very well done, really great.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the complements and for following along. As you well know, the layout becomes more alive with every one of these builds. I really enjoy the process of tying them all together to make a railroad.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on February 26, 2020, 01:24:34 PM
The S&S RR is really looking fantastic !
All your structures you built, the tracks you installed, the scenery to the ceiling , etc. is making this a thread not to miss to check on it's progress.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 26, 2020, 10:40:23 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on February 26, 2020, 01:24:34 PM
The S&S RR is really looking fantastic !
All your structures you built, the tracks you installed, the scenery to the ceiling , etc. is making this a thread not to miss to check on it's progress.


Thank you for the encouraging words and for following along. One of the great things about doing these threads is I can look back and see where I was at with the RR a year ago or even 5 our more years ago.  I know I'm making progress but sometimes you need to take a step back to recognize it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 28, 2020, 10:08:17 PM
Today, I moved the Swakhammer and Fox Run builds back to their locations on the layout for final track placement. The track has been glued to the baseboards, and once the glue dries the baseboards will be moved back to my workbench for final detailing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 28, 2020, 10:09:36 PM
I also setup the track work location for the next two builds in the Eagles Nest Yard Industrial complex.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on February 28, 2020, 11:14:12 PM
Wow, I cant believe the progress you have made John...........Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on February 29, 2020, 06:21:30 AM
Great progress John!  Excellent work on the builds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 29, 2020, 09:26:24 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on February 28, 2020, 11:14:12 PM
Wow, I cant believe the progress you have made John...........Dennis


Thank you for stopping by the thread. I'm making progress but life is really getting in the way of modeling so far this year. Full steam ahead.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 29, 2020, 09:28:01 AM
Quote from: MAP on February 29, 2020, 06:21:30 AM
Great progress John!  Excellent work on the builds.


Thank you for the kind words and following the thread. Progress is a little bit as often as we can.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 01, 2020, 08:41:17 PM
Today, the Swakhammer's build was moved back to my workbench with the track glued down to the baseboard.  Now, all of the details can be placed in their final position.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on March 02, 2020, 11:33:15 AM
Very cool John - I like all the elevation changes - this is gonna be nice...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 02, 2020, 02:36:36 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on March 02, 2020, 11:33:15 AM
Very cool John - I like all the elevation changes - this is gonna be nice...


Thank you for following along and the complements.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 07, 2020, 05:16:29 PM
Today, I'm working on the final track work changes to the Eagles Nest yard. Also, started adding all the tortoise machines and removing the temporary caboose ground throws.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 10, 2020, 04:20:58 PM
Update: For the next few days I will be spending a lot of time under the layout installing and wiring the tortoise machines for the Eagles Nest Yard. I have a few more track sections to install, as well. I keep moving between the yard and the builds on my workbenches.  My back can only stand so long under the layout. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 10, 2020, 05:34:21 PM
hey john:

Looks like you are really working hard. It looks just great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on March 11, 2020, 05:36:48 AM
Wow!  Lots of work John, but it's really looking great!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 11, 2020, 08:52:13 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 10, 2020, 05:34:21 PM
hey john:

Looks like you are really working hard. It looks just great.



Thank you for stopping by the thread and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 12, 2020, 09:24:47 PM
Today, Grandpa John's Welding Company got a sign.  This structure is named after my dad who was called Grandpa John by my kids and everyone that knew him. He was a welder by trade and this is his shop on the S&S RR.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 12, 2020, 09:27:35 PM
I need to sleep on the yellow background of the sign. It looks a lot brighter in the pictures than it does to my eye on the workbench.  It may need some welding smoke.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 13, 2020, 08:54:38 AM
Hey John:

Looks beautiful so far.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on March 13, 2020, 07:23:41 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 12, 2020, 09:27:35 PM
I need to sleep on the yellow background of the sign. It looks a lot brighter in the pictures than it does to my eye on the workbench.  It may need some welding smoke.


Interesting how the camera renders what it captures differently than what we see.  Even so, toning down that yellow with a little chalk wouldn't be a bad idea.  Probably more people will be acquainted with your layout via photos than visiting in person.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2020, 07:30:55 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 13, 2020, 08:54:38 AM
Hey John:

Looks beautiful so far.



Thank you - a little progress each day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2020, 07:33:00 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on March 13, 2020, 07:23:41 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 12, 2020, 09:27:35 PM
I need to sleep on the yellow background of the sign. It looks a lot brighter in the pictures than it does to my eye on the workbench.  It may need some welding smoke.


Interesting how the camera renders what it captures differently than what we see.  Even so, toning down that yellow with a little chalk wouldn't be a bad idea.  Probably more people will be acquainted with your layout via photos than visiting in person.


Thank you for following along and yes it does need to be toned down for photographs.  I have some test signs made to try a few things before I go for it on the sign already attached to the building.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2020, 09:28:49 PM
Update: The traveling crane is going in on the Grandpa John's Welding company build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2020, 09:31:44 PM
Also - made a first attempt on a spare sign to tone down the yellow background color.  In this case I used a A&I wash followed by the yellow chalk that I used to tone down the clapboard siding on the main structure. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2020, 09:33:11 PM
You will notice that the sign mounted on the building doesn't appear as bright yellow at this angle as it did in the previous picture.  My test sign does look better to me and I may take it a little further on my next test.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: madharry on March 15, 2020, 07:12:42 AM
Lovely modelling John, I particularly like the rockwork - stunning.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 15, 2020, 04:52:09 PM
Quote from: madharry on March 15, 2020, 07:12:42 AM
Lovely modelling John, I particularly like the rockwork - stunning.



Thank you for stopping by the thread and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2020, 09:51:48 PM
I made some more progress on the Grandpa John's Welding build today. I completed the traveling crane with appropriate quality control inspections. This picture is for Tom.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2020, 09:53:49 PM
I took these progress pictures just prior to starting to add the detail castings.  I also have to turn the baseboard on my workbench and build the stairway on the left side of the building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2020, 09:54:25 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on March 17, 2020, 10:39:22 AM
The sign looks a lot better with some weathering.  You might want to consider some more fading, if it still looks a bit too stark to you.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on March 17, 2020, 10:53:33 AM


I really like how this is coming together.  The crane really adds eye candy to an already beautiful model.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on March 17, 2020, 02:50:59 PM
Looks fantastic, John.

The timber work of the crane and the deck really brings the scene together.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 17, 2020, 08:57:22 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 17, 2020, 10:39:22 AM
The sign looks a lot better with some weathering.  You might want to consider some more fading, if it still looks a bit too stark to you.



Yes - the A&I toned it down a lot but I still plan on using some chalks to fade it a little more. A welding shop in the middle of a yard occupied by steam locomotives is not going to have a bright yellow sign.  At least not very long.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 17, 2020, 09:01:42 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on March 17, 2020, 10:53:33 AM


I really like how this is coming together.  The crane really adds eye candy to an already beautiful model.


This kit, like all of George's kits, looks better and better as you add the details. I have a number of detail castings that didn't come with the kit that I will be adding.  A layer at a time until I decide it's time to quit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 17, 2020, 09:03:15 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on March 17, 2020, 02:50:59 PM
Looks fantastic, John.

The timber work of the crane and the deck really brings the scene together.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the kind words. Now for the detail castings and a few more details. I have some stairs and railings that I need to add.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 20, 2020, 09:21:58 PM
Update:  I have been spending most of my time the last few days installing and wiring the turnout controls in the Eagles Nest Yard area of the layout.  All of the control boards are going into small drawers in the facia so they are easily accessible by removing a couple screws.  Here is a picture of just one of the may control panel drawers. This one happens to have a dual frog juicer board. Some have just one board and the largest one has more than a dozen. I primed all the cover panels with black primer.  The complete facia will get a fresh coat of the dark green paint when this project is completed.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 23, 2020, 08:28:46 PM
Official announcement S&S RR:  The spur track was completed today, to Avram's Bakery in the town of Sellios, allowing for rail traffic to commence.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 23, 2020, 10:25:11 PM
John, Wow!!!!! That's a Beautiful job..... Your work just  top quality to me and other's.......Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on March 24, 2020, 10:20:39 AM
Splendid John, your layout will surely be one of the "you have to see it" , in the model railroad community.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on March 24, 2020, 10:51:36 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on March 24, 2020, 10:20:39 AM
Splendid John, your layout will surely be one of the "you have to see it" , in the model railroad community.

Yep - you said it. So much to see with all the craftsman kits, the towering, mountainous terrain, the overall fit and finish of benchwork and fascia. Truly spectacular. I will definitely figure out how to schedule a field trip from Chicago to Detroit sometime in the next year or two (John willing, of course).
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 24, 2020, 11:11:49 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!!!! beautiful job on Avrams. I built it not to long ago. It's A great kit.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 24, 2020, 04:36:23 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 23, 2020, 10:25:11 PM
John, Wow!!!!! That's a Beautiful job..... Your work just  top quality to me and other's.......Dennis

This is the Avram's build that Bob Butt's sent to me a few weeks back. Now that the track is in it is officially part of the railroad.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 24, 2020, 04:37:40 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on March 24, 2020, 10:20:39 AM
Splendid John, your layout will surely be one of the "you have to see it" , in the model railroad community.

Thank you Jan.  I hope you get a chance to visit some day. After we get rid of the virus.  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 24, 2020, 04:42:05 PM
Quote from: vinceg on March 24, 2020, 10:51:36 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on March 24, 2020, 10:20:39 AM
Splendid John, your layout will surely be one of the "you have to see it" , in the model railroad community.

Yep - you said it. So much to see with all the craftsman kits, the towering, mountainous terrain, the overall fit and finish of benchwork and fascia. Truly spectacular. I will definitely figure out how to schedule a field trip from Chicago to Detroit sometime in the next year or two (John willing, of course).


Thank you for the kind words.  I hope you do find the time to come for a visit. As soon as I get the structures complete for the Eagles nest yard, I think I have four or five builds left, I will be starting on the rest of the builds for the town of Sellios. I hope to get all the mainline back up and running in the next few days.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 24, 2020, 04:43:31 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 24, 2020, 11:11:49 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!!!! beautiful job on Avrams. I built it not to long ago. It's A great kit.



As I mentioned above, all of the credit for the Avram's build goes to Bob Butts. He did a wonderful job on the build and it's now linked to the mainline for service.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on March 24, 2020, 05:27:30 PM
It's great to see Avram's safe and sound in it's new home.  That was a fun build and I'm quite happy it's located somewhere where it can be enjoyed.   ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on March 24, 2020, 05:54:04 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on March 24, 2020, 05:27:30 PM
It's great to see Avram's safe and sound in it's new home.  That was a fun build and I'm quite happy it's located somewhere where it can be enjoyed.   ;D

Avram's looks dang great there John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 24, 2020, 06:59:19 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on March 24, 2020, 05:27:30 PM
It's great to see Avram's safe and sound in it's new home.  That was a fun build and I'm quite happy it's located somewhere where it can be enjoyed.   ;D


Thank you again for building it - I thought you would like to see it in it's new home.  The town of Sellios will grow up around it over the coming years. I spent most of today under the layout connecting wires.  I have a few more days of work to do and then all the changes will be operational. I'm also switching from manual ground throws to tortoise switch machines for the turnouts so there is a lot of work going on under the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2020, 08:52:48 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on March 24, 2020, 05:54:04 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on March 24, 2020, 05:27:30 PM
It's great to see Avram's safe and sound in it's new home.  That was a fun build and I'm quite happy it's located somewhere where it can be enjoyed.   ;D

Avram's looks dang great there John.


Thank you Tom.  I'm sure you would have found a great place for it, too.  ;)  It sure is an honor to have one of Bob's great builds on my layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2020, 09:06:47 PM
A tool tip:  As I'm finishing up a couple builds - my Grandpa John's Welding Company (aka FSM 's Swakhammer's) and my FSM Coaling tower - I though I would share a tool that I have really enjoyed using on my last few builds. I bought these glue applicators as part of a promotional deal from Rockler. They are made of silicone rubber and basically replace the box of toothpicks that I would usually go through on big build.  Because of the rubber they really work well for both application and cleanup of glue joints. As soon as the glue sets it just pops off the tool so it is self cleaning.  I like them so well that I bought a couple more packs so I can try to keep one set on each workbench. Notice I said try - I just redistributed them - I had them all on the workbench where I'm building the Welding Company. :-[

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2020, 09:17:38 PM
Here is a picture of the glue bottles I'm using from the same company.  I'm sure you can find them made by other companies.  I think I paid about $5 - 7 for a set of three. I have also bought the silicone gluing pads for my workbenches. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 25, 2020, 09:49:16 PM
Bob,You did a Beautiful job.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 09:11:33 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 25, 2020, 09:49:16 PM
Bob,You did a Beautiful job.....Dennis


Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 07:39:40 PM
Today, I added the first layer of dirt to the baseboard on my Grandpa John's Welding Company build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 07:40:01 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 07:40:23 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 07:40:44 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 07:41:10 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 07:41:56 PM
As soon as the glue dries it will be time to add all those wonderful detail castings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on March 26, 2020, 07:58:24 PM
Coming together like a dream, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 26, 2020, 08:08:44 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on March 26, 2020, 07:58:24 PM
Coming together like a dream, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, yes - this is the part of the build where every move makes a difference. It's all about the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 27, 2020, 07:54:16 AM
Hey John:

beautiful job so far.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 27, 2020, 11:51:13 PM
John, Beautiful job. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 28, 2020, 08:44:54 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 27, 2020, 07:54:16 AM
Hey John:

beautiful job so far.



Thank you for following along and the kind words. I have been spending a lot of time the last couple weeks on the part of the layout you don't see - the wiring.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 28, 2020, 08:45:32 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 27, 2020, 11:51:13 PM
John, Beautiful job. Dennis


Thank you for following along and the complements.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on March 28, 2020, 10:28:03 AM
John another beautiful build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 28, 2020, 03:38:54 PM
Quote from: Jerry on March 28, 2020, 10:28:03 AM
John another beautiful build.



Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on March 28, 2020, 04:43:44 PM
Can't wait to see it on the layout..
Very noce build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:15:49 AM
Quote from: EricQuebec on March 28, 2020, 04:43:44 PM
Can't wait to see it on the layout..
Very noce build.


Thank you for the kind words.  I should have a picture with a test fit on the layout by this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:30:51 AM
Grandpa John's Welding has spent a couple days on my detailing workbench getting fitted with those wonderful castings.  I got it to the point where I wanted a set of pictures to look for things that need changing - shinny spots etc. Here is a few progress pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:31:12 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:31:35 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:31:54 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:32:10 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:33:16 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:33:48 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:34:12 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:34:34 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:35:58 AM
Now for a trip to the layout and a few pictures under the layout lighting with with the background scenery. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:36:21 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:36:47 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:37:05 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:37:39 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 09:41:01 AM
The bare plywood to the right of baseboard really messed up the iPhone camera - I need to take a day and get the SLR camera out and do my yearly layout progress photographs.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 30, 2020, 09:45:53 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on March 30, 2020, 01:15:36 PM
Looks really nice, John. Great execution on what is probably my top two or three FSM kits (G. Wilikers also on that list)

Looks like you're using a relatively thin piece of foamcore for the base. Is that true? Has it been stable for you?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 08:05:50 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 30, 2020, 09:45:53 AM


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 08:09:30 PM
Quote from: vinceg on March 30, 2020, 01:15:36 PM
Looks really nice, John. Great execution on what is probably my top two or three FSM kits (G. Wilikers also on that list)

Looks like you're using a relatively thin piece of foamcore for the base. Is that true? Has it been stable for you?


Thank you for the kind words.  You will be happy to know that two of your top three FSM kits will be side by side on the S&S RR.  G. Wilikers will be to the right of Grandpa John's Welding Company.  I plan on finishing up the Fox Run Milling build that is on my workbench and then I will be building a large stone roundhouse for the new section of the layout.  Once that is off the workbenches I will be starting G. Wilikers.

The thin foam board is gator board and it's 3/16 inch thick.  It works fine on the workbench but I mount it to a 3/4 inch exterior grade plywood baseboard when it goes on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2020, 08:12:08 PM
I was asked to explain in some detail my process for creating the touch toggle control panels in the new section of the layout. Since one of my current projects is to replace the manual ground throws in the older section of the layout with tortoise machines and touch controls I will be taking progress pictures to help to explain my process.  This is just the way I do it - it is not the only way. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2020, 08:50:13 PM
To start with here is an overview picture of control panel number 7 installation. The little cart you see in the picture is what I use to get around under the layout. Crawling on my knees on floor is no longer an option - my knee let me know real quickly what a bad idea that is. So I have shown this cart before in this build thread series but that cart plays a big role in my control panel design.  My control panels - at least one in each section of the layout also serves as a grab bar so I can pull my self up from a few inches off the floor to a standing position without rolling off the little cart on to my knees.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2020, 09:06:10 PM
I wonder how many miles a have on the little cart? As you can see, in addition to sitting up, I can also lean the back down and use it like a creeper. The control panel is built in four layers. The first layer is a piece of 1/2 plywood held in place with glued and screwed 2x4 braces.  I can do chin ups on this thing. The second layer is 3/16 inch foam core board that is the thickness of the touch toggle buttons. The third layer is a paper printout of the track plan scaled to fit the control panel. And the fourth layer is a Plexiglas panel for the surface of the control panel.  I'm using 1/16 inch thick Plexiglass.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2020, 09:08:37 PM
Here is a view from the top.  The bracing will all be boxed in and painted the dark green facia color when it is finished.


I use oak moldings to construct the frame that holds the four layers together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2020, 09:43:34 PM
Once I get the three layers in place I cutout square pockets in the foam board for the touch toggle switches. This holds them in place. The markup layout diagram that I use for this has squares printed on it the size of the touch toggle switches - so a few minutes with a #11 and you have a control panel board.  I drill holes big enough for the connectors in the plywood for the wires to pass through. Holes are then drilled through the benchwork to route the wiring to the little drawer that holds all the control boards. I changed the sizing between the markup sheet that I used for the holes and the one I used for the touch toggles so I have a few holes that are not aligned properly but the wires don't care.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2020, 09:47:37 PM
Here is a picture of the control panel drawer with the boards and labels - just before I put it in place.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2020, 09:49:16 PM
Here is the control drawer in place and the wires starting to get pulled.  ;)  I have a few connections to make and more tortoise machines to install. 


Tomorrow maybe some power up pictures. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 01, 2020, 10:10:57 PM
Very nice job Sir John. I'm watching...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 02, 2020, 07:11:27 AM
Really like those Touch Toggle switches , so neat and tidy , as is your wiring.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2020, 01:00:31 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 01, 2020, 10:10:57 PM
Very nice job Sir John. I'm watching...Dennis


Thank you for the complement and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2020, 01:01:50 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 02, 2020, 07:11:27 AM
Really like those Touch Toggle switches , so neat and tidy , as is your wiring.

Thank you Jan.  The worst part is mounting the tortoise machines under the layout - but I think it's going to be worth it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2020, 10:03:26 PM
I powered up panel number 7, today.  We have 19 working switches. I have 11 of the 19 tortoise machines installed, so tomorrow will be tortoise machine installation day.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 02, 2020, 10:20:07 PM
John, That's very impressive. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 03, 2020, 04:05:35 PM
Hey John:

Looks great have fun with the switch machines.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 03, 2020, 06:47:20 PM
Dennis and Karl

Thank you for stopping by the thread and the words of encouragement.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 03, 2020, 07:34:26 PM
Today, I completed the control panel - except for painting - and continued hooking up tortoise machines. I have 8 more machines to install and wire and then it will be on to the control panel and servo motors that will control the North End of the yard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 04, 2020, 11:38:45 AM
I'm going to try Bob Parishes tip of holding the tortoise machines in place with hot glue until you get the screws etc in place (see todays baggage car).   I sure can use another had putting in the tortoise machines.  I will report back this evening on how it goes.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 05, 2020, 12:39:34 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on April 04, 2020, 11:38:45 AM
I'm going to try Bob Parishes tip of holding the tortoise machines in place with hot glue until you get the screws etc in place (see todays baggage car).   I sure can use another had putting in the tortoise machines.  I will report back this evening on how it goes.

So after 30 + years in the hobby, today I used a technique that is one of those why didn't I think of that moments.
Bob Parish a couple days ago posted a "how he does it" for tortoise machine installation under the layout.  I read through it and mentally check off each step until I got to the - I stick them in position with hot glue until I can get the screws in them, step.  Now I have tried a lot of ways to hold them in place over the years but never hot glue. So I tried it - it works great. I just installed a couple tortoise machines that were way back underneath - Bob I tried it on the two that I was dreading and had them in in just a couple minutes. I love the forum - THANK YOU BOB     I will repost Bob technique here so it is easy for everyone to find.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 05, 2020, 12:42:12 PM
Here is a cut and past of Bob's Technique:

For John............  you said several days ago that you had to put in a bunch of Tortoise machines...............   You came out of the auto world so you know this term...flat rate....Here are some of the things I learned on this forum and other experiences to sorten the time under your bench work looking like a beached whale.Tie all of your turnouts to the center with blue tape.  If they are Peco either remove the spring (you won't need them for tortoise anyway.Once the spring wires are assembled to the machine, manually push the Tortoise machines to center.Then fire  up your hot glue gun..........Take everything your going to need under the first time.   Put a dab of hot glue in hte center of the mounting pad and glue each to the underside of the bench work.  Everything will now be centered.   Without fumbling around........... you can now shoot all of the mounting screws into the mounting pads and be done with all of the balancing and dropping of stuff.This is the quickest way I know to get a bunch done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 05, 2020, 12:43:19 PM
Sorry about the reformatting of Bob's post.  Cut and paste didn't work as well as I was hoping.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 05, 2020, 01:39:00 PM
Hey John:

Very nice control panel.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 05, 2020, 03:33:29 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 05, 2020, 01:39:00 PM
Hey John:

Very nice control panel.



Thank you

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on April 05, 2020, 05:09:55 PM
I've copied your panel technique and pictures for later use, as I use the Barret Hill toggles as well.  So much easier than soldering all those DPDT switches.  As to the Tortoise instillation, I've found my Velcro tape holding them in place has slowly loosened in some of them, and I'm just hot gluing them to a piece of 1/4 inch plywood, then screwing that to the roadbed with a couple of larger screws.  To center the turnout, instead of the blue tape, I use a piece of stripwood on each rail to hold them centered. 


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 05, 2020, 08:49:37 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on April 05, 2020, 05:09:55 PM
I've copied your panel technique and pictures for later use, as I use the Barret Hill toggles as well.  So much easier than soldering all those DPDT switches.  As to the Tortoise instillation, I've found my Velcro tape holding them in place has slowly loosened in some of them, and I'm just hot gluing them to a piece of 1/4 inch plywood, then screwing that to the roadbed with a couple of larger screws.  To center the turnout, instead of the blue tape, I use a piece of stripwood on each rail to hold them centered. 



Thanks for stopping by the thread and adding your experience to our discussion.  I also tried the velcro tape but found that they found a way to move and get out of adjustment. All of mine will have screws and the hot glue sure works well for holding them in place. I like your idea of holding the turnouts in the center position with wood strips.  I have been using a weight with a piece of double side tape, one of those what ever works best for you, things.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 06, 2020, 09:26:37 AM

This years challenge build has made it's way to the layout. The FSM kit 145 coal tower was my build for this year. Here is the link to the build thread if you missed it.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on April 06, 2020, 01:58:03 PM

What a beautiful model!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on April 06, 2020, 04:31:40 PM
Very nicely done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 06, 2020, 07:50:02 PM
Quote from: Jerry on April 06, 2020, 01:58:03 PM

What a beautiful model!!



Thank you for the very kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 06, 2020, 07:50:17 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on April 06, 2020, 04:31:40 PM
Very nicely done.


Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 08, 2020, 04:58:56 PM
Update:  I have spent the last two days chasing an electrical problem with the layout.  I have a turnout that when I throw it - I get a short.  The issue is it only shuts down half of one of my power districts. I can repeat the issue but can't figure out what is happening.  More testing. ::) :-[ :-[ :-[   Once I figure out what's wrong with my power district I will figure out what I need to do to fix the turnout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 08, 2020, 05:04:29 PM
Wow!!!!! Good luck sir.Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on April 09, 2020, 01:09:56 PM

Pretty amazing, sir....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 09, 2020, 02:37:31 PM
Dennis and Bob

Thank you for stopping by the thread.  I made some progress on my wiring issue - I have found the reason I loose half of a power district - loose jumper wire in the control panel.  The turnout is going to be replaced - definitely shorts out when I throw it and I have to pull it to figure out what's going on. I think it's a manufactures defect but time will tell.  A new turnout is ordered and I'm going to move on to something else while I wait for it to come.  Enough chasing electrical issues for awhile. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 09, 2020, 09:49:48 PM
The Fox Run build has made it's way to my detailing detailing workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 09, 2020, 10:23:45 PM
Very nice job John. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 10, 2020, 08:46:52 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 09, 2020, 10:23:45 PM
Very nice job John. Dennis


Thank you, now for the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 11, 2020, 07:57:07 AM
Update: I have been switch back and forth between working on the Fox Run Milling build and continuing with the track changes and wiring on the layout. I will take a few progress pictures today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 12, 2020, 12:38:42 PM
I have made some progress on the detailing of the Fox Run diorama.  I haven't glued the building to the base board yet, I'm playing with different configurations for the structures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: engine909 on April 12, 2020, 03:35:18 PM
Well done John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 12, 2020, 08:22:43 PM
Quote from: engine909 on April 12, 2020, 03:35:18 PM
Well done John.


Thank you for following along and for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2020, 10:07:47 AM
Progress picture of the Fox Run Build:  I added a foundation and glued the buildings in place. The foundation requires a few changes to the build as you will see in the coming days. Yes - in the end, most of the foundation will be covered.  ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2020, 10:12:02 AM
The castings for the Brick Roundhouse build have been retrieved from storage and are on my little cart.  I started reading the instructions last night.  I have a lot of layout work to do. Another build has begun.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 14, 2020, 10:12:28 AM
Beautiful Job Sir...... I love the paint factory in the background..Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2020, 10:15:56 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 14, 2020, 10:12:28 AM
Beautiful Job Sir...... I love the paint factory in the background..Dennis

Thank you Dennis. It's interesting that all of those paints get used to establish a base color, but I always end up adding chalks over them. I have a drawer full of chalks with most of the same colors.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 14, 2020, 10:57:12 AM
I'm totally impressed with how the paints are all cataloged with color patches and numbers.  My paints are tossed into drawers :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 14, 2020, 11:06:33 AM
Dave, Mine are still in boxes, Along with 100 kit's lol I'm trying though a junk room of 40 years sucks to find a new home for everything. I found things I forgot and have doubles and triples. I have enough stuff to open Dennis's hobby shop for a short period, I'm up to 27 totes of train stuff. Will be building this spring though. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 14, 2020, 11:21:57 AM
Dennis, I hear you!  When we moved, I packed a pick-up bed load of boxes with paints, solvents and stuff the movers wouldn't take, and moved that myself.  Then I rented a U-Haul trailer and moved a pick-up truck and trailer full of the rest of the train stuff.  :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 14, 2020, 11:40:18 AM
Gotta love it. Dave
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2020, 12:21:31 PM
Dave and Dennis

That paint rack with the color chart really speeds up a build.  I created it over time by just painting a color each time I used it until the complete rack was color coded.  I highly recommend it!  If you look at the rack you will see a couple colors missing - that's how I reorder the paints.  If it's missing order another bottle.

As for other organizational issues,  I have been working on wiring under the layout and finding stuff I bought and forgot about.  So far I found a case of super trees, a case of sage brush for trees, and 6 craftsman kits that I shipped from a Narrow Gauge Convention about 15-20 years ago.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 14, 2020, 12:41:36 PM
John, its weird how we find things that we forgot about. I too found kits I didn't even knew I had.  Your paint rack is a really good idea. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2020, 08:08:03 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 14, 2020, 12:41:36 PM
John, its weird how we find things that we forgot about. I too found kits I didn't even knew I had.  Your paint rack is a really good idea. Dennis


The one organizational issue I just can't seem to fix is keeping my tools where I need them.  As you know, I usually have three projects going at once and work on three different work benches. In just a few hours  I realize that I need to sort the tools back on to the three workbenches, again,  because I have managed to carry them with me from job to job and now have everything on one workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 15, 2020, 08:24:21 AM
John, Me personally I lose tools that's in front of me. But You inspired me to pick them up again and start building Thanks.Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 15, 2020, 03:34:20 PM
Yes - only yesterday I spent ages looking for my clutch pencil I finally found it right at the front of the modelling table under my ruler!

A few years back I visited my local hobby shop right when the owner had decided to make more room by getting rid of his Floquil paint stand.  We lifted the stand up, carried it to my car (with all the paints still in it) and put it in my boot.  Problem solved, all for $60 (and a bit of arm twisting).  When I got home I counted up the bottles - 330!  As a result I have the same paint swabs, but, of course, can't reorder.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 15, 2020, 04:20:44 PM
Wow Mark, What a score of a life time...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2020, 07:15:39 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on April 15, 2020, 03:34:20 PM
Yes - only yesterday I spent ages looking for my clutch pencil I finally found it right at the front of the modelling table under my ruler!

A few years back I visited my local hobby shop right when the owner had decided to make more room by getting rid of his Floquil paint stand.  We lifted the stand up, carried it to my car (with all the paints still in it) and put it in my boot.  Problem solved, all for $60 (and a bit of arm twisting).  When I got home I counted up the bottles - 330!  As a result I have the same paint swabs, but, of course, can't reorder.

Cheers, Mark.


What a great find and buy. That is a lot of paint.  I have one recommendation for you.  Store the bottles upside down - it will help seal the bottles.  I want to watch you use every one of those bottles of paint.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2020, 07:21:47 PM
Today, was a special day on the S&S RR. I started another big project - the Brick Roundhouse for the Superior Yard. I needed to figure out how big it was going to be and laid the castings out once again to make the final decision. I decided on the split design where the locomotives will enter the turn table by passing between two roundhouse sections. The larger building will have 11 stalls and the smaller will have 4 stalls.  There will also be a number outside storage tracks connected to the turntable.  Here are a couple pictures of the base casting laid out in the final configuration.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2020, 07:22:31 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on April 15, 2020, 07:23:43 PM
Wow - this is huge. Will be fun to watch.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2020, 07:24:00 PM
The next step in the design process is to establish what I want to do for the baseboard.  I need to get all of the heights worked out for the track and structure castings.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2020, 07:28:12 PM
Quote from: vinceg on April 15, 2020, 07:23:43 PM
Wow - this is huge. Will be fun to watch.


Thank you for following along and yes it's going to be a big one.  I made the castings a few months back but then stored them away until I completed the three projects I had on the workbench. Since I'm in the final detailing stage on the Fox Run build I decided to get this one started. I was originally planning on a 3 and 9 stall facility so I need to take inventory and make sure I have enough castings. If not - I will be making some more castings before I can get started with the cleaning, painting and assembly process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on April 15, 2020, 08:34:06 PM
This will be a very interesting build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 15, 2020, 09:43:26 PM
Holy smoke!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 15, 2020, 10:31:19 PM
John, I will be following this build real close. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 16, 2020, 07:42:01 AM
Hey John:

I've always loved turntables and round houses. They are one of my favorite on A layout. Can't wait to see what you do with this project.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:43:24 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on April 15, 2020, 08:34:06 PM
This will be a very interesting build.

Thank you for following along Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:44:30 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on April 15, 2020, 09:43:26 PM
Holy smoke!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along, this is going to be a big project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:46:29 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 15, 2020, 10:31:19 PM
John, I will be following this build real close. Dennis


Thank you for following along, I hope you are starting your build, too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:50:55 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 16, 2020, 07:42:01 AM
Hey John:

I've always loved turntables and round houses. They are one of my favorite on A layout. Can't wait to see what you do with this project.



I like round houses, too. Before my layout is complete, I hope to have a roundhouse home for each of my steam locomotives. I have plans for a few more smaller roundhouses on the layout, including an HOn3 roundhouse in a section that I haven't even started, yet.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:39:04 PM
I made significant progress on the Brick Roundhouse Project, today.  I completed the layout process and cut the holes for the building foundations. The baseboards for the two sections of the roundhouse will fit in these holes and be adjusted for height for proper track alignment.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:40:03 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:40:24 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:41:48 PM
I also made some progress on the Fox Run build.  Here are a few progress pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:42:09 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 16, 2020, 08:42:30 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on April 16, 2020, 08:47:28 PM
Just amazing ...sir

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 16, 2020, 09:22:15 PM
I agree, Amazing work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 16, 2020, 09:37:25 PM
Coming on nicely, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 17, 2020, 05:04:37 AM
Can't repeat it enough , amazing job .
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on April 17, 2020, 08:20:07 AM
Fox Run looks fantastic, John. Glad you finally have the beams out there under the upper extension, now. It has been cantilevered out there for many months, now. I have been worried that one of the workers would call the building inspector and create trouble....
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2020, 08:30:11 AM
Quote from: bparrish on April 16, 2020, 08:47:28 PM
Just amazing ...sir



Thank you for the kind words and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2020, 08:30:47 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 16, 2020, 09:22:15 PM
I agree, Amazing work.


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2020, 08:31:27 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on April 16, 2020, 09:37:25 PM
Coming on nicely, John.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, trying to make a little progress each day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2020, 08:47:36 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 17, 2020, 05:04:37 AM
Can't repeat it enough , amazing job .


Thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2020, 08:48:16 AM
Quote from: vinceg on April 17, 2020, 08:20:07 AM
Fox Run looks fantastic, John. Glad you finally have the beams out there under the upper extension, now. It has been cantilevered out there for many months, now. I have been worried that one of the workers would call the building inspector and create trouble....


Thank you, the building inspector is now happy - a few more days and we should get an occupancy permit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 17, 2020, 10:02:05 AM
Hey John:

Just amazing work. And you know what I saw that I use on my models. Cap shingles on your roofs. So much better than folded paper. Where do you get those Model Color paints from?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2020, 01:33:02 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 17, 2020, 10:02:05 AM
Hey John:

Just amazing work. And you know what I saw that I use on my models. Cap shingles on your roofs. So much better than folded paper. Where do you get those Model Color paints from?


Hi Karl

Yup - the cap shingles are much better looking and prototypical.

I bought the original set of paints from Micro Mart a few years back. I have been buying the replacements off Amazon because I can buy single colors at a time (not sets).  One word on these paints - as Brett Gallant pointed out - they dry a little to shinny for some applications - so I usually dust them down with Rembrandt Soft Pastels. If you go back to my last dozen or so builds that is the process I have used.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 08:55:49 AM
Update: I received the track pieces and turnouts that I need to complete the track changes in the Eagles Nest Yard, yesterday.  So I think I'm going to wrap that project up today. I also have lots of fences under construction on my workbench for the Fox Run build.  I think it will be time for some more progress pictures this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 18, 2020, 11:23:15 AM
Fences are "High ROI".  They're easy to do, and they can make a significant difference in how a scene looks. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on April 18, 2020, 11:40:04 AM
I agree with Dave about the fences. Those Bar Mills Insta Fence kits, in particular, are so easy and effective. You can easily divide a scene, control viewing angles, inject a little color and/or add interest with signs or damage. Return on investment is a great way to put it.

Your layout is incredible John!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 12:39:03 PM
Quote from: deemery on April 18, 2020, 11:23:15 AM
Fences are "High ROI".  They're easy to do, and they can make a significant difference in how a scene looks. 



I agree, I remember when I added the fences to my Brambell's build.  I have a little experiment going on - I'm going to build the fences on the template cards for the Fox Run build and then use some of the pre-made plastic fences and try to weather them up and see what they look like beside the wood scratch built fences. I have seen George Sellios do amazing things to make plastic look like wood. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 12:41:51 PM
Quote from: cuse on April 18, 2020, 11:40:04 AM
I agree with Dave about the fences. Those Bar Mills Insta Fence kits, in particular, are so easy and effective. You can easily divide a scene, control viewing angles, inject a little color and/or add interest with signs or damage. Return on investment is a great way to put it.

Your layout is incredible John!


I have a internet search project for tonight - Bar Mills insta fences? I don't remember seeing them.  Are they wood or plastic?  Laser cut wood?  ROI is good! I have a lot of fences to make for this layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 18, 2020, 01:39:01 PM
John I believe everything I'm reading there laser cut wood. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 07:55:17 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 18, 2020, 01:39:01 PM
John I believe everything I'm reading there laser cut wood. Dennis ( (

Thank you for the websites - I'm looking through my details box and finding a few fences that I have bought over the years.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 08:01:47 PM
The base boards for the Brick Roundhouse were cut and made their way to my workbenches. Before I fastened them to the workbenches I did some experimenting with painting techniques.  A few questions had to be asked: Do I want to paint each casting and then assemble them?  Or do I want to paint the assembly?  What will fit in the paint booth? Do I plan on painting them outside?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 08:03:54 PM
Here the baseboards on the workbenches waiting for the fun to begin.  I have a lot of castings to prepare!

The small roundhouse - four stalls.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 18, 2020, 08:04:40 PM
The big roundhouse (11 stalls).

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 18, 2020, 08:09:57 PM
That's one heck of a roundhouse. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 19, 2020, 04:53:31 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 18, 2020, 08:09:57 PM
That's one heck of a roundhouse. Dennis

Yes - the size makes for some build issues that I need to get managed before I start gluing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 19, 2020, 09:44:05 PM
Well today, the baseboard was back on the layout - getting every one of the floor castings lined up with the center of the turntable is a difficult task. My first attempt on the workbench had the roundhouse growing by a 1/4 of an inch, by the time I got to the eleventh casting. Even though they came out of the same mold they are all a little different in size.  A little different times 11 equals a 1/4 inch in this case. This is why I didn't become a chemical engineer. Different batch of resin, different cooling rate, etc. etc.  We will get there with a little sanding here and there.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 19, 2020, 09:53:53 PM
I still like it, The right man is on the job.............Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 20, 2020, 03:38:27 AM
hey John:

I'm following along and I'm sure you will solve any problems that show up. Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on April 20, 2020, 03:41:25 AM

Looks like a grad thesis in trigonometry.

Really cool

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 20, 2020, 10:32:56 AM
I remember a similar set of calculations/layout with my old CM Roundhouse (on the previous forum.)  The plaster castings weren't precise, my fit wasn't quite perfect, and the resulting angles were slightly off.  I did similar layout things with yardsticks to determine the proper center for the turntable and then the length of the leads from the TT to the roundhouse tracks. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2020, 10:28:03 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 19, 2020, 09:53:53 PM
I still like it, The right man is on the job.............Dennis


Thank you for your confidence - we will see how this works out. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2020, 10:30:11 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 20, 2020, 03:38:27 AM
hey John:

I'm following along and I'm sure you will solve any problems that show up. Keep up the good work.



Thank you for following along - this is the first big test of resin castings for me.  My Stone Roundhouse was with hydrocal castings - and I didn't have this issue. I will get it worked out but it will take some time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2020, 10:33:36 PM
Quote from: bparrish on April 20, 2020, 03:41:25 AM

Looks like a grad thesis in trigonometry.

Really cool


So far I have used trigonometry, geometry, chemistry, and some language skills I learned in the shop. :-[  Actually is a cool - challenging project.  Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on April 20, 2020, 10:35:12 PM
I had a similar situation recently when I installed my roundhouse.  I already had the turntable installed, then I built the roundhouse, and then had a hell of a time lining up the roundhouse with the turntable.  But I finally got it figures out.  My wife was telling me about my language skills when this was going on.  but it worked
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2020, 10:39:29 PM
Quote from: deemery on April 20, 2020, 10:32:56 AM
I remember a similar set of calculations/layout with my old CM Roundhouse (on the previous forum.)  The plaster castings weren't precise, my fit wasn't quite perfect, and the resulting angles were slightly off.  I did similar layout things with yardsticks to determine the proper center for the turntable and then the length of the leads from the TT to the roundhouse tracks. 



I remember that build thread.  You did a great job - I wonder if it is till available? I have decided to get all the tracks pointed at the center of the turntable and trim the castings as required. It is amazing how much difference there is in castings that came out of the same mold. If you were building a three stall roundhouse the difference wouldn't matter. The bigger the roundhouse gets the more the error buildup affects the build. I'm still wondering what I will run up against when I start putting the walls together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2020, 10:44:47 PM
Quote from: sdrees on April 20, 2020, 10:35:12 PM
I had a similar situation recently when I installed my roundhouse.  I already had the turntable installed, then I built the roundhouse, and then had a hell of a time lining up the roundhouse with the turntable.  But I finally got it figures out.  My wife was telling me about my language skills when this was going on.  but it worked


It seems to be a very common problem with roundhouses. My solution is to install the track on the resin bases and make sure that they all meet at the center of the turntable before I start gluing them to the baseboard. As for the language skills - I have to constantly work on mine - especially now that I have Grandchildren around.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 21, 2020, 09:02:38 AM
The old forum is on 

The idea to align the centerline of the roundhouse front to the turntable center, and then build the rest of the model around them, is the right one.  I kinda reverse engineered that, by projecting the center line of the tracks back towards the roundhouse, and then picking the "average center" where the lines aligned.  I gave a bit of extra weighting in my "calculation" to the lines from the outer stalls, figuring if I got those two correct, the rest of the roundhouse wouldn't be quite so obviously out of alignment, but if one of those was out, the roundhouse would probably look skewed.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 09:16:38 AM
Quote from: deemery on April 21, 2020, 09:02:38 AM
The old forum is on ( 

The idea to align the centerline of the roundhouse front to the turntable center, and then build the rest of the model around them, is the right one.  I kinda reverse engineered that, by projecting the center line of the tracks back towards the roundhouse, and then picking the "average center" where the lines aligned.  I gave a bit of extra weighting in my "calculation" to the lines from the outer stalls, figuring if I got those two correct, the rest of the roundhouse wouldn't be quite so obviously out of alignment, but if one of those was out, the roundhouse would probably look skewed.



I decided to make a cardboard template with the turntable center and attach it to my baseboard so I have that point in space called center on my workbench for constant reference.  It is very easy to get an error buildup as you build 11 stalls.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Lynnb on April 21, 2020, 01:06:40 PM
You're going to have a good laugh about this some day , but not today . ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 05:50:20 PM
Quote from: Lynnb on April 21, 2020, 01:06:40 PM
You're going to have a good laugh about this some day , but not today . ;D


We all need a challenge once and awhile to keep things interesting.  I spent three hours this afternoon sanding and fitting and the 1/4 inch went away.  I will try to remember to take a picture of my layout setup this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 08:34:01 PM
Here is a picture of the cardboard template I made to line up the base castings for the roundhouse.  As I said above, after three houses of sanding and fitting the castings are all lined up and ready for the gluing process.  I plan to glue everything in place and then paint it as an assembly. It will fit in my paint booth if we don't get some nice weather, soon enough, to paint it outside.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 08:37:03 PM
Here is a picture with a few more track sections laid on top, I'm into the turntable before the tracks converge - all is well on the roundhouse project tonight.


Now for the wall castings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 08:38:56 PM
On another modeling front. Here is a progress picture of the Fox Run Build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 21, 2020, 08:43:07 PM
John, Your doing a fantastic job sir...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on April 21, 2020, 08:46:53 PM
John - Nice combination of Fox Run next to Sewall's.  I loved building both of those.  Sewall's is in a box in my garage and in dire need of some restoration (it got damaged in the move to Florida).  Fox Run I built for Mr. Seckler and, if I'm not mistaken, is on his layout.  I'm slowing infesting layouts one at a time.   ;)

Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 22, 2020, 09:10:27 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 21, 2020, 08:43:07 PM
John, Your doing a fantastic job sir...Dennis


Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 22, 2020, 09:12:17 AM
Quote from: ReadingBob on April 21, 2020, 08:46:53 PM
John - Nice combination of Fox Run next to Sewall's.  I loved building both of those.  Sewall's is in a box in my garage and in dire need of some restoration (it got damaged in the move to Florida).  Fox Run I built for Mr. Seckler and, if I'm not mistaken, is on his layout.  I'm slowing infesting layouts one at a time.   ;)

Keep up the great work!


Thank you for stopping by and the kind words. They are two great kits. Combining them was a fun change to make them just a little different. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on April 22, 2020, 12:39:52 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 08:37:03 PM
Here is a picture with a few more track sections laid on top, I'm into the turntable before the tracks converge - all is well on the roundhouse project tonight.


Now for the wall castings.

Congratulations on earning the Doctorate of Roundhouse Design Certificate !
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 22, 2020, 01:49:25 PM
One thought occurred to me:  If you got a 2' section of RibbonRail track gauge, the equivalent in FastTracks SweepSticks, or made your own 2' long strip that is exactly track gauge wide, you could drill a hole in one end and use that as a 'trammel' to lay out the tracks.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Lynnb on April 22, 2020, 03:11:33 PM
Your Fox Run looks fantastic, I had just tripped over Bob Butts Fox Run Milling build from 2014 , I think I was just googling the kit as I've been on the lookout for one for a while now.
I remember back when I was trying to get my tracks alligned for a simply two stall engine house with a newer Walthers TT and although not impossible but wasn't easy, can't imagine how you're figuring this one out. :o
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 22, 2020, 09:23:47 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on April 22, 2020, 12:39:52 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on April 21, 2020, 08:37:03 PM
Here is a picture with a few more track sections laid on top, I'm into the turntable before the tracks converge - all is well on the roundhouse project tonight.


Now for the wall castings.

Congratulations on earning the Doctorate of Roundhouse Design Certificate !

Thank you Tommy.  I'm sure pilling it higher and deeper on the project. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 22, 2020, 09:26:10 PM
Quote from: deemery on April 22, 2020, 01:49:25 PM
One thought occurred to me:  If you got a 2' section of RibbonRail track gauge, the equivalent in FastTracks SweepSticks, or made your own 2' long strip that is exactly track gauge wide, you could drill a hole in one end and use that as a 'trammel' to lay out the tracks.



Great minds think alike.  I have one hanging on the wall from the stone roundhouse build a few years back.  Now that I have the castings right it will become very useful in gluing the track in place in the castings in the right orientation.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 22, 2020, 09:29:31 PM
Quote from: Lynnb on April 22, 2020, 03:11:33 PM
Your Fox Run looks fantastic, I had just tripped over Bob Butts Fox Run Milling build from 2014 , I think I was just googling the kit as I've been on the lookout for one for a while now.
I remember back when I was trying to get my tracks alligned for a simply two stall engine house with a newer Walthers TT and although not impossible but wasn't easy, can't imagine how you're figuring this one out. :o


Thank you for stopping by and the kind words.  This roundhouse project is all about measuring a dozen times and then gluing once.  I'm getting close to getting the glue bottle out for the base castings. ;)  I want to do a dry fit with the wall castings first. Pictures soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 24, 2020, 07:12:06 PM
Update: Today, I spent a good part of the day sanding and fitting castings for the Brick Roundhouse project.  I'm also sitting down at the detailing workbench to add more details to the Fox Run build.  I can't believe how many detail castings I've added and it will take many more before it is finished.  Tomorrow, I will take some progress pictures. Tonight, I decided to do a complete layout electric test to make sure everything is working properly before I start running trains again.  I already found one of the new turnouts that didn't get a proper gap for the frog.  When I though the turnout it shorted out the power block.  Two minutes with the Dremel and a cutting wheel and the problem was solved.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: BandOGuy on April 24, 2020, 09:52:57 PM

I was too tired to read way back into the turntable thread tonight, but:
If that's the Walthers 110' turntable kit, I just watched a YouTube video this week on installing that unit. At the time of the film, the mounting hole to be drilled by the opening for the indexing mechanism on the roundhouse side of the pit did not correspond to the actual mounting nub under the turntable ring. It was on the wrong side of the index opening on the plan view. Don't know if Walthers has updated the diagram since the film was shot or if it affects your mounting. Just a word of caution.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 25, 2020, 08:15:12 AM
Quote from: BandOGuy on April 24, 2020, 09:52:57 PM

I was too tired to read way back into the turntable thread tonight, but:
If that's the Walthers 110' turntable kit, I just watched a YouTube video this week on installing that unit. At the time of the film, the mounting hole to be drilled by the opening for the indexing mechanism on the roundhouse side of the pit did not correspond to the actual mounting nub under the turntable ring. It was on the wrong side of the index opening on the plan view. Don't know if Walthers has updated the diagram since the film was shot or if it affects your mounting. Just a word of caution.

Thank you for the heads up. I think mine is okay because I cut the hole to the diagram and the turntable fit in - but I will check on it the next time I do a test fit. As I remember from my last installation - that was a 90 foot table for the Stone Roundhouse - the big thing to watch is the dead track area. I need to check that out one more time before I start gluing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 25, 2020, 11:21:59 AM
Hey John:

It's really coming along. It looks like A lot of work and planing. Keep at it. Can't wait for more progress.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 26, 2020, 07:23:58 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 25, 2020, 11:21:59 AM
Hey John:

It's really coming along. It looks like A lot of work and planing. Keep at it. Can't wait for more progress.



Thank you for following along.  The layout is keeping me out of trouble. I will have some more progress pictures soon.  I'm getting close on the Fox Run build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:10:36 PM
Today, I took some markup progress pictures of my Fox Run build.  These are the pictures that I will mark up on my iPad with changes etc.  I thought I would share them.  The dirt on the rear of the building was just glued down so it was time to leave it alone for a few hours.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:11:05 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:13:49 PM

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:14:10 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:14:27 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:14:46 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 07:15:12 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 27, 2020, 08:14:31 PM
Hi John, you using foam board for the base?........Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 08:20:02 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 27, 2020, 08:14:31 PM
Hi John, you using foam board for the base?........Dennis

Yes - but it will sit on 3/4 inch exterior grade plywood on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 27, 2020, 08:21:58 PM
Thanks John....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on April 27, 2020, 08:37:46 PM
That is very nice John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 27, 2020, 09:54:12 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on April 27, 2020, 08:37:46 PM
That is very nice John.

Thank you Curt
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 28, 2020, 03:25:36 AM
Great build John, awesome looking  , hope you don't mind if I say that I'm not really fond of the white signs on the fence , somehow they look too much like paper ( I suppose they are paper ) and I hardly think they would be paper in real.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 28, 2020, 09:06:40 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 28, 2020, 03:25:36 AM
Great build John, awesome looking  , hope you don't mind if I say that I'm not really fond of the white signs on the fence , somehow they look too much like paper ( I suppose they are paper ) and I hardly think they would be paper in real.


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  Your comment is noted and I agree about the white signs.  First step will be to tone them down with some A&I and see how much that helps. They are currently just how they came off the printer.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Lynnb on April 28, 2020, 11:55:03 AM
Love the structure photos, and totally awsome paint setup. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 28, 2020, 02:51:42 PM
Beautiful structures, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 28, 2020, 04:44:04 PM
Quote from: Lynnb on April 28, 2020, 11:55:03 AM
Love the structure photos, and totally awsome paint setup. ;)


Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 28, 2020, 04:45:13 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on April 28, 2020, 02:51:42 PM
Beautiful structures, John.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, a few loose ends to clean up and they will be ready for the layout.  I will do all the scenery once they are on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 28, 2020, 09:13:02 PM
I changed the signs on the fence - Jan was right about them looking like pieces of paper.  I added some color and a border - What do you think?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 28, 2020, 09:16:54 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about. Great Job John... Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on April 28, 2020, 09:39:55 PM
Looks great.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 29, 2020, 03:41:00 AM
Hey John:

I think it looks just great. Beautiful job on the whole model.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 29, 2020, 06:26:22 AM
Much , much better John , now they look like signs someone would put there for longer then one rainy day  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 07:55:55 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 28, 2020, 09:16:54 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about. Great Job John... Dennis

Thank you Dennis - I have a few more things on my list and this one will be heading for the layout. I think I said earlier that I will be adding all the scenery materials, bushes, trees, grass, etc. once I move it to the layout and can make it blend in with everything that's already there.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 07:56:35 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on April 28, 2020, 09:39:55 PM
Looks great.


Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 07:59:21 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 29, 2020, 03:41:00 AM
Hey John:

I think it looks just great. Beautiful job on the whole model.



Thank you for the encouragement.  Another empty yellow box to add to my collection. ;)  I will be taking the cover off G. Wilikers in the next few days, as soon as I get the wall finished for the Brick Roundhouse.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 08:04:39 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 29, 2020, 06:26:22 AM
Much , much better John , now they look like signs someone would put there for longer then one rainy day  ;)


Thank you for saying something about the signs.  I think the model is better now.  I think somewhere in the town of Sellios there will be a Jan's sign and golfing equipment store. ;) 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:44:35 PM
I took some pictures of the Fox Run build before I moved it from my workbench to the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:44:57 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:45:18 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:45:36 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:45:54 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:46:20 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:50:52 PM
This afternoon the model was moved to the layout.  I took a few pictures of it in place.  The base board is not setting directly on the plywood yet because I need to cut holes for the LED wires.  I will then mount the foam boards to the plywood benchwork and begin the scenery around all the builds in this area.  I have some roof detailing work to complete on the Eagles Nest Warehouse that sits directly behind these new builds.


Note: The dowels you see coming out of the benchwork are marking the holes for the control wires that will run from the servo motors underneath the layout to the turnouts in the yard. It is a great way of locating the servo locations.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:51:30 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:51:54 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:52:13 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:52:33 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:52:58 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:53:15 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:53:39 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:53:59 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:54:19 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2020, 09:54:41 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 30, 2020, 02:17:03 AM
Hey John:

Oh My what can I say but just beautiful

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 30, 2020, 06:43:02 AM
What a magnificent scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on April 30, 2020, 07:52:36 AM
John, Fox Run and Sewell's look wonderful in their location on the layout.  Very Impressive !!

I am also most interested in how you will be using and mounting your servo motors for the turnouts.   I have been considering doing the same and would like to use the servos with a bell-crank type alignment (as opposed to 'direct' type wire as in the tortoise type alignment) as my turnouts are currently in place.    Looking forward to seeing what you do there.

Thanks and again great work in all you are doing on the S&S RR !!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on April 30, 2020, 07:54:21 AM
Beautiful looking scene, John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on April 30, 2020, 07:55:05 AM

The scene in the above photo is wonderful. Lots of nice structures with lots of track in the foreground. Well done my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:12:39 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 30, 2020, 02:17:03 AM
Hey John:

Oh My what can I say but just beautiful



Thank you - I can't wait to get the track all detailed and the scenery in to frame the structures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:14:21 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 30, 2020, 06:43:02 AM
What a magnificent scene.


Thank you for following along and the kind words. It will look a lot better when I get the track in foreground all detailed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:22:48 AM
Quote from: PaulS on April 30, 2020, 07:52:36 AM
John, Fox Run and Sewell's look wonderful in their location on the layout.  Very Impressive !!

I am also most interested in how you will be using and mounting your servo motors for the turnouts.   I have been considering doing the same and would like to use the servos with a bell-crank type alignment (as opposed to 'direct' type wire as in the tortoise type alignment) as my turnouts are currently in place.    Looking forward to seeing what you do there.

Thanks and again great work in all you are doing on the S&S RR !!


Thank you for the kind words.

I will be using the servo system that Barrett Hill sells. The configuration will be a little different on each of turnouts in this area.  I have some that will be right beside the track with the servo motor covered by a small shed, some will have long wires that attach to the servo motor at an angle underneath the layout, and some will be controlled from the side with the servo motor mounted in the facia.  Stay tuned, I will take pictures as I install them and get them running.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:23:31 AM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on April 30, 2020, 07:54:21 AM
Beautiful looking scene, John.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:25:30 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on April 30, 2020, 07:55:05 AM

The scene in the above photo is wonderful. Lots of nice structures with lots of track in the foreground. Well done my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouragement. I'm excited to see this scene with the track and scenery completed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on April 30, 2020, 09:32:56 AM
Excellent scene and the background really gives it depth.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 10:30:27 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on April 30, 2020, 09:32:56 AM
Excellent scene and the background really gives it depth.


Thank you for the inspirational words - I think the scene will get even more depth as I add some foreground features like trees and track side sheds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 30, 2020, 03:28:57 PM
Looking very nice, John.

I'm curious as to where the roads will go - especially to service the two warehouses at the back.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on April 30, 2020, 04:43:37 PM
WOW John, this is really taking shape very nicely.  It is  going be a great looking scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on April 30, 2020, 05:37:27 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:22:48 AM

Thank you for the kind words.

I will be using the servo system that Barrett Hill sells. The configuration will be a little different on each of turnouts in this area.  I have some that will be right beside the track with the servo motor covered by a small shed, some will have long wires that attach to the servo motor at an angle underneath the layout, and some will be controlled from the side with the servo motor mounted in the facia.  Stay tuned, I will take pictures as I install them and get them running.

Thanks John and looking forward to the lesson !!
And keep up the great work,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 07:22:48 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on April 30, 2020, 03:28:57 PM
Looking very nice, John.

I'm curious as to where the roads will go - especially to service the two warehouses at the back.

Cheers, Mark.


Thanks for following along. The side of the warehouse that is in view is the rail access with a rail also running into the left side of the structure.  Any truck traffic would be out the back of the building, which is out of view.  There will be a road running around the back on the left side along side the rail.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 07:36:34 PM
Quote from: sdrees on April 30, 2020, 04:43:37 PM
WOW John, this is really taking shape very nicely.  It is  going be a great looking scene.


Thank you for following along - I'm looking at how I want to complete the scenery to make this all blend together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 07:37:56 PM
Quote from: PaulS on April 30, 2020, 05:37:27 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 09:22:48 AM

Thank you for the kind words.

I will be using the servo system that Barrett Hill sells. The configuration will be a little different on each of turnouts in this area.  I have some that will be right beside the track with the servo motor covered by a small shed, some will have long wires that attach to the servo motor at an angle underneath the layout, and some will be controlled from the side with the servo motor mounted in the facia.  Stay tuned, I will take pictures as I install them and get them running.

Thanks John and looking forward to the lesson !!
And keep up the great work,

I don't know about a lesson - this is my first attempt at using servos to control turnouts - so we can learn together.  So far it looks pretty straight forward.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on April 30, 2020, 07:41:57 PM
I've installed a couple of servos, the Tam Valley "Switchwright" integrated servo and control board.  The Mark 2 version has a 3D printed bracket (the first version had laser-cut wood.)  I slightly drill out the mounting holes for #6 screws.  I'm using the onboard relay to switch the frogs, since these are going into the HOn30 (non-DCC) part of the layout.  Duncan includes some pressure-sensitive mounting tape to position the machine/bracket before you install the screws.  That works well, as long as you don't have to do too much adjustment.  One thing to keep in mind (true on any switch machine) is the direction of travel has to be perpendicular to the track, so I had a bit of a challenge to extend that line to the edge of the layout and then underneath to make sure the switch machine was mounted on that axis. 

Mounting these is really tough for one person to do, in this time of 'shelter in place' :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 07:51:13 PM
Quote from: deemery on April 30, 2020, 07:41:57 PM
I've installed a couple of servos, the Tam Valley "Switchwright" integrated servo and control board.  The Mark 2 version has a 3D printed bracket (the first version had laser-cut wood.)  I slightly drill out the mounting holes for #6 screws.  I'm using the onboard relay to switch the frogs, since these are going into the HOn30 (non-DCC) part of the layout.  Duncan includes some pressure-sensitive mounting tape to position the machine/bracket before you install the screws.  That works well, as long as you don't have to do too much adjustment.  One thing to keep in mind (true on any switch machine) is the direction of travel has to be perpendicular to the track, so I had a bit of a challenge to extend that line to the edge of the layout and then underneath to make sure the switch machine was mounted on that axis. 

Mounting these is really tough for one person to do, in this time of 'shelter in place' :-)


There have been a number of times in the last few weeks when it would have been nice to have an extra set of hands. ;)  There has been a lot of crawling out from under the layout to see if what I just did worked. ::)  I can't wait until the Grandkids and my train buddies can visit again.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 07:56:48 PM
Update:  The first stall base for the Brick Roundhouse got glued down today. Lots of sanding and fitting in my future for this project. I decided to glue all the base castings to the plywood before starting to paint.  With all the fitting the touch up would be like painting them all over again. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 07:58:08 PM
I didn't take a setup picture but the centerline of the casting is lined up with the center of the turntable using my template.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 08:05:02 PM
On another front - I couldn't keep walking past an empty workbench so the cover came of the G. Wilikers build.  The traditional opening the box pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 08:06:15 PM

The wall castings got a coat of primer before I made molds of them for another project.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2020, 08:07:35 PM
A lot of detail castings to paint for this one.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 30, 2020, 08:25:15 PM
Oh boy......... :) Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 30, 2020, 08:43:12 PM
I think this one is my favourite FSM offering.

I'll be cheering you on, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 01, 2020, 07:57:05 AM
Dennis and Mark

Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on May 01, 2020, 08:58:20 AM
I'll be following John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 01, 2020, 06:19:59 PM
Yippee Ky Yay.  My fave as well. Let'r rip!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 02, 2020, 01:41:38 AM
Hey John:

That's A great kit. I'll be following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 02, 2020, 07:50:40 AM
Curt, Vince, and Karl

Thank you for following along. I spent a few hours, yesterday preparing the detail castings for priming. The fun has begun.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 02, 2020, 06:35:21 PM
Update:  A lot of detail castings made their way through the paint booth, today.  I also spent a few hours trimming, sand and fitting the resin castings for the Brick Roundhouse build. This afternoon was spent out on the tractor finishing the landscaping work I had to do and then installing the mower deck. It's May 2nd, is it safe to take the plow off the tractor?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on May 02, 2020, 07:17:02 PM
Let's hope so John? It snowed here less then a week ago. John you use spray paint or Air brush your castings? Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 02, 2020, 08:46:04 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on May 02, 2020, 07:17:02 PM
Let's hope so John? It snowed here less then a week ago. John you use spray paint or Air brush your castings? Dennis


I use spray cans - to prime them. Then acrylic paints and chalks.  Back in the floquil days I used my air brush but I haven't used it for a long time now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 03, 2020, 10:58:06 AM
John looks like you picked another winner.  Following along!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 03, 2020, 03:45:02 PM
Quote from: Jerry on May 03, 2020, 10:58:06 AM
John looks like you picked another winner.  Following along!



Great to have you following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 03, 2020, 03:50:34 PM
I made a test casting for the coloring of the walls for my Brick Roundhouse today. 


Started with a red automotive primer color.  Spray Can

Next, painted all the concrete with concrete color acrylic paint. applied with a brush

Then, I went over the concrete with a neutral great pastel chalk. applied with a brush

Followed that step with a coating of light raw umber pastel chalk. applied with a brush

Used an eraser to remove  some of the raw umber pastel from the surface of the brick.

Dry brushed, locally with some black pastel chalk for some dark accents.

Note: This casting was picked for my test piece because of the air bubbles that you can see when you zoom in on the picture.

What do you think?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on May 03, 2020, 04:39:59 PM
I like it John.  looks very good.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on May 03, 2020, 04:52:52 PM
I agree with Steve, looks good.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on May 03, 2020, 05:02:50 PM
John Allen would be proud !
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 03, 2020, 05:33:35 PM
Try a light grey mortar rather than white, and see if you like that better. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 03, 2020, 06:49:40 PM
Hi John.

A little while ago I watched a video by Jason Jensen where he used a technique new to me on his Chippy Hollow kitbash.  I thought the results were outstanding, but also that the technique would lend itself to stonework perfectly.  Actually, I was a little bamboozled why he didn't use it on the stone work.  Brickwork painting starts at about minute 24.

Anyway - I think you need to get more variation in the stonework colouring.  When using chalk for mortar I use a fine brush and gentle blowing to remove the dusty look from the internal column seams and around sills and lintels.  I also use the oil off my fingers to remove the grout from the bricks and into the mortar lines.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 03, 2020, 07:45:12 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 03, 2020, 06:49:40 PM
Anyway - I think you need to get more variation in the stonework colouring.  ...

As a rule of thumb, the older the brick, the more color variation.  By the mid 20th century, bricks were being made in pretty uniform colors.  But in the 19th century and before, there could be variation from black to brown to red to orange.  So brick coloring is a good way to imply when the structure was built.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 03, 2020, 09:40:27 PM
Quote from: sdrees on May 03, 2020, 04:39:59 PM
I like it John.  looks very good.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along - after painting this one casting I'm getting a feeling for how huge this project is.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 03, 2020, 09:42:10 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on May 03, 2020, 04:52:52 PM
I agree with Steve, looks good.



Thank you  - now for all the real castings that I'm going to use.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 03, 2020, 09:59:59 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on May 03, 2020, 05:02:50 PM
John Allen would be proud !


Thank you - like most of us  - John Allen got it all started for me. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 04, 2020, 03:05:19 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 03, 2020, 06:49:40 PM
Hi John.

A little while ago I watched a video by Jason Jensen where he used a technique new to me on his Chippy Hollow kitbash.  I thought the results were outstanding, but also that the technique would lend itself to stonework perfectly.  Actually, I was a little bamboozled why he didn't use it on the stone work.  Brickwork painting starts at about minute 24. (

Anyway - I think you need to get more variation in the stonework colouring.  When using chalk for mortar I use a fine brush and gentle blowing to remove the dusty look from the internal column seams and around sills and lintels.  I also use the oil off my fingers to remove the grout from the bricks and into the mortar lines.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the suggestions.

I took a look at Jason's video - I have used the sponge and acrylic paint technique on a number of my builds. It does give excellent results.  My first test sample is basically my version of the coloring that Bob recommends. I'm going to try a test casting with the same brick but add some color variation to the Stone on the bottom.  I will probably try a couple more before making a final decision.  Thank you again, for following along and the suggestions.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 04, 2020, 03:08:59 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 03, 2020, 05:33:35 PM
Try a light grey mortar rather than white, and see if you like that better. 


The mortar on the top brick can be more grey if I add more color to the bottom stone work.  I will give it a try on my next test sample.  Thank you for the suggestion.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 04, 2020, 03:14:36 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 03, 2020, 07:45:12 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 03, 2020, 06:49:40 PM
Anyway - I think you need to get more variation in the stonework colouring.  ...

As a rule of thumb, the older the brick, the more color variation.  By the mid 20th century, bricks were being made in pretty uniform colors.  But in the 19th century and before, there could be variation from black to brown to red to orange.  So brick coloring is a good way to imply when the structure was built.



I agree with your rule of thumb - my time frame is the late 1940's.  I like the look of the top brick but may try the sponge technique on one test sample just to see what it looks like. I definitely want to take a look at using a color variation with the bottom stone work. Stay tuned - I will post some pictures as I play with it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 04, 2020, 03:17:36 PM
John - just to be clear - what I am suggesting is that you try Jason's brick technique (which starts at minute 24 and uses a brush rather than a sponge) to paint your stonework.  I just thought it was a technique which would get variations within individual stones rather than from one stone to the next.  Its been my experience when looking at stonework closely in the prototype that each stone has several different colours within it.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 04, 2020, 03:59:24 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 04, 2020, 03:17:36 PM
John - just to be clear - what I am suggesting is that you try Jason's brick technique (which starts at minute 24 and uses a brush rather than a sponge) to paint your stonework.  I just thought it was a technique which would get variations within individual stones rather than from one stone to the next.  Its been my experience when looking at stonework closely in the prototype that each stone has several different colours within it.

Cheers, Mark.


I understand your recommendation, it makes for some beautiful brick and stone work. I have done it with a sponge and by dabbing with a brush.  I will make a test sample.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 07:05:07 PM
Update: I made progress on a number of fronts, today.  First, I installed 8 more tortoise machines and got them wired into the control panel and operational. I have 10 more tortoise machines  and 8 servo controlled turnouts to complete and the entire layout with 140 turnouts will be electrified and operational.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 07, 2020, 07:10:04 PM
John, what's your process for deciding between servo turnout and Tortoise turnout?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 07:31:21 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 07, 2020, 07:10:04 PM
John, what's your process for deciding between servo turnout and Tortoise turnout?



The majority of the turnouts are controlled by tortoise machines mounted in the traditional manor directly under the turnout.  I have a few locations where there is not easy access directly under the turnouts so I have fabricated wire linkages that run at an angel to a servo motor, sometimes as much as 12 inches away.  I had originally planned to use tortoise machines and custom mounting brackets for this purpose but discovered the servo motor option when I decided to use Barrett Hill Touch Control switches. The servo motors come with a variety of linkages to help with the control options.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 09:45:28 PM
To follow up on a couple of open issues on my brick roundhouse we need to have a discussion on bricks.  Bob used standard bricks for his roundhouse kit which are 7 5/8 inch long by 3 5/8 inch high. The bricks on the castings that Jason painted in his video are over 12 inches long and 6 inches high. George described them as O scale bricks that just look good.  Now, before the rivet counters go crazy, manarch bricks, utility bricks, norman bricks  and many other speciality bricks come in the larger size so they are not out of scale. Here is a picture of one of the FSM castings next to the test castings I'm working with from the Brick Roundhouse. If you look at any of the brick buildings on the F&SM George usually used larger bricks and the mortar lines are deeper and wider. And I agree they look great. So I decided to scale down the process Jason described in his video to smaller standard bricks, as a test. Oh and before I forget to mention it, this painting technique is exactly the same as the one I used on all of the rocks for the mountains of the S&S RR.  Yeah, remember the 3400 lbs. of plaster for those of you that have been following along since Vol 1 of this thread.  I used a very small brush to make my blots of paint for this test. About half the size I would normally use for the FSM casting Jason used.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 09:55:19 PM
So here is a blowup of a section of the wall using this scaled down technique on the standard size bricks.


At this magnification you can sure see the air bubblies.  These test castings are from a pour where I got called up for dinner and forgot to use my calibrated rubber hammer to shake the molds and purge the air bubbles. :-[
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 10:01:57 PM
So the test was successful - we achieved the color variation within the individual bricks. It looks like old brick.  The bottom line is that I have a 15 stall roundhouse to paint and a very large layout to finish. That's a lot of painting and I really like the look of the bricks on my original test sample. I made a few tests on adding some color variation to the larger stones on the lower part of the wall and really like how it looks.  I basically colored individual stones three different shades of grey and then dry brushed with a dark burnt umber to bring out the details in the stones.  Here is the test sample with one of the green window castings popped in to see the color combinations all together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 10:05:34 PM

I also tried a darker grey mortar - you can see it in this picture on the left top.


I like the lighter mortar with this casting because you start to loose the individual brick look.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2020, 10:06:52 PM
So tomorrow, I'm going to finish cleaning and fitting all the castings and start building some walls.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on May 07, 2020, 10:13:32 PM
John, Your doing amazing work sir..............Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 08, 2020, 01:58:55 AM
Looks really good, John.

I agree that the lighter mortar works better.  Have you considered a darker grey mortar for the stonework?  You would have to do one part first, seal, and then do the other, I would think, but might be quite striking?  Enjoying your work, whatever you decide to do.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 08, 2020, 07:41:51 AM
Brick looks great, John. I especially love the keystones on the arched windows. Or, as we used to say in Philly....winduhz.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 08, 2020, 08:33:26 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on May 07, 2020, 10:13:32 PM
John, Your doing amazing work sir..............Dennis


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 08, 2020, 08:56:49 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 08, 2020, 01:58:55 AM
Looks really good, John.

I agree that the lighter mortar works better.  Have you considered a darker grey mortar for the stonework?  You would have to do one part first, seal, and then do the other, I would think, but might be quite striking?  Enjoying your work, whatever you decide to do.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the great suggestions.  I have a couple smaller Roundhouses planed for my new area of the layout and I may use the "old brick" look on them.  I really do like how that looks.  A darker grey mortar on the bottom larger stones would highlight the individual stones. I need to try a couple things to see if I can make that work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 08, 2020, 08:58:06 AM
Quote from: vinceg on May 08, 2020, 07:41:51 AM
Brick looks great, John. I especially love the keystones on the arched windows. Or, as we used to say in Philly....winduhz.


Thank you for the kind words - just a little dry brushing made the keystones look a lot better.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2020, 09:11:33 AM
I have three workbenches full of Brick Roundhouse castings getting them ready for painting.


I'm gluing one of the side walls together to see if I can paint it as a subassembly.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on May 10, 2020, 10:34:15 AM
I'm watching very closely my friend. Your doing a phenomenal job.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 10, 2020, 12:46:21 PM
That photo of clamped and weighted roundhouse parts brings flashbacks from my CM Roundhouse build :-) :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on May 10, 2020, 03:47:25 PM

The gray mortar looks good but the addition of the darker gray gives it the old coal soot look. I like it.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2020, 03:51:57 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on May 10, 2020, 10:34:15 AM
I'm watching very closely my friend. Your doing a phenomenal job.....Dennis

Thank you for following along, this is a monster project. I need to count how many window castings I have to paint and I'm afraid too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2020, 03:52:48 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 10, 2020, 12:46:21 PM
That photo of clamped and weighted roundhouse parts brings flashbacks from my CM Roundhouse build :-) :-)



Yup, I will get to use every clamp and weight I own on this project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2020, 03:56:01 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on May 10, 2020, 03:47:25 PM

The gray mortar looks good but the addition of the darker gray gives it the old coal soot look. I like it.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouraging words, in the 1940's everything had that old coal soot look. I brought this project forward so I have a place to store my steam locomotives on the layout.  Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2020, 06:50:43 PM
Today, the paint booth was a very busy place on the S&S RR. I have castings stacked everywhere. :o

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2020, 06:51:57 PM
I think the paint booth is going to need a good cleaning after this project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 11, 2020, 11:18:19 AM
This is going to be nice looking roundhouse.  looking forward to the next steps.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 11, 2020, 11:45:27 AM
Quote from: Jerry on May 11, 2020, 11:18:19 AM
This is going to be nice looking roundhouse.  looking forward to the next steps.



Thank you for following along. I'm starting to paint the concrete parts of the wall, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 11, 2020, 06:57:02 PM
Update: I spent most of the day painting the castings for both the G. Wiliker's build and the Brick Roundhouse build.  Mark I thought you might be interested in the direction I'm going with the stone castings for the G. Wiliker's build. They are not complete but you can see the direction I'm heading.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 12, 2020, 08:23:19 AM
Looks really good, John. Could you describe the process you used? It's especially timely right now as the first building to be built in the Queen City diorama is the yard office that has a stone first floor. Resin, tho, not metal.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 08:55:09 AM
Quote from: vinceg on May 12, 2020, 08:23:19 AM
Looks really good, John. Could you describe the process you used? It's especially timely right now as the first building to be built in the Queen City diorama is the yard office that has a stone first floor. Resin, tho, not metal.


Thank you for the kind words. The process is very simple.  I start with a primer base color (I use a rattle can). In this case I picked a brown because the overall color theme is brown for the rocks in the area of my Eagles Nest Yard where this building is located on my layout. Instead of using acrylic paint I'm using pastel chalks. I scrape the powder on to my glass plate and then add alcohol to make a paint.  Then I paint individual stones a base color to start with. Then start dabbing the entire casting with all the other colors I'm using.  I typically have 6 - 10 colors on the pallet. Once I have the colors randomly dispersed on the casting I use a big fluffy brush to blend them all together. This part is done dry.  If you look back in my build thread I have used this process on 6 - 10 builds, now.  I started using the acrylic paint method which works great but you need to keep the paint wet through the blending process for the best results. With the pastel chalk I can start and stop the process at any point and get good results. I also think the pastel chalks give a flatter more stone like texture to the final casting.

The material the casting is made of has no affect on the final look.  To test this on my Brambell's build the retaining wall is made of the original metal castings, resin castings and hydrocal castings that I made with a mold from the original castings. They are installed side by side in the long retaining wall for this build and colored using this process.
Let me know if you have any more questions.  Have fun with this process,  the wall does look bad just before the blending process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on May 12, 2020, 09:32:49 AM
Great looking wall John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 12, 2020, 12:42:23 PM
Hey John:

Great looking stone wall.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 03:13:12 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on May 12, 2020, 09:32:49 AM
Great looking wall John.


Thanks you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 03:14:23 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 12, 2020, 12:42:23 PM
Hey John:

Great looking stone wall.



Thank you - every time I do one I add more steps - hopefully they are getting better.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 03:21:36 PM
The castings for the G. Wiliker's build are nearing completion. I need to paint the window and door castings green. Along with the window openings of the stone wall castings.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 03:22:51 PM
And on the Brick Roundhouse project, the base assembly for the 11 stall portion of the Roundhouse made it's way into the paint booth.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 03:24:18 PM
I either don't paint or sand off the primer from the surfaces that will be glued.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 12, 2020, 04:14:59 PM
The stone wall castings look really great, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 12, 2020, 05:07:33 PM
Hey John:

All looks well so far. Painting all those castings is fun isn't it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 07:13:52 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 12, 2020, 04:14:59 PM
The stone wall castings look really great, John.

Cheers, Mark.

I thought you might like those castings, Mark.  I have a set of castings glued up for the stone building from Threadwell's that I plan on using this technique on. A future project that is on the short list.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2020, 07:16:55 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 12, 2020, 05:07:33 PM
Hey John:

All looks well so far. Painting all those castings is fun isn't it.


Thank you, Karl. I need to get the molds out and cast some more of the joiner castings that go in-between the rear castings. I didn't think the roundhouse was going to be this big when I made the castings. :-[  I then have a lot of window castings to paint. This is a big project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 13, 2020, 09:27:16 PM
Update: I painted a lot of grey primer on the roundhouse castings for the concrete parts. I will have many many hours in this part of the project.  Once the primer is dry I will add the pastel chalks. I also finished the moldings in the new section of the layout - a project that I have been going to get back too for months.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 14, 2020, 08:02:04 AM
Hey John:

It may be A big project but I'm sure you will do very well with it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 14, 2020, 10:18:38 AM
John I can't wait to see this start to be put together. 

When you go big your not kidding but I know from the past it will be another beautiful build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 14, 2020, 12:19:32 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 14, 2020, 08:02:04 AM
Hey John:

It may be A big project but I'm sure you will do very well with it.



Thank you for the encouraging words.  I have run out of bench space for the castings. :o
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 14, 2020, 12:23:58 PM
Quote from: Jerry on May 14, 2020, 10:18:38 AM
John I can't wait to see this start to be put together. 

When you go big your not kidding but I know from the past it will be another beautiful build.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words, I'm about to do a test fit with the base castings now that they are assembled. The walls will start going up as soon as I get one side wall and a few of the back castings painted. I need to make some more of the brick wall sections that join the back walls together, so my molds and molding supplies will be coming out as soon as I get a workbench cleared. Castings everywhere.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 15, 2020, 01:43:54 PM
I few weeks ago I ordered supplies for my layout, basically what do I think I will need in the next few months, trying to order ahead and help out some of our suppliers in this very difficult time for small businesses.  One of my purchases on the getting the shop better organized list was this rack for my Hunterline Stains. I had them all stored in a cabinet and was constantly sorting to find the one I wanted. So here is a shout out for Motrak Models and their storage rack.  I also have their racks for my paints.  Just a cool product that you may want to take a look at.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 15, 2020, 07:24:30 PM
Today, I finished all of the location preparation work for the Brick Roundhouse.  I cut the openings in the benchwork and cutaway the bracing, where I needed some clearance.  Now, that that work is completed the base has been moved back to my workbench and the brick floor was weathered to match the floors of the prototypical roundhouses that I have had the pleasure of visiting.  Very little brick shows through the grease and grime mixed with coal dust. I decided that I'm not going to spend a lot of time detailing the interior for this build - it is a working roundhouse and although the outside will be very visiable, the inside will not. I'm going to do a test with some interior LED lighting just to see how much of the locomotives will be visible through the windows on the back of the roundhouse, if I add lighting.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 15, 2020, 07:25:34 PM
I have a couple white spots on the joints that I need to take care of and then it will be time to start building the walls.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 15, 2020, 07:27:38 PM
As I mentioned earlier there are wall sections laying all over my shop right now.  Here is a picture of the walls that have reached my detailing workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on May 16, 2020, 09:16:19 AM
Wow!  Lots of great progress since I last stopped by!  Looking good John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 16, 2020, 10:23:03 PM
Quote from: MAP on May 16, 2020, 09:16:19 AM
Wow!  Lots of great progress since I last stopped by!  Looking good John.


Thank you for stopping by and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 17, 2020, 03:11:32 AM
Hey John:

The roundhouse walls are looking great. Can't qait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 17, 2020, 03:50:49 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 17, 2020, 03:11:32 AM
Hey John:

The roundhouse walls are looking great. Can't qait to see more.



Thank you for stopping by. I should have enough wall sections painted to get started with the assembly process next week.  I need to mold some more brick joiner sections and I'm waiting for some supples so there may be a project hold. It's not like I don't have something else to work on. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 19, 2020, 08:55:38 PM
Roundhouse castings have taken over my workshop.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on May 19, 2020, 09:04:24 PM
It all looks great.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 19, 2020, 09:15:22 PM
Looking fantastic, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: engine909 on May 19, 2020, 11:57:40 PM
Beautiful modeling John. You are very kind to share.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 20, 2020, 12:10:20 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on May 19, 2020, 08:55:38 PM
Roundhouse castings have taken over my workshop.

Dude, you are a modeling machine!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 20, 2020, 12:23:26 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!! looks like you got lots of work done. I'll have to agree with Vince.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 20, 2020, 12:58:42 AM
Looks great John.

Can't wait to see tis monster glued up!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:50:22 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on May 19, 2020, 09:04:24 PM
It all looks great.


Thank you for the encouraging words. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:51:56 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 19, 2020, 09:15:22 PM
Looking fantastic, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, a couple more days of casting painting and then it's windows. Lots of windows.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:53:28 AM
Quote from: engine909 on May 19, 2020, 11:57:40 PM
Beautiful modeling John. You are very kind to share.


Thank you, and you are welcome.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:55:04 AM
Quote from: vinceg on May 20, 2020, 12:10:20 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on May 19, 2020, 08:55:38 PM
Roundhouse castings have taken over my workshop.

Dude, you are a modeling machine!


Thank you for coming up with a nice way of saying I'm crazy. It's okay I have company here on the forum.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:56:31 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 20, 2020, 12:23:26 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!! looks like you got lots of work done. I'll have to agree with Vince.



Thank you, I'm not working and Karl speed but it's coming along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:58:33 AM
Quote from: Jerry on May 20, 2020, 12:58:42 AM
Looks great John.

Can't wait to see tis monster glued up!!



Thank you for the complements and I'm looking forward to getting the glue bottles out, too. I need to finish the painting and weathering process on the walls and then get the window castings in the windows. I'm hoping to get some wall glued together this week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on May 20, 2020, 11:43:42 AM
Your brick roundhouse project is looking fantastic. It will be one of the go to scenes to be looked at area on the S&S RR.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:37:33 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on May 20, 2020, 11:43:42 AM
Your brick roundhouse project is looking fantastic. It will be one of the go to scenes to be looked at area on the S&S RR.


Thank you for stopping by the thread and for the encouraging words.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 20, 2020, 08:38:26 PM
Update:  The first batch of widow castings for the Brick Roundhouse has made it's way through the paint booth.  Now for some window glass and installation.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 20, 2020, 11:19:01 PM
Keep at it John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 21, 2020, 08:58:37 AM
Quote from: Jerry on May 20, 2020, 11:19:01 PM
Keep at it John.


Yup - I will, it's the only way to get these big projects done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 23, 2020, 09:04:17 AM
Update:  Wayne Olson has been working on a few projects for the layout while we have been in our stay at home mode.  He is bringing over a boat that he just finished and picking up some supplies for making trees and another boat kit.  I will take some pictures of his latest boat models and post them later today. It sure will be nice when this hobby can get back to being fun with friends.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 23, 2020, 12:02:53 PM
Here are a few pictures of the boats that Wayne Olson has built for the future water front scene on the S&S  Railroad.




He will be dropping off one more today. And has kits for two more in his survival kit. The waterfront scene is a large area that will have many boats.  Wayne took the detailing as far as he could go until we have them in place on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 23, 2020, 02:16:49 PM
Those boats look excellent, John. Are those Seaport Model Works kits? Really gorgeous.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on May 23, 2020, 04:02:14 PM
Beautiful modeling on the boats by your friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 23, 2020, 04:20:01 PM
Very nice, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 23, 2020, 09:38:54 PM
Quote from: vinceg on May 23, 2020, 02:16:49 PM
Those boats look excellent, John. Are those Seaport Model Works kits? Really gorgeous.


Thank you, yes Wayne did a great job on them. I believe all three of them are Seaport.  Wayne brought over another one today and I will share a few pictures of it tomorrow. My long range plan for the layout has two areas where I will have waterfront scenes so I have room for a number of boats.  I have been picking up kits at shows for years.  Wayne really like to build boat models so he plans on building a few more.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 23, 2020, 09:39:36 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on May 23, 2020, 04:02:14 PM
Beautiful modeling on the boats by your friend.

Thank you Curt.  Wayne will see your comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 23, 2020, 09:40:35 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 23, 2020, 04:20:01 PM
Very nice, John.

Cheers, Mark.

Thank you, Wayne appreciates your comments as well.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 24, 2020, 03:56:50 AM
Hey John:

Looks great I'm following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 24, 2020, 09:00:28 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 24, 2020, 03:56:50 AM
Hey John:

Looks great I'm following along.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. I'm gluing the first walls together for the Brick Roundhouse, today. I'll take a few pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 24, 2020, 11:35:26 AM
Here is a picture of the boat model that Wayne just completed. These boats are going to look so nice in the harbor. I can't wait to get to that area.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on May 24, 2020, 12:09:28 PM
The boats that Wayne built, are they all from Sea Port Model Works or other companies ?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 24, 2020, 02:20:25 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on May 24, 2020, 12:09:28 PM
The boats that Wayne built, are they all from Sea Port Model Works or other companies ?


Most of the boats are from Sea Port Model Works,  I have also purchased a few from Model Tech and Blue Jacket that are on Wayne's build list. I believe all of them that are pictured in the last couple of pages are from Sea Port - but I could be wrong. If you see one that you question, let me know and I will dig into it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on May 24, 2020, 04:25:47 PM
Good Haul of boats...Nice job, Wayne!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:36:06 AM
Quote from: cuse on May 24, 2020, 04:25:47 PM
Good Haul of boats...Nice job, Wayne!


John - Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on May 25, 2020, 12:49:06 PM

All the boats look wonderful and will really make a great harbor scene.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:04:24 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on May 25, 2020, 12:49:06 PM

All the boats look wonderful and will really make a great harbor scene.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:12:25 PM
Update: The brick roundhouse is coming along, I have spent the last couple of weeks painting/coloring and weathering the castings for the walls. Here is a picture of one of my workbenches with finished and semifinished wall castings.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:16:14 PM
As you can see from my glass plate, I'm using three different shades of grey pastel chalk for the stone foundation of the walls. I add alcohol and use the pastels like a paint.  I'm painting individual random stones with the different shades. I started by painting the stones with a grey acrylic primer.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:19:14 PM
In the bottom right corner of the picture above I have a casting that has had the pan pastel added over the brick and stone area of the wall casting. I then use a gum eraser to remove the pan pastel from the surface of the brick leaving the material in the mortar joints.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:21:09 PM
You can achieve many different looks to the wall by how much you remove with the eraser. If I over do it in an area I just reapply and start the process over again. I will touch up the walls once the roundhouse is assembled, but you can get a basic idea of the look from the pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 25, 2020, 07:27:01 PM
I had one very time consuming issue that I had to deal with because I used resin for these castings rather than hydrocal.  The window openings were small for the window castings.  I spent many hours with my Dremel and a diamond tool opening them back up to fit the widow castings.  I broke a few window casings before I finally decided that I had to open up the window holes in the castings. The windows do fit the original hydrocal castings that I used to make my molds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on May 25, 2020, 08:47:16 PM
I'm really enjoying this John. Thanks for the tutorial....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 08:08:53 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on May 25, 2020, 08:47:16 PM
I'm really enjoying this John. Thanks for the tutorial....Dennis


Thank you for following along, and it's my pleasure. I need to remember to keep taking progress pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 26, 2020, 08:38:31 AM
That gum eraser thing is a really neat idea - very clever and the result looks great.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on May 26, 2020, 08:48:06 AM
Everything looks great John. I look forward to seeing it go together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 06:12:42 PM
Quote from: vinceg on May 26, 2020, 08:38:31 AM
That gum eraser thing is a really neat idea - very clever and the result looks great.


It does work great - but they are hard to find. This one is like a piece of clay. I have tried to find them but haven't had any luck lately. The replacement attempts usually are too hard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 06:15:24 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on May 26, 2020, 08:48:06 AM
Everything looks great John. I look forward to seeing it go together.


Thank you for the encouraging words - I'm really looking forward to assembling this beast, too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 07:57:30 PM
Tonight, a few more progress pictures of the brick roundhouse castings.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 07:58:58 PM
The brush I use to apply the pastel chalk into the mortar joints and blend the grey pastels on the stonework.  The more it wears the better it works.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 07:59:48 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 08:00:10 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2020, 08:05:57 PM
I counted the castings for this project today.  There are 137 wall and floor castings. The count for window castings is 229. The total Roundhouse is 15 stalls and is broken into two buildings. A four stall roundhouse and a 11 stall roundhouse.  The track that leads to the roundtable passes between the two Roundhouse buildings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on May 26, 2020, 08:27:48 PM
Now that's modeling.......;) Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on May 26, 2020, 08:34:38 PM
Wow...that's quite a project...will be a real focus point on your layout!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 27, 2020, 03:15:19 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!! look at all that work you got done so far. I can't wait to see this thing assembled and on the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 08:59:54 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on May 26, 2020, 08:27:48 PM
Now that's modeling....... ;) Dennis


I'm sure going through the supplies with this one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 09:02:31 AM
Quote from: cuse on May 26, 2020, 08:34:38 PM
Wow...that's quite a project...will be a real focus point on your layout!



Thank you for following along. This will be the major center of activity for the new section of the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 09:03:38 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 27, 2020, 03:15:19 AM
Hey John:

WOW!!! look at all that work you got done so far. I can't wait to see this thing assembled and on the layout.



There will be some serious glue used on this project. I hope to put up the first walls this afternoon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on May 27, 2020, 09:05:25 AM
Just amazing work John - very nice!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 27, 2020, 09:07:23 AM
Beautiful!  Looking for the walls together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 01:37:04 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on May 27, 2020, 09:05:25 AM
Just amazing work John - very nice!


Thanks you for the encouraging words and for following along. It's time to go start the assembly process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 01:38:00 PM
Quote from: Jerry on May 27, 2020, 09:07:23 AM
Beautiful!  Looking for the walls together.



Thank you, and me too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 27, 2020, 02:58:02 PM
Looking good, John.

This is going to be one heavy diorama to lift into position when finished!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 07:55:36 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on May 27, 2020, 02:58:02 PM
Looking good, John.

This is going to be one heavy diorama to lift into position when finished!

Cheers, Mark.


I made the castings out of resin so it is not as bad as hydrocal. We will see - maybe a two person job. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 27, 2020, 08:03:04 PM
Tonight, the first walls are up and glued in place on the Brick Roundhouse.  This is the left wall and first stall back wall of the 11 stall portion of the Roundhouse.  Also, the base for the four stall section of the Roundhouse is in the paint booth. The track has also been glued in place for the first stall.  I wanted to get one wall up before I install the rest of the track so I can get started on the jig for the interior beams. I have a lot of strip wood to cut. ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 28, 2020, 07:38:27 AM
Coming to life, now -- luking gude.

Nice collection of weights, too!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 28, 2020, 08:06:09 AM
Quote from: vinceg on May 28, 2020, 07:38:27 AM
Coming to life, now -- luking gude.

Nice collection of weights, too!


Thank you, It is nice to see it start coming together. I'm a firm believer in you can never have enough weights. Clamps are the same way.  I don't think a week goes by that I don't go to the shelf and they are all out on projects.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 28, 2020, 09:44:01 AM
This is a project where a construction jig to hold the walls up might be worth the time.  As I get older, I spent more time building jigs :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 30, 2020, 08:43:18 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 28, 2020, 09:44:01 AM
This is a project where a construction jig to hold the walls up might be worth the time.  As I get older, I spent more time building jigs :-)



I'm with you on building jigs.  I will be building a gluing jig for the interior beams.  The workbench that this model is sitting on is a big adjustable jig with T-slots.  I will be using it to hold the back walls.  I started by using all the weights and squares to make sure that the corner was right.  It sets up everything else.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 31, 2020, 01:38:36 AM
Hey John:

Cool assembly has started. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 31, 2020, 08:38:22 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 31, 2020, 01:38:36 AM
Hey John:

Cool assembly has started. Can't wait to see more.



Yup, the walls are going up! I should have some more glued in place by the end of the day. Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 31, 2020, 08:47:03 AM
Are you doing anything on the inside walls prior to assembly?  Can you post a photo of the back of that first assembled wall?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 31, 2020, 09:07:15 AM
Quote from: deemery on May 31, 2020, 08:47:03 AM
Are you doing anything on the inside walls prior to assembly?  Can you post a photo of the back of that first assembled wall?



The inside of the walls have the primer at this point. The inside of the structure will never be visible so I plan to just paint them. The beams will be stained driftwood because they will be visible from the front view with my train mounted camera, and from a distance of 3 feet in the 4 stall section of the roundhouse. I will do some experimenting with LED interior lighting to get the light through the windows,  before I glue the roof down. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 31, 2020, 09:30:06 AM
You're going to make the roof removable, just in case the 0-5-0 is needed to pick up a derailed loco?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 31, 2020, 01:30:21 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 31, 2020, 09:30:06 AM
You're going to make the roof removable, just in case the 0-5-0 is needed to pick up a derailed loco?



My plan right now is to have the back section of roof removable on about every third stall - just in case my 0-5-0 is required. I mounted a coupler on a stick that does the job in most cases - access through the doors - but we must be prepared for everything. I have only used it once on my Stone Roundhouse. ::)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on May 31, 2020, 01:44:06 PM

I heard a great new term for an 0-5-0.   

Digital derrick.

Just thinking out loud here.

See ya
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 31, 2020, 02:06:36 PM
Quote from: bparrish on May 31, 2020, 01:44:06 PM

I heard a great new term for an 0-5-0.   

Digital derrick.

Just thinking out loud here.

See ya


I love it!   ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 31, 2020, 08:31:20 PM
The back walls are going up. There will be some touchup work to do where I whipped away some glue that squeezed out but that is a very simple task when everything is together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on May 31, 2020, 10:57:18 PM
John, that looks fantastic. The variation in stone looks very natural.

Where did you get the huge windows? Are those standard parts from Tichy or somebody?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on May 31, 2020, 10:59:06 PM
The walls are coming along very nicely.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 01, 2020, 07:45:01 AM
The coloring on the walls and stones is excellent.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 01, 2020, 08:54:16 AM
Quote from: vinceg on May 31, 2020, 10:57:18 PM
John, that looks fantastic. The variation in stone looks very natural.

Where did you get the huge windows? Are those standard parts from Tichy or somebody?


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  The windows are the roundhouse windows from Tichy.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 01, 2020, 08:54:48 AM
Quote from: sdrees on May 31, 2020, 10:59:06 PM
The walls are coming along very nicely.


Thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 01, 2020, 08:56:23 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 01, 2020, 07:45:01 AM
The coloring on the walls and stones is excellent.


Thank you for the kind words. I really like how easy it is to make a touchup repair with this technique.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 01, 2020, 07:35:39 PM
Beautiful coloring.

Really like how the brick and stone contrast go together so well.

Excellent job John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 01, 2020, 08:45:37 PM
Quote from: Jerry on June 01, 2020, 07:35:39 PM
Beautiful coloring.

Really like how the brick and stone contrast go together so well.

Excellent job John.



Thank you for following along and you kind words. I added a couple more back walls today and started cutting all the pieces for the interior framework. I'm also installing windows in the walls for the 4 stall section of the roundhouse.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2020, 08:09:07 PM
The brick layers were busy on the S&S RR today.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2020, 08:10:10 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2020, 08:10:36 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2020, 08:11:42 PM
By the end of the day, the wall assembly had progressed to the point that I could get started with the beams that will support the roof.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2020, 08:14:25 PM
After studying the plans and beam design that Bob used, I plan to install the beams piece by piece rather than building a fixture and building subassemblies.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 02, 2020, 09:10:06 PM
It's starting to come together. I can't wait to see what you do on the inside.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on June 02, 2020, 10:49:37 PM
John, That is one massive undertaking. wow!!!  I hope mine looks anything close to your's. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on June 03, 2020, 01:18:51 AM
Starting to look pretty impressive, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2020, 07:10:01 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 02, 2020, 09:10:06 PM
It's starting to come together. I can't wait to see what you do on the inside.


The interior of the roundhouse will be dominated by the beams that hold up the roof. I'm not planning on a lot of interior detail because it will not be visible once the roundhouse is on the layout.  I'm thinking some interior LED lighting so the locomotives will be visible through the windows. The 4 stall section of the roundhouse will get more details because the viewer will be looking into the front doors. We will see how it looks once it's on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2020, 07:14:05 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on June 02, 2020, 10:49:37 PM
John, That is one massive undertaking. wow!!!  I hope mine looks anything close to your's. Dennis


This is big - I haven't cut this much strip wood for a project since my trestle. The beams are a big project in themselves. The table saw is getting a workout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2020, 07:16:19 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on June 03, 2020, 01:18:51 AM
Starting to look pretty impressive, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. It's starting to look like a roundhouse now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 03, 2020, 10:49:22 AM
Hey John:

Looks like you are moving right along. I'll be following this with much interest.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2020, 07:08:28 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 03, 2020, 10:49:22 AM
Hey John:

Looks like you are moving right along. I'll be following this with much interest.



Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 04, 2020, 08:50:09 AM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on June 04, 2020, 05:53:34 PM

Haven't check in on your progress for some time. Wow, what a huge roundhouse, I love it. Exterior walls are wonderfully nasty, great job.

Keep the progress going my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 04, 2020, 09:46:16 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on June 04, 2020, 05:53:34 PM

Haven't check in on your progress for some time. Wow, what a huge roundhouse, I love it. Exterior walls are wonderfully nasty, great job.

Keep the progress going my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thanks for stopping by to see my wonderfully nasty walls. We keep plugging away at it, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 06, 2020, 09:12:34 AM
Update: I took a few days off from the layout to get some work done around the house and take care of the Grandkids. I'm back at it this morning. I got my mold making supplies while I was away so I can get the castings made that I need to complete the Roundhouse project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 07, 2020, 03:00:39 PM
I'm moving again on the Brick Roundhouse.  One more back wall casting and the brick walls will be assembled for the 11 stall portion of the roundhouse. The glue is also drying on the tracks for the last two stalls. I'm working on the wood pieces for the roof beams while the glue dries. The base for 4 stall portion of the roundhouse is waiting on my workbench.  I have to put the glass in the windows of the last side wall casting and the wall castings will be ready to be assembled.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 07, 2020, 03:32:31 PM
WOW, that's going to be huge. I didn't realize it has 11 stalls.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 07, 2020, 09:31:49 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 07, 2020, 03:32:31 PM
WOW, that's going to be huge. I didn't realize it has 11 stalls.


Yes, this is big.  There will be a 4 stall building right next to it so there will be 15 roundhouse stalls off the turntable.  And also a yet to be determined number of outside tracks. It will serve as the hub of locomotive activity on the S&S RR.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 09, 2020, 12:53:19 AM
Hey John:

More progress and it's looking just great. I just can't wait to see this finished.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 09, 2020, 07:49:43 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 09, 2020, 12:53:19 AM
Hey John:

More progress and it's looking just great. I just can't wait to see this finished.



The project is moving along, I glued the last wall section on the 11 stall building last night. I'm going to be working on the interior beams and the walls for the second, 4 stall, building, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 09, 2020, 09:06:21 AM
A monster in the making.

This will be a huge focal point of the RR.

Your usually outstanding work John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 09, 2020, 03:24:56 PM
Quote from: Jerry on June 09, 2020, 09:06:21 AM
A monster in the making.

This will be a huge focal point of the RR.

Your usually outstanding work John.



Yes it's big. Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I'm cutting strip wood for the interior beams.  Amazing amount of strip wood required.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 09, 2020, 05:14:45 PM
Hey John:

sounds good I'm watching and following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 10, 2020, 09:20:57 PM

A few progress pictures. First, the track has been glued down on the base for the 4 stall portion of the Roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 10, 2020, 09:24:55 PM
The interior beam work is starting to go into the larger 11 stall section of the Roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 10, 2020, 09:25:25 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 10, 2020, 09:26:07 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 10, 2020, 09:26:57 PM
I also started gluing the wall sections together for the Boiler House.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on June 11, 2020, 03:28:26 AM
Wow , this could be on the docu , "Massive Engineering Projects", so large and looking great so far.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 11, 2020, 07:27:59 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on June 11, 2020, 03:28:26 AM
Wow , this could be on the docu , "Massive Engineering Projects", so large and looking great so far.


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I have a lot of wood to cut and glue to complete the interior framework.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 11, 2020, 07:28:48 AM
Very cool.  Did you drill holes for the wood to sit in or are they glued flat to the base?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 11, 2020, 07:35:52 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 11, 2020, 07:28:48 AM
Very cool.  Did you drill holes for the wood to sit in or are they glued flat to the base?


Most of the posts are sitting on top of the base.  The front posts sit in holes that are molded in the base. It took a lot of clamping and checking to get things started out square and level but it's much easier once you get the first couple stalls started.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on June 11, 2020, 03:14:02 PM
Nice progress, John.  Its really starting to take shape.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 12, 2020, 01:25:28 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on June 11, 2020, 03:14:02 PM
Nice progress, John.  Its really starting to take shape.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along - I have a lot of wood beams to put in the way I chose to do this.  I think they will look good as the only interior view will be through the open doors.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 12, 2020, 01:26:17 PM
The walls are starting to go up on the 4 stall section of the Brick Roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 14, 2020, 07:58:56 AM
The framing crew continues to make progress on the 11 stall section of the Roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 14, 2020, 09:30:36 AM
Very cool and nicely done John. What size wood are you using?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 14, 2020, 07:50:14 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 14, 2020, 09:30:36 AM
Very cool and nicely done John. What size wood are you using?


Thank you for the encouraging words. The posts are 1/8 inch square and the beams are 1/8 x 3/16 inches.  This is the sizes that Bob used in the kit. I will be staining them to look like beams that have been in a smoke filled steam locomotive roundhouse.  I did a color check and stain test in the back left corner.  There is a lot of detail to this interior structure that will not be seen once the roof goes on but I think it will look cool through the open roundhouse doors.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on June 15, 2020, 02:02:24 AM
Very impressive, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 15, 2020, 08:27:16 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on June 15, 2020, 02:02:24 AM
Very impressive, John.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words and for following along.  I'm making progress - there is a lot of cutting involved with the interior beam structure.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 15, 2020, 08:28:19 AM
The brick walls are up for the 4 stall section of the roundhouse - waiting on the carpenters to start the interior beams.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on June 15, 2020, 08:48:02 AM
Awesome structure to compliment your majestic rocks. Those giant beams will look amazing when distressed and stained!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on June 15, 2020, 09:12:20 AM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on June 15, 2020, 12:25:15 PM
Great looking work John
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 15, 2020, 07:35:10 PM
Quote from: cuse on June 15, 2020, 08:48:02 AM
Awesome structure to compliment your majestic rocks. Those giant beams will look amazing when distressed and stained!



Thank you for stopping by the thread and the kind words, and yes they are giant beams.  If you look at the spans involved in a building this size I think they are appropriate - especially in snow country.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 15, 2020, 07:38:28 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on June 15, 2020, 09:12:20 AM




Yup - I think I may have got out of control with this project. The strip wood consumption is spiking on the S&S RR. Almost as bad as the summer I built the trestle. :-[  I filled my table saw full of sawdust, yesterday.  Then it was time to empty the shop vac.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 15, 2020, 07:40:43 PM
Quote from: sdrees on June 15, 2020, 12:25:15 PM
Great looking work John


Thank you for the encouraging words, I need to keep up the momentum on this project.  I need to do some quicker builds when I'm through. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 16, 2020, 08:28:38 AM
John looking good.  Everything is lined up perfectly.

An the work goes on.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 16, 2020, 08:47:45 AM
Quote from: Jerry on June 16, 2020, 08:28:38 AM
John looking good.  Everything is lined up perfectly.

An the work goes on.



Thank you for following along. Yes the fun continues, I'm taking a couple days to get some outside chores done while the weather is good, but I will be back at this project later in the week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2020, 07:30:57 AM
Update: I have been spending my build time working on the interior beam structure for the Brick Roundhouse the last few days.  I need to take some more progress photographs.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2020, 10:14:05 AM
Here is a progress photograph - the front section of the Roundhouse has beam - except for a stick or two which need to wait until the rest of the glue dries. I'm starting across with the clapboard on the top - I can't wait to cut all those windows ;) . I will start going back and forth between the 11 stall section and 4 stall section of the building while I wait for the glue to try from here on out.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2020, 10:19:22 AM
I have gone through 1 bundle (20 -24 inch long pieces) of 1/8 inch square and 1 bundle of 3/16 x 1/8 inch strip wood.  I found 10 pieces of 1/8 inch by 4 inch by 24 inches long basswood in my stash, so I'm going to cut them to size for the rest of the strip wood. The table saw will be busy.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 18, 2020, 01:18:07 PM
Excellent modeling.  The wood beams look great especially when compared to plastic ones.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2020, 01:36:56 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 18, 2020, 01:18:07 PM
Excellent modeling.  The wood beams look great especially when compared to plastic ones.


Thank you, originally I was going to make one beam assembly - make a mold - and then cast the rest out of resin. I'm glad I decided to go with the wood. It is taking awhile but I enjoy working with wood. I'm to the point that I only use resin for stone and brick walls when I can't use the laser cut walls from Monster.  If the rumor is true that Jimmy is coming back into production of his walls,  I may be done with resin.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on June 18, 2020, 02:39:43 PM
It's a good day when you get to make more sawdust  :D

dave  (who made some sawdust himself today, cutting hardboard and supports for my 'vertical access panel'.)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 18, 2020, 03:37:41 PM
Hey John:

Looking just beautiful. WOW!!!! lots of beams to assemble.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2020, 06:48:29 PM
Quote from: deemery on June 18, 2020, 02:39:43 PM
It's a good day when you get to make more sawdust  :D

dave  (who made some sawdust himself today, cutting hardboard and supports for my 'vertical access panel'.)


Yes it is.  I have been having so much fun I filled my 10 gallon shop vac. ;) ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2020, 06:51:09 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 18, 2020, 03:37:41 PM
Hey John:

Looking just beautiful. WOW!!!! lots of beams to assemble.



Thank you my friend, it's going faster now that I have two sections of the building going and I stop trying to add just a couple more sticks before I let the glue dry.  Usually, if you try to add another stick you knock the last one out of location and have to start over.  That's why I always like to have three builds going at the same time. I think the beams are going to look good once I get them stained and weathered.  Doing it after assembly is usually not recommended but I have had good luck with it so far.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 18, 2020, 11:13:53 PM
John here's Jimmy's new website.  Just got an email from him yesterday. (

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 19, 2020, 08:08:11 AM
Quote from: Jerry on June 18, 2020, 11:13:53 PM
John here's Jimmy's new website.  Just got an email from him yesterday. (



Thank you for the link.  I will be keeping an eye on his products and where he goes with this.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 19, 2020, 09:17:37 AM
Thank you for the link.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2020, 06:16:15 PM
I ran into a little problem a couple days ago when I started to make the clapboard walls sections for the upper portion of the Roundhouse. With three windows so close together I couldn't get the sections to hold together. I tried cutting them with my 90 degree corner punch, with a #11 exacto blade, and a single edge razor blade.  I tried tape on the back and gluing cardboard to the back and I still couldn't get them to stay together. I then tried making them with two windows, and it worked great. no issues with splitting. So I made a couple up and took a picture.  After sleeping on it, I came back in the workshop this morning and decided I didn't like the way they looked. Here is a picture.


Yes, the clapboard is upside down - it was late last night.  I didn't bother taking a picture when I turned them around. I just don't like the two windows.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2020, 06:23:56 PM
So I went to plan B. If you have built one of George Sellios' older kits you will remember that George cut the windows out with his table saw and strategically placed joint lines to make his clapboard walls. The days before lasers. I decided to give it a try and it worked great. I made one and glued it  together for a test. Here is a picture of it mounted on the roundhouse. It works great so I spent a couple hours making sawdust this morning and cut enough pieces for 15 front wall sections.


I'm not worrying about the yellow stains on the strip wood from the glue - it will all be covered by the stain and chalk that I will use to stain the wood. The Titebond III glue that I'm using now makes a great bond but it does stain the wood. If the final coloring process does not cover the stain you need to clean up the glue joints with a Q-Tip and some alcohol before the glue dries.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2020, 06:34:55 PM
Here is a picture of my workbench after the morning at the table saw. I'm ready to go into production assembly mode.  One of the three window wall sections that I glued up after breaking it during the cutting is laying on the cutting pad.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on June 20, 2020, 07:58:08 PM
Your doing a beautiful job John.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on June 21, 2020, 04:09:12 AM
You handled that great John , the 3 window version looks best , I do wonder if the 2 window version would have looked good had you divided them with a little more space in the middle.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2020, 06:59:51 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on June 20, 2020, 07:58:08 PM
Your doing a beautiful job John.....Dennis


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words - I built up the front walls last night. Now for the back ones with 4 windows each. The paint booth is going to be busy soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2020, 07:14:17 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on June 21, 2020, 04:09:12 AM
You handled that great John , the 3 window version looks best , I do wonder if the 2 window version would have looked good had you divided them with a little more space in the middle.


Thank you for the encouragement and I think you are right about the  window version - longer windows would also help but I like the three window version best and we have a fabrication solution. I think we forget how much easier modeling is when you cut things out with a laser. A few years from now I have plans to build a large section of the layout with all scratch built prototypical buildings. I may start looking at laser options. I wonder if I can get fast enough with the CAD work to make it pay off - time wise.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 21, 2020, 08:21:35 AM
The end result looks great and I also think the 3 window version looks best.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2020, 11:49:50 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 21, 2020, 08:21:35 AM
The end result looks great and I also think the 3 window version looks best.


Thank you for following along and the kind words. I'm gluing sticks together, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 21, 2020, 01:06:03 PM
Third time's a charm!!  In this case perfect choice!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on June 21, 2020, 01:36:20 PM
The 'reason' why the 3 window setup looks so much better is that the whole idea of that clerestory is to let in more light into the roundhouse.  So a clerestory with less than "maximum windows' just looks strange. 

This is coming along great, I'm really enjoying the detailed build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on June 21, 2020, 03:17:14 PM
Looking good, John.

I'm just wondering why the ends of the clapboard wall sections don't line up with the timber beams between each track?

Re the cutting of clapboard (just wondering if it might help - for next time) - I would cut out the middle window first, then the far end of the two outside windows, then about 3/4 the way along the outside windows (leaving a quarter of clapboard remaining). then the last bit.  This should ease the pressure on the remaining piece a bit.  I would cut all the way through against the grain first (I often flip the walls over to finish this) on every cut, and would put tape on the back before I started.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2020, 07:22:45 PM
Quote from: Jerry on June 21, 2020, 01:06:03 PM
Third time's a charm!!  In this case perfect choice!!


Thank you Jerry. I can't wait to start putting the roof on this.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2020, 07:26:32 PM
Quote from: deemery on June 21, 2020, 01:36:20 PM
The 'reason' why the 3 window setup looks so much better is that the whole idea of that clerestory is to let in more light into the roundhouse.  So a clerestory with less than "maximum windows' just looks strange. 

This is coming along great, I'm really enjoying the detailed build.



Thank you for following along and the kind words. I agree with the comments on the clerestory - if I had this to do over again I would make a strip wood frame and add another window or larger windows.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2020, 09:01:01 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on June 21, 2020, 03:17:14 PM
Looking good, John.

I'm just wondering why the ends of the clapboard wall sections don't line up with the timber beams between each track?

Re the cutting of clapboard (just wondering if it might help - for next time) - I would cut out the middle window first, then the far end of the two outside windows, then about 3/4 the way along the outside windows (leaving a quarter of clapboard remaining). then the last bit.  This should ease the pressure on the remaining piece a bit.  I would cut all the way through against the grain first (I often flip the walls over to finish this) on every cut, and would put tape on the back before I started.

Cheers, Mark.


Good eye.  I started adding the upper posts by placing a clapboard wall section in place and then adding the post at the end.  I got to the third or fourth post and said something is wrong here. I took the picture before figuring out what caused the error. I worked out a solution today and fixed the problem. It turns out that my original clapboard wall section was about an 1/8 of an inch too long (1/16 inch on a side from the centerline) so the error was getting bigger with each stall as I started adding the posts. I cut the original from a photocopy template so that's what probably caused the original increase in length. I added each post right on top of the beams and sanded the wall sections to fit and got a nice custom fit all the way around the 11 stalls.

On the clapboard issue I think part of my problem was that the clapboard sheet I used has been sitting on the shelf for many years and I think it was dried out and brittle.  I tried many different techniques to try and cut the window openings but I was doing way to much breaking.  The table saw cut technique worked great.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 22, 2020, 02:14:01 PM
Update: I cut the pieces to build the upper back clapboard walls for the clerestory this morning - assembly will start this evening. The issue with the front clerestory posts is fixed and the walls and wall castings are drying in the paint booth. Now, I have to go mow the lawn and move a couple yards of dirt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 25, 2020, 07:20:44 AM
Update: The summer chores have slowed progress on the roundhouse and the layout in general for the past couple weeks.  I'm cutting and gluing the interior framework together and started the staining process. I'm in the couple hours here and a couple hours there mode right now.   I will take some pictures when I get a little further along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 28, 2020, 02:18:10 PM
Here is a progress picture of the Brick Roundhouse build.  I have three more stalls of the rear interior beam work to complete and it will be time finish staining the interior beams and add the the clerestory walls and roof.  I also started scratch building the doors for the roundhouse. I'm making them out of wood.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 28, 2020, 02:31:37 PM
Looks great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 28, 2020, 07:38:28 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 28, 2020, 02:31:37 PM
Looks great John.

Thank you Curt.  This evening I'm working on a scratch built door for the roundhouse. I'm going to model all the doors in the open position because they are not reachable once the structure is in place on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 29, 2020, 03:43:24 PM
Here is door number one of the thirty that are required for the Brick Roundhouse build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 29, 2020, 06:27:17 PM
Nice job on the door John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 29, 2020, 07:20:40 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 29, 2020, 06:27:17 PM
Nice job on the door John.

Thank you for the complement.  I made 25 of them today.  I ran out of painted strip wood so I'm waiting for the paint to dry before assembling the final 5.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 30, 2020, 03:53:36 PM
The interior beam work is complete on the 11 stall portion of the Brick Roundhouse. I got about half it stained last night before I ran out of gas. As you can see from the templates on the roof I'm getting ready to start cutting the roof cards.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 30, 2020, 04:01:54 PM
I went for strength on the back beams, rather than prototypical, because once the roof cards go on they will not be visible. I will be using project board from Dick Blick for my roof cards.  It is 1/16 inch thick and is more of a composite board rather than the cardboard that is standard for kit roof cards. Postalkarl recommended this in one of his threads a few years back so it's a forum tip being reused. Thank you Karl. I have started using it for a lot of applications on the S&S RR.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 30, 2020, 04:02:44 PM
The roof cards are going to get a coat of black paint before installation.   If you look closely you will find a few water management features that were added to make up the difference in the castings that was discussed earlier in the thread.  I need to shim the bottom of the back castings on the left side to get the right height so the left side matched the right side. Only forum members will know once the roof cards go on.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on June 30, 2020, 04:17:49 PM
Looks great John.  Are you planning on putting any other roofing on the cards?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 30, 2020, 04:48:00 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on June 30, 2020, 04:17:49 PM
Looks great John.  Are you planning on putting any other roofing on the cards?


Thank you, and yes I plan on the traditional rolled roofing.  I had a passing thought of doing shingles but a quick calculation of how many sheets I would need put an end to that idea.  This is a big roof and I will have four more stalls right next to it that need a matching roof.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 01, 2020, 10:46:30 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on June 29, 2020, 03:43:24 PM
Here is door number one of the thirty that are required for the Brick Roundhouse build.


John that is one nice looking door!!  Color wise its perfect.  Good luck with the next 29!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 01, 2020, 11:11:22 AM
Quote from: Jerry on July 01, 2020, 10:46:30 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on June 29, 2020, 03:43:24 PM
Here is door number one of the thirty that are required for the Brick Roundhouse build.


John that is one nice looking door!!  Color wise its perfect.  Good luck with the next 29!!



Thank you, I'm not going to put a lot of detail into them because they will only be visible on the edge and two ends because they will be mounted in the open position.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 02, 2020, 03:44:04 PM
The template cards are back on the workbench for the G. Wilikers build.  As soon as I get the windows in the Brick Roundhouse clerestory wall sections my detailing workbench will be available to continue the build. I have managed to paint most of the detail castings in-between Brick Roundhouse build steps.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 03, 2020, 03:52:04 PM
I took a quick picture of the Roundhouse with the beams completed and stained - let the roofing begin.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 03, 2020, 04:25:05 PM
Just "wow"...

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on July 03, 2020, 06:54:24 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 03, 2020, 04:25:05 PM
Just "wow"...


Man, you said it. John, what a spectacular scene that will be. So nice....
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on July 03, 2020, 07:16:08 PM
Most impressive John !!
The roundhouse complex is going to make quite a statement on the S&S RR !!
Keep up the great work and looking forward to your updates and progress,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 03, 2020, 07:32:19 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 03, 2020, 04:25:05 PM
Just "wow"...



I know it's big and there will be another 4 stalls beside it. I can't wait to see it on the layout. I like the dark beams - it will look like steam locomotives live here once the roof goes on and the interior has some LED lighting.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 03, 2020, 07:33:41 PM
Quote from: vinceg on July 03, 2020, 06:54:24 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 03, 2020, 04:25:05 PM
Just "wow"...


Man, you said it. John, what a spectacular scene that will be. So nice....


Thank you for the encouraging comments. This has been a big project and I'm getting real excited to get it on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 03, 2020, 07:36:18 PM
Quote from: PaulS on July 03, 2020, 07:16:08 PM
Most impressive John !!
The roundhouse complex is going to make quite a statement on the S&S RR !!
Keep up the great work and looking forward to your updates and progress,


Thank you for the kind words and for following along.  It's about to start looking like a roundhouse.  I have window castings laying all over my workbench with the window glass drying.  I will be installing windows in the clerestory walls tomorrow.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 03, 2020, 07:41:54 PM
Spectacular John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 03, 2020, 07:44:36 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 03, 2020, 07:41:54 PM
Spectacular John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on July 04, 2020, 07:20:35 AM

I've been following along with your roundhouse exploits. Wow, what a great looking structure. With it full of steam locos and yard junk it will certainly be an  eye catcher. Great job my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 07:51:30 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on July 04, 2020, 07:20:35 AM

I've been following along with your roundhouse exploits. Wow, what a great looking structure. With it full of steam locos and yard junk it will certainly be an  eye catcher. Great job my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for your kind words and for following along. I'm anxious to start adding the steam locomotives.  It's all the detail work that we will see from here on out. Thanks again my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 04, 2020, 08:29:05 AM
Excellent workmanship!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 04:22:40 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 04, 2020, 08:29:05 AM
Excellent workmanship!!



Thank you for the kind words. My strip wood supply has taken a hit on the project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 04:32:42 PM
My workbench has window castings drying everywhere you look.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 04:33:39 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 04:35:19 PM
And finally for today, roof card number one of many is glued in place.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on July 04, 2020, 08:06:14 PM
Good Lord that's quite an undertaking John!   :o  You have the patience of a Saint.   ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 08:24:30 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on July 04, 2020, 08:06:14 PM
Good Lord that's quite an undertaking John!   :o  You have the patience of a Saint.   ;D

Well Bob, all I can say is that it keeps me out of trouble.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 08:25:23 PM
The interior beams are almost ready for the stain on the four stall section of the roundhouse.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 08:26:54 PM
It is amazing how everything looks like it's going at a strange angle in a picture of a roundhouse. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2020, 08:29:14 PM
I painted the white clapboard with white /grey paint.  When I started installing the first one on the roundhouse it looks way to white for a steam locomotive roundhouse.  So they went back to the workbench for some A&I washes. You can see them in the workbench picture a couple pictures back.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 06, 2020, 01:44:13 AM
Lots of work has been done while I've been away, and looking good!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 06, 2020, 04:07:23 PM
Hey John:

What can I say. I looks just beautiful. Can't wait for more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 05:38:33 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on July 06, 2020, 01:44:13 AM
Lots of work has been done while I've been away, and looking good!

Cheers, Mark.


Great to see you back! We are progressing at summer time speed on this one. Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 05:52:29 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 06, 2020, 04:07:23 PM
Hey John:

What can I say. I looks just beautiful. Can't wait for more.



Thank you - I took a couple progress pictures of the roof cards going on this morning that I will post after dinner.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on July 06, 2020, 08:25:38 PM
John, That's a gorgeous job. Can't believe the quality you do....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:28:28 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on July 06, 2020, 08:25:38 PM
John, That's a gorgeous job. Can't believe the quality you do....Dennis


Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I have a few progress pictures from this morning.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:41:32 PM
A few progress pictures from this morning. It's starting to look like a roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:42:06 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:42:41 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:48:10 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:48:37 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:48:59 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 06, 2020, 08:49:20 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 06, 2020, 09:14:13 PM
Beautiful looking. It will be a true centerpiece on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on July 06, 2020, 09:30:07 PM
John -- of course, looking tremendous. Looks like it won't be long before you have the final scene.

I am just now noticing that you have an unusually fantastic collection of tools. All sorts of clamps, for example. Where do you keep them all ?!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 07, 2020, 07:21:18 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 06, 2020, 09:14:13 PM
Beautiful looking. It will be a true centerpiece on the layout.


Thank you for the encouraging words. I can't wait to get all my steam locomotives out of the boxes and load this roundhouse.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 07, 2020, 07:45:26 AM
Quote from: vinceg on July 06, 2020, 09:30:07 PM
John -- of course, looking tremendous. Looks like it won't be long before you have the final scene.

I am just now noticing that you have an unusually fantastic collection of tools. All sorts of clamps, for example. Where do you keep them all ?!


Yes, I have collected a lot of tools over the years. My favorite, and best tools, I inherited from my dad.  The materials and heat treating of the hand tools made 50 years ago are much better than what you can buy today.  The CFO of the S&S RR will be quick to inform you that I have also spent a lot of money on tools over the years.

The tools are stored on and in 5 work benches in my workshop. You will see builds going on on three of these workbenches most of the time. Two of the workbenches hold my saws, sanders, and various other power tools and provide working surfaces for subassemblies etc. I have a place for everything but keeping it in that place continues to be an issue.  At the end of every project I spend the time to put everything where it is supposed to go, which helps. Having the right tools definitely helps, especially as my hands don't work as well as they once did.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 07, 2020, 09:26:08 AM
John if I can ask a rather mundane question- Where are you planning on attaching the feeder wires for the RH tracks?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 07, 2020, 10:46:25 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 07, 2020, 09:26:08 AM
John if I can ask a rather mundane question- Where are you planning on attaching the feeder wires for the RH tracks?


That's actually a very good question. Since this is not my first Roundhouse build  (see the Stone Roundhouse build thread) the wires are going to be soldiered to the bottom of the tracks right next to the buildings. They will be very easy to hide when the roundhouse is installed on the layout.  I will be putting them on as one of the last workbench steps of the build.  All those wires are always in the way until you get the assembled roundhouse on the layout. I will try to remember to take a picture of the process when we get there.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 08:01:17 PM
Today, I did a lighting test of the inside LED lights.  These pictures are of the 4 stall section of the roundhouse.  I'm still working on the 11 stall building.



The roundhouse is going to be at eye level when it is in place on the layout so I wanted just enough light to be able to see the locomotives (and all those wood beams I spent all those hours on) through the windows.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 08:02:37 PM
The pictures are with my iPhone, and not very good, but you get the idea.  I will get some good pictures with the SLR once the roundhouse is in place on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 08, 2020, 08:16:25 PM
I like the brightness of the lights. It's a good fit since lights were generally not as bright as now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 08:37:42 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 08, 2020, 08:16:25 PM
I like the brightness of the lights. It's a good fit since lights were generally not as bright as now.


Thank you for the comment. The LED's are mounted on the floor in the back of the roundhouse - one at each post.  The roof cards are painted black on the top but I left them white on the inside so they can reflect  and disperse the light. I like white I see looking through the windows with my eyes - camera didn't capture it as well as I would like.  The window is out of focus.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 08:52:29 PM
The Superior and Seattle Railroad received a shipment yesterday after two weeks of anxious waiting for the post office to come through with a shipment. Dan Raymond sent me the first batch of vehicles he is building for the S&S RR. As you know, Dan's vehicle builds are works of art. I spent my life in the automobile business and Dan's detail work on these models is superb.

The plan for these vehicles is to have them move around the layout - like the trains - so they will be seen in different settings from time to time.

This evening they all visited Bob Butts' Avram's build, for a car show.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 08:54:53 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 08, 2020, 08:59:05 PM
Beautiful vehicles.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:07:24 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:08:23 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:09:44 PM




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:10:46 PM



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:12:03 PM



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:13:39 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:15:41 PM





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 08, 2020, 09:16:30 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 09, 2020, 02:34:47 AM
Nice to see some new starts of the show there, courtesy of Dan.  Some lovely additions to your empire.

I agree that the light in the roundhouse looks just right - not too bright.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 09, 2020, 07:39:40 AM
Hey John:

They all look just great. Enjoy em. Like the Avrams too.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on July 09, 2020, 08:46:29 AM
Wow.   :o  Dan's work is fantastic.  Those look really wonderful.  They're a great addition to the layout!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 08:52:38 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on July 09, 2020, 02:34:47 AM
Nice to see some new starts of the show there, courtesy of Dan.  Some lovely additions to your empire.

I agree that the light in the roundhouse looks just right - not too bright.

Cheers, Mark.

Hi Mark

Thank you for stopping by and the encouraging words. Dan sure does some amazing work. I'm very thankful to have his contribution to the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 08:53:50 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 09, 2020, 07:39:40 AM
Hey John:

They all look just great. Enjoy em. Like the Avrams too.



Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 08:55:45 AM
Quote from: ReadingBob on July 09, 2020, 08:46:29 AM
Wow.   :o  Dan's work is fantastic.  Those look really wonderful.  They're a great addition to the layout!


Thank you for stopping by and your wonderful contributions to the layout. The Avram's build sure made a great spot for a car show.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Raymo on July 09, 2020, 09:34:18 AM
Glad they made it in one piece for the time they spent at the P.O. distribution center.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 10:26:46 AM
Quote from: Raymo on July 09, 2020, 09:34:18 AM
Glad they made it in one piece for the time they spent at the P.O. distribution center.

Me too! I was very worried we had lost them.  Dan is referring to the fact that the priority shipping box that he shipped them in went MIA in the Detroit distribution center for two weeks.  Total time for 2 day shipping - three weeks. Dan had them packaged so well there was no damage. This is not his first rodeo.  ;) We need the EXPO's and Narrow Gauge Conventions back so we can meet in person and I can drive them back myself.  Thank you again Dan for the beautiful contributions to the S&S RR. Your detail work is amazing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Raymo on July 09, 2020, 10:41:25 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 10:26:46 AM
Quote from: Raymo on July 09, 2020, 09:34:18 AM
Glad they made it in one piece for the time they spent at the P.O. distribution center.

Me too! I was very worried we had lost them.  Dan is referring to the fact that the priority shipping box that he shipped them in went MIA in the Detroit distribution center for two weeks.  Total time for 2 day shipping - three weeks. Dan had them packaged so well there was no damage. This is not his first rodeo.  ;) We need the EXPO's and Narrow Gauge Conventions back so we can meet in person and I can drive them back myself.  Thank you again Dan for the beautiful contributions to the S&S RR. Your detail work is amazing.
I try..👍
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on July 09, 2020, 12:14:52 PM
The roundhouse projects looks great . Bob's FSM bakery is a beautiful structure. Dan's cars and trucks are a work of art.
Looks like the S&S RR is a proud dream coming true in your home. Thanks for sharing all your work in these photos as an inspiration for all of us.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on July 09, 2020, 01:59:34 PM
Dan does have the gift with making vehicles.  They look fantastic.  Bob's structure ain't bad either!   ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 07:16:23 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on July 09, 2020, 12:14:52 PM
The roundhouse projects looks great . Bob's FSM bakery is a beautiful structure. Dan's cars and trucks are a work of art.
Looks like the S&S RR is a proud dream coming true in your home. Thanks for sharing all your work in these photos as an inspiration for all of us.


Thank you for following along and the kind words - one of the best parts of this hobby is the friends you make along the way and having Bob's and Dan's work as part of the layout is fantastic.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2020, 07:20:05 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on July 09, 2020, 01:59:34 PM
Dan does have the gift with making vehicles.  They look fantastic.  Bob's structure ain't bad either!   ;D



Thank you.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 10, 2020, 07:39:15 PM
Well - the monster is about ready for the roofing crew. At the end of the day today I staged a ream of black construction paper on my workbench, along with the paper cutter.  How many sheets do you think I will need? I need to add a few wall sections in the back of the clerestory and the roofing will began. After the roofing I need to go over the complete model and touch up the detailing, and then add the doors. At that point, I will be moving this model to the layout for planting.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 10, 2020, 07:43:01 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 10, 2020, 07:54:12 PM
Here is a couple progress pictures of the back of the roundhouse.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 10, 2020, 07:55:45 PM
Finally, for tonight, a progress picture of the 4 stall section of the roundhouse.  The roof cards are all cut and waiting in the paint booth.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on July 10, 2020, 09:56:53 PM
John - WOW!  That is going to be one heck of a roundhouse.  I can't wait to see it finished.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on July 11, 2020, 07:22:43 AM
Magnificent seems like the right word for that roundhouse...that will be an epic scene on an epic layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 11, 2020, 08:34:32 AM
Just beautiful work!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 11, 2020, 09:01:20 AM
Incredible looking roundhouse John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 11, 2020, 09:32:10 AM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful. Can't wait to see it on the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on July 11, 2020, 08:52:28 PM

My hat's off to you!  That is simply beautiful! 

Do you have a forklift hidden in your basement to move models like this (and the larger roundhouse) to the layout?  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2020, 09:32:19 PM
Quote from: Judge on July 10, 2020, 09:56:53 PM
John - WOW!  That is going to be one heck of a roundhouse.  I can't wait to see it finished.


Thank you - we are getting close now.  I will be doing a lot of detail work once it is installed on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2020, 09:33:29 PM
Quote from: cuse on July 11, 2020, 07:22:43 AM
Magnificent seems like the right word for that roundhouse...that will be an epic scene on an epic layout.



Thank you - it's going to look even better once it is surrounded by some scenery. I have a plan. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2020, 09:33:54 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 11, 2020, 08:34:32 AM
Just beautiful work!!


Thank you Jerry.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2020, 09:34:54 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 11, 2020, 09:01:20 AM
Incredible looking roundhouse John.

Thank you Curt. This has been a long project - I may see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2020, 09:36:11 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 11, 2020, 09:32:10 AM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful. Can't wait to see it on the layout.



Thank you - this will be the first structure on the new section so it will need some scenery around it to look it's best.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2020, 09:38:36 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on July 11, 2020, 08:52:28 PM

My hat's off to you!  That is simply beautiful! 

Do you have a forklift hidden in your basement to move models like this (and the larger roundhouse) to the layout?  ;D


Thank you, I have a cart and and a couple arms that grew up throwing bales of hay. I may bring in reinforcements just in case. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 11, 2020, 09:50:25 PM
Looking great, John!

I'm curious as the whether you are going to add rafter tails to all that roofing?  You could set some sort of a record!  Up there with Georges I. M. Boren!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 12, 2020, 09:32:23 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on July 11, 2020, 09:50:25 PM
Looking great, John!

I'm curious as the whether you are going to add rafter tails to all that roofing?  You could set some sort of a record!  Up there with Georges I. M. Boren!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the kind words  - I think I will let the rafter tail record stay were it is.   ;)  That sure would be a lot of rafter tails. I finished off the roof the same way Bob did it with his kit. This has been personal time spent on a single build record for me - a very big project. I think I'm going to be very happy with it on the layout. And it serves a necessary function for the railroad, too. I have my next three builds all ready to go on my workbenches as soon as the roofing and doors are finished.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2020, 09:36:58 PM
I had a package waiting for me when I got back from the Northern Hqtrs. this afternoon.  This will be one of my next three builds after the completion of the Brick Roundhouse.  Also, on the table is the first shipment of Castings from Bob VanGelder's molds, now owned by Rail Scale Miniatures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2020, 09:38:03 PM
You will notice that the roof vents for the roundhouse are in this batch of castings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on July 13, 2020, 09:47:14 PM

I'm really looking forward to the construction of Whispering Falls.  (I cannot imagine why, can you?)  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2020, 10:02:36 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on July 13, 2020, 09:47:14 PM

I'm really looking forward to the construction of Whispering Falls.  (I cannot imagine why, can you?)  ;D ;D


I thought of you you as I was planning to buy this kit. I opened the boxes tonight and it really looks like a great kit. I have some extra details and outbuildings that will be part of my scene. I know I will have questions for you as I go - I want mine to be 1949 timeframe so I will have some equipment questions. I know I need rectangular hay bails in that time frame - when did farms start switching to round bales?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on July 14, 2020, 07:51:13 PM
I will foolow your effort on this kit for sure.
But may I suggest you to read the excellent thread concerning this kit from Ensign. He had discover a lot of small mistake in the kit and have very well documented them.
just for said.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on July 14, 2020, 08:04:37 PM
Okay.  Whispering Falls slipped by my radar.  I hadn't heard of or seen this one.  Looks interesting.  I'll be following along for sure.   ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2020, 09:03:27 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on July 14, 2020, 07:51:13 PM
I will foolow your effort on this kit for sure.
But may I suggest you to read the excellent thread concerning this kit from Ensign. He had discover a lot of small mistake in the kit and have very well documented them.
just for said.


Thank you for following along and yes I'm reading through Greg's build thread to get his tips.  A sheet was included in the box that recommended Greg's build thread and offered a pdf file with the drawing changes and tips. I'm really excited about this kit the contents look excellent - Casting quality, detail, etc. also look great. I will let you know through this thread how it builds.  Tonight, I'm sitting in my gazebo studying the build and looking at options on how I can organize the buildings for my location on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2020, 09:08:37 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on July 14, 2020, 08:04:37 PM
Okay.  Whispering Falls slipped by my radar.  I hadn't heard of or seen this one.  Looks interesting.  I'll be following along for sure.   ;)


I saw it when it came out and really loved it, but I couldn't come up with a place for it on my layout.  After trying to design the town I had planned for this area I decided I had way to many structures and will move the town to the new area close to the location of my Brick Roundhouse build. So I contacted Rail Scale Miniatures and was happy to learn that one was still available. As I said above, judging from the box contents, I think this is going to be a great build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2020, 09:37:50 PM
Update: Today, the roofers made a good start on the rolled roofing for the 11 stall Brick Roundhouse. They will be at this for a few days. The doors are all ready to install when the roofers are done.  The roof vents arrived and are being prepared for the paint booth.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on July 14, 2020, 09:48:38 PM

According to their website, New Holland first built a round baler in 1974.  Their first square balers with pickup heads debuted around 1940.  Other manufacturers followed New Holland's lead and IH and John Deere balers with pickup heads came out in 1945.  If you check this link there is a black and white photo on page 3.  That pretty much is how my dad and grandfather put up baled hay for their dairy after WWII.  The Farmall H tractor they used had the more common (at least in our area) narrow front.  The baler is a Model 76.  I believe it was the second model offered by New Holland.  It was powered by a two cylinder Wisconsin engine and used belts to feed the hay into the chamber.  It dropped the bales on the ground and they had a bale loader like the one in the photo. Theirs hooked to the left side of the truck so it was easier for the driver to see the bales and line them up with the loader.  They had two trucks, a 1934 International and a 1946 Dodge. (

The GHQ "green" baler is the model of  a John Deere 14T square baler, built starting in 1955.  I know of no models of an earlier baler. 

The GHQ "red" tractors are IHC Farmall Super M tractors first offered in 1953.  McCormick Deering Farmall (IHC) offered H and M tractors starting in 1939, and with minor changes these were built into the mid-50's.  The Super M was slightly larger than an M and offered more horsepower.  I doubt many modelers could tell the difference.  LifeLike offered a plastic Farmall tractor.  I've never been able to tell if they were H's or M's.  I believe the Woodland Scenics John Deere tractors with rubber tires are Model A tractors, built from 1934 to 1952.  Obviously they would be suitable for your era.  The GHQ manure spreader is a ground drive model, also suitable for your era.  IIRC GHQ also offers a green combine that might be suitable.  I'd have to do some checking, we had 1938 McCormick Deering and later an Allis Chalmers combine, both pull types.

Today's small square balers make a 14" x 18" bale.  Bale length can be set by the operator and varies.  Today's bales are normally shorter than they were in the 40's and 50's to allow them to work better with bale throwers.  IIRC, the old 76 baler made 16" x 18" bales, still the difference in HO scale is negligible. 

Here's a link to some hay bales and stacks available on ebay.  I have some of these to use when I build my stationary baler kit. (

FWIW, during WWII my dad designed and built a pickup head for their stationary wire tie baler.  That baler did not have a way to tie the bales automatically.  My mom rode one side and my dad the other.  When a bale was the right size my dad would drop a board at the "front" end of the bale so no more hay could be added.  My mom would push two wires through the bale chamber to my dad who would twist the wire ends thus tiring the bale.  Then my dad would insert the wires for the next bale and remove the board. Seems like a lot of work, but still was much faster than hauling loose hay to the stationary baler and feeding the hay into the baler by hand.  I never saw this baler and apparently no one in the family took any photos of it.  After he built the pickup my dad sprayed it red and the family joke was that he had red hair for at least a month afterward.   

I hope this answers a few of your questions. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on July 15, 2020, 07:09:22 AM

My "kicker" bales run about 32" long, and weigh about 40#.  The bales from the old New Holland 76 were longer and weighed 50-60#. 

Bill Gill did what I feel was the best tutorial on making bales on the other forum.  He squeezed the bales with pliers.  That seemed to help the grass flocking align more realistically than other methods.

Here's a link:,bale (,bale)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2020, 07:39:22 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on July 14, 2020, 09:48:38 PM

According to their website, New Holland first built a round baler in 1974.  Their first square balers with pickup heads debuted around 1940.  Other manufacturers followed New Holland's lead and IH and John Deere balers with pickup heads came out in 1945.  If you check this link there is a black and white photo on page 3.  That pretty much is how my dad and grandfather put up baled hay for their dairy after WWII.  The Farmall H tractor they used had the more common (at least in our area) narrow front.  The baler is a Model 76.  I believe it was the second model offered by New Holland.  It was powered by a two cylinder Wisconsin engine and used belts to feed the hay into the chamber.  It dropped the bales on the ground and they had a bale loader like the one in the photo. Theirs hooked to the left side of the truck so it was easier for the driver to see the bales and line them up with the loader.  They had two trucks, a 1934 International and a 1946 Dodge. (

The GHQ "green" baler is the model of  a John Deere 14T square baler, built starting in 1955.  I know of no models of an earlier baler. 

The GHQ "red" tractors are IHC Farmall Super M tractors first offered in 1953.  McCormick Deering Farmall (IHC) offered H and M tractors starting in 1939, and with minor changes these were built into the mid-50's.  The Super M was slightly larger than an M and offered more horsepower.  I doubt many modelers could tell the difference.  LifeLike offered a plastic Farmall tractor.  I've never been able to tell if they were H's or M's.  I believe the Woodland Scenics John Deere tractors with rubber tires are Model A tractors, built from 1934 to 1952.  Obviously they would be suitable for your era.  The GHQ manure spreader is a ground drive model, also suitable for your era.  IIRC GHQ also offers a green combine that might be suitable.  I'd have to do some checking, we had 1938 McCormick Deering and later an Allis Chalmers combine, both pull types.

Today's small square balers make a 14" x 18" bale.  Bale length can be set by the operator and varies.  Today's bales are normally shorter than they were in the 40's and 50's to allow them to work better with bale throwers.  IIRC, the old 76 baler made 16" x 18" bales, still the difference in HO scale is negligible. 

Here's a link to some hay bales and stacks available on ebay.  I have some of these to use when I build my stationary baler kit. (

FWIW, during WWII my dad designed and built a pickup head for their stationary wire tie baler.  That baler did not have a way to tie the bales automatically.  My mom rode one side and my dad the other.  When a bale was the right size my dad would drop a board at the "front" end of the bale so no more hay could be added.  My mom would push two wires through the bale chamber to my dad who would twist the wire ends thus tiring the bale.  Then my dad would insert the wires for the next bale and remove the board. Seems like a lot of work, but still was much faster than hauling loose hay to the stationary baler and feeding the hay into the baler by hand.  I never saw this baler and apparently no one in the family took any photos of it.  After he built the pickup my dad sprayed it red and the family joke was that he had red hair for at least a month afterward.   

I hope this answers a few of your questions. 


Thank you so much for all the great information. This is going to be a fun project. I have great memories of my Grandparents farm, a small dairy farm in Northern Michigan. My job, during hay season, when I was young was to drive the stake truck - an old Chev. with a flat head 8. When I got old enough to lift the bales making hay wasn't as much fun. The bales went on and off the truck and trailer by hand.  My Grandparents had the mower and rake but I remember the bailer being on loan, rented, or co owned by a number of the farmers up there. I remember two tractors a Ford 8N and a Allis Chalmers that had the two front wheels close together (crank start). Helping to keep all that equipment going probably started my interest in going into Engineering.  I worked for John Deere for two years at their Tech. Center in Moline while I was in Grad School.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: BandOGuy on July 15, 2020, 08:14:10 PM
Sent you an email message on the boards here last night.
Did you receive it?
Chip Stevens
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2020, 08:49:51 PM
Quote from: BandOGuy on July 15, 2020, 08:14:10 PM
Sent you an email message on the boards here last night.
Did you receive it?
Chip Stevens


I didn't get your email - I just sent you and email through the forum. Let me know if you got it and please resend the email you sent me.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2020, 09:18:46 PM
Update: The roofing crew got the roof on the clerestory and back roofs of the 11 stall Brick Roundhouse, today.  I hope to get the front done tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on July 16, 2020, 07:16:59 AM

I have a little more info on GHQ.  You may already be aware, I was not, they have a Ford 8N complete with farmer driver.  Also, the combine they offer is a John Deere 12A.  That was manufactured from 1940 until the mid-50's, so this is another suitable option for your farm.  That's all for now...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 16, 2020, 07:50:05 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on July 16, 2020, 07:16:59 AM

I have a little more info on GHQ.  You may already be aware, I was not, they have a Ford 8N complete with farmer driver.  Also, the combine they offer is a John Deere 12A.  That was manufactured from 1940 until the mid-50's, so this is another suitable option for your farm.  That's all for now...


Thank you for the information - I two of the Ford 8N kits.  I need to take a look at the Combine.  I also have a vintage steam tractor that I need to decide on how to model.  Restored and working or rusting away in the barn yard. I think I will be adding additional details to this scene for years to come. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 16, 2020, 03:12:51 PM
Hey John:

That's a beautiful barn kit. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2020, 12:00:14 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 16, 2020, 03:12:51 PM
Hey John:

That's a beautiful barn kit. Can't wait to see what you do with it.



Thank you - I will be getting to it soon.  The roofing crew finished the roof on the 11 stall portion of the Brick Roundhouse, yesterday. Moving on to the four stall section next.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 18, 2020, 03:02:59 PM
Update: The roofers are hard at work on the 4 stall section of the Brick Roundhouse. Maybe some pictures this evening or tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 10:31:10 AM
Update: The moving of the Brick Roundhouse has been delayed a day while I attach all the doors.  There is a lot of clamping and waiting for the glue to dry involved. Here is a picture of the first couple going on. The doors are all mounted in place in the open position.  This is going to be a working Roundhouse on the layout and reaching to open and close doors would be very problematic. The back section of the roofing has now been weathered, so the move will happen as soon as I get the doors attached and do a once over on the detailing.  I have a few places where I need to touch up the bricks - where I got to close with a Q-tip chasing run away glue.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 10:35:24 AM
I will have a lot of details to add (yes there will be birds and bird poop) once the model is in place on the layout. I have a picture in my head of what I want to do with trees, scenery, etc. The boiler house is on my detailing work bench waiting for the roundhouse placement on the layout. I will be finishing it up along with a possible machine shop off the Roundhouse. I have the pieces made but want to see everything in place before finishing them.

One comment about the baseboard - I'm very happy that I decided to use plywood for this one. Foam or gator board would have way to much flex on something this size.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on July 20, 2020, 10:49:07 AM

Very nice work on the SRMW roundhouse. When I did my brick one, since sold it for $2000, it weighed at least 60 pounds. It's good you went with the plywood base. Yet you still need to be very careful when moving it.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 20, 2020, 10:54:58 AM
That looks fracking awesome! Love the color of the roof.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on July 20, 2020, 02:40:56 PM
Nice work John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 20, 2020, 04:03:25 PM
Looks GREAT, John!

Good luck with the move.  I guess you will be hiring a crane?!!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 20, 2020, 04:15:49 PM
Hey John:

That's really coming together very nicely. Keep up the great work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 08:17:22 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on July 20, 2020, 10:49:07 AM

Very nice work on the SRMW roundhouse. When I did my brick one, since sold it for $2000, it weighed at least 60 pounds. It's good you went with the plywood base. Yet you still need to be very careful when moving it.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, yes this is going to take some careful moving. I plan to lift it off the bench on to a cart. Wheel it to the layout location and lift it on to the layout. Mine is resin so it's not as heavy. My Stone Roundhouse is hydrocal and the 9 stalls weighs more than the 11 stall section of this one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 08:18:47 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 20, 2020, 10:54:58 AM
That looks fracking awesome! Love the color of the roof.


Thank you for the kind words.  The roof is weathered with three different colors of soft pastels.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 08:19:10 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on July 20, 2020, 02:40:56 PM
Nice work John.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 08:24:00 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on July 20, 2020, 04:03:25 PM
Looks GREAT, John!

Good luck with the move.  I guess you will be hiring a crane?!!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the kind words - my crane still works good (my two arms) but the boom (my back) is troublesome.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 20, 2020, 08:24:56 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 20, 2020, 04:15:49 PM
Hey John:

That's really coming together very nicely. Keep up the great work.



Thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 21, 2020, 08:11:24 AM
Beautiful work John.

Looking forward to its placement on the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 21, 2020, 11:38:43 AM
Hey John:

Your are quite welcome.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 05:47:01 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 21, 2020, 08:11:24 AM
Beautiful work John.

Looking forward to its placement on the layout.



Thank you for the kind words.  The journey from the workbench to the layout has begun.  I will post some pictures this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:29:55 PM

I finished up the work I wanted to do on the 11 stall section of the Brick Roundhouse on my workbench, today.  Here are a few final pictures on the workbench before I moved it to the layout.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:31:04 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:32:32 PM

And now for a few pictures of how I moved it.  In this picture you can see the cart in position.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:35:41 PM
Very carefully I lifted it from the workbench to the cart.


The area where I'm going to plant this roundhouse is about 10 feet from my workbench on the other side of the wall.  But the roundhouse has a little ride to get there.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on July 21, 2020, 08:35:47 PM
Wow!!!!! That's Beautiful JOHN.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:36:45 PM
In this picture you cans see a little more of my workshop.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:37:33 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on July 21, 2020, 08:35:47 PM
Wow!!!!! That's Beautiful JOHN.....Dennis

Thank you Dennis.  It will look even better with scenery and details around it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:38:37 PM
And it's on the cart.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:40:24 PM
From here on out I moved very slowly watching all side so I didn't run into anything.  The next few pictures show the journey and also provide some overview of the new section of my layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:42:03 PM




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:45:04 PM



Here is a shot from the crew quarters (aka the bar).


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:47:38 PM
Tommorrow morning, I will lift it up on to the layout. I have a couple things that I want to do before I slide it in place.  I need to wire the tracks, add the roof vents, and touch up the brickwork.  It will be right at eye level for these tasks.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:48:58 PM
You can see the four stall section in the picture above already in position. I used it to setup the shims I need to get the correct track height.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:50:52 PM
Here is a picture from up above.  You can see the straps across the cutouts in the benchwork that will hold the baseboard at the correct level.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:52:31 PM
Here is a shot with the test car making sure we didn't build to wide a create a clearance problem.  All is well.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:54:41 PM
I have started doing some sketches on my iPad to figure out what I want to do with the backdrop and scenery in this area.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2020, 08:56:33 PM
The four stall section of the roundhouse needs to go back to the workbench for weathering of the roof and installation of the doors.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 21, 2020, 08:58:48 PM
I'm glad you made it to the layout without issue. Good luck tomorrow.  How much do you think it weighs?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 22, 2020, 09:07:00 AM
Looking forward to the transfer from the cart to the top of the layout.  So well done!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 23, 2020, 08:16:58 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 21, 2020, 08:58:48 PM
I'm glad you made it to the layout without issue. Good luck tomorrow.  How much do you think it weighs?


Well, both sections of the roundhouse have made it to the layout.  I put them in place and everything fits. I then made a list of things that I want to change. A trim change here a window change there. Then the touchup work.  I will be doing this work over the next few days and then take some pictures of it in place on the layout. The large section weights between 20 - 30 pounds.  The big issue with moving it is the size - it is very bulky.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 23, 2020, 08:20:35 AM
Quote from: Jerry on July 22, 2020, 09:07:00 AM
Looking forward to the transfer from the cart to the top of the layout.  So well done!



Thank you for the kind words, as I said above it made it to the top of the layout. I will be working on the turntable and electronics once the touchup work is done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 09:57:08 PM
Today, I mounted the two sections of the Brick Roundhouse in place.  After shearing off 6 wires to the LED's that I need to repair getting them into place for a test fit - I decided that the trim and touchup work will be done with them in place on the layout. A little ladder time beats having to move them back to the workbench. Note to self - all new builds will have the wires securely boxed underneath the baseboard. No more exposed wires.

Tom and Bob - after reading about your recent experience with ladders I positioned the sofa next to the ladder just in -case.  ;)

Here are the pictures I took to mark-up for changes and scenery design work.  I have to hide the holes through the wall - probably with trees.  I thinking right now that I will mount the backdrop to a detachable board mounted to the top of the benchwork.  That will cover the blinds that are covering the window you see in the pictures. 

I should mention that phase V (A few years from now) of the S&S RR will be a second level heading outing both directions from the Roundhouse. The old entertainment center which currently holds my 40 year old stereo will be retired.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:07:51 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:08:18 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:08:38 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:09:04 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:09:35 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:17:42 PM
I realigned the 4 stall section of the Roundhouse. I didn't like the track line-up with the turnout when the baseboard was mounted in the hole with the building. You can see in the pictures how I made the hole a little bigger to accommodate the adjustment. I will cover the hole and sand it in during the scenery phase of the project.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 24, 2020, 10:20:02 PM
If you have a large Roundhouse project in your future and you don't own a set of the large steel rulers, you need to take a trip to the hardware store.  I use mine a lot but I don't know how you could get everything aligned in a project like this without them.  I have a 24, 36, and 48 inch ruler in my set. Highly recommended tool.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 25, 2020, 08:25:11 AM
Another useful thing for this is a 2' long Ribbonrail track gauge.  That's particularly good for making sure your turntable bridge and lead tracks are absolutely lined up.

That's quite an impressive scene from a distance, John!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on July 25, 2020, 08:43:02 AM
fantastic, John. Such a spectacular scene. Looking forward to seeing it loaded with the motive power.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2020, 02:27:07 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 25, 2020, 08:25:11 AM
Another useful thing for this is a 2' long Ribbonrail track gauge.  That's particularly good for making sure your turntable bridge and lead tracks are absolutely lined up.

That's quite an impressive scene from a distance, John!



Thanks you for the kind words and I agree with your tool addition.  My long track gauge is about 9 inches, which gives me enough alignment for the smaller locomotives that will be housed in this roundhouse. Now that I have had it in place for a couple days I'm realizing how much work there is to do to make it operational. I had forgot how long I worked on the Stone Roundhouse.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2020, 02:29:55 PM
Quote from: vinceg on July 25, 2020, 08:43:02 AM
fantastic, John. Such a spectacular scene. Looking forward to seeing it loaded with the motive power.


Thank you, it will be a while before it will be ready for the locomotives but we are getting closer every day.  I plan on starting a couple more builds and finishing this up an hour or two at a time. I will post occasional progress pictures.  Today, I'm adding the moldings along the roofline.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 25, 2020, 02:33:57 PM
John, any thoughts on powering the roundhouse tracks?  I figure to add the track feed to the track in front of the roundhouse, and power each track separately (i.e. on/off)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 25, 2020, 03:45:06 PM
Truly outstanding John. Like the others I can't wait to see it in operation. On my last layout I ran a extension off the main buss to power the leads that had a DPDT switch that completely isolated the RH area to reduce the noise level.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on July 25, 2020, 04:24:23 PM
That will be an incredible focal point on the layout when it's finished. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on July 25, 2020, 08:22:37 PM
Looks fantastic John,
Sent you an email offline in connection with some thoughts regarding the backdrop.
All the best,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2020, 08:43:49 PM
Quote from: deemery on July 25, 2020, 02:33:57 PM
John, any thoughts on powering the roundhouse tracks?  I figure to add the track feed to the track in front of the roundhouse, and power each track separately (i.e. on/off)



I have an switch for each track on/off for my Stone Roundhouse and so far I'm either turning them all on or all off when the roundhouse is in operation. My plan for this Roundhouse is to wire all 15 tracks (actually there will also be outside tracks so probably 20+ tracks to one switch. So there will be lots of locomotive sound or non- coming from the roundhouse area.  I can easily put in a bank of switches and splice the wires to the switches if I decide later that this was a bad choice. Can anyone else offer advice on this?  I have not done a lot of operations at this point, on my railroad.  The operations experience I have - the layouts didn't have on off switch for the roundhouses.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2020, 08:50:48 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 25, 2020, 03:45:06 PM
Truly outstanding John. Like the others I can't wait to see it in operation. On my last layout I ran a extension off the main buss to power the leads that had a DPDT switch that completely isolated the RH area to reduce the noise level.


Thank you for the kind words. As I said in my response to Dave, being able to turn off 20 + locomotives is definitely in the plan. I have seen layouts where you couldn't hear yourself think with all the locomotives running at the same time.  I may end up with a bank of switch and a switch for each track but I'm going to try it first with one switch.

I should also mention that being able to turn off all those locomotives is also import on layout startup.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2020, 08:52:22 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on July 25, 2020, 04:24:23 PM
That will be an incredible focal point on the layout when it's finished. 



Thank you for the encouraging words, I'm looking forward to having this thing operational.  It will be awhile yet.  Lots of work to complete before power-up.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2020, 08:53:54 PM
Quote from: PaulS on July 25, 2020, 08:22:37 PM
Looks fantastic John,
Sent you an email offline in connection with some thoughts regarding the backdrop.
All the best,


Thank you - and I got your email and will be responding.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 27, 2020, 12:34:54 AM
That is really an interesting scene or going to be.

Looks to be lots of action on that turntable.

Another wonderful addition to the RR John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2020, 08:21:50 AM
Quote from: Jerry on July 27, 2020, 12:34:54 AM
That is really an interesting scene or going to be.

Looks to be lots of action on that turntable.

Another wonderful addition to the RR John.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.  This scene will be coming together over the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2020, 08:31:56 PM
As I mentioned, yesterday, I will be starting, or restarted two more builds while I do the finish work on the Brick Roundhouse.  The FSM G. Wilikers which I started a few months back on got to the point where the castings have been painted and 80% completed and the painting process for the main building walls had been established. I have also prepared the base board for the G. Wilikers build.  This kit will end up in the industrial row in the Eagles Nest Yard of my layout.

The second build will be the Rail Scale Miniatures - Whispering Falls Farm.  I have been working on and off for the past couple of weeks on the site design for this kit build. Mark Dalrymple has been doing an excellent job of describing how he develops a scene in his build thread for his Shadowlands and Tellynott Layout and he inspired me to try and describe the thought process and techniques I'm using for the design of this part of my layout. If I can make this work I will continue doing this for the rest of the areas on my layout.

Link to Mark's thread. (

At the risk of being banded from "the forum" Mark also has a build thread on another forum which I also follow. (

And as long as I'm completing my reference list. Greg did an excellent build thread on the Whispering Falls Kit that I will be referencing during this build.  Dario added a sheet that list Greg's build thread in the kit. (

I may as well let you know that the third kit on my build list will be the FSM Brownsville Depot which will also be part of the Eagles Nest Yard.  I will be painting and processing the castings for this build along with the Whispering Falls castings.

And with that introduction let me show you the site for the Whispering Falls build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2020, 09:39:13 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2020, 09:43:58 PM
In addition to being a dairy farm this will also serve as a location for loading and unloading cattle off the train. I have a number of out buildings, including a C.C. Crow horse barn that will also be part of the scene. Over the next few evenings I will describe some of the iterations and the thought process for developing this scene. For me it all starts with what is the story I want to tell with this scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on July 28, 2020, 09:11:38 AM
Using real rocks really make the hillside pop.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 28, 2020, 12:04:18 PM
Hey John:

It's looking just great so far.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 28, 2020, 03:36:03 PM
Coming on a treat, John.

I promise to get back to that thread of mine soon!  As always I'm enjoying keeping up with your progress.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 07:22:12 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on July 28, 2020, 09:11:38 AM
Using real rocks really make the hillside pop.


Thank you, the rocks rode many miles in my Jeep to get to the S&S RR. I found a place on one of my trips that had rocks that were just the right size and colors. The stone wall in the foreground of the picture has the larger stones glued in place but will be getting multiple layers of smaller talus when complete.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 07:30:44 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 28, 2020, 12:04:18 PM
Hey John:

It's looking just great so far.


Thanks Karl - at least I have the backdrop started. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 07:45:33 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on July 28, 2020, 03:36:03 PM
Coming on a treat, John.

I promise to get back to that thread of mine soon!  As always I'm enjoying keeping up with your progress.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along. I'm reading through the build thread that Greg did on the kit and I see some of your comments there. So this is not your first rodeo with this kit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 08:09:12 PM
To get started with this process, I should explain some background thoughts that I have had for this area. Originally, this was going to be a farm but then when I laid the track through this area a thought it might work better for a small mountain town.  After a number of iterations on the town idea, that I just couldn't make fit, I decided to go back and take a look at Dario's kit which I really liked when it came out over a year ago.  So I ran through the pictures on his website and decide to pull the trigger and buy it. The kits that I have bought for the town scenario are all going to be used in my town of Superior, which will be located near the Brick Roundhouse.

This area is served by both the standard gauge and HOn3 Narrow Gauge Railroads. So in addition to the dairy herd there will also be a coral to house the cattle that are free range in the mountains, with loading ramps for the RR cattle cars. The narrow gauge railroad will also have facilities to offload cattle into the standard gauge loading pens.

I know at this point that I will be changing the configuration of the builds from the kit to fit my scene. I have a series of pictures that describe the process I'm going through that I will share over the next few days. In addition to the outbuildings that come in Dario's kit I will be adding a C.C. Crow course barn (the cowboys need horses to round up the free range cattle in the mountains). I have a corn crib, a couple more axillary barns, and various farm relayed sheds that may become part of the scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:00:46 PM
The first step in the scene design process, for me, was to establish the orientation of the main barn in Dario's kit. I played with the orientation to get the best views of the interior detail along with functionality for the rest of the scene. Here are a few process pictures along with views of the area from different angles. I would like to keep the trees where they are and still see the details of the farm from different viewing angles so I will probably raise the area. Another feature that I would like to achieve is to have the track lower than the buildings in the area. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:03:31 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:03:58 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:04:26 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:05:12 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:06:02 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:08:01 PM
On my workbench the materials that came with the kit are being sorted.  I also made cardboard plan view templates for each of the major buildings along with a silo mockup to help with visualizing the placement and elevation for the scene.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:08:48 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 28, 2020, 10:11:28 PM
I also pulled out a piece of 1/2 inch gator board to serve as my baseboard.  This will be mounded to a foam base which will give me the stack up required for the elevation change. Both the foam and the gator board will be mounded to the 3/4 inch plywood base that you see in the pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 29, 2020, 08:28:02 AM
After seeing Greg build his on RR line.

It will be great to see what you do with this kit.  I'm sure it will be another wonderful build with a different twist than Greg did.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 08:35:43 AM
Quote from: Jerry on July 29, 2020, 08:28:02 AM
After seeing Greg build his on RR line.

It will be great to see what you do with this kit.  I'm sure it will be another wonderful build with a different twist than Greg did.



Thank you for the encouraging words - there will be some twists for sure. Right now I know there will be a different placement of the structures and some added structures. We will see where it takes us.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 08:40:21 AM

One of the techniques that I use for a build project is to take pictures of the major templates and drawings, prototype pictures, layout placement drawings and add them to "notes" in my iPad. This way I can mark them up and think through how I want to do things when I'm traveling.  I have a printout of the notes for this project sitting on the workbench in this picture that I'm using to create the baseboard for this build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 09:47:01 AM
To establish the elevation for my baseboard on the layout I place the baseboard on "bench cookies" to establish the height off the plywood benchwork.  The "bench cookies" are 1 inch high - the height of the foam panels that I use to buildup the final scene.  Here is a picture of the cookies and my initial setup of the panel.  You need to start out with everything level.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 09:51:51 AM
This kit looks great on all four sides so along with the best elevation to show it off I'm also trying to get the best orientation of the buildings, especially the barn with the interior detail - visible through the open doors. I spent a lot of time studying the pictures and the viewing angles possible from this layout location. The cardboard templates and baseboard placement really help me with this process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 29, 2020, 05:59:10 PM
John I forgot to mention that Greg found a few mistakes when building this an noted them in his build.

If that helps you any.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 29, 2020, 08:52:39 PM
I will be very interested to see how you do this, John.

To me, these structures combined with a rail siding suggest 1000's of acres of grazing land.  Do you have plans to change some of your background scenery?  To me, at present, it looks far to rocky and steep to suggest any grazing or even access for the cattle.  I guess even hacking some sort of path leading to pastures beyond, maybe with these painted on the backdrop could work?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 09:15:01 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 29, 2020, 05:59:10 PM
John I forgot to mention that Greg found a few mistakes when building this an noted them in his build.

If that helps you any.



Thank you for mentioning this.  I have to email Dario to get the *.pdf files with the changes.  Your post reminded me to do that.  I have been reading through Greg's thread and taking notes.  It's a great "modeling project" when I'm at my cabin.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 09:27:46 PM
Once the baseboard was level - I started playing with different structure placement ideas and elevation levels.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 09:31:30 PM
I really wanted to have a view of the lower level of the barn and the through the doors view of interior detail.

Here is the lower level view.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 10:04:48 PM
This will be the view looking South.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 10:14:39 PM
The track will be below grade as it comes off the trestle.  Appropriate, drainage will be provided to channel the water into the mountain valley. A siding will service the cattle pins on the left and will have chutes and gates to manage the cattle into the stock cars. On the right will be the horse barn and corals.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 10:22:39 PM
The view of the white barn extension will be visible only in those photographs taken from the cab of the locomotive as it approaches the trestle. The backdrop will be the mountains on the other side of the aisle.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 10:26:44 PM
Now for the placement of the farm house.  The first question is which direction should the front of the house be? Towards the barn like Dario did it, or facing the cliff with the front porch overlooking the town of Sellios?  I have the cardboard template positioned with the porch overlooking the town in this picture.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on July 29, 2020, 10:34:55 PM
Following along, John. Really anxious to see this come together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 10:44:20 PM
Quote from: vinceg on July 29, 2020, 10:34:55 PM
Following along, John. Really anxious to see this come together.


Thank you for following along.  I'm real excited about this build. Am I doing okay describing the picture that is in my head with the words and photographs? In the past I would post a picture of the site and then the finished scene in the site, so this part of the thread is all new.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 30, 2020, 09:37:18 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on July 29, 2020, 09:15:01 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 29, 2020, 05:59:10 PM
John I forgot to mention that Greg found a few mistakes when building this an noted them in his build.

If that helps you any.



Thank you for mentioning this.  I have to email Dario to get the *.pdf files with the changes.  Your post reminded me to do that.  I have been reading through Greg's thread and taking notes.  It's a great "modeling project" when I'm at my cabin.

I got the revised drawings from Dario at light speed.  Wow he is fast at responding to emails. I'm really looking forward to building this kit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2020, 06:55:09 PM
At this point I need to cut the baseboards and foam for elevation changes.  I will then take another set of pictures with the main structure base cutouts in location. I will then use my iPad to make detail sketches which will locate all of the out buildings, the pond, the fences and the cattle loading chutes. I will use those sketches, once I'm through changing stuff, ;)  to layout and glue up the baseboard I will use for the build. I'm sure everyone has their own method for completing this part of the build, the "pre-build" but I thought it might be of some interest for me to show this in the build thread. I reserve the right to change stuff as I build. It always looks different once you get all the pieces in 3-D in front of you.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 31, 2020, 08:30:13 PM
Sounds like a plan John.  Looking forward to it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 01, 2020, 03:06:40 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 31, 2020, 08:30:13 PM
Sounds like a plan John.  Looking forward to it.



Thank you for following along.  I'm going to get to work on the baseboard later this afternoon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 01, 2020, 04:52:08 PM
Hey John:

I'm sure it will be a beautiful barn. Can't wait to see what you do with this.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 01, 2020, 07:10:29 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 01, 2020, 04:52:08 PM
Hey John:

I'm sure it will be a beautiful barn. Can't wait to see what you do with this.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 02, 2020, 07:32:12 PM
So after studying pictures while I was at my cabin this week, I came home with a list of issues that I wanted to solve before going forward with the farm site.  The main issue was the sight block that was developing between the two rooms of my layout. Since the wall is gone it's not really two rooms, any more, but an L shaped room. I want to maintain the depth of the layout by having viewing points that allow one to see the mountains and scenery on the other side of the layout while viewing the details in the foreground. The rocks and trees where beginning to get in the way of this line of sight.  If I raised the farm to make it visible over the tree tops and rock formations the view block got even worse. So - this morning I brought in the chain saw and the dynamite.  Problem solved. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 08:43:03 AM
Here are a few pictures of the area after the modifications along with the cardboard templates of the footprints for the major structures of the farm.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 08:45:01 AM
I used a box that was a little bigger to simulate the view block of the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 08:45:37 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 08:46:02 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 08:47:01 AM
The scenery in this area will be redone with more rocks and small trees and bushes.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 03, 2020, 09:19:24 AM   ;D

(You'll probably need some fencing to keep the cows from wandering over the cliffs onto the tracks below....)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on August 03, 2020, 11:11:21 AM
We have a good friend who has a cattle farm in Twin Falls Idaho and his pasture runs to the edge of the Snake River Canyon. I asked him about Bessie going over the edge and he said its rare that they lose one in the canyon. He said its usually a young calf that gets to "feeling his oats and forgets where he is". Looking forward to this build -good luck.....
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 06:54:43 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 03, 2020, 09:19:24 AM (   ;D

(You'll probably need some fencing to keep the cows from wandering over the cliffs onto the tracks below....)


I will have many happy hours of fence building on this project. I filled my workbench with details that will find their way into this scene.  I have been collecting farm stuff for years waiting for this project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2020, 07:01:35 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on August 03, 2020, 11:11:21 AM
We have a good friend who has a cattle farm in Twin Falls Idaho and his pasture runs to the edge of the Snake River Canyon. I asked him about Bessie going over the edge and he said its rare that they lose one in the canyon. He said its usually a young calf that gets to "feeling his oats and forgets where he is". Looking forward to this build -good luck.....


Thanks for following along. I'm really excited about this project. I will be adding lots of fencing to keep the critters from the cliffs. I have some barn and house modifications planned to help the structures fit my layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 04, 2020, 12:10:09 PM
Update: After the scenery modifications for the Whispering Falls "plus" build I completed the baseboard and I'm working on some sketches for structure placement, along with all the details I have planned. I have the castings for the build out and I'm working on getting them ready for priming.

In my usual tradition I have three builds going at the same time.  The Brick Roundhouse build is in the process of being installed. Wiring for the tracks, LED lighting, and turntable installation.  This will be followed by the scenery and detailing.  I'm waiting for a shipment of additional roof vents and have the trim and doors to complete on the 4 stall section of the roundhouse.

My third build is the FSM G. Wilikers - I have the detail castings painted and the pieces for the structures are on the workbench ready to start the build process.

Since I'm going to be doing some casting painting, and it's a great job to take with me to the cabin in the fall, I'm going to get the castings for my forth build on my list, the FSM Brownsville Depot prepared for priming.

I will be posting periodic progress pictures on all four projects.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 04, 2020, 12:28:36 PM

I've enjoyed your journey. The brick roundhouse is certainly a favorite of mine. Great job on the empire.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 04, 2020, 03:22:52 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 04, 2020, 12:28:36 PM

I've enjoyed your journey. The brick roundhouse is certainly a favorite of mine. Great job on the empire.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouraging words and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 05, 2020, 12:12:54 PM
Hey John:

More great pictures. Layout looks just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 05, 2020, 08:31:52 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 05, 2020, 12:12:54 PM
Hey John:

More great pictures. Layout looks just beautiful.



Thank you, a little more each day. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 05, 2020, 08:39:59 PM
This morning I finished cutting all the pieces for the baseboard for the Whispering Falls build.  I took a series of pictures at different angles to use for sketching in my iPad before I moved all the pieces to my workbench for gluing. Let the building begin. ;)   My baseboard is a little different from the one recommended by Dario in the kit. The house for mine is set back to fit my site.  The out buildings will be behind the house and barn and on the other side of the railroad tracks.  There will be a lot of fences and gates to manage the critters. They have to be kept off the tracks, out of the garden, and away from the cliffs surrounding the farm.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 06, 2020, 08:23:58 PM
Update: Today, was casting prep. day. I'm getting the flashing off the castings and mounting them on toothpicks, for the next three builds. The paint booth will be a busy place the next couple days, as I get them all primed. I also started laying out the walls for G. Wilikers. I received the rest of the roof vent castings for the Brick Roundhouse, yesterday. I order enough castings so I can replace the plastic roof vents that I used on the Stone Roundhouse, so I will be painting them all in one big batch.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2020, 09:01:46 PM
Update: The castings for Whispering Falls, the vents for the brick roundhouse, and Brownsvillehave all been prepped and are on their way through the paint booth for priming. I mount the smaller castings on toothpicks for the detail painting. Here is a picture of the tools I use to make that happen.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2020, 09:05:39 PM
Here is a picture of the castings in various stages of the painting process. The hunter green castings are the window castings for G. Wilikers plus some of the castings I need to complete the boiler house for the Brick Roundhouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 08, 2020, 09:40:13 AM
Hey John:

Looks like you are having fun. I will be following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2020, 09:46:45 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 08, 2020, 09:40:13 AM
Hey John:

Looks like you are having fun. I will be following along.



Thank you for following along, and yes I am having fun. I will be starting to put walls together, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2020, 08:12:16 PM
I was talking to Frank Baker, yesterday, and he asked me if I had a resent layout diagram.  I can't remember when I last posted this but here we go.


If you find block 42A that is the siding for the farm scene I'm working on. Block 102H is the turntable for the Brick Roundhouse.  G. Wiliker's will be installed between sidings 95G and 66E.  Each power block has a unique number and is controlled by a power switch.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 08, 2020, 08:33:08 PM
Two (related) questions:
1.  Where will the engines be serviced (coal, water, clean-out, etc)
2.  How does an engine/train get from the roundhouse to that yard area (120G) directly above it? 


p.s.  isn't it -great- to have a sink in the train room/workshop!?!?  Half the cost of my finished basement was adding the 3/4 bath, some of that was to get an up-flushing system to get waste water to the septic system.  The marginal cost for the rest of the bath, once I paid for the plumbing supply and wastewater, was pretty low.  I don't know if I'll ever use the shower, but I'm sure it'll be great for eventual resale.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2020, 09:36:41 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 08, 2020, 08:33:08 PM
Two (related) questions:
1.  Where will the engines be serviced (coal, water, clean-out, etc)
2.  How does an engine/train get from the roundhouse to that yard area (120G) directly above it? 


p.s.  isn't it -great- to have a sink in the train room/workshop!?!?  Half the cost of my finished basement was adding the 3/4 bath, some of that was to get an up-flushing system to get waste water to the septic system.  The marginal cost for the rest of the bath, once I paid for the plumbing supply and wastewater, was pretty low.  I don't know if I'll ever use the shower, but I'm sure it'll be great for eventual resale.


Yes the sink in the train room is extremely useful. It's basically a laundry tub.  Our laundry facilities are on the first floor.  I have a full bath with a shower in the basement which really came in handy when I was working on all those plaster mountains.  Just to the left of the bathroom is a full kitchen and bar.  We used it a lot for entertaining when the kids were growing up.  It is now repurposed as a crew lounge and party spot - when we can have parties again. ;)  The big germ has definitely cut down on that activity.

Your second question - The roundhouse is going to be a steam locomotive facility (the diesel facilities will be down in the yard). I have plans for a water tank, clean out pit and a coaling tower near the roundhouse.  The locomotives take a run down the helix to get to the yard. The helix gets the trains from the lower yard level to the upper level and also to the correct level for the by pass through my workshop and into the rest of the layout. I'm working on the best location for the roundhouse boiler house right now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2020, 08:16:42 PM
I made progress on all three current builds, today. Here is a progress picture from the workbenches.

Bracing the walls on the G. Wiliker's build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2020, 08:17:33 PM
Putting the foundation together for the barn of the Whispering Falls build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2020, 08:18:46 PM
Added the doors on the 4 stall section of the Roundhouse - some trim and a sign on the 11 stall section.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 09, 2020, 08:25:35 PM
The RH's look awesome.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2020, 09:03:04 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 09, 2020, 08:25:35 PM
The RH's look awesome.

Thank you, Curt
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 10, 2020, 08:55:45 AM
Looks like the track crew laid down some cork roadbed and then quit, with that tongue hanging into the turntable pit.   ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2020, 10:50:55 AM
Quote from: deemery on August 10, 2020, 08:55:45 AM
Looks like the track crew laid down some cork roadbed and then quit, with that tongue hanging into the turntable pit.   ;D



It is really hard to get good help these days.  I have a few spur tracks that I have to splice and lengthen as a result of my moving the structures around a bit before settling on a final position.  No big deal - just a lot of pieces that have to go together and line up on something this big. I moved the roundhouses back about a 1/2 inch to give a little more room between the buildings. Everything fit and worked but it was just to tight visually when a locomotive went between the two sections of the roundhouse. One of those jobs that was a lot of work for a little change but I'm glad I did it now that it is done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2020, 11:02:44 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on July 29, 2020, 08:52:39 PM
I will be very interested to see how you do this, John.

To me, these structures combined with a rail siding suggest 1000's of acres of grazing land.  Do you have plans to change some of your background scenery?  To me, at present, it looks far to rocky and steep to suggest any grazing or even access for the cattle.  I guess even hacking some sort of path leading to pastures beyond, maybe with these painted on the backdrop could work?

Cheers, Mark.


Sorry I'm late getting a return post to you - your post came at the bottom of a page and somehow I missed it.  Anyway, in regards to the Whispering Falls build site, just out of sight to the rear of the scene there is a mountain pass that leads to thousands of acres of grazing land on the South side of the mountain.  The tunnel for the Narrow Gauge line also serves as a passage for the cattle on their way from the west side of the scene. The idea with this scene is that it serves as a dairy farm and home to hundreds of head of free range cattle.  On the right side of the tracks will be a horse barn where the cowboys house their horses for the roundups. Behind the barn and the out builds will be a series of cattle corals that mange the live stock on to the train stock cars.

Since the scene is in the fall I wouldn't be surprised if the scene will end up showing round up time. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 10, 2020, 04:03:44 PM
Hi John.

I'm pleased I hadn't 'ruffled your feathers' with my question.

So there is a very small milking herd at the homestead?  Are they hand milked?  I assume this is what you mean rather than a free range milking herd which (i believe) would need to come in for milking twice daily and would need a fairly substantial milking shed. 

Have you thought about putting a cattle underpass under the railway line leading to the mountain pass? 

I don't know if you have room for this idea - but you could always have some of the (imaginary) closer pasture land fenced for a dairy herd.  Milking cows are pretty good at bringing themselves in for milking - on time.  A milking shed would make an interesting model and the tank would need to be emptied regularly and would give the possibility of a milk wagon needing to be spotted and loaded.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2020, 08:12:51 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 10, 2020, 04:03:44 PM
Hi John.

I'm pleased I hadn't 'ruffled your feathers' with my question.

So there is a very small milking herd at the homestead?  Are they hand milked?  I assume this is what you mean rather than a free range milking herd which (i believe) would need to come in for milking twice daily and would need a fairly substantial milking shed. 

Have you thought about putting a cattle underpass under the railway line leading to the mountain pass? 

I don't know if you have room for this idea - but you could always have some of the (imaginary) closer pasture land fenced for a dairy herd.  Milking cows are pretty good at bringing themselves in for milking - on time.  A milking shed would make an interesting model and the tank would need to be emptied regularly and would give the possibility of a milk wagon needing to be spotted and loaded.

Cheers, Mark.


No feathers ruffled here, I enjoy your questions and they help me think through how I want to develop the scene.

This scene is partially from my childhood memories of my Grand Parents farm that I spent most of my growing years visiting.  I spent most weekends there and weeks at a time during the summer when I was not in school.  It was actually 4 miles from my current cabin that I talk about in my posts, my S&S RR Northern HQTRS. My Grandparents farm had approx. 25 milking dairy cows. All hand milked. My time frame for the layout is 1949 - I'm not sure if milking machines where around yet, then.  Maybe Jerry can help us with that one. The cows on their farm were free range up until the late 1960's. After the 1960's they wandered around 160 acres of fenced in woods. Once they were confined to the farm property they had supplemental feed all year long. The milk and cream were separated in a separator building and put in milk cans that were delivered daily to the railroad depot 1 mile from the farm. Oh and the cows know to come back to the barn for milking. One of my jobs as a kid was to take the dogs and find the cattle and chase them back home if they didn't stay on schedule. Yes, two milkings - early AM and late PM. My Grandfather had a model A that he used to travel the trails to find the cows. We would stop at the top of each hill and listen for the cow bells that were hung around the necks of the cows. I can remember him letting me drive when I was old enough to see over the dashboard. He actually fitted the pedals with wood blocks so I could reach them. I can assure you that one of the vehicles that will be rusting in the pasture will be an old Ford model A.

For my scene on the RR the barn is designed with a lower level where the cows have stalls for milking and feeding.  The feed is stored in the upper level of the barn and in the Silo. The design of this barn is kind of universal - It is at home in Michigan or in British Columbia where Dario is from. I actually took some pictures of barn and Silo on my way back home from my cabin last week for reference. I have a number of small supplemental buildings planned. The limiting factor will be space not ideas. Anyway I hope this helps set the stage for the build to come. Please keep asking questions. Oh and I spent 38 years as an Engineer in Manufacturing - my feathers don't get ruffled very easily.  ;D

The idea of the free range cattle helps add to the western / mountain setting for the farm. There are hundreds if not thousands of farms/ranches in the Western US and Canada that rely on thousands of acres of grazing land to feed their cattle. It also gives me the opportunity to have a horse barn and a need for horses on the farm.

Don't be surprised if one of the supplemental buildings is a pig pen.  My Grandparents also raised pigs to supplement their income. I'm working on what I can fit into the space. 

A cattle underpass - I need to give that one some thought.  Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2020, 09:30:16 PM
I made some progress on the modeling front today.  Here is a picture of my test sample for the painting of the G. Wiliker's build.  I started with Hunterline Driftwood Stain and then used white soft pastel chalk to get the faded - past time for another coat of paint look. It's 1949 on my layout - the business have just been through a depression and a world war and painting hasn't reached the top of the priority list.

The top half is dry brushed and the bottom half is painted on (alcohol and pastel chalk) with lots of poking with the brush to get light and dark areas. The alcohol picked up the stain from underneath and made a very nice transition point.

The window is hunter green with some post processing after the paint booth. The satin hunter green paint that was nice and flat the last time I bought it  - well this can was very glossy.  I'm about done with rattle can paint. I will use it for primer and then use acrylic brush on or soft pastel chalks.  So what I did to tone down the glossy surface was dip the castings in Hunter Line Hunter Green stain and then dry brush hunter green soft pastel chalk over that. As you can see in the picture it did a pretty good job of toning it down. I will post some process pictures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 10, 2020, 09:37:55 PM
Thanks so much for taking the time to flesh out your answer.  I feel I now have a much greater understanding of what you are trying to achieve.

I, too, spent a lot of my younger years staying on my cousins farm over the Christmas break.  My father worked on the railways, and so we got free travel on the trains and ferry.  Most years we would take the train - boat - train from Christchurch to Auckland where we would be met and taken up to the farm in Northland.  There we found a two storied weatherboard farmhouse and a stream (with swimming hole) gurgling down the 160 acre valley.  I recall there being a milking herd of less than 100, sheep and beef, a few pigs for home eating, chickens and a pet horse (and of course the farm dogs).  Milking, likewise, was early in the morning and early in the evening, and the milk truck came early to pick up the milk.  My job as a small boy was to clean out the milking shed with the high pressure hose.  It would just about  knock me off my feet when it started up!  We usually spent 3 weeks there over the Christmas break and for the majority of the time I would be my cousin Basil's little shadow! I loved both the farm and my cousins who owned it.  (just to clarify - my mum was the youngest of 10, and her eldest sisters eldest daughter, Irene, was only five years her junior.  Mum and Irene were more like sisters growing up and carried their friendship throughout the rest of their lives.  So when Irene married a farmer, we got to partake in farming life 3 weeks a year). 

Looking forward to your scene developing.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2020, 09:53:41 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 10, 2020, 09:37:55 PM
Thanks so much for taking the time to flesh out your answer.  I feel I now have a much greater understanding of what you are trying to achieve.

I, too, spent a lot of my younger years staying on my cousins farm over the Christmas break.  My father worked on the railways, and so we got free travel on the trains and ferry.  Most years we would take the train - boat - train from Christchurch to Auckland where we would be met and taken up to the farm in Northland.  There we found a two storied weatherboard farmhouse and a stream (with swimming hole) gurgling down the 160 acre valley.  I recall there being a milking herd of less than 100, sheep and beef, a few pigs for home eating, chickens and a pet horse (and of course the farm dogs).  Milking, likewise, was early in the morning and early in the evening, and the milk truck came early to pick up the milk.  My job as a small boy was to clean out the milking shed with the high pressure hose.  It would just about  knock me off my feet when it started up!  We usually spent 3 weeks there over the Christmas break and for the majority of the time I would be my cousin Basil's little shadow! I loved both the farm and my cousins who owned it.  (just to clarify - my mum was the youngest of 10, and her eldest sisters eldest daughter, Irene, was only five years her junior.  Mum and Irene were more like sisters growing up and carried their friendship throughout the rest of their lives.  So when Irene married a farmer, we got to partake in farming life 3 weeks a year). 

Looking forward to your scene developing.

Cheers, Mark.


Farmers are the hardest working people I have ever met - all over the world.  A farm childhood work ethic can take you anywhere you want to go in this world. Those memories from your families farm are priceless. Thank you for sharing them and for following along.  Let's see where this farm scene takes us.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2020, 11:10:48 PM
As promised, here is a picture of the detail castings that I painted with the Hunter Green Satin paint (right side of the picture) and then dipped in the Hunterline Hunter Green stain left side of the picture.  The final step was then to dry brush the castings with a hunter green soft pastel chalk which dulled them down to an acceptable level.


It's getting late, I will save the rest of my updates for tomorrows post.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on August 11, 2020, 08:51:34 PM

I did a quick Google search to check when the Surge milking machine was invented and it was in the 1920's.  I know that by the very early 50's my grandfather was using Surge machines.  There were some other older style machines still sitting in the barn when I was growing up.  Since I was born in '49 I don't know when he switched to the Surge machines.  I also don't recall the manufacturer of the older machines.   My grandfather sold his dairy herd around 1957 or 58 and immediately stocked the farm with a beef cow calf operation while also taking a job off the farm.  IMO, the choice of hand milking or machine milking likely boiled down to the number of cows to be milked as well as the number of people available to milk.  There was an orange Surge Milker sign on the front of the barn for many years.  It was common at that time for a barn to display tin signs for the type of barn equipment, the seed supplier, and the feed supplier, among others.  Based on the size of the barn in Dario's kit, I would think some type of milking machine would be appropriate.

I want to take a minute to address "free range".  In the 1940's there were still many dirt roads in rural areas.  There were fewer cars and speeds were much lower than they are today.  Also, a larger percentage of the population was engaged in farming.  People not engaged directly in farming would not have been far removed from the farm, especially in rural areas.  Right after WW II my dad's cousin Joe spent his summers on the farm, taking the train to upstate NY from Indiana.  My dad and Joe would ride horses and move the cows along about a dirt road to an unfenced field about a half mile away.  They would nap under some trees wile the cows ate.  Then they would move the herd back to the barn for milking.  When dirt roads were paved, vehicle speeds increased and this was no longer an option. 

The philosophy at that time was to fence any and all land that was unsuitable for crops for use as pasture.  Even when I bought my farm in 1975, it had two large pastures.  One was 23 acres, the other 18 acres.  Both had a some woods, so finding my beef herd was a challenge.  Ditto finding dairy cows to bring them in for milking.  Most farmers fed some grain at milking so it was easier to get them to come into the barn twice a day, but that was no guarantee.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2020, 10:05:31 PM
Here is a picture of the castings as I start to add the dark green soft pastel. The green comes back and the shinny goes away.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 12, 2020, 09:15:45 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on August 11, 2020, 08:51:34 PM

I did a quick Google search to check when the Surge milking machine was invented and it was in the 1920's.  I know that by the very early 50's my grandfather was using Surge machines.  There were some other older style machines still sitting in the barn when I was growing up.  Since I was born in '49 I don't know when he switched to the Surge machines.  I also don't recall the manufacturer of the older machines.   My grandfather sold his dairy herd around 1957 or 58 and immediately stocked the farm with a beef cow calf operation while also taking a job off the farm.  IMO, the choice of hand milking or machine milking likely boiled down to the number of cows to be milked as well as the number of people available to milk.  There was an orange Surge Milker sign on the front of the barn for many years.  It was common at that time for a barn to display tin signs for the type of barn equipment, the seed supplier, and the feed supplier, among others.  Based on the size of the barn in Dario's kit, I would think some type of milking machine would be appropriate.

I want to take a minute to address "free range".  In the 1940's there were still many dirt roads in rural areas.  There were fewer cars and speeds were much lower than they are today.  Also, a larger percentage of the population was engaged in farming.  People not engaged directly in farming would not have been far removed from the farm, especially in rural areas.  Right after WW II my dad's cousin Joe spent his summers on the farm, taking the train to upstate NY from Indiana.  My dad and Joe would ride horses and move the cows along about a dirt road to an unfenced field about a half mile away.  They would nap under some trees wile the cows ate.  Then they would move the herd back to the barn for milking.  When dirt roads were paved, vehicle speeds increased and this was no longer an option. 

The philosophy at that time was to fence any and all land that was unsuitable for crops for use as pasture.  Even when I bought my farm in 1975, it had two large pastures.  One was 23 acres, the other 18 acres.  Both had a some woods, so finding my beef herd was a challenge.  Ditto finding dairy cows to bring them in for milking.  Most farmers fed some grain at milking so it was easier to get them to come into the barn twice a day, but that was no guarantee.


Thank you for sharing all the great information. I asked my mother this evening what brought the free range cattle to an end on our family farm and she said 2 cows being hit by cars. She was not sure of the timing but it was in the 1960's. I was born in 1958 so my childhood memories are at the tale end of the free range era in Michigan. Thank you for following along - we will see where this journey takes us. I'm going to see if I can find a Surge Milk Machine sign to hang on the barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2020, 07:56:03 AM
Update: The foundation for the Whispering Falls barn is assembled - waiting for the glue to dry.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2020, 08:03:43 AM
I used 1/2 inch basswood for the bracing. I also made lap joints for the junctions between the different types of wall sections. I may add some basswood bracing to the back side of the castings lengthwise to make sure they stay straight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2020, 08:35:08 AM
I have been taking a lot of pictures of prototype barns - here are a couple pictures that I took this week in my travels.



Dario sure nailed the design.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 14, 2020, 07:33:18 PM
Update: I spent the last couple of days with my 4 year old Grandson running trains and working on the layout fixing a couple areas of track that need attention.  I'm not sure who had more fun.  ;)   The layout ran great and NCE gets my endorsement for throttle ease of use.  My Grandson was running trains like a pro in no time. After a couple of hours I just let him go for it without issue. He was sure a lot of help working on the layout - it's amazing how easy it is for him to crawl under the layout. Tomorrow, I will be back building structures with renewed enthusiasm.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 15, 2020, 09:53:53 PM
Running trains on the S&S RR.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 15, 2020, 09:57:20 PM
Lessons learned: Siding Stops need to be a priority in the Superior Yard.



No-  I'm not blaming that on my Grandson. My bad, forward vs. reverse with a GP-7.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 15, 2020, 09:58:31 PM
I have no idea why my pictures are so small?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 15, 2020, 09:59:37 PM
The foundation for the Whispering Falls build is in the paint booth.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:27:26 AM
Picture test: Medium setting from photos.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:38:59 AM

Picture test 2 high resolution.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on August 16, 2020, 12:05:34 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 15, 2020, 09:58:31 PM
I have no idea why my pictures are so small?

What did you say?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 16, 2020, 02:33:48 PM
The rock bases look great whitewashed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 16, 2020, 04:24:21 PM

Gee, that hanging tanker will fit right in here with all our hanging chads.  8)

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 16, 2020, 04:58:21 PM
In a couple of places, I've used FastTracks PC Board ties turned upside down, soldered to the rail.  I figure those aren't going anywhere if they get hit by a string of cars.  (I paint the tie to look like an old weathered tie, and I'll probably add a couple more ties or a pile of something on top of the PC Board tie.)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 05:27:49 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on August 16, 2020, 12:05:34 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 15, 2020, 09:58:31 PM
I have no idea why my pictures are so small?

What did you say?

The pictures are way to small to show any detail - just started happening - I think I have to relearn how to use the apple photo's program to make them the right size/resolution.  I will work on it when I get a chance.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 05:30:27 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 16, 2020, 04:24:21 PM

Gee, that hanging tanker will fit right in here with all our hanging chads.  8)

Tom  ;D

Yes, Tom you have point. Can we just have the election today.  I think everyone has already made up their minds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 05:32:08 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 16, 2020, 04:58:21 PM
In a couple of places, I've used FastTracks PC Board ties turned upside down, soldered to the rail.  I figure those aren't going anywhere if they get hit by a string of cars.  (I paint the tie to look like an old weathered tie, and I'll probably add a couple more ties or a pile of something on top of the PC Board tie.)



I think I'm going to use piles of rail ties like I did in the Eagles Nest yard. It is basically the same idea only I can cut and glue them in big batches.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 05:34:51 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 16, 2020, 02:33:48 PM
The rock bases look great whitewashed.


I have the foundation painted and I took pictures as I went.  Now, if I can just figure out how to post them with the right resolution. I still think the problem is on my end but I need to do some testing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 16, 2020, 06:20:59 PM
Still squinting at your progress from the land of the long white cloud, John.

I'd say 'looking good' because I'm sure it does, but...

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:08:57 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:15:55 PM
So I got the picture problem solved.  Mark will not have to squint to see these pictures.  When you do an export in
Apple Photos there are two sizing boxes.  I produced this picture by setting the size to low but the picture to full size. I tried a few different combinations but this seems to give the clearest picture at a size where you can see the detail. We will give it a try for a few days and see if I want to make another change.

The concrete portion of the foundation is primed with light gray acrylic primer.  The stone portions of the foundation, started with a spray coat of sand camo paint. I will be applying soft pastel chalks to individual stones. As you can see from this picture I have colored random stones the first color.  I'm matching the stone colors to the colors of the stones in the area where the barn will located.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:18:06 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 16, 2020, 06:20:59 PM
Still squinting at your progress from the land of the long white cloud, John.

I'd say 'looking good' because I'm sure it does, but...

Cheers, Mark.


I hope you can see the new photographs better.  Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:28:07 PM
Here is what the walls looked like after 6 or so colors had been added.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:30:03 PM
Here is what the walls looked like when all the colors had been added, top casting, and after the blending process with a soft brush, bottom casting.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:32:14 PM
Finally, after some more blending.  I use raw umber tint on the soft brush to blend everything together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 16, 2020, 07:35:15 PM
On the casting painting front.  My John Deere tractors are get authentic paint colors.  I had a can of touch up paint from my 1:1 John Deere Tractor.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 17, 2020, 09:46:12 AM
Walls look great John!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 17, 2020, 02:04:32 PM
Quote from: Jerry on August 17, 2020, 09:46:12 AM
Walls look great John!



Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 19, 2020, 09:22:44 AM
I brought a bunch of detail castings with me to the Northern Hqtrs. of the S&S RR (my cabin in Northern Michigan) for painting. Here is a picture of my workbench.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 19, 2020, 09:52:38 AM

You are one dedicated modeler to take that to your vacation home. I find that I do sometimes need more down time that I did in my youth.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 19, 2020, 10:06:27 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 19, 2020, 09:52:38 AM

You are one dedicated modeler to take that to your vacation home. I find that I do sometimes need more down time that I did in my youth.

Tom  ;D


I have been retired now for almost 8 years and I thought my interest in modeling would fall off once in and awhile, but so far I just enjoy modeling. I get away from it a few weeks at a time when we travel and I'm ready to get back at it. This year we haven't been traveling and I still haven't got bored with spending so much time modeling.  I even did a model railroading related activity while I was fishing, yesterday.  I found a place along the river where this is some nice fine sand that I use for my roadways on the layout. I filled a 5 gal. bucket and brought it home with me.

I think because there are so many different aspects to our hobby I just change the project, and renew my interest, if something is starting to get old. I do look forward to getting back to traveling, especially when there is a train convention involved.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 19, 2020, 11:05:47 AM

I agree with all you've stated. I've been retired now for 22 years and find that after spending 60+ years in the hobby, I just need a break from all aspects of the hobby. It only last no longer than a week but it seems more frequent lately.  :'(

Hobby on my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2020, 07:22:10 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 19, 2020, 11:05:47 AM

I agree with all you've stated. I've been retired now for 22 years and find that after spending 60+ years in the hobby, I just need a break from all aspects of the hobby. It only last no longer than a week but it seems more frequent lately.  :'(

Hobby on my friend.

Tom  ;D


I think it is safe to say that we have put in enough time that we can do what we feel like doing, now. Although, I have only been at the hobby for 32 years. I started when my first daughter was born and I need to have a hobby that I could do at home. Thank you for stopping by the thread and the encouragement. I sure have enjoyed watching your layout progress over the years.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 20, 2020, 08:01:27 PM
John & Tom it is so good to know you two guys.

That you have that much dedication to the hobby!!

To bad there isn't a machine that could duplicate you guys the hobby needs it!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 20, 2020, 09:10:27 PM
Quote from: Jerry on August 20, 2020, 08:01:27 PM
John & Tom it is so good to know you two guys.

That you have that much dedication to the hobby!!

To bad there isn't a machine that could duplicate you guys the hobby needs it!!



Wow - two of us. You may want to rethink that.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 21, 2020, 07:54:52 PM
The window castings are all painted and the window glass is drying for the G. Wiliker's build.


You can see my pallet of chalks for the wall castings for a couple of out buildings for the Whispering Falls build in the foreground.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 21, 2020, 07:57:24 PM
Here are the wall castings all primed and ready for the pastel chalks.  These are the wall castings from two different C. C. Crow kits that will be companion structures in the Whispering Falls build.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 22, 2020, 09:05:11 AM
Hey john:

Looking good. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 22, 2020, 01:49:13 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 22, 2020, 09:05:11 AM
Hey john:

Looking good. Can't wait to see more.



Thank you for following along and the encouragement.  I'm working on models, today, so I should have some more done soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 23, 2020, 09:12:59 AM

What do you use for the window glazing?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 23, 2020, 11:55:29 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 23, 2020, 09:12:59 AM

What do you use for the window glazing?



I have been using canopy glue, lately.  I have also used window glaze.  I will take a picture of the bottles so you know exactly what I'm using. I definitely have less trouble with air bubbles using the canopy glue but that could be a shelf life issue. I like the way it photographs much better than using the clear plastic sheet that comes with most kits and window castings. The clear sheet tends to act like a mirror and produce unrealistic glare.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on August 23, 2020, 02:20:12 PM
Thanks for raising the bar for all of us to look up too...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 23, 2020, 07:24:03 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on August 23, 2020, 02:20:12 PM
Thanks for raising the bar for all of us to look up too...


Thank you for the kind words.  Speaking of bars, I'm sure looking forward to get together at the next EXPO or Narrow Gauge Convention. I think some of the best clinics take place when we get together for our favorite beverage after the convention is done for the day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 23, 2020, 07:26:17 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on August 23, 2020, 11:55:29 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 23, 2020, 09:12:59 AM

What do you use for the window glazing?



I have been using canopy glue, lately.  I have also used window glaze.  I will take a picture of the bottles so you know exactly what I'm using. I definitely have less trouble with air bubbles using the canopy glue but that could be a shelf life issue. I like the way it photographs much better than using the clear plastic sheet that comes with most kits and window castings. The clear sheet tends to act like a mirror and produce unrealistic glare.


Here is the picture I promised.


I remember seeing a thread recently that said the packaging may have changed on the Canopy glue. I have a bottle and a half and then I will need to check out the new or repackaged stuff.  Does anyone have an update?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 24, 2020, 07:43:26 PM
I made some more progress on the Whispering Falls build, today.  I glued the foundation to a 1/16 inch thick project board and then glued that temporarily to a 3/16 inch gator board for holding everything in place while it's on my workbench.  This will be a lot easier than gluing everything to the large base board right from the start. I painted the project board black so it will be covered with dirt and serve as the floor of the ground level of the barn. Here are a few pictures of the process.


The white board is my 1/16 inch thick project board sitting on the gator board. I added a dab of glue in each corner to hold it in place on the gator board.  The main base board for this build is being glued together in place on the layout I will move it to my big workbench when I'm ready start putting all the subassemblies together and build the complete diorama.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 24, 2020, 07:47:11 PM
This whole process started when I decided that the foundation needed to be glued together and held in place while the glue dried to keep everything lined up and square.  Here is what it looked like when I glued it down to the project board.  I think I used every square I own - except for the one that was in use on my layout table for the G. Wilikers assembly process.  More on that later.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 24, 2020, 08:00:49 PM
I also started putting the walls together for one of C.C. Crow kits that I will be using as an out building for my Whispering Falls build.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 24, 2020, 08:04:14 PM
I'm also continuing to put the walls together for the G. Wilikers build.  Here is a picture of the Driftwood Stain going on before I add the white pastel chalk for the paint.  I will have some pictures of these walls finished, tomorrow.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 24, 2020, 08:50:44 PM
Looking good, John.

I really like the coloring of the stonework.  I do notice a number of air bubbles in the first blown up photo that you may want to address.  I see you opted for timber sills and lintels for the windows.  They appear to have wood grain in them(?)  Is this mentioned in the instructions?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 24, 2020, 09:07:19 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 24, 2020, 08:50:44 PM
Looking good, John.

I really like the coloring of the stonework.  I do notice a number of air bubbles in the first blown up photo that you may want to address.  I see you opted for timber sills and lintels for the windows.  They appear to have wood grain in them(?)  Is this mentioned in the instructions?

Cheers, Mark.

Hi Mark

Thank you for stopping by and thank you for the kind words. The air bubbles only show up on a blown up  photograph. If you look at the assembly picture they are real hard to see. Rather than take the time to fill them I decided to go for it on this build. This will be three feet plus back on the layout so only the forum members will know they are there. I did work the wood over for the sills and lintels with a rasp which gives it that worn look.  This building is supposed to be part of the original ranch / farm on the property and will be back against the mountain side.  The instruction do call for the wood sills and lintels. I like the look for an old stone building.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 24, 2020, 09:08:43 PM
Terrific looking stone work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 24, 2020, 09:10:26 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 24, 2020, 09:08:43 PM
Terrific looking stone work.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on August 25, 2020, 07:32:53 AM
Nice work on the stone effect - do you add the nail holes prior to the first application of the Hunterline stain?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:48:37 AM
Quote from: NKP768 on August 25, 2020, 07:32:53 AM
Nice work on the stone effect - do you add the nail holes prior to the first application of the Hunterline stain?


Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I didn't put nail heads on this model - sometimes you need to change things up.  I going for the chalky paint - I need a paint job - look for this build.  With this process I would put them on just before the Hunter Line stain.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:50:55 AM
Here is a picture of the completed walls for the G. Wiliker's build.  I'm now going to move them to my layout table for assembly.  The glass plate is now going to be used to make the flooring for the Whispering Falls barn.
You can see that I have been studying the drawings while I painted the wall sections for G. Wilikers.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:10:11 PM
Update:  For tonight's update I want to start with the Whispering Falls build.  Here is a couple pictures of the barn foundations now that all the clamps and weights are put away and the glue is dry.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:25:27 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:27:28 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:29:00 PM

The next step in the build is to build the main barn floor.  I started cutting the wood for the floor and kept going back to the foundation and then to the site where it will be on my layout. Then I flipped through the instructions.  I was about to build a highly detailed interior beam system that wasn't going to be seen once it was on the layout. So I decided to spend a couple hours this afternoon doing a mockup and some redesign work. First, I wanted to duplicate the part of my Grandparents barn that I remember from my childhood.  The stalls and feeding area where the cows were milked. One of my jobs as a kid was to lock the cows heads in the 
stalls so they would stay in one place while they were milked. I remember the wood stanchions that closed around the cows heads, the feed trough and the trough for the feed when the cows was done with it. So I made up a mockup with some of my recently purchase livestock and guess what - it will fit perfectly in the basement of the barn. 

Jerry - is the word stanchion correct for this?  That's what I remember my Grandparents calling it but it was a few years ago. Here is a few pictures that show the process I went through to visualize what this would look like.

First, line of site into the basement of the barn.  Here is a  couple pictures of the line of site when the foundation is in place on the layout.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:33:29 PM
And from the other side if I model this with the doors open. I may have to scratch build the barn doors for this side.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 09:34:58 PM
This is how I started the process - 11 cows on each side of the barn.  I'm pretty sure my Grandparents had 11 cows that they milked.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 10:14:46 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 10:17:22 PM
And then the sketches.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 10:27:30 PM
At this point I laid the sketches on top of the foundation and declared this part of the project a go.


I also decided that I wanted to be able to view the interior of the third, "loft", level of the barn so I will be opening up the cable ends and installing large open doors that where used to get the hay into the loft.
The visibility to the interior on the main level of the barn is designed into the kit with large open doors at both ends - see the pictures a few pages back in this thread.  All three interior levels visible and detailed. check
Now for the lighting so it truly is visible on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 25, 2020, 10:42:48 PM
Finally, for tonight.  The walls are going together for the G. Wiliker's build.  Here is the lower level for the main building.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 26, 2020, 01:55:39 AM
Hey John:

Looks just great so far. Keep the pics flowing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 26, 2020, 02:08:52 AM
Looking fantastic, John.

Did you hand paint the cows?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 26, 2020, 08:28:41 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 26, 2020, 01:55:39 AM
Hey John:

Looks just great so far. Keep the pics flowing.



Thank you for the encouraging words - we keep working away at it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 26, 2020, 08:33:20 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 26, 2020, 02:08:52 AM
Looking fantastic, John.

Did you hand paint the cows?

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the encouragement.  The cows are straight out of the box and will need some chalk and detailing to look more realistic. This is going to be one of those builds where the detailing will take longer than the structure build itself.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 26, 2020, 09:03:58 AM
Fantastic modeling John. I look forward to seeing the interior you scratchbuild.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 26, 2020, 07:00:56 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 26, 2020, 09:03:58 AM
Fantastic modeling John. I look forward to seeing the interior you scratchbuild.


Thank you - I'm really having fun with this project. I will post progress pictures as it develops.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 28, 2020, 03:41:26 AM
Hey John:

Looking just great. Can't wait to see what you do with this.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on August 28, 2020, 06:29:58 AM
Great progress on this build John!  You really know how to juggle multiple builds at the same time.  As usual your stone work is fantastic.  You probably have mentioned it before, but what is that neat looking fixture you're using on the J. Wilikers walls in the picture below?  It looks like a real fancy fixture to hold pieces at a 90 degree angle. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 08:05:16 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 28, 2020, 03:41:26 AM
Hey John:

Looking just great. Can't wait to see what you do with this.



Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 08:18:02 AM
Quote from: MAP on August 28, 2020, 06:29:58 AM
Great progress on this build John!  You really know how to juggle multiple builds at the same time.  As usual your stone work is fantastic.  You probably have mentioned it before, but what is that neat looking fixture you're using on the J. Wilikers walls in the picture below?  It looks like a real fancy fixture to hold pieces at a 90 degree angle.


Thank you for following along and the kind words. I like having two or three builds going at once - it's just the way I like to do it.  The layout table is simply a series of T slots with a variety of clamping fixtures sold by Rockler. It works real nice for the assembly of structures. I have been using it now for a couple years so if you look back through this build thread you will see it in action.  I also posted pictures of the various clamps and fixtures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 28, 2020, 09:19:29 AM
John I see your off and running two at a time.

Your usual high standards on both.

Always great to follow along with your builds.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 10:58:44 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 28, 2020, 09:19:29 AM
John I see your off and running two at a time.

Your usual high standards on both.

Always great to follow along with your builds.



Thank you for following along and the encouragement.  I typically have three going at once - I haven't posted an update, lately, but I'm also working on the installation of the Brick Roundhouse - wiring and details that I want to install in place on the layout instead of on the workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on August 28, 2020, 01:43:16 PM
I am so glad you're doing this, John. I am lovin it. G Wilikers was THE kit that pulled me into whole craftsman kit disease. Looking forward to building mine someday.

Look great so far!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 07:47:09 PM
Quote from: vinceg on August 28, 2020, 01:43:16 PM
I am so glad you're doing this, John. I am lovin it. G Wilikers was THE kit that pulled me into whole craftsman kit disease. Looking forward to building mine someday.

Look great so far!


Thank you for following along and the encouragement - I have some more progress to report tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 07:52:10 PM
Update: Whispering Falls build.  Test fit of the beam structure for the main floor of the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 07:53:16 PM
Gluing the main beam structure over the template.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 07:54:58 PM
The baseboard is glued together and moved from the layout to one of my workbenches. I will build the diorama here and then move it back to the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 07:56:21 PM
The main building for G. Wilikers is going together on my layout table. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 07:58:46 PM
Mark's question prompted me to take a picture of the clamps and fixtures that I have to help with getting things square and held in place as the glue dries. As you can see from the pictures I use a lot of weights and angle plates, too.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 08:00:07 PM
It really helps me having everything within arms reach during this process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 28, 2020, 08:00:36 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 30, 2020, 10:11:23 AM
Update on G. Wilikers:  The walls of the main building going together.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 30, 2020, 10:19:18 AM
Update on The Whispering Falls Build:  I added the wood floors to the lower level and the main level of the barn.  I used three different colors of Hunterline Stain to get the old board, replaced a few years ago, and replaced recently look. The lower level floor will be heavily weathered to make it look like a barn with cows in it.  Lots of hay, dirt and hay after the cows are done with it.  Next up, scratch building the interior for the lower level.




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 30, 2020, 11:22:02 AM
The wood looks great.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 30, 2020, 03:10:45 PM
More good progress, John.

Looking great.  Do you keep notes on the different techniques/ colouring/ weathering you are using on your builds?  I just wonder as I think I'd be inclined to muddle them up if I was doing three at a time.

Cheers, Mark
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 30, 2020, 04:13:29 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 30, 2020, 11:22:02 AM
The wood looks great.


Thank you, this is a new technique for me - I think it is going to work very nicely inside the barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 30, 2020, 04:19:21 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 30, 2020, 03:10:45 PM
More good progress, John.

Looking great.  Do you keep notes on the different techniques/ colouring/ weathering you are using on your builds?  I just wonder as I think I'd be inclined to muddle them up if I was doing three at a time.

Cheers, Mark


Thank you for the encouraging words - I keep some notes on the workbench as I'm building and then these build threads serve as a historical record for me.  It is very rare for me to use the same technique on multiple builds - I keep changing things up so it doesn't all look the same.  Except for the driftwood undercoat on G. Wilikers I'm using a completely different technique between these three builds. It keeps life interesting.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 08:31:40 AM
I'm at the point with both the G. Wilikers build and the Whispering Falls build where I need to figure out what I want to do with lighting. I need to get some serious lighting into the Whispering Falls Barn to show off the interior details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 31, 2020, 02:09:30 PM
I hope you'll provide some work-in-progress/thought process notes on planning structure lighting.  That's an area that I'm getting into.  One thing I haven't quite figured is how I'll hook up all those lit-up buildings.  I think I'm going to run a 12VDC bus, and just plan all the structure lighting around that as the standard. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 03:03:13 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 31, 2020, 02:09:30 PM
I hope you'll provide some work-in-progress/thought process notes on planning structure lighting.  That's an area that I'm getting into.  One thing I haven't quite figured is how I'll hook up all those lit-up buildings.  I think I'm going to run a 12VDC bus, and just plan all the structure lighting around that as the standard. 



I would be happy to do that. I think that lighting up the interiors of models, especially ones with interior detail like this Whispering Falls Barn, is extremely important.

Step one for me:  Figure out how I can work on the circuit if something goes wrong. I will take a picture tonight and explain why I shot down my first idea with this barn.

My layout has a 110 volt bus running all around the layout so I use 5, 10 and 18 volt power supplies plugged into this bus, as needed. I'm running the LED structure lighting and the touch control turnout controls this way. I think the wire to run a bus is probably a wash with the cost of the power supplies.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:23:15 PM
So a few posts on my thought process on the lighting of this barn.  The framework and interior detail will be visible on all three levels of the barn.  Here is a picture of a test I did with the floor sitting on the barn foundation and in position on the layout.  As you can see, I will need interior lighting to see the details in the lower level.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:31:02 PM
I plan on using the same lights for the barn that I used for my Locomotive Works.  I bought them from Bill at MicroLumina.  If you want to learn about LED lighting and setting up the circuits read Bill's Light Bites on his webpage below. I should mention that Bill made these lights custom for me for the Locomotive Works and I ordered a bunch of them because I have a number of projects where I plan to us them. (

I will post some pictures below of the lights I will use and a couple pictures of the Locomotive Works interior to show what I'm after. 

The lights


The lights installed in my Locomotive Works.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:34:16 PM
Wow - we had a belt break in the Locomotive Works - need to get a maintenance crew over there tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on August 31, 2020, 09:37:21 PM
John, The Locomotive Works look's great with the finished work....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:40:33 PM

You will need to read Bill's Light Bites to understand this post.  This is what one of Bill's bookshelves looks like when you put it in a little drawer so you have access for maintenance.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:41:06 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on August 31, 2020, 09:37:21 PM
John, The Locomotive Works look's great with the finished work....Dennis


Thank you - I have a lot of hours in that build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:44:51 PM
Finally for tonight, here is the first installation of a light in the ceiling of the lower level of the barn. I have some progress pictures of the G. Wilikers build that I will post tomorrow.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 31, 2020, 09:47:58 PM
The conduit for the wires is a real prototypical look.  In a barn in 1949 all of the wiring would be outside the walls and new.  One more design point for tonight.  This farm/ranch is in the mountains in 1949.  Not exactly on the grid.  So, it looks like a steam boiler and generator will be needed. More details. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 31, 2020, 10:11:22 PM
Looks fabulous, John!

The roundhouse interior looks excellent all lit up.  Do I see PPE on those LBP?  I'm guessing making safety glasses for them might be pushing it?  As always, loving your work.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 08:18:52 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on August 31, 2020, 10:11:22 PM
Looks fabulous, John!

The roundhouse interior looks excellent all lit up.  Do I see PPE on those LBP?  I'm guessing making safety glasses for them might be pushing it?  As always, loving your work.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the kind words and suggestions. Yes - safety glasses is pushing it.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 01, 2020, 08:32:59 AM
Hey John:

That interior is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 01, 2020, 08:50:46 AM
Truly outstanding interior.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on September 01, 2020, 08:55:37 AM

Great detailing and lighting.

I'll follow the lightning closely as I need to figure out how to do the Mill.
I need all the help I can get when it comes to the light at the end of tunnel seeing I've done it before!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on September 01, 2020, 10:14:40 AM
Western Scale Models made a nice generator casting for their stamp mill.  That's one of the more easy parts to find on eBay, etc. 

Are you running 2 conductors through the "conduit", or just 1 wire and using the conduit itself for the other conductor?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 01:36:04 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 01, 2020, 08:32:59 AM
Hey John:

That interior is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.



Thank you for following along, and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 01:36:49 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 01, 2020, 08:50:46 AM
Truly outstanding interior.


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 01:39:02 PM
Quote from: Jerry on September 01, 2020, 08:55:37 AM

Great detailing and lighting.

I'll follow the lightning closely as I need to figure out how to do the Mill.
I need all the help I can get when it comes to the light at the end of tunnel seeing I've done it before!!



The LED lighting of structures can really be rewarding but it does have some challenges. The LED's are so little and the wires are like the hair I once had.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 01:42:37 PM
Quote from: deemery on September 01, 2020, 10:14:40 AM
Western Scale Models made a nice generator casting for their stamp mill.  That's one of the more easy parts to find on eBay, etc. 

Are you running 2 conductors through the "conduit", or just 1 wire and using the conduit itself for the other conductor?



Funny you should mention the Western Scale Models generator I'm looking for one - I still think I already have one but where is it?

I'm using 2  conductors.  I run the fine wires to a nonvisable connection and then heavier wire from there to the junction box.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 08:38:42 PM
Update: Whispering Falls build.  Today, I finished the posts and added the first two LED lights to the ceiling of the lower floor of the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 08:43:35 PM
Also, added the wood walls to the complete lower level of the barn.  I used a A & I stain bath for the pieces of stripwood that I used for the walls. I used two slightly different widths of boards and two different thickness to give it a more 3-D rough cut barn wood look. Now for the details.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 08:46:51 PM
On another front the foundation has been glued to the baseboard for the horse barn.  We are going to have two barns going up at the same time. This is a C. C. Crow kit that will be part of the same scene as the Whispering Falls kit.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 08:54:28 PM
Update: G. Wilikers build. I have some catching up to do with this build.  I got behind in posting pictures. So, about three pages back I had just assembled the four main walls for the main building.  Next, the three walls for the upper level entry way. 





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 08:56:41 PM
Next - the ceiling goes on after a trip to the paint booth for the hunter green trim paint. I will add the hunter green soft pastel chalk to tone down the shinny look during the final detailing and touchup process.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 01, 2020, 09:00:48 PM

Next - is the roof card for the main building.  This is just a test fit - before I add all the internal bracing.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 01, 2020, 09:29:35 PM
Top notch modeling John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 01, 2020, 09:57:23 PM
I agree with Curt, John....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 02, 2020, 08:17:32 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 01, 2020, 09:29:35 PM
Top notch modeling John.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 02, 2020, 08:30:46 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 01, 2020, 09:57:23 PM
I agree with Curt, John....Dennis


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 03, 2020, 08:51:48 PM
My Grandson and I visited my Grandparents old farm today and took some prototype pictures of the interior of the old cow barn that I remember so well from my childhood. It was strange explaining to my Grandson that they were his Great, Great Grandparents or 2 times Great.  I plan on matching the design of the interior for the Whispering Falls build. The picture in my mind was pretty accurate - it has been at least 35 years since I was in the barn.  I will post a couple pictures when I can get them downloaded and processed. I have very limited internet here in Michigan's North country.

I was asked tonight if I know where his three times Great Grandparents lived, so we are going to take a field trip tomorrow for him to see their old farm - if it's still there.  It was a Jeep ride through the woods to get there last time I was there. I took pictures of it about 10 years ago, if it's not, that I can show him.  His three times Great Grandparents were some of the original people that settled in this area from Europe in the 1870's to 1900's. He sure took an amazing interest - he is only 4 years old. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on September 04, 2020, 07:38:23 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on September 03, 2020, 08:51:48 PM
My Grandson and I visited my Grandparents old farm today and took some prototype pictures of the interior of the old cow barn that I remember so well from my childhood. It was strange explaining to my Grandson that they were his Great, Great Grandparents or 2 times Great.  I plan on matching the design of the interior for the Whispering Falls build. The picture in my mind was pretty accurate - it has been at least 35 years since I was in the barn.  I will post a couple pictures when I can get them downloaded and processed. I have very limited internet here in Michigan's North country.

I was asked tonight if I know where his three times Great Grandparents lived, so we are going to take a field trip tomorrow for him to see their old farm - if it's still there.  It was a Jeep ride through the woods to get there last time I was there. I took pictures of it about 10 years ago, if it's not, that I can show him.  His three times Great Grandparents were some of the original people that settled in this area from Europe in the 1870's to 1900's. He sure took an amazing interest - he is only 4 years old.

John, sounds like an absolutely wonderful trip to the north woods and down memory lane with your grandson !!   And what a gift to be able to pass along to him his family heritage not only in stories but in retracing some of their steps like the trip to the barn to bring those stories to life.
Have a wonderful day and hope you catch a couple of fish today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on September 04, 2020, 08:45:31 AM
John, you should think about recording some voice memos during that trip.  I remember going on trips like that to see family history, but I've forgotten most of what I was told :-(

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 05, 2020, 10:37:17 PM
Quote from: PaulS on September 04, 2020, 07:38:23 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on September 03, 2020, 08:51:48 PM
My Grandson and I visited my Grandparents old farm today and took some prototype pictures of the interior of the old cow barn that I remember so well from my childhood. It was strange explaining to my Grandson that they were his Great, Great Grandparents or 2 times Great.  I plan on matching the design of the interior for the Whispering Falls build. The picture in my mind was pretty accurate - it has been at least 35 years since I was in the barn.  I will post a couple pictures when I can get them downloaded and processed. I have very limited internet here in Michigan's North country.

I was asked tonight if I know where his three times Great Grandparents lived, so we are going to take a field trip tomorrow for him to see their old farm - if it's still there.  It was a Jeep ride through the woods to get there last time I was there. I took pictures of it about 10 years ago, if it's not, that I can show him.  His three times Great Grandparents were some of the original people that settled in this area from Europe in the 1870's to 1900's. He sure took an amazing interest - he is only 4 years old.

John, sounds like an absolutely wonderful trip to the north woods and down memory lane with your grandson !!   And what a gift to be able to pass along to him his family heritage not only in stories but in retracing some of their steps like the trip to the barn to bring those stories to life.
Have a wonderful day and hope you catch a couple of fish today.


We had a great time - it was a real adventure for both of us. We didn't catch any fish - it's either too early or the Salmon run isn't coming this year.  I couldn't believe he spent the whole day in the boat with me and never lost interest.  I checked the weather report just before we left for the river - 10% chance of rain showers.  Well you guest it, full blown thunderstorm right in the middle of the morning. So my Grandson got to see how we prepare the boat - park in the middle of the river so the trees can't fall on the boat, and get under the ponchos  to weather the storm.  Right in the middle of the storm, we where eating our lunch early and keeping dry, when Isaac says Papa I think the weather man was sleeping this morning. Then says I think you need to push that button that pumps the water out of the boat. He had asked what every button the the control panel did and knew about the bulge pumps. So like I said it was a great, fun adventure for both of us.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 05, 2020, 10:45:08 PM
Quote from: deemery on September 04, 2020, 08:45:31 AM
John, you should think about recording some voice memos during that trip.  I remember going on trips like that to see family history, but I've forgotten most of what I was told :-(



The trip following family history went very well - now Isaac's older brother and younger sister want to go see the farms.  I plan on putting the pictures I took into a file with my notes. I may even see about putting a few books together for each of the family members to preserve the history.   If you put everything together on your computer you can get books made relatively inexpensively. 

I spent some time with my mother this evening making sure I captured as much from her as I could.

I will post some of the pictures that relate to my Whispering Falls build on this thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 06, 2020, 08:00:39 PM
So here are a few pictures from my Grandparents cow barn showing the stanchions that held the cows heads while they were being milked. The board is pinned on the bottom and in the open position provides access to the feed.  Once the cows are in position the board is moved into the locked position and pinned.  I remember doing that as a kid from the head side where the feed was.  You would reach in slide the board over and put the pin in position. It has been between 35 to 40 years since the cows were in this barn and you can still see how the boards are polished from them rubbing against them while they fed on the hay. I remember filling the barn with hay before the cows were let into the barn.





The wheelbarrow and shovel that was used to get the hay out of the barn after the cow was done with it is sitting where I remember it.  That wheelbarrow has a lot of miles on it going back and forth to the pile behind the barn. So many details to model. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 06, 2020, 08:19:01 PM
Here are a couple pictures from the outside.  Like most places we revisit from our childhood this barn seem much smaller than the one I remember.  In the first picture the small building on the left was the separator building where the milk and cream were separated by centrifugal force - my grandparents had two machines - one the old one had a hand crank.  The newer machine had an electrical motor that did the work.  The second building is the corn crib used to store the corn on on the cob and dried. Another machine was used to remove the corn from the cob for the chickens.

The cow barn is the tar paper shed off the hay barn which is painted the traditional barn red.  In this case it has been a long time since it has seen a coat of paint.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 06, 2020, 08:23:46 PM
So I have started scratch building the interior of the lower level of the Whispering Falls barn. I'm using the configuration from my Grandparents barn for the design. At this point the wood has been cut and stained - I will start putting it together tomorrow and should have something to take a picture of.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on September 06, 2020, 10:54:21 PM
John thanks for the pictures.

Must be a lot of great memories going back there!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 06, 2020, 11:26:08 PM
Quote from: Jerry on September 06, 2020, 10:54:21 PM
John thanks for the pictures.

Must be a lot of great memories going back there!



Thank you for following along, and yes lots of great memories - really cool to share them with my Grandson. I'm amazed at his interest level.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 07, 2020, 08:41:47 AM
Thanks for the memories. I immediately thought of my great uncle and aunt that had a farm in Somerset PA back in the 60's.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 07, 2020, 08:53:20 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 07, 2020, 08:41:47 AM
Thanks for the memories. I immediately thought of my great uncle and aunt that had a farm in Somerset PA back in the 60's.


You are welcome, thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on September 07, 2020, 03:12:15 PM
Really enjoying this side of your modelling journey as well, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 07, 2020, 07:13:58 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 07, 2020, 03:12:15 PM
Really enjoying this side of your modelling journey as well, John.

Cheers, Mark.


I'm glad you are enjoying my trip down memory lane. I will have some pictures later tonight of lower level of the barn.  I'm almost done with one side of the interior. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on September 08, 2020, 06:37:41 AM
Great stuff John! Nice job weathering the barn too  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 08:14:02 AM
Quote from: cuse on September 08, 2020, 06:37:41 AM
Great stuff John! Nice job weathering the barn too  ;)


Thank you for following along - it's real difficult to get the weathering to look prototypical in 1:1 scale, especially the nail heads. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 08, 2020, 01:58:42 PM
Hey John:

Great pictures. Must have been real fun going there to visit you grandparents. Wish mine had A cool place like that.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 03:33:36 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 08, 2020, 01:58:42 PM
Hey John:

Great pictures. Must have been real fun going there to visit you grandparents. Wish mine had A cool place like that.



I got to know by Grandparents well enough to know how hard they worked to make a living on that farm.  It is cool to go back and visit the old homestead.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 08:04:54 PM
Update: Today, I got the cows in the barn and got them fed. I have a lot of details to add but the stanchions are in and the cows, feed areas and walkways.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 08, 2020, 08:12:19 PM
You did a great job on the build sir....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 08:34:49 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 08, 2020, 08:12:19 PM
You did a great job on the build sir....Dennis


Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 08:39:20 PM
I decided to get the SLR out and take a few more pictures before proceeding with the detailing.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 08, 2020, 08:44:02 PM
Excellent looking interior John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on September 08, 2020, 08:51:14 PM
Looks great, John.

I'm expecting a cow pat under the cow with its tail up.  I learnt pretty quick as a young fellow that that was the all clear signal!  Have you thought about adding some hay on each side of the mouths of one or two of the cows with their heads up?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 10:43:34 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 08, 2020, 08:44:02 PM
Excellent looking interior John.


Thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 08, 2020, 10:49:43 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 08, 2020, 08:51:14 PM
Looks great, John.

I'm expecting a cow pat under the cow with its tail up.  I learnt pretty quick as a young fellow that that was the all clear signal!  Have you thought about adding some hay on each side of the mouths of one or two of the cows with their heads up?

Cheers, Mark.


Great minds think alike - I have added some hay in the mouths of the cows that are close to the outer edge.  The cows in the middle will not be very visible.  If you look under the raised tail you will see a glob of glue which is the start of the cow pat or cow flop as they were called on my Grandparents farm. I'm working on the lighting so I can add the ceiling and light it up - I want to see how much will be visible in the finished barn before getting to carried away with details that will not be visible. I plan on a wheelbarrow full of fresh cow flops and I have a figure that is a guy milking one of the cows. I also plan on some straw on the floor along with the hay.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on September 09, 2020, 03:19:38 AM
Wow great interior .
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 07:16:56 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on September 09, 2020, 03:19:38 AM
Wow great interior .


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on September 09, 2020, 12:25:05 PM
Perfect!  Even the cows seem to like all the work you did for them!!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on September 09, 2020, 03:48:14 PM

Great stuff.........  The stone work is really cool.

Pats or patties have so many localized names. 

Meadow muffins.......... cow flops are a common name here in downtown Idaho. 

In the winter they are called prairie steamers when they are really fresh.  For some very visible reasons.

They were cow pies in northern Illinois where I grew up.

Again.......... great modeling.

see ya
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 04:44:52 PM
Quote from: Jerry on September 09, 2020, 12:25:05 PM
Perfect!  Even the cows seem to like all the work you did for them!!!



Thank you for the kind words - I think the cows will be happier when there is a roof over their heads. I'm having a lot of fun with this kit - Dario did a great job with it.  It really lends itself to customization, too. I'm starting to build walls, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 04:48:13 PM
Quote from: bparrish on September 09, 2020, 03:48:14 PM

Great stuff.........  The stone work is really cool.

Pats or patties have so many localized names. 

Meadow muffins.......... cow flops are a common name here in downtown Idaho. 

In the winter they are called prairie steamers when they are really fresh.  For some very visible reasons.

They were cow pies in northern Illinois where I grew up.

Again.......... great modeling.

see ya


Thank you for following along and the encouragement. Yes, cow pies have taken on a number names over the years. It does seem to vary with the region of the country and the world. I will post some pictures with the LED lights on and the floor/ceiling installed later, tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 05:33:02 PM
A few pictures of the barn interior with the ceiling/floor attached and the LED's lighting things up.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on September 09, 2020, 06:33:44 PM
Terrific, John!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 09, 2020, 07:09:25 PM
Awesome interior.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 08:36:28 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 09, 2020, 06:33:44 PM
Terrific, John!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 08:37:04 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 09, 2020, 07:09:25 PM
Awesome interior.


Thank you - now it's barn raising time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 09:13:15 PM
As promised, here are a few pictures that describe the process I used to hook up the LED lights. In the first picture you can see the lights that hang from the ceiling.  The wires are run to power strips that are in the adjacent basement room that serves as the foundation for the barn addition.


In this picture you can see the power strips one for + and one for (-).  The power strips are fed with larger wires that will be attached to a control panel underneath the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 09:15:05 PM
Finally, for tonight, here is the main barn floor being glued in place.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 09, 2020, 09:18:30 PM
You may have noticed in some of the earlier pictures that the wall that holds the stanchions on the right side was leaning - I squared it up during the final gluing process. One of the support braces was hitting it as the roof was set on and pushing it over. A little trimming with a number 11 and the floor fit great.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on September 10, 2020, 05:23:14 PM

I have never milked a cow but we kept goats for nearly 30 years when we were out in the country west of Boise.   They were much more agreeable than cows.  Cows are monumentally stupid.  Goats are smart, conniving and completely self serving.  They knew that there was grain waiting in the feeder box and they would gleefully allow you do most anything to them to get to that grain.  They seldom kicked and would nudge you from time to time to show affection and thanks.

We raised out kids on goat's milk and they didn't end up too awful bad.  They have never used their one phone call from jail ! ! ! !

This is a great model you are constructing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 10, 2020, 08:44:35 PM

Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.  I have never been around goats so I will take your word for it on their intelligence. I do know that every cow in my Grandparents barn had their own stall and always went to it when you let them in the barn. The hay in the stall and wanting to be milked were definite incentives.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 10, 2020, 08:46:47 PM
Today, before I got started on building the interior wall structure for the barn I took a lights out only LED lighting picture of the basement of the barn. Enough lighting to be realistic? I don't want it to look like a barn in Vegas.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 10, 2020, 08:49:16 PM
I'm also working on the G. Wilikers build - I have the main building ready for the roofing and the warehouse building ready for the roof card. I also have the baseboard - gator board in this case - all cut and ready for the sections of the building to be glued down.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 10, 2020, 08:52:11 PM
They both look incredible.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 11, 2020, 08:10:36 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 10, 2020, 08:52:11 PM
They both look incredible.

Thank you Curt. I'm building barn walls this morning.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on September 11, 2020, 03:21:45 PM
Night (or early morning) scene looks great, John.

And you can see the hay in the cows mouth and the cow pat!  I must say that cow pat has a bit better slump than the ones I see around here - perhaps its the diet?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on September 11, 2020, 04:31:39 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 11, 2020, 03:21:45 PM
...I must say that cow pat has a bit better slump than the ones I see around here - perhaps its the diet?

Cheers, Mark.

It probably has something to do with the gravity on the bottom half of the globe :-) :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 11, 2020, 07:30:21 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 11, 2020, 03:21:45 PM
Night (or early morning) scene looks great, John.

And you can see the hay in the cows mouth and the cow pat!  I must say that cow pat has a bit better slump than the ones I see around here - perhaps its the diet?

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words - as for the consistency of the cow pat my experience is that temperature has more to do with it - in the barn it's fresh and sloppy.  I tried three different colors before I was satisfied with the color.  I settled on brown green. That's the color name on the bottle. Why do I see this turning into another nail head discussion? ;) :o  We sure do have fun in this hobby.

On another topic, the hay, I used a static grass with a little green to it rather than the straw color that Greg used. I checked out some hay that was still in the barn at my Grandparent's place and it still had some green to it after 30 - 40  years in the barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 11, 2020, 07:34:40 PM
Quote from: deemery on September 11, 2020, 04:31:39 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 11, 2020, 03:21:45 PM
...I must say that cow pat has a bit better slump than the ones I see around here - perhaps its the diet?

Cheers, Mark.

It probably has something to do with the gravity on the bottom half of the globe :-) :-)



If I remember my physics correctly, I think gravity would affect the direction of the slump. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on September 11, 2020, 07:49:05 PM

As far as your lighting goes, I have a couple stories.  I worked for a neighbor on his dairy farm while in high school.  I used the money I earned to buy my first beef cows.  Anyway, the milk inspector came to the farm and looked at the wattage on the bulbs.  He told the farmer he had to replace all those 60 watt bulbs with 100 watt bulbs to meet the necessary lighting standard.  The farmer I worked for was less than happy and decided to take action.  he had me remove every light bulb in the barn and use a scrub pad to remove the wattage printed on the bulbs before he was re-inspected.  FWIW, he passed the second inspection.

The farm next to mine was owned by the son of the gentleman I purchased my farm from.  i was in his barn one day helping him load pigs one day.  He turned the lights on and only half of them came on.  I asked if half the bulbs were burned out.  He said they were OK and proceeded to turn on the other half of the lights.  He had been visited by the milk inspector who told him his lighting was not up to snuff.  He installed the additional bulbs but wired them to a separate switch.  He said one day the milk inspector showed up unannounced and he had only half the lights on.  The inspector started to comment and Al, who had fortunately been standing near the switch, flicked the second set of lights on and played dumb.  I never found out if the inspector realized what had happened and overlooked it or if he was really clueless. 

Nice work detailing the barn interior.  I agree with your comment regarding how much interior detail is warranted when not all can be seen.  I think you may have gone above and beyond, but the lighting shows off much of what you did.  Have you ever considered mounting a photo of the interior on the fascia?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 12, 2020, 11:07:42 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on September 11, 2020, 07:49:05 PM

As far as your lighting goes, I have a couple stories.  I worked for a neighbor on his dairy farm while in high school.  I used the money I earned to buy my first beef cows.  Anyway, the milk inspector came to the farm and looked at the wattage on the bulbs.  He told the farmer he had to replace all those 60 watt bulbs with 100 watt bulbs to meet the necessary lighting standard.  The farmer I worked for was less than happy and decided to take action.  he had me remove every light bulb in the barn and use a scrub pad to remove the wattage printed on the bulbs before he was re-inspected.  FWIW, he passed the second inspection.

The farm next to mine was owned by the son of the gentleman I purchased my farm from.  i was in his barn one day helping him load pigs one day.  He turned the lights on and only half of them came on.  I asked if half the bulbs were burned out.  He said they were OK and proceeded to turn on the other half of the lights.  He had been visited by the milk inspector who told him his lighting was not up to snuff.  He installed the additional bulbs but wired them to a separate switch.  He said one day the milk inspector showed up unannounced and he had only half the lights on.  The inspector started to comment and Al, who had fortunately been standing near the switch, flicked the second set of lights on and played dumb.  I never found out if the inspector realized what had happened and overlooked it or if he was really clueless. 

Nice work detailing the barn interior.  I agree with your comment regarding how much interior detail is warranted when not all can be seen.  I think you may have gone above and beyond, but the lighting shows off much of what you did.  Have you ever considered mounting a photo of the interior on the fascia?


Thank you for your contributions to this project and for the encouraging words.  I like the idea of adding a photograph of the interior on the fascia - this build is right at eye level and close to the aisle so I'm hoping everything will be visible - we will see. I'm building the interior beams for the barn now - I'll update the thread with pictures this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:55:55 AM
I made some final changes to the baseboard for the Whispering Falls build, including digging a pond, before sending it to the paint booth for a coat of black paint.  The paint is just to keep the white from showing through when I add the scenery materials.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:13:56 PM
Here is a picture of the Whispering Falls baseboard after painting with the black  paint.  I will hide any white that you see with acrylic brush on paint before starting the scenery.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:17:19 PM
This is a picture of the four main barn walls before I removed them from the template. I usually put the template under a glass plate but in this case I built right on the template because I knew any paper that remained on the walls from the template was going to be covered by the barn siding.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:25:30 PM
I decided to stop at this point and assemble the four main walls.  The next step is to build the 5 interior walls over the bottom left template.  The updated templates that Dario sent me show that the dimensions are correct for this template but the drawing is out of scale.  You can see the lines I drew to represent the scale drawing. I decided to make my own template to scale before proceeding with construction of the interior walls.

The pictures below show the original template drawings and the update with changes in red.


You can see that I had removed the walls from the upper templates when I took this picture.


This is the change sheet.  Engineering changes - I dealt with them my entire working carrier - the changes are in red.

I'm finding the drawings and instructions (including changes) to be very easy to follow and very professional done.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:28:16 PM
So the barn is going up: Step one get the first wall in place and clamped. Level ? check


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:29:30 PM
Wall two - no sanding or trimming - it just fits.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:30:51 PM
Wall three and four. Fit and are right where they need to be with respect to the barn floor.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:34:11 PM
All the measurements complete - clamps in place for the glue to dry. No #11 blade, or sanding block work required.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:36:11 PM
The next step was to check the dimensions for the inner walls before I redraw the template. Dario has 3 and 27/32 for the overall dimension. Basically what has to fit inside the outer barn walls.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:37:32 PM
Here is the measurement on the other end.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 13, 2020, 08:41:25 PM
I think we can live with that. I will next be building the inner walls over my revised template and adding the barn siding on the outer walls. Basically switching back and forth while the glue is drying.

Here is an overall picture without out all the clamps, squares, and weights in the way.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 13, 2020, 09:17:03 PM
great modeling.  I have not had much luck with the copper electrical tape. When I solder on it it seems to pull off.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 14, 2020, 09:17:19 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 13, 2020, 09:17:03 PM
great modeling.  I have not had much luck with the copper electrical tape. When I solder on it it seems to pull off.


Thank you for the kind words.  I'm not sure what might be the problem with your copper tape experience.  I have used a lot of it for LED wiring and have not experienced a problem.  I have some installations in my little junction boxes - the pull out drawers that I have around the layout - that have been there for five years. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on September 14, 2020, 10:35:06 AM

I've been following your progress on the barn, great stuff. The cows being milked is a really good feature. I love the barn flooring as it does remind me of my mother's family farm in Vandalia, IL.

Well done my friend, very well done.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 14, 2020, 11:34:36 AM
Hey John:

Looks great. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on September 14, 2020, 02:02:51 PM
John - Good progress on the barn.  Interesting floor.  Add a little hay and some horse muffins and it will be perfect. Will there be an attached pig pin?  I've never seen a "hog waller" in HO scale.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 14, 2020, 03:15:36 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on September 14, 2020, 10:35:06 AM

I've been following your progress on the barn, great stuff. The cows being milked is a really good feature. I love the barn flooring as it does remind me of my mother's family farm in Vandalia, IL.

Well done my friend, very well done.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the kind words - Dario really does a nice job with his kits.  I remember following your build of the Delwins Boat and Net a few years back.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 14, 2020, 03:16:57 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 14, 2020, 11:34:36 AM
Hey John:

Looks great. Can't wait to see more.



Thank you for the encouraging words - I'm putting barn red siding on the outer walls today. I should have a picture or two this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 14, 2020, 03:20:09 PM
Quote from: Judge on September 14, 2020, 02:02:51 PM
John - Good progress on the barn.  Interesting floor.  Add a little hay and some horse muffins and it will be perfect. Will there be an attached pig pin?  I've never seen a "hog waller" in HO scale.


Thank you, I'm working on the hay bails this afternoon and the cow pies will follow.  There will be a separate barn for the horses and horse muffins. As for the pig pin, yes there will be one but it will not be attached.  Even the cows think the pigs stink too much to be in the same barn. ;)  The same goes for the chicken coop.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on September 14, 2020, 06:55:54 PM

You mentioned hay bales.  I did this some years ago from a Harry Brunk photo. 

Bob Brown ran this in the Gazette.

I made up a BUNCH of quarter inch squares of 1/16" balsa.  It only works with balsa.   Then glue them together into the length of bale that you want.

Then take a jar of some sort of Floquil green and don't shake it much.  You really only want the green base oil.

The randomizing factor is that when you assemble the bales, the grain will be in all different directions so each layer (flake) will take the oil differently.

It's hard to see in the photo but the bale wire or strings are nothing more than pencil lines.

Let me know if you try it.


see ya

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 15, 2020, 09:38:33 PM
Quote from: bparrish on September 14, 2020, 06:55:54 PM

You mentioned hay bales.  I did this some years ago from a Harry Brunk photo. 

Bob Brown ran this in the Gazette.

I made up a BUNCH of quarter inch squares of 1/16" balsa.  It only works with balsa.   Then glue them together into the length of bale that you want.

Then take a jar of some sort of Floquil green and don't shake it much.  You really only want the green base oil.

The randomizing factor is that when you assemble the bales, the grain will be in all different directions so each layer (flake) will take the oil differently.

It's hard to see in the photo but the bale wire or strings are nothing more than pencil lines.

Let me know if you try it.


see ya


Thank you for posting the pictures of you hay bales along with the process you used to make them. They do look nice.  I currently have some bales about 25 % completed on my work bench that I'm making using static grass.  A technique I learned from following Greg's Build thread on Whispering Falls.  I will see how these turn out and may make up a few using your technique to compare. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on September 16, 2020, 09:50:25 AM
Can't say much.  Your up to your usual build and detailing.  great work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 01:50:19 PM
Quote from: Jerry on September 16, 2020, 09:50:25 AM
Can't say much.  Your up to your usual build and detailing.  great work.



Thank you for following along and your encouragement.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:32:28 PM
It's time to get my build thread caught up.  I started the barn siding on the Whispering Falls build and decided on the DSP technique (aka Dalrymple Sock Process) for coloring the strip wood. Here is how I started.  I have a number of small rasps that I have collected over the years.  I weather the strip wood by running down the board with the rasp about 3 times to give it the grain texture.  Each of these rasps has a little different tooth pattern so I get a variety of grain patterns.  I also get different patterns by going straight down the strip of wood or across at and angle.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:33:56 PM
If you zoom in on this picture you can see the grain marks before I add the driftwood stain.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:35:23 PM
Next, all the strips are dipped in the driftwood stain. The interior side of the strip wood will remain this color.  The outside and only the outside of the strip is to  be colored the traditional barn red.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:42:40 PM
This is where the DSP technique comes in.

Side note:  Mark Dalrymple described his sock painting process in his thread which generated a number of question from yours truly. I would have used a sponge for this process but was never completely satisfied with the sponge technique.  So Mark described how he dabbed the paint on with a sock.  I tried it with a sock I had and it didn't work very well for me. So I asked questions and it turns out that the type of sock is critical - at least in my humble opinion. If you look closely at this sock it has a unique weave to it. We are looking at the inside of the sock. So I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story but the process is to dab the sock in the paint. Then blot off most of the paint on a paper towel.  And then dab the paint that is left onto the strip wood.  I tried to do it a little different on each piece of strip wood.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:43:32 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:47:26 PM
As the process moved along I sometimes didn't even add paint from the card to the sock but just went back and dabbed the sock where I had removed paint from previous iterations.

As you can see from the pictures, the boards really look different from board to board. If you want to make a prototype comparison take a look back a couple pages and look at the barn pictures from my Grandparents farm.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:49:01 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:51:24 PM
I also brake a few of the pieces of strip wood to size to give that rotted look on the bottom edge. Sorry about the darker pictures on the workbench. It makes it hard to see the red paint.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 16, 2020, 09:56:46 PM
Also on the Whispering Falls build I did a thorough review of the dimensions on the templates for the interior walls and redrew the template for my walls.  Dario's template is labeled 3 27/32 which is the interior overall dimension needed but the template measures 4 inches.  I just made a quick drawing that adjusted the dimensions proportionally and made 5 copies for the 5 interior walls so I could make them all at once.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 16, 2020, 09:57:11 PM
Very impressive John...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 09:23:14 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 16, 2020, 09:57:11 PM
Very impressive John...Dennis


Thank you - I have a lot of siding to put on today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on September 17, 2020, 12:44:58 PM

The raggedy aged barn wood is really cool.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 02:16:25 PM

Thank you for the encouraging words.  Here is a picture of most of side one that gives a better picture of the finished look. I started on this side because most of it is covered by the additions - now I hate to cover it up.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 02:18:41 PM
I put the widow casting in to make sure it fit.  From the picture I need to make a little adjustment to get it square to the world. I haven't ruled out the fisheye affect from my iPhone.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 02:21:30 PM
It is also time for an update on my G. Wiliker's build.  The roofers got started on the main building, today.





I need to add the cupola now that I have finally decided on which color shingles I wanted to use.  I did the first side as a test.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 02:24:54 PM
Note on taking photographs with an iPhone.  I think the white tape in the background of these pictures is messing up the photographs.  The structure is actually not in a shadow. I'm going to take a picture with the SLR this afternoon to test my theory.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 17, 2020, 03:51:56 PM
great color on the singles.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on September 17, 2020, 04:12:46 PM
John, make sure you set the focus point (with your finger :-) ), you should see a yellow box and the exposure will adjust.  Or you can get an app that allows more precise control over the iPhone camera settings. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on September 17, 2020, 07:00:47 PM
Looking good, John. 

The shingles on G. Willikers look really good.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 07:13:12 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 17, 2020, 03:51:56 PM
great color on the singles.


Thank you - I'm off and running with it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 07:15:46 PM
Quote from: deemery on September 17, 2020, 04:12:46 PM
John, make sure you set the focus point (with your finger :-) ), you should see a yellow box and the exposure will adjust.  Or you can get an app that allows more precise control over the iPhone camera settings. 



Thank you for the tip - I will give it a try.  I touched the screen and got the yellow box so we are off to a good start.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 07:16:45 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 17, 2020, 07:00:47 PM
Looking good, John. 

The shingles on G. Willikers look really good.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 08:05:48 PM
Here is a picture of the first barn side completed with the windows fixed.  The windows are just sitting in the openings. They will be heading for the paint booth and window glazing before I glue them in.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 17, 2020, 08:11:04 PM
My next barn side will be the end view with the lower level and cows and the opening to the upper level of the barn.  If you follow the directions from Dario's kit you will find that this end with the door opening is supposed to be towards the house. I wanted the door on this end for visibility of the interior of the barn.  Now that I can visualize the barn in 3-D I decided to make the door bigger.  I plan to cut the frame and open it up - using a scratch built sliding door modeled in the open position.  Don't be surprised if you see the same type of door added to the other end of the barn when we get there.  I really like the affect of looking through the barn.

You can see that I already started cutting before I remembered to take a before picture.  I also didn't bother removing the little pits of paper from the template drawings since they will all be covered by the siding. You can also see where I roughed in the stones on the edge of the foundation casting. I believe I put the casting in upside down so the nice stone edge is facing towards the inside of the barn. It's an easy fix with an #11 and some soft pastel chalk painting to get the colors to match the opposite side.  I like the look of the stone with the cast concrete foundation to the right.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on September 18, 2020, 09:05:22 AM
John the barn wood looks great.  Just enough weathering to give it character.

Love those roof shingles.

In both cases great work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 18, 2020, 11:21:07 AM
Quote from: Jerry on September 18, 2020, 09:05:22 AM
John the barn wood looks great.  Just enough weathering to give it character.

Love those roof shingles.

In both cases great work.



Thank you for following along and the encouragement. I'm putting more siding on the barn and just glued the cupola on the main building of G. Wiliker's this morning.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 18, 2020, 11:28:31 AM
I tried the tip Dave gave me about the yellow box on my iPhone ( see posts above).  It did help with the lighting adjustments with the iPhone.  Thank you Dave.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 18, 2020, 11:30:12 AM
If you look at the coloring of the building the color differences are enhanced.  The whites are brighter and the greys darker than they are to my eyes.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 18, 2020, 11:34:38 AM
Here is what the frame looked like for the upper level door when I completed the changes.  It only took a few minutes and I also modified the other end of the barn so you will be able to look through the upper level.  The main floor interior will be visible through the large main doors on the front of the barn. And the lower level with the cows will be visible through the open back of the lower level shown in this picture.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 19, 2020, 07:53:25 AM
Update: The barn siding is going on the Whispering Fall's barn and the Shingles are going on the main building of G. Wiliker's - lots of activity but nothing new for pictures for a couple days.

The next step for the Whispering Fall's barn will be all the interior beams and loft flooring. G. Wilikers will be the roof cards and shingles for the side additions.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 19, 2020, 02:09:03 PM
Beautiful job John...Dennis
Question my friend. John, I know you use glue for your track and roadbed and ballast. Can you tell me what strength for the each of them please? Thanks Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 19, 2020, 09:26:15 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 19, 2020, 02:09:03 PM
Beautiful job John...Dennis
Question my friend. John, I know you use glue for your track and roadbed and ballast. Can you tell me what strength for the each of them please? Thanks Dennis


Thank you for the kind words. As for glue that I use for my track work.  Use good old Elmer's white glue for the roadbed and the track full strength. The beauty of Elmer's white glue is that is water soluble so if you decide to change anything you just get the area wet and the track and roadbed come right up.  For ballast I use Matte Medium - I get mine from scenic express.  I buy the concentrate and mix it for different purposes.  My ballast solution is 4:1 water:concentrate. I use Matte Medium because it dries with more of a flat finish than white glue.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 19, 2020, 09:34:40 PM
Thank you John.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: T.C. on September 20, 2020, 08:45:10 AM
Shingle question ?
You do so much it's hard to keep up and I may have missed it. lol
May I ask, how did you get the color on the shingles?Thanks T.C.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 20, 2020, 09:22:25 AM
Quote from: T.C. on September 20, 2020, 08:45:10 AM
Shingle question ?
You do so much it's hard to keep up and I may have missed it. lol
May I ask, how did you get the color on the shingles?Thanks T.C.


Thank you for following along - sometimes it doesn't seem like I'm getting much done.

The singles that I'm using on G. Wilikers are a printed paper that is available from Wild West Models.  I will be enhancing the coloring with weathering soft pastel chalks as one of the final steps of the build. If you dig back through my build threads I have used these singles in different colors on a number of builds. Here is a link to their website.  They have the singles available in many different colors.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: T.C. on September 20, 2020, 11:17:15 AM
Thank you, I remember seeing it now.This getting old isn't what they advertised, I forget..... :-\ .......what was I going to say? ???

Thanks, love your build !

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 21, 2020, 09:00:37 AM
The siding is on the Whispering Falls build - working on the upper gabble ends and the interior lofts now.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 21, 2020, 09:02:08 AM
The cleanup crew needs to sweep the barn out - lots of construction scrap laying around.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 21, 2020, 05:49:32 PM
Hey John:

Beautiful job on this one so far. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 21, 2020, 07:21:52 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 21, 2020, 05:49:32 PM
Hey John:

Beautiful job on this one so far. Can't wait to see more.



Thank you my friend. I spent a lot of time looking at the stone walls while I was putting the siding on. I found a few air bubbles so I went after them with the #11.  I will have some touchup to do when everything is together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 21, 2020, 09:45:27 PM
I got started on the loft assembly this afternoon.  For those that are following along with the thread as a build thread for Whispering Falls.  I changed the beam orientation. The beams on the directions and with the templates are 6x8 but the narrow dimension is supporting the weight.  Too much time in Engineering school for me, I had to change it so the 8 inch dimension is supporting the weight in the upper loft, when I redrew the template drawings.  The template that Dario supplies with the kit had to be modified to correct for the change.  The holes had to me cut with the long dimension rotated 90 degrees.  No big deal but it made me feel better. ;)  Here is a picture with the walls held in place with the template and squares. I was cutting the boards for the deck when the boss told me it was time to quit for the night.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on September 22, 2020, 08:35:58 AM

Love that post and beam construction!  (Reminds me of my 1:1 barn.)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 22, 2020, 09:23:27 AM
Great modeling John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 22, 2020, 10:42:39 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on September 22, 2020, 08:35:58 AM

Love that post and beam construction!  (Reminds me of my 1:1 barn.)


Great to hear that we are matching a prototype.  Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 22, 2020, 10:43:26 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 22, 2020, 09:23:27 AM
Great modeling John.


Thank you for the encouraging words. I'm really having fun with these projects.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 23, 2020, 09:42:48 PM
Update: The siding is on the upper level of the gable ends of the barn. Also, added the longer side of the loft.  The short side loft is glued together and will go in after the glue dries. Here are a few pictures.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 24, 2020, 09:02:30 AM
Excellent modeling John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 24, 2020, 09:20:22 AM
John, You got some good eye's to paint all those stone's individually. Love the outcome....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 24, 2020, 07:26:30 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 24, 2020, 09:02:30 AM
Excellent modeling John.


Thank you for following along and keeping me encouraged to post pictures. I spent most of my modeling time today installing the LED lights in the main main level of the barn.  They are mounted underneath the loft.  I plan to add some LED's up in the loft once the rafters are in. I will take a couple pictures tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 24, 2020, 07:28:25 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 24, 2020, 09:20:22 AM
John, You got some good eye's to paint all those stone's individually. Love the outcome....Dennis


I find it easy to hit the individual stones when they are this size, but HO scale bricks not so much.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 25, 2020, 10:09:45 AM
Hey John:

Looks just great so far.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on September 25, 2020, 01:50:30 PM
Hi John.

The barn is looking just fabulous!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 25, 2020, 05:38:09 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 25, 2020, 10:09:45 AM
Hey John:

Looks just great so far.



Thank you for the encouraging words. I just tested all the LED lights I've been installing and I didn't let the smoke out of any of them.  Making progress.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 25, 2020, 05:39:47 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on September 25, 2020, 01:50:30 PM
Hi John.

The barn is looking just fabulous!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the kind words. Today, I'm finishing up the LED wiring and starting the sheds that go on the front of the barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 25, 2020, 07:44:51 PM
Today's update:

I'm putting the finishing touches on the roof of the main building on the G. Wiliker's build.


The LED lighting has been completed in the lower and main levels of the Barn for the Whispering Falls build.  The wires, and tubes for the main level lighting is run across the floor of the loft.  It will all be covered with hay. ;)  The basement areas for the two front sheds and the addition house the junction boxes for the LED lighting.  Three sets of wires, soon to be four, will go through the base and attach to the LED junction and power box underneath the layout.  I did a test light up this afternoon and no smoke came out of the LED's.


Next step is to add some of the interior detail to the main level and loft before the rafters and roof go on.  Also working on the two sheds for the front of the barn. The addition will follow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 25, 2020, 07:53:00 PM
Very nice builds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 25, 2020, 08:05:36 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 25, 2020, 07:53:00 PM
Very nice builds.


Thank you,  who touched the top sill with the soldering iron? :-[
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on September 25, 2020, 08:27:04 PM

I continue to be amazed by how much you accomplish.  I would never attempt to build two large complex kits at the same time.  Then you decide to add lighting, too.  Beautiful modeling, love the attention to detail, individual painted stones in the barn foundation, great work on the barn boards, too.  Awesome.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 26, 2020, 09:14:10 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on September 25, 2020, 08:27:04 PM

I continue to be amazed by how much you accomplish.  I would never attempt to build two large complex kits at the same time.  Then you decide to add lighting, too.  Beautiful modeling, love the attention to detail, individual painted stones in the barn foundation, great work on the barn boards, too.  Awesome.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. I have some touchup work to do on the stonework but I'm happy with the way it turned out. As for having multiple projects going at once - I think you have to blame my work life - it's just the way I got used to working. It also helps to have another build on another work bench to move to while the glue or paint dries on current project. I have a tendency to rush the drying process and mess stuff up if I do one at a time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 26, 2020, 08:11:13 PM
I got started on the two sheds for the front of the Whispering Falls barn.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 26, 2020, 08:14:11 PM
A few progress pictures of the installation of the Brick Roundhouses.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on September 26, 2020, 09:08:27 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about. (Perfection) Beautiful job.......Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on September 27, 2020, 05:27:17 AM
What an eye-catcher , both the barn and the roundhouse .
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 27, 2020, 09:19:02 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on September 26, 2020, 09:08:27 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about. (Perfection) Beautiful job.......Dennis

Thank you my friend. I can't wait to get it operational with the scenery completed around it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 27, 2020, 09:19:41 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on September 27, 2020, 05:27:17 AM
What an eye-catcher , both the barn and the roundhouse .


Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on September 27, 2020, 09:42:49 AM
Looks like the barn is making great progress.

Thanks for the photo of the roundhouse a real beauty can't wait to see than with scenery.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 27, 2020, 09:05:48 PM
Quote from: Jerry on September 27, 2020, 09:42:49 AM
Looks like the barn is making great progress.

Thanks for the photo of the roundhouse a real beauty can't wait to see than with scenery.



Thank you for following along - I have been working on the Roundhouse every once and awhile while the glue was drying on the other builds. At some point I will take a few days/weeks and concentrate on getting the turntable running and the scenery including the landforms that will finish that area of the layout off. Right now the Whispering Falls and G. Wilikers builds are working out great moving from one to the other as different parts dry.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 27, 2020, 09:17:44 PM
Update: Today, I got the two sheds completed to the point where their ready for the roof cards for the from of the Whispering Falls barn. I also cut and stained all the wood for the barn addition in the back of the barn.


On the G. Wilikers build I painted the trim panels for the main building. Next up, is the roof detail and final trim on the main building. I have collect pictures of the G. Wilikers kit built by about a half a dozen builders over the years.  I was looking through the pictures this evening and no two builds did the trim the same way on the main building. A couple of them left off the stairs going to the second level. I'm going do do the cornice trim the way George does it in the instructions. I did add a trim piece to the roof and will be painting the rain gutters and getting them ready for installation, tomorrow. I should have enough progress to warrant some new progress pictures, tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 28, 2020, 09:35:58 AM
Looks great John. Are you leaving the rock wall grey?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on September 28, 2020, 02:13:09 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful so far. Keep the pics flowing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2020, 02:58:14 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 28, 2020, 09:35:58 AM
Looks great John. Are you leaving the rock wall grey?


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  The part of the foundation wall that you see that is grey is a poured concrete wall. I will be doing some weathering on it to give it that older concrete look - a lot of it will be covered with the landforms that surround the barn. I have some touchup work on the stone portion of the wall.  I went after some air bubbles after I painted it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2020, 02:59:25 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on September 28, 2020, 02:13:09 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful so far. Keep the pics flowing.



Thank you my friend. The pictures will continue to flow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 28, 2020, 06:58:11 PM
Update:  Today, I started adding the roof details to the main building of G. Wilikers.


Also, added the floor to the addition portion of the barn for the Whispering Falls build. The main roof beams where also added to the barn in preparation for the rafters.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 29, 2020, 08:09:10 PM
Update:  I wired the loft of the barn and installed 6 more LED lights, today.  The wiring junction is in the lower level under the barn addition.  You can also see how I ran the wires behind the big beams - out of sight once the roof goes on. I also discovered an issue with the second window on this side of the barn. The wall for the addition goes right through it.  I know Dario removed it for the demo build because it doesn't show in the pictures. It was on the template so I put it in.  No big deal. I popped off the siding in this area and will cover it one I put the siding on the addition.  One other change that I made was to use one big beam that gave be the correct height for the trusses that will be installed on top of the beams. The instruction call for a shim on top of a 6x8 beam. The bottom of the beam is the only portion that is visible in the final model.

The hole where the window was removed. Also a hole for the LED wires to get to the lower level of the barn addition.


Picture of the pilot model - the window is gone.


The lamps are in and the wires are glued.  I use lots of glue to hold the wires and stress relieve them so nothing comes loose down the road.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on September 30, 2020, 07:18:41 PM
Update: Today, I decided to take a step backwards on the Whispering Falls build.  I was about to glue the floor down on the addition portion of the barn and took one last look at all those wiring connections in a place where I can't get at them if something goes wrong. So I decided to extend the wires down through the baseboard of the model to a junction box below the layout where I can get at it in the future. I had a wire come off on my Locomotive Works and it was easy to fix because of the drawer where I installed for all the connections for that build. So there will be some soldiering but I'm making the change. ;)  There are 22 LED's inside the barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on September 30, 2020, 08:25:43 PM
Proactive is definitely better than Reactive.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 01, 2020, 07:54:13 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on September 30, 2020, 08:25:43 PM
Proactive is definitely better than Reactive.


Yes it is - thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 01, 2020, 04:35:20 PM
Update:  At the suggestion of George Sellios the names of the towns of Sellios and VanGelder have been combined to the town of Vansel.  Originally I was going to have two sister towns on each side of the river. George said that looks like it should be one town why don't you combine the names. So it is, the town that George Sellios named on the S&S RR. The town of Vansel is in the Mountain valley below the area where I'm working now on the Whispering Falls build. I will be renaming Whispering Falls - and what should I name the river?

Update to the update:  The CFO of the S&S RR suggested that the name of the river have something to do with money - since so much money went into all those red and yellow boxes. Ouch!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on October 01, 2020, 04:38:59 PM
Could also name it Vansel, wouldn't be the first town to take the name of its river.   (Examples: Merrimack NH, Merrimack MA and the river that flows through both towns.  Also Nashua river and town in NH.)

Or, name the river the Vansel River, and the town something like "Vansel Mill".

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 01, 2020, 04:40:06 PM
Quote from: deemery on October 01, 2020, 04:38:59 PM
Could also name it Vansel, wouldn't be the first town to take the name of its river.   (Examples: Merrimack NH, Merrimack MA and the river that flows through both towns.  Also Nashua river and town in NH.)

Or, name the river the Vansel River, and the town something like "Vansel Mill".



Good ideas - but see the update to the update.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on October 01, 2020, 05:56:20 PM
The 'Cash' river.

Then you could talk about the Cash flow.  The Cash flows through the town of Vansel (or out of the town of Vansel).

Personally, I like to play with anagrams - Tellynott (Lyttelton), Inglletown (Wellington)

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on October 01, 2020, 08:23:59 PM
Cache River sounds more classy :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 01, 2020, 09:19:48 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on October 01, 2020, 05:56:20 PM
The 'Cash' river.

Then you could talk about the Cash flow.  The Cash flows through the town of Vansel (or out of the town of Vansel).

Personally, I like to play with anagrams - Tellynott (Lyttelton), Inglletown (Wellington)

Cheers, Mark.


I love the idea. So I'm looking through the thesaurus and dictionary and thought about using Cache like this is where my cache of kits is going to end up. And I did spend a lot of cash on them. I forgot about it for a couple hours and came back this evening to find Dave's post.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 01, 2020, 09:22:26 PM
Quote from: deemery on October 01, 2020, 08:23:59 PM
Cache River sounds more classy :-) (


It's got to be the Cache River - see my post above to Mark. The Cache River runs through the town of Vansel.   ;)  I was amazed when I saw your post.  The cash street bridge will find a home here. I'm sure there will be a Johnny Cash restaurant in town.  Okay back to building my barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on October 02, 2020, 10:03:30 AM
"Cash & Carry Lumber", too, I'm sure....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 02, 2020, 12:15:51 PM
Quote from: deemery on October 02, 2020, 10:03:30 AM
"Cash & Carry Lumber", too, I'm sure....



Maybe? We will see how far this goes when I get to this area.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Lynnb on October 02, 2020, 04:02:31 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:41:57 PM
The first two walls of the shed going together.

Making it through these builds , enjoying. John can you tell me what the heavy end angle pieces are referred to as? I have 123 blocks which I use all the time but your end piece would be a good addition to my tools. :)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 02, 2020, 04:31:56 PM
Lynn, I got some of those a little bit ago and mine are called ANGLE PLATES....Dennis PLATES
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 02, 2020, 07:44:00 PM
Quote from: Lynnb on October 02, 2020, 04:02:31 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on November 18, 2019, 10:41:57 PM
The first two walls of the shed going together.

Making it through these builds , enjoying. John can you tell me what the heavy end angle pieces are referred to as? I have 123 blocks which I use all the time but your end piece would be a good addition to my tools. :)


Dennis answered your question but I thought I would add a few comments. They are called angle plates - mine are in use every day.  I have two sets - they come in three sizes for modeling - 1, 2, and 3 inches. I actually bought a second set because I have had gluing setups that required it. Dennis gives you the link to Micro-Mart and that is where I bought my first set many years ago.  The second set I bought off amazon because the price was right.  They are identical. I'm a firm believer in holding things in place with weights and clamps while the glue dries.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 02, 2020, 07:59:57 PM
Thanks to you John, I remember :)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 03, 2020, 08:34:40 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on October 02, 2020, 07:59:57 PM
Thanks to you John, I remember :)


That is what the forum is for my friend.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Lynnb on October 03, 2020, 10:49:59 AM
Thanks guys , ya Micromart for me being Canadian would be a bit pricey, I'll check Amazon or worse case I'll have to pull the mig welder out. I work in Algoma Steel here and our DSPC Roll Shop has Welder Erectors setup in the corner of the shop, I may be able to get some smallish plates from them.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2020, 04:57:14 PM
Quote from: Lynnb on October 03, 2020, 10:49:59 AM
Thanks guys , ya Micromart for me being Canadian would be a bit pricey, I'll check Amazon or worse case I'll have to pull the mig welder out. I work in Algoma Steel here and our DSPC Roll Shop has Welder Erectors setup in the corner of the shop, I may be able to get some smallish plates from them.


As long as they are ground square any fabrication will work just fine. I bought mine when they were on sale and the price was right.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2020, 05:18:35 PM
Update:  Here are a few pictures of where the Whispering Falls build was at when I quit for the day on Friday.  I had the Grandkids here for the weekend running trains so I didn't get around to updating the thread until this evening.

The LED wiring has been completed and tested and the floor is on for the barn addition. The last step completed so far was gluing down the frame for the walls.  I'm gluing the framing down before I add the wall boards like I did no the main barn. I'm going with the white weathered walls like Dario did for the pilot model.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2020, 05:20:13 PM
I cleaned up the paper from the templates that could be seen on the inside of the walls - but didn't bother with the outside since it is all covered.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2020, 05:21:49 PM
The next step is to paint all of the strip wood for the outside walls using the same technique as I did with the main barn red walls - only with white paint for the addition.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 04, 2020, 06:46:36 PM
It looks awesome. That is a lot of lights!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 04, 2020, 10:43:08 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 04, 2020, 06:46:36 PM
It looks awesome. That is a lot of lights!


It may be overkill with the LED lights but I wanted to make sure the interior detail was visible.  We will see when I get it in place.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 06, 2020, 09:03:48 AM
I had a nice long chat with George Sellios, yesterday. He really likes the idea of the Cache River running through the town of Vansel on the S&S RR. He told me he is spending his time in Covid isolation making changes to the F&SM. I think his words where - "John I have so many new changes for you to photograph".  He then proceed to list some of the areas he has worked on - he has been busy. I'm sure looking forward to getting back there to see George and for a photo shoot.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 06, 2020, 10:04:58 AM
John, That would be perfect...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 06, 2020, 06:00:43 PM
Hey John:

It's really coming along. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 06, 2020, 07:13:02 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on October 06, 2020, 06:00:43 PM
Hey John:

It's really coming along. Can't wait to see more.



Thank you for following along,  more soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 07, 2020, 02:30:31 PM
Hey john:

you are quite welcome. I always enjoy your photos.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 09, 2020, 02:55:34 PM
The siding boards for the barn addition have been painted.  I used the same technique as I did for the barn red siding only I used white paint.  I will be toning down the white with a A&I wash after it is installed on the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 09, 2020, 02:57:56 PM
Here is what it looked like after the first few rows.


Yes, I like to add the siding after the frame of the wall is installed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on October 09, 2020, 08:26:11 PM
John looks great.
I see what you meant about the A&I to tone everything down.

I tried the A&I on the siding perfect solution.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 09, 2020, 09:47:59 PM
Quote from: Jerry on October 09, 2020, 08:26:11 PM
John looks great.
I see what you meant about the A&I to tone everything down.

I tried the A&I on the siding perfect solution.



Thank you for the kind words and I'm glad the A&I worked for you. One of the things I struggle with is colors being too bright when I get them on a full building.  So I have become proficient at toning things down with A&I and chalk and Ink washes.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 10, 2020, 09:05:05 PM
I just got through reviewing the Narrow Gauge Business Meeting zoom meeting from the Saint Louis convention videos.  I thought some of you may be interested in the upcoming Narrow Gauge convention locations.
2020 canceled but if you go to their website they have some videos
2021 Hickory, NC
2022 Seattle, WA
2023 Denver, CO
2024 Pittsburgh, PA

2025 and 2026 will be open for bids at the Hickory convention.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 10, 2020, 10:06:10 PM
A few progress pictures from today's activities.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 11, 2020, 03:30:00 AM
Hey John:

Great weathering on the white walls. Can't wait to see this one finished.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 11, 2020, 09:14:24 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on October 11, 2020, 03:30:00 AM
Hey John:

Great weathering on the white walls. Can't wait to see this one finished.



Thank you for the kind words, my friend.  I will be giving them a light wash of A&I as the last step to tone them down just a bit and bring out more of the wood grain.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 11, 2020, 09:30:24 AM
Hey john:

Sounds good.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 11, 2020, 10:18:24 AM
Amazing weathering on the boards.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 11, 2020, 07:29:48 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 11, 2020, 10:18:24 AM
Amazing weathering on the boards.

Thank you Curt
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on October 12, 2020, 09:04:20 AM
I like it John.  Your doing your usual wonderful work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 13, 2020, 09:16:54 PM
Quote from: Jerry on October 12, 2020, 09:04:20 AM
I like it John.  Your doing your usual wonderful work.



Thank you for the kind words. I spent the last couple days running trains with my Grandkids.  My 4 year old Grandson sat on my lap helping be build the barn for a good hour this afternoon.  He was picking out the window castings and showing me where to glue them in.  We had a lot of fun - good quality time. He was picking up all the tools on the workbench and asking me what I used each one for. Maybe a model builder for the next generation?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:13:04 AM
Update: Here are a few progress pictures on my barn build. This series of pictures is the addition to the barn before the wash with A&I.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:19:00 AM
Here is a series of pictures after the A&I over the white paint. I also hit the concrete foundation walls with A&I to help bring out the texture.







Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:22:10 AM
Finally, for today,  I started adding some hay bales to the loft in preparation for the installation of the roof rafters. Any new details will be added by sight through the doorway, after the roof is on.




These pictures help with the detailing check list.  I have some board edges that need staining.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:24:54 AM
Jerry - I have new hay "greener in color", going into the barn for the winter and the last few bales of last years hay "browner in color", on it's way to the cows.  Did I get that right?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:26:59 AM
I can't decide if I want to knock some of the fuzz off the barn siding or leave it on?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 15, 2020, 03:38:55 PM
Everything looks great John. Curious about why two colors?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on October 15, 2020, 05:24:36 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:26:59 AM
I can't decide if I want to knock some of the fuzz off the barn siding or leave it on?

Do you have a spare piece of wood?  I wonder what would happen if you carefully 'burned off' the fuzz, would you get an interesting result from that process?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 15, 2020, 06:50:18 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:24:54 AM
Jerry - I have new hay "greener in color", going into the barn for the winter and the last few bales of last years hay "browner in color", on it's way to the cows.  Did I get that right?


You got that right.  One thing to consider is that light, especially sunlight bleaches the green color from the bales as they age turning them to the yellow color.  Also, hay cut and baled later in the season will be more yellow than green as the grass ripens.  My point?  Unless you are modeling summer on your layout any hay exposed to light, i.e., in the doorways should be more yellowish while hay further from the light would hold its green color longer.  In my experience, hay starts to bleach within a month or two of being baled and stored.  Within probably 4-5 months every bale in the barn will be yellow where it is exposed to light, with the parts of the bales not exposed to light will still be green, albeit usually somewhat lighter green than when first baled.  HTH
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 08:25:26 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 15, 2020, 03:38:55 PM
Everything looks great John. Curious about why two colors?


Excellent question. I actually went back and forth on this and turned it into a visualization experiment.  Dario, the kit manufacturer, made his pilot model with the barn extension or addition with horizontal siding with the boards close together. Dario painted his white to give it a contrast and really make it look like an addition. The story behind it is that the extension is a workshop and office. Greg (see the referenced build thread) painted his extension red and used the vertical siding - the same as the main barn.

On my layout this barn and farm scene is going to be up in the line of site just as a train leaves the big trestle so I didn't want it to look like one giant barn. And I liked the idea of the barn addition being an office and repair shop for the extended operation.  Your question prompted me to take the barn assembly off the bench and give it a visualization test before I add the roof cards.  In the first picture the barn is sitting on the baseboard but also on the bench cookies because of the wires, which make it an inch to high.


In this second picture I removed the baseboard and just used the bench cookies - this puts the barn within a 1/4 inch of it's final height.  Notice how you will be able to look through the barn and see the mountains and forest on the other side of the valley. You will also be able to look through the barn through the second level from the front view.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 08:31:01 PM
Quote from: deemery on October 15, 2020, 05:24:36 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:26:59 AM
I can't decide if I want to knock some of the fuzz off the barn siding or leave it on?

Do you have a spare piece of wood?  I wonder what would happen if you carefully 'burned off' the fuzz, would you get an interesting result from that process?



I will try it on a spare piece of wood but I don't think I would be willing to get near this with a flame no mater how good it looks.  I really like the look of the small pieces of wood splinttering[size=78%] [/size][/size]off.  It actually was a result of the A&I and the drying process. I purposely left it on through the paint process because I knew I could remove it at any time if I decided I didn't like it.  I'm still going back and forth on how natural it looks.[size=78%]
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 08:39:19 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 15, 2020, 06:50:18 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on October 15, 2020, 11:24:54 AM
Jerry - I have new hay "greener in color", going into the barn for the winter and the last few bales of last years hay "browner in color", on it's way to the cows.  Did I get that right?


You got that right.  One thing to consider is that light, especially sunlight bleaches the green color from the bales as they age turning them to the yellow color.  Also, hay cut and baled later in the season will be more yellow than green as the grass ripens.  My point?  Unless you are modeling summer on your layout any hay exposed to light, i.e., in the doorways should be more yellowish while hay further from the light would hold its green color longer.  In my experience, hay starts to bleach within a month or two of being baled and stored.  Within probably 4-5 months every bale in the barn will be yellow where it is exposed to light, with the parts of the bales not exposed to light will still be green, albeit usually somewhat lighter green than when first baled.  HTH


Thank you so much for your input. You described perfectly the pictures I have in my mind from my childhood. My model will be set in a fall setting where the last few bails are being used up from last year and the new hay is coming off the fields and put into the barn for the winter. I'm thinking of having a scene where a load of hay is going up into the barn on the opposite end from the pictures above.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 15, 2020, 10:03:50 PM

I sent you a PM.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 16, 2020, 08:36:00 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 15, 2020, 10:03:50 PM

I sent you a PM.


I sent you a reply.  Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 16, 2020, 06:35:31 PM
I added the office in the barn addition and started some interior detail on the Whispering Falls build, today.  I also glued the main building down to the base board and assembled the front loading dock for the G. Wiliker's build. I'll take some more progress pictures when I get a little farther along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 17, 2020, 02:50:36 PM
The roof cards are cut, painted and dry fit for the Whispering Falls Build. The roof cards supplied are white cardboard - so I painted the topside flat black,  and the underside that will be visible when you look through the loft doors, khaki. The khaki makes it look like wood up in the top of the barn.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 17, 2020, 02:52:29 PM
Here are a few more pictures from different angles.




The underside of the roof cards.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 17, 2020, 02:55:40 PM
Next up, the roof rafters. Dario supplies triangular roof braces with the kit.  I installed them before I added the rafters so I can dry fit the roof and miss them with the rafter placement.  In the instructions Dario puts the roof rafters on first. In my mind it was easier to do it this way. I will take a picture this afternoon, after the glue dries.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 17, 2020, 07:41:49 PM

Love the contrast between the main barn and the addition, both in foundation and siding.  Will you be using different roofing on the two as well?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 17, 2020, 08:51:09 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 17, 2020, 07:41:49 PM

Love the contrast between the main barn and the addition, both in foundation and siding.  Will you be using different roofing on the two as well?


Thank you for the kind words.  Yes - I will be using shingles on the main barn and metal roofing on the addition. The kit comes with a plastic material for the addition roof that looks like the modern metal roofing in use today.  I will be using the metal roofing - well weathered - that was traditionally used on barn roofs in the 1940's time frame. I'm trying to make this look like a barn that was built around the 1920's and both the original barn and the addition are ready for a paint job in 1949.

I'm working on some signs for the operation tonight.  I think a name change is coming so stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 17, 2020, 09:22:32 PM

Not sure what you are planning for metal roofing but I can grab a pic of my nephew's barn tomorrow morning.  It was originally my grandfather's and later my father's farm and the metal roof was installed prior to WWII.  My dad helped with the roofing when it was installed.  The metal roof has been painted more times than I can remember or count.  That is why it has lasted so long. IMO, the ribbed seam metal roofing from C C Crow replicates it well.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 17, 2020, 09:32:53 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 17, 2020, 09:22:32 PM

Not sure what you are planning for metal roofing but I can grab a pic of my nephew's barn tomorrow morning.  It was originally my grandfather's and later my father's farm and the metal roof was installed prior to WWII.  My dad helped with the roofing when it was installed.  The metal roof has been painted more times than I can remember or count.  That is why it has lasted so long. IMO, the ribbed seam metal roofing from C C Crow replicates it well.


I would love to have a picture of it.  I'm planning on the metal roofing sold by Wild West Models.  It is the same material that I used on my Locomotive Works build.

By the way, I just saw your location is listed as UP State New York.  Are you anywhere near Batavia, NY.  My wife's father is from there and her Grandfather owned the local John Deere Dealership.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 08:10:08 AM

Nowhere near Batavia.  I'm about fifteen miles north of Binghamton, a place nobody knows the location of.  Once I tell someone Binghamton is on I-81 halfway between Syracuse and Scranton the light goes on. ;D

I don't know the technical name for the style of roofing on the barn.  It is similar to standing seam roofing.  The photos I have seen of standing seam roofing show it as being attached to clips underneath the roofing.  This roofing looks essentially the same but is nailed in place using nails through the ribs.  Originally this type of roofing used ribbed shank roofing nails with a lead seal under the head of the nail.  The nail was snugged against the rib just enough to deform the lead enough to form a seal.  In later years a neoprene or similar washer was under the head of the nail to seal out water.  More recently this type of roofing uses screws with a neoprene or similar seal under the head.  Prior to the changeover to screws the roofing had to have the nails driven back in every few years as the expansion and contraction from weather would work the nails loose.  If the nails worked loose or completely out a strong wind would peel the roofing off the boards underneath.  This roofing usually came in sheets 26" wide, with the overlay between sheets they effectively covered 24".  There were three ribs per sheet, the overlay rib was slightly wider to cover the rib of the sheet next to it.  This type came in lengths from 6' to 16' by two foot delineations.  This roofing was offered in both aluminum and galvanized steel.  The roofing on the barn is galvanized, painted multiple times.  The roofing on the machinery shed is aluminum.  My dad and I salvaged that from a neighbor's barn that had blown down in a storm.  In true farmer fashion, the entire machinery shed was built with salvaged materials; used telephone poles, rafters from a demo in Binghamton, and roof boards were old silo staves.

The Builders in Scale roofing has about 18" between the ribs, so a three rib panel is roughly 3' wide.  This measurement is more representative of newer roofing panels.  The metal roofing I used on my shed and barn extension are this size.  I have added pics of the BIS (C C Crow) roofing and a small structure where I used this roofing.  I looked for a building I did that had two sizes of the roofing, i.e., 10' and 8' panels because this roofing looks better at least IMO when there is a seam across the roof.  A quick search did not turn up this building, my organization isn't always the best. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 09:51:31 AM

This is a building in Brisben, NY that I have posted before.  The roofing on the right side is the roofing I have been describing.  In the closeup you can see that every second rib is wider where it overlaps the previous sheet. 

I'll try to get to my nephew's this afternoon for some shots of his barn, though I am not sure they will be any better to see what this type of roofing looks like.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 10:00:35 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 09:51:31 AM

This is a building in Brisben, NY that I have posted before.  The roofing on the right side is the roofing I have been describing.  In the closeup you can see that every second rib is wider where it overlaps the previous sheet. 

I'll try to get to my nephew's this afternoon for some shots of his barn, though I am not sure they will be any better to see what this type of roofing looks like.


Thank you for the pictures.  The roofing material that I was going to use looks like the roofing on the left side of the barn. The right side looks like the material that is supplied in the kit.  I'm going to do some experimenting with coloring it and see if I can make it look like this roofing. The extra pictures may help if you get a chance.  I will post some pictures this evening if I have any luck coloring this plastic material.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 10:03:35 AM
A few progress pictures from yesterday on the Whispering Falls Barn. I painted all the wires in the ceiling of the loft so they blend in with the rafters when you look in through the loft doors. They were not very visible but I wanted to make sure before the roof goes on.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 10:05:29 AM
Also, gave the lamps that were visible a coat of black paint.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 10:09:37 AM
Next, started adding the rafters.


The new squares that I bought about a month ago really worked great for this task.  I saw them in the MicroMart catalog and thought the wider base and second surface would be really useful. I can't tell you how many ways they have helped with holding models square while the glue dries. They came as a set of 3 different sizes.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 10:10:40 AM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 11:11:26 AM

Not trying to be picky, but you need to spread some chaff on that haymow floor.  While the main floor might be freshly swept, the area around the bales would have all the short pieces that fell out of the bales when they were put into the mow.

Pics of the roofs at my nephew's are coming, probably later this evening once I have a chance to sort and edit them.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on October 18, 2020, 12:51:35 PM
This barn build is really something !
Like how you took your family dairy farm story to be part of this project.
Glad you put the roof on before the snow comes tonight.
Can't wait to see all the lights on.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on October 18, 2020, 01:44:56 PM
Looking really something, John!

I agree with Jerry - carrying a bale of this sort of stuff over to the pigs area without dropping any is pretty much mission impossible.

I'm really enjoying watching your family farm taking shape.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 07:22:03 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 11:11:26 AM

Not trying to be picky, but you need to spread some chaff on that haymow floor.  While the main floor might be freshly swept, the area around the bales would have all the short pieces that fell out of the bales when they were put into the mow.

Pics of the roofs at my nephew's are coming, probably later this evening once I have a chance to sort and edit them.


I plan on making it really look like a barn in the areas that are visible once the roof cards go on. I added a few bales of hay just to see what they would look like as I was building. I looked at the roofing material that came with the kit and it doesn't look like the roof you posted this morning.  I will post a picture of it later tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 07:25:40 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on October 18, 2020, 12:51:35 PM
This barn build is really something !
Like how you took your family dairy farm story to be part of this project.
Glad you put the roof on before the snow comes tonight.
Can't wait to see all the lights on.


Thank you for the kind words - this has been a real fun build, so far, and I'm just getting to the detailing. I also am looking forward to seeing all the lights on - so far I have only test them at 6-8 lights at a time. So far there are 22 LED's inside the barn on all three floors. So far our snow has been mostly rain.  It can stay that way. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 07:31:21 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on October 18, 2020, 01:44:56 PM
Looking really something, John!

I agree with Jerry - carrying a bale of this sort of stuff over to the pigs area without dropping any is pretty much mission impossible.

I'm really enjoying watching your family farm taking shape.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the encouragement. As I responded to Jerry's post, there will be lots of hay both fresh and used on the floor of the barn when I get through detailing it.  I have just added a few things, here and there, as I was building for visualization. I'm modeling the barn in the fall time so there will be a lot of activity with hay being stored away for the winter. Today, I was adding roof rafters.  I can't believed how many there are in a building this size.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 18, 2020, 07:58:24 PM
I have been working on a few sign concepts for the farm. 

Here are a couple from last night.



What do you think?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 08:27:29 PM

I am beyond flattered.  But, (you knew there had to be a "but"), I think you should name it for your grandparents.  That way it will have meaning for your grandchildren and give you the opportunity to share stories with them.  FWIW, while visiting with my nephew today I mentioned that my parents (his grandparents) had raised meat chickens when first married as a way of earning some extra money to supplement what was provided by the dairy.  My mom and dad killed and dressed the chickens, selling them locally.  Some of the chicken equipment is still stashed in a corner of the hay mow but he had no idea of its history. 

I'm going to post a couple shots of both the metal roof on the main dairy barn that has been painted every few years and is about 80 years old.  That barn has a gambrel roof, hence the ends of the roofing above the steeper sloped sides of the gambrel.  I also shot some pics of the rusty roof on an auxiliary barn, originally used for the horses that worked the farm.  In later years it was used primarily to house the beef bulls over the winter.  I believe that roof must be at least 65-70 years old.  If it was roofed later than 1955 or so I am sure I would remember it being done, and I do not.  The difference between the rust colors is subtle, probably because it has been so many years since the galvanized coat wore off from the weather.  The shiny aluminum patch is where my dad covered the opening for the cupola after it rotted out and started leaking.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 18, 2020, 08:49:27 PM
1st one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2020, 10:08:37 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 18, 2020, 08:27:29 PM

I am beyond flattered.  But, (you knew there had to be a "but"), I think you should name it for your grandparents.  That way it will have meaning for your grandchildren and give you the opportunity to share stories with them.  FWIW, while visiting with my nephew today I mentioned that my parents (his grandparents) had raised meat chickens when first married as a way of earning some extra money to supplement what was provided by the dairy.  My mom and dad killed and dressed the chickens, selling them locally.  Some of the chicken equipment is still stashed in a corner of the hay mow but he had no idea of its history. 

I'm going to post a couple shots of both the metal roof on the main dairy barn that has been painted every few years and is about 80 years old.  That barn has a gambrel roof, hence the ends of the roofing above the steeper sloped sides of the gambrel.  I also shot some pics of the rusty roof on an auxiliary barn, originally used for the horses that worked the farm.  In later years it was used primarily to house the beef bulls over the winter.  I believe that roof must be at least 65-70 years old.  If it was roofed later than 1955 or so I am sure I would remember it being done, and I do not.  The difference between the rust colors is subtle, probably because it has been so many years since the galvanized coat wore off from the weather.  The shiny aluminum patch is where my dad covered the opening for the cupola after it rotted out and started leaking.


Thank you for the pictures, and the history of your families farm for ideas.  Adding history to the structures is what gives these projects interest.

My Grandson wants to build a replica of his Great Great Grandparent's farm for my Superior section of the layout.  We are going to scratch build it when he is "a little older".  So I think this operation should be named after you.  You are the chief consultant on the project. Do you like Jerry's Moos or Beach Farms better? Or is there something else you would like?  The idea is this is your second farm in the West. I think an established date in the 1920's will work - hence the need for a good coat of paint. I will be working with different ideas for the graphics but the two I posted are idea starters.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2020, 10:09:36 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 18, 2020, 08:49:27 PM
1st one.


Thank you for the input - let's see what others think before I tip my hand on the way I'm leaning.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on October 19, 2020, 10:18:43 AM
I think the first one would be out of place on a 1950s era farm, so the second would be my choice.   Beach FARMS indicates more than one farm, so you really don't need the western division part.  We already know it's a huge conglomerate run by some Eastern hot shot.   ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2020, 06:51:53 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on October 19, 2020, 10:18:43 AM
I think the first one would be out of place on a 1950s era farm, so the second would be my choice.   Beach FARMS indicates more than one farm, so you really don't need the western division part.  We already know it's a huge conglomerate run by some Eastern hot shot.   ;D



Thank you for input and following along.  You make some good points - I will be playing around with the graphics until I get something that says that's it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 19, 2020, 08:16:07 PM

If I get a vote...  I believe Beach Farms is more typical of the time period you are modeling.  The use of first names as a business name seems to be far more common now than it was 70 years ago. I agree with Jeff.  No need to add "Western Division", the word "farms" says it all.  I am not sure I like to be labeled as a "hot shot".  That might be a little too close to another farm word...   ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 19, 2020, 08:44:07 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 19, 2020, 08:16:07 PM

If I get a vote...  I believe Beach Farms is more typical of the time period you are modeling.  The use of first names as a business name seems to be far more common now than it was 70 years ago. I agree with Jeff.  No need to add "Western Division", the word "farms" says it all.  I am not sure I like to be labeled as a "hot shot".  That might be a little too close to another farm word...   ;D


This is America - you get a vote. So Beach Farms it is.  I'm thinking a sign on the main barn , a sign on the barn addition, and a sign for the railroad siding so people on the train know where they are. I'm thinking established 1899, which will give us lots of years for the history and to account for the need of a paint job on the barn.

It's official the Whispering Falls build is now the Beach Farms build.

One of the farm hands (or is that cowboys) sent me these pictures, today.




A little different background than on your Eastern place Jerry.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on October 19, 2020, 09:05:21 PM
Ricoooooollllllllaaaaa   !!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2020, 08:41:31 AM
Quote from: deemery on October 19, 2020, 09:05:21 PM
Ricoooooollllllllaaaaa   !!


Dave is this a picture of Jerry's Eastern Division?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 20, 2020, 09:06:11 AM

Nope, that's a shot of the European Division.  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2020, 10:11:39 AM
Update:  Day two of adding rafters to the barn on the Beach Farms build. I'm getting a lot of small jobs out of the way as I'm waiting for the glue to dry. Including an upgrade to my detailing workbench that I have wanted to do for more than a year.  Pictures this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 20, 2020, 06:42:59 PM

Can't wait to see the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2020, 08:56:07 PM
Update:  Here is a picture of the detailing workbench while it was still clean.  The back surface was collection parts and pieces and not very useful after I put the tool rack on the back of the lower level bench.  So I made a back wall to hold all my tools and made the second bench surface area useful again.  I also added some more shelves and rearranged the paint rakes etc. to make better use of the space. Within an hour of taking this picture it was full of model subassemblies.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2020, 08:59:12 PM
Here is a picture of the barn as I was adding the rafters. As of this evening, I have about 5 or 6 to go and it will be time for the roof cards.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2020, 09:01:26 PM
I also started assembling the castings for Beach Farms farm house this afternoon.

As with all of my plaster builds I assemble first and then paint.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 20, 2020, 09:03:55 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on October 20, 2020, 06:42:59 PM

Can't wait to see the barn.



It's coming along, the rafter installation take awhile because you have to wait for the glue to dry before adding another. I should be installing roof cards tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on October 21, 2020, 11:12:02 AM
There's been a discussion on FB with Ed Traxxler on means to notch rafters.  Ed suggested a 3d-printed jig, which works well if you have a 3d printer :-)  Picture stolen from Ed's post on FB.  The consensus was this would work better with a knife doing the notching, because a saw would cut into the jig.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 21, 2020, 07:49:38 PM
Quote from: deemery on October 21, 2020, 11:12:02 AM
There's been a discussion on FB with Ed Traxxler on means to notch rafters.  Ed suggested a 3d-printed jig, which works well if you have a 3d printer :-)  Picture stolen from Ed's post on FB.  The consensus was this would work better with a knife doing the notching, because a saw would cut into the jig.



That is a nice little jig, thank you for sharing it with us.  I use a pair of nippers to cut both the notches and the length.  I cut them long and install them and then cut them all even with the nippers. A little touch up with the stain or paint and I like the results.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 21, 2020, 09:54:52 PM

Update:  The rafters have been completed. Ready for the roof cards to be installed.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 21, 2020, 09:56:59 PM
Also, the farm house assembly made its way to the paint booth for a coat of light grey primer.  I will be using pan pastels to color the stones.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 21, 2020, 10:15:39 PM
John, Your moving right along mister...... Beautiful Job...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 22, 2020, 08:30:18 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on October 21, 2020, 10:15:39 PM
John, Your moving right along mister...... Beautiful Job...Dennis


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on October 22, 2020, 08:55:08 AM
Wow John!  That's one impressive looking barn.   :o
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 22, 2020, 06:05:57 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on October 22, 2020, 08:55:08 AM
Wow John!  That's one impressive looking barn.   :o


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  Dario sure packed this kit with interior beam detail.  I'm going to have a lot of fun photographing this when it's complete.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 25, 2020, 09:08:09 PM
I'm back from my fishing trip - tomorrow I plan on some modeling.

This is what takes me away from my modeling every fall - this fish is 11 lbs. I have been Steelhead Trout fishing since I was a young boy.  I took my 4 year old Grandson on his first fishing trip this week. It has been a family tradition now for 6 generations.  Steelhead trout in this part of the world are Rainbow Trout that spend the summer in the Great Lakes - in this case Lake Michigan - and return in the fall to spend the winter spawning.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on October 26, 2020, 01:16:24 AM
Hey John:

Bet he will be just delicious.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on October 26, 2020, 06:31:51 AM
WOW , great modeling , the colors are exactly right  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 26, 2020, 07:57:51 AM
It looks so real.Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 26, 2020, 11:08:47 AM
Dennis, Jan, and Karl

The color was nice on that fish.  They are silver when they first return to the river - the red strip and darker color on the back comes with time spent in the river.  This fish went back in the river - our fishery has been destroyed by the evasive species in the Great Lakes so I catch and release my fish now so maybe my Grandkids will have fish to catch. Thank you for following along on the thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 26, 2020, 09:54:32 PM
Today, the roof cards went on the Beach Farms Barn. 


A few extra supports for the addition roof.


Unique hold down for the corner - sand bag with a steel ruler. It worked great.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 27, 2020, 08:53:50 AM
Looks great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 27, 2020, 08:42:21 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 27, 2020, 08:53:50 AM
Looks great John.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 27, 2020, 08:43:29 PM

I received your package and sent you a PM. Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 28, 2020, 08:15:23 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on October 27, 2020, 08:43:29 PM

I received your package and sent you a PM. Thank you,


Glad everything arrived in good shape.  Looking forward to progress on the "Beach farm".
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2020, 08:27:52 PM
Update:  Today, I colored one side of the farm house stone walls.  I started with grey primer and then colored the individual stones with 8 different colors of Pan Pastels. I then blended the colors with neutral grey Pan Pastel.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on October 28, 2020, 08:35:41 PM
Looks great John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2020, 08:42:08 PM
The roofing also started going on the barn, today.  I'm trying something different with the shingles.  I'm starting out with brown colored shingles, like they were just put on. I will be weathering them with different shades of grey chalk to get the color right.  I have been watching the cedar shingles on my gazebo weather over the past five years and I really like the brown showing through the grey of the chalk.  I did a couple tests and decided to go for it. So we will see how it turns out.  The story behind this scene is that the Beach Farms has their own shingle mill that is left over from the early days when the property was developed.  I have a CC Crow shingle mill already built for the site. I decided to make the roof all the same - it was all replaced just after the war. The Beach family hasn't got around to the needed paint job on the barn yet in 1949. Another twist to the story is that all of the vehicles/tractors and other farm machinery that will reside on the farm was brought in by rail. The Beach family sends surplus equipment from their extensive Eastern properties in by rail to this Western Mountain farm.  There is no through road to this remote site, only the railroad.


If you look closely, you will see a small portion of the chalk test shingles that made it onto the roof.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 28, 2020, 08:44:55 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on October 28, 2020, 08:35:41 PM
Looks great John.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on October 29, 2020, 07:44:29 AM

I'm really looking forward to you weathering the shingles with chalks.  I've tried lots of different techniques including chalk on the shingle strips before application and have yet to be 100% satisfied with my efforts. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 29, 2020, 09:03:52 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on October 29, 2020, 07:44:29 AM

I'm really looking forward to you weathering the shingles with chalks.  I've tried lots of different techniques including chalk on the shingle strips before application and have yet to be 100% satisfied with my efforts.


Thank you for following along - we should see how it looks next week. I like the affect of the brown blending through the grey from underneath. I like the way the sample looked - forgot to take a picture :-[ . This roof is big - I'm using up a lot of shingles and I'm concerned I will have enough to finish. Stay tuned. I decided to use the metal roofing on all the out buildings that will surround the barn. The one attached shed in the front will also have a metal roof.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on October 29, 2020, 11:46:21 AM
John what a beautiful job your doing with this model.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 29, 2020, 06:13:32 PM
Quote from: Jerry on October 29, 2020, 11:46:21 AM
John what a beautiful job your doing with this model.



Thank you for the encouraging words and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 31, 2020, 09:46:26 AM
Update: I spent some time last night ordering supplies for this winters builds. It's amazing how much money you can spend on paint and wood. So here is my build list for the next year or so (subject to change without notice):

Finish Beach Farms (and complete the scenery in this area of the layout)
Finish G. Wilikers - For Eagles Nest
FSM Brownsville Depot - For Eagles Nest
FSM Icing Platform - For Eagles Nest
SRMW - H. W. Myers & Son - For Eagles Nest
SRMW - Sayles Mill - For Vansel
FSM - Baxter's Building Supply - For Vansel

I will be making changes to these kits to better fit my layout space. As always, I will be making many smaller structure builds as these major kit builds are being built. So that's the plan - we will see how close I stick to it. After the next 4 builds I will have all of the major structures completed for the Eagles Nest Yard area of my layout and will be spending a lot of time detailing and finishing the scenery in this area.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on October 31, 2020, 10:39:50 AM
I will be watching John,  As always Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on October 31, 2020, 02:44:01 PM
Sounds like a plan John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on October 31, 2020, 07:47:55 PM
Dennis and Jerry

Yes, we have a plan. Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 01, 2020, 01:49:09 PM
Shingles are looking really good, John.

It looks like you have some interesting builds lined up for next year.  Its always good to see some SRM kit builds coming up.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2020, 07:49:33 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 01, 2020, 01:49:09 PM
Shingles are looking really good, John.

It looks like you have some interesting builds lined up for next year.  Its always good to see some SRM kit builds coming up.

Cheers, Mark.


As always, thank you for following along and the encouraging words.  I have a number of Bob's kits coming up although Sayles Mill will be one of the last that I plan on building like the prototype. I'm playing with some ideas for the town of Vansel that will mix and match a number of structures from a bunch of George and Bob's kits. You may even see some other kit manufactures represented along with some scratch built ideas.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2020, 08:49:58 PM
Here is a picture of the Shingle Mill I mentioned earlier that I was building as a side project. This structure will be in the background built into the mountainside next to the Narrow Gauge Line.  Behind the Beach Farms estate. This is a C. C. Crow kit that I picked up at a Narrow Gauge Convention probably 25 years ago. I have some detail work to do on it but thought it was worth a picture in it's current state.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2020, 08:58:08 PM
Today, I continued with the roof of the Beach Farms Barn.  I also built and painted the cupola. Here are a few progress pictures from throughout the day.








I went for the weather beaten look for the cupola - it's up their in those mountain winds.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 01, 2020, 09:00:03 PM
Here is the installation pictures for the cupola.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on November 02, 2020, 07:58:02 AM
very nice work thing about taking a forum leave of absence is all the catch up content  ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 02, 2020, 08:38:03 AM
Quote from: cuse on November 02, 2020, 07:58:02 AM
very nice work thing about taking a forum leave of absence is all the catch up content  ;D



Thank you for the kind words and welcome back.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 03, 2020, 07:57:18 PM
I completed the roof on the Beach Farms barn today. Here is a picture and also a test of posting pictures from my iPad.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 03, 2020, 08:00:49 PM
Wow - great to see that work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 03, 2020, 08:26:32 PM
I also started adding the windows to the farm house.


Posting from my iPhone.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 03, 2020, 08:29:15 PM
Posting from my iPhone and iPad worked tonight.  Thank you to Rusty Robot and Jimmy for the fix.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 05, 2020, 08:54:11 AM
Update: The workbench detailing on the Beach Farms Barn and the Farm house is getting close to finished.  I will be adding them to the baseboard and continuing with the detailing with the main structures attached to the baseboard, soon.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 05, 2020, 10:52:41 AM
John, Really impressive work. I like the color's a lot....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 05, 2020, 12:08:40 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on November 05, 2020, 10:52:41 AM
John, Really impressive work. I like the color's a lot....Dennis


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. I'm really enjoying this project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 05, 2020, 09:56:50 PM
Update:  I spent the day adding details to the barn and planning the site before I start gluing down structures. I need to sleep on the changes, tonight, and get out the glue bottle in the morning.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 05, 2020, 10:09:32 PM
John, I couldn't reply to your George trip to take pic's. So I'll do it here. I hope it get's done soon and I like to go and meet you all and George....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 06, 2020, 08:29:37 AM

Great weathering on the cupola!
A small detail that looks just right.

Stone farmhouse is coming along nicely.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 06, 2020, 08:37:24 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on November 05, 2020, 10:09:32 PM
John, I couldn't reply to your George trip to take pic's. So I'll do it here. I hope it get's done soon and I like to go and meet you all and George....Dennis


I'm looking forward to that trip, too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 06, 2020, 08:40:58 AM
Quote from: Jerry on November 06, 2020, 08:29:37 AM

Great weathering on the cupola!
A small detail that looks just right.

Stone farmhouse is coming along nicely.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. I'm going to glue the main structures to the baseboard, today. I like to do the final detail work with the prospective of the site plan.  I will be adding a lot of small support structures around these two main structures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2020, 08:27:47 AM
Update: I have been spending the last couple days doing some future planning for the layout. I'm getting to the point where I can start laying out the scene for the town of Vansel. I'm going to put some foam in place and establish the elevation in each section of the town. Then, I will make decisions on which structures will occupy the different sections of land. I use pictures of the area that I mark up on my iPad to plan the area.  I will share some of the marked up pictures when I have progressed far enough to have something to show. At the end of this process I will have the baseboards and a build list for the next few years.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2020, 08:48:05 PM
I did a test fit of the Beach Farms baseboard on the layout, today.  Here is a picture of the wire management system - 4 wiring harnesses to feed through the benchwork to a junction box under the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2020, 08:51:23 PM
A few pictures of the leveling process - all the shims are ready for the install - so back to the workbench for final assembly and detailing.




The foundation for the horse barn is also glued down to the baseboard and ready for the barn raising.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 08, 2020, 08:52:45 PM
It's time to fill in the holes in the background scenery and finish the complete background scene in preparation for the installation of the diorama.

I also have to adjust the valiance lighting - I made one quick attempt and had way to much light on the barn so I changed it back and now I don't have enough lighting on the barn.  Easy fix once everything is in place.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 08, 2020, 09:42:09 PM
Exciting times, John!

Its all coming together.  Re the building of structures for the town of Vansel - do you have a time frame or just an order?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 08, 2020, 10:19:49 PM

Love the way this is coming together!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on November 09, 2020, 07:59:23 AM

The barn looks fantastic, great job. It looks perfect in that spot.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2020, 09:09:20 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 08, 2020, 09:42:09 PM
Exciting times, John!

Its all coming together.  Re the building of structures for the town of Vansel - do you have a time frame or just an order?

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along Mark. On the structure builds I have and order - structures in the back of the scene first for ease of installation. Time frame - I'm retired so I don't create or try to keep to a schedule (38 years of that was enough). If I keep my motivation level to work on the layout at it's current level I would guess Vansel is a 3 - 4 year project. I have enough layout planned to keep me busy for 30 years.  ;) ;D  The past year with no travel has given me more layout time, but I hope to get back to a normal schedule next year. I have a lot of the world that I would like to see - layouts to visit etc. Does this answer your question?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2020, 09:13:49 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 08, 2020, 10:19:49 PM

Love the way this is coming together!


Thank you for following along - the Beach Farms sign will be going up on the barn soon. A horse barn, silo, chicken coop, tractor barn, pig pen, corn crib and many pieces of farm equipment,  yet to build for the scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2020, 09:15:36 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on November 09, 2020, 07:59:23 AM

The barn looks fantastic, great job. It looks perfect in that spot.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words, my friend. I'm really enjoying this project - it's a very fun build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 09, 2020, 09:30:02 AM
The barn looks beautiful there. It will definitely be a eye catcher. I can't wait to see the outside farm details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2020, 11:51:06 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 09, 2020, 09:30:02 AM
The barn looks beautiful there. It will definitely be a eye catcher. I can't wait to see the outside farm details.


Thank you for the encouraging words - the details are on the workbench in various stages of build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 09, 2020, 01:05:10 PM
Thanks, John.

Yes -that answers my question.  I just thought with your fantastic work ethic, you might have had a very rigid timeframe set out for every structure - dates for completion etc.  I'm pleased you don't!  As you elude to - I think that would make it feel far too much like work rather than a hobby.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2020, 01:44:17 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 09, 2020, 01:05:10 PM
Thanks, John.

Yes -that answers my question.  I just thought with your fantastic work ethic, you might have had a very rigid timeframe set out for every structure - dates for completion etc.  I'm pleased you don't!  As you elude to - I think that would make it feel far too much like work rather than a hobby.

Cheers, Mark.


You are exactly right. In my working life I managed the tool & die programs for new vehicles. Job description - get everything built to make the sheet metal for a new car program launch.   A little time pressure involved. The S&S RR has no launch date or completion date. We plan on enjoying the journey. 

Bye the way, I made some changes to my build list after further review of my continually changing plans for Vansel. ;) ;D

I'm playing with a new concept - I know you enjoy this part of building a layout as much as I do.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 09, 2020, 07:23:41 PM
Before I moved the baseboard for Beach Farms back to the workbench I took a series of pictures at different angles to help with placement of the out buildings on the farm.  I thought I would share them to help with visualization as I added things on the workbench.






Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 09, 2020, 07:42:57 PM
Very nice job sir... Love the way it came out....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2020, 10:44:47 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on November 09, 2020, 07:42:57 PM
Very nice job sir... Love the way it came out....Dennis


Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 10, 2020, 10:47:14 AM
John, That is really some impressive work my friend.Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 10, 2020, 10:58:18 AM
I spy with my little eye, Delebarre Tap & Die!

Great model. I want it!

Lovely work, Sir. Very impressive.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 10, 2020, 06:09:10 PM

At least in my area the farm house and main barn are usually built with the facing sides parallel, and that is how you have the barn and house situated in your planning pics.  However, if you shift the house so the long front is at an angle it leads the eye into the scene toward what is now a hole in the scenery.  Ditto the small outbuilding.  If you turn it so the wall parallels the edge of the foam it is a more interesting scene than how it is now.  An added bonus is that by placing the buildings at angles to each other it makes the scene look bigger.  When the structures are parallel, the brain easily calculates the distance between them, by shifting them you fool the viewer's brain into thinking the scene is larger than its actual size.  Also, by shifting the structures you can use the sightlines between them to draw the viewer's eye deeper into the scene rather than leaving their focus on the edge of what is a wonderfully deep space.  I hope I explained this in a way that makes sense.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2020, 09:31:12 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 10, 2020, 10:58:18 AM
I spy with my little eye, Delebarre Tap & Die!

Great model. I want it!

Lovely work, Sir. Very impressive.

Thank you for following along and yes you do spy Delebarre Tap & Die - and right next to it on the side of the mountain is Threadwell's  - so Bob VanGelder's first two kits are side by side. Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 10, 2020, 09:42:40 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 10, 2020, 06:09:10 PM

At least in my area the farm house and main barn are usually built with the facing sides parallel, and that is how you have the barn and house situated in your planning pics.  However, if you shift the house so the long front is at an angle it leads the eye into the scene toward what is now a hole in the scenery.  Ditto the small outbuilding.  If you turn it so the wall parallels the edge of the foam it is a more interesting scene than how it is now.  An added bonus is that by placing the buildings at angles to each other it makes the scene look bigger.  When the structures are parallel, the brain easily calculates the distance between them, by shifting them you fool the viewer's brain into thinking the scene is larger than its actual size.  Also, by shifting the structures you can use the sightlines between them to draw the viewer's eye deeper into the scene rather than leaving their focus on the edge of what is a wonderfully deep space.  I hope I explained this in a way that makes sense.


Thank you so much for the suggestions. I have the barn position set - at least it's glued down but I'm still going around and around with the placement of the farm house. I like your thought process and will give it a try - pictures to follow, tomorrow.
I have a number of ideas floating around but I'm playing with the idea of putting the chicken cop and pig pen in the foreground in front of the barn - they will be down the hill in elevation.  I want the area between the barn and the house to be open so the viewer can see the tractor sheds and cattle loading pens that will be next to the siding. And also, the horse barn and single mill that will be across the tracks. I will put a few more buildings in place with the farm house oriented as you suggested and take some pictures. - Stay tuned.

I spent 4 hours on my tractor, today - cleaning up the leaves.  Also, ended the day by putting the plow on for my winter chores. The tractor also got it's regular maintenance - oil change, and lube job. I was a regular suburban farmer, today. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 11, 2020, 06:27:35 AM

Sounds like an excellent plan.  Looking forward to the pics.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2020, 09:20:00 PM
So I oriented the farm house as Jerry suggested - at least I think I understood what he was proposing.  Jerry let me know if I messed it up.

First, here is a markup picture that has a few notes where I plan to put some of the other buildings in the diorama.


I added  the cardboard under the farmhouse to show the footprint with the front porch and additions.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2020, 09:30:46 PM
Here are a few more pictures from different angles.






Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 11, 2020, 09:32:05 PM

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 12, 2020, 07:05:11 AM

Looks great to me.  I like the photo that you marked up, sure wish I knew how to do that. 

My thought is that everything should lead the viewer's eye into and almost through the scene to the tunnel (a hole now) as well as the beautiful C C Crow building. I'm also thinking a back yard with a swing set and/or a clothesline.  I really like the view "up the tracks" from the trestle.  That not only draws the viewer's eye into the scene but really allows the viewer to peek behind the barn, etc.  My only caution would be to make sure the tractor shed doesn't act as kind of a "view block", that the viewer can see past it to the C C Crow building and the tunnel mouth. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 12, 2020, 07:47:43 AM
Really like where this scene is going, John. And I'm always impressed with that terrain touching the ceiling :)

Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 12, 2020, 07:05:11 AM
I like the photo that you marked up, sure wish I knew how to do that.

If you own an iPhone or iPad, the ability to Markup comes baked into the firmware. As an ex-Apple employee, let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 12, 2020, 09:04:04 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 12, 2020, 07:05:11 AM

Looks great to me.  I like the photo that you marked up, sure wish I knew how to do that. 

My thought is that everything should lead the viewer's eye into and almost through the scene to the tunnel (a hole now) as well as the beautiful C C Crow building. I'm also thinking a back yard with a swing set and/or a clothesline.  I really like the view "up the tracks" from the trestle.  That not only draws the viewer's eye into the scene but really allows the viewer to peek behind the barn, etc.  My only caution would be to make sure the tractor shed doesn't act as kind of a "view block", that the viewer can see past it to the C C Crow building and the tunnel mouth.


Thank you for your help and comments. It really works for me, too. Once I got past not having the barn and the house parallel to one another.  ;)  The photo markup is the reason I bought my iPad - it is a great way to visualize a scene or a change to a structure. If you practice you can really do some nice things with it.  You have an electronic pencil that you draw right on the screen with. You can buy extra software to help with the process but I usually use the capabilities that come with the iPad. It really is easy to do - but like everything there are some $$ involved.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 12, 2020, 09:13:18 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 12, 2020, 07:47:43 AM
Really like where this scene is going, John. And I'm always impressed with that terrain touching the ceiling :)

Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 12, 2020, 07:05:11 AM
I like the photo that you marked up, sure wish I knew how to do that.

If you own an iPhone or iPad, the ability to Markup comes baked into the firmware. As an ex-Apppe employee, let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help.

Thank you for the encouraging words. The mountains that go into the ceiling also have a mechanical function.  When we remodeled our kitchen I installed floor drains underneath the dish washer, and underneath the washing machine in the next room, which happen to be right above this part of the layout. The drain pipes go through the center of the mountains. I also have a center beam support that runs through the center of a mountain on the other side of the room.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 12, 2020, 09:50:52 AM

Thanks to both for offering to help me learn how to use an iPhone or iPad to mark up photos.  I don't see either in my immediate future. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 12, 2020, 02:03:33 PM
Looking good, John.

I wonder whether the house is just a little too close to that big drop off?  The perspective from the two larger structures in front and the smaller one behind really creates a feeling of distance.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 12, 2020, 04:59:03 PM
Hey John:

Great looking house and barn. Can't wait to see it finished with all it's scenery.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 12, 2020, 07:32:07 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 12, 2020, 02:03:33 PM
Looking good, John.

I wonder whether the house is just a little too close to that big drop off?  The perspective from the two larger structures in front and the smaller one behind really creates a feeling of distance.

Cheers, Mark.


Interesting question - after further review I moved it back about an 1 inch and in about a 1/2 inch this afternoon before marking the glue position. This opened up the scene for some more details and also helped with any sleepwalking problems along the cliff.  :o  There will be a fence running the full length of the property. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 12, 2020, 07:33:53 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 12, 2020, 04:59:03 PM
Hey John:

Great looking house and barn. Can't wait to see it finished with all it's scenery.


Thank you Karl, I'm making a little progress each day with the details and out buildings.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 12, 2020, 07:37:51 PM
Here is one of the details from, today.  I think every farm in America has one of these hay rakes rusting away on the property. I know my Grandparents farm does.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 13, 2020, 07:17:41 AM

I hope you know that in the era I model that is a piece of front line equipment. ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2020, 08:56:09 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 13, 2020, 07:17:41 AM

I hope you know that in the era I model that is a piece of front line equipment. ;D


Yup, we have to be careful with time frame in this hobby. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 13, 2020, 11:49:35 AM
Beautiful is the way I look at it!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2020, 09:15:25 PM
Quote from: Jerry on November 13, 2020, 11:49:35 AM
Beautiful is the way I look at it!!



I agree, I like the look of that old equipment.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2020, 09:52:36 PM
So, I was sorting through some pictures this evening and came across this picture of the Eagles Nest Yard area in 2014, 6 years ago. Some of the benchwork and plasterwork in this picture is from my previous layout.  In some cases I built over it and in others it was removed.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2020, 09:55:31 PM
I picked up my iPhone and took the same picture this evening. No preparation - just a work in progress picture.


I guess we have made some progress in the last six years. I have four more structure builds planned for this area and then the final detail scenery.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2020, 09:56:27 PM
I count at least 12 forum build threads in this picture.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 13, 2020, 10:05:12 PM
I see somebody's got a nice Broadway Limited 2792 2-8-0 Consolidation.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 13, 2020, 10:18:27 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on November 13, 2020, 10:05:12 PM
I see somebody's got a nice Broadway Limited 2792 2-8-0 Consolidation.....Dennis

Wow - Dennis you almost got my Grandson in big trouble.  There are a number of locomotives that have not been added to the rooster until we get out of test mode. I found the Broadway boxes you spotted in the picture. :o  At some point in the not too distant future, they will be housed in the Stone and Brick Roundhouses on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 13, 2020, 10:20:20 PM
John, Grandson is gonna love those.They are Beautiful loco's I love mine....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 13, 2020, 10:36:45 PM
Wow, that's a great shot of the layout. Very cool - and excellent modeling. Can't wait to see it even more populated with structures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 13, 2020, 11:27:02 PM
Sometimes - when you see pictures like these - you realize you HAVE made progress!  Its easy to get lost in the woods.

Looking very fine, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on November 14, 2020, 03:27:47 AM
Wow , that is fully worth the 6 years , great progress John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on November 14, 2020, 06:45:35 AM

Words escape me, almost.  I think what strikes me the most, aside from the progress and the beautiful scenery, is the furniture quality finish to the front of the layout. WOW!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 14, 2020, 08:22:25 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 13, 2020, 10:36:45 PM
Wow, that's a great shot of the layout. Very cool - and excellent modeling. Can't wait to see it even more populated with structures.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. The G. Wilikers I'm working on now is going in this area along with 4 more at the top of my build list.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on November 14, 2020, 08:24:37 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 13, 2020, 11:27:02 PM
Sometimes - when you see pictures like these - you realize you HAVE made progress!  Its easy to get lost in the woods.

Looking very fine, John.

Cheers, Mark.
John, wonderful progress, and Mark said exactly what I was thinking.
I'm guilty of getting lost in the woods and having these types of photos to capture progress is satisfying and motivational at the same time.  Of course you need no more motivation as you continue to inspire with your progress !!
Keep up the wonderful work and modeling.
All the best,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 14, 2020, 08:27:09 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 13, 2020, 11:27:02 PM
Sometimes - when you see pictures like these - you realize you HAVE made progress!  Its easy to get lost in the woods.

Looking very fine, John.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the kind words. I think you need to look back once in awhile and realize you are getting closer on these life long projects. I'm going through each section of the layout and taking a realistic look at how many kits I really need.  I may be making some available that I don't think I will be able to use.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 14, 2020, 08:47:42 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on November 14, 2020, 08:22:25 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 13, 2020, 10:36:45 PM
Wow, that's a great shot of the layout. Very cool - and excellent modeling. Can't wait to see it even more populated with structures.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. The G. Wilikers I'm working on now is going in this area along with 4 more at the top of my build list.

Keep us updated with your progress on that awesome kit! Can't wait to see where you put it!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 14, 2020, 08:56:10 AM
What a beautiful looking layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2020, 06:59:19 PM
Good evening.  I spent the last few days up in Northern Michigan at my cabin the Northern Hqtrs. of the S&S RR. It appears that a number of my response posts that I sent on the 1970 version ( I know when the internet was invented - I was there ;) ;D ) of the internet up there didn't make it to Jimmy's server so I'm doing some reposting. My phone magically found 65 txt messages and 35 emails on my drive back home.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2020, 07:02:39 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on November 14, 2020, 03:27:47 AM
Wow , that is fully worth the 6 years , great progress John.


I think you have been following my progress on this thread for all of those six years.  Thank you for following along.  I looked up when I dismantled my old layout and started this version of the S&S RR. It was 2009 when I started plastering over the old layout.  So it's been 11 years. Now, I have to look up when I started the build thread on the old forum?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2020, 07:05:50 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on November 14, 2020, 06:45:35 AM

Words escape me, almost.  I think what strikes me the most, aside from the progress and the beautiful scenery, is the furniture quality finish to the front of the layout. WOW!


Thank you for the very kind words - I really enjoy wood working aspect of the hobby. I look forward to putting the finishing touches on this section of the layout. But first, I have a barn and farm to complete.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2020, 07:10:18 PM
Quote from: PaulS on November 14, 2020, 08:24:37 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 13, 2020, 11:27:02 PM
Sometimes - when you see pictures like these - you realize you HAVE made progress!  Its easy to get lost in the woods.

Looking very fine, John.

Cheers, Mark.
John, wonderful progress, and Mark said exactly what I was thinking.
I'm guilty of getting lost in the woods and having these types of photos to capture progress is satisfying and motivational at the same time.  Of course you need no more motivation as you continue to inspire with your progress !!
Keep up the wonderful work and modeling.
All the best,


Thank you for the kind words and for following along. It does help me to take a look back once and awhile to see where I have been. Building a layout is a series of very big projects and sometimes you feel like you are not making significant progress. Okay, let's get to work we have railroads to build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2020, 07:19:25 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 14, 2020, 08:47:42 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on November 14, 2020, 08:22:25 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 13, 2020, 10:36:45 PM
Wow, that's a great shot of the layout. Very cool - and excellent modeling. Can't wait to see it even more populated with structures.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. The G. Wilikers I'm working on now is going in this area along with 4 more at the top of my build list.

Keep us updated with your progress on that awesome kit! Can't wait to see where you put it!

I keep going back and forth between my Beach Farms build and the G. Wiliker's build.  I will be posting updates on both of them this week. I should also mention that I have Started the FSM Brownsville Depot kit - so far I painted the castings at the same time I was working on the castings for G. Wiliker's. I put together a plan for the Vansel build while I was sitting by the fire in the evenings at the cabin this week. I think the last count was 20 FSM and SRMW kits that will be part of this town in one form or another.  There will be kit bashing. I'm sure then number will grow as the plan matures. I will share some of my sketches when I get it a little farther along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 17, 2020, 07:21:22 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 14, 2020, 08:56:10 AM
What a beautiful looking layout.


Thank you so much, I really enjoy the encouragement that comes from your continued following of this build thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2020, 02:51:03 PM
I uploaded this file to test the new Safari and MacBook Pro operating system based on Dave's warning.  The uploaded to my gallery just fine. This post will test if it posts okay.  This is the area of the S&S RR that will be the town of Vansel.  I'm using this picture to markup different ideas in my iPad.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 18, 2020, 02:51:27 PM
Seems to work okay.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: rubbergauge on November 19, 2020, 08:49:42 AM
Your layout is beautiful and a work of art. Having recently found this thread I've been reading it back from the beginning and have a question. I noticed that you glue the roof cards to your structures and then shingle. I thought the recommendations were to shingle, trim and then glue the cards on. Could you explain the advantage of your procedure?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on November 19, 2020, 09:58:45 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on November 18, 2020, 02:51:27 PM
Seems to work okay.

Well, glad to know that I'm the only person with this problem...

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 19, 2020, 10:50:33 AM

Have you tried a different browser on the same system? Like Chrome or Firefox? This way we can pinpoint if it's simply a Safari issue or not.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 19, 2020, 02:21:47 PM
Quote from: rubbergauge on November 19, 2020, 08:49:42 AM
Your layout is beautiful and a work of art. Having recently found this thread I've been reading it back from the beginning and have a question. I noticed that you glue the roof cards to your structures and then shingle. I thought the recommendations were to shingle, trim and then glue the cards on. Could you explain the advantage of your procedure?



Welcome to the forum and to my build thread. Thank you for the kind words.  You are correct that many modelers (really good ones in fact) like to build the walls of structures and roofs of structures while they are flat on the workbench. I actually did it that way for many years.  Usually, for me anyway, I had to do some touchup once the building was together. As I used more and more chalks to achieve the look I wanted, it became more and more touchup.  So I tried building a structure like a 1:1 build and gluing it together and then painting it and I just like doing it that way a lot better. I even like putting the signs on better with the structure assembled. I brace my builds to the point that handling them is not an issue. If I do want to lay it flat for some reason during the build I make a temporary holding fixture out of bench cookies to keep from damaging anything. You will see the bench cookies on my workbench in a lot of the process pictures. They are round plastic "cookies" that look like a hockey puck. As for the roof cards, I just find it easier to add the shingles or roofing with the card in place on the building. I have never found a disadvantage to doing it this way.   I hope this answers your question.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 19, 2020, 02:31:11 PM
Quote from: deemery on November 19, 2020, 09:58:45 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on November 18, 2020, 02:51:27 PM
Seems to work okay.

Well, glad to know that I'm the only person with this problem...



I hope you can find a solution to your problem.  Computer issues are always frustrating. I had an issue with one operating system upgrade where my CAD Design package would not work. I called TurboCAD and they sent me an upgrade for $45 that solved the problem.

Update: So I just tried to bring up my design files with TurboCAD and I have a problem. So much for my seamless upgrade.

Update to the update: A call to TurboCad and a $79 dollar upgrade to a $700 program and I'm back up in running.  It took 20 min. This is the third time that I have updated - It has been 7 years since the last upgrade to version 10. I'm now at version 12 - my original purchase was version 9. It sure was nice to see that design pop up on the screen.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2020, 08:27:00 AM
My TurboCad update seems to be working fine - one of the projects on my list is to update all of the graphics for the control panels.  I really needed the software to be working properly to make that happen.  I have a number of changes plus a few labeling changes to make operations easier.

I also have been spending a few days doing some design work on the town of Vansel, the next area of the layout that I will be working on. I'm probably 6 months out from getting started on this area but I have some design features to work out that I want completed before I start building any more structures.

Today, I'm getting back to my Beach Farm and my G. Wilikers builds. I should have some progress pictures this evening.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 21, 2020, 08:43:27 AM
Looking forward to that John and I'm glad you software issues have dissolved.

Vansel is an area I'm keeping my eyes on. Love where it's name came from :)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2020, 01:53:42 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 21, 2020, 08:43:27 AM
Looking forward to that John and I'm glad you software issues have dissolved.

Vansel is an area I'm keeping my eyes on. Love where it's name came from :)


Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2020, 06:45:20 PM
The Beach Farms build is back on my workbench. I have the barn glued down and I'm starting to add details and the foam for the landforms around the barn.  Also, we added a sign.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 21, 2020, 06:46:28 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 21, 2020, 08:05:37 PM
That's a good lookin' barn!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2020, 08:44:40 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 21, 2020, 08:05:37 PM
That's a good lookin' barn!


Thank you, it will look better with every detail. Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 22, 2020, 09:02:05 AM
Excellent looking barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2020, 01:16:44 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 22, 2020, 09:02:05 AM
Excellent looking barn.

Thank you Curt.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 22, 2020, 01:19:38 PM
Today, I'm back in the mode of having projects on all the workbenches.  I glue on a detail on the barn and then move to one of the many sheds that I have under construction for the G. Wilikers build. Here is a progress picture of the G. Wilikers build - I just glued the roof in place on the corner shed between the warehouse and the main building. Next, the roof for the warehouse.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 23, 2020, 12:16:46 PM
Hey John:

Just beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with this one.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on November 23, 2020, 12:53:14 PM
Wow great progress on both of these.

Your usual fine workmanship!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2020, 07:20:56 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 23, 2020, 12:16:46 PM
Hey John:

Just beautiful. Can't wait to see what you do with this one.



Thank you, my friend. I have a place already picked out in the Eagles Nest Yard Industrial complex.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 23, 2020, 07:22:16 PM
Quote from: Jerry on November 23, 2020, 12:53:14 PM
Wow great progress on both of these.

Your usual fine workmanship!



Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I made some more progress today - it should be ready for another update picture tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 23, 2020, 09:45:59 PM
That build is really looking great John, Beautiful job Sir...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2020, 01:37:09 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on November 23, 2020, 09:45:59 PM
That build is really looking great John, Beautiful job Sir...Dennis


Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2020, 01:41:34 PM
Here is another progress picture of the G. Wilikers build. Added the roof to the warehouse and a couple more sheds.  I have a few more sheds in various stages of assembly on my workbench.  The unfinished area above the side shed is where the platform attaches.  At least that is what the instructions said, when I said "George what did you do to me here", and went and read them.  ;)  As soon as the sheds are all complete I will be adding the platform. You will also notice that the braces under the canopy roof in the front are now both the same length. That is why we take pictures from different angles. :-[

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on November 24, 2020, 02:37:44 PM
That is very well done John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on November 24, 2020, 03:03:47 PM
The barn kit came out fantastic !
Can't wait to see the photos with the lights on.
G. Wilikers is moving right along too.
Glad that the Siekirk Roofing company has been kept busy this fall season.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2020, 07:15:21 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on November 24, 2020, 02:37:44 PM
That is very well done John.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along on this thread for so many years. A little progress each day. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 24, 2020, 07:17:50 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on November 24, 2020, 03:03:47 PM
The barn kit came out fantastic !
Can't wait to see the photos with the lights on.
G. Wilikers is moving right along too.
Glad that the Siekirk Roofing company has been kept busy this fall season.


Thank you for the kind words.  The Siekirk Roofing company loves these FSM kit jobs, they get to use up all the left over materials from the last dozen jobs.  Each shed has a different roofing material.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on November 25, 2020, 11:47:33 AM
Nice looking Barn project John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 25, 2020, 04:12:04 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 26, 2020, 08:37:39 AM
Quote from: sdrees on November 25, 2020, 11:47:33 AM
Nice looking Barn project John.


Thank you, I'm adding more details every day. Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 26, 2020, 08:38:29 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 25, 2020, 04:12:04 PM
Hey John:

Looks just beautiful.



Thank you, my friend. I'm not going at Karl speed but I'm making progress.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on November 26, 2020, 08:55:02 AM
John Happy Thanksgiving. I don't think The Flash can go Karl's speed" Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 26, 2020, 05:10:16 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on November 26, 2020, 08:55:02 AM
John Happy Thanksgiving. I don't think The Flash can go Karl's speed" Dennis

Thank you Dennis, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.  I think you are right about Karl's speed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 26, 2020, 05:18:05 PM
I started adding the land forms to the Beach Farms diorama.  I start with foam - I like to paint it black so nothing shows through.  I then add sand to create the final shape.  After that it's all scenic materials and details.




The foam gets a coating of waterproof glue before I start adding the sand with water soluble Elmer's glue.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 26, 2020, 07:28:46 PM
Here is what it looked like after the glue had dried for awhile.  It should be ready for the next step in the morning.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on November 27, 2020, 07:16:45 AM
John, that is a spectacular piece of work. Gorgeous. Really hits the spot for an Illinois granger guy's eye.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 27, 2020, 08:33:55 AM
Quote from: vinceg on November 27, 2020, 07:16:45 AM
John, that is a spectacular piece of work. Gorgeous. Really hits the spot for an Illinois granger guy's eye.



Thank you for the very kind words and thank you for stopping by to take a look.  It's great to see you back on the forum, you know what they say about all work and no play.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2020, 10:27:59 AM
I stopped by Wayne Olson's place, yesterday, to pick up the boat models he has been working on, and to give him the supplies he needs to build some water towers. Wayne and I would get together most Saturdays, before Covid, and he would help me work on my layout. I sure miss being able to work together and look forward to the vaccine so we can renew that tradition.  Here is a picture of his latest works of art. I also have hundreds of Aspen trees that Wayne painted ready for the flocking.  I plan to wait for Wayne to do the planting.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on November 28, 2020, 10:39:50 AM
Love 'em. Really looking nice. That Wilikers build is still a sight.

I'm expecting a delivery soon for a Shrimp Cutter I'm planning to use on my Rocky Point Harbor tribute — which is threatening to become a rather large diorama!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 28, 2020, 01:46:32 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on November 28, 2020, 10:39:50 AM
Love 'em. Really looking nice. That Wilikers build is still a sight.

I'm expecting a delivery soon for a Shrimp Cutter I'm planning to use on my Rocky Point Harbor tribute — which is threatening to become a rather large diorama!

Wayne did a great job on the boats. He has been building model ships for years and always adds many details that don't come with the kit - my harbor scene is going to have lots of watercraft traffic.

I have little subassemblies laying on three different workbench for both the Wilikers and the Beach Farms builds.  I will be adding them over the next few days and then it will be time for some more progress pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on November 30, 2020, 07:58:43 AM
Hey John:

the boats Wayne built are just beautiful. Enjoy them. I can't wait for this vaccine also.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on November 30, 2020, 01:26:28 PM
Nice additions to your layout, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2020, 07:22:26 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on November 30, 2020, 07:58:43 AM
Hey John:

the boats Wayne built are just beautiful. Enjoy them. I can't wait for this vaccine also.


Thank you Karl.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2020, 07:23:07 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on November 30, 2020, 01:26:28 PM
Nice additions to your layout, John.

Cheers, Mark.

Mark, thank you. Wayne is a real artist.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on November 30, 2020, 08:04:54 PM
I have been busy building all the various subassemblies for both the Beach Farms build and the G. Wilikers build and thought I would share my technique for building all the decks. You will notice in the picture that I'm building over the template that George provided with the kit but I'm holding all the joists in place with laser cut templates.  The templates are a great tool and really help with this process.  I stain all the undersurface pieces of the deck before I put it together, but wait until everything is glued in place to stain the deck boards.  I just find it easier to add the details, like nail heads, to the wood after it is in place. Any grain or texturing of the wood is done before it is glued down.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 02, 2020, 09:14:34 PM
It's time for some update photographs for both the G. Wilikers and the Beach Farms builds.  I have added a number of the shed to G. Wilikers and currently have the platform on my workbench adding the legs.


The foam landforms are going in on the Beach Farms build.  I should start adding the sand tomorrow. I have a lot of fence to build to finish this off the way I want to, so I will be building a fence jig tomorrow, too.




It looks like I will be doing round 6 of straightening the posts on the front porch of the farm house. :-[ ::)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on December 02, 2020, 09:26:58 PM
Wow John, What a Beautiful job your doing on this......Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 02, 2020, 11:51:50 PM
Coming on nicely, John.

I like the idea of the joist holders - might have to make some of those.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 03, 2020, 07:53:49 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 02, 2020, 11:51:50 PM
Coming on nicely, John.

I like the idea of the joist holders - might have to make some of those.

Cheers, Mark.


Here's a source for the joist jigs.  I know postage from the US is expensive.  FWIW,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 03, 2020, 07:55:12 AM

Great to see your progress on both builds.  (What's up with the smaller than usual photos from you?)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 08:49:53 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on December 02, 2020, 09:26:58 PM
Wow John, What a Beautiful job your doing on this......Dennis


Thank you, I can wait to start adding the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 08:56:13 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 02, 2020, 11:51:50 PM
Coming on nicely, John.

I like the idea of the joist holders - might have to make some of those.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, the joist holders work great. They are available laser cut here in the States. I'm not sure what it would cost or how long it would take to get them to you. You can also make them with your table saw with the right size blade. I have considered taking on that project to make some longer ones.  I have multiple sets and stagger them to make longer runs now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 08:58:10 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 03, 2020, 07:53:49 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 02, 2020, 11:51:50 PM
Coming on nicely, John.

I like the idea of the joist holders - might have to make some of those.

Cheers, Mark.


Here's a source for the joist jigs.  I know postage from the US is expensive.  FWIW, (


This is the joist jigs that I use.  Thank you for the reference work Jerry - I was just going to look them up.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 09:01:19 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 03, 2020, 07:55:12 AM

Great to see your progress on both builds.  (What's up with the smaller than usual photos from you?)


Something changed with the latest update of the operating system on my Mac.  I need to go in and play around with it to see if I can get more detailed photographs, again.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 03, 2020, 09:05:30 AM
That scene is going to be incredible 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 03, 2020, 09:11:15 AM
Hey John:

All I can say is WOW1111 I really love the farm especially the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 11:26:17 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 03, 2020, 09:05:30 AM
That scene is going to be incredible


Thank you for the encouraging words - I'm adding the dirt to the Beach Farms diorama, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 11:28:27 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 03, 2020, 09:11:15 AM
Hey John:

All I can say is WOW1111 I really love the farm especially the barn.



Thank you for the kind words - I'm looking forward to getting the camera out and taking pictures of this diorama in place on the layout.  I have a lot of fence and some out buildings to build before that will happen.  I also need to finish the background scenery on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 03, 2020, 01:07:53 PM
Thanks John and Jerry.

Its probably one of those things where the postage would be more than the product.  It would depend on what else they sell - I'll look into it.  If I make some I'll probably make the check outs shallower to give me the option of 6"x2" and 8"x2" joists as well.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 03, 2020, 04:41:56 PM
I think Motrak Models also has joist spacers.  And these should be small enough to fit into a conventional envelope, which would make them cheaper to ship outside the US.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 10:06:33 PM
I got started on adding the sand to the landforms for the Beach Farms diorama, today.  I thought I would show a few progress photographs of the process. This is the first layer of beach sand which I use to establish the shape of the landforms.  Fine sand is next and then all the scenery materials.





Sorry Jerry, I forgot to look at my picture setting before I download the pictures to the Gallery. I'll try to get back to the bigger pictures on the next update.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 10:12:19 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 03, 2020, 10:16:49 PM
I use the program Photos on my Mac to resize pictures for the forum.  I used to use the lowest jpg setting and size settings. They now give me pictures on the forum that are smaller.  I changed to medium for both the quality and size and didn't see any difference.  When I go to large for both settings I get the picture quality and size above.  Which is very close to what I used to get with the low settings. Something changed in the photos software.  I will take a look at file sizes and report back.

Files size on the small is 69 KB, medium is 106 KB and Large is 472 KB - all well below the limit that Jimmy has set for the forum.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 04, 2020, 07:28:12 AM
The larger file size looks the best from here!

I take all my WIP photos on my iPhone so I find that any new phone also changes things up, given they have likely received a bump in megapixels.

Still loving the model, John!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 04, 2020, 07:35:53 AM

Love the amount of detail I can see in the larger photo.  Farm is looking great!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 04, 2020, 08:24:10 AM
Hey John:

Looks just gorgeous. Keep the pics flowing. Can't wait to see this one finished.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 08:46:52 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 04, 2020, 07:28:12 AM
The larger file size looks the best from here!

I take all my WIP photos on my iPhone so I find that any new phone also changes things up, given they have likely received a bump in megapixels.

Still loving the model, John!


I also take most of my WIP pictures with my iPhone. Things change from time to time with the software upgrades. I like the bigger pictures and continually adjust to stay about the same size.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 04, 2020, 08:47:34 AM
On on the Mac, when I do "Export", I pick "Size -> Custom".  Then set max "Dimension" to 800, and JPEG Quality to "High".  Sometimes the resulting file will be too large, in which case I usually decrease the max dimension but keep the quality. 

I sure wish I could easily post photos again!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 08:48:13 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 04, 2020, 07:35:53 AM

Love the amount of detail I can see in the larger photo.  Farm is looking great!


Thank you - I will keep making the necessary adjustments to keep the bigger picture format.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 08:50:19 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 04, 2020, 08:24:10 AM
Hey John:

Looks just gorgeous. Keep the pics flowing. Can't wait to see this one finished.



Thank you - I will be adding some more details today. Pictures to follow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 08:52:48 AM
Quote from: deemery on December 04, 2020, 08:47:34 AM
On on the Mac, when I do "Export", I pick "Size -> Custom".  Then set max "Dimension" to 800, and JPEG Quality to "High".  Sometimes the resulting file will be too large, in which case I usually decrease the max dimension but keep the quality. 

I sure wish I could easily post photos again!



I use the boxes rather than custom because photos pops up with the same setting each time and saves me some time.  I may run into the size limit with the large setting but time will tell.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 04, 2020, 08:55:44 AM remembers your last "Custom" settings, so it's a 'set once and reuse' situation for me  :D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 04, 2020, 09:07:04 AM
Quote from: deemery on December 04, 2020, 08:47:34 AM
On on the Mac, when I do "Export", I pick "Size -> Custom".  Then set max "Dimension" to 800, and JPEG Quality to "High".  Sometimes the resulting file will be too large, in which case I usually decrease the max dimension but keep the quality. 

I sure wish I could easily post photos again!



Are you using an iPhone/iPad? John, you say you are so let me make you aware of this "hidden" trick:

You can compress photos right from an iOS device. Whether an attachment in a thread or an upload to your gallery, after you hit that "Choose File" button here on the forum and you select your desired image to upload, you presented with a preview screen asking to confirm your selection.

Take pause here.

At the bottom center of this screen you'll see the words "Actual Size (xxMB)"

If you click those words, you'll be presented with Small, Medium & Large options with file size reduced by examples. Choose the one you want and have fun uploading compressed images without having to do anything.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 04, 2020, 09:28:08 AM
Looks awesome John. Is that actual beach sand? What do you do to anchor/glue it down?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 12:08:22 PM
A test of Craig's picture posting tip.  I haven't posted pictures with my phone or iPad because of the bug we had so here we go.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 12:09:28 PM
Okay - it works and eliminates the export step on my MacBook.  Thank you Craig.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 12:13:08 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 04, 2020, 09:28:08 AM
Looks awesome John. Is that actual beach sand? What do you do to anchor/glue it down?


Thank you - yes it is beach sand.  Here in Michigan if you dig a hole just about anywhere you will find beach sand. At my cabin its down about 3 feet.  It works great for landforms - I just add fine sand on top of it for the top layer. After spreading it - I wet it down with wet water and then 4:1 Matt Medium. It takes a couple days to dry in the deep areas.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 04, 2020, 12:47:56 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 12:09:28 PM
Okay - it works and eliminates the export step on my MacBook.  Thank you Craig.

Most welcome -- and the upload looks great! Out of curiosity, did you upload to your gallery first and then link it here in a post?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 01:44:36 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 04, 2020, 12:47:56 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 12:09:28 PM
Okay - it works and eliminates the export step on my MacBook.  Thank you Craig.

Most welcome -- and the upload looks great! Out of curiosity, did you upload to your gallery first and then link it here in a post?


Yes - I use the gallery to store the pictures and link them to the posts.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:00:27 PM
Today, I finished adding the sand to establish the landscape of the Beach Farms diorama.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:01:44 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:05:27 PM
I also made some progress on the G. Wilikers build. The platform and platform shed got a dry fit before I add some sand to the baseboard under the platform.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:09:26 PM
You can sure tell that some of the sheds haven't been dulled down with the white chalk. The iPhone camera really enhances this. The difference isn't as significant to my eye without the camera lens.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:14:48 PM

I posted my update tonight using my iPad and loaded the pictures directly from Photos using the trick you taught us, today.  It works great and saves some time.  I can take the pictures with either my iPhone or iPad.  Do you know of a way to access pictures in photos directly using a MacBook Pro?

To date, I have always exported photographs from photos using the Export function - this is when I would resize them and store them as jpg files in a special directory.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 04, 2020, 07:25:49 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:14:48 PM

I posted my update tonight using my iPad and loaded the pictures directly from Photos using the trick you taught us, today.  It works great and saves some time.  I can take the pictures with either my iPhone or iPad.  Do you know of a way to access pictures in photos directly using a MacBook Pro?

To date, I have always exported photographs from photos using the Export function - this is when I would resize them and store them as jpg files in a special directory.

Glad it helps, John. It's my go to method.

For your Mac archiving, there is also a neater way of handling things. Prebuilt into your Mac is an app called "Image Capture" — find it in your Applications folder.

With your iPhone/iPad plugged in, you can literally batch import/drag and drop as you see fit. Almost like it was an external hard drive.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 09:38:26 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 04, 2020, 07:25:49 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 04, 2020, 07:14:48 PM

I posted my update tonight using my iPad and loaded the pictures directly from Photos using the trick you taught us, today.  It works great and saves some time.  I can take the pictures with either my iPhone or iPad.  Do you know of a way to access pictures in photos directly using a MacBook Pro?

To date, I have always exported photographs from photos using the Export function - this is when I would resize them and store them as jpg files in a special directory.

Glad it helps, John. It's my go to method.

For your Mac archiving, there is also a neater way of handling things. Prebuilt into your Mac is an app called "Image Capture" — find it in your Applications folder.

With your iPhone/iPad plugged in, you can literally batch import/drag and drop as you see fit. Almost like it was an external hard drive.

Interesting - I have used it with my SLR but never tried with the iPhone. Thank you for the tip I will give it a try. Now what did I do with the cord for the phone???
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 04, 2020, 09:52:32 PM

As you might guess, I'm really excited to see the farm diorama coming together.  G. Wilikers is one of my favorite FSM kits, so I'm excited about your progress with it, too.  It looks great, but what really stands out to me is the stonework and the shingles.  Keep those pics coming, I'm really enjoying your builds!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2020, 08:19:42 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 04, 2020, 09:52:32 PM

As you might guess, I'm really excited to see the farm diorama coming together.  G. Wilikers is one of my favorite FSM kits, so I'm excited about your progress with it, too.  It looks great, but what really stands out to me is the stonework and the shingles.  Keep those pics coming, I'm really enjoying your builds!


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. Now that I'm to the detailing stage on both builds there will be noticeable progress on each build every day. I will be getting the lid off the box and start putting the walls together for another build in the next few days, too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2020, 01:58:23 PM
I found a way to make Bob VanGelders Tucker & Cook fit on my layout - it is going to be the crew house for the Eagles Nest yard. The G. Wilikers build got a test fit during the process. If I move the feeder track forward about an inch (plenty of room to do so) it will fit behind the coaling tower.  The boiler house and two out buildings will also work in a modified configuration. The siding change affect the track location on the G. Wilikers build at the perfect time in the build to make the change.

So my build list changes again. ;)

1) Tucker & Cook
2) Brownsville Depot
3) Icing Platforum
4) ... Expect Changes
5) ...




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on December 05, 2020, 04:32:19 PM
John, I like your thinking.....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: vinceg on December 05, 2020, 05:27:14 PM
Beautiful, John. Gorgeous. All those FSM and SRMW kits. Pure heaven.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2020, 09:41:27 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on December 05, 2020, 04:32:19 PM
John, I like your thinking.....Dennis

Thank you, my friend. My sell list for kits keeps getting shorter.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 05, 2020, 09:42:48 PM
Quote from: vinceg on December 05, 2020, 05:27:14 PM
Beautiful, John. Gorgeous. All those FSM and SRMW kits. Pure heaven.


Thank you for the very kind and encouraging words. I have three more big builds, after G. Wilikers, and a number of smaller ones (sheds and out buildings) and this area of the layout will be ready for detail scenery. It will be really nice to have an area that I can point to and say this area is complete.  At least until the rest of the layout is complete - then I will probably start changing it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 06, 2020, 07:26:33 PM
The G. Wilikers build is back on my workbench for detailing.  The main structures and sheds have been glued to the baseboard. It's time for some detail work.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 06, 2020, 07:50:25 PM
Looking forward to seeing this build all done, John.

Additionally, I'm happy to accept the contents of that "Finished Castings" drawer when you're good and ready  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 06, 2020, 08:46:27 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 06, 2020, 07:50:25 PM
Looking forward to seeing this build all done, John.

Additionally, I'm happy to accept the contents of that "Finished Castings" drawer when you're good and ready  ;)


I'm looking forward to all the details going into place.  I have a bunch of touch up then railings and stairs. After that we get to open that finished castings drawer. There are actually two of them and 5 or 6 white plastic trays floating around the  workbenches with finished and partially finished castings. In my opinion it's all about the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 06, 2020, 09:07:55 PM
Great looking build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 06, 2020, 09:18:31 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 06, 2020, 09:07:55 PM
Great looking build.


Thank you
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 06, 2020, 10:26:11 PM
Nice real estate finding, John.

One request for your Tucker and Cook build - a different trim colour to that on the pilot model.  Not my favourite colour scheme.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 07, 2020, 08:33:46 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 06, 2020, 10:26:11 PM
Nice real estate finding, John.

One request for your Tucker and Cook build - a different trim colour to that on the pilot model.  Not my favourite colour scheme.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, I agree the colors on the pilot are not just right for my location choice. Now, this is one of the things I struggle with, what should the colors be.  I will have the G. Wiliker's in white right next door and the coal tower in natural wood so I need to find the right colors. Any ideas would be appreciated. The story with this build is that the mill was converted into crew quarters when the railroad took over the valley. I may start with my color samples of Hunterline stain - I like the look of stain with a dry brush pastel chalk of the same color to look like older fading paint. In the next few days I will take a picture of the location with the color samples laid out to get the thought process going. I can get started on the build before I need to choose the color scheme.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 07, 2020, 10:18:49 AM

I'm guessing you are already aware that Jaime did a build thread of this kit.

South River Modelworks 370 - Tucker and Cook Cotton Yarn Mil ( (

As for colors, Vilius built two versions of Microscale Models McGees Hotel.  One is medium green with off white trim, the other a very pale gray green with medium green trim.  I'm not comfortable posting his photos here without permission.  If you Google Microscale Models McGee's you will find several images of them in both color schemes.  I'm thinking either would probably be appropriate for your era.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 07, 2020, 12:23:20 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 07, 2020, 10:18:49 AM

I'm guessing you are already aware that Jaime did a build thread of this kit.

South River Modelworks 370 - Tucker and Cook Cotton Yarn Mil ( (

As for colors, Vilius built two versions of Microscale Models McGees Hotel.  One is medium green with off white trim, the other a very pale gray green with medium green trim.  I'm not comfortable posting his photos here without permission.  If you Google Microscale Models McGee's you will find several images of them in both color schemes.  I'm thinking either would probably be appropriate for your era.


Thank you for the references - I read through Jaime's build thread, again.  He really did a great job with it. Also, found Vilius' builds with a search.  Definitely some color combinations that are in the running. I need to put the pictures in the site and stand back and take a look.  It's my way of visualizing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 07, 2020, 12:59:48 PM
QuoteThe story with this build is that the mill was converted into crew quarters when the railroad took over the valley.

How about using some version of the railroad colours on the structure?  It would make sense that when the railway took over the building as the crew quarters that they painted their newly acquired building using the railroad palette.  The colours could be subtle.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 07, 2020, 07:05:37 PM
Hey John:

beautiful job on the structure so far and also muchly enjoyed the layout pics as always.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 07, 2020, 10:15:03 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 07, 2020, 12:59:48 PM
QuoteThe story with this build is that the mill was converted into crew quarters when the railroad took over the valley.

How about using some version of the railroad colours on the structure?  It would make sense that when the railway took over the building as the crew quarters that they painted their newly acquired building using the railroad palette.  The colours could be subtle.

Cheers, Mark.


I like your idea but I'm not sure how to implement it, yet.  The railroad colors are the maroon and yellow that you see in this picture of the Locomotive works.  I used this combination on the Locomotive works and on the Stone Roundhouse and also on the Grandpa John Welding (FSM Swakhammers). I'm considering the maroon (probably washed out) as the main color for the building with the yellow as a trim. Just thinking out load and playing with your idea at this point.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 07, 2020, 10:19:33 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 07, 2020, 07:05:37 PM
Hey John:

beautiful job on the structure so far and also muchly enjoyed the layout pics as always. 


Thank you for stopping by the thread and the encouraging words. I'm going to be switching back and forth between completing these two builds on my workbench and future planning for the completion of Eagles Nest Yard and my future town of Vansel for the next couple of weeks.

I can't wait to get the scenery materials out and really finish up all the builds in the Eagles Nest Yard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 07, 2020, 10:27:26 PM
Check out the bakers general store from kit no 380 from SRM.  The yellow is toned way down and looks good against the maroon trim.  I'd be skeptical about doing it the other way around.  I'm guessing the maroon paint might cost a lot more and so be prohibitive as the main colour.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 08, 2020, 08:03:17 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 07, 2020, 10:27:26 PM
Check out the bakers general store from kit no 380 from SRM.  The yellow is toned way down and looks good against the maroon trim.  I'd be skeptical about doing it the other way around.  I'm guessing the maroon paint might cost a lot more and so be prohibitive as the main colour.

Cheers, Mark.

I agree that making the maroon look good washed out is a long shot. I like it as a trim color. I checked out what Bob did on his Bakers general store and it is a real possibility. I need to actually see a sample next to the other buildings in this area.  Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on December 09, 2020, 06:02:01 PM

Just finished reading the last 11 pages of this wonderful thread. Wow, you've been very busy while I've been laying around. I love progress like this and plan to get back into mine full time by the end of the year.

BTW, I love the eagles on the roundhouse sign.

Fantastic layout and thread John, thanks for sharing and taking the time to document it for us folks.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 09, 2020, 06:32:58 PM
Hey John:

That loos just fantastic. Love the colors and especially like your stone work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2020, 09:20:52 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on December 09, 2020, 06:02:01 PM

Just finished reading the last 11 pages of this wonderful thread. Wow, you've been very busy while I've been laying around. I love progress like this and plan to get back into mine full time by the end of the year.

BTW, I love the eagles on the roundhouse sign.

Fantastic layout and thread John, thanks for sharing and taking the time to document it for us folks.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for stopping by the thread and it's sure good to hear your feeling better and getting back at your layout. I look forward to following your updates. I have a couple more eagles to place when I find the right locations. I really enjoy the interaction with the great modelers that share this forum.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2020, 09:22:48 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 09, 2020, 06:32:58 PM
Hey John:

That loos just fantastic. Love the colors and especially like your stone work.



Thank you for stopping by. I always appreciate your encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2020, 10:50:45 PM
Today, I made my first section of fencing for the Beach Farms diorama using the jig I made out of styrene.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 10, 2020, 10:56:11 PM
I also added the finer top layer of sand to the diorama.  This is a darker and finer layer of sand.  This sand actually comes from my cabin where my dad used to have his garden.  This will be the base for the static grass and scenery materials. It will also be the garden soil for the garden I plan to have behind the farm house.




I will probably add another layer in a few areas before I start to add the scenery material.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on December 10, 2020, 11:01:02 PM
WOW!!!!! John, Beautiful job.......Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 11, 2020, 04:15:46 AM
Hey John:

All I can say is WOW!!!!! also.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 08:34:06 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on December 10, 2020, 11:01:02 PM
WOW!!!!! John, Beautiful job.......Dennis


Thank you - we are making progress.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 08:35:00 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 11, 2020, 04:15:46 AM
Hey John:

All I can say is WOW!!!!! also.



Thank you - A little more each day. At least most days. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 11, 2020, 09:11:02 AM
Beautiful modeling.  The peeling walls really pop with the darker sand.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on December 11, 2020, 12:38:25 PM
We will see how you do with the static grass.  I have been also trying my skills with it.  Only so so now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 03:15:47 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 11, 2020, 09:11:02 AM
Beautiful modeling.  The peeling walls really pop with the darker sand.

Thank you for the kind words - I'm really happy with how that technique worked.  It will be old socks for the peal paint effect for me from now on - Thanks again to Mark for sharing that technique.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 03:21:27 PM
Quote from: sdrees on December 11, 2020, 12:38:25 PM
We will see how you do with the static grass.  I have been also trying my skills with it.  Only so so now.


I'm going to try a technique that Martin Welberg demonstrated in a clinic on at the Sacramento Narrow Gauge Convention. It's been awhile so I need to refresh my memory and look at my notes. I also need to check and see if he has a U-tube version that I can review.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 03:24:25 PM
Update:  My workbench has a Silo, a chicken coupe, and a tractor shed in various stages of completion, on it. I also plan on a pig pen which is only a sketch at this point. There is also about 6 sections of fence that have been produced using the fence fixture from, yesterday.  I also continue to add details to the G. Wilikers build - just added the down spouts before lunch.  I'll post some pictures when there is more to look at.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on December 11, 2020, 05:01:34 PM

A modeling challenge for you sir.....

30+ years ago I had a pig with a civil engineering degree from some unknown institution of higher learning.

He dug a perfectly square wallow with vertical sides and a single walk way in and out.

The gauntlet is down sir..  ! !! !

see ya


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on December 11, 2020, 05:04:31 PM
John, there has been a recent discussion of static grass applicators on the Sierra West site under the Scotia thread.  I recently bought the Noch 3.0 Grassmaster which puts out 11,000 volts.  I am not that happy with it.  Two of the members from Europe swear by the RTS Greenkeeper 55KV applicator which has 5 times the output of the Noch.  But it is pricey.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 11, 2020, 05:45:39 PM
I put the question "Which Static Grass dispenser?" on Railroad-Line: 
Also I checked with Bernie Kempinski, who has some blog entries on this.  He's still using "Grass Tech II Flocket Rocket".  Kathy Millatt recommended the WWS system,

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 08:15:10 PM
Quote from: bparrish on December 11, 2020, 05:01:34 PM

A modeling challenge for you sir.....

30+ years ago I had a pig with a civil engineering degree from some unknown institution of higher learning.

He dug a perfectly square wallow with vertical sides and a single walk way in and out.

The gauntlet is down sir..  ! !! !

see ya


Wow - a square wallow. I have this picture in my mind of the pig pen on my grandparents farm - I do remember a lot of mud and a wood feeding trough. I also remember how crazy the pigs got when you fed them turnips. The building is long gone so I don't have prototype pictures to go by.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 08:27:42 PM
Quote from: sdrees on December 11, 2020, 05:04:31 PM
John, there has been a recent discussion of static grass applicators on the Sierra West site under the Scotia thread.  I recently bought the Noch 3.0 Grassmaster which puts out 11,000 volts.  I am not that happy with it.  Two of the members from Europe swear by the RTS Greenkeeper 55KV applicator which has 5 times the output of the Noch.  But it is pricey.


I have three different applicators - I still haven't found the perfect one.  I will post some pictures of the applicators and results and we can compare notes.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 11, 2020, 08:29:22 PM
Quote from: deemery on December 11, 2020, 05:45:39 PM
I put the question "Which Static Grass dispenser?" on Railroad-Line: ( 
Also I checked with Bernie Kempinski, who has some blog entries on this.  He's still using "Grass Tech II Flocket Rocket".  Kathy Millatt recommended the WWS system, (



Thank you for the references. I'm looking for my notes from the Narrow Gauge Convention. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on December 12, 2020, 12:56:24 PM
That will be interesting to see how Martin Welberg's technique works out.  I sure like his products.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on December 12, 2020, 06:36:26 PM
I have a RTS Greenkeeper , the 35Kv version , bought it because of Martin Welberg ( he now uses a much more expensive industrial flocking applicator as far as I know ), we have met many times at train shows .

Haven't used the RTS a whole lot , but I sure like how it works.(
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 12, 2020, 08:30:58 PM
Jan, £275 is expensive, did you get it at a better price?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on December 13, 2020, 06:06:46 AM
Quote from: deemery on December 12, 2020, 08:30:58 PM
Jan, £275 is expensive, did you get it at a better price?

The 35Kv one is around 150 euro's, I think I got it off Ebay for 130 a few years ago, directly from RTS , but this was the time that they were seeking exposure. The 55Kv is 240 Euro's , prices are the same everywhere , and you won't find second hand ones because everyone is very satisfied with the product.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 13, 2020, 01:50:56 PM
Jan, Dave, and Steve

I'm getting ready to start with the scenery on the Beach Farms diorama - four out building to finish and place and I will get started. I will be getting a lot of experience this winter with static grass on both this diorama and doing the finish scenery on the Eagles Nest Yard area. I will post pictures of my results and techniques and we can learn together.  Jan the static grass in the picture you posted looks like it is standing up, nicely. Did you use only the applicator or did you use a vacuum to help get it to stand up?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 13, 2020, 02:15:22 PM
One more note:  Jim Elster, Scenic Express, recommended Elmer's White School Glue is a good cheap glue for anchoring static grass. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on December 13, 2020, 07:20:59 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 13, 2020, 01:50:56 PM

Jan the static grass in the picture you posted looks like it is standing up, nicely. Did you use only the applicator or did you use a vacuum to help get it to stand up?
I only used the applicator, the RTS works great mainly because of the higher voltage then others , Martin Welberg uses professional flock equipment that has even much higher Kv.

I also don't always use glue , but rather use wet acrylic paint for my first layer and then use glue for the next layers.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 13, 2020, 08:20:42 PM
Quote from: deemery on December 13, 2020, 02:15:22 PM
One more note:  Jim Elster, Scenic Express, recommended Elmer's White School Glue is a good cheap glue for anchoring static grass. 



Thank you for your continued input to this discussion.  I will be doing some experimenting.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 13, 2020, 08:23:54 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on December 13, 2020, 07:20:59 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 13, 2020, 01:50:56 PM

Jan the static grass in the picture you posted looks like it is standing up, nicely. Did you use only the applicator or did you use a vacuum to help get it to stand up?
I only used the applicator, the RTS works great mainly because of the higher voltage then others , Martin Welberg uses professional flock equipment that has even much higher Kv.

I also don't always use glue , but rather use wet acrylic paint for my first layer and then use glue for the next layers.


Thank you for the input - I need to look up the specifications on the applicators I have.  I will get started on this in the next couple of weeks.  I need to complete the placement of the out buildings on my diorama before I begin.  I think there will be some test applications before I get started on the diorama.  It has been a while since I have used the static grass applicators and some retraining will be needed.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 13, 2020, 08:29:07 PM
The fence production continued, today, as I continue to work on the out buildings for the Beach Farms diorama.  I also continued with the detail work on the G. Wilikers build.  I will try to take some update pictures tomorrow.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 14, 2020, 09:54:37 AM

I don't have a static grass applicator so I'll be following along when you plant the fields on the farm to see what works best.  I have built (and repaired) a lot of fence, like last Saturday when the deer tore it down (again).  Fortunately, I saw and fixed it before the moos saw their escape route.  Yours fence looks well designed, I'm guessing no scale deer will damage it and let your plastic cows escape.  ;D 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 14, 2020, 08:47:54 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 14, 2020, 09:54:37 AM

I don't have a static grass applicator so I'll be following along when you plant the fields on the farm to see what works best.  I have built (and repaired) a lot of fence, like last Saturday when the deer tore it down (again).  Fortunately, I saw and fixed it before the moos saw their escape route.  Yours fence looks well designed, I'm guessing no scale deer will damage it and let your plastic cows escape.  ;D


Great to have you following along.  I will do my best to describe my experiences with the static grass.  As for my HO size deer running into my HO three rail fence - I assure you they will go away with a headache. It's a long drop for the MOOS if they get through the fence in a lot of the locations in this scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 14, 2020, 08:57:44 PM
A few days ago we where having a discussion about joist setting guides and I mentioned that I had made special jigs to fit them using my table saw.  I didn't have a picture at the time but remembered to take this picture while I was gluing the walls together for my corn crib for the Beach Farms diorama. I cut the grooves in the board to hold the guides so they were just the right depth to allow the joist, or in this case studs for the walls, to lay flat on the board. I can then add the wall boards right on to the studs with the joist setting guides holding them in place.  It really does work well. Here is the missing picture. I laid one of the guides on top so you can see what is hidden by the slits in the board.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 09:07:28 AM
I had the Beach Farm diorama back in location on the layout yesterday to visualize the landforms in position and play with the location of some of the out buildings. I also backed a train into the siding to check load heights and get ready for the final detailing on the workbench. Here are a few photographs that I took for change markup.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on December 16, 2020, 10:01:05 AM
Beautiful Craftsmanship John...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on December 16, 2020, 11:05:32 AM
Great build !
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 16, 2020, 11:40:56 AM
It will be a lovely scene, John.  Those structures work so well against the backdrop.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on December 16, 2020, 11:53:36 AM
That barn is simply spectacular!  Terrific job!   ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 01:22:19 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on December 16, 2020, 10:01:05 AM
Beautiful Craftsmanship John...Dennis


Thank you for the kind words and for following along.  I have some work to do with the valiance lighting to get good pictures. The dark roof on the farmhouse is getting washed out and overpowered by the lighting, for example.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 01:23:29 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on December 16, 2020, 11:05:32 AM
Great build !

Thank you, Tommy - I have lots of details to add.  I needed to get it in place and shoot some pictures to do a better job of placement on the workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 01:25:31 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 16, 2020, 11:40:56 AM
It will be a lovely scene, John.  Those structures work so well against the backdrop.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, wow speaking of backdrop I have to crawl up there and finish it.  I have very sore muscles today from working in the yard. I think that job is going to be put off for a couple days.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 01:29:58 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on December 16, 2020, 11:53:36 AM
That barn is simply spectacular!  Terrific job!   ;D


Thank you my friend.  The Beach family can sit on the porch and look out over the town of Vansel, and that great Bob Butt's Avram's build. On second thought, I have never met a farmer that spent much time sitting on the porch. It will probably be viewed from the seat of a John Deere Tractor.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on December 16, 2020, 05:23:30 PM

I agree with Bob, the barn is wonderful. Fantastic job.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 16, 2020, 05:25:46 PM
Great progress John. Everything is coming together really quite nicely!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 09:14:59 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on December 16, 2020, 05:23:30 PM

I agree with Bob, the barn is wonderful. Fantastic job.

Tom  ;D


Thank you so much for the kind words.  I can't wait to see how it looks with the backdrop finished and framed by the scenery in the farm yard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 16, 2020, 10:06:08 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 01:29:58 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on December 16, 2020, 11:53:36 AM
That barn is simply spectacular!  Terrific job!   ;D


Thank you my friend.  The Beach family can sit on the porch and look out over the town of Vansel, and that great Bob Butt's Avram's build. On second thought, I have never met a farmer that spent much time sitting on the porch. It will probably be viewed from the seat of a John Deere Tractor.


Really?  John Deere!!!  C'mon, if it ain't red leave it in the shed!  One thing I can guarantee you, there are no John Deere green tractors on my NY farm.  Plows, absolutely: grain drill, yes; manure spreader; h*ll yes.  Tractors, not a one.  Do I need to send you some red tractors?  I have 'em in 1:1 and HO... ;D ;D ;D   (I'm only sending the HO ones, shipping the others is outa my budget!)  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 17, 2020, 09:11:04 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 16, 2020, 05:25:46 PM
Great progress John. Everything is coming together really quite nicely!


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 17, 2020, 09:23:57 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 16, 2020, 10:06:08 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 16, 2020, 01:29:58 PM
Quote from: ReadingBob on December 16, 2020, 11:53:36 AM
That barn is simply spectacular!  Terrific job!   ;D


Thank you my friend.  The Beach family can sit on the porch and look out over the town of Vansel, and that great Bob Butt's Avram's build. On second thought, I have never met a farmer that spent much time sitting on the porch. It will probably be viewed from the seat of a John Deere Tractor.


Really?  John Deere!!!  C'mon, if it ain't red leave it in the shed!  One thing I can guarantee you, there are no John Deere green tractors on my NY farm.  Plows, absolutely: grain drill, yes; manure spreader; h*ll yes.  Tractors, not a one.  Do I need to send you some red tractors?  I have 'em in 1:1 and HO... ;D ;D ;D   (I'm only sending the HO ones, shipping the others is outa my budget!)  ;D

Now that's funny.  Guess who worked for John Deere - they actually paid for my Masters Degree Program. It appears that the Western Beach Family members are going to be rebels. I have been painting the tractors with official John Deere Green paint. I also have a Ford 8N model because that is the tractor my dad owned. We may have to ship in a red tractor in by rail. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 18, 2020, 09:16:58 AM
John beautiful work on the farm.  Coloring & detail outstanding.
Looking forward to it sitting in place for real.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 18, 2020, 11:18:09 AM
Quote from: Jerry on December 18, 2020, 09:16:58 AM
John beautiful work on the farm.  Coloring & detail outstanding.
Looking forward to it sitting in place for real.



Thank you for the very kind words. I am also looking forward to placing this diorama on the layout and getting the scenery finished. I want to see what all those internal LED's look like when the area all on at one time. I have only tested a few at a time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 10:16:33 AM
Update: I have spent the last few days working on the out buildings for the Beach Farms diorama. I also have been working on the Silo that goes next to the barn.  It is amazing how time consuming and difficult it is to build a Silo. I have been taking pictures and will update the thread when I have more completed.  I also started building a corn crib from an old Scale Structures kit - I got the floor and two walls built over the templates when it dawned on me that it was way to big.  I created my own templates and used the strip wood from the kit to build mine. I guess it's an extreme kit bash.
Also, on the workbench is a scratch built addition to the tractor shed which is designed to be the equipment repair facility, I made it out of cement blocks. I learned from my dad, a welder, that you don't weld in a wood structure.  I hope to update with some pictures this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on December 19, 2020, 10:43:10 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 10:16:33 AM
... I learned from my dad, a welder, that you don't weld in a wood structure.  ...

Hopefully that wasn't a lesson learned The Hard Way....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 01:26:00 PM
Quote from: deemery on December 19, 2020, 10:43:10 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 10:16:33 AM
... I learned from my dad, a welder, that you don't weld in a wood structure.  ...

Hopefully that wasn't a lesson learned The Hard Way....



No - but I remember well him showing me how long slag stayed hot enough to burn wood. All of the garages he built had a few rows of cement block before you got to the wood - at least on the inside.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 08:56:25 PM
Tomorrow, is going to be roofing day for the Beach Farms Diorama out buildings.  First, here is my corn crib.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 08:59:15 PM
Here are a few more. From left to right, chicken coop, pig pen, tractor barn, and corn crib. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 09:01:46 PM
Here is a progress shot of the Silo.  I played with the idea of going with a wood silo but decided to convert it to a concrete version per the instructions provided by Dario.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 19, 2020, 09:06:15 PM

Nice work on all the outbuildings.  The unpainted "look" is exactly what I would expect, function not cosmetics.  I especially like the corn crib.  What did you use of the corn, it looks so realistic?

Gotta say that the silo looks more like wood stave than concrete to me.  FWIW, concrete staves were only three or four feet long due to their weight.  Wood staves were varying lengths from 8' to 16' and the joints were staggered (as were the joints on concrete stave silos).
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 19, 2020, 09:13:50 PM
Great job on the buildings. I also agree about the corn crib.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 09:57:26 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 19, 2020, 09:06:15 PM

Nice work on all the outbuildings.  The unpainted "look" is exactly what I would expect, function not cosmetics.  I especially like the corn crib.  What did you use of the corn, it looks so realistic?

Gotta say that the silo looks more like wood stave than concrete to me.  FWIW, concrete staves were only three or four feet long due to their weight.  Wood staves were varying lengths from 8' to 16' and the joints were staggered (as were the joints on concrete stave silos).


Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad you noticed the corn in the corn crib. It's all about the details but sometime I think I get carried away. The corn in the corn crib is one of the aspen leaf flocks that I bought and never used - it was the wrong color for aspen leaves IMO. So I was going through my scenery materials looking for something that was the color of corn and was something I could process to be the right size and I found a use for it.

I can't make a case for paint on the outbuildings if the barn is in need of paint.

The Silo just didn't look right in wood to me - so I'm painting it concrete color.  The length of the staves will be broken up by the bands that I will add after the paint dries.  I took some prototype pictures of the concrete Silos around here and if I can get mine to look like Dario's it will look good. Having rail service to the farm makes a lot of things prototypically correct even though this Farm is up in the mountains. It does look like I will have to paint one of my tractors red to keep the Beach Family Tractor tradition alive. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 10:03:04 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 19, 2020, 09:13:50 PM
Great job on the buildings. I also agree about the corn crib.


The corn crib is from a picture I have in my head from my Grandparents farm.  Here are a couple of pictures of the floor and sidewall that I made of the kit supplied templates. I cut up the walls and shortened the 40 HO foot floor to 20 feet. I also changed the width to make the proportions fit my eye. As I said earlier an extreme kit bash.


The building between the templates and the floor and wall assemblies is the tractor barn built to the Dario kit proportions.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 19, 2020, 10:04:13 PM

It would take a lot of pigs and chickens to eat up all the corn that this corn crib would hold.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 20, 2020, 09:51:23 AM

Thanks for clueing me in on what you used to make the corn. I don't know if I'll have room on my small layout for a farm but if I do I now know how to fill my crib. 

You are absolutely correct that the bands will cover the sides thus making the stave lengths a non-issue.  That's something i should have realized. 

You really do not need to add a red tractor to the farm, John Deere pretty much kicked IH's tail (family forum) once it brought out its four cylinder tractors in the 60's.  Among other things, IH struggled to match Deere's price, then made a series of less than ideal decisions that resulted in their own demise and Deere's dominance in today's market. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 20, 2020, 12:49:54 PM
Hey John:

Looking just beautiful. As I said love the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 06:04:56 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 20, 2020, 09:51:23 AM

Thanks for clueing me in on what you used to make the corn. I don't know if I'll have room on my small layout for a farm but if I do I now know how to fill my crib. 

You are absolutely correct that the bands will cover the sides thus making the stave lengths a non-issue.  That's something i should have realized. 

You really do not need to add a red tractor to the farm, John Deere pretty much kicked IH's tail (family forum) once it brought out its four cylinder tractors in the 60's.  Among other things, IH struggled to match Deere's price, then made a series of less than ideal decisions that resulted in their own demise and Deere's dominance in today's market.


A have a red tractor scene already in mind.  Actually two but I don't think they will both make the cut.  ;) 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 06:06:21 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 20, 2020, 12:49:54 PM
Hey John:

Looking just beautiful. As I said love the barn.



Thank you for following along. I'm starting to work on the final scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 09:36:30 PM
I added this vise to my workbench a few weeks ago and I'm really finding it useful. It's just the right size for scratch building doors and windows. Also really helps in holding small pieces for painting and gluing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 09:39:30 PM
I started with the scenery and placement of the out buildings, today.  I'm trying a new texture paint for the sand roadway. Jury is still out on this need to get the rest of the scenery in place before I can really see if I like it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 09:40:42 PM
Added the sand pad for the corn crib and leveled everything before adding the glue.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 09:41:09 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 09:42:37 PM

I will take a followup photograph after the glue dries. I covered the beach sand with the darker sand before adding the corn crib.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 20, 2020, 09:44:26 PM
Finally, for tonight, the silo got a coat of gray paint.  I will be adding some chalks to it so it doesn't look like fresh concrete and the starting the process of adding the bands. You can also see, in the background, the roof card going on the brick tractor repair shed. This building will also be getting a coating of chalk to finish the process of making the cement block walls the right color.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 21, 2020, 08:12:33 AM
Very nice John. You are right about the concrete looking better than the wood.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 21, 2020, 10:00:22 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 21, 2020, 08:12:33 AM
Very nice John. You are right about the concrete looking better than the wood.


Thank you for following along - the concrete is just what we are used to looking at with silos.  Some chalk for color and texture and then the bands. The bands are a big job.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 21, 2020, 10:58:11 AM
Great work here John, as always. I'm looking forward to the end result -- as much as the journey itself.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 21, 2020, 10:12:55 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 21, 2020, 10:58:11 AM
Great work here John, as always. I'm looking forward to the end result -- as much as the journey itself.

Thank you, I have spent the last couple of days working on the Silo - it is amazing how much time it takes to get the bands on. I have decided that every great railroad should have a barn with a silo - two silos would be overkill. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 22, 2020, 01:57:50 PM
Jerry will be happy to know that I'm putting in fencing, today.  HO scale. ;) ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 23, 2020, 09:21:30 PM
It has been a few days since I have posted a progress picture so snapped a quick picture of the Beach Farms diorama when I quit for the day, today.


The tractor sheds have not been glued down yet, because I'm playing with the position of the buildings. I think they will be moving a little more to the left from this view angle. I made another change to the landform in front of the barn just before I quit for the day. This diorama is going to eat up a lot of feet of fence. :o
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: MAP on December 24, 2020, 06:02:33 AM
Great progress John!  The farm scene is really coming along nicely.  Thanks for all of the pics.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 24, 2020, 09:21:05 AM
Nice placement of the buildings.  Another outstanding job John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 24, 2020, 07:50:36 PM
Quote from: MAP on December 24, 2020, 06:02:33 AM
Great progress John!  The farm scene is really coming along nicely.  Thanks for all of the pics.


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I have a lot of fence to put in and then the scenery and details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 24, 2020, 07:51:51 PM
Quote from: Jerry on December 24, 2020, 09:21:05 AM
Nice placement of the buildings.  Another outstanding job John.



Thank you - I can't wait to see what this one will look like finished with all the lights on.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 27, 2020, 09:05:02 AM
I'm back at the layout build after a few days off to celebrate Christmas with the Grandkids. The plan for the next few weeks is to finish up the G. Wilikers and the Beach Farms builds and then get started on the S&S RR Crew Quarters in Eagles Nest. The SRMW Tucker and Cook is going to be converted into a crew quarters facility.  This will be my annual forum build challenge. I plan to complete the turnout controls and the scenery for the Eagles Nest Yard as my side projects while the glue is drying on the challenge build. So we have a plan, let's see how long it takes me to change it. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 28, 2020, 11:57:45 AM
I'm starting to add the scenery materials to the Beach Farms diorama.  Step 1: the moss green fine turf underlayment for the static grass. I also got the first layer of mud in the pig pen.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on December 28, 2020, 01:43:59 PM
Looking really good, John.

Do you need a well somewhere?  And maybe a wallow for those pigs?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 28, 2020, 04:31:52 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on December 28, 2020, 01:43:59 PM
Looking really good, John.

Do you need a well somewhere?  And maybe a wallow for those pigs?

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, and yes there will be a well and a wallow. It is actually started on the other side of the pig pen. Our friend Bob has been bragging on his pig having a rectangular wallow.  Wait until you see how smart those Beach Farm pigs are.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on December 28, 2020, 05:58:00 PM
Hey John:

I love this diorama. My favorite building is the barn. I just love it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 28, 2020, 08:55:10 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on December 28, 2020, 05:58:00 PM
Hey John:

I love this diorama. My favorite building is the barn. I just love it.



Thank you for the encouraging words - I'm just about done with the Silo and will be adding it to the diorama. Adding the banding to the silo took a lot of hours. I will take some pictures tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on December 29, 2020, 09:08:34 AM
Have to agree with Karl.  The barn is just outstanding!
A beautiful scene.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on December 29, 2020, 02:38:28 PM

The entire scene is fantastic, well done my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 29, 2020, 03:28:06 PM
Quote from: Jerry on December 29, 2020, 09:08:34 AM
Have to agree with Karl.  The barn is just outstanding!
A beautiful scene.



Thank you for the kind words.  My problem with this diorama is I keep coming up with things to add.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 29, 2020, 03:31:23 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on December 29, 2020, 02:38:28 PM

The entire scene is fantastic, well done my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thank you - like I said above this is one of those scenes that swallows lots of details - I'm adding the scenery now and every step seems to lead to another. I think this is the part of modeling that I enjoy the most.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 30, 2020, 03:29:01 PM
The horse barn for the Beach Farms diorama is under construction on my workbench, today.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 30, 2020, 10:16:11 PM
Here is a progress picture of adding the scenery to the Beach Farms diorama. One layer at a time. I add a few features and then walk away for awhile and then come back and decide if it stay or goes. Then repeat the process. In the mean time I'm working on other projects.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on December 30, 2020, 11:17:31 PM
Is the horse barn part of that massive kit or is that a scratch build structure to go on the diorama ?
Did not see it in the photos at Rail Scale Miniatures...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on December 31, 2020, 12:09:21 AM
Wonderful progress, John. You've set the scene very well -- I can really see it now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on December 31, 2020, 07:25:19 AM
Really nice John !!   The farm scene is coming together beautifully with each building and layer adding to the whole.   Its going to look outstanding in place on the layout ...
I'll be following along,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on December 31, 2020, 09:28:15 AM
That is really looking nice John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 31, 2020, 09:28:23 AM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on December 30, 2020, 11:17:31 PM
Is the horse barn part of that massive kit or is that a scratch build structure to go on the diorama ?
Did not see it in the photos at Rail Scale Miniatures...


The Horse barn and the shingle mill are both C. C. Crow kits that I bought many years ago at a Narrow Gauge Convention. I think the fit the scene, nicely.

The tunnel in the background (left over from my previous layout) is going to expand the Beach Farms holdings to the pasture lands on the other side of the mountain. The tracks are gone and the cows will be moved between the pastures through the tunnel.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 31, 2020, 10:04:55 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on December 31, 2020, 12:09:21 AM
Wonderful progress, John. You've set the scene very well -- I can really see it now.


Thank you for the kind words. I will take the scenery to about 80 percent while it's on my workbench and then move it into location on the layout to put on the finishing touches.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 31, 2020, 10:10:47 AM
Quote from: PaulS on December 31, 2020, 07:25:19 AM
Really nice John !!   The farm scene is coming together beautifully with each building and layer adding to the whole.   Its going to look outstanding in place on the layout ...
I'll be following along,


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. As soon as I get the scenery a little farther along I will start adding the detail castings and the two remaining structures.  The Silo has proven to be a challenge but I'm getting close.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on December 31, 2020, 10:12:02 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on December 31, 2020, 09:28:15 AM
That is really looking nice John.


Thank you, it is time for the details to take it to the next level.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on December 31, 2020, 05:14:14 PM

I wish the eastern location of Beach farms looked half that good!   ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2021, 09:53:47 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on December 31, 2020, 05:14:14 PM

I wish the eastern location of Beach farms looked half that good!   ;D


I'm sure the Eastern location is a beautiful place.  I'm going to be continuing with the detailing of the Beach Farms diorama and the G. Wilikers build as I start my challenge build.  I plan on getting the box open and start priming castings and walls this afternoon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 01, 2021, 10:58:57 AM
Today, I'm starting my 2021 Challenge build with SRMW's Tucker & Cook Cotton Mill.  I will be building it as a crew quarters for the S&S RR located in Eagles Nest Yard. I will post a few progress photographs and layout location photographs here on this build thread, and post the detail build photographs in my kit build thread.  Here is the link:;topicseen#new
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 01, 2021, 05:13:10 PM
Hey John:

Looking just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 02, 2021, 08:52:38 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 01, 2021, 05:13:10 PM
Hey John:

Looking just beautiful.


Thank you, Karl - a little better each day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 02, 2021, 09:58:49 PM
A couple update pictures from the Beach Farms Diorama.

The walls are going up on the horse barn.


And the Silo has been installed next to the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 03, 2021, 08:40:07 PM
Update: Today, I painted the siding for the horse barn and added some more scenery to the Beach Farms Diorama.

I also discovered a way to model the mud flats at Yellowstone Park - by accident.  Yesterday, I added some sand over some paper towels that I had glued down with Titbond III glue.  The paper towels and glue fill the holes so the sand doesn't pour on to the floor under the layout. The glue was not completely cured but I didn't think much of it and added a layer of sand and then wet it down with my usual 4:1 Matt Medium.  I created some kind of chemical reaction - because this is what I found this morning. The Matt Medium is a bit old but it's the same batch that I have been using on the Beach Farms diorama without a problem.

Has anyone ever seen this happen?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 03, 2021, 08:45:58 PM
I plan on letting this dry for a couple of days and then trying to add a layer of sand to cover up the mess and see what happens with another test of the Matt Medium.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on January 04, 2021, 12:29:38 PM
Nice job on the farm scene John - add a round ball hoop to one end of that barn and you could place it anywhere in Indiana. Be fore warned - I read somewhere that the Tucker and Cook build has lots of windows....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 04, 2021, 03:29:55 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on January 04, 2021, 12:29:38 PM
Nice job on the farm scene John - add a round ball hoop to one end of that barn and you could place it anywhere in Indiana. Be fore warned - I read somewhere that the Tucker and Cook build has lots of windows....



Thank you for the kind words - and yes that barn design works in most areas. Yes - there are a lot of windows and doors - 87 to be exact - I'm painting them in batches. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 05, 2021, 09:04:18 PM
I added a few more details to the Beach Farms diorama, today.  Here is a progress photograph at the end of the day.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 05, 2021, 09:11:46 PM
The diorama is really coming together.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on January 06, 2021, 05:34:03 AM
Excellent John , reminds me of years long gone as a kid living in Canada , we weren't farmers but we rented the house from the owner of 5 farms . Your build gives me the same vibes that I get when looking at photo's from that time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on January 06, 2021, 08:39:54 AM

This is looking awesome!  I love the color the aspen trees lend to the overall scene.  Seems to me the east coast farm had one of those Dodge trucks, too.  Straight six motor and an unsynchronized four speed transmission.  If I missed a shift finding a gear was brutal.  Funny I don't remember my grandfather having the problems shifting it that I did...  Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 06, 2021, 08:45:04 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 05, 2021, 09:11:46 PM
The diorama is really coming together.


Thank you - I'm adding detail to the diorama a layer at a time at this point, on this side of the diorama.  I will be turning it around on the workbench and working on the other side in a few days.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 06, 2021, 08:46:51 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on January 06, 2021, 05:34:03 AM
Excellent John , reminds me of years long gone as a kid living in Canada , we weren't farmers but we rented the house from the owner of 5 farms . Your build gives me the same vibes that I get when looking at photo's from that time.


Thank you for the encouraging words. We have a ways to go before I will be ready to put this on the layout.  I have the horse barn and the chicken coop fence on my workbench and will be adding them in the next few days.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 06, 2021, 08:56:07 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on January 06, 2021, 08:39:54 AM

This is looking awesome!  I love the color the aspen trees lend to the overall scene.  Seems to me the east coast farm had one of those Dodge trucks, too.  Straight six motor and an unsynchronized four speed transmission.  If I missed a shift finding a gear was brutal.  Funny I don't remember my grandfather having the problems shifting it that I did...  Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


Thank you for the kind words.  The dodge truck is from the East Coast farm shipped in by rail.  It is now used to bring the hay bales up from the rail dock.  The hay is shipped in from the fields on the other side of the mountain. I have a red tractor scene also planned.

Credits note:  Jerry Beach built the dodge truck in this scene and send it to me along with a few other vehicles that will be introduced as they make their way on to the S&S RR.  Thank you for the vehicles Jerry, you did a great job on them. They really help to make the Beach Farms look like a working operation.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 08, 2021, 09:41:34 PM
I finished the horse barn to the point where it's ready to add to the layout and do the final weathering in place. The siding is all board on board so I have glued a lot of sticks this last couple of months with the two barns. I have some serious landforms work to put this in place on the layout. It's all going to be ladder work, and needs to be completed before I can add the Beach Farms diorama to the layout. Let the fun begin.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on January 09, 2021, 10:00:11 AM
Great work as always John. That farm diorama will add a nice splash of color to your pile 'o rocks  ;D . You really nailed the mud, that's not easy. Nice!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on January 09, 2021, 11:26:58 AM
Oh, that horse barn is killer. Love the stone work!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 09, 2021, 12:24:23 PM
Great looking barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 09, 2021, 02:04:22 PM
Quote from: cuse on January 09, 2021, 10:00:11 AM
Great work as always John. That farm diorama will add a nice splash of color to your pile 'o rocks  ;D . You really nailed the mud, that's not easy. Nice!



Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I'm counting on the dioramas and the aspen trees to give my " Pile 'o rocks" some color. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on January 09, 2021, 03:05:20 PM

The barn is great.  Your mix of stone and wood is so typical of Midwestern style.  What else were they going to do with all the rock that came off of the fields?!?!?!

Great stuff


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 09, 2021, 10:23:37 PM
Quote from: bparrish on January 09, 2021, 03:05:20 PM

The barn is great.  Your mix of stone and wood is so typical of Midwestern style.  What else were they going to do with all the rock that came off of the fields?!?!?!

Great stuff




Thank you for the kind words. Bye the way your smart pig is now swimming in his wallow.  I will take some pictures as soon as the mud dries.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 11, 2021, 09:28:25 PM
Today, I moved some things around in the workshop for the next round of builds.  The G. Wilikers build has been moved to my detailing workbench - it's time for the final push on that build.  The Beach Farms diorama has been moved to my center workbench so I can work on detailing the back side without reaching over everything.  You will notice that the pigs have been moved into the pig pen and they just received some garden scraps for their evening feast. The Beach family is also busy loading the shipment of hay into the barn that just arrived by train. More to follow on the detail scene. My layout workbench is now home to the Tucker and Cook challenge build. You can find some progress pictures on my challenge thread.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 11, 2021, 09:30:53 PM
I thought I would point out that I have really started paying attention to the back side of these scenes after my experience photographing the F&SM from the Engineers perspective.  It really gives the layout another dimension.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 11, 2021, 11:33:20 PM
That aerial shot looks terrific, John!

Love the driveway and the pig in the wallow.  Do the pigs have a water trough?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on January 12, 2021, 05:46:43 AM
Fantastic , that driveway came out beautiful, and the pigs in the mud . I hope you don't mind me saying , but I think the truck looks to new , a bit to bright , but maybe that's just the photo.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 08:54:53 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 11, 2021, 11:33:20 PM
That aerial shot looks terrific, John!

Love the driveway and the pig in the wallow.  Do the pigs have a water trough?

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, yes there are two troughs, one for water, and one for food.  I have two pumps to add one for the water trough and one for the wallow.  The setup for this area is from the picture in my brain of the pig pen at my Grandparents farm.  The square wallow is courtesy of the smart pig that the Beach's bought from Bob Parish. I will take some better pictures of this area where you can see the wallow better.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 08:59:46 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on January 12, 2021, 05:46:43 AM
Fantastic , that driveway came out beautiful, and the pigs in the mud . I hope you don't mind me saying , but I think the truck looks to new , a bit to bright , but maybe that's just the photo.


Thank you for following along and your kind words. And please let me know when you see something that needs a little more work.  I will take another look at the truck and may add some chalk to dust it up a bit. Farm trucks are never clean.  It may just be the lighting - I need to do some adjustments - I have too much light in some places and not enough in others.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 12, 2021, 09:08:58 AM
Beautiful scenes.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on January 12, 2021, 12:22:45 PM
WOW John. Just beautiful looking dio. Love your techniques.

That's one reason I joined. I've admired your work as a lurker for a long time.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Opa George on January 12, 2021, 04:25:32 PM
John, fantastic and wonderful farm scene. The silo on the barn is a thing of beauty.  Nice job.
--Opa George
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 05:47:45 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 12, 2021, 09:08:58 AM
Beautiful scenes.


Thank you so much for following along - your encouraging words keep me motivated to add just one more detail. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 05:49:28 PM
Quote from: Bernd on January 12, 2021, 12:22:45 PM
WOW John. Just beautiful looking dio. Love your techniques.

That's one reason I joined. I've admired your work as a lurker for a long time.



We are so glad you decided to join our forum. Thank you for the kind words.  We all learn from each other her on the forum - I'm looking forward to following your build thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 05:52:33 PM
Quote from: Opa George on January 12, 2021, 04:25:32 PM
John, fantastic and wonderful farm scene. The silo on the barn is a thing of beauty.  Nice job.
--Opa George


Thank you for the encouraging words - and especially for noticing the silo - I have a lot of hours in that thing.  I learned a great way to model copper oxide on that project.  I will take some detail pictures and explain.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on January 12, 2021, 07:00:38 PM
I smell pigs.   Kinda like Iowa.  :)   Great work on the diorama.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 12, 2021, 07:36:00 PM
Prototype scents, the next frontier in modeling.... (

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 08:19:07 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on January 12, 2021, 07:00:38 PM
I smell pigs.   Kinda like Iowa.  :)   Great work on the diorama.



Thank you - I thought I might get a comment from you on the weathering work I did on the pigs.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 12, 2021, 08:21:01 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 12, 2021, 07:36:00 PM
Prototype scents, the next frontier in modeling.... (



Thank you for the tip - but I'm not sure that the CFO will approve of me taking my modeling to that dimension.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on January 13, 2021, 01:55:17 PM
John, ran across this video on using an airbrush with various acrylic paints.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2021, 01:56:06 PM
Quote from: sdrees on January 13, 2021, 01:55:17 PM
John, ran across this video on using an airbrush with various acrylic paints. (

Thank you Steve - I will take a look.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on January 13, 2021, 06:29:56 PM

Your efforts on this one sure paid off. Just fantastic my friend. I very much appreciate all the effort put into sharing your build.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 13, 2021, 08:28:02 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on January 13, 2021, 06:29:56 PM

Your efforts on this one sure paid off. Just fantastic my friend. I very much appreciate all the effort put into sharing your build.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for following along and your words of encouragement. I hope this forum can continue to grow and flourish. I also appreciate all of your efforts in helping it to do so, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 14, 2021, 10:29:56 PM
I took a few pictures of the pig pen and the chicken coop areas before moving the Beach Farms diorama to my bigger workbench where I could work on the back side of the diorama.  This first picture is the pig pen showing the wallow.  For those of you that follow along on this thread you will remember that Bob Parish challenged me to create a pig wallow that was rectangular with one path in (like his smart pig made).  If you look at the wallow in the upper left corner of this Beach Farms pig it is also rectangular but the Beach Farms pigs are so smart that they know how to pump the water when needed.

The pigs were just feed garden scraps and only have their minds on one thing at this point.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 14, 2021, 10:33:14 PM
The pumps are prototypical from my Grandparents farm.  The water table was at about 12 feet and there were pumps all over the farm to water the animals.  In the pig pen the handles where situated so you could pump by reaching over the fence, as you see in this scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 14, 2021, 10:34:45 PM
I also have the chicken coop completed to the point where any additions or changes will be made once the diorama is on the layout.  Here is a progress picture. If you study the picture you will find a couple other types of birds. One has the chickens very nervous.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 14, 2021, 10:45:03 PM
I can't wait to take some pictures of this diorama with the good camera and proper lighting.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 14, 2021, 11:24:11 PM
Chicken coop looks great, John!

Don't tell me you hand painted that peacock!  The wire mesh is very well done.

A question re the wells.  I know you are basing this on the old family farm - but I would have thought they would have put one well fairly centrally and hand bucketed water around from there.  Surely they cost a bomb to sink?  I also have to ask why the entire pig area looks wet when all the other scenery is dry?  We have a wallow for Marilla and Dorothy (yes - they are pet kune kune pigs) but not much else except the wallow (and the pigs) gets wet.  In the winter or after a decent rain - sure, but like I say, everything else looks dry.  BTW - I'm only pointing out potential improvements because of the quality I know you strive for.

Its a lot of fun watching this scene come to life!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on January 15, 2021, 12:36:59 AM
Just getting back to this thread John.  Wonderful work on this.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 15, 2021, 08:38:20 AM
Incredible looking John. How did you get the "mud" to look wet?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on January 15, 2021, 08:45:09 AM
WOW. Incredible. The coup is fantastic. As is the sty. Wonderful work John!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 15, 2021, 08:11:30 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 14, 2021, 11:24:11 PM
Chicken coop looks great, John!

Don't tell me you hand painted that peacock!  The wire mesh is very well done.

A question re the wells.  I know you are basing this on the old family farm - but I would have thought they would have put one well fairly centrally and hand bucketed water around from there.  Surely they cost a bomb to sink?  I also have to ask why the entire pig area looks wet when all the other scenery is dry?  We have a wallow for Marilla and Dorothy (yes - they are pet kune kune pigs) but not much else except the wallow (and the pigs) gets wet.  In the winter or after a decent rain - sure, but like I say, everything else looks dry.  BTW - I'm only pointing out potential improvements because of the quality I know you strive for.

Its a lot of fun watching this scene come to life!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words and comments.  I agree that I still have some work to do on the pig pen because all the mud is the same color.  The pumps called pitcher pumps here in the states are very inexpensive and were placed conveniently all over my Grandparents farm.  I remember installing a few as a kid.  We just drove a pipe in the ground 10-14 feet with a well point attached. We had a weight that slipped over the pipe for driving it down through the sand. The only issue was if you hit a big rock.  We would move it over a couple feet and drive it down again. You kept putting a plumb bob done the pipe until you got 6 - 12 inches of water - and then attached a pitcher pump and you had a well.  One of my jobs as a kid was pumping water in the various watering stations.  In the summer we kept the pig pen pretty wet so the pigs could roll in the mud and keep cool. I remember having one pump for the water trough and another for the wallow. I think this setup was pretty unique to the area where the farm was located.  I imagine the site I have picked out on my layout in a mountain valley would be blessed with a similar water table. You can buy one for $60 dollars today.  I should point out that this was ground water that was fine for the pigs and cows.  The wells we used for our drinking water were well over 100 feet deep. If I remember correctly the well at my cabin is 180 feet deep.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 15, 2021, 08:15:30 PM
Quote from: Jerry on January 15, 2021, 12:36:59 AM
Just getting back to this thread John.  Wonderful work on this.



Thank you for following along and the encouraging comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 15, 2021, 08:28:41 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 15, 2021, 08:38:20 AM
Incredible looking John. How did you get the "mud" to look wet?


Thank you for the kind words.  The mud affect is a technique borrowed from the military modelers. Vallejo and AK Interactive make the paint products.  Here is a picture of the ones that I have stocked and used. I'm still learning how best to use the products but so far I'm very happy with the results. The product is basically acrylic paint with sand added.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 16, 2021, 08:51:49 PM
Update:  Today, I started getting the area on the layout ready for the Beach Farms diorama. I have some landforms to complete and lots of trees to plant to finish the backdrop for this area. I will be taking pictures as I go.  I'm trying a new technique using foam for the land forms.  Here is a picture of the area before I got started, with the horse barn in position.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 16, 2021, 10:47:58 PM
Thanks for the explanation of you wells (pitcher pumps), John.

I've been a city dweller up until 3 years ago and so don't know a lot about these sorts of things.  I did some conversion, and like at your cabin, our bore is 177' deep.

Mario has done a lot with 'FRocKs' (foam rocks).

Cheers, mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 17, 2021, 03:41:47 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 16, 2021, 10:47:58 PM
Thanks for the explanation of you wells (pitcher pumps), John.

I've been a city dweller up until 3 years ago and so don't know a lot about these sorts of things.  I did some conversion, and like at your cabin, our bore is 177' deep.

Mario has done a lot with 'FRocKs' (foam rocks). (

Cheers, mark.


Thank you for following along and the link to Mario's site.  The shallow well's are a product of the Geology here in the Great Lakes region of the USA. The area is basically beach sand for about 10 - 14 feet then there is a hard layer of clay that takes water a long time to penetrate. That is what my Grandparents were taking advantage of with the pitcher pump wells. In a dry summer they sometimes would dry up.  The human drinking quality water is down much deeper where nature has had a chance to purify it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on January 18, 2021, 09:57:16 AM

Love that farm.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 18, 2021, 07:15:20 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on January 18, 2021, 09:57:16 AM

Love that farm.

Tom  ;D


Thank you, I'm real happy with the way it is turning out. I have a few days of detailing on my workbench left to do and then it will be moving to the layout.  I'm currently working on the scenery that will serve as the backdrop for the diorama.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 18, 2021, 08:45:48 PM
Here is a progress picture of the Beach Farms on my workbench. Adding the static grass to the back half of the diorama. I also added a fence to go around the vegetable garden.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 18, 2021, 08:48:01 PM
On the layout the horse barn and shingle mill found new locations. It was one of those what if moment that stuck.  I'm adding the foam for the land forms.  I will cover the foam with sand and then ground foam and static grass.  Then I have a lot of trees to add.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 18, 2021, 08:56:27 PM


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 19, 2021, 12:11:43 AM
John, What a work of art...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 19, 2021, 04:15:53 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on January 19, 2021, 12:11:43 AM
John, What a work of art...Dennis


Thank you for following along and the kind words.  I have been adding static grass to be back half of diorama again today. I also started putting in more fences. The foam is in for the landforms so I will start putting in the sand as soon as the glue dries.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 20, 2021, 10:24:39 PM
Update: I made some progress with the background scenery for the Beach Farms diorama. In this picture the horse barn and the shingle mill are in their new locations. The foam for the landforms is in and the sanding process has begun.  The gap you see on the right side between the first and second layer has been filled.  I didn't see it when I was laying up on top of the layout.  You can also see that I had the paint tray out doing some touchup painting on the mountains.  Every single white spot must be covered with paint or scenery materials or it looks terrible in the photographs. I will be taking pictures from different angles and inspecting for white spots.  It takes a few iterations to get rid of the all.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 20, 2021, 10:29:26 PM

When I quit for the day about 80% of the foam had been covered with sand.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on January 21, 2021, 07:15:03 AM

This scenery is really coming together.  I like the way you stacked the foam both horizontally and vertically to get the look you want.  You are building an amazing scene here with the horse barn and shingle mill so far from the aisle.  Anyone standing here will have so much to hold their attention.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2021, 08:09:31 AM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on January 21, 2021, 07:15:03 AM

This scenery is really coming together.  I like the way you stacked the foam both horizontally and vertically to get the look you want.  You are building an amazing scene here with the horse barn and shingle mill so far from the aisle.  Anyone standing here will have so much to hold their attention.


Thank you for the kind words.  I liked the idea of having something in the distance to create more depth to the scene.  They are both smaller buildings that also helps to give the scene some depth. I will be planting trees in a couple days and that will add even more depth to the scene.  Larger trees up front and smaller trees as you move back. It really does add depth to the scene.  I'm going to surround the barn and shingle mill with an aspen grove to make them look like the older original buildings on the site.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on January 21, 2021, 10:26:27 AM

Well done my friend, very well done!

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2021, 08:12:08 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on January 21, 2021, 10:26:27 AM

Well done my friend, very well done!

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouraging words. I made some more progress today, and will be sharing the photographs this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2021, 08:22:06 PM
It has been awhile since I was in aspen tree production so I thought I would post a picture of the operation, again.  We are about to pass the aspen tree number 2000 mark on the S&S RR. In this process I dip the trees in mat medium and sprinkle on the flock material.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 21, 2021, 08:29:28 PM
I also made some progress on the landforms that will be behind the Beach Farms diorama.  This is a picture after the second layer of sand has been added over the foam.  The sand is put on dry and I use a trowel to move it where I want it.  Then I wet it down with a spray bottle and wet water.  After it is good and wet I then spray it down with mat medium 4:1. It takes a while for it to dry - usually 48 hours. I will be adding a layer of darker soil over the sand, and then start with the scenic materials. The higher elevations in this area are going to be covered with aspen trees. The lower level will be a paster for the horses and a fence line leading to the tunnel - an old abandoned tunnel from the narrow gauge line that was used to log this area.  It now provides access to the pastures on the other side of the mountain.



You can only add so much sand in each layer or you will end up with a mud slide when you wet it down.  These two pictures show the first two layers of sand.  I think one more layer of the dark sand is going to do it - but will reevaluate one this is dry.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on January 22, 2021, 09:01:59 AM
John that's some amazing landscaping you have going there.  Everything is blended so well together.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 11:57:52 AM
Quote from: Jerry on January 22, 2021, 09:01:59 AM
John that's some amazing landscaping you have going there.  Everything is blended so well together.



Thank you,  I'm doing some serious crawling and reaching to get to this spot.  I have the sore mussels to prove it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 12:00:00 PM
I should mention that I'm designing this area so the tunnels are hidden in the trees.  I really like the affect of the train disappearing into the forest.  I have plenty of tunnel scenes on the layout. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 22, 2021, 03:41:35 PM
Hey John:

Scenery is looking just great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 07:30:14 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 22, 2021, 03:41:35 PM
Hey John:

Scenery is looking just great.



Thank you, I made some more progress, today.  I will post pictures this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 07:41:36 PM
I continued with the back ground scenery for the Beach farms diorama, today.  Here is what the land forms looked like after adding the darker dirt.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 07:42:28 PM
I should point out that these pictures were shot with wet glue so the colors will be darker.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 07:45:36 PM
Here is a picture from a little latter in the day. The horse barn and the shingle mill have been planted in position - more sand has been added along with the dark dirt and first layer of scenery materials in the foreground. This is moss colored fine turf which is the underlayment for the static grass to follow.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 22, 2021, 07:48:56 PM
Finally, for tonight, the trees are staged within reach and ready for the tree planting that will be going on in the next few days.  You can see that I have the hatch open so I can reach the back of the scene first. I do everything within reach and then move to the front and work my way from the back to the front.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2021, 07:28:58 PM
The scene continues to develop. Aspen trees are being too grow and fences are going up.  The two rocks in the center of the picture are holding the fence in place while the glue dries. ;)  The picture in my head is starting to show up on the layout. ::)  I have spent a lot of time developing different color schemes for the aspen trees.  I have spent a lot of wonderful time in the Rocky's photographing and studying the color.  Each grove of aspens takes on its own shade of yellow and/or orange. And the colors change with elevation.  You will notice that the aspens in the valley are still green and they get more and more yellow as you move up the mountain.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2021, 07:33:45 PM
Sorry the picture is so dark, the white plaster on the plywood in the foreground really screwed up my iPhone camera.  I will take a better picture for tomorrow's progress picture. The SLR will come out of the case for some good pictures when this area is finished.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2021, 07:36:11 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 23, 2021, 07:48:19 PM
I went back in and tried taking a couple more photographs with the iPhone.  These are a little better and at least they give me something to work with for tomorrows  fix list.



Notice how the narrow gauge line disappears into the aspen forest.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 23, 2021, 08:25:46 PM
The aspen leaves dropped on the track is a nice touch!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 23, 2021, 08:48:03 PM
Beautiful scenery. Is that a previously abandoned tunnel portal behind the horse barn?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 23, 2021, 10:40:16 PM
Looks fantastic, John.

A beautiful scene developing.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on January 24, 2021, 08:38:00 AM

IMO the scenery actually enhances the structures.  The barn siding and especially the stone work on the shingle mill really pop against the scenery.  I hope when I get to that point I can do half as good a job making track disappear into the trees.  Beautiful modeling!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 09:03:45 AM
Quote from: deemery on January 23, 2021, 08:25:46 PM
The aspen leaves dropped on the track is a nice touch!



Thank you - we will have a little track cleaning to do to get the trains running smoothly.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 09:10:21 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 23, 2021, 08:48:03 PM
Beautiful scenery. Is that a previously abandoned tunnel portal behind the horse barn?


Thank you - Yes the tunnel portal is now used to take the cattle and bring in the hay from the pasture on the other side of the mountain.  It is actually one of the few things left from my previous layout. A small portion of this mountain was also part of my previous layout.  I plan to make it only slightly visible behind the aspen trees. There will be a dirt trail running in to it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 09:11:26 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 23, 2021, 10:40:16 PM
Looks fantastic, John.

A beautiful scene developing.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words. I hope to get a good picture to post after the completion of today's work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 07:14:37 PM
I'm getting to the point where I will be doing the final detailing of the Beach Farms diorama on my workbench.  I also need to make some final decisions on background scenery changes and where a number of the fences need to be added.  So I put the diorama in position on the layout and took a series of pictures that will go into my iPad for markup and to develop a final change check sheet.  I want to get all the stuff done that is hard to change once the diorama is in place on the layout.  I took pictures from a bunch of different angles but I thought I would share three here on the build thread.  Next time this diorama goes on the layout there will be glue and screws involved.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 07:16:00 PM
Guys, how did you let me get away with this one.  I never added the tar around the chimney. Check list item one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on January 24, 2021, 08:23:07 PM
What a scene.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on January 24, 2021, 08:25:24 PM
Looks awesome John. I didn't realize the trestle bridge was right on the edge of the diorama edge. What's the black circle on the edge?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on January 24, 2021, 09:15:38 PM
Really looking sweet, John.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 09:27:20 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on January 24, 2021, 08:23:07 PM
What a scene.



Thank you - Love the expression on that little guys face.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 09:29:08 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on January 24, 2021, 08:25:24 PM
Looks awesome John. I didn't realize the trestle bridge was right on the edge of the diorama edge. What's the black circle on the edge?


Thank you for the kind words - the black circle is the edge of the diorama baseboard.  It will be cover with rocks and other scenery materials when this goes in position for the last time. I have to figure out what I'm going to do with the cliff face. I was covered with trees but I don't want anything that will block the view.  The next landscaping project.  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 24, 2021, 09:32:42 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on January 24, 2021, 09:15:38 PM
Really looking sweet, John.

Cheers, Mark.

Thank you, Mark.  I have a few prototype pictures that I have been referring to as I'm doing the scenery - I'm real happy with the way this one is working out. I have some issues to fix but we are getting closer. A pond, farm equipment, detail castings,  and some cows and horses in a completed fence, will make a big difference. And we haven't forgot Jerry's red tractor. I need to paint it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on January 25, 2021, 09:43:26 AM
What a beautiful scene.  Those leaves mu God look like the real thing.

Once again a beautiful job John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on January 25, 2021, 09:58:37 AM
John - Your work on the S&S is truly magnificent.  I doubt I will ever get back to Michigan to visit you and drool on your layout, so please keep the photos coming.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on January 25, 2021, 03:29:58 PM

What a great scene. Most excellent sir.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 25, 2021, 09:07:06 PM
Quote from: Jerry on January 25, 2021, 09:43:26 AM
What a beautiful scene.  Those leaves mu God look like the real thing.

Once again a beautiful job John.



Thank you for following along and the very nice words.  Today's project was a maple for the front yard.  I wanted some fall red.  We will see how it turns out.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 25, 2021, 09:08:45 PM
Quote from: Judge on January 25, 2021, 09:58:37 AM
John - Your work on the S&S is truly magnificent.  I doubt I will ever get back to Michigan to visit you and drool on your layout, so please keep the photos coming.


Thank you for the encouraging words. I hope you find a way to make it to Michigan for a visit - you are welcome any time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 25, 2021, 09:10:05 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on January 25, 2021, 03:29:58 PM

What a great scene. Most excellent sir.

Tom  ;D


Thank you my friend. I have put a lot of hours into this one - I hope Dario thinks I did justice to his kit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on January 26, 2021, 07:24:31 AM
Awesome work John...

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Erieman on January 26, 2021, 09:59:41 AM
Good Morning John from the snowy Southwest. Saw the pics on this thread and i want to let you know that i think they are marvelous. All that work on Dario's kit resulted in both a beautiful structure and marvelous scene. Wonderful work my friend. More pics please. Now to get back to shoveling.

Frank / Erieman
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: SteveCuster on January 26, 2021, 11:05:38 AM
That whole scene looks great John. I love the track disappearing into the woods. I also really like the trestle leading into the area. Great stuff.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 26, 2021, 03:15:10 PM
Hey John:

That is one beautiful farm. I especially love the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2021, 08:37:18 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on January 26, 2021, 07:24:31 AM
Awesome work John...



Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2021, 08:40:50 PM
Quote from: Erieman on January 26, 2021, 09:59:41 AM
Good Morning John from the snowy Southwest. Saw the pics on this thread and i want to let you know that i think they are marvelous. All that work on Dario's kit resulted in both a beautiful structure and marvelous scene. Wonderful work my friend. More pics please. Now to get back to shoveling.

Frank / Erieman


Thank you for following along and the kind words. I had no idea you owned or need to own a snow shovel. :o   It sounds like you guys got a little surprise. I will be taking a full set of pictures once this diorama is planted and finished.  It should be soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2021, 08:44:27 PM
Quote from: SteveCuster on January 26, 2021, 11:05:38 AM
That whole scene looks great John. I love the track disappearing into the woods. I also really like the trestle leading into the area. Great stuff.


Thank you for the encouraging words.  I'm putting the final touches on this and should post some final pictures, soon. I keep coming up with more details to add. ;)  At some point soon I will just have to say it's done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2021, 08:45:40 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 26, 2021, 03:15:10 PM
Hey John:

That is one beautiful farm. I especially love the barn.



Thank you for the complements - I can't wait to get the lights on in the barn.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2021, 08:54:33 PM
I got something in the mail today and thought I would share it.  For those that started in this hobby using floquil earth as the base coat for wood detail castings like barrels I think I have finally found a substitute that I like.  I have been khaki camo paint since my last bottle of floquil earth went dry.  Sometimes I like the color and then the next can I buy is either three shades lighter or darker.  So I saw this product and bought it to try. The test barrel is just brush painted as a test.  Next test is to run it through the air brush.  I have used the same product in the grey and really like the results.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 26, 2021, 09:07:08 PM
Sorry, that first picture of the barrel was out of focus. I just grabbed a barrel casting out of the drawer and did no prep work. I just brushed on the paint to get a color check.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on January 27, 2021, 10:50:47 AM

Following your painting techniques closely. I lack in this area immensely and your techniques are very educating to follow.

So where can one get this paint from? Micro Mark?


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on January 27, 2021, 11:11:31 AM
Vallejo paint is widely available at military focused hobby shops, both on-line and brick-and-mortar.  But I've noticed that some paint colors are out of stock, it seems the model specialist paint companies are having the same supply chain problems as other companies.  I've ordered from Michigan Toy Company ( and Scale Hobbyist ( recently.  The latter was out of stock of some Vallejo colors.

Get a small bottle of Vallejo flow enhancer too, I always add a drop or two whenever I airbrush acrylic paints (any brand).   

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 27, 2021, 12:08:30 PM
Hey John:

Your are quite welcome. Looks like barrels are next.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2021, 02:30:34 PM
Quote from: Bernd on January 27, 2021, 10:50:47 AM

Following your painting techniques closely. I lack in this area immensely and your techniques are very educating to follow.

So where can one get this paint from? Micro Mark?




I bought mine off from Amazon.  The problem with getting it anywhere else is postage and delivery time right now during our plague. Amazon delivers using there own trucks in my area so I get most things the next day. You need to watch the prices closely. I tried to replace my trim paint for my challenge build and clicked on it to put it in the cart and realized I was going to pay $18 dollars for a $3.95 bottle of paint . If my local hobby shop makes it through this thing, I will be switching back to doing my purchasing through them as soon as I get my shots.

Micro Mart has not stocked a good selection of Vallejo products - they want to sell you big sets of paints but not the individual colors that are need to resupply.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 27, 2021, 02:33:03 PM
Quote from: deemery on January 27, 2021, 11:11:31 AM
Vallejo paint is widely available at military focused hobby shops, both on-line and brick-and-mortar.  But I've noticed that some paint colors are out of stock, it seems the model specialist paint companies are having the same supply chain problems as other companies.  I've ordered from Michigan Toy Company ( and Scale Hobbyist ( recently.  The latter was out of stock of some Vallejo colors.

Get a small bottle of Vallejo flow enhancer too, I always add a drop or two whenever I airbrush acrylic paints (any brand).   



I have seen both limited supply and price gouging because of the supply chain problems. I'm only buying what I need right now - I think this will be fine once the world gets over the plague.

Case in point on the local stores the Michigan Toy company that you refer to here is about 15 miles from my house. I will be visiting them this summer to restock my paint supply.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 28, 2021, 08:10:48 PM
Update: I have been adding more and more details to the Beach Farms diorama.  I decided that I will get the SLR out and take lots of pictures once I have it installed on the layout.  I have been using my detail workbench for fence production but I think I will be done with that tomorrow.  The G. Willikers build that has been waiting for the detail work to be completed will be moved there after a good cleaning and organize the tools session.  I also have the challenge build of Tucker & Cook going on my layout bench. I have a special thread going in the kit build section of the forum if your interested. I continue to have three builds going at the same time and have concluded that's the way I roll.  Every time I try to just concentrate on one build I'm waiting for the glue or paint to dry and start another project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on January 29, 2021, 08:07:43 AM
Hi John, It's looking perfect...I found this guy on ebay and his price's are good and anything over 35$ ship's free. I bought quite a few.. Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 29, 2021, 08:24:29 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on January 29, 2021, 08:07:43 AM
Hi John, It's looking perfect...I found this guy on ebay and his price's are good and anything over 35$ ship's free. I bought quite a few.. Dennis (


Thank you for the contact.  I will take a look.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on January 29, 2021, 09:26:18 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on January 27, 2021, 02:30:34 PM


I bought mine off from Amazon.  The problem with getting it anywhere else is postage and delivery time right now during our plague. Amazon delivers using there own trucks in my area so I get most things the next day. [/size] You need to watch the prices closely.[/size] [/size] [/size]I tried to replace my trim paint for my challenge build[/size][size=78%][/size] and clicked on it to put it in the cart and realized I was going to pay $18 dollars for a $3.95 bottle of paint[size=78%][/size]. [/font]If my local hobby shop makes it through this thing, I will be switching back to doing my purchasing through them as soon as I get my shots. [/font]
[/size]Micro Mart has not stocked a good selection of Vallejo products - they want to sell you big sets of paints but not the individual colors that are need to resupply.

Thank you John for the information. Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 29, 2021, 11:32:33 AM
Quote from: Bernd on January 29, 2021, 09:26:18 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on January 27, 2021, 02:30:34 PM


I bought mine off from Amazon.  The problem with getting it anywhere else is postage and delivery time right now during our plague. Amazon delivers using there own trucks in my area so I get most things the next day. You need to watch the prices closely.I tried to replace my trim paint for my challenge build and clicked on it to put it in the cart and realized I was going to pay $18 dollars for a $3.95 bottle of paint. If my local hobby shop makes it through this thing, I will be switching back to doing my purchasing through them as soon as I get my shots.

Micro Mart has not stocked a good selection of Vallejo products - they want to sell you big sets of paints but not the individual colors that are need to resupply.

Thank you John for the information. Much appreciated.



You are welcome, that is what the forum is all about.  Sorry about all the code stuff embedded in the text. I fixed it in the original post.  I have to remember to look back at my posts after I hit the post button. None of that stuff shows up when you are in the editor.  It usually happens when the editor decides to change the font or size of my text and I go back and fix it.  It looks fine when you are in the editor but you can see what happens once you hit post.   :-[
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on January 29, 2021, 12:10:24 PM

Not trying to hijack your thread but since this discussion of acrylic paint originated here...

Everyone be advised that buying acrylic paints during the winter can result in disaster!  They can and will freeze in transit.  I have a number of Vallejo paints with cracked nozzles from freezing.  That made me very cautious regarding ordering acrylic paints during cold weather.  Worse, Stynlrez primer is ruined if it freezes.  Badger publishes a warning on their website in this regard. 

Bernd, if you get to Syracuse, Walt's Hobby normally has a large Vallejo selection.  I have not been there since the start of the pandemic so I have no idea how well stocked they are at this time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on January 29, 2021, 01:00:03 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on January 29, 2021, 11:32:33 AM


You are welcome, that is what the forum is all about.  Sorry about all the code stuff embedded in the text. I fixed it in the original post.  I have to remember to look back at my posts after I hit the post button. None of that stuff shows up when you are in the editor.  It usually happens when the editor decides to change the font or size of my text and I go back and fix it.  It looks fine when you are in the editor but you can see what happens once you hit post.   :-[

That's quite alright John. I've been on enough forums that each seem to have odd stuff happening. Doesn't bother me. What I like about the forums I've narrowed down on is the sharing of information and techniques. Something you don't find on may forums I'm also on or was on. Trimmed them down to the ones I most like and are the friendly.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 29, 2021, 03:07:55 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on January 29, 2021, 12:10:24 PM

Not trying to hijack your thread but since this discussion of acrylic paint originated here...

Everyone be advised that buying acrylic paints during the winter can result in disaster!  They can and will freeze in transit.  I have a number of Vallejo paints with cracked nozzles from freezing.  That made me very cautious regarding ordering acrylic paints during cold weather.  Worse, Stynlrez primer is ruined if it freezes.  Badger publishes a warning on their website in this regard. 

Bernd, if you get to Syracuse, Walt's Hobby normally has a large Vallejo selection.  I have not been there since the start of the pandemic so I have no idea how well stocked they are at this time.


This is a build thread so no modeling issue/ tip is an issue.  You make a great point - I'm on hold with buying acrylic paint while we are dealing with single digit temperatures. I think I'm good until spring. ;)

I remember reading that canopy glue has the same issue.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 29, 2021, 04:26:51 PM
Hey John:

Lets see a finished barrel. Can't wait.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 30, 2021, 07:29:00 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 29, 2021, 04:26:51 PM
Hey John:

Lets see a finished barrel. Can't wait.



I will be doing another batch of detail castings with my next set of builds, I usually do three at a time so I do a large batch of castings from three kits all at once. It will be a test for my new air brush. I'm guessing in about three to four weeks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 30, 2021, 10:26:59 PM
Today, I got the G. Wilikers build back on the workbench and started adding the rafter tails, roof details, and railings for the outside stairways. Progress pictures, soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on January 31, 2021, 03:13:53 AM
Hey John:

sounds good I'm following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 31, 2021, 09:12:19 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on January 31, 2021, 03:13:53 AM
Hey John:

sounds good I'm following along.


Thank you, Karl.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on January 31, 2021, 07:26:54 PM
I'm back on the G. Wilikers build. Here is a progress photograph from today's activities.


The Beach Farms diorama is almost compete - at least as far as I can go on my workbench.  I need to ballast the track in the location behind the diorama and give the track a good cleaning. I will be able to reach the track for cleaning but it will require opening the hatch that will soon be the Sayles Mill diorama (number two on my build list).  As soon as the track is painted, ballasted, cleaned and tested the Beach Farms diorama is going to be planted on the layout.  There will be some scenery work to get it to blend in, but as soon as this is complete I plan on taking many pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 01, 2021, 08:52:34 AM
Beautiful structure. What is the purpose of the high deck?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 01, 2021, 12:09:09 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 01, 2021, 08:52:34 AM
Beautiful structure. What is the purpose of the high deck?


The story on this structure - per George's instructions - is that it was originally a carriage shop.  Lot's of wood working going on -  the finished carriages would come down the ramp when complete. The structure has been converted into a machinery sales and repair facility.
All the vents and stacks on the roof make sense with the original and current purposes for the building and add a lot of character. The upper deck will have a crane and lots of machinery details.  I changed the door orientation on the top level if you are comparing my build to the original kit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on February 01, 2021, 01:08:20 PM
LOTS of information on carriage manufacturing here.   This was the primary industry for Amesbury MA through most of the 19th into the 20th century.  Some of the carriage companies went into business making parts/cabs for automobiles.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 01, 2021, 09:41:33 PM
Quote from: deemery on February 01, 2021, 01:08:20 PM
LOTS of information on carriage manufacturing here. (   This was the primary industry for Amesbury MA through most of the 19th into the 20th century.  Some of the carriage companies went into business making parts/cabs for automobiles.



Thank you for the reference link.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 01, 2021, 10:04:11 PM
The background scenery is almost complete.  I have a few things to work on and I will be sliding the Beach Farms diorama in to place on the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on February 01, 2021, 11:45:42 PM
Looks great, John.

I'm looking forward to this.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2021, 08:22:38 AM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on February 01, 2021, 11:45:42 PM
Looks great, John.

I'm looking forward to this.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you - I should have the Beach Farms diorama installed on the layout this week.  I think there will be a few pictures of this one posted. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on February 02, 2021, 09:09:07 AM
Scenery looks great John

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 02, 2021, 09:05:39 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on February 02, 2021, 09:09:07 AM
Scenery looks great John



Thank you for the kind words - the diorama made it's way to the layout today. I will be blending it in with the rest of the scenery over the next few days.  Hopefully some finished pictures later in the week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: BrianM on February 02, 2021, 09:46:05 PM

Your scene is amazing and I look forward to seeing the finished scenery and diorama in place.

However, a small detail: If an animal (or person) is standing and facing up or down a slope then the legs are almost vertical to, and not perpendicular to, the slope.  It may therefore be more realistic to place the cattle parallel to the contour lines of the slope (simple IMH and totally ignorant opinion) or modify the legs to accord with nature (probably not worth the effort taking into account the scale of this scene relative the total layout and  much more time consuming).

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 03, 2021, 08:27:23 AM
Quote from: BrianM on February 02, 2021, 09:46:05 PM

Your scene is amazing and I look forward to seeing the finished scenery and diorama in place.

However, a small detail: If an animal (or person) is standing and facing up or down a slope then the legs are almost vertical to, and not perpendicular to, the slope.  It may therefore be more realistic to place the cattle parallel to the contour lines of the slope (simple IMH and totally ignorant opinion) or modify the legs to accord with nature (probably not worth the effort taking into account the scale of this scene relative the total layout and  much more time consuming).

Best wishes,


Thank you for following along and for the kind comments.  I knew I didn't like the way the cows on the hill looked but now I know why.  I'm going to take a look at having them travel along the contour lines.  Stay tuned for pictures.  Thank you for your comment - this is  what I love about this forum more eyes makes us all better modelers.  I have the same problem with the cow at the watering trough - the legs are just in the wrong position.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:06:15 PM
The Beach Farm diorama is on the layout and I couldn't wait to finish the scenery in front to take some pictures.

First, Brian I fixed my cows on the side of the hill that where defining the laws of physics.  I took your advice and aligned them with the contour lines.  Much better, and thank you for pointing it out.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:08:26 PM
I need to finish the pond and the fence around the pond which I decided would be much easier with the baseboard on the layout in place.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:13:30 PM
The edge of the baseboard will be covered with rocks and scenery materials.  I have some design work I need to complete before I can decide just how I want to finish this off.


Please take a look through the barn door.  The cowboy bring the cattle in from the other side of the mountain had to work real hard to get that cow positioned just right for the picture.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:17:24 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:19:17 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:20:08 PM
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:22:13 PM
I took a few pictures of some of the mini scenes just before I moved the baseboard from the workbench to the layout.

Loading hay in the barn for the long winter.  Jerry Beach built this truck and shipped it from the Beach family operations out East.  It's great having rail service on a farm in the middle of the mountains.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:25:26 PM
It's harvest season from the family garden.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:27:02 PM
Hay and supplies are delivered by rail at the Beach Farms.  This truck was also built by Jerry Beach and shipped by rail to the Western farm.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:29:38 PM
The view from the back of the diorama.  A very difficult camera angle once the diorama is on the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:31:23 PM
The back of the tractor shed with the traditional old parts.  I have more to add here but wanted to do it with the diorama in place. The tractor shed on the right in this picture comes with Dario's kit. The cement block structure was scratch built using Monster laser cut cement block walls.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:40:49 PM
This little scene was from a picture in my mind of my Grandparents farm. 

A short back story:  When my Grandfather passed my Grandmother continued to run the farm with 20 + head of milk cows.  She lived alone and got the families help on the weekends - most of the family lived 100 miles away.  On one of my visits from college I asked her what was the hardest task for her.  She said getting the wheel barrow to the top of the manure pile.  She would pile it up behind the barn in big piles and then shovel it again into the manure spreader when it was time to put it on the fields.  Without telling her I dug a hole in the barn yard and parked the manure spreader in it, and built a level board walk similar to the one in this picture. She told everyone that I learned how to move S**t in college. It worked and so it had to be part of my Beach Farm.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 04, 2021, 09:52:18 PM
Now for the red tractor - it will go in front of the brick portion of the tractor shed.  WHEN I FIND THE CASTINGS.  Over the last week I have been searching for the castings that I had prepared for painting.  I waited to paint them because I had my new air brush on order and wanted it to be one of the first projects with the new tool.  I had the paint sitting right on the workbench and put the castings somewhere. As soon as they show up, or I get tired of looking and buy a new set, the red tractor will be added.

I have a number of figures and a couple more mini scenes planned once the diorama has sit on the layout for a few days. There will also be some more scenery added after I have had time to study the photographs and the scene on the layout. For now, I have two more builds on my workbenches to finish and the next one on my build list to get started.

Dario I really enjoyed building the kit.  I can't wait to see what you come up with for your next one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on February 04, 2021, 11:23:46 PM
Bravo, John!

To be perfectly honest, I had my doubts whether you could pull off this scene believably with the small amount of space you have for it.  I think by half burying the barn, making it seem smaller and further away, by having fencing that seems to disappear up the hill amongst the trees - suggesting a whole lot more - and your careful composition, placing the homestead in the middle of the vast valley, with the distance accentuated by the painted backdrop, you have more than achieved your goal.  Oh - and I love the cameo shot of the cows through the barn.  A beautiful, and I would think somewhat rare scene for a model railway.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on February 05, 2021, 04:44:14 AM
John , love the story of your grandma. The detailing of the scenes is amazing , every last little bit of it , it all looks very real life and natural , what a great job.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on February 05, 2021, 08:02:56 AM
John, you've really outdone yourself with this diorama.  Absolutely beautiful.  And it least you learned something in college.   :)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on February 05, 2021, 08:30:41 AM
Just wonderful work John. It's all in the details!

Very well done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 05, 2021, 08:49:29 AM
This is truly outstanding,  what a beautiful scene. That is a great story and remembrance of your Grandmother.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jerryrbeach on February 05, 2021, 09:31:51 AM

Great story about your grandmother.  Farm scene looks awesome.  There are so many interesting details and wonderful scenes within the farmstead.  Great modeling!!!!!   
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on February 05, 2021, 02:31:53 PM
Very impressive country scene. very well done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on February 05, 2021, 03:59:39 PM
Nice job on putting that farm scene together. In a couple of pictures it looks like you are observing a prototype farm. Very nice.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: BrianM on February 05, 2021, 08:24:30 PM
Hi John,

Thank you for repositioning the cow on the hill in a more natural posture.  I think she now blends a lot better into the scene.

I continue to be amazed at the quality of your modeling and extensive range of skills.  The Beech Farms module is a winner IMHO and along with all the agricultural action in mini-scenes makes for very nice rural contrast to the industrial areas.

This is a very, very minor detail: You mentioned a manure spreader in an earlier post about your grandfather so assuming the waste hay in the wheel barrow and trailer (the last photo you posted) came from the barn floor then it might be worth dirtying it up quite a bit with some manure mixed in. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 09:37:51 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on February 04, 2021, 11:23:46 PM
Bravo, John!

To be perfectly honest, I had my doubts whether you could pull off this scene believably with the small amount of space you have for it.  I think by half burying the barn, making it seem smaller and further away, by having fencing that seems to disappear up the hill amongst the trees - suggesting a whole lot more - and your careful composition, placing the homestead in the middle of the vast valley, with the distance accentuated by the painted backdrop, you have more than achieved your goal.  Oh - and I love the cameo shot of the cows through the barn.  A beautiful, and I would think somewhat rare scene for a model railway.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the very encouraging words. There were times during this project when I thought it was going to be very difficult to pull it off.  When I got the scenery completed the pasture land was the side of the mountain.  I also needed to move the horse barn back to get more depth to the scene. This diorama made a lot of trips back and forth from my workbench to the layout for visualization experiments. Anyway I'm happy with the results.  I have some more detailing to do but the pictures have it at about 95%.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 09:43:02 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on February 05, 2021, 04:44:14 AM
John , love the story of your grandma. The detailing of the scenes is amazing , every last little bit of it , it all looks very real life and natural , what a great job.


Thank you so much for the very kind words. I had a lot of fun building this one. It also brought back a lot of great childhood memories.

  I received the power supplies today so I can start working on the power board for all the LED's in the barn and farm house.  I fished a lot of wires down through the layout when I installed it, yesterday.  Completing all the details and lighting up the LED's will be two more occasions to take some more pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 09:45:23 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on February 05, 2021, 08:02:56 AM
John, you've really outdone yourself with this diorama.  Absolutely beautiful.  And it least you learned something in college.   :)



Thank you, and yes I did learn a thing or two in college. It served me well and is paying for my obsession with model railroads.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 09:47:17 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on February 05, 2021, 08:30:41 AM
Just wonderful work John. It's all in the details!

Very well done.


Thank you for the kind words, and it is all about the details.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 09:50:27 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 05, 2021, 08:49:29 AM
This is truly outstanding,  what a beautiful scene. That is a great story and remembrance of your Grandmother.


Thank you for following along and the kind encouraging words along the way.  I have great memories of working on the farm with my Grandmother. She worked hard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 10:00:34 PM
Quote from: jerryrbeach on February 05, 2021, 09:31:51 AM

Great story about your grandmother.  Farm scene looks awesome.  There are so many interesting details and wonderful scenes within the farmstead.  Great modeling!!!!!


I'm so glad you like the farm, especially since I put your name on it. Thank you again for sending the vehicles - I hope you like the way I used the trucks. I still have some work to do on it but it's about 95 percent there.  I actually started playing with the scenery as you go down the mountain from the plateau the farm is sitting on, today.  The town of Vansel is going to be in the mountain valley below the Beach Farm. Van for Bob VanGelder and Sel for George Sellios. George Sellios actually made up the name. I told him I was going to make it twin towns of Sellios and VanGelder and he suggested combining it all into one and call in Vansel.  So Vansel it is.  I want to let the diorama it sit on the layout for a few days before I start adding more. I'm going to be spending a lot of time looking at the pictures and the actual scene before I add more.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 10:02:58 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on February 05, 2021, 02:31:53 PM
Very impressive country scene. very well done.


Thank for the kind words. And as always, thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 10:06:25 PM
Quote from: Bernd on February 05, 2021, 03:59:39 PM
Nice job on putting that farm scene together. In a couple of pictures it looks like you are observing a prototype farm. Very nice.



Thank you for the kind words - it's great to have you along on the journey.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 05, 2021, 10:16:35 PM
Quote from: BrianM on February 05, 2021, 08:24:30 PM
Hi John,

Thank you for repositioning the cow on the hill in a more natural posture.  I think she now blends a lot better into the scene.

I continue to be amazed at the quality of your modeling and extensive range of skills.  The Beech Farms module is a winner IMHO and along with all the agricultural action in mini-scenes makes for very nice rural contrast to the industrial areas.

This is a very, very minor detail: You mentioned a manure spreader in an earlier post about your grandfather so assuming the waste hay in the wheel barrow and trailer (the last photo you posted) came from the barn floor then it might be worth dirtying it up quite a bit with some manure mixed in. 



Thank you so much for the kind words and the suggestions. The cow manure is one of the details I'm still working on.  I have tried a number of things and so far the best I have found is a glob of wood glue with a little paint added.  I actually added some with the static grass I used for hay but the hay is all you see in the picture. One of the issues is scale - a 1:87 cow pattie is not very big. The references that I have found had cow patties that were 25 % of the size of the cow in HO. Has anyone seen a good reference? The stones that I have seen sold commercial to simulate cow patties, well that look like stones to me.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 06, 2021, 08:35:33 AM
Hey John:

Wow that scenery and structures with all their details look just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 06, 2021, 08:55:39 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 06, 2021, 08:35:33 AM
Hey John:

Wow that scenery and structures with all their details look just beautiful.



Thank you, my friend. I always like to see how much better the structures look when they have some natural scenery to frame them.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on February 06, 2021, 10:05:34 AM
What can you say!  A beautiful scene for sure!!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 06, 2021, 10:47:59 AM
Quote from: Jerry on February 06, 2021, 10:05:34 AM
What can you say!  A beautiful scene for sure!!



Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 06, 2021, 01:30:31 PM
Update: I found the castings for the red tractor - the box was sitting on top of storage boxes, where I couldn't see it, under my detail workbench.  I dropped a casting on the floor this morning and while I was on my hands and knees looking for it - I did one of those why did I put that here? - moments. At least I found them before I ordered new ones.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: BrianM on February 06, 2021, 11:07:54 PM
Hi John,

I grew up on a dairy farm (but in a different part of the world, as you know) and from my recollection a decent size cow pattie from a cow in milk getting supplemental protein meal is about 10" to 14" across.  Say, +/- 3.5mm across.  However, once the pattie is mixed with the hay or other bedding during barn clean up the entire mass becomes a conglomeration of materials, colors and textures with the result being a dirty mess.

This is very minor detail so even if you make no changes to it in the wheel barrow/trailer scene, Beech Farms will overall still be a winning diorama.

Take care,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 07, 2021, 08:37:31 AM
Quote from: BrianM on February 06, 2021, 11:07:54 PM
Hi John,

I grew up on a dairy farm (but in a different part of the world, as you know) and from my recollection a decent size cow pattie from a cow in milk getting supplemental protein meal is about 10" to 14" across.  Say, +/- 3.5mm across.  However, once the pattie is mixed with the hay or other bedding during barn clean up the entire mass becomes a conglomeration of materials, colors and textures with the result being a dirty mess.

This is very minor detail so even if you make no changes to it in the wheel barrow/trailer scene, Beech Farms will overall still be a winning diorama.

Take care,


Thank you for the followup, I will be adding some dirty colors at the very least to the manure pile.  I have a couple experiments in the works before I go for it. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 07, 2021, 08:39:51 AM
The detailing work on G. Wilikers continued, yesterday.  Lots of railing work was the order of the day.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 07, 2021, 08:48:49 AM
Now that the Beach Farm is on the layout I will be moving the Tucker Cook Build to one of my detailing workbenches and starting a new build on the layout table. FSM's Brownsville Depot is coming off the shelf today. I will probably get the castings out and for the next few builds sometime next week.

The current build list:

1) FSM G. Wilikers (in process 75%)

2) SRMW Tucker & Cook (in process 50%)

3) FSM Brownsville Depot (just starting)

4) SRMW Sayles Mill

5) FSM Baxters
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on February 07, 2021, 10:26:16 AM
Lovely work as always John. And that's a formidable lineup!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 07, 2021, 11:07:44 AM

Thank you for following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: madharry on February 07, 2021, 11:49:27 AM
Incredilble modelling John, just beautiful.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 07, 2021, 08:04:48 PM
Quote from: madharry on February 07, 2021, 11:49:27 AM
Incredilble modelling John, just beautiful.


Thank you so much for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on February 08, 2021, 05:23:00 PM
Just awesome on so many levels John......I will disagree to a certain point ....I worked on an Angus farm in high school and I swear some of those cow patties could be seen by the ISS.....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 08, 2021, 09:42:27 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on February 08, 2021, 05:23:00 PM
Just awesome on so many levels John......I will disagree to a certain point ....I worked on an Angus farm in high school and I swear some of those cow patties could be seen by the ISS.....



Thank you for stopping by the thread and the kind words.  Those cow patties do look a lot bigger when they are coming at you.  Also, when you have to shovel them. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 08, 2021, 09:56:35 PM
A couple progress pictures, tonight.

The work continues on the details for the G. Wilikers build.  I decided that I'm going to keep George's name for this build, so I was working on the signs at the end of the day, today.


I also continue to work on the Beach Farms diorama installation.  I got started on the scenery that will hide the baseboard we have been looking at for the past few months.


The stones I'm using came from AZ - they rode back in my Jeep from a trip out there a few years ago - just the right color (I think I had 5 - 5 gal buckets on that trip).  Remember when we could travel across the country. They shared some space with the ballast material for Tom's layout in the back of the Jeep.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: BrianM on February 08, 2021, 10:01:04 PM
Both projects are looking good, John.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: nycjeff on February 08, 2021, 11:45:10 PM
Hello John, what a wonderful job on your farm scene. I've enjoyed watching it come together.    Jeff
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on February 09, 2021, 05:55:00 AM
John - Beautiful structures, beautiful photos.  The rocks in the foreground really make a difference.  Good perspective. 

Are you freezing your buns off?  It's going up into the 80s today here in Central Florida.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ReadingBob on February 09, 2021, 06:50:16 AM
If it weren't for the ceiling tiles and lights being visible I'd swear I was looking at a real farm.   :o  Well done!  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2021, 09:09:03 AM
Quote from: BrianM on February 08, 2021, 10:01:04 PM
Both projects are looking good, John.



Thank you for the encouraging words. I have a half dozen little detail projects still in the works for this one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2021, 09:10:11 AM
Quote from: nycjeff on February 08, 2021, 11:45:10 PM
Hello John, what a wonderful job on your farm scene. I've enjoyed watching it come together.    Jeff


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. This has been a real fund project - a little ways to go before we will be ready for final pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 09, 2021, 09:14:01 AM
Both photos are beautiful. I agree with Bob about the ceiling tiles above the farm.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2021, 09:14:58 AM
Quote from: Judge on February 09, 2021, 05:55:00 AM
John - Beautiful structures, beautiful photos.  The rocks in the foreground really make a difference.  Good perspective. 

Are you freezing your buns off?  It's going up into the 80s today here in Central Florida.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along on my journey.  As for our temperatures, it's great modeling weather. We have had to use negative numbers to describe our temperature the last few nights.  There are some other words used to describe the temperatures around here that are usually said under our breath.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2021, 09:23:26 AM
Quote from: ReadingBob on February 09, 2021, 06:50:16 AM
If it weren't for the ceiling tiles and lights being visible I'd swear I was looking at a real farm.   :o  Well done!  ;D


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.  I actually have a plan to change the lighting and add more view block above so that a visitor to the layout will see much less of the ceiling. I think it will create even more depth to the scene and help with the overall vista when you look across the entire layout. Any way it's on the list of projects. When I get this scene completed I will take a set of final pictures with proper camera angles to help with the elusion.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2021, 03:35:25 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 09, 2021, 09:14:01 AM
Both photos are beautiful. I agree with Bob about the ceiling tiles above the farm.


Thank you for the kind words.  As I said in my response to Bob I have some work to do with viewing angles, lighting, and view blocks in this area of the layout.  I haven't addressed the issue because I wasn't sure what was going to go here until I bought Dario's kit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on February 09, 2021, 05:31:13 PM

Beautiful layout and photos. Love the farm scene.

I spent four hours sweating my booty off in the yard today. It was 83 here. A far cry from your temps. Still it is always modeling weather no matter what.

Great stuff John.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 09, 2021, 10:55:46 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on February 09, 2021, 05:31:13 PM

Beautiful layout and photos. Love the farm scene.

I spent four hours sweating my booty off in the yard today. It was 83 here. A far cry from your temps. Still it is always modeling weather no matter what.

Great stuff John.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouraging words. I agree that it is always modeling weather. My grass is sleeping under a blanket of snow, tonight.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 10, 2021, 09:14:26 PM
Update:  Today, the lid came off another FSM kit.  The Brownsville Depot - which will be named the Eagles Nest Depot on the S&S RR will be my next build.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 11, 2021, 01:11:42 AM
Hey John:

That's A great kit  George sent me one to build before it was up for sale.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 11, 2021, 08:47:03 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 11, 2021, 01:11:42 AM
Hey John:

That's A great kit  George sent me one to build before it was up for sale.



I remember your build on this one - I should go back and review it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on February 11, 2021, 11:34:33 AM
Will follow along ...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 11, 2021, 02:27:05 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on February 11, 2021, 11:34:33 AM
Will follow along ...


Great to have you along for the journey.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 13, 2021, 11:33:09 AM
Update:  I have three major projects going, like usual, my challenge build SRMW Tucker & Cook (see build thread), G. Wilikers (I'm adding the detail castings, progress pictures this evening), and I'm just starting FSM's Brownsville Depot (castings are in the paint booth). Also, there are a few smaller builds, smaller out buildings and sheds for the Eagles Nest Yard scattered around the workroom. I'm also taking the slow approach to finishing up the Beach Farms area of the layout. I add a detail or two a day, then go back the next day and decide on the next move.  Significant progress has been made to the landforms below the diorama.  I will do another finished photographs set of posts on this area when I have it completed. I hope everyone is staying warm, and healthy, and finding their workbench as often as possible.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 13, 2021, 07:11:38 PM
A couple progress pictures of the G. Wilikers build.  The dirt is wet - I just glued it down before I took the pictures.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 13, 2021, 08:51:40 PM
Another beautiful build John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 13, 2021, 11:21:03 PM
Hey John:

Beautifully done.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 14, 2021, 07:51:41 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 13, 2021, 08:51:40 PM
Another beautiful build John.


Thank you, I'm going to be putting G. Wilikers on the layout this week and starting the scenery work in the Eagles Nest Yard. This will mean putting the finishing touch on about 10 builds over the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 14, 2021, 07:52:53 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 13, 2021, 11:21:03 PM
Hey John:

Beautifully done.



Thank you, my friend. A few more details and it will be heading for the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on February 14, 2021, 09:19:16 AM
John the picture of the farm just excellent.

G. Wilikers is coming along nicely to.

Be following the next build to.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on February 14, 2021, 10:21:23 AM
That G. Wilikers building and scenery around look great John.

I'll also be following on the station build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 14, 2021, 04:30:04 PM
Quote from: Jerry on February 14, 2021, 09:19:16 AM
John the picture of the farm just excellent.

G. Wilikers is coming along nicely to.

Be following the next build to.



The Beach Farms diorama is looking better every day - I keep adding more detail and fixing the stuff I didn't like. I will take another batch of pictures when I get the scenery in the foreground complete and the detail changes to the point that I decide it's done. If there is such a thing in model railroading. Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 14, 2021, 04:30:50 PM
Quote from: Bernd on February 14, 2021, 10:21:23 AM
That G. Wilikers building and scenery around look great John.

I'll also be following on the station build.



It's great to have you along on the journey and thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on February 14, 2021, 05:21:12 PM

Wow, love the Wilikers build. Looks fantastic.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 14, 2021, 09:21:50 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on February 14, 2021, 05:21:12 PM

Wow, love the Wilikers build. Looks fantastic.

Tom  ;D

Thank you, my friend.  It's almost ready to head up on to the layout for final detailing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 15, 2021, 07:33:45 PM
Today, G. Wilikers left my workbench and was placed on the layout.  Here are the final workbench pictures.  I have some detailing left to do but it will be done on the layout.  One of the details - I plan on adding the power poles to all of the builds in the Eagles Nest Yard at the same time. Also, the track and road will be add to all of the structures at the same time.






Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 15, 2021, 07:35:41 PM
Here are a couple photographs of the build in place on the layout.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 15, 2021, 07:50:12 PM
The truck in these pictures is one of Dan's builds (aka Raymo). He sure does a wonderful job. Thank you Dan it really makes the scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on February 15, 2021, 08:03:08 PM
Beautiful build and background John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on February 16, 2021, 08:00:35 AM
Great looking structure, John.  Wonderful details.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on February 16, 2021, 08:33:12 AM
I love this kit. And your work has done it justice — not an easy feat!

Well done, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2021, 09:09:49 AM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on February 15, 2021, 08:03:08 PM
Beautiful build and background John.


Thank you for the encouraging comments. I'm excited to get the scenery done in this area so it looks complete.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2021, 09:10:33 AM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on February 16, 2021, 08:00:35 AM
Great looking structure, John.  Wonderful details.



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2021, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on February 16, 2021, 08:33:12 AM
I love this kit. And your work has done it justice — not an easy feat!

Well done, John.


Thank you for the kind words and for following along.  This is also one of my favorite FSM kits. When I think about it I have a lot of favorite FSM kits. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on February 16, 2021, 01:53:18 PM
Gee Willikers, John!

Looks fantastic.  I think this would be my favourite of all of George's kits, but I am at a point now where I have hardly any room left on Tellynott which isn't spoken for.  Financially this is a good thing!  I'll just have to enjoy it vicariously - so thanks!

Cheers, Mark.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 16, 2021, 07:10:40 PM
Quote from: mark dalrymple on February 16, 2021, 01:53:18 PM
Gee Willikers, John!

Looks fantastic.  I think this would be my favourite of all of George's kits, but I am at a point now where I have hardly any room left on Tellynott which isn't spoken for.  Financially this is a good thing!  I'll just have to enjoy it vicariously - so thanks!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words and for following along on my journey.  I hope some day you can find a way to get back to the States and visit the S&S RR.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on February 17, 2021, 09:42:53 AM
Great build John. I'm always impressed with your beautiful structure builds. They look so realistic.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on February 17, 2021, 11:05:29 AM
QuoteThank you for the encouraging words and for following along on my journey.  I hope some day you can find a way to get back to the States and visit the S&S RR.

I hope so too, John.

We had planned to visit last year but the world had other ideas.  We spent our holiday money on the garden instead.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 17, 2021, 06:30:19 PM
Hey John:

Beautiful job on that one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 17, 2021, 09:35:14 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 17, 2021, 06:30:19 PM
Hey John:

Beautiful job on that one.

Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on February 20, 2021, 08:39:48 AM
John beautiful work.  Nice placement that is going to be one beautiful scene when finished.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 20, 2021, 08:52:15 AM
Quote from: Jerry on February 20, 2021, 08:39:48 AM
John beautiful work.  Nice placement that is going to be one beautiful scene when finished.



Thank you, I'm looking forward to adding the scenery around the Eagles Nest Yard and finishing that area up. I have two more large builds and a few smaller shed type builds to complete and then I will be in scenery mode for awhile.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on February 20, 2021, 03:22:00 PM

Well done, it looks perfect in that location.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 20, 2021, 07:20:09 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on February 20, 2021, 03:22:00 PM

Well done, it looks perfect in that location.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the encouraging comments. This area has turned into a row of FSM kits. Each of them add something to the scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 21, 2021, 02:02:33 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 22, 2021, 08:35:49 AM
Update:  For a change of pace I have been spending a few hours a day working on scenery. The structure build pace has slowed down a bit but I'm enjoying the scenery work. Pictures when I get far enough along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 22, 2021, 09:08:53 PM
I deviated from my build list, today,  to do a quick build of the F&SM Peter Lynch & Sons building.  I have a spot picked out for it in the Eagles Nest Yard area. I will have some pictures in a couple of days when I have something to show. It was one of those - I started doing the scenery and said I need something here - looked in the stash and started building it. Some times you just need to go where it takes you.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on February 23, 2021, 08:39:22 AM
John, Is that the meat packing company in the corner of the layout that wasn't offered as a yellow box kit?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 23, 2021, 10:53:10 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on February 23, 2021, 08:39:22 AM
John, Is that the meat packing company in the corner of the layout that wasn't offered as a yellow box kit?


No - here is a snapshot of the sheet that comes with the kit from KC.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 23, 2021, 10:53:56 AM
The two photographs on the top left are from the F&SM.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on February 23, 2021, 01:45:37 PM
Nice looking kit!!!!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on February 23, 2021, 05:04:03 PM

I have the Bonney Wrench kit and it is one that will get my attention prior to the end of this year.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 23, 2021, 09:19:32 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on February 23, 2021, 05:04:03 PM

I have the Bonney Wrench kit and it is one that will get my attention prior to the end of this year.

Tom  ;D


So far it looks like a quick little build.  I'm thinking about some interior detailing and lighting.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 24, 2021, 04:50:09 PM
Hey John:

The Bonney Wrenches pics look great. It's one of my favorite F&SM buildings.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 24, 2021, 04:51:02 PM
Hey John:

Who is KC that manufactures the kit.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on February 24, 2021, 06:48:55 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 24, 2021, 04:51:02 PM
Hey John:

Who is KC that manufactures the kit.


I was curious too, so I did a search and came up with this link:  (

Hope you don't mind John?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 24, 2021, 08:49:40 PM
Karl and Bernd

Thank you for posting the link - I'm not sure if this kit is still available.

KC made a few of these kits a while back - I forget how I heard about it but I ordered one.  It is a basic laser cut kit but there are no directions so you need to figure out a lot on your own. Which is great for someone that has built a lot of kits like you guys but not so much for someone that is less experienced at model building.  This is the only one of KC's kits that I have built so I don't know how he does it for the other kits in his line. I will post some pictures of the build so you can see how it goes together.  Like always, I'm making some changes.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 24, 2021, 09:00:47 PM
Followup on KC's:  I took a look at his website and it looks like you can still buy the kit. He explains in the add for the kit that this was a special case with no instructions.  And also, to clear up a minor point the building on the F&SM is the Peter Lynch & Sons building, the Bonney Wrench sign is on the side of the building. I have a number of pictures of the building on the F&SM in the F&SM photograph threads on this forum.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 25, 2021, 08:37:02 PM
Here are a couple pictures of the Peter Lynch building going together. Like the structure on George's layout I will have some interior detail through the left garage door and in the right end of the building. The next step in the build is the floor. When it's complete I'm going to stain it with driftwood stain and then paint it white using the sock technique that I used on the Beach Farms Barn. The window and door castings are ready to go into the paint both.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 25, 2021, 08:40:30 PM
Another project that I have going right now is the preparation of the castings for the next three builds on my list.  I usually do these in batches of three plus I add some other miscellaneous castings that I have purchased in this case from Slim. As you can see there are lots of barrels in this batch.  I'm just getting started - there are a couple hundred more castings in this batch.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 26, 2021, 10:14:19 PM
For Dennis and others that were interested in where I got my pounce wheel for nail heads, here is the contact information.

I have bought tools from the two sources listed in the picture and the contact information for the manufacture in Ireland is also shown. 

I have two of them because at one point my original tool was MIA. After I bought the second one it turned up under the workbench in a spot where I couldn't see it with a flash light. I moved the bench one day and there it was in the last place I looked.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on February 26, 2021, 11:54:30 PM
Thank you John. On a search I
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 27, 2021, 08:03:49 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on February 26, 2021, 11:54:30 PM
Thank you John. On a search I

Good luck with your search. There were a few places where you could get them before COVID - not sure if they were affected by the shipping problems. Try White Rose Hobbies that is where I bought my last one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on February 27, 2021, 09:30:48 PM
John, They got the wheels but no tool. Not even a listing.Dennis :(
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on February 28, 2021, 10:21:30 AM
Hey John:

Looks great on to the castings. Can't wait to see more progress.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on February 28, 2021, 09:20:13 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on February 28, 2021, 10:21:30 AM
Hey John:

Looks great on to the castings. Can't wait to see more progress.



I have a couple hundred barrels prepped and will be trying out the new earth colored primer we talked about. The new air brushes will be getting a workout in the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 03, 2021, 09:52:44 PM
Tonight, I have a couple progress pictures from my Bonney Wrench sign build.



Tomorrow, I hope to finish the interior detail, paint the remaining doors, and add the roof to this build. I also need to hit this with some A&I to tone down that white a little bit.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 03, 2021, 10:04:43 PM
I like that John, That came out really nice...Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 04, 2021, 02:59:38 AM
Hey John:

Look great. Who make that kit? I'd like to get one.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 04, 2021, 08:24:21 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 03, 2021, 10:04:43 PM
I like that John, That came out really nice...Dennis


Thank you for the kind words. I will be doing some touchup on the paint this morning.  Pictures show things that you don't see at the workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 04, 2021, 08:45:12 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 04, 2021, 02:59:38 AM
Hey John:

Look great. Who make that kit? I'd like to get one.



This is one of KC's Workshop kits.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 05, 2021, 10:57:49 AM
The castings for my next three builds are all prepped and ready for the paint booth.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 05, 2021, 10:59:24 AM
The installation of the bracing for the FSM Brownsville Depot walls has begun.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 05, 2021, 11:10:05 AM
Wow, John. The prep for your castings is inspiring. Do you drill some of them to make those cocktail sticks work?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 05, 2021, 04:53:25 PM
Quote from: Rusty Robot on March 05, 2021, 11:10:05 AM
Wow, John. The prep for your castings is inspiring. Do you drill some of them to make those cocktail sticks work?


I drill them if I can do it in a place that will not show. I find this to be the best way to handle them in the paint booth and for the detail painting the comes afterword.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 05, 2021, 05:19:03 PM
Hey John:

Boneys is looking great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 05, 2021, 06:02:45 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 05, 2021, 05:19:03 PM
Hey John:

Boneys is looking great.



Thank you for the encouraging words, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 09:15:14 AM
I have been working on the scenery down the mountain side from the Beach Farms diorama and thought I would post a progress photograph. I'm about half way in stitching this one in to the layout. I have also been adding more details to the diorama, itself. I will post a series of photographs of this area when it's complete.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on March 06, 2021, 09:22:59 AM
WOW, John. I swear if I hadn't known from the beginning that this is a model scene I's swear it was real. Nice work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 06, 2021, 09:33:12 AM
WOW!!!I agree with Bernd....Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on March 06, 2021, 12:36:04 PM
WOW !!! Love this scene, Bucolic as you wish
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 06, 2021, 12:40:54 PM
Just wonderful, John. A real achievement.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 06, 2021, 04:19:44 PM
Hey John:

Excellent work. I agree it sure looks very real to me. Really love the barn.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 07:26:16 PM
Quote from: Bernd on March 06, 2021, 09:22:59 AM
WOW, John. I swear if I hadn't known from the beginning that this is a model scene I's swear it was real. Nice work.



Thank you for the very kind words - I'm really looking forward to photographing this scene when it is completely finished. I learn a lot from these progress photographs.  I change here and there and it does start looking real. I also plan to do some work on my lighting to better show off the features of this diorama.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 07:26:50 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 06, 2021, 09:33:12 AM
WOW!!!I agree with Bernd....Dennis


Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 07:28:33 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on March 06, 2021, 12:36:04 PM
WOW !!! Love this scene, Bucolic as you wish


Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 07:35:24 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on March 06, 2021, 12:40:54 PM
Just wonderful, John. A real achievement.


Thank you, I have a lot of hours in this diorama but I enjoyed every one of them. So I went underneath the layout today to look at what I have to do to get power to all those LED's in the barn. I found three bags of sculptamould and a box full of sagebrush that I forgot I had stored under there.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 07:36:32 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 06, 2021, 04:19:44 PM
Hey John:

Excellent work. I agree it sure looks very real to me. Really love the barn.



Thank you my friend - I hope to get all the LED's going soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: chris.mincemoyer on March 07, 2021, 09:55:57 AM
Been watching the farm scene progress, all I can say is amazing
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 07, 2021, 10:58:55 AM
Quote from: chris.mincemoyer on March 07, 2021, 09:55:57 AM
Been watching the farm scene progress, all I can say is amazing


Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on March 08, 2021, 11:55:18 AM
The farm gets better and better - refresh my memory - did you use the the silo included with the original kit?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 08, 2021, 12:39:49 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on March 08, 2021, 11:55:18 AM
The farm gets better and better - refresh my memory - did you use the the silo included with the original kit?



Thank you, it's getting there.  I did use the original kit silo but added a few things of my own - the one I remember is the copper discharge tube. I saw one on a silo in Northern Michigan and thought it would be a nice Superior detail.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Erieman on March 08, 2021, 06:09:18 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 09:15:14 AM
I have been working on the scenery down the mountain side from the Beach Farms diorama and thought I would post a progress photograph. I'm about half way in stitching this one in to the layout. I have also been adding more details to the diorama, itself. I will post a series of photographs of this area when it's complete.


This is a great scene, but there is one thing missing. Actually several. I am not sure that Dario included them in the kit now that he owns the casting components from Bob Van Gelder. By now you may have figured out what i think you need on the barn. PIGEONS, lots of pigeons on the barn roof. perhaps some pigeon poop as well and then you are done. A beautiful scene, my friend.

Frank / Erieman

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 08, 2021, 07:46:19 PM
Quote from: Erieman on March 08, 2021, 06:09:18 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 09:15:14 AM
I have been working on the scenery down the mountain side from the Beach Farms diorama and thought I would post a progress photograph. I'm about half way in stitching this one in to the layout. I have also been adding more details to the diorama, itself. I will post a series of photographs of this area when it's complete.


This is a great scene, but there is one thing missing. Actually several. I am not sure that Dario included them in the kit now that he owns the casting components from Bob Van Gelder. By now you may have figured out what i think you need on the barn. PIGEONS, lots of pigeons on the barn roof. perhaps some pigeon poop as well and then you are done. A beautiful scene, my friend.

Frank / Erieman



Don't worry, I will not forget the pigeons or the pigeon s**t. I have the castings sitting on my workbench ready for the detail painting. I have got started with the birds - If you look closely you will find a chicken hawk sitting on the fence above the chicken coop. Thank you for stopping by and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 08, 2021, 08:03:58 PM
Speaking of castings on the workbench, the casting that I prepped last week have all been through the paint booth for priming. The new airbrush works great with the acrylic paints. I did discover for myself that Vallejo air paints do have a shelf life (as reported here on the forum) - two of the 1/2 oz. bottles that I tried had dried out to the point that I wouldn't try to put them through the air brush even with lots of thinner. I had another bottle because I was afraid I was going to run out half way through the project so it didn't slow me down. I will be buying my paints looking ahead about three to four projects from now on.


It's easy to find the castings for Jerry's red tractor, now.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 08, 2021, 08:09:28 PM
The walls for the Brownsville Depot have been braced, primed, and painted.  Next step will be gluing them together.


I noticed that George called for 1/4 inch square bracing for the main brace on these wall sections.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 08, 2021, 08:11:01 PM
Finally, for tonight, here are a couple progress pictures on my Bonney Wrench build.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 08, 2021, 08:16:48 PM
John, Loving it, Did you use a airbrush to paint your wall's ? Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 08, 2021, 08:36:40 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 08, 2021, 08:16:48 PM
John, Loving it, Did you use a airbrush to paint your wall's ? Dennis


I did use an airbrush on the walls for the Brownsville Depot - a first for me. I adjusted the airbrush so I got a light layer of the interior yellow over the earth primer. The primer is actually showing through.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 08, 2021, 09:20:46 PM
John, How does it look and compare to the traditional way? Dennis
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 08, 2021, 10:08:29 PM
Not to hijack, but I use an airbrush a lot on my builds.

An airbrush will give you a smoother finish, and can offer gradients too (I use mine to my the bottom of my walls darker, let's say)

It's a tool I don't go to war without.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 09, 2021, 02:01:17 AM
Hey John:

Bonney's is looking just great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 09, 2021, 02:54:42 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 08, 2021, 09:20:46 PM
John, How does it look and compare to the traditional way? Dennis


I'm learning about what my air brush is capable of so this is a difficult question for me to answer.  I'm real happy with the look and finish I achieve with stains and chalks so the airbrush is being used for priming and in this case the base coat of color. I will be adding chalk over the paint to get the color I'm looking for.  I believe that using the chalks helps to dull down the color a bit and the texture of the chalk plays a role in that.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 09, 2021, 02:57:56 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on March 08, 2021, 10:08:29 PM
Not to hijack, but I use an airbrush a lot on my builds.

An airbrush will give you a smoother finish, and can offer gradients too (I use mine to my the bottom of my walls darker, let's say)

It's a tool I don't go to war without.


Thank you for posting this - I have been watching what you are achieving with your airbrush and it's great. I plan to get to the point where I will be using mine for some of the detailing work, too. At that point it will be another tool in the detailing box.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 09, 2021, 02:58:49 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 09, 2021, 02:01:17 AM
Hey John:

Bonney's is looking just great.



Thank you - some more detailing and it will be ready for the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 09, 2021, 03:42:08 PM
Hey John:

Sounds good. Post some finished pics OK.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 11, 2021, 02:28:55 PM
Update:  I have been working on scenery the past few days. Most of the work has been in the Beach Farms area but I plan on  going around the base of the big trestle and then through the Eagles Nest Yard.  This is going to be a big project so I will post progress pictures as I complete an area.  This is project one in my usually three projects at a time.  I also have the FSM Brownsville Depot on my workbench and will soon be replacing the Bonney Wrench build with SWRW Sayles Mill build. As always, a few progress pictures throughout the builds and then some finished pictures on the workbench and then as it installed on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 12, 2021, 01:44:30 PM
Here are my final workbench pictures of my Bonney Wrench Build. I have some more details to add but want to do it in location on the layout.




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on March 12, 2021, 01:59:22 PM
John, do you have a photo that shows how you ran the wires for the lights inside the structure?

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 12, 2021, 02:03:24 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 12, 2021, 01:59:22 PM
John, do you have a photo that shows how you ran the wires for the lights inside the structure?

Thanks in advance!



I never took a picture of the inside during the installation of the LED's, sorry.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on March 13, 2021, 10:49:37 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 09:15:14 AM
I have been working on the scenery down the mountain side from the Beach Farms diorama and thought I would post a progress photograph. I'm about half way in stitching this one in to the layout. I have also been adding more details to the diorama, itself. I will post a series of photographs of this area when it's complete.


Haven't been by this thread in a while and, obviously, no moss growing on your workbench(es)...this photo is just knee-buckling to me-  the depth of the scene, the colors, the structure placement...Majestic!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 07:10:39 PM
Quote from: cuse on March 13, 2021, 10:49:37 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 06, 2021, 09:15:14 AM
I have been working on the scenery down the mountain side from the Beach Farms diorama and thought I would post a progress photograph. I'm about half way in stitching this one in to the layout. I have also been adding more details to the diorama, itself. I will post a series of photographs of this area when it's complete.


Haven't been by this thread in a while and, obviously, no moss growing on your workbench(es)...this photo is just knee-buckling to me-  the depth of the scene, the colors, the structure placement...Majestic!


Thank you for stopping by and the very kind words. I'm working on giving this scene another layer of depth and will be taking another set of pictures when it's complete. Please stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on March 13, 2021, 07:32:56 PM
For better or worse, here's how I hid the wiring in my switcher shed.  The corners were braced by 1/4" wood angle.  In the corner that can't be easily seen where the model will sit on the layout, I added another angle to make a box.  And I drilled a hole through the foundation.  This is my 2nd attempt at wiring up a model with an interior, so I'm still learning. 

That round hole in the center is for the smoke vent. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 13, 2021, 07:33:27 PM
John, What else can you possible do? It look's finished and perfect..
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 08:35:49 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 13, 2021, 07:32:56 PM
For better or worse, here's how I hid the wiring in my switcher shed.  The corners were braced by 1/4" wood angle.  In the corner that can't be easily seen where the model will sit on the layout, I added another angle to make a box.  And I drilled a hole through the foundation.  This is my 2nd attempt at wiring up a model with an interior, so I'm still learning. 

That round hole in the center is for the smoke vent. 



It looks good.  The main think is to make sure that the wires are not visible. Wires really spoil the look of a detailed interior. Another issue that I'm struggling with is getting enough candle power where I need it to show off the interior when the roof is installed. I went with overkill on the barn project we will soon see how that looks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 08:37:45 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 13, 2021, 07:33:27 PM
John, What else can you possible do? It look's finished and perfect..


You have discovered my problem.  I can't tell when it's done. I can always think of more details to add. There are a number of small additions that I plan to make before I call this one finished. One that I have been looking at all afternoon, while I was adding scenery, is the gate by the barn and the fence around the pond.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 08:56:29 PM
One of the projects that I got back to this afternoon was the wiring for the LED's on the Beach Farms barn. I promised to post pictures of the hookup board so here we go.

This first picture is the board while it was still on my workbench. If you reference Slims Light Bites this is the bookshelf that he refers too. I'm using an 18 volt power supply so I have the current limiter in the first position and then there are 5 spots for LED wires in each row. If you look at my hen scratching on the board this board can have 40 rows, or shelves to use Slims analogy. I use copper tape with caps where the LED wires go.  As you can see I made soldiering tapes while it was on the workbench for the first few rows, which is more than enough for the barn and farm house LED's. As it is configured in the picture there are spots for 40 LED's.  I may use this same board for part of the town of Vansel which will be just down the mountains side from this location or I may use a completely different power supply and board. A decision for later but the capability is designed in.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 09:05:18 PM
Before I show you the board installed under the layout I need to reintroduce my cart for working under the layout. This thing has a lot of miles on it but still works great. I can adjust the back on it from a sitting position to laying flat on my back like a creeper, for those of you that have worked on cars.


This first picture shows the hatch in the benchwork that allows me access under the mountains.


This is a closeup of the cart. You can also see the three bags of sculptamold that I found in a box under the layout this week. I had total forgot I bought it.  It will be used for the landforms in the new section of the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 09:16:50 PM
Here are a couple of pictures of the board mounted underneath the layout.  You can see the wire bundles from the barn coming down through the benchwork. I'm taking these pictures sitting on my cart (that's why I posted the pictures of the cart once again). If you are going to work on a layout of any size you have to have a cart to save your back.  Unless you are one of the 30 something modelers - who can do it now but wait until your 40's and beyond. ;)  Each of the individual wires will be soldiered to a tab. You can see the tape labels that identify each of the wire pairs for each LED.  A relatively big job but it will go fast.  I will post finished pictures when I get the barn wired.

This board is actually up inside the mountain so it is complete out of the way of the crawl space and will not be another thing for me to hit my head on.



The plaster you see to the left of the board is left over from my previous layout. You can actually see an old tunnel portal and some tunnel liner that I didn't bother removing when I built the mountain that the Beach Farms diorama sits on.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 13, 2021, 09:22:05 PM
And on one other project front.  The sides are starting to go together for the FSM Brownsville depot.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 14, 2021, 01:15:32 AM
Hey John:

All I have to say is just beautiful work. I'm completely lost when it comes to wiring. Looks like you know what you are doing. Good luck with this project. The Brownsville Depot is A beautiful kit. I built one before it came out for George. I believe Frank B also built it.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 10:41:23 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 14, 2021, 01:15:32 AM
Hey John:

All I have to say is just beautiful work. I'm completely lost when it comes to wiring. Looks like you know what you are doing. Good luck with this project. The Brownsville Depot is A beautiful kit. I built one before it came out for George. I believe Frank B also built it.




Thank you, I had a few electrical engineering classes with my Mechanical Engineering Degrees so the wiring is manageable. I still reference notes and wiring diagrams every time I do it. Getting those elections where they are supposed to go without smoke requires much thought and careful execution.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 14, 2021, 11:13:05 AM
I don't ever plan on having a operational layout, but I do aspire to the work that goes into one.

Maybe one day.

Great work as always, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on March 14, 2021, 12:01:56 PM
Looks wonderful John.

As far as the electric I'd probably end up with a lighted nose instead of a building!! ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 12:27:56 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on March 14, 2021, 11:13:05 AM
I don't ever plan on having a operational layout, but I do aspire to the work that goes into one.

Maybe one day.

Great work as always, John.


Thank you for the encouraging words - having trains run through the scenes add another dimension - but it is a lot of work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 12:31:09 PM
Quote from: Jerry on March 14, 2021, 12:01:56 PM
Looks wonderful John.

As far as the electric I'd probably end up with a lighted nose instead of a building!! ;)



Thank you for following along and the kind words.

When you touch yourself with the soldiering iron and then jump and bank your head on the benchwork you get this wonderful blue smoke hanging in the air over the mountain tops.  I like to think of it as a weathering technique. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on March 14, 2021, 12:55:32 PM
People with hair on top of their heads don't realize just how much that protects your noggin when you smack it...

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 01:46:02 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 14, 2021, 12:55:32 PM
People with hair on top of their heads don't realize just how much that protects your noggin when you smack it...



I use a bump hat when I work under the layout.  I also have a head lamp attached to it. My natural head protection deserted me years ago.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on March 14, 2021, 02:08:07 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 01:46:02 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 14, 2021, 12:55:32 PM
People with hair on top of their heads don't realize just how much that protects your noggin when you smack it...


I use a bump hat when I work under the layout.  I also have a head lamp attached to it. My natural head protection deserted me years ago.

In places where I've left some skin behind, I've started gluing pieces of styrofoam :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 07:24:38 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 14, 2021, 02:08:07 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 14, 2021, 01:46:02 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 14, 2021, 12:55:32 PM
People with hair on top of their heads don't realize just how much that protects your noggin when you smack it...


I use a bump hat when I work under the layout.  I also have a head lamp attached to it. My natural head protection deserted me years ago.

In places where I've left some skin behind, I've started gluing pieces of styrofoam :-)


I will post a picture of my bump hat - I think it was $10.  It paid for itself the first time I went under the layout with it. My Grandkids know they have to wear one when they go under the layout, too. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2021, 07:53:12 AM
As promised, here is a picture of my bump hat.  It is basically a baseball hat with a plastic liner. The taped on head lamp is very helpful down under those mountains of mine. Not a fashion statement, but it has saved a lot of bumps and bruises. I spent a couple hours under the layout with it, yesterday, getting the lights going on the Beach Farms diorama.  I hope to take some pictures later, today.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 16, 2021, 08:33:51 AM
Hey John:

That's A pretty neat piece of equipment. And I'm sure very useful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 16, 2021, 09:30:00 AM
Is That OSHA approved?  ;D ;D 8)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2021, 11:21:30 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 16, 2021, 09:30:00 AM
Is That OSHA approved?  ;D ;D 8)

The bump hat is - we used to wear them when we were looking into automotive dies back in my working days.  In the crane areas we had to wear full hard hats.  The crane operators would tell you the hard hat was so they had something to put you in if they dropped something on you. It sure made you think about staying out from under their loads.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 16, 2021, 12:51:11 PM
Very true John. Love the setup though.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on March 16, 2021, 01:47:34 PM

It works so no problem.  8)

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2021, 09:00:07 PM
Update: Well today I got to see the barn with all those LED's working. It was well worth the time spent - you can see the barn interior by looking through the doors. I tried to take some pictures with my iPhone but they were not worth posting.  I will get out the SLR in the next couple days and post some pictures. I have a few more details that I want to finish in the morning and then it will be time to take pictures - this is something I been waiting for for many months.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 16, 2021, 09:01:44 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on March 16, 2021, 01:47:34 PM

It works so no problem.  8)

Tom  ;D

I like how you think Tom.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on March 17, 2021, 11:21:57 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 16, 2021, 09:00:07 PM
Update: Well today I got to see the barn with all those LED's working. It was well worth the time spent - you can see the barn interior by looking through the doors. I tried to take some pictures with my iPhone but they were not worth posting.  I will get out the SLR in the next couple days and post some pictures. I have a few more details that I want to finish in the morning and then it will be time to take pictures - this is something I been waiting for for many months.

John, which phone do you have?  I read an interesting article about the newest iPhone Pro model's "Raw Pro" format and how you can manipulate that data.  I haven't tried that yet with my phone...  One thing I did notice is that I cannot force the flash to fire, which pisses me off.  There are times when I know better than the phone does when the flash is needed.  I'm sure there's a "more control over the camera" app that will do that, but it always annoys me when Apple 'takes away' things that I used.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 17, 2021, 08:18:09 PM
Quote from: deemery on March 17, 2021, 11:21:57 AM
Quote from: S&S RR on March 16, 2021, 09:00:07 PM
Update: Well today I got to see the barn with all those LED's working. It was well worth the time spent - you can see the barn interior by looking through the doors. I tried to take some pictures with my iPhone but they were not worth posting.  I will get out the SLR in the next couple days and post some pictures. I have a few more details that I want to finish in the morning and then it will be time to take pictures - this is something I been waiting for for many months.

John, which phone do you have?  I read an interesting article about the newest iPhone Pro model's "Raw Pro" format and how you can manipulate that data.  I haven't tried that yet with my phone...  One thing I did notice is that I cannot force the flash to fire, which pisses me off.  There are times when I know better than the phone does when the flash is needed.  I'm sure there's a "more control over the camera" app that will do that, but it always annoys me when Apple 'takes away' things that I used.



I currently have an 8 plus which in my opinion doesn't take as good a picture as the 6 plus that I had previously.  The pictures have a lot more fisheye to them. And the depth of field is not as deep as the 6. And I'm always fighting with what the camera focuses on.  I but the box where I want it to focus and it really changes the depth of field. And finally since I'm getting all this off my chest, the camera takes the brightest color in the picture and makes it brighter than it really is. This feature really messes up the pictures of the LED lights - especially if I darken the room.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 18, 2021, 10:12:20 AM

In Settings > Camera, there is an HDR option. Try unchecking that, if you haven't already, as that could be why the iPhone is brightening after capture.

With my iPhone (12 Pro) I notice the photos are brightening due to the RAW format I often shoot in.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 18, 2021, 12:53:53 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on March 18, 2021, 10:12:20 AM

In Settings > Camera, there is an HDR option. Try unchecking that, if you haven't already, as that could be why the iPhone is brightening after capture.

With my iPhone (12 Pro) I notice the photos are brightening due to the RAW format I often shoot in.


I just turn HDR off and will give it a try. I did not have the problem with my iPhone 6 when in HDR mode.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on March 19, 2021, 11:55:10 AM
Even though I haven't been able to post for a while, I've been following along with your progress, John.

The scenery around the farm is looking fantastic!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 19, 2021, 07:37:45 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on March 19, 2021, 11:55:10 AM
Even though I haven't been able to post for a while, I've been following along with your progress, John.

The scenery around the farm is looking fantastic!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words.  I should have some final pictures of the Beach Farms Diorama installed on the layout this weekend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 23, 2021, 12:34:06 PM
Update: Operations on the S&S RR have been halted while I deal with the hospitalization of my mother.  Please stay tuned, I may get to process the pictures from the Beach Farms area later in the week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on March 23, 2021, 02:13:07 PM

very sorry to hear of your mother's hospitalization. Thoughts and prayers that she will have a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on March 23, 2021, 02:46:23 PM
Sorry to hear of your mother John - prayers for a speedy recovery

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 23, 2021, 09:48:05 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on March 23, 2021, 02:13:07 PM

very sorry to hear of your mother's hospitalization. Thoughts and prayers that she will have a speedy recovery.



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 23, 2021, 09:49:19 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on March 23, 2021, 02:46:23 PM
Sorry to hear of your mother John - prayers for a speedy recovery



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 24, 2021, 02:43:52 AM
Hey John:

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she does well and is home soon. My prayers are with her.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on March 24, 2021, 10:18:06 AM
My thoughts are with you all, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2021, 08:26:26 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 24, 2021, 02:43:52 AM
Hey John:

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she does well and is home soon. My prayers are with her.



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2021, 08:29:09 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on March 24, 2021, 10:18:06 AM
My thoughts are with you all, John.

Thank you, Craig
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2021, 09:43:41 PM
So tonight I have the first batch of Beach Farms Photographs to post. Many more to follow - yes I do get carried away with pictures. I hope you enjoy them.  Make sure you notice Jerry's Red tractor.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2021, 10:08:04 PM

Pigeons and pigeon s**t for Frank Baker.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2021, 10:12:49 PM





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 25, 2021, 10:15:04 PM

That is it for tonight, many more to come including the barn interior pictures and the night time picture. Please stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 25, 2021, 10:24:39 PM
John, I love the area with the truck and the junk.(Beautiful Job!!) OK the whole scene..:)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on March 26, 2021, 01:13:43 AM

The far is just beautiful. I just love the chicken coup.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on March 26, 2021, 04:11:28 AM
Magnificent John , each and every mini-scene combines to a large scene of beauty, what an eye-catching scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on March 26, 2021, 08:14:15 AM
That is a museum piece!  Beautiful.  I love the classic farm "pile of rusty stuff". 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on March 26, 2021, 10:02:46 AM
Great pictures John. I think you've captured the farm look very well.

Saw the tractors. My father in law had a saying about green and red tractors. He said the reason "they"* painted the tractors green was so they could hide in the hedge row while the "red"* tractors got their work done.

* green tractor = John Deer
* red tractor = Massey Ferguson

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: sdrees on March 26, 2021, 01:16:32 PM
John,  this just great.  There are so many details all over the scene to look  at.  Beautiful!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: bparrish on March 26, 2021, 01:26:53 PM

Pretty cool stuff.........

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on March 26, 2021, 05:30:12 PM
Amazing.. it's totally wonderful. great scene on your layout
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 04:10:08 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 25, 2021, 10:24:39 PM
John, I love the area with the truck and the junk.(Beautiful Job!!) OK the whole scene.. :)


Thank you for the kind words - warning I have a lot more pictures to post when I can get a chance to process them if you guys are interested.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 04:12:17 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on March 26, 2021, 01:13:43 AM

The far is just beautiful. I just love the chicken coup.



Thank you - this has been a very fun build for me. The chicken coup is part of the kit from Dario.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 04:13:19 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on March 26, 2021, 04:11:28 AM
Magnificent John , each and every mini-scene combines to a large scene of beauty, what an eye-catching scene.


Thank you so much for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 04:19:17 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on March 26, 2021, 08:14:15 AM
That is a museum piece!  Beautiful.  I love the classic farm "pile of rusty stuff". 



Thank you for the wonderful comments. The pile of rusty stuff comes from my Grandparents farm. It's a scene from every farm I have ever visited - the warn out parts from the farm equipment go over the fence and down in the ravine, out of site from the farm yard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 04:30:13 PM
Quote from: Bernd on March 26, 2021, 10:02:46 AM
Great pictures John. I think you've captured the farm look very well.

Saw the tractors. My father in law had a saying about green and red tractors. He said the reason "they"* painted the tractors green was so they could hide in the hedge row while the "red"* tractors got their work done.

* green tractor = John Deer
* red tractor = Massey Ferguson



Thank you for the kind words- I worked  for John Deere for a couple years, so I have heard a few different versions of that story. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 05:00:55 PM
Quote from: sdrees on March 26, 2021, 01:16:32 PM
John,  this just great.  There are so many details all over the scene to look  at.  Beautiful!


Thank you so much for the encouraging words. This was a fun build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 05:10:37 PM
Quote from: bparrish on March 26, 2021, 01:26:53 PM

Pretty cool stuff.........



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 27, 2021, 05:13:58 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on March 26, 2021, 05:30:12 PM
Amazing.. it's totally wonderful. great scene on your layout


Thank you so much for the very kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on March 27, 2021, 05:34:31 PM
First off, so very sorry to hear about your mom.  Wishing you all peace and grace in these difficult times ...

The farm scene looks spectacular !!  And I have no doubt that it looks even better in person.  You did a fabulous job in creating the look and feel of an authentic working farm, quite a beautiful piece of modeling for sure ....

John, if I am not mistaken (and I could be), I thought that you had presented fairly recently a jig that you showed for aligning and making nail holes on your structure walls.  I believe you mounted a cutting mat on a board and used a straight edge aligned with the bottom.  Ringing any bells or am I way off??   If so, would you mind sharing that again with me or us.
Thanks much and be well,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 28, 2021, 09:07:42 AM
Quote from: PaulS on March 27, 2021, 05:34:31 PM
First off, so very sorry to hear about your mom.  Wishing you all peace and grace in these difficult times ...

The farm scene looks spectacular !!  And I have no doubt that it looks even better in person.  You did a fabulous job in creating the look and feel of an authentic working farm, quite a beautiful piece of modeling for sure ....

John, if I am not mistaken (and I could be), I thought that you had presented fairly recently a jig that you showed for aligning and making nail holes on your structure walls.  I believe you mounted a cutting mat on a board and used a straight edge aligned with the bottom.  Ringing any bells or am I way off??   If so, would you mind sharing that again with me or us.
Thanks much and be well,


Thank you for the kind words and the well wishes. The jig you described doesn't ring any bells.   I use a square as a guide for my pounce wheel when I make nail heads on clapboard. It works great with the walls flat or on assembled walls.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 28, 2021, 09:19:29 AM
Morning John, Paul might be talking about what Jerry said?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2021, 09:13:16 AM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 28, 2021, 09:19:29 AM
Morning John, Paul might be talking about what Jerry said? (


Thank you for finding and linking the post that Paul was referring to.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2021, 09:14:18 AM
Update: I'm working on the next batch of pictures of Beach Farms. Please stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on March 30, 2021, 01:55:12 PM
Absolutely terrific, John!

The whole scene is brilliant as well as some great mini scenes.  Like Karl - I just love the chicken coop!  A lovely set of photos to explore.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PaulS on March 30, 2021, 03:19:34 PM
John, Dennis and Jerry,
Thanks very much for the info and link on the cutting mat alignment jig !!

John, looking forward to your next set of photos of the Beach Farms, and hard to believe it could get much better as it is stunning as is.
Thanks and be well,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 30, 2021, 03:21:45 PM
No problem Paul.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: nycjeff on March 30, 2021, 04:28:15 PM
Hello John, I hope that working at the hobby helps you through a very tough time. You did a great job with the farm scene. Like everyone else, I love the junk hill, but I can't believe that nobody has commented on the peacock in the chicken coop. Where on earth did you find that peacock ?    Jeff
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2021, 07:46:13 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on March 30, 2021, 01:55:12 PM
Absolutely terrific, John!

The whole scene is brilliant as well as some great mini scenes.  Like Karl - I just love the chicken coop!  A lovely set of photos to explore.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you so much. I'm going to concentrate on the interior details of the barn for the next set of pictures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2021, 07:47:14 PM
Quote from: PaulS on March 30, 2021, 03:19:34 PM
John, Dennis and Jerry,
Thanks very much for the info and link on the cutting mat alignment jig !!

John, looking forward to your next set of photos of the Beach Farms, and hard to believe it could get much better as it is stunning as is.
Thanks and be well,


Thank you for following along, I should have the next batch of pictures posted this evening.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 30, 2021, 07:50:51 PM
Quote from: nycjeff on March 30, 2021, 04:28:15 PM
Hello John, I hope that working at the hobby helps you through a very tough time. You did a great job with the farm scene. Like everyone else, I love the junk hill, but I can't believe that nobody has commented on the peacock in the chicken coop. Where on earth did you find that peacock ?    Jeff


Thank you for following along and the kind words. The peacock was a find at a train show years ago. I have been collecting farm details for many years in anticipation of building this scene.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 31, 2021, 07:55:44 PM
Tonight, a few more pictures of the Beach Farms.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 31, 2021, 07:58:14 PM
The night scenes and barn interior.







Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on March 31, 2021, 08:00:11 PM




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on March 31, 2021, 08:31:59 PM
John,You did a beautiful job on this. Love the look troughs.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on April 01, 2021, 08:58:12 AM
Beautiful work John. Love that peacock. Hard to believe that he's HO scale from the colorful tail. The night scenes are great looking. If you didn't know it was a model you'd swear it was real.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on April 01, 2021, 09:13:29 AM
Really wonderful work, John. Very natural, very detailed. Just very nice!

Looking forward to seeing the same treatment on Tucker & Cook!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on April 01, 2021, 10:10:29 AM
The family farm diorama on the S&S RR is some of your best modeling to date and is very well done.
All the photos are fantastic !
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 06:26:59 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on March 31, 2021, 08:31:59 PM
John,You did a beautiful job on this. Love the look troughs.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. I will have a few more pictures to share in the coming days.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 06:28:55 PM
Quote from: Bernd on April 01, 2021, 08:58:12 AM
Beautiful work John. Love that peacock. Hard to believe that he's HO scale from the colorful tail. The night scenes are great looking. If you didn't know it was a model you'd swear it was real.



Thank you for the kind words - the peacock is HO scale - they are very big when they do their dance with the feathers spread out.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 06:30:19 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on April 01, 2021, 09:13:29 AM
Really wonderful work, John. Very natural, very detailed. Just very nice!

Looking forward to seeing the same treatment on Tucker & Cook!


Thank you for the encouraging words - I hope to get back to work on Tucker & Cook this weekend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 06:31:50 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on April 01, 2021, 10:10:29 AM
The family farm diorama on the S&S RR is some of your best modeling to date and is very well done.
All the photos are fantastic !


Thank you for the complements - this has been a very enjoyable build - a have a few more pictures to process and post and it will be time to move on to the next one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:30:13 PM
So I took a lot of pictures from different angles and different mini scenes.  The following is picture overload for those that are interested. I hope you enjoy them.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:33:23 PM











Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:37:39 PM















Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:40:11 PM









Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 01, 2021, 09:43:56 PM
Beautiful Job John. Can not ask for a better job. I honestly don't know how you guy's here do it? Very impressive work.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:44:08 PM












Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:47:43 PM











Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:51:42 PM











Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 01, 2021, 09:53:26 PM
This completes the Beach Farms Build. I hope you still love pictures.  Tomorrow, I'm back on the Tucker & Cook build for the challenge.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 02, 2021, 03:25:09 AM
Love the pictures John , I particularly like the ones with the blue car showing through the doors .   Only one small thing I think you still need to do , weather the tractors, unless they are all brand new . For the rest , I think this is one of the best rural scenes on a model railroad I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 08:30:43 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 02, 2021, 03:25:09 AM
Love the pictures John , I particularly like the ones with the blue car showing through the doors .   Only one small thing I think you still need to do , weather the tractors, unless they are all brand new . For the rest , I think this is one of the best rural scenes on a model railroad I have ever seen.


Thank you for the kind words. The tractors did get a coating of dirt but it's only showing up on the horizontal surfaces.  I will hit them again and concentrate on the vertical services that show up in the pictures. Thank you for following along and your comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on April 02, 2021, 09:44:11 AM
Spellbinding. There's shades of John Allen in your terrain. I love it.

Very well done, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on April 02, 2021, 10:56:36 AM
That is truly spectacular...I keep finding new details - a peacock?

Great work, majestic vistas but infinite close up detail too. Good as it gets, IMO.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 10:57:28 AM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on April 02, 2021, 09:44:11 AM
Spellbinding. There's shades of John Allen in your terrain. I love it.

Very well done, John.


Thank you for the encouraging words.  It was reading the book on John Allen's life as model railroader that got me started on this layout many years ago - so the mountain terrain is inspired by him.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 10:58:14 AM
Quote from: cuse on April 02, 2021, 10:56:36 AM
That is truly spectacular...I keep finding new details - a peacock?

Great work, majestic vistas but infinite close up detail too. Good as it gets, IMO.



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 03:31:56 PM
For those that like the chicken coop area, here are a few closeup pictures showing some of the details.  This area is right at eye level and close to your nose when you are looking at the layout so I gave it a few more details. Those of you that have lived or worked on a farm will notice that we captured the reality of life near the chicken coop.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Zephyrus52246 on April 02, 2021, 03:52:02 PM
Awesome pics, John!  Love the peacock and the landing bird on the implement.  Great farm scene. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on April 02, 2021, 04:16:49 PM
You had to position that chopping block for all those poor birds to watch on? What a cruel maker you are!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 02, 2021, 06:34:47 PM

I really love that chicken coop.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 07:29:52 PM
Quote from: Zephyrus52246 on April 02, 2021, 03:52:02 PM
Awesome pics, John!  Love the peacock and the landing bird on the implement.  Great farm scene. 



Thank you for kind encouraging words. Now, it's on to my next build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 07:33:50 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on April 02, 2021, 04:16:49 PM
You had to position that chopping block for all those poor birds to watch on? What a cruel maker you are!


Actually, when that chopping block is being used the chickens would all be in the coop. Especially after the farmer chased down the chicken heading for the dinner table.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 02, 2021, 07:34:54 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 02, 2021, 06:34:47 PM

I really love that chicken coop.



Thank you, my friend. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 07, 2021, 08:52:06 AM
Update:  Life has been getting in the way of my modeling the past few weeks.  I have managed only a couple hours here and there.  I hope to get back at it later this week.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on April 07, 2021, 08:53:24 AM
Life does that my friend. It trows us curve ball's every now and then.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on April 07, 2021, 05:59:11 PM
Hope you get back to modeling again soon John , mite be the bet way to loose your sorrows and take your mind elsewhere.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 08, 2021, 08:33:39 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on April 07, 2021, 08:53:24 AM
Life does that my friend. It trows us curve ball's every now and then.


Yes it does, we need to power through them.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 08, 2021, 08:35:28 PM
Quote from: Janbouli on April 07, 2021, 05:59:11 PM
Hope you get back to modeling again soon John , mite be the bet way to loose your sorrows and take your mind elsewhere.


I hope to get back to the workbench tomorrow and I think it will really help me heal from the events of the past month. Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 10, 2021, 09:09:45 PM
I took the lid off the box and got started on my SRMW Sayles Mill build, today.  The first step is to complete the positioning of the base board on the layout and make the necessary changes.


Here is a picture of the site for this build on my layout.  The baseboard is built for option 1 in the Sayles Mill directions. As always, I will be making a few changes.  The biggest will be to add the landforms on this side of the mill pond. The structures that will go between the mill site and the mainline track also have to be planned before starting the build.  I will be doing some mockups to determine line of site etc. My first step is to markup some pictures on my iPad - a great project when I'm traveling.


I ended up the day with the baseboard on my workbench starting to do some dry wall section setups to establish build heights and final building arrangement.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 13, 2021, 06:17:48 PM
Another great kit, John.

Should look fantastic against that backdrop.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 13, 2021, 09:20:57 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on April 13, 2021, 06:17:48 PM
Another great kit, John.

Should look fantastic against that backdrop.

Cheers, Mark.

Thank you, Mark. I'm currently working on a digital mockup on my iPad. The vision in my head has FSM's Baron Gould Tannery just upstream from the mill on the same level as the mill. Directly below the mill pond will be Duffy's Coal combined with the I.M. Dunn buildings.  There will probably be some negative elevation below the lower main line.
Right along the mountain side between the rocks and the river will be the main building from SRMW O. V. Hooker & son with the back stairway and bridge leading to a pathway along the hill side. This is all the back section of the town of Vansel. The footprints all fit nicely, but I need to work out the elevations so that it all looks right and there is a view of each of the buildings from the main aisle.

Continuing with the vision there will be an upper and lower level to Vansel with train access to the mainline and passing siding downstairs from the passenger station upstairs.  Picture the Franklin Station on the F&SM with and inside curve to the track instead of the outside curve.  I believe the original concept for this comes from John Allen. The station is going to be the GN station that C. C. Crow came out with as his second kit many years ago. I just recently got him to make me a set of castings. The station will be surrounded by many smaller buildings and businesses with some elevation to the town streets to make everything visible. I have spent many hours visualizing the town of Franklin on the F&SM and the town of Vansel will have many similar features. As I mentioned I'm trying to do the mockup digitally on my iPad, but if needed, I will build a clay and cardboard mockup.  I will post some drafts of the plan as I get something to look at. At this point it's all just in my head along with a lot of questions to be answered. As the ideas have been generated I have made cardboard footprints of the buildings for the kits mentioned above so I have a general plan with the footprints of each building worked out.  The key now is to get the elevations to work without crating view blocks.

Another idea that will be tested in this area is to create a removable bridge, for me, where I can crawl over the buildings in the front of this scene and access the area in the back of the scene without damaging anything. Originally, there was a hatch in this area but it just got too complicated to continue with that plan with all the elevation changes that I want to create. This concept is not new, Micro Mart sells a creeper with legs that slide under the layout to support your weight.  I will be providing support with legs that have screw bases hidden in the scenery. I will be using the bridge to work in this area with only the track work to protect at first. This will be a good test for when I need to install it over the structures to do maintenance work that will be out of reach from the aisle.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on April 14, 2021, 09:45:22 AM
John - the farmer will be very unhappy when he learns that peacocks are terrible.  They are big birds and their "leavings" are stinky.  Also, they screech at night and sound like a woman being attacked.  Additionally, they like to roost on pool screens or roofs.  They will come up next to your car and, upon seeing their reflection in the paint, will peck spots of paint off the area.  We had them in our neighborhood and it was a real problem getting rid of them. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 14, 2021, 01:00:00 PM
Hey John:

Looking good so far. I'll be following along.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 14, 2021, 03:26:00 PM
Thanks for the mental picture, John.

I look forward to the iPad renderings.  It sounds like it will be a lot of fun to create.  My friend, Neil, has a home built creeper that sounds similar to what you are looking at building.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2021, 10:34:24 PM
Quote from: Judge on April 14, 2021, 09:45:22 AM
John - the farmer will be very unhappy when he learns that peacocks are terrible.  They are big birds and their "leavings" are stinky.  Also, they screech at night and sound like a woman being attacked.  Additionally, they like to roost on pool screens or roofs.  They will come up next to your car and, upon seeing their reflection in the paint, will peck spots of paint off the area.  We had them in our neighborhood and it was a real problem getting rid of them.


You make some good points about the peacocks.  I just thought the looked good there. If the peacocks get out of control and start causing trouble the Beach family has very quick and easy ways of dealing with them, living in the mountains has its advantages.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2021, 10:40:38 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 14, 2021, 01:00:00 PM
Hey John:

Looking good so far. I'll be following along.



Great to have you along on the journey, thank you for the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 14, 2021, 10:48:53 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on April 14, 2021, 03:26:00 PM
Thanks for the mental picture, John.

I look forward to the iPad renderings.  It sounds like it will be a lot of fun to create.  My friend, Neil, has a home built creeper that sounds similar to what you are looking at building.

Cheers, Mark.


Stay tuned for the iPad renderings.  I'm thinking of having a bridge with stationary legs that have pads designed into the layout. I have two places on the layout where hatches are necessary and I think I can use the same bridge for both locations. First, I have to go to the lumber yard and buy the wood I need for the project - I here I'm in for a shock with wood prices since the COVID shut downs.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on April 15, 2021, 03:23:59 PM
We have an Amish family down the road that has peacocks - they supposedly keep the coyotes out of the chickens - we'll have one wonder into the yard and moezee around and then leave - usually with our GSD hot on its tail......

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 15, 2021, 03:51:21 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 15, 2021, 08:45:04 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on April 15, 2021, 03:23:59 PM
We have an Amish family down the road that has peacocks - they supposedly keep the coyotes out of the chickens - we'll have one wonder into the yard and moezee around and then leave - usually with our GSD hot on its tail......



Interesting about keeping the coyotes out of the chickens. I'm not sure why that would work - the coyotes around here are very hard on the deer herd.  Especially the fawns.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on April 16, 2021, 11:51:57 AM
I can only guess that the coyote's don't want pooped they make a mess....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on April 17, 2021, 06:16:27 AM
John - Peacocks are protected in Florida.  You are not supposed to kill them.  Our neighborhood got rid of the peacocks when one of the neighborhood kids decided to use them for archery practice.  Silent, but deadly. 

Don't get rid of your peacocks.  They are decorative and most folks don't know their downsides.  Just don't name them.  It's harder to change your mind and exterminate them if you've named them. 
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 17, 2021, 09:11:06 AM
Quote from: Judge on April 17, 2021, 06:16:27 AM
John - Peacocks are protected in Florida.  You are not supposed to kill them.  Our neighborhood got rid of the peacocks when one of the neighborhood kids decided to use them for archery practice.  Silent, but deadly. 

Don't get rid of your peacocks.  They are decorative and most folks don't know their downsides.  Just don't name them.  It's harder to change your mind and exterminate them if you've named them.


Okay, the peacock's can stay as long as they behave themselves.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on April 18, 2021, 09:11:29 AM
Should be an interesting addition to the landscape!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2021, 08:51:59 PM
Tonight, since it's been awhile since I have posted on this thread, I thought I would post the rough draft sketch of the town of Vansel from my iPad.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2021, 08:57:32 PM
Here is the version from a program called Affinity Photo where I can add pictures of the kits in the various locations to get a rough idea of what the scene will look like.  You can get real fancy with the software and get rid of the backgrounds but I usually don't take the time to do that. I'm happy enough with the scene in this corner of Vansel that I'm going to put in the upper benchwork and start designing the upper level of the town.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 20, 2021, 09:01:06 PM
The next step for this design concept will be to crate a sketch with all of the structures I plan to use for the scene - footprints only first.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2021, 08:07:20 AM
Here is a picture of the area as I started to clear away the lower benchwork to make room for the new upper level.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 21, 2021, 05:19:38 PM
Hey John:

Looks good. Can't wait for some progress shots.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 21, 2021, 10:00:18 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on April 21, 2021, 05:19:38 PM
Hey John:

Looks good. Can't wait for some progress shots.



Thank you for following along.  I will be finishing up the Eagles Nest Yard area before you will see many progress pictures from this area.  I needed a design and benchwork project so I decided to get this area started - for a change of pace. In a few weeks I will be back on the scenery and structures that are need to finish the Eagles Nest Yard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 22, 2021, 09:42:03 PM
I took this picture of the first section of upper level benchwork to use for iPad markups. I really like raising the church one inch. How many structures will Vansel end up with? The flat slab that was Vansel is quickly disappearing.  Now for some negative elevation.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on April 23, 2021, 01:35:25 PM
Hey John:

Area looks good. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: nycjeff on April 23, 2021, 04:27:38 PM
Hello John, glad that you are getting back into your train room, you've had a rough few months. Hope that our wonderful hobby helps you to get back into a good place. Can't wait to see what you do with this new area. With that background, I don't see how you can miss.   Jeff
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 23, 2021, 04:36:25 PM
Quote from: nycjeff on April 23, 2021, 04:27:38 PM
Hello John, glad that you are getting back into your train room, you've had a rough few months. Hope that our wonderful hobby helps you to get back into a good place. Can't wait to see what you do with this new area. With that background, I don't see how you can miss.   Jeff

Hi Jeff

Thank you for stopping by the thread.  Yes - it has been rough couple of months and I'm sure looking forward to more time in the train room.  The scene in this area is very deep (about 8 - 10 feet) so I want to create an elevation change that shows off all the structures but looks very natural.  I will keep sketching and mocking things up until I get what I'm looking for.  Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 25, 2021, 11:05:54 AM
Update:  I have made a lot of progress with the design for the town of Vansel. I have twenty pages in Notes of structures /kits and the design changes I want to make.  I originally did my footprint study using the dimensions from the baseboard for each kit from the instruction sheets. Now, that I have a rough plan, I'm going to get serious about placement with the new dimensions with the roads and tracks in place. I'm going to do this project using a CAD package on my MacBook called TurboCad.  This is a great evening project in the cabin. No TV here, and very limited internet from my cell phone. I will post the printout from TurboCad when it is complete.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on April 26, 2021, 03:35:14 PM

Great progress on the S&S Railroad. I need to get my a** in gear and do some A&S RR stuff.

Very well done my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 26, 2021, 07:26:20 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on April 26, 2021, 03:35:14 PM

Great progress on the S&S Railroad. I need to get my a** in gear and do some A&S RR stuff.

Very well done my friend.

Tom  ;D

Thank you, my friend. I kinda got the wind knocked out of my sails the last few weeks but I'm getting it back.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 29, 2021, 08:39:00 PM
Update: My activity on the layout has been an hour here and and an hour there this past week.  I continue to work on the details for my challenge build the "Crew Quarters for the Eagles Nest Yard".  The FSM Brownsville Depot and the Sayles Mill are both started and on my workbenches but I haven't made any progress in the last few weeks. The life getting in the way issues I have been having coupled with all the Spring chores have really limited the time I have to spend on the layout build.  I have also spent a lot of time this week taking measurements so I can work on the design for future areas on the layout when I'm traveling this summer (I'm hoping we can travel this summer). Once the Eagles Nest area is complete my next big project will be the town of Vansel that has been discussed over the past few pages of this thread. So that's what I have been doing - pictures and future updates to follow when I have progress to report.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on April 29, 2021, 10:16:51 PM
Sounds good, John.

An hour here and an hour there still adds up. 

Good luck with the travel plans.  I see the USA is still hovering around 50,000 new cases a day.  These new variants aren't helping.  NZ put a ban on flights from India a few weeks ago.  We now have a special separate quarantine facility set up for flights from hot spots and flights from India have resumed.

I'm plenty busy with the autumn chores here.  I have my modeling weekend here the first weekend in May, so this weekend I have to clean out the garage for my guests!

Right - back to the pruning and planting!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on April 30, 2021, 09:20:35 AM
John really looking forward to the new section.
I'm sure there be some surprises along the way!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2021, 07:00:39 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on April 29, 2021, 10:16:51 PM
Sounds good, John.

An hour here and an hour there still adds up. 

Good luck with the travel plans.  I see the USA is still hovering around 50,000 new cases a day.  These new variants aren't helping.  NZ put a ban on flights from India a few weeks ago.  We now have a special separate quarantine facility set up for flights from hot spots and flights from India have resumed.

I'm plenty busy with the autumn chores here.  I have my modeling weekend here the first weekend in May, so this weekend I have to clean out the garage for my guests!

Right - back to the pruning and planting!

Cheers, Mark.


The virus is still doing its thing here,  Michigan where I live is one of the hot spots. Amy and I have both had our shots but it's unclear if we could give it to someone because we get it and don't have symptoms. Hopefully this will be the last flareup. Our numbers are dropping the last two weeks. We have about 50% of the population vaccinated at this point. Of the 46 plus million people that have had both shots only 7800 have been documented with a positive test after the shots, but their symptoms were mild.

Good luck with your fall chores and the modeling weekend. I still have trouble getting my head around July being winter. We live in an amazing world - and it's getting smaller every year. I will be modeling all summer but not at anywhere near the pace I was last winter.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on April 30, 2021, 07:02:22 PM
Quote from: Jerry on April 30, 2021, 09:20:35 AM
John really looking forward to the new section.
I'm sure there be some surprises along the way!



I'm looking forward to it, too. I think I enjoy the design process as much or more than the building. Lots of ideas to be looked at before  starting the build.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 01, 2021, 02:09:17 PM
The walls are starting to go together for my Sayles Mill Build.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 01, 2021, 02:11:11 PM
I always do a dry fit before the castings go to the layout bench for gluing.  During this process the top of the casting is labeled along with joint numbers.  This keeps me from getting castings turned around during the gluing process.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 01, 2021, 02:14:04 PM
As soon as the casting joint is dry I reinforce it with 1/2 inch square basswood so nothing moves or comes apart during the handling that takes place during the painting process.  I will also reinforce the castings with wood to make sure nothing warps during the assembly process or down the road on the layout as the humidity and temperature change.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 01, 2021, 02:15:14 PM
It sure is nice to see casting going together again. ;) ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 01, 2021, 05:41:27 PM
Any tricks for gluing that 1/4" bracing in place after the walls are glued together? 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 01, 2021, 08:06:35 PM
Quote from: deemery on May 01, 2021, 05:41:27 PM
Any tricks for gluing that 1/4" bracing in place after the walls are glued together? 



The bracing I'm using on this one is 1/2 inch - I like lots of glue joint surface area. I use my trusty titebond III and clamp everything square until it dries - usually wait overnight. I did some joint testing on some scrap resin castings a few years ago and was very happy with the bond. I will be adding some strips inside the walls before this goes to the paint booth.

You will notice that I left the resin in the window openings.  I plan on blacking out the three sides that will not be visible and only opening the front windows.  I will have some internal LED's to light them up for the night photographs.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 02, 2021, 08:32:03 AM
I've had some problems when using epoxy with the bracing not staying in position, particularly when gluing the whole box together.  Titebond has good initial tack, so you're probably not having the same problems.  I enjoy seeing how you clamp up your assemblies. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 02, 2021, 08:38:00 AM
Quote from: deemery on May 02, 2021, 08:32:03 AM
I've had some problems when using epoxy with the bracing not staying in position, particularly when gluing the whole box together.  Titebond has good initial tack, so you're probably not having the same problems.  I enjoy seeing how you clamp up your assemblies.



I believe in clamping things in place until the glue dries.  As the glue dries there are a lot of chemical reactions going on that change the temperature of the materials which causes things to move, expand and contract. This is true with wood but really gets crazy with resin models.  With some of the clamps you see in my pictures you need to have a fine touch with the clamping pressure or the clamp will distort things. I'm watching to make sure there is no bow created in the wall section by the clamping pressure. You will notice that the angle plate is holding the joint square from the inside and the outside is held square, as well. I very rarely use epoxy any more because of the temperature changes as it kicks. I'm happy with the bond with the titebond III.  I haven't found a material it doesn't work with.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 04, 2021, 07:26:31 PM
I only got into the train room long enough to get the clamps off the Sayles Mill main building wall assembled and place it on the baseboard for a test fit, today. With as busy as my spring has been I decided this warranted a progress picture.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 07, 2021, 05:08:02 PM
Update: I started putting the window castings in the walls for Brownsville Depot, yesterday. I'm also spending a lot of time working on the design for the town of Vansel. A lot of sketching and then coming up with a better idea and sketching again at this point.  Nothing ready for posting at this point. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 08, 2021, 04:03:26 PM
Hey John:

Looks like you are on the way with this one. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on May 08, 2021, 05:01:33 PM

Two simple words for this -   LOVE IT!

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: nycjeff on May 08, 2021, 05:32:37 PM
Hey John, I'm looking forward to your next developed area. Like all the rest of your empire, I'm sure it will be great.   Jeff
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 09, 2021, 12:13:16 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 08, 2021, 04:03:26 PM
Hey John:

Looks like you are on the way with this one. Can't wait to see more.



Me too, I hope to get back in the workshop in a couple weeks for more than an hour at a time. Just a busy time right now. It has been 18 months since I have seen my oldest daughter and I'm getting to know my  grandson who arrived in March.  I can't wait to have all the Grandkids running trains at the same time.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 09, 2021, 12:16:43 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on May 08, 2021, 05:01:33 PM

Two simple words for this -   LOVE IT!

Tom  ;D

Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 09, 2021, 12:21:07 AM
Quote from: nycjeff on May 08, 2021, 05:32:37 PM
Hey John, I'm looking forward to your next developed area. Like all the rest of your empire, I'm sure it will be great.   Jeff


Thank you for the kind words, I have enjoyed your layout tour - I will be following along with your build as well.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 09, 2021, 11:10:57 AM
Update: I'm in the middle of a design exercise for the town of Vansel where I'm placing a baseboard footprint on a drawing of the layout area. The overall dimensions of this area are 14 feet long by 8 feet in depth - this includes the mountains in the background. The dimensions of the town (area where the structures will be placed) is 12 feet by 6.5 feet. The height change in the area for the structures is 18 inches. I will post the drawing when I get it completed (rough draft).  So far, I have the structures from 35 FSM and SRMW kits placed on the drawing. Also, have two C. C. Crow kits, and the Bar Mills FSM tribute kit in the mix. I still have some empty real-estate so these numbers will grow.  After I have an idea of the footprint pattern that I like I will be doing height mockups to look at view blocks and the overall look of the scene. I get a lot of ideas for changes to the kits by going through this process. My days of building them like the instructions and then placing them on the layout are done.  I really enjoy this process and expect there will be many kit bashes and scratch builds before this is complete. I will have a few years of fun into building this portion of the layout.

Here is a overall picture of the area for visualization. To help with the visualization process  - from where I'm standing when I took the picture to the back corner of the room is 20 feet. The area to the right of this picture is the Beach Farms which is the area I just recently completed.

The trees in the foam are waiting to be planted in front of Threadwell's. Four of the builds for this area have been completed. As a general rule, the builds will be completed and placed on the layout starting from the back of the scene and moving forward.

The picture printout that you see hanging from the facia rail is one of hundreds of pictures that I took of the Rocky and Cascade mountains in September. I have been using these pictures for reference as I built the mountains and added the scenery.


I plan on using the same process for my waterfront area. I will be doing the design work for the waterfront as I build the structures for Vansel.

Note to Bob: Your beautiful build of Avram's Bakery has been moved off the layout for safety until I get the benchwork completed. You can see the depression in the benchwork where the baseboard fits along with the rail siding that services it.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 09, 2021, 03:33:32 PM
QuoteMy days of building them like the instructions and then placing them on the layout are done.

Really looking forward to your new way of working, John.  I love to see kits chopped and changed, and its great to see someone unafraid to do this to the superkits.  35 SRMW & FSM kits...  I can only dream!  Although I'd have to build a third room to house them!

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on May 09, 2021, 03:41:27 PM
John, are you planning a 'city' or a 'small town' in that area?  In part, the distinction I'd draw is that a city would have pretty uniform 2-3 story brick buildings packed densely together (fire code :-) ), where a small town would have more wood structures spaced out.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2021, 11:39:50 AM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on May 09, 2021, 03:33:32 PM
QuoteMy days of building them like the instructions and then placing them on the layout are done.

Really looking forward to your new way of working, John.  I love to see kits chopped and changed, and its great to see someone unafraid to do this to the superkits.  35 SRMW & FSM kits...  I can only dream!  Although I'd have to build a third room to house them!

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along on my journey. It's actually pretty rare that I build a kit per the instructions but I'm seeing kits more as a box full of great parts for this project. If you study the pictures of the F&SM it's easy to identify different subassemblies from kits and not just FSM kits. I have pictures of all the kits I own on my iPad and MacBook and I'm taking pieces from each kit and building a town. Sometimes a scratch built transition will be required, etc. We will call it Extreme Kit-bashing, so we have a name for it. It is not a new technique, but it requires some risk that you may come up with something that just doesn't work and you are using parts from some expensive kits. The upside for me is that the scenes will be somewhat unique for my layout. I just find it one of the more enjoyable parts of the hobby. I think you take a similar approach, based on following your build threads.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 10, 2021, 11:57:11 AM
Quote from: deemery on May 09, 2021, 03:41:27 PM
John, are you planning a 'city' or a 'small town' in that area?  In part, the distinction I'd draw is that a city would have pretty uniform 2-3 story brick buildings packed densely together (fire code :-) ), where a small town would have more wood structures spaced out.



This will be a town (big by mountain standards) that grew up in a mountain valley.  It provides good and services mainly by rail to the surrounding mountain communities. There will be three mills, powered by the river, on the hill side overlooking the town. The buildings will be mostly made from wood, but a few stone and brick buildings will be in the mix.  The building code is build it with what you have or can get in by rail at a price you can afford.

Here are a few changes that are on the drawing board for the structures.

Franklin watch works will be a tractor sales and service shop.

Duffy's coal will be a boiler supply shop.

I'm making lists of goods and services and then figuring out which kit parts to use for an business that provides that good or service.

Here is a partial list.



lumber yard - mine will combine to FSM kits into on facility Barnsteads and Baxter's

tractor supply and service

Auto supply and service

Hardware store

Clothing stores

Gun and Hunting supply


Farm supplies and Feed

Fire Station

Police Headquarters or Sheriff Office

And the list goes on until I run out of real-estate and or ideas. There will be a more run down area - the original town buildings, and a more modern area (1940's time frame). All subject to change as I go through the design an build process. ;)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 12, 2021, 11:43:38 AM
Sounds well planned John.  Looking forward to the new town of Vansel!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 12, 2021, 12:14:23 PM
Quote from: Jerry on May 12, 2021, 11:43:38 AM
Sounds well planned John.  Looking forward to the new town of Vansel!



Thank you for following this thread and for your kind words. Having a plan help keep me motivated to continue the construction process.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on May 12, 2021, 05:25:03 PM
Hi, John.

Your partial list got me thinking.  I found while researching for Tellynott information on small towns including a list of what one would typically find.  I realise there will be some New Zealandising ... but you may find it helpful.

Grocer, butcher, greengrocer, pharmacy, hairdresser, baker, stationer/ news agent, and a post office.

Larger rows might also include a real estate agent, draper, jeweller, confectioner, hardware store, service station and one or more banks.

Cheers, Mark.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on May 12, 2021, 05:25:22 PM
Hey John:

Hope they all show up to run trains with you. My Grandfather got me started in the hobby with Lionel trains back in the day. Have fun with them.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 13, 2021, 02:16:04 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on May 12, 2021, 05:25:03 PM
Hi, John.

Your partial list got me thinking.  I found while researching for Tellynott information on small towns including a list of what one would typically find.  I realise there will be some New Zealandising ... but you may find it helpful.

Grocer, butcher, greengrocer, pharmacy, hairdresser, baker, stationer/ news agent, and a post office.

Larger rows might also include a real estate agent, draper, jeweller, confectioner, hardware store, service station and one or more banks.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the reference list - I remember seeing it on your build thread, it is very helpful. As I'm going through the design process - I have completely changed the layout of the town three times - I have got more ideas than space so now I'm trying to combine things - like the Post Office in the General Store. I will post a complete list from Vansel once this design gets closer to completion. I keep telling myself it's better to make these changes in the virtual world rather than once I start building. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 13, 2021, 02:19:27 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on May 12, 2021, 05:25:22 PM
Hey John:

Hope they all show up to run trains with you. My Grandfather got me started in the hobby with Lionel trains back in the day. Have fun with them.



I'm hoping to have some great family operations sessions as the Grandkids get older. The three older Grandkids love running the trains, now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 19, 2021, 08:40:10 AM
Update: I'm slowly getting back at working on the layout after my trip to California. I returned to a yard that needs a lot of work. :(  I have three builds on my workbenches, Brownsville Depot, Tucker & Cook, and the Sayles mill are all waiting for the next step. I made a lot of progress on the design for the town of Vansel while I was traveling. I will be posting more on that soon.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 26, 2021, 08:03:33 AM
Life has had me away from my workbench most of the time the last couple months so I thought I would post a couple pictures of my current projects as an update. The Tucker & Cook build is waiting for the final detailing and the windows are going in the Brownsville Depot. My third project, the Sayles Mill is just getting started - I have completed the baseboard buildup and the four main walls have been glued together.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on May 28, 2021, 06:59:35 PM
John is that all you have on your plate??  ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on May 30, 2021, 07:54:53 AM
Quote from: Jerry on May 28, 2021, 06:59:35 PM
John is that all you have on your plate??  ;D



I seem to currently be having time management problems - I'm not managing to have enough time at the workbench. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 01, 2021, 10:02:09 PM
If you look back a few pages in this build thread I discussed the elimination of one of my hatches in the area of the town of Vansel. Well, today I completed the "bridge" as I named it, so I can crawl over the structures and scenery in this area to do any maintenance that might become necessary.


The first question you should be asking is how easy is it to put this "bridge" in place.  Here is how I decided to do it.

You slide the bridge in on a pole that holds the weight of the bridge as you slide it in place.  The pole will be mounted in the same location, which will be underneath a removable structure.


Once you get it extended out over the layout in position you simply rotate off the pole into position.


I can reach the back of the layout from this platform or "bridge".  I will be using it in more that one location on the layout. Here is a picture of a live drill where I put it in place over some very delicate structures.  You will notice that I added some side rails to minimize the deflection when my 191 lbs. gets up there. It didn't move much but the rails eliminated the deflection.


The footprint and leg swing will be design criteria for the structures that will be put in place in these areas. The metal brackets that hold the touch down pads have 2 1/2 inches of adjustment to account for uneven terrain and touch down locations. Its sure felt good to make some progress on the layout and complete a project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 01, 2021, 10:12:33 PM
I practiced putting the "bridge" in and out enough times that I believe it will work and I'm confident that eliminating the hatch that was going to be under the Sayles Mill complex is a viable solution to any layout maintenance issues in this area. I still plan on having a hatch in the location 4 feet to the left of this bridge location to service the East side of Vansel.  This was critical to moving forward with the Sayles Mill complex, hence the detour on to this project. Back to the builds on my workbenches.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 02, 2021, 01:17:10 AM
Hey John:

great progress. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Janbouli on June 02, 2021, 05:23:40 AM
Wow , gotta have a lot of trust in that bridge , and the benchwork underneath it too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2021, 07:48:52 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 02, 2021, 01:17:10 AM
Hey John:

great progress. Can't wait to see more.



Thank you, it's good to be making progress, again.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 02, 2021, 07:54:49 AM
Quote from: Janbouli on June 02, 2021, 05:23:40 AM
Wow , gotta have a lot of trust in that bridge , and the benchwork underneath it too.


Thank you for stopping by the thread.

The bridge and benchwork are not going anywhere. The main issues are getting it in place and not having anything in my pockets that can fall on structures. The need for it is one of the downfalls of having all the depth to the layout. I like having the depth.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 07:23:51 AM
Today, I made the baseboards for my next few builds in the Eagles Nest Yard. First was the FSM Brownsville Depot.


You can see the open hatch in the background that serves as the location for my last two challenge builds, more on that latter.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 07:28:04 AM
Directly in front of the open hatch will be the FSM Icing platform. I will be removing the sand to set this baseboard down 1/4 of inch.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 07:38:14 AM
Here is a couple pictures of the overall scene. Please excuse the clutter. There will be some more structures on the left and right of the Depot. I'm still working out exactly what I want to put in that area. I'm sure looking forward to completing the scenery and putting the finishing touches on this area.  I will be getting started on that for the area reachable through the open hatch in the next few weeks.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 07:50:10 AM
The hatch cover serves as the baseboard for my challenge builds from the last two years. The FSM 145 coaling tower, 2020 build challenge, and SRMW Tucker & Cook this years build challenge I have moved it to my workbench to finish up the detailing on this years challenge build. See the build threads listed above for the details on this process.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jrmueller on June 03, 2021, 11:00:54 AM
Impressive project John
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 12:49:14 PM
Quote from: jrmueller on June 03, 2021, 11:00:54 AM
Impressive project John


Thank you for the kind words and for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on June 03, 2021, 02:29:20 PM

Your layout is magnificent and very well done. The bridge is a stroke of genius. Certainly better than a hatch.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on June 03, 2021, 03:28:05 PM
How will the hatch work?  2 people, one to push up from underneath and the other to grab it?  Or will everything be nailed down tight so you can tilt the hatch and pass it through the hole?  I always learn from your engineering!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on June 03, 2021, 04:02:13 PM
Looking terrific, John.

How is the design on the town of Vansel going?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 06:56:58 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on June 03, 2021, 02:29:20 PM

Your layout is magnificent and very well done. The bridge is a stroke of genius. Certainly better than a hatch.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for your kind words - The bridge is a good solution to the accessibility in this area. I tested it by doing the final fitting work for the Sayles Mill using it.  The problem I have with hatches is I seem to create mini tornadoes with my arms trying to work through them. There are three areas on the layout where I need access by way of a hatch or a bridge.  I'm designing two of the three for both methods.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 03, 2021, 08:22:37 PM
Quote from: deemery on June 03, 2021, 03:28:05 PM
How will the hatch work?  2 people, one to push up from underneath and the other to grab it?  Or will everything be nailed down tight so you can tilt the hatch and pass it through the hole?  I always learn from your engineering!



My hatches are designed to be removed by one person. I'm usually working on the layout alone. I grabbed a couple pictures out of the archive to describe how they work.

First, here is a picture of the hatch after I lifted it up from underneath. I just lift it up and set it over on the yard sidings that are next to the spot. From here on out with the structures attached to the hatch cover and structures in and around the yard I will first setup a place to set it down on. This is a great application for the bench cookies that I discussed in my previous post. They would set on the track and the stickup will clear any structures in the area. If I want to completely remove the hatch from the layout I can reach it from the isle way.  The hatch I have planned for the Vansel area will work the same way. You have to make sure that you plan ahead for the location of the hatch and the landing spot when you want to do this as a one man operation.


In this next picture you can see part of the shelf that the hatch sits in when it is in place. Up to this point the plywood hatch has been just sitting on the shelf or ledge. Now that I'm going to finish this area it will screwed down with the screws running through the shelf into the plywood.  The screws are removed from underneath the layout. The scenery in this area will be completed with the hatch removed. So I don't end up gluing the hatch shut.  Once the hatch is put in place the seems will be hid with ballast and dirt applied dry. The track is gapped over the seems so all of the electrical power for the hatch cover needs to be connected through a junction box with removable wires.


You will notice that there are gaps in the shelf - the size of a 4 inch putty knife.  Once the hatch is in position I can just put a putty knife through the seem to start getting the ballast out of the way. I then run the shop vac over the seem before I remove the hatch. Once you get things started in one location it seems to get it started along the whole seem. When the hatch goes back in a little dry ballast or dirt and the seem is gone.


As I finish this area I will try to remember to post some pictures to show how this works out.  I hope this helps answer your question.  Please let me know if you have any more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 07, 2021, 08:36:22 PM
Update:  I returned from my fishing trip, today and got right back to work on the layout. The window castings are installed in the Brownsville depot build.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 07, 2021, 08:40:52 PM
I also removed all the weights from the Tucker & Cook and Coal tower build. Now I'm having second thoughts about the placement of the smaller out building which is a bathhouse and locker room for the railroad crews on the S&S RR.

I may use the space originally planned for the bathhouse building for another structure build and tuck the bathhouse in behind the loading dock and warehouse. Here are a few pictures that I took to help with the thought process. I like the idea of adding another taller structure behind and to the right of coaling tower to help balance out the scene. I need to sleep on this one.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on June 08, 2021, 08:14:38 AM
Thanks for the info on your access hatches.  I have one corner that is out of reach from the aisles, so I built a (foam) hatch for that.  But fortunately all track is within reach without hatches, that's just to get scenery into that far corner.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 08, 2021, 08:48:32 AM
Quote from: deemery on June 08, 2021, 08:14:38 AM
Thanks for the info on your access hatches.  I have one corner that is out of reach from the aisles, so I built a (foam) hatch for that.  But fortunately all track is within reach without hatches, that's just to get scenery into that far corner.



You are welcome. I would prefer not to have the hatches (they are a lot of work) but I had to do it to get the depth I was looking for to the scenes in these areas.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on June 08, 2021, 01:12:10 PM
Always enjoy seeing the latest updates to your empire.
All the structures look great and that MOW bridge is really neat.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 08, 2021, 06:56:05 PM
Hey John:

Both structures are just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 08, 2021, 08:16:23 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on June 08, 2021, 01:12:10 PM
Always enjoy seeing the latest updates to your empire.
All the structures look great and that MOW bridge is really neat.


Thank you for following along and you kind comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 08, 2021, 08:24:31 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 08, 2021, 06:56:05 PM
Hey John:

Both structures are just beautiful.



Thank you my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 08, 2021, 09:19:45 PM
Update: Today was cleanup the workbenches and organize each of my three build projects so I had all the pieces for each build on the same workbench.  It was a bit of a task - as usual - I had parts all over the workshop as I batch painted and prepared for the three builds at once. I still have a couple items on the MIA list but I know they are here.
Tomorrow, I will be getting back in the structure building business. When I get to the point where I need a brake from the workbench I will be starting the finish scenery for the Eagles Nest Yard. Okay - we have a plan. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 10, 2021, 09:00:30 AM
Always good to have a plan John.

Like the way you do the hatches.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 10, 2021, 01:49:11 PM
Quote from: Jerry on June 10, 2021, 09:00:30 AM
Always good to have a plan John.

Like the way you do the hatches.



Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 11, 2021, 07:54:54 PM
Update: A few progress pictures from the workbenches. First continued adding the details to the Tucker & Cook build. Gluing on the bracing for the roof over the doorway.


Adding the interior detail to the news stand for the Brownsville Depot.



Cleared the windows and added the bracing for the floors in the main building.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 14, 2021, 08:52:12 AM
hey John:

great progress so far. Can't wait to see some paint on that stone building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 14, 2021, 06:41:13 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 14, 2021, 08:52:12 AM
hey John:

great progress so far. Can't wait to see some paint on that stone building.


Thank you for following along Karl.  I hope to get the primer coat on it this week.  I need to build up the wood top level of the building and then prime it all at once.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 15, 2021, 10:51:37 AM
I see Rube Goldberg was alive and well in that first picture!! ;D

Great work!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 15, 2021, 05:17:41 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome. I very much enjoy your RR.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 15, 2021, 08:10:06 PM
Quote from: Jerry on June 15, 2021, 10:51:37 AM
I see Rube Goldberg was alive and well in that first picture!! ;D

Great work!



When I'm gluing stuff old Rube is always looking over my shoulder.  ;)  I don't like anything to move while the glue is drying.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 17, 2021, 08:05:51 AM
Yesterday, I got started on the loading docks for the Brownsville Depot. I used driftwood Hunterline Stain after distressing the wood with a rasp.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 17, 2021, 08:37:00 AM
I took some reference photographs of the brick and cobblestone streets in Savannah, GA this past weekend. I plan on some brick streets in the older section of Vansel. Here is what the streets in the Historic District looked like.






Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 17, 2021, 08:40:22 AM
Great pictures John.  Sure will make wonderful reference photos.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on June 17, 2021, 11:00:58 AM
Those brick-shaped pavers look to me more like actual stone than brick.   Great set of reference photos!

(add:  Here's why I think they're stones:  (1) doesn't look like a clay color.  (2) the wavy pattern looks more like sedimentary/metamorphosed sedimentary rock, (3) the relatively random but smooth wear doesn't look like how I remember brick pavers weather.  All this is from my recollection of brick-paved streets in Pittsburgh.  But of course, the bricks in SC might be a lot different than the bricks in western PA.

Oh, and if they were machine cut, they could easily get to that regular a pattern.  A lot of Belgian Block pavers I've seen are regular in size/shape.  )

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 17, 2021, 11:32:17 AM
Quote from: Jerry on June 17, 2021, 08:40:22 AM
Great pictures John.  Sure will make wonderful reference photos.



Thank you - They are definitely old.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 17, 2021, 11:35:02 AM
Quote from: deemery on June 17, 2021, 11:00:58 AM
Those brick-shaped pavers look to me more like actual stone than brick.   Great set of reference photos!



I'm not sure if they were cut stones or bricks when they began service. Lots of wear over the years. If they were cut stones the guy sure was good.  Very uniform size.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 17, 2021, 07:43:56 PM
Update:  Today, I made progress on all three builds on my workbenches. The Brownsville depot has the roof bracing installed and the loading docks for both the front and the back have been completed. I will be adding the main structure and loading docks to the baseboard, tomorrow.  All of the tasks on sheet A have been completed. ;)


The Sayles Mill main building and all of the window castings made it through the paint booth for a coat of primer. The primer I am using is a very light gray.


I also added more details to the S&S RR Crew Quarters (aka SRMW Tucker & Cook) but I didn't take progress picture today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 17, 2021, 07:45:30 PM
Can you tell where I test the airbrush?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 18, 2021, 06:56:39 PM
Update: Today, I painted all the window castings for Sayles Mill white.  I did my own paint mix with white with a little gray added to tone it down a touch. This was my first attempt at running regular Apple barrel paint from the craft store through my new airbrush.  It worked very well. I thinned it down until it looked like milk. So far I'm happy with the results.

I made incremental progress on my Brownsville Depot build but nothing that was picture worthy. That's it for today's update. It's time to go grill some steaks in the Gazebo. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2021, 10:13:27 PM
Update: I made some good progress on the Brownsville Depot build, today.  First I added the interior lighting for the main building. I'm trying something different on this build - I'm mounting the stick-on LED's to the wall facing the aisle way so you will not see the bulbs and the light will bounce off the back of the structure. Stay tuned, as soon as the glue dries that is holding the wires in place I will turn out the shop lights and see what it looks like.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2021, 10:14:39 PM
Here is another picture of the installation from the other side.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2021, 10:16:36 PM
And here are a couple pictures of the light-up on my workbench.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2021, 10:18:52 PM
So I used the paint technique for the shades in the windows.  They look fine until you backlight them and take a night photograph.  Looks like I will need to add paper shades.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2021, 10:22:33 PM
At the end of the day I got started on the shingles for the roof on the main building.  You will notice that I decided to add the shingles on roof cards while they were flat on my workbench. I didn't want to glue the roof cards down until I figured out what I want to do about the window shades. So I will follow the directions this time.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 20, 2021, 10:23:45 PM
The last row of shingles that is headed up hill on the right side is not glued down yet.  :-[
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 21, 2021, 04:25:52 AM
hey John:

Looking just great so far. Can't wait to see more.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 08:48:59 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 21, 2021, 04:25:52 AM
hey John:

Looking just great so far. Can't wait to see more.



Thank you for the kind words and for following along. I should get some more done, today.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 09:09:44 AM
Here is a few progress pictures from the Sayles Mill build.  I'm using three different shades of grey soft pastel chalks to color the walls.




The darker gray stones will lighten up when I go over the the walls with the final blending.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 09:11:46 AM
I also got started adding the LED lighting to the Sayles mill - I added the LED's to the center floor before adding the floor for the upper level.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 09:13:08 AM
Then I added the floor for the upper level - I added bracing to the cardboard cards that Bob supplied for the floor.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 09:21:03 AM
Then the flooring, along with the LED's mounted to the card, was added to the main building.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 09:23:38 AM
Finally, for this update, the window castings (109 of them) are all painted with the glass added, ready to install in the structure.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 01:26:53 PM
Now, it's time to move on to the wood portion of the Sayles Mill.  All of the pieces accounted for. Check. While going through this process I found I have some metal window castings that I have to paint. So there are more than 109 window castings.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on June 21, 2021, 01:39:52 PM

Fantastic job on Sayles. It is quite an impressive build my friend. When lit, it will be stunning. Yes, that sure is a lot of windows.

Keep up the great work.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on June 21, 2021, 04:08:07 PM
Nice progress, John.

Looking good.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 08:17:27 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on June 21, 2021, 01:39:52 PM

Fantastic job on Sayles. It is quite an impressive build my friend. When lit, it will be stunning. Yes, that sure is a lot of windows.

Keep up the great work.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for stopping by the thread and for the encouraging words. It sure feel good to be able to string a few hours together at the work bench and get something done.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on June 21, 2021, 08:18:48 PM
This makes me suddenly regretful of selling my Sayles Mill! Great work as usual, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 08:19:02 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on June 21, 2021, 04:08:07 PM
Nice progress, John.

Looking good.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you - it's great to be back at it.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 21, 2021, 08:27:13 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on June 21, 2021, 08:18:48 PM
This makes me suddenly regretful of selling my Sayles Mill! Great work as usual, John.


Thank you for the encouraging words. The Sayles Mill is one of my top 4 SRMW kits.  I'm actually building it very close to what Bob did for the prototype. Mine will not be as heavily weathered. Twenty year old paint job instead of the 30 to 40 year old mill paint job that Bob modeled. At one point last winter I was thinking about selling a few kits but after further review I decided to keep them. At some point the parts will get used even if I don't build the kit as the manufacture intended.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on June 21, 2021, 08:28:36 PM
Can't wait to see those results, John. A twenty year old paint job sounds agedly great!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 23, 2021, 10:02:36 AM
Update on the Brownsville Depot Build:  I glued black construction paper to the back of the window shades to get rid of the issue with the painted window shades with the LED interior lighting.  All is well with the shades added.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 23, 2021, 10:05:22 AM
I also took the baseboard and the main building to the layout to determine the final building placement on the baseboard.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 23, 2021, 10:06:50 AM
You will notice Avram's in the background sitting on the track.  It has been removed from the Vansel area for safe keeping while I make the benchwork modifications for the town of Vansel.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on June 23, 2021, 02:02:36 PM
Hey John:

The RR is looking beautiful as always.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 23, 2021, 03:15:53 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on June 23, 2021, 02:02:36 PM
Hey John:

The RR is looking beautiful as always.



Thank you - a little progress each day.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 23, 2021, 03:33:39 PM
Today's progress report:  Starting to mount structures to the baseboard for the Brownsville build.


The wood parts have been fitted with the bracing, nail heads, and the first step in the coloring process has been completed (Hunterline Blue Grey stain).



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on June 24, 2021, 08:27:15 AM

Another wonderful build under your command!  You have done such an amazing job on this RR!  Just your planning alone deserves a big round of applause!

Happy to have the chance to follow along!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 24, 2021, 07:28:07 PM

It's great to have you along for the ride. And I appreciate your comments.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on June 24, 2021, 07:54:10 PM
A quick note about the picture above. I took the picture just after staining the clapboard siding sections and the light and dark sections are mainly due to the drying process. I will be going over all of these sections with a blue grey soft pastel chalk as the next step. I will try to remember to take a picture of the clapboard after the stain dries before adding the chalk.  Those that have followed my last few builds will recognize  this as my go to technique, of late. The stain establishes the base color and the chalk gives it that 20 year old  chalky paint look. If I wanted to give it the more weathered look (aka pealing paint) (30 to 40 year old paint job look)  I would use the "Mark's sock" technique and dap acrylic paint on over the stain with an old sock. See my Beach Farms build for the Mark's sock technique. Or see Mark Dalrymple's build thread for the original sock technique. The sock technique is a modified sponge technique but you use a special sock - it just works.

This post is in response to the emails that I received about my comment about 20 year old paint vs. 30-40 year old paint. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 01, 2021, 10:43:44 PM
Update: Activity on the S&S RR has been limited to design work for the past few days.  I'm spending my days outside enjoying some very nice summer weather at the Northern Hqtrs. of the S&S RR (my cabin in Northern Michigan). I work on my design projects for the layout in the evenings listening to the coyotes howl. I plan on getting back to my workbench and my current structure builds next week.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2021, 10:06:04 AM
One of my projects while I was away was to standardize my control panel graphics and start getting ready for operations on the S&S RR. At this point I'm trying a color coded system where each control panel will have labels and colors to identify each track. The green labels are to aid the operator in turnout control.  The black labels identify track blocks that can be controlled  for power at the control panel. This picture is of my first draft for the South Superior Yard.  Keeping the labels off the track graphics really helps with readability - especially when you are controlling a moving train.  There will also be a color coded overall track plan that will show all the track work in the S&S RR system.  I'm using a CAD package called TurboCad for the graphics.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on July 04, 2021, 10:50:50 AM

Great looking panel and graphics. That is going to be one fantastic looking control panel. Great stuff here John.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2021, 07:25:45 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on July 04, 2021, 10:50:50 AM

Great looking panel and graphics. That is going to be one fantastic looking control panel. Great stuff here John.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for the kind words. After running trains with the control panels over the past few years, I learned a few things that needed to be incorporated into this update.  Once the graphics are complete I will pull the glass off each panel and replace the graphics.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2021, 07:28:52 PM
Update: It got hot here today so I got a lot of time at the workbench. Here are a few photographs that describe what's going on each of my workbenches.

First of all, Brownsville Depot has the roof card installed on the main building.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2021, 07:33:31 PM
The walls for the Sayles Mill Boiler HJouse received a coat of primer.


I then started the process of adding the soft pastel chalk.


To show off the brick color and leave the grey color in the mortar joints I use a soft eraser to remove the chalk off the brick faces.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 04, 2021, 07:36:09 PM
Finally, for tonight, the upper level for the main Salyes Mill building started going together.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 05, 2021, 10:01:43 PM
Today, the upper wood level of the main Sayles Mill structure was glued together.  I did a dry test fit at the end of the day - ready for assembly.  I also made the loading docks for the Tucker & Cook build - I will take another progress photograph of that build, tomorrow.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 06, 2021, 05:11:43 PM
Looking good John!  The hot weather should keep you in and modeling!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 07, 2021, 10:01:14 AM
Quote from: Jerry on July 06, 2021, 05:11:43 PM
Looking good John!  The hot weather should keep you in and modeling!



Thank you for stopping by the thread and the encouraging comments. Yes, the hot weather even ruled out modeling in the gazebo.  Last night we had a front go through and things have cooled off to the 70's.  I spent some quality modeling time in the gazebo last night.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 07, 2021, 01:50:14 PM
Today, the upper level of the Sayles Mill was trimmed and glued to the lower resin casting portion of the building. The wood structure fit perfectly side to side and has a few thousands overhand front to back.


Here is how it was held down while the glue dried.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 07, 2021, 01:55:40 PM
I finally got back to the Tucker & Cook build and started to add the final details.  It was on hold until I could get back up to my cabin and get some more of the garden soil that I use as my base for the scenery work. I used up my supply during the pandemic and had to resupply.  I ran the dirt through the fine mesh screens and put it in the oven to kill anything that might have been living in it.  Here is a progress picture with the loading docks added.  Next step will be the dirt and first layer of scenery materials.  Then I will add the final details, castings, figures etc. and do some touchup work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on July 08, 2021, 11:19:28 AM
What a great photo! Great job, John.

Can't wait to see how the SRMW kit will look all weathered given it's proximity to that messy coal tower (which I ADORE, by the way)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 09, 2021, 06:55:50 PM
Hey John:

Looks just great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2021, 08:03:08 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on July 08, 2021, 11:19:28 AM
What a great photo! Great job, John.

Can't wait to see how the SRMW kit will look all weathered given it's proximity to that messy coal tower (which I ADORE, by the way)


Thank you for stopping by the thread and the encouraging words.  I will be dusting it up a little -life in a steam train yard was not very clean - I think getting scenery around the buildings is really going to help make them pop.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2021, 08:03:26 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 09, 2021, 06:55:50 PM
Hey John:

Looks just great.


Thank you my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 09, 2021, 08:07:13 PM
Here is another progress picture from the Tucker & Cook build. I added the base dirt around the buildings.  Yes, it is very dark in this picture all wet down with Matt Medium. It will dry much lighter and will serve as the base color for all the scenery materials. I will add lighter tan sand in the roadways.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 11, 2021, 09:41:45 AM
Hey John:

It still looks great.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2021, 10:08:15 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 11, 2021, 09:41:45 AM
Hey John:

It still looks great.



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2021, 08:18:19 PM
A short story:  Dedicated to Tom and the Judge. 

For those that follow both Tom's and my build threads we have had a few issues with chasing shorts in our layouts from time to time. So my Granddaughter is now two years old and the rule on the S&S RR is you can start running trains when you are two. She has been watching her two older brothers and she knew what to do with the throttle and that she need to touch the lights to make the turnouts work. She really liked making the lights on the control panels turn colors so she threw a number of turnouts while Papa wasn't looking and shorted out one of my power districts, much to my surprise.  I decided to let them run trains on another section of layout and figure out what happened latter.

So after what seemed like hours of testing, I couldn't find the problem. So I turned out the lights in the train room and looked for a spark. This will be the first thing I try the next time I have a short issue.  Here is what I found at the location of the spark.


Here is what the piece of wire looked like when I got it out of the turnout with tweezers.



I think the piece of wire could have been hanging out there for some time and wiggled just right to short the tracks when the turnout was thrown.

Anyway, the reason for the story was when looking for a short - turn out the lights and look for a spark "first".  It worked once.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 11, 2021, 08:22:42 PM
From the pictures it looks like I have a little file work to do on the point of the frog. :-[   I also have some hide it with ballast work to do with some wires.  This was in the Eagles Nest Yard which is the next area of the layout scheduled to be detailed and have the scenery finished.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jbvb on July 12, 2021, 12:05:00 PM
I have heard of modelers who run a car with a magnet glued underneath to pick up things like that.  In the days of open-frame permag motors, keeping bits of wire & steel filings out of the works was a big issue.

Regarding the switchpoint, a little tweak with needlenose to close the gap would help too.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 12, 2021, 02:47:21 PM
Quote from: jbvb on July 12, 2021, 12:05:00 PM
I have heard of modelers who run a car with a magnet glued underneath to pick up things like that.  In the days of open-frame permag motors, keeping bits of wire & steel filings out of the works was a big issue.

Regarding the switchpoint, a little tweak with needlenose to close the gap would help too.


Yes, I agree,  the repair will require a little tweak with the needle nose pliers - it looks like it got bumped with something.

As for the magnet car it would help with this piece of wire, I have no idea where it came from, but I have a lot of copper wire pieces flying around the layout room which require a good vacuuming of the track work after a work session. Layout maintenance is just a fact of life. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 12, 2021, 02:52:10 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome. Keep the pic flowing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 09:45:46 AM
Update: There is activity on all my workbenches right now.  The Sayles Mill build, the Brownsville Depot build, and the finish work on the Tucker & Cook build. I will be taking progress pictures again this week.  I'm also starting the finish scenery work in the Eagles Nest Yard. I'm rotating between the jobs - working on one until it's time to let the glue dry - and then moving on to the next job. This is the way I like to work but it keeps each individual build on the workbench a lot longer. I keep coming back to this mode of operation every time I try something new, so it must be what works for me. I will get the camera out in the next couple of days. Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 12:38:05 PM
Here is what's going on with the Tucker & Cook build. Just getting started with the detailing - do you notice anything different?

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on July 13, 2021, 01:01:35 PM

That weathering is really tying it together now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: tom.boyd.125 on July 13, 2021, 01:02:03 PM
Looks like those parked steam engines in your terminal toned down everything...
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on July 13, 2021, 01:55:55 PM

The photo above is wonderful. Lots of steam soot!

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 01:57:25 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on July 13, 2021, 01:01:35 PM

That weathering is really tying it together now.


I'm trying to make it all look like it's part of a working railroad in the late 1940's.  Most of the models you see, coaling towers look like a coaling tower that has been in the sun and rain for 60 years without seeing any coal.  Do you think I'm getting it right?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 01:58:20 PM
Quote from: tom.boyd.125 on July 13, 2021, 01:02:03 PM
Looks like those parked steam engines in your terminal toned down everything...

Yup - I hope I'm getting it right. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 01:59:48 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on July 13, 2021, 01:55:55 PM

The photo above is wonderful. Lots of steam soot!

Tom  ;D


I'm going for the working railroad look, rather than the abandoned for 60 years look - I hope I'm getting it right.

My only real experience is riding behind steam locomotives and having my wife say I look like I worked in a coal mine, at the end of the day.  As a number of members commented, the crew quarters right next to the coaling tower was not going to have a clean paint job.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on July 13, 2021, 03:02:43 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 01:57:25 PM
Do you think I'm getting it right?

I definitely think so.

As you say, it's all in the details, so once you've added all the people, scenery, trash piles, mini scenes etc... there will be no denying it's a working 1940's coal yard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 04:32:20 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on July 13, 2021, 03:02:43 PM
Quote from: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 01:57:25 PM
Do you think I'm getting it right?

I definitely think so.

As you say, it's all in the details, so once you've added all the people, scenery, trash piles, mini scenes etc... there will be no denying it's a working 1940's coal yard.


Thank you for your encouraging words.  Here is a picture at the end of the day, for this model, today.  I need to let this one sit a couple of days to let the glue dry.  I'm having trouble getting it to dry because our weather has been so cool and damp.  Usually this time of year the air conditioner sucks the moisture out of the air in the train room.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 04:34:13 PM
I will have some progress pictures of my other two builds latter this evening. It's time for the treadmill.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 13, 2021, 04:50:55 PM
That's made a huge difference, John.

Looking great.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on July 13, 2021, 05:40:45 PM
Are those Martin Welberg bushes? I love his stuff.

It really is looking great, John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 13, 2021, 06:31:04 PM
Hey John:

All I can say I WOW!!! how cool.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 07:35:35 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on July 13, 2021, 04:50:55 PM
That's made a huge difference, John.

Looking great.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for the encouraging words. A layer at a time.  ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 07:39:36 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on July 13, 2021, 05:40:45 PM
Are those Martin Welberg bushes? I love his stuff.

It really is looking great, John.


Yes, the bushes are Martin Welberg's. I met Martin at the Narrow Gauge convention a couple years ago, he has sure taken scenery modeling to another level. We had a long discussion about possible new products.  I can't wait to see what he comes out with next.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 07:41:04 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 13, 2021, 06:31:04 PM
Hey John:

All I can say I WOW!!! how cool.



Thank you, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 07:48:09 PM
Here are a few progress pictures from my other projects on the workbench.  I fabricated the eve moldings for the Brownsville Depot and got the first coat of paint on them.  George has your fabricated the modelings with a quarter round glued to the face of a piece of standard strip wood.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 07:56:56 PM
We are in the middle of tower construction on the Sayles Mill build.


The only issue I have had with this tower build is that it looks like it is leaning to me when I gun site it on the workbench.  I have used straight edges and squares ( I include a couple pictures) to assure myself that it is indeed straight.  I have concluded that it is an optical illusion and I'm moving on. 



The curvature affect from the iPhone camera doesn't help.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 13, 2021, 07:59:37 PM
I have convinced myself that it's time to start assembling on the baseboard - which I have completed. Tonight, I'm going to read ahead in the instruction manual and see if there is any reason I need to hold off.  It will be a lot easier to visualize things with them attached in their permanent position on the baseboard.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: nycjeff on July 13, 2021, 11:53:38 PM
Hello John, sometime back I made a comment about dirty railroad workers using the hotel looking building that is your crew quarters. Well, now it looks like a working railroad crew quarters- great job !!!   Jeff
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 14, 2021, 01:05:47 AM
I think I also commented on the likelihood of a trackside hotel collecting lots of dirt.  Looks great!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 14, 2021, 02:23:23 AM
Hey John:

It's coming along quite nicely. Keep the pics flowing.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 07:34:01 AM
Quote from: nycjeff on July 13, 2021, 11:53:38 PM
Hello John, sometime back I made a comment about dirty railroad workers using the hotel looking building that is your crew quarters. Well, now it looks like a working railroad crew quarters- great job !!!   Jeff


Thank you for following along and the kind words. I need to complete the scenery and detailing that I can on the workbench then it will go through another layer of detailing to get everything to blend together in location on the layout. I'm starting that process on the layout as a fourth project.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 07:59:33 AM
Quote from: deemery on July 14, 2021, 01:05:47 AM
I think I also commented on the likelihood of a trackside hotel collecting lots of dirt.  Looks great!



I believe you were one of those that commented on the environmental factors of the crew quarters next to the coaling tower and all of the steam locomotive activity. I think it looks a lot more prototypical now.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 08:00:48 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 14, 2021, 02:23:23 AM
Hey John:

It's coming along quite nicely. Keep the pics flowing.



As always, thank you for following along - and pictures is what we do here on the forum so I will keep them flowing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 14, 2021, 08:13:17 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 09:09:38 PM
Today, I retrieved the baseboard for the Sayles Mill build off the layout and started getting it ready for the structures.  I built his baseboard a number of years ago and then changed my mind on the location for the Sayles Mill on the layout.
Now that the location is settled I need to complete the baseboard and add the framework for the complete mill pond which is not part of the diorama as Bob VanGelder built it for the kit prototype. Here is a picture of the baseboard in place on the layout.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 09:10:58 PM
Here is a closeup picture from above.  You can see that the foam has taken a beating from the years sitting on the layout in a construction site.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 09:23:12 PM
Once I got the baseboard to my workbench I started adding the additional framing for the other side of the mill pond and decided to cover the foam with basswood. You can see in the picture that I filled in the dents in the foam with wood glue as a first step.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 14, 2021, 09:26:02 PM
Here is the baseboard with the framing in place and partially covered with the basswood sheet. You can see I used every available weight in the workshop to hold the basswood sheet in place while the glue dried. I use my iPad on the workbench to display pictures when I'm working - here I have some framework on the layout that I need to account for with the baseboard framing so I had the picture to reference. This basewood sheet was some 3/32 thick sheet that was left over from my trestle project.  I like gluing wood to wood and this is a perfect solution to the rough foam surface issue.


Tomorrow, I will finish the basswood sheet and the baseboard will be ready for the structures.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Keep It Rusty on July 15, 2021, 08:42:55 AM
Clean work, Sir.

I can already see that mill sat there!

Do you use a jigsaw to cut your plywood?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on July 15, 2021, 10:05:28 AM
John - I believe in the fashion world those dents would be called "texturing".....

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2021, 05:20:51 PM
Quote from: Keep it Rusty on July 15, 2021, 08:42:55 AM
Clean work, Sir.

I can already see that mill sat there!

Do you use a jigsaw to cut your plywood?


Thank you, I'm  ready to get it on the baseboard.  I have been seeing it on there for a few years now. ;)

I have a jigsaw but in this case I used a saber saw - it was out on the workbench and I didn't need the accuracy of a jigsaw.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2021, 05:25:56 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on July 15, 2021, 10:05:28 AM
John - I believe in the fashion world those dents would be called "texturing".....



I went furniture shopping with my wife recently and thought it was shipping damage. The store clerk said it was the distressed look. I have some furniture at my cabin that has been in fashion for 60 years.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2021, 11:02:05 PM
I started adding the eve moldings and the trim castings to the Brownsville Depot build, today.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 15, 2021, 11:06:28 PM
On the Sayles Mill Build, the boiler house started going together.

l foundation.


And the baseboard fabrication was completed.  All great builds start with a good level foundation.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on July 16, 2021, 09:08:06 AM
John, next time you're at a camera store (on-line or brick and mortar), look for one of those little levels they sell that sit on the flash mount point on your camera.  They're a bit easier to read than a small circular level, and would work great for checking level in both directions on the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 16, 2021, 10:50:55 AM
Quote from: deemery on July 16, 2021, 09:08:06 AM
John, next time you're at a camera store (on-line or brick and mortar), look for one of those little levels they sell that sit on the flash mount point on your camera.  They're a bit easier to read than a small circular level, and would work great for checking level in both directions on the layout.



Great minds think alike,  if you shift the picture over you will see one.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2021, 09:16:13 AM
Update:  The baseboard for the Sayles Mill build received a sealing coat of glue.  I do this to keep the water from the application of the scenery materials from warping the wood, and also to seal it for the water pours.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2021, 09:19:00 AM
Here is a picture of the baseboard after the glue dried.  I find that the Titebond III glue works real well for sealing the wood and it's waterproof. It also bonds well to itself so you get good glue joints when you glue the structures down to the baseboard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2021, 09:21:12 AM
Now for some dry fitting of the structures.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2021, 09:26:04 AM
First, some wire management and a plan to get the electrons to the LED's.  I have more LED's to add so this is going to take some thought.  At least one, maybe two junction boxes will need to be installed.  This section of the layout will be controlled and powered by the same main junction board and power supply as the Beach Farms diorama.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2021, 09:34:42 AM
Process Note: I should mention that I now do all my final painting, weathering, and chalk work on my models after they are together and mounted on the baseboard. All the handling that's required to get the lighting working has convinced me this is the way to go. The days of finishing a wall while it's flat on the workbench are pretty much over. I do try to add any large signs while the wall can be laid flat on the workbench, or at least the structure can be laid on it's side so I have a horizontal surface to work with. This process has evolved for me since I switched to using acrylic paints and soft pastel chalks.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 17, 2021, 09:38:19 AM
Finally, for today, a few photographs of the Tucker & Cook (aka S&S RR Crew Quarters) build.  I have been adding details a few at a time for the past week or so. I will do one more session on this while it is on the workbench and then it will be moved to the layout for final detailing.  Next week, I will be concentrating on the scenery in the area of the layout where this will be planted. This will be next to the Stone Roundhouse that I built a few years back, I'm really looking forward to seeing this area with detail scenery.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Bernd on July 17, 2021, 01:55:52 PM
Just catching up on what your doing. Great inspiration for me on one of those rainy days we are having today.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 18, 2021, 12:23:38 AM
Quote from: Bernd on July 17, 2021, 01:55:52 PM
Just catching up on what your doing. Great inspiration for me on one of those rainy days we are having today.



Thank you for following along and the kind words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: EricQuebec on July 18, 2021, 04:59:11 PM
very nice weathering on the Tucker & cook building.beautiful Diorama, can'T wait to see it on the S&S layout
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on July 18, 2021, 06:36:54 PM
The diorama is coming on really nicely, John.  It will be great to see it in position on the layout. 

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Dennis Bourey on July 18, 2021, 09:27:46 PM
John, That is one Beautiful modeling sir.....
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 18, 2021, 11:19:51 PM
Quote from: EricQuebec on July 18, 2021, 04:59:11 PM
very nice weathering on the Tucker & cook building.beautiful Diorama, can'T wait to see it on the S&S layout


Thank you for the very encouraging words and for following along on this journey.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 18, 2021, 11:22:43 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on July 18, 2021, 06:36:54 PM
The diorama is coming on really nicely, John.  It will be great to see it in position on the layout. 

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for following along and the encouraging words. I will be soon starting a big push to complete the scenery in the Eagles Nest Yard and give the structures in that area that finished look.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 18, 2021, 11:25:31 PM
Quote from: Dennis Bourey on July 18, 2021, 09:27:46 PM
John, That is one Beautiful modeling sir.....


Thank you, my friend. Please stay tuned, more to come.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 19, 2021, 12:42:45 PM
Update:  The walls to the Sayles Mill boiler house are together and the glue is drying for the walls for the second half of the main structure.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on July 19, 2021, 08:19:49 PM
John your usual top of the line work!!  Looking forward to these moving on to the layout!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2021, 12:15:29 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 19, 2021, 08:19:49 PM
John your usual top of the line work!!  Looking forward to these moving on to the layout!



Thank you, please stay tuned.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: NKP768 on July 21, 2021, 12:42:48 PM
As always John - nice looking work .
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 21, 2021, 05:29:10 PM
Hey Hohn:

What can I say but just gorgeous.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2021, 11:07:52 PM
Quote from: NKP768 on July 21, 2021, 12:42:48 PM
As always John - nice looking work .


Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 21, 2021, 11:08:36 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 21, 2021, 05:29:10 PM
Hey Hohn:

What can I say but just gorgeous.



Thank you so much,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 25, 2021, 10:03:23 AM
Update: Today, I'm returning to work on the layout after a week in CA with my family. I did a little design work in the mornings beside the pool while I was waiting for everyone to get up, but most of the week was family time. Part of the pool side time was spent reviewing pictures from my prototype field trips to refresh the picture I have in my mind of the scenery I want to create in the Eagles Nest Yard area of the layout. This week I will be getting started on that project. I came back from the trip refreshed and ready to do some modeling.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 26, 2021, 08:09:30 PM
Today, the LED's were wired for the main structure of the Sayles Mill build. The wires that will be fed through the baseboard will connect to the same junction box as the Beach Farms diorama. In this picture you can see that I use the standard "LiteBite" technique for all my builds.  The first step is to wire the LED's into a circuit using a current limiter.  This is the standard 5 LED's per shelf using a 18 volt power supply.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 26, 2021, 08:12:25 PM
All of the wiring will be hid underneath the structure so I tested each connection as I made it.

The main wires for the two shelves of the bookshelf (see Slims "LiteBites" ) will be fed through the baseboard to the circuit box and power supply underneath the layout.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 26, 2021, 08:13:20 PM
View with the wires fed through the baseboard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 26, 2021, 08:14:58 PM
Last step before the Structure is glued in place is to use lots of glue to hold the wires in place and stress free to make sure nothing happens to the connections.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 26, 2021, 08:16:17 PM
The last step for me today, was to glue the main structure in place on the baseboard.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2021, 08:11:30 PM
Today, the tower started going up on the Sayles Mill build.  I glued the lower section in place on the baseboard and dry fit the second section.

After reviewing these pictures of the tower installation and going back and looking at the pictures of Bob's build it looks like I will be making another run at installing the tower.  The base is at the wrong level. It looks like the baseboard should extend at the top level in front of the structure and then drop down once it is passed the tower.  A project for tomorrow morning. :-[




Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 27, 2021, 08:24:45 PM
I also made some progress on Brownsville Depot.  The roof has been completed for the main section of the building, the trim has been added, and the ornamental braces have been added all the way around the structure.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on July 31, 2021, 12:58:51 AM
hey John:

Looking just beautiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2021, 07:39:12 AM
Quote from: postalkarl on July 31, 2021, 12:58:51 AM
hey John:

Looking just beautiful.



Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2021, 10:04:03 PM
I did some more work on the Sayles Mill Build, today.

Here is a picture from the dry fit of the castings for the walls and water trough.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2021, 10:09:00 PM
You can see from this picture that I filled in the baseboard underneath the tower with foam to bring it up to the correct level.  The tower came off easy I just ran a razor blade along the glue lines. I made a number of changes to the castings to get the levels I wanted for the water trough and backwaters castings. I also moved the wall out about 1/4 inch farther from the main structure to allow for more room for the track.  I fill then filled the gaps with basswood.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2021, 10:11:21 PM
Here is a picture of the build at the end of the day with lots of glue drying.


At this point the wall castings only have a coat of primer.  I will achieve the finish color with stains and soft pastel chalk.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on July 31, 2021, 10:12:45 PM
I will glue the tower back in place after I add the timbers for the trestle leading to the coal drop in front of the boiler house.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 01, 2021, 01:37:46 AM
Exciting stage, John.

Looking mighty fine.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 01, 2021, 02:46:15 PM
Hey John:

That's coming along just nicely.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 01, 2021, 04:48:45 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on August 01, 2021, 01:37:46 AM
Exciting stage, John.

Looking mighty fine.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you, it all starts with a good foundation.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 01, 2021, 04:50:28 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 01, 2021, 02:46:15 PM
Hey John:

That's coming along just nicely.



As always, thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 01, 2021, 05:07:46 PM
I don't know if Russ did the rockwork for SRMW, but his wall castings look to be a good match if you need more: (

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 01, 2021, 07:25:24 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 01, 2021, 10:41:52 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 01, 2021, 05:07:46 PM
I don't know if Russ did the rockwork for SRMW, but his wall castings look to be a good match if you need more: (



Thank you for the link - I'm familiar with Russ' castings.  He really has some nice stuff. I actually made some molds of  the Castings that come with Bob's kits. The kits are designed to be dioramas so you need to make your own castings for the opposite wall when you are completing the scene for your layout. I also have some nice castings left over from the Tucker & Cook build - I didn't model it as a mill so I didn't use them on that build. The story on the S&S RR is the mill pond was filled in for the Eagles Nest Yard. Interesting thought  - maybe I should have one of the castings showing like it was filled in.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 02, 2021, 08:46:30 AM
John, I'm looking forward to seeing how you work up the yard to make it look like a filled in mill-pond!  That's an interesting scenic concept to ponder.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 03, 2021, 07:56:12 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 02, 2021, 08:46:30 AM
John, I'm looking forward to seeing how you work up the yard to make it look like a filled in mill-pond!  That's an interesting scenic concept to ponder.



Yes - I have been pondering it ever since I mentioned it.  We will see what I can come up with.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: cuse on August 03, 2021, 09:32:09 PM
Beautiful work John. I really admire the order as well as the magnitude.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 04, 2021, 10:16:40 AM
John really like the way your doing this one.  Your planning and thinking are top notch!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 04, 2021, 10:46:21 AM
Quote from: cuse on August 03, 2021, 09:32:09 PM
Beautiful work John. I really admire the order as well as the magnitude.


Thank you for following along and the kind words, my friend.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 04, 2021, 10:55:53 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 04, 2021, 10:16:40 AM
John really like the way your doing this one.  Your planning and thinking are top notch!



Thank you for the encouragement. I do spend a lot of time planning and thinking about the layout when I'm traveling - I'm always ready to get back at the building when I return.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 04, 2021, 03:20:01 PM
Hey John:

You are quite welcome as always.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 06, 2021, 10:47:28 PM
Here is an update on my Sayles Mill Build.  I'm continuing with the build of the backwaters, the tower installation, and the start of the trestle for the coal delivery spur for the boiler house.



The stonework is going in using the same stones that are used in the background scenery.


The base of the tower required some holding while the glue dried.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 06, 2021, 10:53:02 PM



Just using a level was not enough to make sure the tower was strait.  You need to get back a ways and eye ball it. It took a few iteration to get all the moldings to line up at the same level.  I just sanded of the bottom of the tower to get it right.



Final step for today, was to set the piers for the coal delivery trestle. She is level and and the right height.  Ready for some timbers tomorrow.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 06, 2021, 10:55:18 PM
You will notice that I'm using the Titebond III wood glue to make sure I have a waterproof base for my water pour. I may add another layer of glue before I paint it.  I need to decide how deep I want the pour to be.  As usual, Bob's pictures are displayed in the background for reference.  The trusty red direction book is open on my rollaway beside the workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 07, 2021, 01:43:46 AM
Hey John:

Looking good. Can't wait to see more on this project.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 07, 2021, 07:48:19 AM
Top notch modeling John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 09:53:53 AM
Karl and Curt

Thank you so much for stopping by the thread and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: jrmueller on August 07, 2021, 10:54:58 AM
Hi John. Looks like quite an engineering project!
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 07, 2021, 04:03:31 PM
Looking great, John.

It sure is some nice stone work.  Will there be a waterfall dropping into the start of the diorama?  Are you going to add spackle to the join and re-carve?

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 04:10:46 PM
Quote from: jrmueller on August 07, 2021, 10:54:58 AM
Hi John. Looks like quite an engineering project!

I'm having fun with this - I haven't had to get out my Calculus book yet. ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 04:17:11 PM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on August 07, 2021, 04:03:31 PM
Looking great, John.

It sure is some nice stone work.  Will there be a waterfall dropping into the start of the diorama?  Are you going to add spackle to the join and re-carve? 

Cheers, Mark.


The water is going to be coming into the Mill Pond through culverts that run under the track work. There will be a series of waterfalls as the water leaves the pond and makes its way to the river below. The stonework will blend right into the surrounding  scenery.  I just printed myself a picture of the baseboard in position on the layout so I know how far to go while it is on my workbench.  I will then blend the scenery into what I have done on my workbench. As you know this is my favorite part of the hobby. I have had to make some height adjustments to Bob's original design to make things work on my layout site.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 07, 2021, 04:56:51 PM

Dang my friend you are fast, I'm slowly catching up. Fantastic job for sure. Love all the big structures on the S&S.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 07:35:06 PM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 07, 2021, 04:56:51 PM

Dang my friend you are fast, I'm slowly catching up. Fantastic job for sure. Love all the big structures on the S&S.

Tom  ;D


As always, thank you for following along and the encouraging words.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 07:46:15 PM
Here is the picture of the original baseboard in location on the layout.  I have a hard copy of this picture hanging over my workbench for reference as I add details.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 07:52:10 PM
Here is what it looks like when you zoom out a little and can see the surrounding scenery that I will be blending in to, to complete the scene.  The rocks will all have the same colors. The river banks will also have lots of rocks and stones.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 07:54:31 PM
Here is a progress picture where you can see what I accomplished, today.  More stone work, and a basswood foundation for the boiler house.  Sand will be used to bring the landforms up to the level of the basswood. Once the glue is dry on the landforms, the coal will be added under the trestle and the trestle, itself, will be added.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 07, 2021, 07:55:59 PM
Here is a dry fit of the partially built boiler house on the foundation.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: PRR Modeler on August 08, 2021, 08:36:22 AM
Making great progress John.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 02:05:08 PM
Quote from: PRR Modeler on August 08, 2021, 08:36:22 AM
Making great progress John.


Thank you for stopping by the thread.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 02:08:50 PM
Here is an update on the Tucker & Cook / S&S RR Crew Quarters build.  I mentioned last week that I was going to add a portion of the wall from the backwaters from when the building was a mill.  The story is that the mill pond was filled in to make the Eagles Nest Yard.  I cut the bottoms off from the wall castings that I'm using for the Sayles Mill build and they made a perfect fit wall casting for the Crew Quarters build.  I just needed to get the etching tool out and cut texture and mortar joints into the top of the wall sections.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 02:11:30 PM
Here is a picture of the wall castings glued in place.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 08, 2021, 02:13:12 PM
Looks good!  I wonder if that area would be a bit swampy, that might be an opportunity to do some different scenery techniques.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 02:16:39 PM
And here is a few photographs after round one of scenery.  Round two will come after the build is in place on the layout.





Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 02:19:17 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 08, 2021, 02:13:12 PM
Looks good!  I wonder if that area would be a bit swampy, that might be an opportunity to do some different scenery techniques.



The area directly behind the diorama is track work so I don't think we will have the opportunity to model it as a swampy area. It will make sense once it is in place on the layout.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 07:54:13 PM
Here is a progress photograph of the Sayles Mill build at the end of the day, today.  I added another layer of glue to the areas that will have water so this build is going to be in the glue drying status for a day or two.  The landforms around the boiler house foundation are also in and drying.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 07:59:36 PM
I also declared that the bench work was complete on the S&S RR Crew Quarters and moved it to the layout.  It is staged ready to go into position when the scenery work is completed in the area. I have to come up with a plan of attack on completing the scenery where I can reach every square inch of the area to be worked on.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 08:06:09 PM
With this move I had an empty workbench that needed a clean sheet of paper and a new project.  Next up on my build list is the John Allen Icing Platform, a FSM kit.  This is one of George's earlier kits, you  can tell by the yellowing paper on the instructions. I have already cut a piece of gator board for the baseboard - this build will go in front of the Crew Quarters on my layout.



Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 08, 2021, 08:07:53 PM
Tichy makes nice Ice Blocks when you're ready to detail the kit.  This is a good kit for August  ;D

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 08, 2021, 09:14:23 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 08, 2021, 08:07:53 PM
Tichy makes nice Ice Blocks when you're ready to detail the kit.  This is a good kit for August  ;D



Thank you, I will take a look - yes my furnace/air conditioner is in the room with my workshop and it's going full blast, today.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Jerry on August 08, 2021, 09:15:53 PM

This area is coming together so nicely.  Well planned I might add.

Always a pleasure to follow along with you!

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Mark Dalrymple on August 09, 2021, 01:25:23 AM
Lots of progress from the king of multitasking!

All looking good, John.  There are a lot of stones in your SRM diorama - but I know you will have a plan.

Cheers, Mark.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2021, 09:24:57 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 08, 2021, 09:15:53 PM

This area is coming together so nicely.  Well planned I might add.

Always a pleasure to follow along with you!


Thank you for following along.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2021, 09:30:14 AM
Quote from: Mark Dalrymple on August 09, 2021, 01:25:23 AM
Lots of progress from the king of multitasking!

All looking good, John.  There are a lot of stones in your SRM diorama - but I know you will have a plan.

Cheers, Mark.


Thank you for stopping by - the plan is to have a lot of white water flowing over the stones. The stones look like they were put there by the railroad (blast rock from the railroad line above) to help hold the dam. The pictures hanging on the wall over my workbench really help as I build these dioramas on the workbench.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 09, 2021, 01:38:28 PM
Hey John:

Progress on this is looking just baeutiful.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2021, 07:34:55 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 09, 2021, 01:38:28 PM
Hey John:

Progress on this is looking just baeutiful.


Thank you, Karl
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2021, 07:47:26 PM
Today, I started the preparation work for the scenery in Eagle Nest Yard. As I've discussed before, I use beach sand to create the land forms.  Since my benchwork has been modified a few times over the years I need to fill the holes before I can add the sand.  Any gapes or holes need to be filled or the sand will end up on the floor underneath the layout before I can get it glued in place. One of the things I use to fill the holes is the plastic cards that I get when I rent hotel rooms.  I first use the cards for glue and paint pallets, and then, instead of throwing them away, I cut them up and fill the holes as you can see in these pictures.





Tomorrow, the glue will be dry and we will be ready to add the sand and then the scenery.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 09, 2021, 07:49:45 PM
That's a lot of hotel nights there :-(

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 09, 2021, 08:04:13 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 09, 2021, 07:49:45 PM
That's a lot of hotel nights there :-(



I have been collecting them since they replaced metal keys.  I spent a lot of nights in hotel room back in my working days.
I have box full that I'm slowly burning through in retirement.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 10, 2021, 07:46:22 PM
Hey John:

It's coming along nicely. Keep the pics flowing. I always enjoy your work.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2021, 07:54:48 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 10, 2021, 07:46:22 PM
Hey John:

It's coming along nicely. Keep the pics flowing. I always enjoy your work.



Thank you for following along, and speaking of more pictures - they are on the way.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2021, 07:57:40 PM
Today, I managed to get a few things done, in-between the moving stuff for the new carpet that is being installed in our house.

The Sayles Mill got a roof card painted and installed.  You will notice that I used a lot more roof bracing than Bob used in his instructions. I also installed the roof a little later in the process.  I wanted to get the structure mounted to the baseboard and the wiring for the LED lighting run and tested before gluing the roof card on.  The roof card needed to be painted on the underside in the areas that are visible.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2021, 07:59:28 PM
Glue and sand bags were next.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 10, 2021, 08:02:41 PM
It's ready for some of those wonderful Bob VanGelder roofing tiles, tomorrow.  Time to get out the plastic bag with the markers.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on August 11, 2021, 09:47:25 AM
John - Sayles Mill must be some sort of Yankee structure of which I am unfamiliar.  Also, I am not familiar with the kit.  What is the tower for?  What will be milled there?  Grits?
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 11, 2021, 10:13:31 AM
Judge, the towers in DamnYankee mill buildings (and I suspect in their North Carolina cousins) provided the stairway for access to the floors.  They often also provided the loading docks (with a block and tackle at the top) for machinery.  This allowed the actual factory space to be wide open.  (Compare to contemporary office buildings, where the elevators and lavatories are usually built around the center of the building.)  Often the tower would have a bell in its cupola, to indicate mill starting hours (and for fire alarms.)

There are some good examples with full floor plans in the HAER archives.  This book is very good on the topic (I've heard the author speak), but it ain't cheap.  You could probably get a copy on loan through your local library: (

Here's a photo of a typical (wide open) mill interior.  This one is cotton, but there other fabric mills, shoe factories, or tool factories, with similar designs. (

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2021, 05:38:07 PM
Quote from: Judge on August 11, 2021, 09:47:25 AM
John - Sayles Mill must be some sort of Yankee structure of which I am unfamiliar.  Also, I am not familiar with the kit.  What is the tower for?  What will be milled there?  Grits?


The Sayles Mill is a South West River kit by Bob VanGelder.  He has retired now but he put out a series of kits, mostly mills based on NorthEastern Prototypes. The buildings, with some modifications, can fit in in the midwest and west.  In the Northern part of Michigan "Copper Country" (aka as Superior country) there were many stamping mills (used to crush rock to get the native copper out) that were usually steam powered but a few were water powered.  The tower on this mill has a bell as Dave described and I plan to use it. Here is a link to Bob's website so you can review his kits.  To-date I have 6 of Bob's kits on the Superior & Seattle RR, and there will be more. ;) (

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 11, 2021, 05:42:10 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 11, 2021, 10:13:31 AM
Judge, the towers in DamnYankee mill buildings (and I suspect in their North Carolina cousins) provided the stairway for access to the floors.  They often also provided the loading docks (with a block and tackle at the top) for machinery.  This allowed the actual factory space to be wide open.  (Compare to contemporary office buildings, where the elevators and lavatories are usually built around the center of the building.)  Often the tower would have a bell in its cupola, to indicate mill starting hours (and for fire alarms.)

There are some good examples with full floor plans in the HAER archives.  This book is very good on the topic (I've heard the author speak), but it ain't cheap.  You could probably get a copy on loan through your local library: (



Thank you for helping to answer Bill's questions and the link - sounds like a interesting book.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: ACL1504 on August 11, 2021, 05:54:09 PM

Sayles is coming along very nicely. You have many miles on the road with this build.

I almost got this kit but nothing like this would fit in the south. I have seen pre Civil War mills in NC but none south of Atlanta.

Excellent work my friend.

Tom  ;D
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 12, 2021, 09:10:15 AM
Quote from: ACL1504 on August 11, 2021, 05:54:09 PM

Sayles is coming along very nicely. You have many miles on the road with this build.

I almost got this kit but nothing like this would fit in the south. I have seen pre Civil War mills in NC but none south of Atlanta.

Excellent work my friend.

Tom  ;D


Thank you for stopping by and the encouraging words. I love building these big mills so I'm doing a little force fitting for the region I'm modeling - as they say "it's my railroad".  I have a plan for the town of Superior for a prototypical scratch build of a stamping mill and smelting facility - it's a few years off in the plan.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: postalkarl on August 12, 2021, 09:21:50 AM
Hey John:

It's looking just fabulous so far.

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: Judge on August 12, 2021, 09:45:53 AM
John and Dave - Thank you for clearing up my questions about the mill.  I can imagine watching a steam-powered rock crusher must have been quite an experience. 

Will there be bats in the mill's belfry?  We have lots of bats locally.  There is a "bat house" in the park down the street from our house.  We've had bats get into our house every now and then.  They fly around and land on curtain rods so they can observe what's going on from a safe height.  My wife doesn't like them when they fly around the room.  They are pretty smart creatures.  They will fly out if you leave a door or window open for a few minutes.  They are not good to eat and are not housebroken.  They like to eat flying insects and that is a good thing.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 12, 2021, 11:12:10 AM
We definitely have bats in New England (including in my own attic, hopefully they're gone.  But I hung a bathouse on the chimney.  I want them flying around eating skeeters, as long as they do it outside.)  They're small things, definitely "flying mice", so it would be really hard to model them. 

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2021, 03:11:54 PM
Quote from: postalkarl on August 12, 2021, 09:21:50 AM
Hey John:

It's looking just fabulous so far.



Thank you,
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2021, 03:20:11 PM
Quote from: Judge on August 12, 2021, 09:45:53 AM
John and Dave - Thank you for clearing up my questions about the mill.  I can imagine watching a steam-powered rock crusher must have been quite an experience. 

Will there be bats in the mill's belfry?  We have lots of bats locally.  There is a "bat house" in the park down the street from our house.  We've had bats get into our house every now and then.  They fly around and land on curtain rods so they can observe what's going on from a safe height.  My wife doesn't like them when they fly around the room.  They are pretty smart creatures.  They will fly out if you leave a door or window open for a few minutes.  They are not good to eat and are not housebroken.  They like to eat flying insects and that is a good thing.


We have lots of bats in Michigan.  We also have some politicians that are "" - ops can't go there. Anyway, yesterday, while I was working on the mill I took this picture of the instruction book - Bob's explanation of the mill towers.


I will find a way to model "Bill's Bat" when I complete the tower on this build. At HO scale and 4 foot away from the aisle way it's only going to be us forum members that know it's there.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2021, 03:22:33 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 12, 2021, 11:12:10 AM
We definitely have bats in New England (including in my own attic, hopefully they're gone.  But I hung a bathouse on the chimney.  I want them flying around eating skeeters, as long as they do it outside.)  They're small things, definitely "flying mice", so it would be really hard to model them. 



I have had bats fly down the chimney at my cabin - they sometimes have trouble finding their way out and I find them when I go to start the first fire in the fall.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: deemery on August 13, 2021, 04:42:50 PM
A neighbor had 28 removed from their chimney...  Our name for the guy who does that is, of course "Batman" :-)

Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 13, 2021, 07:31:13 PM
Quote from: deemery on August 13, 2021, 04:42:50 PM
A neighbor had 28 removed from their chimney...  Our name for the guy who does that is, of course "Batman" :-)



Well that sounds appropriate. ;)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 14, 2021, 08:06:49 PM
Tonight, some progress photographs of the Brownsville Depot build. The bay window has been added along with lots of trim.



The roof over the front dock is about to go on - the glue for the structural beams is drying in the foreground of this picture.
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 14, 2021, 08:14:41 PM
Progress has also been made on the Sayles Mill build.  The window casting are going in and the tile roof is being added. The rafter tails and trim were also added, along with the clerestory and roof, since the last photographs were taken.


Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 14, 2021, 08:47:37 PM
This evening I noticed that this thread has hit the 190 page mark.  It has been recommended by the administrator that we close a thread before reaching the 200 page mark.  So tonight I'm locking this Superior & Seattle Railroad  (Volume 3) build thread and starting Volume 4. Below is a link to Volume 4.

Link to Volume 4:;topicseen#new (;topicseen#new)
Title: Re: Superior & Seattle Railroad Build (Volume 3) Started 7/27/19
Post by: S&S RR on August 21, 2021, 02:07:44 PM
All new posts will be in Volume 4.